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File: 76 KB, 500x500, spaghetti-meatballs-can-31919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20468880 No.20468880 [Reply] [Original]

Just like Italy

>> No.20468888

God knows what garbage they really put in there, but I LOVE that shit. I ate it almost everyday for a month at one point.

>> No.20468899


>> No.20468902

chef boyardee tier list
1. Beef Ravioli
2. Beefaroni
3. Lasagna
4. Spaghetti and Meatballs
all the weird ones, mini-meatballs, big meatballs... they're shit
but RAVIOLI is the fucking king

>> No.20468904

Has to be mega stuffed too

>> No.20468905


>> No.20468907

>dinner for 3
My fat ass friend could eat all that and still be hungry.

>Beef Ravioli
But it falls apart while you try to eat it.

>> No.20468916

>falls apart while you try to eat it.
spoons exist.
was your mom inept when she heated it for you on the stove during price is right on a snow day?

>> No.20468924

i disagree, i found the megastuffed didn't taste right
I only buy the American Standard Beef Ravioli

>> No.20468926
File: 1.21 MB, 3024x4032, boyardi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20468930

I had some the other day
The way it just sits in your gut is so satisfying

>> No.20468935

>but RAVIOLI is the fucking king
Those on some garlic bread are amazing.

Aww yeah boy(ardee)!

>> No.20469102

i had this trash for the first time a while ago, easily one of the worst canned goods ive consumed, its on par with potted meat. Pure salt, gave me a stomach ache instantly

>> No.20469122

awww your stomach hurt after eating it? Have you tried not being a Faggot McBitch?

>> No.20469124

The Mac and cheese is surprisingly great. Used to head to the grocery store next door on my lunch break and grab a can of the Mac and cheese with some popcorn chicken from the deli. Throw that chicken in the can and you've got a meal.

>> No.20469143

This dude is Italian though.

>> No.20469145

I found a bunch of these for $0.25 each a while ago. They were disappointing even for the price. Tons of grease and the sauce wasn't great.

>> No.20469153
File: 10 KB, 225x225, chef_boyardee_Beefarooni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty close but I put beefarooni on the top of that list when it's like 2-3am and I don't want to do anything else.

>> No.20469178

You're supposed to jazz those things up with black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, maybe a chilie pepper. Nobody in their right minds eats that stuff straight out of the can unless you don't have much of a choice or are a kid that doesn't know any better.
t. yeah

>> No.20469222

bro i have eaten that shit room temp out of can so many times it would make your head spin

>> No.20469227
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>> No.20469237

Are you okay? Do you need digits?

>> No.20469482
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That was, in fact, how they used to advertise it.

>> No.20469495

I've been pronouncing that name incorrectly my whole life.

>> No.20469578
File: 137 KB, 300x100, 4c-201-Chicken_Head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG the chicken head is rotating, call 911!

>> No.20469588

this is the good way
in the walmart parking lot
with chopsticks from the glove compartment

>> No.20469605

If it's the right time of the year you might get accosted by girl scouts trying to sell cookies, I always give in and get thin mints or something.

>> No.20469610

>You’ll fancy you’re in Florence
god damn

>> No.20469640

>plump juicy meatballs
I've got those, where's the hot girlfriend?

>> No.20470565

When I was young, I could eat one of these, now I cannot finish a it.

>> No.20470724

...aand wallah! You're now vaxxed cattle!

>> No.20471124

when I eat these, I get this sinking feeling in my soul. My body is somehow nourished, but my I know in my heart that something is wrong. Doesn't stop me though

>> No.20471129

Eh, I don't buy it.

>> No.20471172


>> No.20471183

The old version was so good.

>> No.20471629

>Just like
Wrong. Better than Italy

>> No.20471809

>she heated it for you on the stove during price is right on a snow day?

comfy vibes

>> No.20471891
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never seen that brand but canned spag is great on toasties

>> No.20472045

>brits eating starch on top of starch again
wow what a shocker

>> No.20472443
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>> No.20472446
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even worse oh no

>> No.20472451
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>> No.20472463

The chef's real name is spelled Boiardi, but Americans couldn't handle it so he started spelling it phonetically.
Now it's been long enough nobody says it right anymore.

>> No.20472468
File: 90 KB, 400x400, canned-pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like paschettios

>> No.20472753

>Just like SHItaly
there was a time when the founder grew the mushrooms that he put in his sauce in the basement of his factory. Those days are long gone

>> No.20472756

>God knows what garbage they really put in there
it has an ingredients label

>> No.20472913

How does this Chef Ravioli stuff compare to the average Kraut Ravioli can from Aldi / the supermarket.

>> No.20473894
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worst tasting spaghettos ive had

>> No.20473920
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>> No.20474937

America Wins Again!

>> No.20475265

My nigga.

>> No.20475311

You likely weren't drunk or stoned enough to appreciate them.

>> No.20475487

I found a few on sale for $0.50. They're not that bad, it's just like adding hot sauce to it.

>> No.20475577
File: 340 KB, 1200x1600, 1685820724339244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they could modify the formula so it doesn't permanent fucking stain tupperware it would be 100x better. Poor people eat this shit. Poor people use tupperware since it can be storage or a bowl. This isn't fucking rocket surgery.

>> No.20475617

Nothing they can do about it, because it is actually the natural pigment in tomatoes. Google "how to get tomato sauce stains out of plastic tupperware" to find some help.

>> No.20475673

Little known fact: dude was a bro. He canned his products for the war because people liked it and it became a staple. He had no ulterior motive, he just wanted to sell his pasta and help people. Chef Boy R Dee was a saint. Look him up and learn.

>> No.20475687

“ After the war ended, Boiardi had to choose between selling the company or laying off everyone he had hired. He sold the company”
Seriously. What a fucking bro. He invested his whole life into this then gave it up just so those who helped him didn’t lose theirs.

>> No.20475709

the mac?
i like regular boyardee but i swear their mac and cheese is one of the most revolting processed foods i've ever eaten
maybe they've changed the recipe though, that was probably a decade ago now

>> No.20475730 [DELETED] 

he was commissioned by the US military for the war, and then was promptly shafted after it ended.
its not nearly as glamorous as you fags make it out to be

>> No.20476109

I've been buying GV brand for several years now. Got some Chef Boyaree when I couldn't find that and it tasted vile.

>> No.20476294

When I had pre-diabetes this is one of the foods that would make my foot hurt.

>> No.20476394

Chefboy Ardee literally invented spaghetti and meatballs. You will show him some god damn respect.

>> No.20476548
File: 125 KB, 254x205, 1446519842571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 cents a can
And the recipe was probably better.

>> No.20477085

>I probably spread about half a gram of ants on one slice of bread. One gram costs five dollars, so my slice of scary fairy bread has about $2.50 worth of ants on it.

Holy fuck, this is not real. Imagine paying $2.50 for a slice of buttered bread with ants on top of it.


>> No.20477104

a few years ago they had "original recipe" cans of chef boyardee
I didn't try the spaghetti and meatballs but I tried the ravioli and beefaroni
honestly liked the new shit better
they might have been trolling like Pepsi did with "throwback pepsi" and "throwback mountain dew" trying to make us think the new ones were better by releasing clearly inferior "original" ones though

>> No.20477167

yeah australians are deranged
it's all the blood pooling in their heads from being upside down constantly

>> No.20479036

Better Even :)

>> No.20479156

finally, a good post