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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 1300x1020, a-queue-of-people-at-burger-king-essex-uk-CNPWNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20481569 No.20481569 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with people cutting in line? Do you call the people out on their bullshit or are you a pushover cuck?

>> No.20481574

I shoot them in the face.

>> No.20481580

I leave

>> No.20481581
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, OIG1.u_SOn06MTJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when the whagie isn't having it and just ignores them and serves the person behind them like they're invisible. always a good larff to see the drama go down

>> No.20481584

I use the appy app

>> No.20481599

before COVID when we were allowed to enter the restaurant, i'd horse collar tackle anyone who cut in line

post COVID, i use the drive through. i drive a $2000 truck with a ranch hand bumper up front. cut in line. i triple dog dare you.

>> No.20481751

I've got a better question: how do you deal with people standing too close behind you in the line?

>> No.20481760

I call people out if they cut me

>> No.20481766

fast food places are fukken empty here
only places that have lines are the famous locally owned ones that corporate fast food cant compete with

>> No.20481772

One time I was waiting at a self check out and the bitch in front of me was staring at her phone too hard to notice the empty spot
I waited a bit and decided to go
I had a real shit day at work and something flipped and I just scanned something then said "Pay more attention and you won't get fucked next time."
She just stood there stammering until I left

only cool thing I've done in my life desu, I think half of my confidence was because she was black like it was in my blood or something

>> No.20481774

I yell "HEY!!" at the top of my lungs and start hyperventillating while bugging my eyes out and making them go as wide as possible. In a couple seconds veins appear in my neck and forehead and this is usually enough to scare the fuck out of most people. I've made people cry before doing this.

>> No.20481813

I have never seen an adult cut in line. who even does that?

>> No.20481828

Asians and blacks

>> No.20481939

I call them out, especially pushy shovy niggers.

>> No.20481944

Loud mouthed niggers who expect to get in front of lines, they're pathetic.

>> No.20481960
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and you're gonna do literally nothing about it

>> No.20481974

Quite the opposite, I push the bitches aside even using my shopping cart against those fat ass fucking black cunts that try to get ahead in some line.

>> No.20481975

If you’re someone who usually clams up, take Ashwaganda.
I’d never have the balls to even ask for ketchup at a counter, know I’m out here debating random girls about Jews

>> No.20481990

That comes across as some stupid nigger girl's name.

>> No.20482010

I was with my brother at a Quiznos and some Supreme wearing dipshit came in with his skank and cut on front of us. I said "Hey buddy, the end of the line is there," and pointed to the people lined up. He immediately turned and stepped towards me, got halfway through saying "what are you going to do about it" when my brother just launched a full force kick to his nuts and dropped him. His skank girlfriend then turned and tried to get in my brother's face and he just fucking backhanded her. We got kicked out of the Quiznos and had to go somewhere else for lunch sadly.

Normally I just tell them the where the line is and the collective pressure of every other person immediately staring at them and backing me up silently has them trudge along to the end.

>> No.20482020
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Quiznos, where does that even exist anymore except maybe airports?

>> No.20482055

They are still around in Canada here and there, somehow. A family friend was offered a regional management position for Quiznos and before he took the job he went to a location and just parked nearby and watched. Not a single person came in from 1-5. Not a single customer on a Thursday. He took a different job.

That said, I prefer them to Subway.

>> No.20482065

I fart.

>> No.20482072

Hopefully it wasn't a shart, that's far worse than a fart.

>> No.20482082

Anyone in their right mind prefers anything to subway.

>> No.20482111

The shit could be called Shaniqua Washington The Third, it turned me from a beta bitch into the guy who gets shit done

>> No.20482125

I've seen someone call one of those people out and he got stabbed, not worth it

>> No.20482135
File: 213 KB, 1451x2048, media_FH2xN5PakAUxWtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call them out. I am mentally ill and constantly on edge. My fight or fight response is literally always on when I'm in public so if someone cuts in line that's just an oppertunity for some catharsis. When someone cuts in line I'm really mean about it, I hardly tap them on the shoulder and go "oi mate, line's back here" depending on how obviously intentionally they're cutting. If they resist even slightly or act annoyed at my approach I call them a prick or something and put my face closer to theirs. Unfortunately there's never been a violent outcome from this. 100% back down and get to the back of the line—at most, while they're walking away they go "you don't have to be rude about it"

I have never lost a single fight and I am 5ft8

>> No.20482136

That's just a flesh wound, just walk it off and don't be a bitch.

>> No.20482137
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Define asians

>> No.20482138

If someone cut me in line I'd probably cover my face and run out the store then never shop there again for fear of running into people who seen my shameful display. In fact I'd probably just move 3 towns away too.

>> No.20482144

Same, I killed myself once because of this

>> No.20482149


>> No.20482154
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this was way better than I expected. I thought it be some reddit shit like this

>> No.20482192

I'm white.
It is my duty to give up my place in line as reparations because of slavery
I'm no cuck. I'm progressive.

>> No.20482199

I brake check them

>> No.20482215

happens pretty rarely, maybe less than 5-6 times i can think of, but thus far i loudly pull a
>HEY. HEY. yea. you're confused, the line starts back over there. we were already waiting.
in all but 1 case, the person just goes "oh um.. ohh" and walks over. playing dumb or actually oblivious? whatever. in the 1 other case, the dude just turned away from me and ignored me, and almost immediately afterwards the cashier called him out and told him to wait his turn and he did.

>> No.20482294

that's not a lot of money for a truck, anon
in fact I'd say that's a really cheap truck

>> No.20482298

>drives a truck
>eats fast food
>is an aggressive retard

>> No.20482458

That's his point, he doesn't care if he fucks it up by ramming someone that pulls in front of him.

>> No.20482476

no it isn't

>> No.20482503

as i'm not scared of people i just look at them angry and go stand before them what was my original spot

>> No.20482687

What if they didn't cut in front of you? Sometimes they cut in front of somebody ahead of you and nobody says anything.

>> No.20482689

living in vibrant multicultural areas sounds lovely

>> No.20482700

Depends on the case. Most times I just feel pity for them. Most tards who are without their personal wranglers so it's useless to confront them because normal talk won't help a bit.

>> No.20482705

you have never lost a single fight because you've never had one, as admitted in your post

>> No.20482708

True, he meant altercation. But his point stands. Most of the time it never comes to violence. People usually back down when you confront them.

>> No.20482724

I just can't stand those fucking drive thru's that have two speakers and then it's a race to get in front of the person besides you in the other lane. If they finish their order at the same time then it pisses me off if they get in front of me because I have to wait an extra 2 minutes to get my food. In hindsight it's ridiculous to be mad about but my principle is I like structure not this wild west shit of racing to the window. That's why Chic Fil A has a better system because they tell you whom you should get behind and it's an honor system.

>> No.20482728

>Sometimes they cut in front of somebody ahead of you and nobody says anything.

99% of the time they are together in a party with those people. I don't care and brush it off since they probably forgot their wallet or something.

>> No.20482730

autism speaks

>> No.20482733

I live in America and everyone's a fucking asshole with their cars. Several times I've seen them purposefully speed up to put me behind them. I've experienced it much more often than you have because I do food delivery full time at the moment.

>> No.20482746

I've never had anyone cut in front of me in a line in my life. Maybe in school or underage shit a long time ago but other than that, never experienced it.

>> No.20482858

>How do you deal with people cutting in line?
can't say I have ever seen anyone do this.

>> No.20482861

I don't think I've ever seen a line of more than a few people. If there was such a line, I would find somewhere else to eat.

>> No.20482875

Old people do it a lot because they expect nobody is going to call them out on their bullshit

>> No.20482876

Elderly people do it all the time. Then they pretend it was a mistake when you call them out, while acting like you're rude for making them go behind you. But if you let them go ahead you'll be stuck listening to them prattling with the cashier for ten minutes beyond the time it takes to serve them.

>> No.20482878

I lose my fucking shit when I see it. Ill step right up and start some shit, I dont give a fuck.

Last time it happened I told the faggot to fucking swing on me so I could turn him into a bloody fucking paste. He decided he would rather back down instead.

>> No.20483004
File: 50 KB, 298x442, tik04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a first world country/state and this has never happened to me. There usually aren't lines in the first place.

>> No.20483295

No one has ever cut in front of me in a queue.
Either this never happens anywhere or you live in a shitty area where shitty people live which means that you, too, are likely very, very shitty.

>> No.20483768

Absolutely this. The only people who have ever cut me in line were Asian and they were always wearing some earbuds and staring at their phone like some mindless drone. Then when you try and confront them about it they just act like they don't speak English or know what you're talking about.
Black people know they can't get away with that shit. Unless you live in the ghetto or something.

>> No.20483779

Ya i dont do "lines" buddy. I see a line i turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.20483925
File: 50 KB, 600x750, Paulie-‘Walnuts-Gualtieri-The-Sopranos-Maroon-Tracksuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Paulie get a load of this wise guy over here. He "doesn't do lines" You believe that shit?

>> No.20484048

holy fucking cringe

>> No.20484074

If the wagies don't wrangle the offending customer I leave.

>> No.20484091

like half the given people on the road at any time are dangerous, petty assholes. i've had to drive illegally for a while and i pretty much only drive whenever there isn't any traffic

>> No.20484098

Depends on their skin color and whether or not my life is worth it.

>> No.20484723

yes. it is.
driving a beater has advantages.
mainly, everyone in a nicer car than yours gets the fuck out of the way automatically. wanna merge? drive at the nicest car that isn't a tesla full of spy cams. they'll be gone when you get there.
the teslatards would take the hit just to have their boyfriends in court with them as a bonding experience when they sue you over it though, best to avoid unless you want to be roped into gay cuck stuff

>> No.20484753

wheebism needs to fucking die

>> No.20484766

nope that has never happened to me either.

>> No.20484788


>> No.20485227
File: 2.43 MB, 250x186, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two weeks ago I was in the self-checkout line with my wife. There were 2 ladies in front of us and a bunch of people behind us.

A black guy walks to the front of the line, looks around, trying to see where he could sneak in to find an open lane. The first woman looked back at the second one, and the second one looked back at us, not saying anything. I simply said "hey man, lines back here" and I think I must've triggered his internal "back of the bus" PTSD because he walked up to me and said "you don't have to fucking yell at me." I responded "just letting ya know" as he made his way to the back. My wife laughed.

>inb4 everyone clapped

>> No.20486250

what a insufferable sperg lol
muh precious fish rice, oh no

>> No.20486273

If they're smaller than me or a woman, I call them out. If they're noticeably strong or taller than me, I let them have it. I only stop targets I know I can threaten. Learn to let it go.

>> No.20486809
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Truth. Back in the day, car insurance wasn't mandatory. >Tooling around in pic related, but with more rust. People parted like the Red Sea. kek, happy motoring!

>> No.20486816

I come to 4chan and make a thread on the cooking and food board about it because I am a huge pussy cu/ck/

>> No.20486833

tell them they're cutting in line. if the stay, i turn around to the rest of the people behind me and loudly apologize for the cutter's poor behavior

>> No.20486841

Obvious samefag.

>> No.20486856

I support this man shutting down the douchebag that was ruining the atmosphere. I only get out once every couple of months and am sick of loudmouth jackasses compromising the occasion. Total douche annihilation.

>> No.20486935

Niggers are easy to deal with, they dont fuck with people who are crazy unless they're on crack. I'm pretty good at appearing crazy, get the stance right, whites of the eyes visable above and below the color parts, look at their neck like you want to eat it and have your lips like you're a baki character when they're not in serious mode (slight grin of the outer parts, inner part slightly open, not showing teeth but clearly not closed)
People know they can get away with social intimidate people, but they also know crazy people dont care about it and panic a little. It might also help that I have broader shoulders than normal.

>> No.20487008

Yeah I've never gotten in a fight over line cutting but I've been in many fights, mainly back in highschool. Of which I've neve lost

>> No.20487056

>Yeah I've never gotten in a fight over line cutting but I've been in many fights, mainly back in highschool. Of which I've neve lost
What would you do if a Marine cut in the line?
Would you fight him?
Do you think he could kick some guy's ass, even if he never lost a fight in high school?

>> No.20487077

I go 'hey the line starts back there' and then go back to my phone

>> No.20487607

I don't live in an infested shithole so this doesn't happen.

>> No.20487683

>check out my metro area for Quiznos
>the vast majority are "permanently closed"
i still don't understand how they failed. their hot sandies were way better than subway's, by miles

>> No.20487689

i never even considered something like this could happen. i live in an ethnically homogeneous country with very little immigration or crime so if this did occur most likely the person would be arrested and forced to make a public apology

>> No.20487695

if you drive a tweakermobile like an unhinged maniac people will always get the fuck out of your way. duh

>> No.20487710

>if a Marine cut in the line
First off, I don't live the GTA V online country known as America, secondly, whether I could win or not something I consider. I'm not going up to him and socking him, but it doesn't matter how big or mean the guy looks, I take issue with their cutting and am never afraid of fighting. I know this is a foreign concept to a coward like yourself

>> No.20487712

I pulled up to a McDonald's drive thru. I sat at the speaker thing for a couple minutes, not knowing it was broken. I realized that I should just pull up to the window, but as soon as I put my truck in drive a basketball American zoomed in front of me to cut me line and rear ended the car in front of me. I just left.

>> No.20487734

I let black people cut me most of the time because it really isn't worth the trouble of dealing with them and their tantrums. I will call them out if they're being completely ridiculous and trying to cut around me with a fully loaded cart when I have a hand basket with a few items.

>> No.20487793

Someone got stabbed and killed telling someone to not vape near his children so I doubt your pride is worth your life. If not for that yes you would be calling them out

>> No.20488349

I don't live in Amerikka tbhf a m.

>> No.20488351

>How do you deal with people cutting in line?
I don't need to, I live in a first world country.

>> No.20488454


>> No.20488673

i would never let a marine cut in line because i would’ve thanked him for his service and told him he can go ahead of me

>> No.20488679

It just sounds like you have anxiety anon

>> No.20488686

Your bro sounds like a based deranged lunatic

>> No.20488776

We should've never let r*sa in the front

>> No.20488784

well since im asian i just go even further in front of whoever cut me, give em a stern glare then i smile at them. works 100% of the time on old asians

>> No.20488787

it's a self resolving situation. just place them in the US. oh wait

>> No.20488801

depends if it looks like I can beat them in a fight (I usually can't)

>> No.20489007
File: 463 KB, 400x222, 0f7e2d63-1595-42a7-8278-af6566bd8fdf_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since cowvod happened I just start violently coughing on people who do that. I mean just hacking up a storm with saliva spitting up all over them, pounding chest, the works. If they go away or give the line back then we're good
If not I'll cough and then violently upchuck puke all over their food. If they try shit? They'll be banned from the restaurant or recorded as the shithead for attacking a sick person.

Germphobia ftw

>> No.20489541

Whites, too, especially older Whites. They are fucking insufferable sometimes.

>> No.20489565

>yeah, we’re uncivilized subhumans who can’t function in normal society and exist solely because you allow us to. what are you gonna do about it?
Weird thing to brag about but okay

>> No.20489579

I’m grateful for based psychopaths for keeping wanna tough guys in line. Every time someone cuts me off, I pray they eventually run into someone like you

>> No.20489586

What is it with all these actors filming themselves doing this fake tough guy shit? This faggot would never even make eye contact with someone actively being loud and obnoxious in a fancy restaurant, let alone yell at someone for dipping fish in soy sauce

>> No.20489593

>I simply said "hey man, lines back here" and I think I must've triggered his internal "back of the bus" PTSD

>> No.20489607

I'm 6'2" and 220 lbs. I'm not a full-on ogre, but I'm big enough that the average line-skipping manlet will decide to cut in behind me, not in front.

>> No.20490125

You need to be a good man and tell them off for doing that, too

>> No.20490148

Then everyone clapped

>> No.20491427

its a movie you gay faggot FANTASY not reality stupid autistic retard

>> No.20492046
File: 7 KB, 300x168, skip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every app advert says SKIP THE LINE
so i do
someone always gets mad too

>> No.20492263

People don’t cut me in line because I don’t look like a little bitch.

>> No.20492413

I'm pretty much the same. I have been confronting line cutters, litterers and people who don't yield for pedestrians since 1987. I've only had to back down once.
Thanks anon

>> No.20492431

As someone who walks everywhere, drivers stopping for no reason piss me off. Like I'm walking not retarded, you got six cars behind you and I'm waiting for an opening to leisurely cross the street. Not rush and give the fucking head nod hand raise.

>> No.20492464

Link to an article or smth?

>> No.20492663

Don't they have parking spots that the app let's them know you're there and they run the food out? I'm a foot mobile but it seems that's how it works at the mcdonald's I go to 3 times a year for a couple sausage biscuits.

>> No.20492929

only englishmen call indians asians as they can't call asians orientals

>> No.20492948

when i went to seattle tacoma in like 2017 the airport was chaos (they fucked up the queues for passport control) but there was a guy working there who's ENTIRE JOB seemed to be calling people out for cutting
he called out at least 5 people (4/5 chinese) and made them go to the back of the line, amazing to watch.
>tfw thought all of the USA was going to be like that

>> No.20494516

konnichiwa hideki

>> No.20494522

When I was in highschool me and my friends cut in line and this tall, lanky, white, dorky looking faggot told my friends to get to the back of the line and they cuckishly complied, but I stood my ground, that is until this asshole grabbed me by the handle on the top of backpack, pulled me back and said "You too buddy", fuck that asshole hope he's dead now.

>> No.20495587
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I don't cut in line normally, it carries a lynching sentence in my country, Switzerland, but today in Aldi two friends of me were already in line and I just walked up to them, not realizing there were people also waiting behind them.
That particular Aldi has a weird setup because it's very small, but at a highly frequented spot, so it took a second or two to realize the five or so people behind them, who all were avoiding eye contact, were also waiting.
At that point it would have been silly to move to the back of the line, I was talking to my friends...and also went in front of them.

>> No.20495588

>people cutting in line?
This has never happened to me, what kind of country are you living in?

>> No.20497120

sea tac is a fucking zoo still, hands down the worst airport i've ever been in
they remodeled an entire terminal just to add "all gender" bathrooms and the contractors fucked up the size of the plane spots so the bigger ones can't park there.
last time i flew in the plane parked out off to the side of the tarmac and they loaded us up onto fucking buses to take us into the terminal

>> No.20497161

>it carries a lynching sentence in my country
>realize five or so people behind them who were all avoiding eye contact
at least make your larp believable

>> No.20497543

“Hey buddy, you ever been dragged out to the sidewalk and beaten until you… PISSED BLOOOOD”

>> No.20497546

Strike up a friendly conversation and invite them to go ahead of you if they're in a hurry. Make it your decision.

>> No.20497614

God damn you are fucking stupid

>> No.20497618
File: 25 KB, 493x402, salami_hi_five.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is stupid anon. He's a real "stoop" I used to say

>> No.20498507

Isn't that Gabe from breaking bad
Does he play Reddit Fag in everything?

>> No.20498553

you have to assert your dominance, for ex “line starts back here rosa parks” dunno what to say to other races tho

>> No.20498567

The line starts at the front. New additions should go to where the line ends.

>> No.20498571

Nobody wants to accuse somebody of a crine that would get them lynched. You don't want to be responsible for a lynching.

>> No.20499460

This is absolute truth. I drive the worst looking pos camry in Portland and the Teslas and Mercedes avoid me like the plague because they think I'm an uninsured tweaker. Ironically I probably have better insurance than 90% of drivers on the road.

>> No.20499524

holy fuck those cars are creepy as fuck. You poor, creepy bitch

>> No.20499563

>i still don't understand how they failed.
it was a case of them having to use a supplier by contract that actively ripped off franchise owners. tl:dr pure corporate greed
there are some good videos on this topic you can look up if you're curious

>> No.20499724

kek same, also in portland, but a little grungy-looking pickup with mildew falling out the cracks in the tailgate and a little pile of composting leaves in the bed from fall.
i love my comfy old truck so much because it keeps the tweakers away (looks low value), scares the rich cars (easymode merging), and is an unreasonably mechanically-resilient vehicle per maintenance dollar. my screen on the dash never locks me out of the blinkers because i don't have a screen anywhere, least of all the dash. i keep driving and it just keeps truckin'.

>> No.20499727

is this the new word for 'based'? at some point i thought we were going for 'keyed', but i guess 'creepy' works.

>> No.20500213

I've never been in a fight in my life and have had no reason to use violence ever. My brother on the other hand is a bit of a legend for shit like this.

>> No.20500236

Why are bot posts now using shitty watermark stock photos? Who the fuck even uses stock photos for anything at all?

>> No.20500237
File: 17 KB, 285x303, 1708713547313481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't waited in line to get food in years. Everywhere decent is either let's you order and pay over the phone then just grab your meal off a rack by the door or they have sit down service. Nowhere without one of these options is worth eating at. Even the grocery store has like 20 open self check stations open at once now. Why would anyone ever wait in line for anything? If there's a wait I'll just go somewhere else.

>> No.20500280

Bump and grind

>> No.20500284

For me, it's taurine and theanine. 'gandha and kava on backup

>> No.20500292

That's the fucking point

>> No.20500304

Based and likewise. I also physically look like one of the biker guys arnold murders at the start of T2 which helps

>> No.20500334
File: 467 KB, 2000x2000, 1715798232286514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one time this big buck nigger cut in front of me and 10 other people at the gas station.
No one did anything because we don't want to get stabbed and if we defend ourselves we'd get Derek chauvened.
It's lose lose living near niggers

>> No.20500397

So you're using cards instead of cash. You're cattle.

>> No.20500405

It's a business that fills rolls for the customer, something that anybody could easily do at home. In this case, for business success quality is a factor that falls behind convenient locations, speed, and price.

>> No.20501260

Only happened to me once, I suckerpunched him and broke his nose.

>> No.20501515

cut in front of them duh

>> No.20501532

ive walked out of an establishment multiple times because i didnt wanna wait in line
sure doesnt help when theres only 1 or 2 cashiers in the whole grocery store

>> No.20501551

guy sounds based
only fuckup was not chucking you all the way to the back of the line

>> No.20501616

You got owned

>> No.20501641

I turn around and start looking them in the eyes, this kills the npc

>> No.20503244

Pussybrains will never get it anon, they think you only nut up to somebody who you think you could easily stomp rather than absolutely everybody. This lets them cope that they are the same but just physically weaker and that's why they bend over for anybody who walks by, not out of internal shortcomings.

>> No.20503252

what if she’s jewish

>> No.20503265

You ever had that experience when you're telling off somebody who you think could definitely kick your ass, and they try to get you to back down by saying they're stronger than they look? That one's a nice confidence booster, and it's surprisingly frequent.

>> No.20503269

based gigachad putting this faggot anon in his place

>> No.20503303

that's the point. he's saying his truck is already a cheap piece of crap so he has no problem ramming it into someone else's (probably nicer) vehicle

>> No.20503307

let them go in front of me. stab them in the back, literally. imagine acting like a fucking faggot to someone and then turning your back to them, and assuming nothing's going to happen

>> No.20503310

lol you sound like a little queer. the second he touched you, you could have laid him out, said he touched your first, and it wouldn't have even mattered if they had it on camera because he did, regardless of whatever happened or whatever he was doing. but you let it slip and now it's eating you for the rest of your little faggot life even though literally nobody else remembers or cares but you.

>> No.20503524

you cut my line. i cut your wrist.

>> No.20504425

That is so cringey

>> No.20504598

feeling smugly superior to your bullys so you dont have to stand up for yourself is pretty sad

>> No.20504620

wow what a little bitch you are

>> No.20504710

legalize nuclear bombs

>> No.20504716

That's what Jesus always did, except for the time he blew his top at the temple market and the time he was pissed off that a tree wasn't bearing figs.

>> No.20504723

Me I am actually a line cutter. It helps that I live in a country of non confrontational beta cucks.I know 95% of the people posting here are little faggots who nicely wait their turn. If I have a nice ass or something to look at I will obviously wait my turn I also like smelling the hair of the foid in front of me creeper style yeah.