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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20480922 No.20480922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the restaurant employee shortage crisis? And don't say "raise wages". We already did that, that's why we have inflation.

>> No.20480923

actually accept resumes instead of having bullshit online black holes that waste the time of the applicant and never get seen by the company

>> No.20480924

raise wages

>> No.20480927

stop requiring social security numbers and IDs and diplomas for shitty minimum wage jobs

>> No.20480929

Cut off all forms of government aid and welfare for people who are not physically disabled or have been paying into it for promise of future benefits.
Let the evil people who refuse to work to eat kill each other, deport them to dedicated camps away from the rest of us.
This too.
To the retard nonworker camp with you, leech
die invader

>> No.20480932

Inflation was caused by the Biden administration doubling the amount of currency in circulation, not minimum wage changes

>> No.20480934

not even dude, im not suggesting that at all. im referencing the insane amount of utterly fucked homeless who cant work even though they want to and cant rent anywhere even if they have money
so their only option is to just be homeless and spiral worse

unskilled jobs shouldnt have requirements

>> No.20480950

>we're going to need proof that you're an american to let you work here
>well...im me and I speak english fluently with an american accent
>not good enough, we need your address, your ID, your birth certificate, and your social security to let you work at mcdonalds
>I dont have that...
>ask your parents they've surely just had it for the past 20 years
>they don't...
>go to the DMV for an ID
>they want a birth certificate...
>go to the hospital you were born at
>i dont know where that is
>go to the social security office
>they want an ID and a birth certificate....

Granted, this is the same genius country that does
>its tax season everyone!! pay up!
>do i have to pay? im new at this and my teachers just taught me about mitochondria
>well how much do i owe
>well i dont know the answers to this and i dont know where to go to pay
>ok, go to jail

>> No.20480966

Similar to the self checkout line you have customers cook their own meal. An interactive experience.

>> No.20480976

unironically, bring back paper applications and going up to the manager and speaking to them about opportunities. Not being redirected to a website or a kiosk, an actual discussion or pseudo interview.

Raising wages didn't cause inflation either, if anything we've all been terribly under paid for the work we've done considering what you used to get for your $$$ back 50 years ago.

>> No.20480982

yeah why cant people just hire a fent head wearing pants with ten days of caked on shit and vomit? folx just trying to survive.

>> No.20480985

this is very antisemitic

>> No.20480992

>show up to a local franchise resume in hand
>theres a HIRING sign on the door
>ask if they're hiring
>nobody knows anything
>manager comes up
>tells me to apply online and get back to him
>go home
>navigate the terrible maze like website of redirects to get to the specific franchise down the street from me
>fill out all the information thats on my resume but agonizingly slow through their terrible process
>finish applying and giving them my email address so they can sell it to advertisers and treat me like a customer who wants the new whopper or something
>to send my application i have to sit through an hour long "training" thats the most insulting shit ever yet is expertly designed so i have to give constant input the entire time so they know im paying attention to it
>finally done and my application is sent in
>hear nothing for a week
>walk back to the franchise resume in hand and try to talk to the manager
>HIRING sign still there
>manager gives me nothing says its online


>> No.20480996 [DELETED] 

It's not black and white but you're probably just some 4chan kid

>> No.20481025

>we need your address, your ID, your birth certificate, and your social security to let you work at mcdonalds
>>I dont have that...
Go back to Mexico, beaner.

>> No.20481026
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Hello Saars. Meet your replacement.

>> No.20481027

there's no fixing it.
american culture has become rotten.

>> No.20481040

>stop requiring social security numbers and IDs

>> No.20481051
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The "online application" is honestly to weed out poor fags and retards who are too dumb to navigate the internet.

The other factor is that some people need to apply to jobs in order to keep their government hand outs..."Sorry Lequisha, you didn't apply to a couple of companies this year. No more EBT and Section 8 housing for you and your 6 kids."

>> No.20481055

You guys are too pol minded man. It has nothing to do with that at all

>> No.20481058


>> No.20481062

There's no use still acting like this when we have 45 years of economic data showing an intentional mass transfer of wealth from middle class to the ultra wealthy

>> No.20481070

Im serious. Like I'm white and I'm born here. There's no other country that can claim me. So what I'm just fucked and can never work?

>> No.20481106

>go interview
>fresh out of culinary school
>clean shave
>haircut as employee manual say
>talk to manager mans
>talk to cooks
>easy job for easy money
>get offer .60 more because
>culinary school
>working 1 year review
>ask more money per hr
>one fucking dollar
>all cook industry frens laugh me
>father laugh behind back
>him free food cannot laugh so much to me
>i want quit but need moneys
>fall down in refer ow my backside
>now work taco truck for fren
>same money cash
>get money being hurt
>double up brother

>> No.20481116

Just get the birth certificate and the suffering comes to an end.

>> No.20481120

I can't get it though. You need proof to get proof

>> No.20481133

You have to be mentally ill or a drug addict to want to work in customer facing food service roles. Its incredibly fast paced work, high stress, awful pay, and you get treated like shit by adult babies who get grouchy or violent when hungry.
Its literally an indefensible job. There's absolutely no reason to do it. You can make the same money with less skill in retail in a huge store and there's no manager breathing down your neck 5 feet away from you or customer barking at you. Or you can do entry level construction and make twice the money moving 4x as slow with the ability to chat with coworkers while you work or listen to music.

>> No.20481138

>nobody wants to work for shit wages

>> No.20481149

Nice try, Pablo.

>> No.20481174

How old are you and how have you never had an ID before? Can you drive?

>> No.20481300

>live in TX
>go to county courthouse and get birth certificate
>go to DPS office and get ID mailed
Simple as.

>> No.20481325

>dOnt'T SaY rAise WaGes
Raise wages

I hope both of you get jumped by mike tyson

>> No.20481330

I went to burger king yesterday and my fries were completely unsalted. not a speck to be found
man that really sucks

then after I was done I found a salt packet at the bottom of the bag and that pissed me off even more.
1 why the fuck do I need to salt my own fries you niggers?
2 if they aren't still moist with oil the salt isn't going to stick anyway

>> No.20481331


>> No.20481344

There is no shortage retard.
Companies figured out they can make fatasses wait 15+ minutes by intentionally giving workers less hours and they will still buy their overpriced shit.
Go ahead and apply to a fast food job. No one is hiring. Why? Because all the stores are full of workers getting 10-20 hours. They just use the work shortage as an excuse to make a larger profit by giving workers less hours and fatasses will still buy their shit after waiting 20 minutes and spending $10 on a single burger. They just lie about the work shortage because fatasses are retarded enough to believe them.

>> No.20481361

Use robots.

>> No.20481364

>that's why we have inflation
lmao are you retarded? literally just raise the wage of the workers and lessen the salaries of anyone making an excessive obscene amount of money.

otherwise get used to not having enough workers. people ain't gonna work shitty service industry jobs for slave wages anon, go back to pol

>> No.20481366

Ok, I'll bite.

Why can't you prove that you're a real citizen, if you actually are?

>> No.20481370

I've met white people with weird parents who shit them out in a shack in the middle of nowhere and when they try to integrate into society, they're fucked. That dude has a point. Met a couple of people who lost all their documentation in house floods or fires and they were at least in thr system, but still, had an incredibly difficult time getting it all back. Like stupidly hard. Go out and meet some people.

>> No.20481379


if I walked into a place and saw this I am never leaving a tip

>> No.20481382

I went to taco bell 2 days ago and walked inside cause I had my grandmother with me and she needs to sit with the menu for an hour. Anyway, we were told we had to use one of four kiosks, walk up to pay, and when I did there were two people with headsets for drive thru, one working, and a team of 7 or 8 cooking, 3 or 4 of which were just standing around looking off into space of seining their arms around. It isn't that fast paced. Maybe an in n out, but thats about the only franchise I can think of that works with speed and cross trains employees. I get that when the guy puts my crunchwrap in the panini press he has to wait 60 seconds and lift it, or it'll burn, but he can also shift over to making soft tacos or frying chips, or w.e. I could have run the place with half the employees without stressing or pushing them too hard and I'm a retard.

>> No.20481389

I've never understood why poor people in the US are so rabidly against raising minimum wage. The brainwashing must be real.

>> No.20481391

I wouldn't even buy the food I went in for. I would take one look at the Poojeet on the screen, not even dignify his broken English, spoken between bites of cow shit, with a response, and walk the fuck out.

>> No.20481397

why would you ever tip a cashier anyway

>> No.20481404

Import beaners. Hate to say it, but we have a breeding crisis.

>> No.20481408

Trillions in helicopter money doesn't hurt either.

>> No.20481418

I'm an emergency doctor and I find the comparisons with food service interesting. My job is also service-on-demand, but high stakes, whereas food service is low stakes. Despite that, it sounds quite stressful. Ironic that what makes the jobs stressful are the fact that we're serving other people, not that people are dying.

>> No.20481420

Waise rages

>> No.20481424

I work at a BK in california cause I make 20 bucks an hour for work that, while fast paced and sometimes stressful, is actually really easy as fuck

>> No.20481423
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Fast-food is fast-paced, stressful, annoying, and generally hard work if the management actually gives a damn and tries to keep up with all of the company directives and protocols when it comes to cleanliness, service, and speed. All of that shit for minimum wage just isn't worth it.

There's no real solution. Current rates of inflation and middle class stagnation won't support significant wage (and cost) increases.

There's also a camp who believes that fast-food work should remain this low-tier, fake job thing but also expect their fast-food dining experience to be supreme. You can't have both in this economy.

>> No.20481426

Raising the minimum wage isn't the same thing as getting a raise. It doesn't necessarily cause inflation, directly, although the Federal Reserve will use it as an excuse to print money and cause inflation. The main problem with minimum wage is it encourages people to hire beaners under the table, since they don't have a standard of living, and are willing to work for a summer, living in a tent and shitting in gas station bathrooms, just so they can save some money and send it back home. American citizens aren't even considered for employment in these jobs, since we can't compete (the employer would be forced to pay more).

>> No.20481467

>The main problem with minimum wage is it encourages people to hire beaners under the table,

Companies would still hire third worlders if we eliminated minimum wage because third worlders have lower standards. Higher standards to meet the satisfaction of an American workforce would mean have to spend more money. With the current rate of immigration and the fact that we're below standard replacement rate, we have to have a mimum wage.

>> No.20481480

Some Americans would work for the lower pay. Better than being completely unemployed.

> With the current rate of immigration and the fact that we're below standard replacement rate, we have to have a mimum wage.
This is your brain on establishment propaganda. People can't afford to have kids because the cost of housing is so high. The cost of housing is so high because the immigration is so high. Immigration is so high because domestic labor policies reward employers for hiring immigrants.

>> No.20481486

everything is such poor value and such a ripoff that the benefits of gainful employment have been minimised to the point of not even being worthwhile for new starters. the problem is not "deze kids today" the problem is all the selfishness and complacency poisoning the whole of society including the economy.

>> No.20481490

Its not easy as fuck. As far as low skill work goes, bk is hard. Retail pays the same and is much, much easier. Fast food is probably the worst job out there, and I've had a lot of jobs. Do something else.

>> No.20481491

empty investment properties and airbnbs have way more of an impact on housing shortages than immigration. not that those things are the problem either, but immigration definitely isn't

>> No.20481500

i am a housing researcher with a PhD in public policy and i can tell you that immigration has basically nothing to do with the high cost of housing.

>> No.20481502

I get turned away
Because they want documents to get other documents. Its a cycle. Like >>20481370 says

You guys have never had to deal with this so I get it but quit being so stubborn when you're clueless.
And the worst part is the country wasn't always like this... you hear stories even 50 years ago nobody asked for all this info.

>> No.20481508

I think it's similar but you're paid more respect (on average, you still have to deal with junkie etc).
When you dawn a burger king uniform for summer money in college, you could be going to Carnegie Mellon and be a great/polite guy, but a fat unemployed guy in a honda civic is still going to be flecking his spit in your face while screaming at you that there's not enough salt on his fries, and when he's done your manager will come over and thank this man for his business, then get mad at you. The only people who really last are the ones with literally no options, junkies, and people who for some inexplicable reason think there's some sort of working class pride in working a really bad job in bad conditions for bad pay even though they can do better.

>> No.20481512

Anybody over the age of 25 who still works a mcjob is a junky or developmentally disabled.
What you are suggesting is taking away the jobs of the teenaged and the drug addicted to what... Satisfy a retarded 14 year old ideology?
How about leaving people alone you pathetic loser? Some day you won't have the privilege to complain to a human being, you will be forced to complain to a robot why your Amerislop isn't up to your standards and stand there scratching your ass wondering why it all went to shit.

>> No.20481514 [DELETED] 
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Start shooting.
Don't stop until you run out of Americans.
Don't need to supply if you've killed the demand.

>> No.20481518

What other job am I meant to work? I've never done drugs and always had a good GPA. I'm 28 now just been working at mcjobs

>> No.20481520

>Some Americans would work for the lower pay. Better than being completely unemployed.

It's not just the pay. It's the working conditions. With no minimum wage, you'd ideally want companies to compete for workers but that wouldn't happen because there's no real labor shortage in real life.

>> No.20481576

Brainlet faggots.

Young people would do the jobs, and when you have Americans doing the work, they would demand better working conditions.

>> No.20481577

>just raise the wage of the workers
>people ain't gonna work shitty service industry jobs for slave wages
orrrrrrr pay the migrant 3 bucks an hour to do the same job

>> No.20481579

>Like >>20481370 says
I asked you to explain your situation, not to refer to someone's speculation who doesn't even know you.

>> No.20481586
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>> No.20481587

I don't know how you would get birth certificate without some kind of ID that proves it's you, otherwise they would give out birth certificates to everyone. It's an interesting question. You also need a fuckton of random crap to get an ID now like bank statements and health insurance cards and shit. I genuinely don't know how you would escape from that situation

>> No.20481589

>Young people would do the jobs, and when you have Americans doing the work, they would demand better working conditions.

Ok then why would they hire Americans and not third worlders then? You're just supporting my very first point.

>> No.20481593

Raise wages,

>> No.20481596

Accept that we don't need a McDonalds, Subway, or Starbucks on every corner. Let the franchises with the worst turnover, least foot traffic, or equally bad business savvy go under, get consolidated into nearby locations, and then in 2-3 years we'll have the new normal.

Trying to prop up private businesses that can't keep and retain employees is not a job for the public or government. Their corporate offices should have plans in place for such an event.
A lack of planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

>> No.20481602

Because they would go to prison for employing non-resident aliens if the law was actually enforced as written. Faggot.

>> No.20481603

stop the whole "inclusive" forced bullshit when hiring people. "oh! we need x number of black and x number of latinos working here or we can't run the place according to the law #234455602121154231132.06"

>> No.20481605

I explained it

>> No.20481608

No more fast food. Just end it. No more goyslop.

>> No.20481612


>> No.20481618
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right here

>> No.20481643

I was born in the u.s. but my parents were idiots who got me a birth certificate when I was born, but not a social security number
when I became an adult I had to try to get a social security number for myself and it was difficult, clerks at the office refused to help me because all I had was a birth certificate
when finally after a couple of years of persistence they decided it would be ok to give me one I used it to get an i.d. card and a passport
those are the only two times I used the ssn, but somehow someone was able to steal it and started using it in another state
now I can't convince any organizations that I am me and that I'm not trying to use the ssn illegally, they think I'm the one attempting identity theft and the number belongs to the other person
because of this I have no right to legally work, get a driver's license, open a bank account, nothing
the social security system is bullshit, retarded, and borderline evil

>> No.20481651

I recently got one from filling out some info online and they sent it in the mail.

>> No.20481665

Ok. You don't get how it works. I get it. This is a niche issue.. But why are you sticking to your guns when you don't get how it works

>> No.20481670

Congrats on being the one guy here who isn’t retarded

>> No.20481671

>Or you can do entry level construction and make twice the money
NTA but literally every entry level construction / manual labor job I've applied to would only pay me minimum wage. I already have general knowledge like all the different tools, how to wrench, how to use powertools, how to blowtorch, how to use straps, etc. Also I can lift 100lbs. I guess it'd be better than retail since you'd get an extra 10 hours / $150 a week, but IMO it's still not worth it.

>> No.20481674

Lower executive wages.

>> No.20481680

but it is retarded. that's like wishing for no more sparrows. the only way to get rid of fast food is to exercise extreme authoritarianism to either outlaw them wholesale or control the population to not patronize those businesses.

this would require use of force or an insidiously potent propaganda campaign.

>> No.20481683

I was talking about birth certificate. I had to give my Mom's maiden name, my full name and date of birth, and the county I was born in and they sent it in the mail.

>> No.20481687

Or we just let nature take its course rather than giving them money to stay afloat retard

>> No.20481692

Itt: homeless people inconvenience their local library to bitch about the consequences of their own actions on an Korean underwater basket weaving forum.

>> No.20481697

What consequences? Being born? I haven't done anything wrong. I don't drink or do drugs. I'm not an idiot. But there's just no options for me.

>> No.20481707

where do you live that you think any libraries are open in the u.s. at this moment?

>> No.20481712

>t. the defeated tone of a bitch-made Anon who got absolutely BTFO in another thread

>> No.20481750

Robots. Seriously, fast food chains are the first places automation should replace minimum-wage workers.

>> No.20481770

>that's why we have inflation.
>i believe the billionaire propaganda!

>> No.20481782

>i am a housing researcher with a PhD in public policy
No, you aren't.
>immigration has basically nothing to do with the high cost of housing.
You're retarded. There are around 40-60 million here illegally, not even counting the legal immigrants. Houses are built extremely slowly. Effectively, it's a limited resource. Where do you think the fucking immigrants are living, you idiot?

>> No.20481823

>And don't say "raise wages".
t. Jew or out of touch HR bitch

>> No.20481840

Why not do something to earn that raise?
Why should your lack of ambition and intelligence be rewarded?
I correctly saw that was shit money in highschool so I worked and studied and got a good paying job
Why should that be negated because you are lazy.

>> No.20481862

Honestly this,
I didn't go to college and I can't find a new job because of it, every application I put out just goes through an automated system and I get an email rejecting me

I just want to go in and talk to the hiring manager

>> No.20481886

I don't believe my productivity, experince, and value of my labor match my pay. Small precentage pay raises have not been enough to keep up with inflation, dispite my efforts, and demonstrating my value as an emplyee. Yet, we cannot get these maritorius raises under the guise of "equity."

>> No.20481888

As a wagie, I can tell you that zoomers eventually do get hired once their gib dependent support systems fall apart. The problem is a lot of them turn out to be shit employees. Even if they found themselves in a mickey d's kitchen or something, they'd be the types to forget something vital in your order. Order a whopper or a big mac and they arrive without the meat or something.

>> No.20481896

So get a real job moron. Its insane you think you should be entitled to more. Stop being lazy and get qualifications and work hard

>> No.20481901

You could take a few dozen acres of cornfield in the Nebraska panhandle and house thousands of people with no actual loss to the amount of food production. The goal is that the absolutely poor and destitute just die in the cold, always has been.

>> No.20481920

Okay, HR bitch, settle down. Don't you have to hire some h1bs today after not finding someone to fill a role requiring 10+ years experience and a BS for an entry level position? Or maybe you were buisy hiring underqualified BIPOC LGBTQA+ MAP so your company can attract more investing from Blackrock? :)

>> No.20481922

American politics has been built around getting poor white people to be angry at poor blacks & mexicans for the past 60 years. The trailer trash are so brainwashed they would rather die of an easily curable disease because they can't afford to pay for the medication or treatment, than live in a country where a black or brown person would also get treatment.

>> No.20481933

Imagine if america built high density housing
It will never ever fucking happen though

>> No.20481936

I make six figures working from home and don't have to do anything. Yoi literally can't touch me. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.20481938

We tried it. People trash it. You'd need a police force 24/7 to patrol it because poverty is a state of mind.

>> No.20481942

Butthurt code monkey confirmed lmao. Learn to weld. Verification not required.

>> No.20481947

Worked in>>20481938
every other fucking country

>> No.20481949

All three of those groups are presently dying of obesity because of the processed carbs they bought from the same Wal Mart.

>> No.20481954

What kind? Decent livable apartments or the "you will live in the pod" kind?
I don't need to flex on korean softcore porn newsgroup
Wrong guess, but it make me lol.

>> No.20481956

Fuck off man.the pod kind. How about that? I know I wouldn't mind
Give us SOME options. I'm tired of other people's definition of decent. If I'm willing then let me.

>> No.20481970

>gets mad at me
>doesn't work at mcdonalds
Uh ok

>> No.20481973

imagine wanting to live in a rat utopia despair trap

>> No.20481985

I doubt they really pay their tax in one lump sum at the end of the financial year. You've misunderstood something.

>> No.20481998

>boomers think nobody wants to work
Everyone wants to work to support themselves. No one's hiring (don't care if they are where you live) and the wages aren't enough because rent is so insanely high now.

There's nothing the restaurant industry can do. It's up to the housing industry to offer cheaper prices so people can spend more money.

I'm no economist, but the rise in housing prices comes from the elites wanting hard assets to counter-balance inflation which is from all the covid money printed.

It seems like there is no solution to inflation spiraling besides what Andrew Jackson did which is decentralize banks so they can't monopolize usury. A lot of debt and bureaucracy is straight up greed because it costs usually a fraction of that to run things. With bank competition, that's less likely to happen.

>> No.20482008 [DELETED] 

This guy isnt white but jewish so you know.

>> No.20482011

We do

>> No.20482014

Housing in USA is shockingly cheap.

>> No.20482018

>And don't say "raise wages".
Lower the cost of living.

>> No.20482044

Raising wages doesn't cause inflation, printing money does. Inflation is the result of the supply of money increasing relative to the demand for it.

>> No.20482057

>it's cheap for me so it must be cheap for thee
$2500+ a month is not cheap. That's how it is in many cities and cities near cities. Sure if you live in the middle of the Great Plains it's probably cheaper.

>> No.20482064


>> No.20482087

>Order a whopper or a big mac and they arrive without the meat or something.
This type of shit happens at least half the time at every fast food place anyway

>> No.20482127

It all factors in. Higher incomes leads to more people having more disposable income which increases demand for goods. Low unemployment gives employees more power to demand higher income. The dirty truth is that our economic system needs an underclass and a certain level of unemployment.

>> No.20482245

Even homeless people have phones with data plans. You're ass hurt because people keep laughing at you for trading your personal data and allowing fast food companies to track you in exchange for some coupons.

>> No.20482246

Shut down the restaurants and cook at home.

>> No.20482287 [DELETED] 

Stop hiring black "people" and opening places near black "people"

>> No.20482300

>We already did that, that's why we have inflation.
No it isn't, half of inflation went directly to profit.

>> No.20482302

make society worth being part of. Hard to want to work when everyone around you speaks a different language and has a thirdworld perception of morality

>> No.20482310

Jobs like that can take solace in both is importance and pay. Stakes often isn't what makes a job stressful, it's often just the intensity of the work.You're quite literally being stressed by being shouted out while having to a bunch of shit quickly. Idk, I've never had a job this is just conjecture. I'd probably not compare a surgeon to a linecook even though an operating table would be quiet in comparison

I actually have trouble pinning what exactly makes food work stressful. It is indeed but when you isolate each factor you can find less stressful jobs that have these components. I think really is just time contraints as food takes time and multiple actions to produce and customers what food quickly and it needs to be done correctly. You'd think cooking fast food is easy because it's just burgers but when you think about the fast food menu so much of it is just the same shit rearranged that remembering it all would be quite difficult and recalling it on the fly tedious: and it's not reactive. A first responder can see what's wrong and apply years of training to it, fast food wagies get told an arbitrary number or menu name and have to assemble it from memory or ask for help because they're an educationally subnormal unfortunate who's been working their for 10 days. "uhhhh texas double, that's two patties obviously, mexican cheese, uuhhhhhhh is there lettuce?"(i understand burgers aren't cooked fresh when ordered but in batches but you get my point)

>> No.20482340

Diplomas? Sure. But fuck you, IDs and SSNs are needed; there are enough undocumented workers in the USA already

>> No.20482341

Yeah, this is pretty accurate

>> No.20482345

Wow I never looked at it that way. The problem with America is actually the white people. If only America was more like Africa or South America and less like Europe.

>> No.20482353

Raising minimum wages is a popular idea amongst poor people here. It's just that a lot of them don't want to pay increased prices on everything else, so you get pushback. Because that's a side effect of raising the minimum wage

>> No.20482357

Illegal immigrants generally don't buy houses though

>> No.20482394

What if the people who decide to raise the prices just like, didn't lol

>> No.20482398

Fast food can only work one way going forward
1) automate everything
2) keep one person in the restaurant as manager/caretaker (sam rockwells character in moon, basically)
3) pay the caretaker a high salary plus profit sharing, basically make them partners in the location as long as they work there to make this an attractive position
4) running a fast food station will be a desirable job, with a future, the food will be fast and cheap, and everyone will be happy

>> No.20482424

thanks for encouraging an illegal immigrant to steal my ssn buddy!

>> No.20482469

Every other country isnt infested with niggers.
And no, gypsies are not even comparable

>> No.20482479

>muh government will enforce it
Ok so your little plan already requires elements that just aren't there. Now what about legitimate immigrants that are used to shitry working conditions?

Don't get mad because you lack critical thinking

>> No.20482495

fake problem you made up

>> No.20482551

What's more likely bros?
>/ck/ has multiple US citizens with 0 forms of identity including one guy who supposedly has met a multitude of people in this exact situation
>one insane tranny will say literally anything to push """progressive""" politics anywhere and everywhere
I can't be sure...

>> No.20482553

>that's why we have inflation.
That's not the reason why we have inflation
It's so hard to tell if someone is trolling or is just braindead nowadays

>> No.20482559

>Inflation has been steadily increasing for the past 40 years
>Minimum wage hasn't been raised to reflect the increase of inflation and cost of living
>Poor people have to depend on government support and handouts
Hmm, I wonder what the problem could be.

>> No.20482566

that person sounds like they gave up trying to get the proper documents but they have time to post on /ck/ getting all those documents takes a week tops. you bet your ass they won’t be spending Monday making phone calls to try to find out what needs to be done

>> No.20482571

Biden has nothing to do with global inflation. corporate greed did.

>> No.20482578

>corporate greed did.
weren't a lot of corporations saying they had record breaking profits during covid but still didn't have enough money to pay their employees?

>> No.20482642

>Increasing demand in a market with limited supply and a long lead time won't raise prices

you and your retarded policies are the reason the homeless freeze in the streets

>> No.20482644

yes we should increase housing in locations with limited access to jobs. That's definitely what would solve the problem. you should put your head in a plastic bag and take a nap

>> No.20482650

housing prices are high because of density restrictions on land due to overtaxed infrastructure. if that issue were resolved then developers would make a quadrillion housing units and the price would crash such that anyone who wanted a place to live could afford one, like what we saw in China last year

>> No.20482653

Automate everything. There's no reason for anyone to even apply for these jobs anymore. The pay is shit. The hours are shit. The customers are shit. The managers are shit. The food is shit. The corporate decisions are shit. Why the fuck would anyone want to work here?

>> No.20482682

the situation is that we have to wait 10-12 years for the boomers to die to make housing affordable. understand thats how much time you have to save

>> No.20482810

Politicians would find a way to keep prices high, even with so many houses. Also, private equity firms would buy up any new houses being made and rent them out for the same prices they're at now.

>> No.20482823

classic suburban redditor mindset that instantly falls apart upon meeting a nigger in person for the first time

>> No.20482942

lol, that's very untrue

>> No.20482949

solution`boomer and jew (eachother's biggest enablers) genocide

>> No.20483195

Prices drive rents, that's the first rule of real estate. come back when you know what you're talking about

>> No.20483205

So a good first step would be to hire people, and to hire people who will actually stay. Another good step would be to hire enough people for the work you have rather than leaving it to whatever skeleton crew you have, as that leads to burn out and is also bullshit.

>> No.20483260

This guy gets it. Everyone bitches about food prices, but they go buy slop at fast food restaurants with insane overhead. Just buy a loaf of bread and some fucking meat or peanut butter. Look at what people ate on a daily basis back in the 60's, 70's and 80's. You know why they could afford houses? They ate simple cheap food because saving money was seen as just being generally responsible.

Also, anyone who wants one can get a job. Knock on doors and offer to mow lawns or clear weeds, go to small businesses with resumes. Don't spend all day applying to one job, get a stack of resumes and apply to 15 jobs a day. When you do get an opportunity to work for someone work your fucking ass off. I have an art degree which is completely useless, but I am always working because of this. I now have a regular job, but still have heaps of people hoping I lose it because they want my gardening services back.

>> No.20483263
File: 514 KB, 852x480, dinner.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show the bare minimum of courtesy to fast food employees with please, thank you, being patient with mistakes, etc
>they shower you with free shit and let you get away with stacking coupons on return visits
crazy how it just works

>> No.20483264

>too retarded to procure and maintain basic paperwork
>end up unemployed and in jail
nature finds a way

>> No.20483278
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (465).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know why they could afford houses? They ate simple cheap food because saving money was seen as just being generally responsible.
This is retarded boomer cope. They could afford houses because wages were way higher compared to the cost of houses.
>far less illegal immigration suppressing wages
>fewer women in the workplace increasing competition for easy/office jobs
>far less outsourcing
>fewer zoning laws fucking over construction
>fewer NIMBYfags pulling up the ladder

>> No.20483286

The reason this is happening is that we live in a time of unprecedented prosperity. The government prints fake Monopoly money by the trillions and hands it out to everyone, if not directly through welfare then indirectly via corporate make-work jobs where unqualified people do nothing except exchange emails and forms all day. Money is worthless, people do nothing to actually earn it, therefore it means nothing to them to waste it on terrible food and service.

>> No.20483290

I bought a house and I'm in my 30s. My neighbors are even younger, one runs his own painting business the other was in real-estate but is now being a mom. Work hard and don't waste your money and you won't be poor.

>> No.20483331

>and my mortgage is only $1900 a month for 40 years
Stop pretending to be a boomer you dumbass

>> No.20483337

I'm not being a boomer, I'm saying working hard and being cheap actually works and you all sound like whiners to me.

>> No.20483340

Imagine getting this triggered over normal people

>> No.20483343

>And don't say "raise wages". We already did that, that's why we have inflation.
No it isn't.

>> No.20483344

>Imagine being this brainwashed by the GOP
If Trump were president right now we would have the same problem but you would just be blaming someone else, probably Obama.
You can pick a side. Play their little game of left vs right. But in the end it doesn't really matter.

>> No.20483389

Yep and if Trump had been re-elected Russia still would have started the current war going on. Go sit at the kids table.

>> No.20483392

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.20483393

Tbf no one should be working more than 10-20 hours, which should be a full-time job families with a single earner could live off of. People don't understand how much the Ponzi schemes of the securities and property markets have distorted and erased the take-home of the productivity gains every major industry has made over the past 50 years.
The reason this is happening is because Nixon was a shitty president and mishandled the run on the Treasury's gold reserve and because Reagan-Clinton were also shitty presidents who deregulated the banks to allow them to cover for their insolvency.

>> No.20483397

India is literally going to destroy the US and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.20483400

>he thinks presidents control the nation's (and, by extension, the world's) finances
that's gonna be a shiggy diggy from me anon

>> No.20483405

Congrats for giving your house to jew banks?

>> No.20483413

>Uh actually the cost of houses people bought 9 years ago more than doubling and 8% interest rates is fine
stop pretending to be a boomer you faggots

>> No.20483415

>rent from jews your whole life
>die owning zero property
>take that, jews!

>> No.20483416

Look up the history. Maybe they were tools for other forces, but their signatures are the ones on the orders/bills that fucked things up. And, whether they were the masterminds or simply went along with it, they were driven by craven self-interest (Nixon in particular).

>> No.20483418

>buy house as a single autistic 35 year old KHV
>all those years of eating hot pockets and limiting my mountain dew finally paid off

>> No.20483421

There's that survivorship fallacy again.

>> No.20483425

he didn't mention a family and he's touting the benefits of living cheaply and being able to finally purchase a house in his mid 30s. In his autistic mind it's fine that home ownership was unaffordable because enjoying anything makes him feel physical pain and saving every penny for 18 years allowed him to get a mortgage for a box to die in.

>> No.20483430

Kek, it's just this. I own a business in a pretty low cost of living area and I my starting pay is like $16/h but my lowest paid employee right now is like $19/h. Every so often I have a conversation with a seething boomer like >>20480929 that wonders why all they can hire is heroin addicts that eventually rob them.
>b-but if they work 80 hours weeks the overtime puts them up to $12/h! No one wants to work!
loving every laugh

>> No.20483434

nta but I'm married with multiple kids on my third house
>inb4 boomer!!!
>inb4 daddy's money!!!
>inb4 rich jew!!!
stop making excuses, there are lots and lots of normal 20- and 30-something people out there, just because you are on the bottom rung of society doesn't mean everyone else is
I agree that the system is fucked but that's not your specific problem, your problem is that you're gay and retarded

>> No.20483444

>normal is less than 50% of the population in question
>the bottom rung of society is actually the majority of people
also let me guess you're like 42 years old and bought your first house before 2008

>> No.20483454

>stop making excuses!
>makes more excuses

>> No.20483456

>inb4 boomer!!!
>inb4 daddy's money!!!
>inb4 rich whitey!!!
I'm assuming all 3 apply.

>> No.20483457

>raise wages
>cost of everything goes up
>wages effectively where they were before
this is bigger than fast food. its big government bullshit.

>> No.20483460

The greentexts aren't excuses they're a roundabout way of pointing out you're a complete retard. The regular text seems to probably also just simply be true.

>> No.20483478

lmfao try to clean up your own backyard first then get back to me.

>> No.20483484

>everyone who has something I don't didn't face the same problems I did!
>it's not my fault, it's someone else's!

>> No.20483491

Canadian here, what shortage? The actual problem, at least in Canada, is that entry-level jobs only hires pajeets, so the Canadian youth are less likely to gain job experience.

>> No.20483492

>home owners are less than 50% of 20 and 30 year olds
>according to (you) the minority are "normal people" and the majority are "the bottom rung of society"
This is without re-asserting the obvious that you're some old faggot who bought his first house before the economy was destroyed forever 16 years ago.

>> No.20483497

>the economy imploded right as I entered adulthood!
>what bad luck! this has never happened to anyone else, ever!

>> No.20483499

why are you still even posting?

>> No.20483507

if only I had enough fingers and toes to count the number of times the cost of buying a house was 9X and climbing the average income while the government is actively importing millions of people every three months and paying them off stolen tax dollars. I mean it's happened to literally every single generation.

>> No.20483524

The shill will recoil and shriek whataboutism when cornered with something he has no reply to

>> No.20483528

Because I have an hour to sit around before we go back to the ballpark and the laziest way to pass the time is shitpost on 4chan and convince the whiny newfags here to kys
You live in a time of unprecedented prosperity, if you are still unable to make it work it is purely a skill issue. Most of you shouldn't even be alive desu senpai you are surplus men.

>> No.20483536

I'm >>20483290 and bought our house in 2014, our now neighbors bought theirs about 5 years ago.

I have no idea what the survivorship falacy is but going off this >>20483425 I assume it's related to people being born rich. I was certainly not born rich. When I was 14 my parents told me if I wanted to ever go to college I had better start saving money because they don't have that kind of money. So I started cutting lawns and have been working ever since.

Anyone can do this if they actually try.

>> No.20483538

>t. literal boomer newfag

>> No.20483545

The point is that the simple concept of owning a home shouldn't involve saving every nickel you make for two decades you dumb fuck. This is an entirely new concept peddled by people who bought houses at 22 years old with no college education.

>> No.20483550

>n-no you!
When I was in college it was the worst time to buy a house ever because prices were skyrocketing
When I got out of college and bought a house it was the worst time to buy a house ever because the market was crashing and no one could get a mortgage
A few years later it was the worst time to buy a house ever because prices were going up again
A few years ago it was the worst time to buy a house ever because the supply was so low
A year ago it was the worst time to buy a house ever because interest rates went up to half of what they were in the 80s
It's been the worst time to buy a house ever for two decades now and yet all these people who bought houses seem to be doing OK

>> No.20483551

>The point is that the simple concept of owning a home shouldn't involve saving every nickel you make for two decades you dumb fuck.
Post savings account

>> No.20483554

That was retarded advice if you were in the US. Colleges and loans will cover tuition already if you can get in. The tiny bit of lawn money will just be absorbed by the giant bill without being noticed, and whatever infinitesmal debt it saves you would have been paid back with 1/100th the time investment after graduating with a decent job. In exchange you gave up precious time in your youth that you'll never get back.

>> No.20483555

>just think of all the time you could have spent on anime forums!

>> No.20483561

Dude 5 years ago I felt like I was getting by pretty well on $16.50/hr. These days I make $30 and I'm just about in the same place relative to costs.

>> No.20483568

Canadians are screwed in a way we Americans only know in our nightmares

>> No.20483570

anon I hope you have enough sense to understand this retard >>20483550 didn't save every cent he earned for 20 years to buy a house

>> No.20483571

Deterministically-speaking, yes.

>> No.20483575

If you don't have agency you may as well put on a skirt and look for a man to fuck you

>> No.20483580

I should have said "survivorship bias", but if you couldn't figure that out, you're definitely not smart enough to have "deserved" success.

>> No.20483585

Tried it, now they won't let me into public libraries. Any other brilliant solutions?

>> No.20483587

Some laws are selectively enforced here. Things change when you actually enforce the law. Just look at El Salvador. They went from most dangerous country in the New World to safest. All they had to do was outlaw gangs.

>> No.20483589

How dumb are you? It doesn't matter if they buy them or not. Someone buys them and they live in them. The house is then unavailable for the native population.

>> No.20483590

Are you advocating that people actually buy a 2 bedroom house for $350,000 with 8% interest?

>> No.20483593

I'm waiting for the day we finally square the circle on this mentality and start getting posts like
>well the only reason you could afford a house is because you worked hard in college and got a job!
>well the only reason you could afford a house is because you were raised by two loving parents who taught you good sense!
>well the only reason you could afford a house is because you were born with genetics that gave you a high IQ and not autism!

>> No.20483595

Investment banks buy them buy the thousands and rent them for the same or less than a mortgage. That's how much the jews at black rock and co. hate you. They're willing to take a 25+ year loss to ensure you don't have a house.

>> No.20483598

No, of course not. You should whine impotently on the Internet until a big strong man comes along and solves your problems for you.

>> No.20483601

Remove unemployment benefits and other rewards for being useless to society.

>> No.20483608


>> No.20483609

Hello NEET pal, I NEETed for 8 years so everything was expired and I was in the same situation as you (lost birth certificate, no valid ID at all).
You need to aim lower than state, your county or maybe city probably has an ID you can get. I was able to get a county ID with only $12 and my mom signing a piece of paper saying I really lived at that house. Using that ID I was able to get my birth certificate and everything else.

>> No.20483611

Sorry, I meant a big strong rich man. With a huge dick, but I didn't really have to say that, amirite?

>> No.20483629

Dave Ramsey says you shouldn't spend more than half your take-home pay on housing.
$350,000 needs a total yearly income of $120,000.
That means you and your wife (sorry, it is what it is) both need to make $60,000.
For reference, the average McDonald's shift manager makes $40,000 working full-time.

>> No.20483639

>big strong rich man
High value men are so hard to find; Have you not taken the red pill videos?

>> No.20483640


>> No.20483670

I'm sorry the concept of being fiscally responsible triggers you so much.

I'm in Canada but paid my way through college with zero need for a loan. That's kinda my point...

It still sounds like a useless term.

>> No.20483679

You need to stop thinking about things in terms of fairness and what people deserve. People who work hard are successful because they worked hard. There is no arbiter of work observing them and then handing out rewards for it. This isn't elementary school, get your brain out of that mentality.

>> No.20483685

And other people who work hard are unsuccessful because life isn't fair.

>> No.20483689

You don't. What you're witnessing is the beginning of the collapse of the western economy. Those shitty little jobs that have gotten people by for years aren't doing it anymore and no one wants to work them. Everyone wants more and more while we can afford less and less. In the next 5 to 10 years, there will either be a complete collapse of the modern western world, or there will be another world war that might pull us out of the hole we are in for at least another 50 years.

Global warming protocols are scams btw. If they were truly worried they'd invest in nuclear. The next disease outbreak will also be a scam. Just know you will see some serious shit fairly soon boys. Not in a prepper kind of way, more of a historically accurate prediction of the fall of any major empire since the documentation of mankind

>> No.20483707

There are very few things that can happen to you that are purely out of your control or entirely unrelated to your life decisions. Most people who complain about bad luck or life being unfair are simply telling you they don't have the cognitive ability to connect their actions with the consequences. Which is part of the problem, of course.

>> No.20483721

You're very certain of that. You must be quite sheltered, which is all the worse for you if you're ever made to discover reality.

>> No.20483724

The two autistic jew boomer wannabees are still responding suggesting you should put down $20,000 and pay $2,100 a week for 30 years for a total of almost $800,000 to own some bullshit house one 1/8th acre of land

>> No.20483730

Yeah, I'm with this anon. It's a tremendous waste of resources to supply garbage tier plebfeed slop to people at overinflated prices.

>> No.20483731

>And don't say "raise wages".
Better work conditions, better training, stop the retarded HR shit of needing 5 years experience and a degree for a fucking dishwasher.

>> No.20483734

>things should be cheap because I want them to be

>> No.20483735

Imagine how funny it will be seeing geriatrics get killed by their literal faggot bodyguards and the ensuing assaination of said slightly less geriatric faggots.

>> No.20483737

>things should be expensive because I bought my house in 2002
You couldn't justify financing a 2024 f250 at 60% down payment and we both know it

>> No.20483739

No, sparrows are actually useful to nature.
Fast food just exists to be the shittiest food possible for the highest profit margins possible. It's not even cheap relative to groceries or other restaurants anymore. It's pointless, regressive, and if it didn't exist the world would be a lot healthier.

>> No.20483754

>calls other people sheltered
>still lives with his mother

>> No.20483755

Where the fuck do you live? Gary, Indiana?

>> No.20483760

Thanks for letting them in with no ID, no SSN so they can't get taxed, and no diploma so they can't demand a higher wage, dipshit! When one of them rear ends your car and totals it, I will laugh.

>> No.20483762

>we already did that
>thats why we have inflation
the fact that you think this is why they printed trillions of dollars is the actual reason for the employee shortage, the solution is to kill yourself. I mean unironically, take out as many people like yourself as possible along with you in minecraft.

I dont mean this to be rude, or to cause you harm, it is simply cause and effect.

>> No.20483766

if you would patronize this store you should be dragged out into the street and have your limbs ripped off by horse

>> No.20483818

>the minority are "normal people" and the majority are "the bottom rung of society"
He's right though. Normal people are a vanishingly small portion of the population and doom plebs with no hope of rising out of the mud are the majority.

>> No.20484111

You are him, you got BTFO and thought about it for two hours and want to come back to be a big gay retard

>> No.20484129

Can't work even though they want to.
>complete bullshit. They don't work because they are worthless and lazy.

>> No.20484131

It's election season. Just go to the DNC and they will make sure you get anything you need so they can register you to vote.

>> No.20484140

>an ESL (possibly an illegal) scams his old employer for disability while working under the table for extra cash
translated it for ya'll
godspeed pedro

>> No.20484147

hunt the imposter down and deal with them
the courts will probably go easy on you

>> No.20484159

Invest in your 401k, bros... you don't want to be in your mid-thirties or forties and discover you haven't been saving for retirement.

>> No.20484162

>genX retard dumb enough to have gotten a useless art degree
>thinks because he slaved like a literal mexican in boomers' yards to get a shitty customer service gig, he's qualified to give advice
giving 100% is a trap. if you aren't working for yourself, do just above the bare minimum. lazy people WILL take advantage of harder workers

>> No.20484164

>put 5% of your income into a risk investment scheme that the government threatens to raid the moment anything goes wrong
Nah I'll just get into meth and drinking heavier when I get old

>> No.20484166

But anon, the 401k isn't a pension..

>> No.20484185

I seriously don't want to be old. And I don't want to ever retire. I don't understand people who live like that. I'd rather be dead

>> No.20484190

The only people who want a 401k and retirement are people who live sheltered from the reality of the elderly.
Better to die young.

>> No.20484206

>You need to stop thinking about things in terms of fairness and what people deserve.
That's my line. The entire point is that effort and outcome have been decoupled.
>People who work hard are successful because they worked hard.
You're contradicting yourself.

>> No.20484219

>Some random +/- of illegals is going to offset 350 million people.

>> No.20484224

>Higher incomes leads to more people having more disposable income which increases demand for goods.
Which also increases demand for money which is deflationary. The only way to cause inflation is to print money, which the government and banks have been doing to an unprecedented extent for the past 5 years.
>Low unemployment gives employees more power to demand higher income.
Yes, and this is a good thing. This is how your boomer grandparents bought a brand new car with money from mowing lawns. When women joined the workforce en masse, the value of labor was cut in half overnight.
>The dirty truth is that our economic system needs an underclass
This is not true, but (((they))) would certainly like for you to believe so. Unemployment, on the other hand, is a good thing because it raises the value of labor, which has been in a crippling glut for decades.

>> No.20484225

I don't get how not having a ssn or any id is an illegal thing
I just want to start a new life
You use to be able to do that in America
What the hell is patriotic about all these digital nannies and strict caste system

>> No.20484240

Already has, no point in arguing with a mongoloid like you. get a job

>> No.20484243

I can't. I really want one

>> No.20484248

Stop being so antisemitic.

>> No.20484250

>Global warming protocols are scams btw.
They are, but because the threat isn't taken seriously and they're tuned to profit instead of efficacy. Actually reducing carbon output would expose and accelerate the collapse, because the markets as they are are a Ponzi scheme designed to support Boomer/extrovert narcissism and greed. If we decided that we didn't care about that shit anymore, we could salvage what's important and necessary to our values and way of life. We'd trade the comfort of those sociopaths for the well-being and dignity of the rest of us.

>> No.20484259

Our leaders have to be dragged kicking and screaming from their offices. They'll stay even if they know that their death will set in motion a legacy-destroying series of events. The only reason to fully retire is if you're planning on resuming your education somehow.

>> No.20484274

just keep grinding and gaining new skills, opportunity will come

>> No.20484281

I can't. I don't know what the means. I've been a neet for 6 years.

>> No.20484315
File: 70 KB, 406x720, 1713843389874925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We also need to build a wall around HR and make HR pay for it.

>> No.20484342

>come back 13 hours later with a new angle
fuck off retard

>> No.20484391

>And don't say "raise wages". We already did that, that's why we have inflation.
You have inflation because governments round the world have been printing money like crazy since the 2008 crash (it goes back further, but the rot really started then). That money has been scrambling for good investment opportunities ever since, causing all sorts of problems. Eventually the costs have hit energy, food and property, and they're super-sensitive to inflation; ordinary people feel those going up in ways that the cost of mega-yachts aren't a big deal. (The war in Ukraine has not helped at all.)
These are big forces. You're fucked.
If you want the staff, you need to pay what it takes to get them. (In higher-wage jobs you have more options. Not in fast food retail.) You might need to take lower profits to afford them, but if you don't have enough staff then those theoretical higher profits won't happen. Maybe you can raise prices to cover those costs. Maybe not; I don't know what others are doing in your sector or how much your customers can afford.
Hmm, a capital-intensive solution at a time when investment money is becoming more expensive. Can anyone spot the problem with that?

>> No.20484432

Dubs of truth…

>> No.20484466

>actually white man to fix the middle class you need to give more money to beaners and niggers
>it's definitely not the state
Who writes this

>> No.20484474

On an image board, nobody knows that you're just pretending to be a successful homeowner when in fact you're just trolling.

The economy is fucked, the world is fucked and the environment is fucked. But you don't have to let the world drag you down in spirit. No judgement, you will find your own way because it is your instinct to survive and grow.

>> No.20484483

Those guys very could be telling the truth it's just that every post replying to them was also the truth

>> No.20484488

The bias from individual people's perspectives is all most people go on since we know others have an interest in lying to us.

>> No.20484501

>And don't say "raise wages".
Raise wages, op is a faggot.

>> No.20484505
File: 240 KB, 1920x1281, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one wants to work in that shit because it's a psychological nightmare. those places look horrible, gray scale commie block levels of depression, they even managed to eliminate the good smell of food and now it smells like sterilized hospital, everything is sad and cold.

>> No.20484520

>You might need to take lower profits to afford them, but if you don't have enough staff then those theoretical higher profits won't happen.
The problem with this reasoning is that you assume that people value their money and seek to receive the best value for it right after you said governments are printing it into worthlessness.
People are idiots and will continue to patronize fast food joints even when they are waiting 30 minutes for dogshit food because there is one guy working. /ck/ most of all, you can take one look at the catalog and realize the majority of 4chan posters are brain-dead fatasses who are addicted to sugar and sat fats.

>> No.20484527 [DELETED] 

Ask me how I know you're Indian (dot not feather)

>> No.20484655

Food and cooking?

>> No.20484662

Employees at restaurants prepare food by cooking it.

>> No.20484664

stop going to fast food joints. go to local joints that can bypass labor laws by using family as employees

>> No.20484665

You're in a bad are for it an should move north. Regardless, if you're intelligent enough to communicate and not be bullied off this website, you can do retail and make more than minimum wage.
There's no reason anyone who can post and not be bullied off 4chan should work at a subway or bk or mcdicks. If you can show up to work sober at least 75% of the time and write in complete sentences, you're overqualified for fastfood.

>> No.20484679

Donald Trump never responded to how he was gonna make Mexico pay for it

>> No.20484709

something something remittances tax. something something seizures. honestly, at that point he never thought he'd get that far

>> No.20484921

Deduct it 100% out of thier pay, or convince them the world will stop spinning if women stop working, so that they will feel empowered to have an indefinate strike so that men can actually do the work.

>> No.20484982

That literally happened while Trump was in office, you stupid nigger. I'm not even defending Biden, just exposing how the whole thing is a fucking scam being orchestrated by jews and carried out by their shabbos goys (Biden and Trump).

>> No.20484987

what it proves is that all the important decisions are about economy and state are still being made by the deep state and Trump didn't drain shit

>> No.20485168

>treat employees like they're disposable
>employees all leave to find better employment
>no new employees because you have a reputation for treating them like shit
>le surprised pikachu face

>> No.20485279

old farts dying doesn't actually lead to young people buying homes anymore they all get snapped up by equity firms

>> No.20485297

>raise wages
This unironically, and that’s not the reason for the inflation, spastic oblivious braindead boomer.

>> No.20485299

This. The deep state (the CIA & American oligarchs) and ZOG ruining the US and the world.

>> No.20485339

you don't get it some IT firm got paid millions to make that website to "digitalize" and "streamline" the recruiting process so they have to use it!

>> No.20485351
File: 234 KB, 2000x2000, 1715359157178305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same boat but parents lost my shit before I even hit eighteen
I grew up in a roach infested house and we collected lake water every other day for our rv to cook and shower with. I'm 22.
>hurr durr, the system isn't working for you?
>how about instead of things improving, you can go fuck yourself!
Everyone in this thread is just a pampered bitch who happened to be born with parents who loved them and is too much of a stuck up faggot to see how easy they have it.

>> No.20485390

No, pay was raised after the trillions of dollars was created so real wealth decreased since purchasing power decreased. a greater portion of real wealth needs to be paid for any job to feel worth going to.

>> No.20485394

>Raise wages
Yeah, actually that hasn't really happened yet, and yet here we are at record corporate profits and high inflation. Maybe we could actually try it.

>> No.20485410

reduce inflation and stop corporate greed plus
>Cut off all forms of government aid and welfare for people who are not physically disabled
and this

>> No.20485411

also this, stop the money printers because it lets the gmen and corpos get away with stealing the hard work off the American people

>> No.20485419

and who will live in them?

>> No.20485440

Doesn't matter, there's more empty homes in the US than there are homeless people. Just own property bro don't worry about it

>> No.20485441

90% of homeless people choose to be that way, the others just got dealt bad luck.

>> No.20485442

Yup, I worked at a grocery store during that, at first there was an incentive to work so we got paid more for a month then it went down to bullshit pay 60 hours a week. Would get a write up for overtime

>> No.20485446

You sound insufferable

>> No.20485535

Last time i was in emergency there was a russian old lady who said shed rather fucking die then to give the doctors her urine

>> No.20485540

lower wages (at the top)
then raise wages (at the bottom)

>> No.20485567
File: 175 KB, 1198x1198, IMG_2325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
