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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20489407 No.20489407 [Reply] [Original]

Fastest way to get diarrhea?

>> No.20489425

I had it for a couple days now and I think it was because the oysters I made were undercooked

>> No.20489427

Babado seeds. Ask anyone in sub-Saharan Africa, man is always tempted to try it once

Have 911 on speed dial

>> No.20489432

Any dish with naga chilli will help but you'll be blastin fire

>> No.20489434

Eat several spoonfuls of condensed milk

>> No.20489437


>> No.20489463

Apple juice

>> No.20489466

Sucralose, the sugar substitute.
Eating too much is almost a guarantee for irregular bowel movements and diarrhea.

>> No.20489469

A single spoon of Epsom salt will just evacuate you. Funny since you can buy it in like 5 lb bags.

>> No.20489470

Drink two litres of unfiltered organic (soft) apple cidre that you bought from a farmer's market in front of a cathedral in Freiburg, Germany because they didn't give you anything to plug the bottle with and you didn't wanna carry it around everywhere because the bottle was getting sticky.

>> No.20489498

Drink mercury, it literally runs through your digestive system in seconds and will make you diarrhea all over the place instantly. You will also probably die or get severely fucked up from residual poisoning, but technically it's the fastest way.

>> No.20489518

Magnesium supplements

>> No.20489525

Bag of prunes or dates. Eat the entire thing. Will cure your constipation and make you constantly shit every single tiny drop of poop in your body liquid or otherwise

>> No.20489606

Dirty kebab shop or the worst rated Indian restaurant close.

>> No.20489620

gas station sushi

>> No.20489621

Lake a laxative stupid

>> No.20489633

he asked how to get diarrhea not how to turn his ass into the fucking tsar bomba

>> No.20489653

Mag Citrate will do it. The others not so much.

>> No.20489663

Pears chased with milk

>> No.20489666
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>day off body cleanser
that shit sounds evil

>> No.20489706

He said how to get diarrhea. He didn't specify how MUCH diarrhea he wanted

>> No.20489716

Have gallbladder stones and eat anything remotely fatty or fried. I have gallbladder problems and I am forced to eat healthy or suffer Montezuma's curse.

>> No.20489730

I had more than a couple of spoonfuls, did nothing
Does nothing
Can drink liters of this to no effect
This is true, drinking about 1.5 liters of coke zero in a couple of hours will have me blasting hot miso soup out of my ass
I have eaten 250-500 grams of dates in a single sitting and maintained solid poops

>> No.20489747

Salt is the answer, or soy sauce, just don't kys like a retard but you can get massive shits from overdoing it on salt very fast

>> No.20489748

Th-thanks Chang

>> No.20489767

Drink a bottle of whiskey on an empty stomach for a week straight.

>> No.20489774

Take NAC and look into TUDCA

>> No.20489779

shove a hose up your ass

>> No.20489826

Go get a BIG bag of sugar free gummy bears and eat as much as you can. The sugar free thing they use is a laxative at anything beyond eating a moderate amount but, I did this as a joke once, and let me tell you. You will shit your ever loving brains out.

>> No.20489851

Slam 6 to 8 beers, eat a can of vegetarian chili with extra peppers or a thick lentil stew slightly undercooked

>> No.20489864
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Jesus all my internal organs hurt reading this

>> No.20489865

i'm having problems using the bathroom as well. my usual remedy would be a cup of coffee and a cigarette.

>> No.20489921

Mineral Oil

>> No.20489944
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Haribo sugar-free.

>> No.20490135

Eat from a Chinese restaurant that uses gutter oil.

>> No.20490223

Eat random ass mushrooms. Most of them will make you shit yourself to death with no medical attention.

>> No.20490324

for me, it's a delicious milkshake. i typically go for chocolate but once in a while i get spicy and order vanilla
drink about 2-3oz of it and it's guaranteed nightmarish stomach cramps, an hour long nap, and waking up to rush to the toilet room.

>> No.20490384

update: i just went to steak n shake for a chocolate shake.
it's weird and not good. i'll put it in the freezer for my dog tomorrow. even the cherry and whipped cream weren't good. maybe it's the kratom i had

>> No.20490389

I think your dog will really enjoy that, great idea. What kind of kratom is your favorite?

>> No.20490397

Not sure, this is my first bag. friend recommended it, it's green. i mixed a teaspoon in with some cold water and a lemon slice, is that okay or dangerous?

>> No.20490409

Seems good, it say anything on the bag? You get it from a store or just from your bro? I've been off kratom for a while myself and thinking about going back to it. It kind of tastes like ass though so I preferred taking capsules to making the drink.

>> No.20490411

taco bell
about once a month i have some primal craving for taco bell and every time afterwards i shit my brains out. i attribute it to some forbidden bacteria taking refuge in my gut biome, but it could just be the ground up dogs and rats.
regardless, i am a host for a parasite.
i kneel to the bell.

>> No.20490420
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It's this thing but i only bought the 1oz bag, from a store he told me about.
i used to fill capsules of kratom for a friend, had a cute little device to hold the pill ends and put it together. it seems like an easier way, if it actually works, this stuff tastes like bad grass on a summer day

>> No.20490477

Half a teaspoon in water is plenty ime. Results in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.20490762

For me, it's Italian dressing. For whatever reason I am guaranteed to turn into a mud faucet within 20 minutes of ingesting it

>> No.20491249

Drink a shit ton of hard liquor (80 proof or more) and eat nothing. It will completely liquify your insides. You won't be able to fart without fear of shitting yourself.

>> No.20491323

>t. Brown

>> No.20491520

Fecal oral. Wipe your ass, touch your face and lick your fingers.

>> No.20491543

Don't do this, it turns into mustard ass.

>> No.20491549

My stepbrother swears he has an allium intolerance. Is on the shitter for an hour if he injests even the slightest bit. So, onions for him.

>> No.20491554

allium is how the rugrat kids would pronounce alien

>> No.20491555
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undercooked chicken

>> No.20491564

my special chili
>lots of pepper and hot sauce
>beans that are still kinda hard
>undercooked potatoes
>canned cream corn
rancid liquid shits every time

>> No.20491641

Donald's daughters are very pretty

>> No.20491715

>Funny since you can buy it in like 5 lb bags.
Its meant to soak your body in by the cup so

>> No.20491746

which cup?

>> No.20491749

>can of vegetarian chili
Something about canned chili in general will nuke your insides. The regular stuff with beans that you're supposed to use on hot dogs

>> No.20491753


>> No.20491770
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It will also make you loopy
picrel true story

>> No.20492022

I have condensed milk with milk tea and it's fine I've eaten it like that and it's fine. Tub of Chocolate Ice Cream however will make you go to washroom fast.

>> No.20492420

Hearty laugh.

>> No.20492421

Ipecac enema

>> No.20492436
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Eat the WHOLE bag.

>> No.20492441

eat da poopoo

>> No.20492584


>> No.20492688

spoonful of olive oil, or stuff a few marshmallows up your ass if you're impatient

>> No.20493441
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I think Giardia is faster... It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Rainbow gatherings have actually LOST people to this...Filthy hippies.

>> No.20493458
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>sounds evil
You would know evil wouldn't you Satan?

>> No.20493478
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Gas station hot dogs are a known laxative. I can't prove it, but it seems the longer they have been on the roller grill the more effective they become.

>> No.20493485
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You should be aware, fren, that that particular phrase is a thread marker for Glowies, and NOT used by REALPoasters™ on 4 troons.

>> No.20493489

i think a troy maclure line would have three points. the third could be "card hole!"

>> No.20493494

I'm still pretty much a newfag. I've only been here since 2019.

>> No.20493496

peep the sodium content on any of Taco Smell's menu items.
it makes u shit urself because it contains medicinal laxitive levels of sodium.

>> No.20493500

Taco Bell, and copious amounts of cheap beer always does the trick for me.

>> No.20493516

Be american and eat pretty much anything, you'll be shitting your pants publicly in no time!

>> No.20493520

Hang in there, don't be like that tripfag "m00t" who left the site just before he was about to become an oldfag.

>> No.20493521

i can say for nice smelling farts, italian wedding soup. the canned stuff works wonders

>> No.20493537

genes issue

>> No.20493540
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2rd, You are a newfag anytime AFTER 2009, I think.
I came during the CANCER that KILLED /b/
Don't panic!, Just don't be an ASSHOLE, Don't feed the b0t or Trolls(shills) and always lurk MOAR.
**Remember: this is ALL being recorded for you posterior.

>> No.20493551
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>just before he was about to become an oldfag.

>> No.20493557

>genes issue
If he consooms enough it will become a jeans issue.

>> No.20493655
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Unless I'm blind/illiterate and missed it, it's a surprise nobody has mentioned olestra potato chips or Indian food.

>> No.20493680
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Both excellent contenders.

>> No.20495282


>> No.20495291


>> No.20495294

drink a glass of olive oil

>> No.20495402

Sometimes I go and read the amazon reviews and laugh my ass off

>> No.20495427

Kratom is garbage. No high, no euphoria, just a mouth full of dirt.

>> No.20496583

Try to deep fry something but use too low a temp so the bread soaks up all the oil.

You will shit yourself for 3 days.

>> No.20496657

That was my experience. I tried it like twice and what happened was I took so much trying to get high that I just wound up puking