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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20498143 No.20498143 [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem

>> No.20498145

stop doing this, it cleans the pipes

>> No.20498229

If you live on the top floor of your apartments you can dump anything you want down the sink and never have to worry about it

>> No.20498245

In Ontario, remember to pay your rent 25 days into the month, not on the 1st. Nothing can happen to you until the 26+ days, and your landwagey will spend time and money mailing letters to you every month. Its hilarious how much it stresses them out

>> No.20498393

wont they raise your rent to spite you hoping you'll leave and they'll be able to snag a more docile and compliant tenant?

>> No.20498418

they want you to believe that, don't fall for their dirty tricks

>> No.20498445

>In Ontario, remember to pay your rent 25 days into the month, not on the 1st. Nothing can happen to you until the 26+ days, and your landwagey will spend time and money mailing letters to you every month. Its hilarious how much it stresses them out
>raise your rent
they've done that regardless in the past 3 years. This year they aren't allowed to raise it (as much as before) because of a 3 consecutive year rule. FUCK them

>> No.20498935

There's literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.20498961

Why are you cleaning paper filters? Just throw the whole thing away?

>> No.20499157

One time I got banned globally for 3 days for posting "not my problem" with the image of oil being dumped into a sink.

>> No.20499173
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>One time I got banned globally for 3 days for posting "not my problem" with the image of oil being dumped into a sink.
Not my problem.

>> No.20499180

Save the grounds for your garden. Keeps the pests away.

>> No.20499470

okay, then what else can I do?

>> No.20499517

I did that for a while and the sink drain started REEKING. I kid you not, I had to pour dozens of gallons of boiling water, detergents and bleach to get rid of that stench. It was like a mix of hot garbage and dirt, no bueno.

>> No.20499529

I can't tell if you're a rent chad or ... the alternative

>> No.20499535
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I do this every day, but it's fine espresso grounds from a moka pot. Also a plumber who makes a lot of money from "not my problem" type thinking. Typically they're right, though, it's their landlord's problem.

>> No.20499537

I rent but I also like my place so I try to keep it nice and clean. Emphasis on try.

>> No.20499542

Kek do landlords seethe when they pay you to fix the results of stupid tenants?

>> No.20499560

I do HVAC and plumbing for a guy who owns a bunch of duplexes and he's black and the entire time he's in site he's telling me how horrible blacks and hispanics are to rent to. He never forks out cash for a repair and often asks stuff like "can't you just *igger rig that shit? I'd like to get another season out of this water heater, because we're gonna replace all of them in the spring".. of course he never replaces anything until it breaks completely

>> No.20499571

that sounds really fucking dirty. I'm sorry you have to look at smelly disgusting humans for work.

>> No.20499587

/ck/ is a dangerous board if you value your posting freedom

>> No.20499594

I do this by choice, after work and on weekends. Good money.

>> No.20499604

ck mods are all mentally ill leftist trannies with gout and type 2 diabetes

Phone posting, so don't even bother you trans faggot

>> No.20499608

Based transgod.

>> No.20499884

they think you're hurting the landlords but they're actually hurting the future tenant (or themselves later) and/or neighbors who have to deal with it
(got kicked out of my apartment for a few days so they could rip up the god damn floor to get at some sewer pipe)

>> No.20499929

Good for you. Wish I knew a trade or had literally any skills beyond Excel spreadsheets and sounding smart at meetings

>> No.20499934

Your asian neighbors will thank you

>> No.20499948

I’ve been pan cooking a lot of beef recently and feel like I’m essentially doing this whenever I clean the pan.

>> No.20499976

I don't suggest it unless you're an animal who can handle heat, dirt and low IQ drunkards and third-worlders as bosses and coworkers, but it's like any other job. Just show up every day and eventually you'll develop the skills.

>> No.20500010


I wipe out the pan with paper towels before I rinse the pan

>> No.20500016

just balance out the shitposting and make a ton of on-topic posts, and leave out the off-topic political sperging. i know there's a huge percentage of this website is incapable of that due to brain rot, but still

>> No.20500076

Shut up you snarky passive aggressive feminine little bitch

>> No.20500592

literally doesn't matter. /ck/ mods will find a reason to ban you if you say something they don't like.

>> No.20500718

this post alone should get you b'd. And yes, I am afraid to say that word. I swear it triggers a flag. There are several other words too.

>> No.20500721

Low class, trash scum

>> No.20500729


>> No.20500821

O***** F*** will fuck your shit up instantly kek

>> No.20500851

I had this post typed out, but my phone fucking restarted randomly. That's very sus...

I said, I need more letters. I dont know what O F is besides onlyfans.

Here are more words, just for fun - food for thought. They are all spelled wrong.

shad o b and
permuh b and
jann e
lolly pizz (b-and steg ano graphie program)
others I forget and know very well not to speak of

>> No.20500853

It's my problem

>> No.20500856

Exactly, we don't have any problems. We're amazing that way.

>> No.20500873

it's nothing particularly bad, just the subject of a common meme thread here that dogs on a former president and his followers kek

>> No.20500889
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What now? I can't even dump fucking coffee down the drain?

>> No.20501232

what's the second word ffs kek

>> No.20501253

Just keep some used tin cans and pour the grease into them before it sets.

>> No.20501370

Fucking based

>> No.20501382
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remember me when this gets deleted

>> No.20501383

Sounds like we're in the exact same line of work. Is your department getting outsourced South America, India, and the Philippines too? I'm literally last man standing in my department so I know I'm next on the chopping block

>> No.20501396

It becomes your problem.
Also you can literally just grab the fucking filter and toss the whole thing out.
Though I realize this is not your actual video

>> No.20501407

>Though I realize this is not your actual video
What makes you say that?

>> No.20501445

she's still up!

>> No.20501450
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>> No.20501455

not my problem

>> No.20501457

3rd day with this filter. Coffee tasted nicer than usual. Probably less paper bleach in this filter than a fresh one

>> No.20502104

you should get a fine metal sieve kek
it will make your coffee more flavorful too, the paper traps tasty oils

>> No.20502109

I pay my rent weekly. It's a fixed seven day interval. Paying at irregular 31, 30, 28, and occasionally 29 day intervals is nonsense.

>> No.20502130

that's bizarre

>> No.20502146

based anon saving the economy by creating jobs and reducing the wealth of landlords

>> No.20502177

Bro the orange fool threads stay up for days wdym. I'd be surprised if Jannies got alerts for that.

>> No.20502205

Not true they get nuked fast af

>> No.20502590

when I get home, I'm checking my archive. You better not be lying. I know what threads get deleted.

>> No.20502612

it may be difficult to search for them. they are becoming more and more abstract.

>> No.20502652

...there's a problem with putting coffee grounds down the sink?

>> No.20502722

I would argue getting a cotton coffee filter. It lets some of the oils through, no grit, and is washable. Sanitize once a week, store in the freezer or in a jar of water. Wash it with your laundry, just do not use softener, bleach, or borax (oxiclean is okay).

>> No.20502733

>no grit
if a fine metal sieve is letting through grit then your grind is way too fine or your grinder is actually just a blender. a proper burr grinder will fix this.

>> No.20502750

The way I make small batches I do need the grind fine enough that it would fall through the sieve, and I cannot be bothered to grind extra to remove the fines. When I make french press, I spoon off the floaters. I have a 64mm flat burr set. When I make large batch pour overs, I do use a metal filter. Or paper, if I'm in the mood for it. When I do separate the fines, I use it for dinner and make turkish.

>> No.20502755

great way to never be able to rent again. You know landlords have groups right?

>> No.20502765

>grind fine enough that it would fall through the sieve
that's like, finer than espresso grind, maybe we are talking different sieves. the kind I'm thinking of will filter anything espresso grind or above

>> No.20502773

>all your shit isn't done online
I think the US was lagging but I hardly have any paper bills anymore.

>> No.20502776

Maybe I haven't seen a filter as fine as you referring to. From my estimates, I have only encountered filters that will hold back down to ~300u. My burrs have a 15% distribution bellow that mark when I make a ~18g brew

>> No.20502793

I think some will do 200 micron, maybe a bit lower even. I wouldn't want to use them with espresso grind, they work great for pour over though

>> No.20502885
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A lot of opening posts were youtube drama tier bullshit. They were right to delete them. But there are also a few I am surprised were btfo'd.

>> No.20502896

kek it's always funny to watch. I'm too scared to participate anymore though.
I watched someone get deleted for asking what was going on with the threads, then deleted again when they ask why their post got deleted, and then I'm assuming banned for a third post where they were clearly angry about it lmao

>> No.20502956

>I'm too scared to participate anymore though.
I'm scared right now. We should talk about food now...

I bought a watermelon for $4 tonight. Gonna enjoy it this long weekend after some running. What about you?

>> No.20502989
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I'm settling in for a frozen citrus drink made with eggs and cream

>> No.20503010

What, do you mean nigger, as in the latin word for black?
Orange fool? What's bad about it?
Ground beef tartare

>> No.20503350

if you're the same anon as before, I must say, I really like your silly and playful attitude !

>> No.20503375

Today one of my posts got capped =)

>> No.20503388

literally all of you ck posts get saved on my server

>> No.20503491

It's not really an issue, assuming you're only dumping the tiny bit that's still in the pan.
If the oil is dispersed in the washing water and at room temp it won't form into a large block in your pipes. Although it still can cling to other whit in your pipes and clog something.

>> No.20503711

that extended stay...

>> No.20503965

trepid bro? are we still ok?

>> No.20504933

he ded

>> No.20504943

But not capped

>> No.20505177

for real?

>> No.20506123
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>> No.20507118
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babe? you gotta wake up, this can't be happening

>> No.20507498

You think being poor isn't a problem?

>> No.20507546

it's not my fault that black rock bought all the houses I could have afforded

>> No.20507605

>Orange fool? What's bad about it?
it is 100% shitposting and trolling. Every single orange fool thread is the exact same series of memes, trolls, and reverse trolls.

>> No.20507662

>n-no goy you can't just slack off at work! All your employers have a linked Hive Mind and telepathically know everything you do!
No one believes you. Everyone uses fake "references" that never get read anyway.

>> No.20507718

>bad tenant lists aren't real bro!
low-life rentoids are in for a big surprise

>> No.20508349

prove it, I won't wait though

>> No.20510319


>> No.20510498

>make a ton of on-topic posts
I literally got a three day ban from all boards for spam when I made two threads on /ck/ in the same day, probably the only two /ck/ threads I've made in 2 years. Not even remotely exaggerating. Mods here are the most mentally ill faggots on the internet