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20502596 No.20502596 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody actually enjoys the taste of beer, right? It's like a shared stoicism masculinity thing where everyone suffers through the bad taste together?

>> No.20502600

You’re a fag.

>> No.20502606

You're right

>> No.20502608


>> No.20502618

I always heard that beer was an acquired taste. This was not the case for me. First beer I ever drank was Budweiser out of an iced down cooler. I've never looked back after that first sip.

>> No.20502627

>Nobody actually enjoys the taste of beer, right?
of course they don't. it's a drug delivery device. take the alcohol out and no one would drink it.

including the guy that will reply to me and says that he would. he's lying and retarded.

>> No.20502628

If you can see light through it, it probably tastes awful.

>> No.20502630

I don't like soda. If I was at a cookout and there was only soda or non alcoholic beer I would 100% drink the beer or run to a store to buy a case of seltzer.

>> No.20502638

right on schedule.

>> No.20502645

if that were true there wouldn't be non-alcoholic beer in the coolers at shawarma joints, the malt complements the meat grease and garlic sauce

>> No.20502655

I may be a dented headed retard but I will never lie about what food and beverage I prefer.

>> No.20502660 [DELETED] 

and another.

one more.

they just can't help themselves. having no ability to reason.

>> No.20502662

>t. a woke twink

>> No.20502664
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>> No.20502669

I like the taste of beer, I mostly do not drink it for it's alcoholic effect, I just want to consume it as a beverage. I've considered trying non alcoholic beer but it's hard to think it will actually taste the same, and it seems like it's not much cheaper so kind of a rip off

I literally have never gotten drunk in my life, just tipsy. I stop at 1 drink 95% of the time. I love pairing beer with meals. I don't understand people who think no one can like the taste, people drink or eat stuff others find disgusting all the time so why is beer exempt from having people who really enjoy it?

>> No.20502676

I like the taste of beer but I’ve been drinking beer since I was twelve and I’m now in my late thirties. Don’t like modern American craft beers though. They taste like shit. I’d rather have a couple 40s of malt liquor than a $20 four pack of weird local small brewery hipster beer.

>> No.20502884

First sip of beer was a Heineken that I took from my dad's stash in the garage fridge when I was like 14. I knew instantly I was destined for a life of alcoholism.

>> No.20502897

have drunk and enjoyed no alcohol beer, incidentally i'm a lying retard

>> No.20502909

based drunkard

>> No.20502911

post gut

>> No.20502916

I drink na beer because I like the taste more than soda and it has less calories. I’ve also been to rehab twice. I may be retarded but I am not lying

>> No.20503110
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Some beers taste better than others.

>> No.20503127

You can learn to genuinely love it, the same way tobacco smokers genuinely think cigarettes taste like delicate notes of espresso and cocoa meanwhile to non smokers it smells like rancid ass. Alcohol is the same.

>> No.20503245

you're not wrong, but that was kind of his point

>> No.20503275

it has to be in the right conditions, like if it's hot out something cold and blonde is very refreshing

>> No.20503372

Beer tastes like shit desu.

>> No.20503423

Yeast, malt, and hops taste good. Get it cold and it's very refreshing.

>> No.20503445

Sadly, a 14-year-old need not be under the influence of freebase cocaine to steal from their parents. Granted, what was stolen should've been contraband in the first place...

>> No.20503448
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Ethanol tastes better than beer IMO. If I'm drinking I'm on a mission to get drunk, so it better be strong or it better be sweet enough to mask the booze.

>> No.20503505

An ice cold lager on a hot sunny day is hard to beat.

You can beat it if you have 5 more.

>> No.20503865

>Nobody actually enjoys the taste of beer, right?
it's delicious.
there are better tasting beers than others.
but free and cold are the two best flavors.

>> No.20503886

It's only ever made my mouth pucker up in disgust at best and made me nearly hurl after one sip at worst. Aquired taste pigs arse, doesn't matter how many times I try it, it's always sickening.

>> No.20503890
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You have a child's palate
Fortunately they make fruity alcoholic beverages for you. They are typically enjoyed by women.

>> No.20503928

>It's like a shared stoicism masculinity thing where everyone suffers through the bad taste together?
if that's the case then why do I only drink it alone where nobody can see me?

>> No.20503978

I love it

>> No.20504722

Yeah I know, I agree that alcohol tastes terrible. Like gasoline basically, whiskey tastes like gasoline with smoke and vanilla and bear tastes like yeast soda with a little gasoline in it. I'm an alcoholic and everything and have highly developed opinions about which kinds are best but mostly that's because I don't notice that caustic organic solvent taste anymore after years of being used to it. I also think cigarette smoke smells like enchanting roasted chocolate.

>> No.20504730

God I would love a non-alcoholic beverage that actually tasted like beer. I'm so sick of the non-alcoholic beverage options being water, sweet, or extremely sweet.

>> No.20504736
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Has anyone else noticed that the same beer tastes better at a restaurant than at home?

Same as this situation too

Does coming out a keg improve the flavor or something?

>> No.20504737

I'm someone who drinks ice cold seltzer with salt and sometimes vinegar mixed into it. You best believe I love the taste of a cold beer.

I should pick up some modelo or something.

>> No.20504741
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I gave up alcohol over Lent and was drinking pic related, they were not bad honestly.

>> No.20504752

i think it would suck to be drunk on a hot sunny day. ice cold water is much more refreshing with none of the side effects.

>> No.20504755

I disagree. I think beer tastes like ass but a nice sparkling white wine, soju, or particularly sake are all great and don’t really have the bitterness of beer or the burning sensation of concentrated alcohol. In fact, beer is bitter on purpose. Most other drinks are only bitter incidentally.

>> No.20504758

It's a social thing. It's the cheapest, the easiest to share with two or more people, and it has the most volume so you can sip it longer and spend more time focusing on the people you're with.

>> No.20504785

Wow she just like me fr

>> No.20504796

I'll try it if I see it, but less than 0.5% is still too risky in many situations. Too many work sites enforce a 0 BAC policy.

>> No.20504835

Nobody actually enjoys the taste of fermented food, right? It's like a shared preservation instinct thing where everyone suffers through the bad taste together?

>> No.20504869

Beer is refreshing and delicious meanwhile liquor and wine actually taste like shit

>> No.20504877

>Does coming out a keg improve the flavor or something?
this is a joke, right?

>> No.20504895

>Does coming out a keg improve the flavor or something?
A lot of it is just down to drinking out of a glass, you can smell the beer a lot more that way and it makes it taste more flavorful. Keg beer is also often fresher than bottled/canned beer, only a week or two old at many high-volume bars and restaurants, while the stuff you buy at the store can sit around for months before it makes it to the shelf.

>> No.20504897

You havent had Weihenstephan

>> No.20504975

Sure, but you should have been a pull-out in the first place so you have to take it as it comes

>> No.20505001

beer is delicious in the same way coffee is
if you're a child you complain about the taste
if you're a woman it makes you bloated/fat
if you're a man you enjoy it and life
if you're OP you're a faggot

>> No.20505032

>Does coming out a keg improve the flavor or something?
Different types of carbonation affect texture/mouthfeel, which is hugely important. If you ever doubt this, try drinking a "flat" beer (sitting open until all carbonation is gone), or even a flat soda for that matter. It's not even the same drink.

>> No.20505213

>take the alcohol out and no one would drink it.
until they create a substance that is alcohol free that tastes identical to the alcoholic counterpart, nobody will ever know. and such a liquid doesnt exist. non alcoholic beers taste like piss

>> No.20505446

I'm a self abusive filth fiend so I enjoy rotten food the same way I enjoy tonguing an obese granny's anus

>> No.20505455


>> No.20505494

My dad eased me into alcoholism when I was thirteen by making me drink a six pack of Mike’s while he drank a case of Budweiser. By the time I was fourteen I was drinking Budweiser with him or he would get me a six pack of some random domestic beer to try. Stuff like PBR, Rolling Rock, Schlitz, Ballantine, Coors, High Life, etc.

>> No.20505523

that's sad man. some alkies can't enjoy their binge unless someone else is drinking with them to make it feel normal.

>> No.20505561

Honestly, I’m not much of a drinker. I can probably count on both hands how many drinks I’ve had in the 7-8 years. But when I started drinking and right before I was drank anything I was revolted by the smell and taste of beer. After drinking for a year or two with buddies beer sort of tasted neutral, like a flavorless bread flavored soda.
Not bad but not good either.
and it’s stayed that way since. However if you want a beer that tastes enjoyable to drink, I’d go with an apple beer. Something like angry orchard. And of course all IPA and most craft beers will taste like absolute shit. But people who drink heavy will end up acquiring a taste for it, some never do.

>> No.20505578

Your dad gave you mikes hard lemonade as a 12 year old? IDK if you know that anon but that’s extremely fucked. My dad was disappointed when I had my first drink at 21. What a retarded thing.

>> No.20505581

You simply drink enough beer and you start enjoying it, simple as. Drink it for a year and you'll legitimately like it. Are you underage?

>> No.20505588

>it's an acquired taste
>I gave up immediately after the first sip and never tried again
You don't know what acquired taste even means do you.

>> No.20505604

You would have to drink 10 of those to get the equivalent of 1 normal beer.

>> No.20505619

No, he waited until I turned thirteen before he let me drink with him. We smoked shitty Mexican brick weed when I was twelve.

>> No.20505621

>A flavor profile besides syrupy sweet?
>Blech! Yuck! Icky! You just pretend to like it!
Just stick to your carbonated syrup water.

>> No.20505623

My dad and grandpa taught me to drink starting when I turned 14
Like, a beer after going fishing or watered-down wine with holiday meals, over time, they stopped watering it down
They did this so that eventually when I had unsupervised access to alcohol I wouldn't completely get fucked
They never had a drinking age and that's how their dads did it, too, only their dads started them when they were 10 or 12
They also know that once you get your driver's license you're gonna go to parties where there's guaranteed to have booze and beer, so 15 back in my day and yes I went to parties
Hell one of my friends thought I was a poor grad student and he'd straight up give me beer for free
We had a laugh about it on my 21st because my friends threw a surprise party, we got drunk and played DDR all night it was great

>> No.20505626
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Based boglim poster

>> No.20505682

NTA but Cobes is MDWU and he smells great. I hate the zoomer redditards who discovered him in the past few years and have been relentlessly trying to make bad things happen to him IRL. Fuck the troles.

>> No.20505697

Like attracts like, I miss when cobes would actually go outside and terrorize Casper's town fair on his own with his gaggle of HomeBoyScotty and co. Now he has a following of those who are just as fucked as he is for wanting to be a part of his life, actively trying to "improve" it or worsen it.

>> No.20505704

I ran off with my dads bud he put down when I was 3, tried a sip and spit it out on the carpet.
These days I still can't like beer no matter how much I try. Cider is more my speed.

>> No.20505719

I genuinely like the taste of Guinness.

>> No.20505743

I really like moretti :]
based stout drinker

>> No.20505754

>nobody actually enjoys the taste of typical lagers or IPAs, right?
>nobody actually enjoys the taste of actually good tasting beers like stouts or Belgian ales, right?

>> No.20505846
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Most people do enjoy some sort of fermented food.
Stinky cheeses
Aged meats
All the above are absolutely delicious now but I did not like them very much on the first try.
It takes a few tries for your brain to turn off the "don't eat this its ROTTEN!" alarm and realize that what you are eating is perfectly safe and sometimes very nutritious.

>> No.20505861

Profound. What’s next? “People only drink coffee for the caffeine!”

>> No.20505869

i like a nice shandy myself :)

>> No.20505881

Idk even as a kid, I always loved funky, fermented foods.

>> No.20505894

That is extremely sad, "normal" is indeed the problem. They have to have that social justification. Personally I can't enjoy drinking unless I'm alone, which is based and not sad.

>> No.20505938

I really haven't liked the attention he's gathered either. They just fuck with him all the time and never sit back and just enjoy the fella for himself. It's very odd realizing how many years I've been following josh

>> No.20505950

>Argument: "Ethanol is a known poison and should be treated as such."
>Response: "You should have never been born."
I'm glad this is the caliber of my opposition.

>> No.20505958

I like all types of beer, including IPAs, but we actually have an advanced beer culture in the west coast so we have many types available including fruity and mild IPAs like cold IPA and hazies.

>> No.20505984

A poison that takes decades of nonstop consumption wouldn't be first choice for a hitman

also I only write as faggotily as you are when I'm drunk

>> No.20505987

He isn't even really a bad person or a malicious cunt like so many other internet regards. He just wants to be left alone to do his weird autistic stuff in peace. Although some of the trole deliveries have been pretty funny, like when hemade and ate a cat food burger out of spite.

>> No.20506025

>decades of nonstop consumption
Or one night in Las Vegas...
>wouldn't be first choice for a hitman
>I only write as faggotily [sic.] as you are when I'm drunk
Well, the universe is just full of irony, isn't it?

>> No.20506091

when you finish highschool and get a job and you'll understand
nothing like an ice cold beer after a hard day's work on a hot day
bonus points if you drink it in the shower

>> No.20506097

>take the alcohol out and no one would drink it.
no, the reasons no-one drinks non-alcoholic beer are
>its more expensive than actual beer
>nearly all of it tastes like dish water
>you still need to get an ID check to buy non-alc beer
>you cant buy non-alc beer on certain days of the week/year, or in some states you still have to go to a liquor store to buy it
>non-alc gin/vodka is fucking $60 a bottle

>> No.20506102

Just post your Quentin memes and move on please

>> No.20506191

You seem to be mistaking me for someone else.

>> No.20506395


I drank Malta India since childhood, which is essentially unfermented beer, and I'm not even from the culture that normally drinks that stuff. I just grew up in a neighborhood where they sold Malta in the corner stores and once tried it on a whim and was instantly hooked. It does have a lot of sugar, but so does cola and juice. It was specifically the concept of "bread flavored soda" which I found so interesting and great.

Later in life, I would try beer and also instantly like the flavor. When I was still a kid, I thought beer wasn't sugary enough, though with age I've come to think that other drinks are too sugary and beer is just right in sugar levels.

>> No.20506474

Shit bait thread, sage goes in all fields

>> No.20506902

2 months ago i bought like 60 cans of alcohol free lager (which taste pretty bad), i would absolutely drink beer for the taste

>> No.20507547

Parents should teach their kids to handle alcohol.
I proudly say I started drinking at 18 because my parents eased me into it.

>> No.20507591

I saw a friend of mine drinking a non-alcoholic six-pack just a few weeks ago...

>> No.20507710

I feel this way about capers.

>> No.20507723

Me too.
> I really like moretti :]
That as well.

>> No.20508102
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>> No.20508495

If you've only ever tried American beer than yeah you're going to hate it. There are many good ones out there you just have to try out different beers, start with the imported section

>> No.20508510

I feel like this is a baitpost, but no, you're wrong. It's what's called an acquired taste, and I like it. Maybe you have not had any good beer so far?

>> No.20508581

Man that xkcd fag still hurts from his fagness and has to remind us of it periodically. Fuck you, xkcd guy.

>> No.20508688

I liked the alcohol more than the beer but I don't drink anymore. I can still kill a 6 pack of non alcoholic beer on a weekend a few times a year. Idk it basically gives me the same feeling of drinking without getting drunk, I love a few cold ones after everyone's asleep and it's just me out back. It's more of a mental/habitual thing I guess but yes I have conditioned myself to like the taste in certain situations.

>> No.20508707

We literally make better versions of any style any country has ever made, but yeah get the old imports that are far from fresh and overpriced to shit

>> No.20508731

>Nobody actually enjoys the taste of beer, right?
185 million kiloliters yearly
Are you retarded?

>> No.20509157

Love a good schwarzbier

>> No.20509682

Most of them are way too bitter. It's like coffee, can't believe people enjoy that shit. Although a stout/porter or sour beers are pretty good as they are more sweet or sour than bitter. Still though, wouldn't want more than a few mouth fulls unless in the context of cooking or pairing with food

>> No.20509850

Yes, as are all alcoholic beverages. The more masculine the beverage in social perception, the worse it tastes. That said, some of them mix well with certain foods and don't taste as bad jwith that food still on your palate. Extraordinary!

>> No.20509907

>The more masculine the beverage in social perception, the worse it tastes
way to out yourself as having feminine taste buds

>> No.20510054

It’s like mustard or olives. They taste objectively bad, but you add them to food to distract you from the horrible drudgery and existential dread that fill every other hour of the day.