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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20471474 No.20471474 [Reply] [Original]

when the chef is mucho basado

>> No.20471478

We did it redit. Le epic. Don't forget to get your covid booster shot.

>> No.20471482

I don't eat well done steak, I think it's bad, but if you can't cook a steak to well done without burning it you can't cook. Also if you can't cook a well done steak that isn't dry you can't cook, and no, well done is not inherently dry and flavorless.

>> No.20471492

>the Chef hates you
I'd order it well done just to spite that faggot

>> No.20471499

>burnt offering

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20471516

Le big pharma is bad! Except when is comes to vaccines, then they are le good guys! Priase Dr. Fauci.

>> No.20471569

I like using two well done steaks instead of bread and Putting a medium rare steak in the middle it's my keto sandwich

>> No.20471580

Boost me daddy. Boost me harder

>> No.20471595

Has there ever been a restaurant with laminated menus that employed an honest to God chef?

>> No.20471689
File: 18 KB, 252x200, government_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks suspicious, like government cheese.

>> No.20471694

I just want to know where I can buy this glorious cheese

>> No.20471702

You gotta bust into some USG cave networks to get some
I say practice with DIA, that place is creepy AF

>> No.20471729
File: 1.53 MB, 1438x1907, Screenshot_20240505_194623_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and no, well done is not inherently dry and flavorless
it is inherently tough and inherently drier than lower doneness levels
this is basic physics and chemistry
well done literally wrings out juices by causing the muscle fibers to constrict more

>> No.20471743
File: 1.53 MB, 2250x4000, Gov cheese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you asked.
so you can no longer get government cheese as seen in that pic that was a special program.

however you can order this stuff. good luck though finding it in anything under a full case.
The smallest I could order it was a five pound block from a restaurant supply place.

>> No.20471753
File: 1.25 MB, 4000x2250, Gov cheese2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who actually receive a couple of blocks of that stuff in the 80's along with canned chicken I can say that this is the closest you will ever get.

this stuff actually has cheese in it. it's easy to melt and tastes like mild cheddar with a hint of velveeta.

I bought it to test a theory I had about the type of cheese certain mexican restaurants might use. I was wrong.

however the stuff makes great cheeseburgers, and macaroni and cheese.

>> No.20471764

this is the only place I could find it for sale as a single block.

>> No.20471805

Most well done steak is tough and dry because it's overcooked. It's overcooked because it's assumed that either it cannot be overcooked or that it doesn't matter if it's overcooked because it will be tough and dry regardless.
You can cook a steak well done without drying it out and making it tough, you just have to know how to cook it.
ToughER and dryER than other temps? Probably but not certainly. Cook a gristly ribeye rare and tell me it isn't tough. A properly cooked well done filet will be more tender.

>> No.20471839

That's still fuckspensive. Could can get sliced american cheese for 5 bucks a pound

>> No.20471842

Juices are not what makes it taste good

>> No.20471850

So it sounds like the ideal is between medium and medium well and yet you have no option for this. Curious.

>> No.20471875

Well done is the best

>> No.20471879

All things considered I’ve never ever EVER heard of anyone ordering a well done steak at a restaurant. No one does this. Medium-well on occasion but most people just say medium because they know without a doubt the chef will fuck it up and over-cook it either on accident or purpose because no one actually likes anything rarer than medium and all chefs are pussy fags, bar none,
>inb4 one of you contrarian niggers claims to order rare steak all the time
No the fuck you don’t you haven’t left your house in a year and a half sit down shut the FUCK up you lying son of a bitch

>> No.20471950

This thread reminds me of that one time I took my dad out for dinner. He ordered his steak Well Done despite me telling him multiple times that Medium Rare is the way to go. As expected he got a steak that was tough like shoe leather while mine was nice and juicy.

>> No.20471952

>t. Has never worked at a restaurant that sells steak
People order well done steak all the time, retard.

>> No.20471975

>ToughER and dryER than other temps?
That's really all you had to say. Well done is tougher and dryer than other temps. It's all relative, of course a steak cooked exactly to 160F, rested, and served quickly is not going to be bone dry. It'll be relatively dry and less tender, though. Well done steak is tough and dry (relative to cooking a steak to ideal temps based on specific cut).

>> No.20471977

>at friends house, they are cooking steak for dinner
>said rare is fine
>realized that nobody in the house eats it rare, they all were surprised and were like "do you actually like bloody steak?"
>my friend got a rare steak on accident, it just wasnt cooked enough
>his mom said multiple "ill put it back on if you want"
>tried to put on a brave face and said he would keep it
>literally started gagging and spit it out, cooked it again to medium
>all kept joking about me getting sick from uncooked bloody steak


>> No.20472014

It's a statement on religious tolerance, meaning they're accepting of pagans

>> No.20472015

You can still reserve juices by cooking it at a lower temperature for longer after a quick sear. You can also keep it tender by using bromelain based tenderizing salt on it before cooking.

>> No.20472018

And he was better for it, but you zoomfucks wouldn't know shit about that

>> No.20472020

I envy the groups you dine with, because a piece of my soul dies when my grandma orders it well done

>> No.20472047

Appreciate the knowledge bro, I think I had some gov cheese as a kid so I may have to pick some up.

>> No.20472092


Why the fuck are you taking your granma out for steak?

>> No.20472253

>That's really all you had to say.
All I'm saying is that calling well done steak "a burnt offering" and acting like it's equivalent to eating leather is dumb. You can cook well done... well and it won't be bone dry jerky. You just have to know how to cook.
I know that it's not as good as lower temps.
I also said
>I think it's bad

>> No.20472260

Steak is shit anyway. I'd rather just cut it into chunks and slow cook for stew, pie, burritos and more.

>> No.20472386

Dis nigga put ny strip in his pie

>> No.20472797

I'm 31

>> No.20472879

Im a chef and thought the same thing. Fuck that guy especially ita a different person every week because all chefs are fat stupid alcoholics

>> No.20472944


(((you know)))

>> No.20473095

I am le man! I drink le beer and eat my steaks RARE.

>> No.20473132

I don't even like well done, but I'd order one just to piss off the chef.
You serve me. Do your job and keep quiet, faggot.

>> No.20473246

isn't this the same as velveeta?

>> No.20473247

start acting like it then, you fucking embarrassment

>> No.20473248

I am le woman. I hate le things men like and they should never have anything nice

>> No.20473414

what you want nigger? I ordered medium rare as steaks are supposed to be ordered while my dad was the one who screwed himself over because he didn't fucking listen.

>> No.20473425

zoomers don't typically take their parents out to dinner

>> No.20474695


>> No.20474697

so the same price? 5x5=35

>> No.20474719

Nice try, what with the cigarettes and "edgy" arm tattoos, but if I wanted good food then I'd make it myself at home, I'm only here to enjoy the closest thing to legal slavery, and nobody is going to have fun when "the help" gets uppity.

>> No.20474850
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>our "chef" can't cook

>> No.20474858

obviously, strong lack of respect
the day I got my first paycheck I took my parents out to eat, it's not that fucking hard, it doesn't even have to be that expensive, they gave you fucking life, and a nice dinner out is the least you can do, maybe take a break from giving half your Mcdonalds check to e-girls and take your mom and dad out to a nice dinner

>> No.20474908

>le ebin Science! says it's true
Well done is great if you have a good cut of meat. Rare is cope

>> No.20474962

>i dont need le science
being dumb on purpose isn't a good take

>> No.20474963

>a very red center that is still raw
rare doesn't mean raw. blue rare is raw.
proper rare is when the meat warms up, the proteins start to denature and to release juices.
not as juicy or tender as medium-rare, but definitely more than raw.
>the center has just lost all it's (sic) pinkness
medium well still has a hint of pink

>> No.20476110

>lost all it is pinkness
Why do people have so many trouble with apostrophes?

>> No.20476213

Every single steak I've had has been mediocre at absolute best, regardless of how it's been cooked. The only food more bland and overrated is sushi. I'll take an average burger over a "good" steak any day.

>> No.20476240

>rare means the center is raw
it doesn't

>> No.20476259
File: 63 KB, 841x563, cook-a-steak-blue-rare-medium-welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the reddit "overcooked" meme, but the first pics are good, rare is not raw

>> No.20476267
File: 132 KB, 1200x2127, steak-doneness-levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better pic maybe

>> No.20476270

>gubmint cheez
Oh, lawdy. The memories. We'd get two of those a week. Best fucking grilled cheese sandwiches ever.
t.grew up wypipo-poor.

>> No.20476272

>muh juices
Myoglobin and water is disgusting, fit fir animals such as brits and americans is no wonder this horrible way of having a steak is not seen anywhere else those shitholes

>> No.20476278

>*angry brown sounds*

>> No.20476279
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20476293

>>inb4 one of you contrarian niggers claims to order rare steak all the time
tbf i usually order the local version of "rare", not because i want rare, but because if you order medium rare most times you get medium, and you can always ask them to cook it more here in most places

>> No.20476306

You would order something worse than you would like it and still give the restaurant money in order to spite someone else, am I getting that right?

>> No.20476323

Dats right ma shaman says da vaccin bad!

>> No.20476332

i try not to spite people who handle my food, i know im gonna end up eating cum and loggies anyway from time to time, but i prefer to minimize the quantity that i end up swallowing

>> No.20476877

literal minority noises
enjoy gnawing on a piece of leather for a decade

>> No.20476913
File: 91 KB, 511x600, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a cook at Quincy's and I didn't give a damn how anyone ordered their steak. It was just another steak for some person I'd never see. Maybe if I were the head chef at some fancy restaurant where each cut of beef was hand selected, I'd have an opinion on how customers ordered things but at Quincy's I pulled steaks out of a box that came to us on a truck. I had no emotional connection to it.
Reagan gave that cheese out after discovering the government had a huge stock pile of it that it was spending insane amounts of money to keep refrigerated. The government once again has a huge stockpile, this time even larger than the one Reagan liquidated. Maybe we'll get some of it again.

>> No.20476937

Listen to your shaman. He sounds smarter than you.

>> No.20477037

Anti-vaccination propaganda (which existed before this decade) is the origin of the phrase "big pharma." Your sarcasm lands awkwardly.

>> No.20477655

>The government once again has a huge stockpile, this time even larger than the one Reagan liquidated
What, seriously?
I think we really need to reassess how well agricultural subsidies and output quotas work if they just end up creating nightmarishly hueg piles of surplus.

>> No.20478200

rarest steak possible please. as a hunk of meat.
i've had very good well-done steak that was in fajitas or in a sandwich, but i'd still prefer it rare.
my favorite is the white fat, like the cap on a ribeye

>> No.20478227
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>> No.20478255

thats great grandpa, now tell us the story of the time you rimmed the guy in the club!

>> No.20478263

>The word "holocaust" originally derived from the Koine Greek word holokauston, meaning "a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering."
Well done: it's annuduh shoah.

>> No.20478272

There are a couple Japanese restaurants near me who use laminated menus for their sushi. You order with magic marker right on the menu. Their other dishes, that come from the kitchen and not the sushi bar, are on normal paper.

>> No.20478423

Aren't steaks well done when you reheat any leftovers?

>> No.20478460

>have birthday once a year
>aunt takes me out for dinner
>eat soup, salad, and either the mashed potatoes or asparagus
>too full
>eat one bite of steak
>take leftovers home
>fridge it
>get drunk
>stab cold steak with a fork and eat it like a popsicle
love cold steak, to "reheat it" you just set it out at room temperature like forgetting to put it back in the fridge and eating it after waking up

>> No.20478475

my dad and I grill a whole pack of steaks, we grill the ones we are gonna eat medium rare, and the other ones rare, throw it in the oven for 5 minutes and you get a nice hot med rare steak whenever

>> No.20478517

I can tell your test levels are through the roof because there's 0% faggy shit in this post

>> No.20478531

Also i've always been attracted to her

>> No.20478533

If you're high test you will want to pipe any ass you see and your thicc milfy aunt is no exception, I'm certain I'd feel the same

>> No.20478548
File: 39 KB, 600x600, aunt-cass-hangover_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn it, im going to beat to aunt cass tonight,
thanks a lot guys

>> No.20478617

I like getting the lowest quality steaks and well-doing them. What's my diagnosis

>> No.20478821

Insanely based

>> No.20478930

I just take leftover cold steak and make a salad with it and have it on toasted bread. Cold steak is underrated, you'll still have the flavor from the sear.

>> No.20478977

This chef hated you 7 lines of text ago, but whatever.

>> No.20479002

Aren’t most chefs in the back ex-cons ?

>> No.20479009

only in movies, looting is legal now in the US, no criminal is going to lose time frying your eggs

>> No.20479149

>not burning the offering to zeus

>> No.20479244

They're mostly Ecuadorians.

>> No.20480615

>>stab cold steak with a fork and eat it like a popsicle
Based. My dad always used to cook huge flank steaks and then it in the fridge for his lunches, so I would cut off slices cold and eat them like pieces of jerky whenever I was home visiting. A+ shit.

>> No.20480940

Why do so many retards lose the ability to taste meat if it's fully cooked?
It's fucking bizarre honestly.

>> No.20480987

If I have a thick cut of steak, it’s always going to taste better at a nice medium rare to medium.

>> No.20481079

Okay but why is YOUR tongue autism MY problem and why do you think your taste is DELICATE for being in fact DULLED and DEFICIENT?
Same shit with retards who drown everything out with heat and then talk about flavor.

>> No.20481445


You all have intestinal parasites

>> No.20482397
File: 27 KB, 450x360, ApcCJdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undercooking your meat because you can't keep it juicy otherwise and you're a failure as a cook

>> No.20482416

You live in a shithole with no food standards.

>> No.20482417

ESL retard detected.

>> No.20483646

The meat is great as it is, giving it a searing 600º crust just helps out. Any more than 20 seconds (each side) will start to toughen up the middle and make it worse

>> No.20485510

they call it the strategic cheese reserve

>> No.20485521

>blue rare

>> No.20485524

I don't get Americans and their obsession with raw steaks

>> No.20485533
File: 257 KB, 1140x906, Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It plebbitor type bug men who use it as a masculinity signal. Most people don't care how other people eat their steaks but for those very insecure about their masculinity, it's a quick and easy way to assert it. Same with making bacon a part of their identity.
It's funny because lots of these bug men are also male feminists who decry toxic masculinity. They prefer focus group created Masculinty-Product which can easily be purchased. Just like women all of a sudden deciding all at the same time that they all hate the word "moist", bug men jump on whatever Masculinity-Product meme is pushed down from above through the media.

>> No.20485640

Judging by the prose I'd say it's a translated menu for foreigners. i.e. the restaurant is not in an English speaking country.

>> No.20486839

Imagine caring this much about how your grandma eats her steak…

>> No.20487212

If you can't cook a steak to done without drying it out you are either a shit cook or using shitty beef.

>> No.20487270

Nah most nations aren't as autistic about gatekeeping food like americans are. Maybe italians.

>> No.20487288

>almost done
Was that hard, you pretentious raw meat eating faggot?

>> No.20487325

Yeah listing that as the description for each level would sure be helpful to a customer wondering how to order their steak.

>> No.20487620

>mom makes steak on my birthday when i flew in
>its well done, no pink at all. almost as dark as my immense disappointment
however in christmas she made a great prime rib so i give her a pass
one of the guys on my pool team brought steaks after the season was over and undercooked them to perfection. it was really rare, not quite blue rare but still. and they were fuckin delicious

>> No.20487626

i have a strong feeling you're the guy from that other plan telling people to take a stack of resumes into random businesses to find work
gen x scum

>> No.20487634

you have bad tastes and likely a little bit of the 'tism anon. maybe you're a midwesterner who thinks tabasco is spicy.
other people are, in fact, different from you and like different things. i'm sorry that's so hard for you to comprehend, but its the truth

>> No.20487789

Roze my beloved...

>> No.20488835

imagine being scared of food.

>> No.20488902

Give me medium well because it’s the only way I ever seem to get a good crust (not burnt)

>> No.20488932
File: 62 KB, 491x889, 903reiysb6611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like well done steak because it lasts longer and I enjoy chewing it on to savor the rub and flavor. I like medium rare/rare/etc. too but not as much.

I fucking hate shit like this because JUST COOK THE DAMN FOOD, YOU THREE STAR GOOGLE REVIEW CHEF. The customer is right. When you go to a restaurant you can order whatever the fuck you want but you are cooking for them. Stop being a pretentious food faggot and just cook the steak per the specific way the customer enjoys.

Fucking prick thinks he is Hank Hill or some shit. I wouldn't trust a restaurant like this to make a rare steak anyway they'll just end up undercooking it and leaving it filled with parasites or god knows what.

>> No.20488986
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>> No.20489150

It's the easiest one to cook because you can just forget about it and let it burn, they won't know any better.

>> No.20489413

>actually cooking your meat is bad ok

>> No.20489424

>tfw always got well done as a kid because I thought it meant the chef did their best when cooking it.

>> No.20489519

Hold on, I need to send this to your developers as a bug report:
>saw a post about steaks and went off about COVID boosters for no reason

>> No.20489524
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You eat your chicken and pork pink too? Are both of them always dry?

>> No.20489528

Heated too long/too much -> overcooked -> "burnt."
You both fucking your wives right now? Because it's not that deep.

>> No.20489529

based anon, reaping the butthurt of well done coocklets

>> No.20490488

When has anyone been food-poisoned by a medium-rare steak?

>> No.20491216

food is gay, you are gay

>> No.20491242

You do know that type of cow parasite only gets into muscle tissue when it's an adult? Unless you're eating fucking intestines you'd physically see the parasites.