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20474153 No.20474153 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen. I am in Hawaii.
My 21st is soon.
I intend to drink.
Post suggestions for first drinks.
General alcohol thread.
Cat Picture

>> No.20474155


>> No.20474157

Shirley temple

>> No.20474163

Get The Manhattan Cocktail. The Manhattan Cocktail is a perfect first drink for a new drinker. Enjoy The Manhattan Cocktail.

>> No.20474180

Gin n tonic with lime
Moscow Mule
White Russian
All 3 are good intros

>> No.20474183

Get some rum, pineapple juice and limes.

>> No.20474194

A fucking can of beer you fags

>> No.20474199

And why are you staring drinking at 21? Why so old? The age normal people start drinking is around 10 or 12 and by 21 you're over it. Damn son.

>> No.20474207

Every time you want another drink, drink some water
Basically drink half booze and half water until you learn how to drink

>> No.20474217

In the civilized world the hope is that by twenty one a person will have seen enough of the affects of alcohol on society and matured mentally enough to make an informed decision about whether french fart water is worth ruining one's life over.

>> No.20474223

Your country sounds like queers

>> No.20474228

Long island iced tea
7 shots of alcohol you can't taste

Make sure it has tequila in it. Sometimes they call that a Texas tea

>> No.20474289

Because reagan listened to women and now you can be drafted and killed at 17 before you can vote or drink.

Thanks women

>> No.20474291

In reality everyone just drinks illegally at 18 years of age anyway. May as well just reduce the age limit but burgers gonna burg.

>> No.20474297

People with fathers don't.

>> No.20474302

My father and grandfather started teaching me to drink when I was 14 so I wouldn't be a complete shitshow when I was old enough to drink unsupervised

>> No.20474304

The first time I drank was 18. I had vowed to never drink as my father was an alcoholic and went crazy when he was drunk. Now I'm an alcoholic too!

>> No.20474309

Yes, low class people impart low class values to their litters of barefooted swamp kids.

>> No.20474390

I'm moving to Oahu soon. What am I in for?

>> No.20474407

It’s florida heat all year round. Locals are either fat polynegros, buff polynegros, whites, or a LOT of gooks.

Lots of jungle. Weird ass plants (none harmful). Black and brown birds that practically dont give a fuck until you’re 5 inches from them.

In short, A good fuckin time. Unless you get a condo with no AC then it’s over

>> No.20474458

It's called good parenting and I got the opportunity to have a beer on occasions with my grandpa, not something a lot of people can say the same

>> No.20474468

alcohol is gay for losers dude not something to look forward to as a growing up moment

that shits a psyop to peddle the poison with deep psychology; make you feel like its a right of passage and you gotta do when you can as tradition

pave your own way stay sober or enjoy a weed brownie on the weekend don't fall prey to big alc

God bless

>> No.20474475

My first was a Midori Sour and I was about 16 at the time.

>> No.20474481

If it was a psyop to peddle poison the federal age would be 18 to get teens drinking even faster. Shut the fuck up

>> No.20474485

Go shoot up a school or something you proselytising creep.

>> No.20474495

From what I remember it wasn't about age as much as federal control and highway budget money.

>> No.20474507
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Don't even bother with drinking until you're 25, lad

>> No.20474609

Thats how reagan forced it to happen. He threatened to cut all highway funding to states if they didnt bend the knee.

>> No.20474803

>obeying the drinking age
do americans really??

>> No.20474814

At home not really, but it's brutally enforced for restaurants, bars, and liquor stores in most places
A lot of people go to college just to access the underage drinking scene even though most schools have academic penalty systems

>> No.20474851

Get her tipsy and tell her ghost stories, Hawaii has plenty of those then she'll be spooked and want to be in your arms.

>> No.20474893

> I am in Hawaii.
My condolences.

>> No.20474901
File: 75 KB, 1000x622, McLovin_License.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her your official Hawaii ID, then she'll know you to be true, something like picrel. Just be McLovin.

>> No.20474913

Im not a hawaiinigger im an armynigger

>> No.20474925

Seriously, for every drink you want, swap out every other one for water

>> No.20474934

Being in the US Army never stopped anyone before, read up FM 21-76 US Army Survival Manual get some initiative lad.

>> No.20475753

Oh shit, Schofield or Shafter?
t. headed to 500th soon

>> No.20476797

Fort Sharter. Not gonna say where though. Anonymous and all that.

>> No.20476803
