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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 288 KB, 1084x1174, Fast Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20488797 No.20488797 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized most of the fast food threads on /ck/ are being posted by the French.

>> No.20488800

Everyone loves fast food because it's specifically formulated to be easy to enjoy and highly addictive.

>> No.20488803

it's pretty odd considering france has the lowest obesity rate in entire europe. mcdonalds is something special there, i know their mcdonalds are miles better there than in any other country. people from all over the world visit the mcdonalds in paris because it's that special

>> No.20488804

>easy to enjoy
>and highly addictive

>> No.20488807

Would you prefer 'formulated to contain large amounts of ingredients humans find addictive'? Same difference really. The industry just calls it 'moreishness' or whatever.

>> No.20488839

people say fast food isn't filling and they're already hungry like 20 minutes later no fast food is just engineered to be addictive to the human tongue so you want to eat it again 20 minutes later. the tongue didn't evolve to be overloaded with that much flavor like that.

>> No.20488840
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Québec here where we have lots of French-of-France immigration.

They're O B S E S S E D with american fast food. Because they really like to eat and fast food is cheap and gud.

>it's pretty odd considering france has the lowest obesity rate in entire europe

i've seen paper clip thin french-bois becoming obese fat lards in less than a year eating the North American fast food diet.

>> No.20488846

There's some truth to it not being filling as well as it's pretty poor as satiating you.

>> No.20488847
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using this data to insult the french in the future

>> No.20488854

if it didn't trigger your taste buds as much as they do i don't think you would feel hungry. your brain just wants the drug again. its like doing cocaine

>> No.20488872
File: 505 KB, 439x594, Mickey & Magalaxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A French dreamer belongs to the lower-middle class and represents the French everyman. With no particular ambitions, he is employed in a job that is neither rewarding nor fulfilling. After starting a family with a mediocre, overweight wife (another archetype known by the generic first name Magalie), he soon finds himself stuck in a routine of working 35 hours a week, with one to three hours commuting to work each day. Overburdened by loans, taxes and duties, he spends his pointless life paying off his place to live: a 90m2 apartment in a suburban housing estate.

The French dreamer also has an ugly Scenic family car. The car's windows are fitted with Disney cartoon sun shades for the children. The household includes a pet (a dog or three cats), a huge TV to watch TPMP and other programmes that Magalie loves, and the garden is nothing more than a lawn with plastic toys (an inflatable swimming pool, a small football goal) and a few bushes. The whole family enjoys spending time together in family restaurants such as Flunch or Buffalo Grill.

>> No.20489285

tg jvchien

>> No.20489322

>low-work job
What part of this is supposed to be bad again?

>> No.20489329

The wife

>> No.20489333

Because actual french food is like tripe cooked in rotting duck served with smelly cheese

>> No.20489339

Trips and it's the most delicious shit you've ever had
French fast food is also a notch above average
That being said most of the literal frogposters here are full of shit

>> No.20489355

>supposed to be bad
where does it say it's supposed to be bad?

>> No.20489356
File: 20 KB, 510x610, 1677818940039689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone loves fast food
I dont

>> No.20489382

Ça sert à quoi de poster tout ça ? Les anons ne vont rien comprendre

>> No.20489387
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I don't speak arabic, sorry.

>> No.20489388

are those actual french people or immigrants? I thought french people were white?

>> No.20489598

this nigga so ugly, his hairline runnin' away from his face

>> No.20489602

>france has the lowest obesity rate in entire europe
No it fucking doesn't. That's Italy THEN France. Then one of the tiny L countries. Luxembourg or Liechtenstein. Luxembourg, I think.

>> No.20489622

Yeah French people have gotten fat

>> No.20489630

Italians haven't really accepted fast food as readily as France has so I think that might have something to do with it.

>> No.20489640

well, it's probably better because they have higher standards for food in general
even the pic has things my mcdonald's does not have.
(also romanians are less fat than french people. especially the young females are the least fat of all europe)

>> No.20489646

To their credit, French junk food is really good
The best KFC I've had was IIRC just south of Metz

>> No.20489649

I mean... I like Quick, but there are people who live on fast food something that really doesn't happen in Italy. Have you seen Autogrill? That's fast food in Italy.

>> No.20489650

Are those deep fried prawns? How come we don't have those in the states?

>> No.20489651
File: 36 KB, 355x360, 1657905333594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the fast food threads on /ck/ are being posted by shills, like this one

>> No.20489661

Interesting, but no, I've never been to Italy
My wife spent a summer there with a group of students and nuns
They went to what was supposedly the oldest continuously operating pizza place in Rome
The Italians were so happy to host the American nuns they made them all pizzas with American cheese, kek, they imported some explicitly for them

>> No.20489673

Sounds like bullshit. We have American cheese in Italy. Kraft. And it's actually pretty popular.

>> No.20489688

This was in the 90s

>> No.20490296
File: 63 KB, 800x586, burger jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20490955
File: 117 KB, 1033x799, zpxc75hchgt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20491049

Oui Oui, zee frenchiees need le goyslop

>> No.20491168

Then you're a liar or an autist with some sort of picky eating disorder.

>> No.20491169

Putain mais basé. Ça fait plaisir de lire le mot "jvchien" ici.

>> No.20491178

oK Celestin

>> No.20491235

We've had American cheese since at least the 80s, tho. We call the package Kraft stuff "sottilette," which literally means something like "thin thingies." We don't call it cheese, but it's in Italy and has been for over three decades and a half.

>> No.20491241

I don't, either, if we're talking about American fast food chains, specifically.
I literally never enjoy food from McDo or BK, rarely from Wendy's, Krystal or Checker's/Rally's, practically never from White Castle or A&W (more to do with access as there are none where I live and even if they were nearby, I'd still not love it because only the burgers are any good; everything else is straight booty) and the only fast food I do enjoy with some regularity, Popeyes, is still not something I would say I "love." Like. And maybe like two or three times a year. No more.

>> No.20491246

The amerimutt can't fathom.

>> No.20491277
File: 98 KB, 700x525, 622b32b88f97ab001874ff53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american fast food seems to represent some kind of special novelty to their primitive and malformed minds. they seem to experience a profound sense of fomo that we, as americans, simply take for granted. perhaps they can only just grasp what its like, if only fleetingly, something that we, as americans, will experience eternally.

>> No.20491653

milk product anon

>> No.20491664

France got a pretty good handle on the American Experience. Just look at the sheer amount of niggers they got jogging about.

>> No.20492179

They're not from the French. They're from Algerian immigrants.

>> No.20492188

Right. The French

>> No.20492253

>strong against Dragon
>weak against Dragon

>> No.20492310

French are tsundere. They seethe about American culture then keep on consuming it.
TBQH one of my least favorite Euros, the embodiment of a has-been country but with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.20492326

Alrighty then, she just assumed it was imported
They were pretty insistent that they went out of their way to acquire it

>> No.20492327

>no thank you, I will not be eating the delicious burger
This is how you sound right now. Liar

>> No.20492362
File: 78 KB, 714x963, 7e9777a82fa992f8e1a2744e595887e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the embodiment of a has-been country but with delusions of grandeur.
i think you mean england

>> No.20492627

France is far worse.
>been irrelevant for longer
>have an even bigger ego

>> No.20493843

What year do you think it is?

>> No.20494050

there is 100% truth to this, if you just pony up and stop being a bitch for a week and eat nothing but plain nutritional gruel it will set your mind right for a while.
t. ancdotal evidence king

>> No.20494891

>obesity rate
I hate this metric. The average person has no muscle mass so a BMI of [25-30) is still fat.

>> No.20495828
File: 513 KB, 220x184, 1713957738995210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reeks of desperation and politics

>> No.20496102

Been a while since I played Pokemon but I remember the dragon class being weird like that. An afterthought or something.