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File: 3.61 MB, 1920x1080, LTG'S BAKED SPAGETTI - THE COOKING - Low Tier God.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20501090 No.20501090 [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem

>> No.20501104

>rapes kids and kills random people
not my problem

>> No.20501105

what a waste of good fat

>> No.20501108

where the fuck did all that grease come from????

>> No.20501109

cooklet detected.

>> No.20501116

hot water and soap directly after and its nobodies problem

>> No.20501117

why else would i be asking?

>> No.20501129

What kind of abortion was he cooking?

>> No.20501136

It might be 73/27 ground beef. That normally produces a lot. Plus a couple times when I've bought ground beef from the store the fat content was obviously a lot higher than the package said. I think some stores might be dishonest and add more fat than they should.

>> No.20501159

Obviously not meatballs.

>> No.20501170

80% of that is water.

>> No.20501191

If he at least held the pan at a less steep angle, he could get rid of most fat and keep some of that jus. This was just retarded.

>> No.20501242
File: 207 KB, 1080x1557, 20240130_154648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem

>> No.20501344

I'm sure some stayed in the pan, there's a can of crisco in the corner if you need more

>> No.20501356

serious answer then, it's mostly water. ground beef is full of water that has to sweat out and cook off before you can actually start browning it in its own fat. or you could pour it down the drain, that's fine too.

>> No.20501362

Slotted... fucking.. spoon... douchebag...

>> No.20501371

This would be true if he didn’t use the food disposal side like a stinking sub human.

>> No.20501397

the mortal remains of that krang-lookin' muhfugger

>> No.20501414

A lot of that is water. It's annoying because it prevents the meat getting hot enough to brown, and I'm pretty sure some of it is added by the meat packaging plant.

>> No.20501418

I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Do you need to go into your safe room?

>> No.20501423

that much water from minced meat ISN'T normal

>> No.20501428

frying stuff with a lid on is always a dead giveaway for a cooklet

>> No.20501432

I have no idea what minced meat is, but yes, that's normal for the quantity of ground beef he has in that gigantic pan.

Yeah, that's another problem here. At least some of the water would steam off without the lid on that gigantic saute pan.

>> No.20501498

what do you think the difference is?

>> No.20501501
File: 119 KB, 189x254, hmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, he's a certified hood chef

>> No.20501503

depends on the quality of the beef.

>> No.20501510

That's even better because then you can turn the disposal on while rinsing and it spreads the soap much better

>> No.20501578
File: 191 KB, 459x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is low fat meat a better option price wise? Any savvy cook has plenty saved from regular.

>> No.20501700

Where I live, they make you pay more for lean ground beef.