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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20474649 No.20474649[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20474660

Fork/spoon/chopsticks in the left hand, knife in the right hand.
If I am eating a meal with my hands, like pizza, then I'll use either hand, but if I'm eating snacks then I'll use my right only.

>> No.20474663

Like the civilized Zulu man of course

>> No.20474680
File: 49 KB, 640x480, noonoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've advanced to the 22nd century

>> No.20474699

replicator gagh?

>> No.20475582

I've eaten chips with spoons out of a bowl to avoid getting my hands dirty while on computer.

>> No.20475594
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I don't have a desk or a table so when it comes to certain food (usually meat) it's easier to just tear through it with my hands and teeth, lately I've been smart enough to cut my plate before sitting down.
You won't catch my ass with a hand full of rice or mashed potatoes, though.
Imagine the sound.

>> No.20475607

NTA, but chopsticks work better with chips than the spoons.

>> No.20475620
File: 26 KB, 474x369, th-2175445558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20475706

>Imagine the sound.
the audio on those chinese cooking-exotic-animals tiktoks are horrific

>> No.20476014

It looks very comfy, I like how he got matching plates.

>> No.20476492

I wipe my ass with my right hand. Kek.

>> No.20476499
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, sparrow-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sparrow bros get food for me.

>> No.20477733

chirp chirp chirp

>> No.20478606

...is that nigga eatin beans?!

>> No.20479023

bong food

>> No.20479028

good morning sar

>> No.20479295

what is going on here?

>> No.20479307

>ruled by numerous foreign powers for nearly 500 years
>minimal cultural exchange, still eat with their hands

>barely ruled for 80 years by bongs
>so adversely affected, they now use knives and forks

>> No.20479366

What hand do you wipe your ass with?

>> No.20479533

Yeah but I can poke myself with the chopsticks paying attention to the screen.

>> No.20480234

Vietnamese sandwiches are made with French bread.

>> No.20481346

Monkeys can probably be trained be trained to handfeed us, but we probably don't want to eat from monkey hands...

>> No.20481621

I shovel food in me gob. I use a fork if its loose items, me hands if a pizza or other.

>> No.20481626

Do you lack object permanence?

>> No.20481630

Chopsticks work great for most snacks, but for popcorn/peanuts and other small morcels i'll use a spoon.

>> No.20481637

>alone I eat with my hands because it's better for my health
can you wiggle your individual toes?
can you flex your pecs?
if not that's because your body is facing problems stemming from lack of use.
I only use utensils when I'm eating with others because I'm not a fucking animal

>> No.20481644

>using cutlery like a human is considered an adverse effect to a pajeet
Why are they like this?

>> No.20482509

...because traditions are sacred cows

>> No.20482577

Forks and chopsticks
t. white australian

>> No.20483285

hands. by the time a zulu take their 3rd bite, i've already completed my meal

>> No.20485225

You have mouths on your hands like Deidara?

>> No.20485409
File: 66 KB, 800x534, Chinese soup spoon with bowl and chopstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20485432

very good sir. more time to scam grandma

>> No.20485483

I've been watching a lot of scambaiting videos by Kitboga, some obviously Indian 'Ben' can't stop being misogynist enough to keep telling the woman he was trying to get money from to shut up, but 'Abel' actually seem charming, so instead of being fucking scammers that steal money from vulnerable people, fucking up their finances AND their sense of trust in people AND increasing hate for India, guys like Abel could have made legitimate money making podcast, as we got an epidemic of lonely people, especially boomers with money, who would fork over money just to talk to someone. I'm stupid in that I like to think of scumbags as obvious scumbag, but guys like Abel actually sound nice and seem like someone i would be friendly with IRL -- this makes me extra angry.

>> No.20485512

misogyny and scamming boomers is always justified. shame it's indians that are benefiting

>> No.20485563

Kids of boomers loses out, and the money scamming Indians get put them ahead of the honest Indians in India, creating a situation similar to what cocaine money did to Mexico and Columbia.

>> No.20485728
File: 110 KB, 682x527, Many-chopsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Chinese chopsticks so long, I went to a korean place in a sort of food court recently and they brought out these massive things far longer than the japanese ones I usually use, at first I thought it must be the korean style but I looked it up and it's the chinese style, I guess they shared utensils between the restaurants in the facility. I think it was the exact set at the top of this picture

>> No.20485804
File: 316 KB, 1807x1200, Restaurant Lazy Susan in China 1987 by GeorgeLouis wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because Chinese have big tables with a lot of shared dishes, where as Koreans seem more nuclear family, do they even share dishes?

>> No.20485854

Seems a likely theory

>> No.20486847
File: 2.98 MB, 480x270, complicated delivery system.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This webm much not be lost to time: complicated delivery system

>> No.20488009

Koreans also favour chopsticks that are metallic and round cylinders, whereas Chinese chopsticks are rectangular, usually plastic, now sometimes resin.

>> No.20488988

I pour chips into a bowl and eat with spoon just fine...

>> No.20489015

I don't know who you're talking about but his name sounds weird.

>> No.20489550

Deidara is a Naruto character with mouths on his hands.

>> No.20491065

For me, what stands out is that Koreans use metal chopsticks and sometimes spoon an fork, compared to other asians with bamboo and plastic. I think it's because they started using forks and knives earlier.

>> No.20491088

>live millennia right next to cultures using chopsticks to eat
>still insist on eating with their hands like animals
>occupied by the British for a century who introduced the knife and fork
>they still insist on eating with their shit smeared hands
Seriously what's wrong with pajeets.

>> No.20491096

There's a significant chance a disgruntled employee went to the bathroom and jammed your cutlery up his ass before setting your table at least once in your life

>> No.20491111

In Bread regions they use Naan which is similar to Arab/Persian bread so they did get influenced to an extent

Not sure why the Rice Eaters refused to adopt spoons

>> No.20491126

The Romans raped the Brits a plenty, including Boudica's daughters, but Brits still adopted Roman calendar. Brits were like a Goblin made sword, adapting the best of all that have came to invade their shores by force -- but sun set on the British Empire because they started adapting the ways of losers they let win. They gave up the Charter of the Forest, the fresh meat from the forest and the skills kept up by hunting.

>> No.20491141

1. . Banjja Korean Bronzeware

Bangjja, a type of bronzeware, is completely unique to Korean peninsula. Its natural lustre and brass/ gold colouring give it a luxurious appearance, making it popular for use in cookware and utensils, as a familial status symbol, particularly among Korean royalty, since the ancient time of the Three Kingdoms.

As Korea’s standard of living has risen dramatically in the past fifty years, and more resources have become more widely available, this trend has given way to using more common types of metal, notably stainless steel, the most common material used for Korean chopsticks.

Speaking of royalty, for many of the ruling classes of the warring kingdoms, assassination attempts were a concern, particularly by poisoning. It was believed, with at least some evidence, that metal kitchenware would be discoloured by toxic chemicals, warning the diner that something unsavoury lurked in their food. And speaking of status symbols, the metal construction also allows for stylistic engraving and inscriptions of everything from creative designs to family crests, making the chopsticks more than just a utilitarian implement for the meal, but a personal expression that can tell you a few things about your dinner host.

In more recent years, the design of Korean chopsticks has persisted in large part due to keeping with the cultural traditions, as well as some more practical considerations. Metal chopsticks are easier to clean at higher temperatures, keeping them hygienic and reusable for generations, longer than most of their wooden equivalents can last without special delicate care. Also, following the Korean War, when much of the county’s woodlands had been destroyed by combat, a shortage of wood in Korea combined with the abundance of metal and the need for durable resources with longevity solidified the practicality of producing chopsticks with metal.

>> No.20491143

with my mouth, typically

>> No.20491146


>> No.20491331
File: 1.11 MB, 2200x1467, Bento Boxes Vancouver's Best (montecristomagazine.com).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember there was a time around Y2K to 2010s when I loved looking at bento boxes, and it was a huge thing, livejournal comms, and I think it got posted on /ck/ and /jp/ too. People were cutting carrots and seaweed to make pandas and bunny shapes.

It didn't seem worth the effort in the end for something that doesn't taste that good.

>> No.20492007

Straight out of frying pan.

>> No.20492087

I dislike Indians as much as the next guy, but eating with your hands is unironically based. When I'm home I do it all the time

>> No.20492265

I do that at home too, but not rice, unless it's sushi -- which were originally meant to be bite size snacks eaten by hand, why the seaweed wrap.

>> No.20492506

this but I eat snakes with my left hand and do task with my right

>> No.20492853

The slave feeds the patrician with grapes.

>> No.20492875

Oh, it did not look like grapes. Seriously, I can't even stand restaurants with waiters, having readied made food is nice but I don't get wanting someone to hang around you and hand feed you, no privacy.

>> No.20494176

they just don't wash their hands

>> No.20494191

for me, its zuluman

>> No.20494209
File: 37 KB, 640x621, 1603575655233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20494310

I eat in vr

>> No.20494687

holodeck malfunction cause you to gain 100lb real weight

>> No.20494928

I've tried that a few times eating in passthrough to keep a youtube video going but it doesn't really work for me, maybe in the future with a differently shaped headset, do those bigscreen VR have passthrough?

>> No.20495464

Slaves were furniture not people.With 40 slaves in the room with them they were still alone and in private.

>> No.20495545

I don't think I can even have sex or sleep with a dog or a cat in the same room, never mind an actual person. The upper class and the lower class are weird, the upper class more so since they have a choice not to have so many people in their house.