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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20482151 No.20482151 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a restaurant alone
>have my food
>waiter crouches down next to my table while I eat and says "How's the food BUDDY?"
I'm a grown fucking man. I'm not your buddy, it's "sir". I get this in pubs too, it's patronising

>> No.20482161

you are an insecure person because of your small penis

>> No.20482165

Either you're paranoid and this doesn't happen or you exaggerate or you're a weirdo. I go to restaurants by myself sometimes even if i'm married or sit down at a bar to have a drink after work or whatever and i've never had something like that happen to me. At least he didn't call you "boss" i guess.

>> No.20482170

go gettem champ

>> No.20482462

>He doesn't know

>> No.20482466
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.......what does it mean if people call you boss?

>> No.20482468


>> No.20482513

Usually it just means a food service worker got in the habit of calling customers that and isn't specific to you.
If it is something uniquely used on you by someone then it might imply condescension, like you're obviously not his boss but he'll pretend you are as a joke.
Other anon was probably just saying it's an obnoxious thing to call people rather than being concerned about some hidden meaning to it.

>> No.20482523

>be patron
>be patronized

>> No.20482564

>waiter takes a knee or squats when coming to the table
>i never return to the same ihop ever again
simple as.

>> No.20482565

You ok lil guy?

>> No.20482567

it means they did a stint.

>> No.20482593

How's your food lil buddy. Want me to bring you another napkin?

>> No.20482716

Calm down sport

>> No.20482717

You ok bucko?

>> No.20482893

>waiter crouches down next to my table while I eat and says "How's the food BUDDY?"
no he didn't.

>> No.20482907

he was probably "popular" in school and still holds to the social laws of that time in his life
he sees someone eating alone and equates it to being a loser, as that was the common scenario in school
he was virtue signaling as a way to boost his ego for failing and becoming a food service worker

>> No.20483156
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you should have gone with the nuggs and lemonsauce

>> No.20483162

I eat out alone a lot and if the waiter did that I would probably get ASMR since I am attention and touch starved

>> No.20483320
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You ordered the wrong food.

>> No.20483323

Can i stick my tongue in your ear?

>> No.20483328
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Going to a restaurant alone is how I met the drug addict who ruined my marriage-bound college relationship and detailed my life for a few years, be careful

>> No.20483338

How's the food, JIMBO?

>> No.20483339

I only used "boss" and "chief" for the regulars

>> No.20483348

I eat at restaurants alone quite a bit. And I've never once had wait staff talk to me like that.
I've had random people do it sometimes, but even that rarely happened.

>> No.20483351

Sounds like you had fun, still have her number?

>> No.20483357
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There should be a restaurant where the staff are all middle-aged dads who call customers "champ" and "sport," deliver dad anecdotes while they cook in an open kitchen, give you a little dad proverb and tell you they're proud of you when you leave

>> No.20483365

I used to wait tables in a country club and the very first thing they hammer into you is having actual manners and being discreet and polite
They hired a guy a few months after me who had made the casual dining circuit, he ignored the instructions because he thought he knew everything and he made bank on tips before by acting like an uber-friendly jackass. Dude went out to his very first table and tried to get buddy-buddy with one of the members, the guy called for the maitre d'hotel, talked to him quitely for like five seconds, jackass waiter gets fired twenty minutes into his first shift.
I can't stand how restaurants operate, having your waiter be your friend may work on the yokels at Chili's but the entire point of waitstaff is that they are omnipresent but invisible. Have some class

>> No.20483368

she datailed it like a car or what?

>> No.20483386


>> No.20483391
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>> No.20483823

essex noo :'(

>> No.20483904
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Has anyone done a standup comedy bit about this?

>> No.20483922
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I just listen to my music whenever I'm eating alone, or chilling in the pub after work.
Then again when I'm in the pub after work I'm in my hi-vis and covered in a patina of paint dust so I look like a technicolour hobo, so maybe they think it'd just be better not patronizing me.

>> No.20483938

A restaurant staffed by really friendly Australians.
Like when they shout a greeting at you in a sushi shop except its "HEY MATE HOW THE FUCK ARE YA, GRAB A TINNIE FROM THE FRIDGE, IT'S A FUCKEN HOT ONE TODAY AY"

>> No.20483971
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anime website

>> No.20483976
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>> No.20484066

"Just outback but with imported Australians" is a workable concept

>> No.20484256

i get that you will probably ignore this but I need you to shut up and listen for a second
in that restaurant theres you but inverted, and the moment he hears sir hes going to walk without tip because he doesnt want to be catered to by a pretentious waiter. this is why you pay a premium for service and why people will go to a dive (a place with bad service and sometimes bad food). it's not because they want the best food or the worst food, they want a different kind of service, and the only way to get that is to get a different audiance/clientel. so they use the venue to curate the customerbase.

TL:DR if you are uspet about this you are in the wrong. go to a different store and paypig out.

>> No.20485308
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>> No.20485309

that's not what virtue signalling means

>> No.20485362

NTA but he was signaling his virtue, which happens to be "screw weirdos", and he was signaling it by picking on said weirdo on public

>> No.20485699

are you 5'7" or something lol

>> No.20485706

Fucking fag at front desk at the gym used to chief, boss, and big man me all the time. So I started calling the little twat Top Gun. His friends heard me say it once and started calling him that. Hope they still do, the little fucking homo. Either way, it means they don't respect you.

>> No.20485925
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*lowers to your eye level with a subtle smirk*
Feeling down CHAMP? It's gonna be alright!
*grabs your shoulder and gives one of those condescending shoulder rubs*
*is also at least 5 years younger than you*

>> No.20486318

People can tell you're autistic anon, it sucks but it's life

>> No.20486324

I call people boss. It means that even though I'm a scraggly shaggy looking motherfucker chainsmoking behind the building, I'm not trying to start shit or anything that's just how I look.

>> No.20486332

ESLs should remain quiet more often.

>> No.20486337

I dislike being called big man very much. Chief or boss are perfectly fine, its just being informal.

>> No.20486343

Being informal and friendly with customers is how you get tipped as a male waiter.

>> No.20486345

only person itt with life experience

>> No.20486362

I’d take it as a compliment since they are basically saying that I look very young despite that not being the case.

>> No.20486433

My name isn’t Buddy, asshole!

>> No.20487073

you are an ftm and you look like a preteen

>> No.20487085
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sex bait thread

>> No.20487107

Big facts. My favorite waiter at my local italian place is a huge guy with a big beard and the first time i met him he shook my hand and asked for my name and he still remembers my name. Being on first name basis on the waiters is comfy. I prefer male waiters who actually give a fuck over the women who just expect you to tip them because they smile at you and act all cute.

>> No.20487120

>op posts a clearly bullshit story
>expect to see a cavalcade of responses calling him a lying faggot
>they're all serious replies instead

Fuck this place has gone downhill

>> No.20487128
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>he lacks critical information

>> No.20487130
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which hill?

>> No.20487220

What part of it do you find difficult to believe? I often had similar experiences until after I turned 30. Even if the exact circumstances OP described did not occur, his fib is a good springboard for the discussion of a common phenomenon.

>> No.20487280

I'll go to a place with a cool employee like this, and then four lazy as fuck ones. I know they share tips, and I hate that if I give a big tip because of the cool one, it gets distributed with the ones who did nothing to earn it. I don't know how the business owners don't catch on and replace the weaker links with better staff. I've never run a business but I remain confident that I could outmanage damn near every proprietor near me.

>> No.20487628
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you think that's bad? imagine going to your favorite place ordering your favorite plate until one day the waiters spots you and they think they are being friendly by calling out loudly what you're about to order for others to listen to. I had to walk back and never came back. I just wanted to eat in peace, not to be someone's circus freak to be filmed and plastered all over twitter for normalfags to laugh at me just because I only like one dish they serve like the autistic man that i am

>> No.20487742
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idk but i call strangers boss, like "thanks boss" or "scuse me boss" etc. if i think they're cool i call them "brotha". i guess "boss" is an informal way of saying sir, at least when i use it.
although i've been thinking about hoganmaxxing and calling men women and child "BROTHER" loudly and directly

>> No.20487777

Pure autism. I sometimes get recognized at places I've only been to two or three times because i typically come in around the same time of day and get the same thing. If you have something distinguishable about your appearance or the way you dress it can stick with some of the staff pretty quickly. For me they mostly recognize me for my moustache.

If it's your favorite place it helps to get friendly with the staff because they might hook you up, return customers is what they bank on. I always used to go to this Pho place after i came back from the field when i was in the army in uniform and when they asked me how my day was i said i wish i was dead and they'd laugh and give me free shit with my order.

>> No.20487783

quads of truth
my bartenders give me leftovers of shots they make too much of. plus one time one of the girls gave me dibs on this nice north face jacket somebody left behind

>> No.20487797
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>be me
>waiter at some place
>decent restaurant
>some gigaautist with downs or something is a regular
>he's a nice guy and doesn't bother anyone but he never tips
>always orders from the kids menu
>we all like him tho and we're glad he's independent enough to be on his own
>he looked like he was having a rough day yesterday so I went over to check on him
>>how're you doing, buddy? How's the food? Can I get you anything else
>he stammers out
>>y-you too
>before scrambling through his pockets and leaving some money on the table and bolting out the door
>I kept calling after him to stop him but he just kept muttering something about how he's gonna tell his cock bros or something?
>didn't know he was gay, but whatever
>he hasn't been back since, I hope he's doing well

>> No.20487815
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ey bouwse

>> No.20487827
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>> No.20487835
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Yeah, that sure would be silly, huh? Ha ha...ha...

>> No.20488125
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>decent restaurant
>kid's menu

>> No.20488134

What's wrong? Not elitist enough for you?

>> No.20489275


Do they feel the need to ask for your ID also for when you order alcoholic drinks?

>> No.20489280

I'm just autistic but people in public keep treating me like an actual retard, it's annoying as hell

>> No.20489288


>> No.20489319

FUCK ANIME!!!!!!!!

>> No.20489330

That's a child you sick fucko

>> No.20489338

The employee was just being kind to someone with special needs.
You were probably dribbling all over your marvel toy. I hope he got you more napkins, little buddy.

>> No.20489495
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People who do that shit should get fired
>used to go to this Circle-K every Monday and Friday
>always buy a bag of chips and a can of Monster
>one day the clerk smirks at me and goes “You come here at the same times every week. I should just have these waiting for you at the register next time you come in”
>chuckle awkwardly and finish paying
>never go to that store again
On the plus side, that guy saved me $15 a week

>> No.20489505
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thats a boat

>> No.20489549

>guy calls you cool nicknames
>as revenge, give him a cool nickname back

>> No.20489551

You must be a woman or gay

>> No.20489585
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yeah my parents never told me they were proud of me either, that's why I think it would be a cool restaurant

>> No.20489591

What if you’re motherless and hate your mother though because she’s a lying psychopathic bitch?

>> No.20489605

Mommy issues diner is two blocks down

>> No.20489625


whoa flashbacks

>> No.20489659


>> No.20489664

Knew a guy in high school who trooned out and looks almost exactly like that
I don't get it, don't you just look yourself in the mirror and regret it all?

>> No.20489788

>he sees someone eating alone and equates it to being a loser
He's not wrong

>> No.20489813

hey buddy relax

>> No.20489821

yeah my thoughts exactly. these two are most likely homos and they rail each other daily in the gym's bathroom, god... I really need to get myself a new membership

>> No.20489888
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>waiter crouches down next to my table while I eat and says "How's the food BUDDY?"
>OK well enjoy your meal buckaroo!
>"Y-you too"
>*unzips phone and opens 4chan in public*
>*makes post asserting masculinity while posting character from mobileshit*

>> No.20491295

Does that get you the "buddy" treatment?

>> No.20491302

Fuckin oath, cunt.

>> No.20492039

How ya doin there, buddy?

>> No.20492044

I call people boss... I don't why or when I started but I just do it.

>> No.20492097

You have to be brown or have one of the funny american accents to pull that one of, chief

>> No.20493403

nah gacha kina slaps

>> No.20493473

What do the east Saxons have to do with anything?

>> No.20494137


This >>20487085 fine gentleman is OP

>> No.20494677

Anyone whose bigger than me or I assume a physically superior specimen I call chief. Equals I call mate. Lessers I call buddy.

>> No.20495349

>gated community boomer was spoken to by an unwashed peasant
>complains to manager like a karen to get him fired
I understand why so many trust fund kids have rebellious socialist phases

>> No.20495360

americans are fucked in the head. waiters are there to serve the food and that's it. this does not imply they are somehow inferior, but when i eat I want to be left the fuck alone. pretty sure this is a symptom of tipping culture.

>> No.20495387

>in my country le waiter cannot look at his masteur he must crawl and kneel
Too bad you aren't in your neck of the woods no more. In America, you tip.

>> No.20495404

It would be more respectful to not tip. If they complain, tell them tips are for prostitutes.

>> No.20495417

Its because you look autistic. You probably aren't making eye contact or chatting up the other people sitting at the bar. Just stop acting autistic and I'm saying this as an autist myself

>> No.20495465

>thinks calling a whore a whore keeps their hands off the wallet
"Whore" is not a magic talisman that prevents the creation of onlyfans accounts.

>> No.20495485

It means you are probably being served by a Muslim

>> No.20495712

I don't grasp what you think you're arguing against.

>> No.20495769


>> No.20495807

Literally what is the problem here? The clerk was offering to make your trip take a little bit less time by having your items ready to go as soon as you walk in.

>> No.20496467

Idk, i usually use either "mate" or "bud". Only those closest to me get the privlige of being refered too as "faggit"

>> No.20496489

I had this happen to me at my favorite breakfast place.
Accept i ended up fucking my milf waitress, the sex was bad and awkward. I never called her, even when she messaged me to say she was in the hospital after crashing her car and broke her collar bone a month later.
In fact i saw this as an oppurtunity to get a quick breakfast in before she got out.

I never went back to that place. Been over 9 years, still looking through the windows as i drive by to check if she is not there. It has been about 2 years since i have seen her, going to attempt to get my breaky the weekend anons.

>> No.20496498

> be me
> 140 iq multi millionaire.
> never tip my waitress by pretending to be retarded.
"heh, i did not get this rich by tipping some fag who thinks his smile is worth anything."

>> No.20496509

>So I started calling the little twat Top Gun.
lmao this: >>20489549

it would be hilarious to get that nickname. i'd lean into it and buy a top gun hat and annoy that guy with quotes from the movie all the time

>> No.20496523

A) The waiter is chicanx or arab
B) You look terrible, sleep deprived and/or stressed

>> No.20496542

No you fucking don't

>> No.20496543

Funny, I do this, but the exact opposite order

>> No.20496942
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What does it mean when the sandwich takeout server girl calls you "love" at an area close to but outside of NYC?

She looked college/highschool aged and not over 30, exactly like me but I'm 5'8 and she was definitely shorter and probably 5'4? In the moment, it felt patronizing and confusing but perhaps she thought I was a hs student because hs students use this place for lunch but it was already a couple hours after lunch hour.

"this sandwich can come with colesaw at no extra cost, love. would you like some?", "have a nice day love, enjoy"

>> No.20497009

I say brotha all the time

>> No.20497016

I went into a gas station once and an middle eastern guy said "my friend" to me and I've been using it ever since.

>> No.20497069

Its a common anglo-ism

Like "cheers" or "brilliant", it's not used in US, and in Uk its really only ever used by women.

In your case she probably saw it on a TV show or tiktok and thought it was quirky.

Unlike "buddy" which is just dudebro casual if not patronizing, I'd suspect she was just trying to be bubbly and endearing. Which is ok, at a casual establishment.

>> No.20497138

I had the opposite experience a while back.
>go to Hooters alone after work, had a craving for fried pickles and wings
>roastie waitress is over the top formal, calls me "sir" every time she speaks to me
In my early 20s... do I look like a rapist or something? I didn't go because I wanted some whore to pretend to flirt with me, but isn't that what they're supposed to do? Am I too ugly or creepy looking for some hooters girl to pretend to be into me for a bigger tip?

>> No.20497156

Depends on where you're at and her background I guess. In the south it's very common to call people sir or ma'am just out of habit.

>> No.20497172

In Texas, lived here my whole life. It's not common for hooters waitresses to call you sir, especially not since I was 22 or 23 and looked that age.
Usually they act ditzy and flirty so lonely guys give them bigger tips.

>> No.20497200

Meh it's hooters. Don't overthink it. I almost never go there but it's a mix of girls trying to act all cute and flirty because they think you'll tip them more or if they try to give you the submissive sir treatment and act more like servants if they think you respond better to that. I'm also in texas and sometimes they go for the southern hospitality approach instead of the flirty one. It's nothing personal dude.

>> No.20497202

I stopped going to my local olive garden for lunch because the bartender would never stop trying to make small talk with me

>> No.20497210

why don't restaurants have singles only sections?

>> No.20497215

they dont want a bunch of gay incels hooking up

>> No.20497239

I don't go to restaurants alone anymore cause last time I did at one that didn't have a bar I was treated like trash too. not as pathetically as you, OP but still annoying

>> No.20497253

does restaurant staff actually care if a single person sits at a table?

>> No.20497260

"love" or "hon" or "sweetie" is common among bartenders and doesn't mean they're into you, in fact i've noticed it means the obvious. if they think you're cute or like you a little bit ive noticed they'll refrain from using words like that
>t. degenerate bar crawler

>> No.20497263

Nope. You tell them it's just one when you come in so they don't think you're waiting for anyone else and that's that.

>> No.20497264

i mean opposite

>> No.20497269

>big guy/big man
What other waiterisms are there?

>> No.20497271

>i mean opposite

>> No.20497280

Still exists but its trash now

>> No.20497283


>> No.20497289


>> No.20497294


>> No.20497295

thought i was in /r9k/ still and about shit seeing these single words get through. anyway restaurant alonefags should just bring a laptop if you look remotely young and act like you're working hard on some Work or School type shit. Does not work if you're a visible hobo or decrepit but i dont think hobos and blue collar maxxers like this guy >>20483922 get buddied and if you do you prob look like a frail twink and need to act like you're working on your masters thesis to get left alone

>> No.20497297

She wants you to hop over the counter and spin her around and dip her and romantically kiss her like in the musical romance dramas she watches on the hallmark channel

>> No.20497305

As long as you're polite, well groomed and dressed no one will give a shit. Trying to make some excuse that you're there to "work" is even more pathetic than just going in to eat by yourself because you just feel like it. They don't know who you are and they don't care.

>> No.20497308

It's not a real problem, but looking like you're busy is a good "fuck off" signal to waiters. I'm assuming OP isn't going to some fine dining operation and it's just his local slop shop, if he is then his is autistic but the waiter seems retarded so I'm guessing it's his local diner and bar or whatever.

>> No.20497309

She wanted to call you sir in bed while you were plapping her meat wallet with your sausage
You just didn't pick up on that cause of the 'tism

>> No.20497310

>big sexy

>> No.20497313 [DELETED] 
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Always nice to see a waiter bring that one out when a pavement ape tries to sit in the whites only section (the whole restaurant(basketball americans can eat on the sidewalk where it's easier to curbstomp them on the way out))

>> No.20497405

every time i get big guy i automatically say "for you" afterwards and i've gotten weird looks for it

>> No.20497651

If the waiter adresses me like that i won't tip or return. Fuck that noise, i am here to stuff my ugly face or get wasted.

>> No.20498698

Option C: he made this as a terrible bait thread and you tards gave him infinite (You)s

>> No.20499070
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even IF you're married?

>> No.20499118

Posting cartoons . He sensed that you are a manchild

>> No.20499213

Some people travel for work.

>> No.20499262

OP is simply 5' 2"

>> No.20499275
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if you havent noticed, this is as a sex thread from the start

>> No.20499449

Going to a restaurant alone and asking to be seated at a table is weird. At least if you sit at the bar or counter you can flirt with the staff.

>> No.20499618

You have a folder full of dank anime memes. They could call you kiddo and they'd be in the right.

>> No.20499621

You just responded to bait retard.

>> No.20499689
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i miss him so much bros.

>> No.20500656


>> No.20501358

woah buddy keep your tranny self portraits on >>>/ic/ or >>>/lgbt/ this board is for food and cooking

>> No.20502588

When i get roti it is "big sir"

>> No.20502592

only interested in human mannerisms, sorry.

>> No.20503590

You are being racist

>> No.20503604

A local boomer shopkeeper calls some middle-aged men "kid" when he thinks it will piss them off.

>> No.20503636
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>Boss Man
>Young Man (geezer on geezer.)

>> No.20503923

>>Young Man (geezer on geezer.)
that's cute

>> No.20503930

I call everywhere I don’t know boss because it empowers them to the point where I can control and manipulate them

>> No.20504459

yes, but i used herbs so it didn't matter

>> No.20504959

If you are the boss it's just fine.

>> No.20505473
File: 839 KB, 800x800, c19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter restaurant
>ayy what's crackin' tiger?
>remain in restaurant

>> No.20505761

You tell him xir, I saw some guy only tip the starbucks tablet 25% what a cheapskate

>> No.20505775
File: 170 KB, 828x776, 1715689852781125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are you guys doing in restaurants where the waiters have to address you at all. usually the only time waiters interact with me is when i'm ordering and paying, neither of which require them to call me anything.
>"good evening, ready to order?"
>"that'll be $X."
>"thank you, come again."
that's about the amount of dialogue i get from any waiter ever.

>> No.20506657
File: 334 KB, 540x540, 1688335586475447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually watch porn on my phone, as loud as possible, while i wait for my food