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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20497789 No.20497789 [Reply] [Original]

Why is food in movie theaters such a scam?

>> No.20497795

Because fatfucks still buy it

>> No.20497797

The theater makes most of its money on concessions. Ticket prices almost entirely go to studios.

>> No.20497800

Everyone is out to take your money and kill you. You still haven't realized this

>> No.20497801

worth it for the BANGS

>> No.20497820

This. The thought of going 90-120 minutes without eating is incomprehensible to them.

>> No.20497832

n-no you!

>> No.20497903 [DELETED] 

When I was a kid they only had popcorn and candy, and if you made any noise you’d get “shushed” by random strangers. Now, theaters are full of disgusting hootin hollerin monkeys, they just turn up the sound to f4 tornado level so it drowns out the noise.

>> No.20497911

never really been a cinema eater, but the one i've been going to recently has chicken tenders and they're surprisingly good, so i get 6 or 12 tendies and eat them as quickly as possible.

>> No.20497914

Dune 2 was the last time I went to the movie theater in over a decade and I was feeling good cause I went on a discount day and the ticket price was half off. Wanted to relieve memories of the theater so bought a drink and popcorn, ended up being 1.25 the cost of the movie ticket. I was shocked

>> No.20497916

word. I don't even go anymore. Between the fucking vomit smell and the eardrum piercing Krakatoa volume and the fact that you can buy a 60' 4k tv for less than 800 bucks, is watching movies in theatres even agreeable anymore?

>> No.20497919

My English class had an early attempt at cultural diversity by making us read a short story about a white man who went down to Harlem to watch movies. He saw King Kong, raving about how the Harlem crowd really got into the movie. He thought it was great that they talked to the screen and jumped around in the aisle. "Regular cinemas wouldn't allow you to express yourself that way" was one of his laments.
The message was that such behavior is just part of their culture so it was ok in Harlem. Today the essay likely would be considered terribly racist, especially for selecting King Kong as the movie and claiming people of a certain racial group acts like monkeys.

>> No.20498291

We still only have pop corn or nachos over here

>> No.20498297

Yo I don't blame you. I take shits on the seats, piss in bottles and drizzle it all over the seats on my way out. I mean what kind of sick fuck does that? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.20498300

the theater I went to a few weeks ago was even worse, $17 for small popcorn and small soda

>> No.20498309

Don't forget the fact that they show fucking TV commercials now. It's hard to think of another business that so actively hates its customers. Movie theaters should have long since gone the way of Blockbuster Video. I'll make an except only for those few quirky local theaters that show old movies for cheap, in a restaurant or drive-in setting. (But probably not many survived Le Lockdown.)

>> No.20498310

because 90% of the money you paid for your ticket goes to the studios.

>> No.20498314

No, not everyone, just the people with power. Most people are good and honest.

>> No.20498326


This is the correct answer. It's the same reason gas stations thrive on porky construction workers and stoners--they aren't making their money on the core product

>> No.20498333


But it IS part of their culture. It's like saying the n-word or killing black people: it's okay when THEY do it.

>> No.20498348

Wait, in the middle of the movie?

>> No.20498364

who the fuck goes to the theater anymore? my local theater had to rebrand into a bowling alley/arcade/bar to stay in business.

>> No.20498368

No, before the movie. But in the 1990s it was unthinkable that you would pay money to watch a car commercial before the previews.

>> No.20498369

Wait so they front that they're a bowling ally then once you pay and get inside they make you watch a new movie? Those bastards!

>> No.20498376

the last time I went to a theater (which was years ago), they were already playing commercials on the screen when I walked in looking for a seat. Then they played some more when the show started, then the actual previews.

>> No.20498379

You can eat at bowling places too

>> No.20498380

They still actually show movies in the theater part but yeah most people are there for the arcade and bowling and shit.

>> No.20498398
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That's only about 20-30%
The rest just want to be as comfortable as they can, no matter Who is fucks over.
About 10% of the people who make things happen are inherently self-serving to the point of narcissism/sociopathy and there's another 10% who still have honor and try to live by the golden rule.
Again, 80% of the total population just want to do what they are told and have full bellies, be mindlessly entertained, and get their rocks off on a regular basis.
they will only do what is "Good and Honest" if they believe either someone is watching(becoming much rarer,) or they can get social status for it.
This is the TRUTH, whether you want to believe it or not.
You may not be able to conceive of this because you think everyone else thinks like you,(most people think this)--They DON'T.
Just take a look around next time you go out in public and see how much self-centered, oblivious behavior there is-=- OR-=- just how much false ""Niceness"" you see.

The answer to OPie's Q is:
but about 60% of people sneak in their own snacks/drinks anyway.
FUCK Hollywood anyway, I'm not paying $25 for a 2 hour "Conditioning Sesion"

>> No.20498403

That's basically every other episode of The Boondocks.

>> No.20498404
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These portion sizes must be absurd if your "small snack in the movie theater" is 2700 calories. What the fuck are people doing...

>> No.20498433
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Because they aren't making it from actual movie sales. If they made the tickets be rape prices like that and the food cheap literally everyone would pirate the shit. People haven't figured this out yet because of this simple fact. If they charged you the price of a fucking Bluray just to sit around a bunch of loud ass people you don't like people would instantly put the two together.

Just go to a dollar store and buy boxes of candy and some bottles of soda so they don't make a loud audible crack when you open it and you're set. I'd say pop some popcorn and hide it in a bag before you leave but lets be real it's the only thing worth getting there because no brand of popcorn ever gets the movie theater butter just right.

Upkeep of the theater itself is exactly why they charge these prices. Ticket prices alone won't cover hiring wagies, paying taxes, covering utilities and general construction/cleaning upkeep of the theater much less make a profit. Only type of theater that can pull of that shit is drive ins and those are almost non existent these days. Enjoy the childhood you had where you could still enjoy American past times before inflation and a shattered economy buck broke the fun things that still existed before you're never getting it back.

>> No.20498474

This is what I expect it is like to watch movies in Harlem.

>> No.20498489

because Jews give them barely any money from the actual ticket sale

>> No.20498506

Seems like bowling is a noisy companion for movies, even if the theaters have some noise isolation.

>> No.20498515

The drive-in near me now charges a corkage fee if you bring in outside food. IIRC, it's $15 on top of the ticket price.

>> No.20498525

You see in others what you see in yourself.

>> No.20498608
File: 55 KB, 958x501, Pie Graph Watch Movie (2024).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I kinda doubt they are because I completely remember my first sip of movie theatre Dr. Pepper last time and it was a long long time ago compared to the soda at the local corner store. Especially movie theatre popcorn! Ugh .. Empty dish! So deelish! I notice here in the Western Hemisphere you really do get what you pay for compared to the Eastern Hemisphere which is quite the interchangeable-opposite. Movie theatre food definitely comes from a reliable high-quality source too. That sip of Dr. Pepper was such a memory to my mouth! Crisp & quenching. Whenever I buy like DP from the nearby corner store it's actually rather bland yet still doable.

"Dependent on the independent is a sign of immaturity." - ???

Man! If I had the money to see a movie and buy theatre food it'd be like my second home or something! Ugh .. Auhm Huhngry!

Whispers, "The cheapest food has some of the most nutrients."

>> No.20498769
File: 24 KB, 466x350, shocked-orangutang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $23.00 for popcorn and a pop

I haven't been to a theater since 2003 so this doesn't affect me but, WTF?

>> No.20498770
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I haven't been inside a movie theater in like 14 years

>> No.20498805

…which is a masterpiece. McGruder is a saint.

>> No.20498825

eh, nah. just after covid my country had a spike in fuel prices in most places. a petrol station on a motorway got famous because their prices stayed low still, as the owners didnt inflate their prices to match the jewery of the others. they made money hand over fist without jewing the public

>> No.20498836

Then they will die off soon enough.

>> No.20498880

Take that kinda posting to /tv/!

>> No.20498883

I don't know where you are, but the business model is consistent. Chances are that the other stations were trying to recover earlier losses on fuel sales while that one was making no money off fuel sales and relying on low fuel price to drive extra foot traffic through the store.

>> No.20498888

sure, but i was watching car commercials before movies more than 20 years ago, so this shit isnt new

>> No.20498916

Imagine buying this garbage just to stuff like rats to go consume your Hollywood slop.


>> No.20498992

Not in Australia. The format been the same all my life. Business commercials, then movie trailers, then the movie. If you want to avoid the commercials, you just don't go in too soon.

>> No.20499147

there are ads in the middle of the movie all the time now, yes, they just don't cut from the movie to them like broadcast tv. they're just baked in.

>> No.20499164

Not only this, but they lack the capacity and common sense to eat a meal BEFORE going to watch a movie.
Drinking something during a movie I understand, I love me a cold beer, but buying ridiculously marked up food? Forget it.
Also, on what fucking planet is a large popcorn, candy and a drink are worth 50¢ less than two sliders, curly fries and a large drink? And two hotdogs and a drink is somehow less expensive than popcorn?!?!

>> No.20499167

A law from a while back also prevented movie students from own movie theaters. I'm surprised most theaters are still open, The Fall Guy had a bit of advertising but debuted with $28 million and fell to $14 the following week.
There's two or three big movies this year and that's it.

>> No.20499404

Did you at least get the meme popcorn bucket?

>> No.20499417

Movie critics and teens on dates looking to make out in the back away from parents. No idea if people do actual movie dates anymore with how cringe women are about cheap dates on tiktok.

>> No.20499437

If I had FUCK-YOU money, I'd bring back the 2nd run theaters like Cinemark.
I'd also allow beer and wine sales and have ½ of the theater outfitted in 1 sided picnic tables and IDGAF if you bring in a picnic basket as long as you follow the courtesy rules and aren't a nuisance to other customers,(ticket is a CONTRACT.)
This of course might have to be a private club membership thing... but $3 second runs with double features where you can eat what you want?
Literally KINO.
I'd probably allow different generic kitchen spaces for local vendors for a 20% of their take fee, on weekly contract.



>> No.20499446

i went to cinemark two days ago man

>> No.20499455

Rilly? They don't exist in MCL.
How much are tickets these days?
Oh yeah, and an arcade with at least 50 games, mostly 90s classics too.

>> No.20499464

Shit... nevermind, The closest one to me has tickets for and 3:30 Furiosa a MAD Max Saga for $14.75
It's CGI bullshit...STILL NOT fucking worth it.

>> No.20499486

depends on the time but usually $8 when i go

>> No.20499522

Nothing like tripping balls with a bunch of Hoodlums at 15 and getting $2 movie seats for second runs.
I wanna bring THIS back.
POAST preferred stand-up arcade cabinets for to stock the arcade, PLS.
WIll collect for future use.


>> No.20499620

Movies as a social experience is a poor people thing not a black people thing. Honestly I think it is more enjoyable to discuss the movie as it plays, the theater isn't ideal for it but thats what was available.

>> No.20499643

>Honestly I think it is more enjoyable to discuss the movie as it plays
You are a SCOURGE to most theater/movie watchers.
t. so am I

>> No.20499678

Most people don't have any real power, therefore they haven't had a chance to exercise their selfish gene properly. Rest assured, you are surrounded by temporarily embarrassed psychopaths in every direction

>> No.20499680

flixbrewhouse is allright

>> No.20500541


>> No.20500545


>> No.20500561

I use movie theaters to make a first move on a new girl. I need to make sure she isnt nuts before she comes back to my place for subsequent movies.

>> No.20500578
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Been that way for a long time. Superman II (1980) had a very prominent ad for Marlboro cigarettes. Got to start 'em young.

>> No.20500623

I'm starting to get used to this B0t.
Soon enough, the threads won't seem complete without it.

>> No.20500631

boy would i love to

>> No.20501375


>> No.20502325

Maybe you just need to suck a fucking BBC

>> No.20502411

But i thought he never said yes to cigarrettes?

>> No.20502450

wtf is this reply what board am i on?

>> No.20503051

I saw the Peter Jackson King Kong with a diverse crowd and it was an experience. Grew up in a less diverse area so it was interesting.

>> No.20503733


>> No.20503755
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This meme pic is aging well.

>> No.20503848

I feel like they should tack on higher penalties to the the autism surcharge with failure to maintain eye contact and not responding to questions like how are you.

>> No.20503917

It's not so much that you're buying food in a movie theatre that's the scam and it is, it's why are you wasting time in a movie theatre in the first place? You're scamming yourself.

>> No.20503926

It's 2024, what is anyone doing in a movie theatre unless your like peewee herman jackin to some porno movie in front of cops and looking for some weird dates?

>> No.20503929

whats the most versatile snack to sneak in, usually i just do G.H Cretors and put it in a bunch of small bags

>> No.20503933

Friends and I would sneak in a bong, fill it at the water fountain, then smoke like crazy during a movie. We all just had to remember to blow any smoke down so the smoke wouldn't appear to come from us.

>> No.20503934

Why are you going to a movie theater in 2024?

>> No.20503938

... when lighting it, you'd have make sure to cover the flash of the lighter. Those could get noticed too.

>> No.20503944

if you watch jewywood slop you deserve to be fleeced.

>> No.20503975

That’s how they make their money.

>> No.20503982

Who is fuck is "they" and why should anyone other than themselves care?

>> No.20503984

>first three menu items utilize commas for listing items
>#4 uses two ampersands instead
this makes me irrationally upset

>> No.20503988

the theater

>> No.20503990

Chill. Relax knowing that that shithole of a company is going down as we read this thread.

>> No.20504020

In the US it's illegal to sell goods below cost in some states and a gas station was sued during covid for underpricing their gas to generate more traffic.

>> No.20504028

No, regular people are by and large selfish, greedy asshole. Especially those who think of themselves as "good and honest".

>> No.20504039

it's a pretty gay post, not a slam dunk mic drop. sorry bud

it's called an effortpost and we used to get them all the time before we got invaded by the swarm of twitter immigrants.

>> No.20504063

because how else would they stay open in spite of streaming services?

Forgot what I had when I went to see the last Flash movie but it was actually damn good. I think it was bacon covered loaded fries.

>> No.20504172

How the fuck are two hotdogs and and a drink 2000 cal?

>> No.20504176

Better question is why does the calories estimate vary to such a gargantuan degree
>it could be one amount, or... it could be double that we don't know

>> No.20504210

>Why does the calories estimate vary to such a gargantuan degree

Surprised you aren't aware of quantum calories. your hot dog MIGHT be 1000 calories or 2000 depending on who's looking

>> No.20504303

I think that everyone that disagrees with me should be shot