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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 989 KB, 682x671, chrome_D0VVbEOsSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20465674 No.20465674 [Reply] [Original]

what a fucking cunt. still right.

>> No.20465689
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smd tony

>> No.20465702
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>> No.20465714

for each clove, slice off the end that's attached to the base of the bulb, then smash with your knife. the garlic slips right out of the skin afterwards.
if you can't do this then you really don't deserve good garlic

>> No.20465730
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>> No.20465732
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Like I'm going to trust the taste of a guy that preferred heroine and a rope around his neck

>> No.20465748
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and he an hero'ed. so.

>> No.20465750

You can put the unpeeled clove in the garlic press, it comes out clean, you pull out the paper with your finger in 2 seconds

>> No.20465777

Gen X was the lamest generation of all time

>> No.20465821

he's right but he shouldn't be so mean about it

>> No.20465824
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slaps your sous-chefs ass in you're way

>> No.20465913

Bourdain was an actual boomer

>> No.20465921

lmao this nigga killed himself haha
what a little bitch

>> No.20465951

Works well with steaks since you not only get the garlic itself but extra juices seeping into it.

>> No.20466031

got garlic powder for the first time a couple of years back for a flour dredge and got lazy cooking after long shifts and used it instead of cloves a few times and honestly you gotta be either naive like I was or a complete retard to use the jarred stuff
somehow dried garlic just sitting in a jar does big steaming shits all over that no flavour minced crap

>> No.20466038

celebrity chef's are the most odious development of late modernity, liberalism and capitalism

>> No.20466049

The jew worked hard and had reverence for past masters. His brain got fucked up by drugs and when he got cucked by his retard wife he an hero'd. Of course he still hated whites so so be it, but nonetheless he was as good as those ones get

>> No.20466087

i think he got killed, but honestly even then he was pretty pozzed and was willing to play jew games. but giving what I know about the cooking industry and how he grew up, he turned out amazingly well all things considered. Really goes over the kind of contempt most restaurantiers have for their customer base, along with reverence for some of the loyal folk. these guys are hard working, live or die by a knifes edge, and often dont see a reward for persuing their career without supplimenting with drug dealing, which his supposed kitchen confidential disappointingly kind of just glosses over. It's a shame. Even as a straight edge kind of person and a complete social retard it was even easy for me to kind of suss it out from people just skipping work all the time. they had too much booze, coke, or other shit they where in, and would do crazy stuff. I think other than white hatred, this is also why the dish guy is also white. besides the racism, whites can be relied on to show up at work. if a few of the higher line guys do too much blow and booze you can run the line with a skeleton crew. normally if the dish guy doesn't show up the whole operation falls a part instantly,

>> No.20466089

it started from royalty and monarchy, retard.

>> No.20466090

Him and Jeff Epstein both just "died." out of the blue and under strange circumstances. Right yeah, nice try numbnuts.

>> No.20466098

Shit you're right

>> No.20466539

There are tons of crypto boomers out there that are strongly associated with GenX but are actual boomers
Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher and Richard Linklater are actual boomers
Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder are actual boomers
James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Flea and Anthony Kiedis are actual boomers
All the members of REM and The Cure are actual boomers
GenX culture is littered with boomers who struck it big in their 30's and get associated with GenX because that was their main customer base

>> No.20466545

His wife didn't even end up in a long term relationship with the teenager, it was a one off thing like he himself constantly did himself. What a baby

>> No.20466574


Girlfriend and she wasn't even invited to the funeral. Afterwards she spent her time saying it was an open relationship and being in Me-too movement while being a former harasser. Italians are something else.

>> No.20466576

My point was that he did the same thing and it probably was an open relationship (men like him with power do in fact choose that) but he didn't like this one specific one

>> No.20466593

He was pissed because he was getting passed over for a teenager but he knew about her family history and upbringing and should have expected this

>> No.20466594

Isn't this kind of generational crossover present everywhere though? Like when people complain about boomers, late silent-gen or early Gen Xers get lumped in too.

>> No.20466606

Every generation has some version of this
The musicians and actors who were really popular to your generation when they were in high school and college will almost always be members of the preceding generation

>> No.20466613

Garlic Cloves last much longer than peeled garlics anyway.

>> No.20466616

Again, not like he was the most loyal boyfriend and he encouraged her to fuck other people like he did. He just was destroyed by that one in particular for some reason, probably because of the PR nightmare

>> No.20466637

He's such an insufferable tryhard, holy shit

>> No.20466643

You are totally missing the point here
He was pissed because this one was a teenager
The others were older, not as threatening, but to an old man getting beat out by a teen is like being set aside permanently by a new generation taking over
Being made to feel old, worthless, and past his prime pushed him over the edge
Again, knowing her family history and upbringing he should have seen it coming, but he was an idiot in the end

>> No.20466648

I get it now, grim

>> No.20466649

>knowing her family history and upbringing he should have seen it coming

>> No.20466659

That's kind of always true. Thr famous people associated with each generation are usually going to be one generation older because adults are the ones actually doing shit to get famous.
Most of the zoomer liked pop culture icons are millennials. And a lot of the famous guys from boomer times were silent gen. Although the boomer case is a bit special because that generation was made extra long to match its definition as the uptick in kids born after WWII.

>> No.20466662

Her father is Dario Argento, big time Italian director who made a bunch of hit horror flicks in the 70's-90's, think Italian Clive Barker or Wes Craven
If you've seen Italian movies from that era they are all basically softcore porn
Dario Argento was notorious for saying he made all his actors really fuck on set and edited them just enough to make them barely not porn
He moved out of his family home and ignored his children when they were growing up, so Asia Argento basically grew up fatherless
When she was 18 she got a modeling contract and started getting film offers
Her dad suddenly found her interesting because she was going into the family business and she got attention from him for the first time in her life
He even cast her in a movie
Yep, this is going exactly where you think
She got railed out on a soundstage repeatedly by a 40-something man over a series of weeks, real full penetration sex, under the lights with the whole crew watching, while her father stood less than 10 feet away giving her (and the guy) direction
This girl was completely broken and trained for abuse at an early age

>> No.20466668
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I got my favorite jew! He hangs out with asian girls half his age as cool as a jew can be. This faggot can go fuck himself and die, oh wait! He did. he even tried to ruin Archer.

>> No.20466670

What if I want a whole clove to grate through a microplane?

>> No.20466699

>If you eat at any good restaurant, assume you've eaten a stick of butter.

Another great quote by a cunt of a person.

>> No.20466730

heard he was the only guy at culinary school who did all his cooking with a spoon

>> No.20466733

Just imagine passing off a Guy Fieri quote as your own.

>> No.20466741
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Did Guy really say that? Holy based.

>> No.20466745

Yeah. Can't be fucked to find the quote. Probably easy to.

>> No.20466750

Bourdain was right about Fieri, and Fieri knew it. His restaurants are slop factories for fat flyovers and he's more known as a host than a cook.

>> No.20466753

He's a damn good host, though.

>> No.20466756

Have you eaten at one? If so, what did you and your party eat?

>> No.20466760

>You need to eat the Sysco slop to know it is Sysco slop
Imagine having a tourist restaurant in Times Square fail lmaooo

>> No.20466763
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Guy isn't a miserable dead pussy, who's the one coping?

>> No.20466766

No, he's only dead inside

>> No.20466783

I was curious, I just thought that people who berate restaurants usually have eaten in them

>> No.20466812

>he's more known as a host than a cook
Fieri isn't a cook though
He has always worked in restaurant management and marketing, never as a cook
Bourdain resented him because he was a non cook breaking into the cooking tv host monopoly

>> No.20466854

idk I don't cook

>> No.20466989

papa fieri may be a slop merchant, but he was actually a chef that ran successful restaurants
antonio never ran a restaurant that didn't fail

>> No.20467023

violent and aggresive hyperboly is the main watermark of 80s edge.
its why we have been getting more socially volatile becuase people listen to the edgy cunts.
oh youre a pussy when you dont do something?
man up or die.
its all just shit from an overinflated ego becuase they are compensating with their shit lifestyle choices and still processing their catharsis that shot them into the limelight in the first place
which traps them in their own ego until they choke on it.

>> No.20467147

Fieri never pretended to be anything else. Bourdain was a pseud and would have envied Fieri's authenticity.

>> No.20467154

Thank me later

>> No.20467505

the fuck

>> No.20467548
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1705759551738716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get a big jar of minced garlic because I often need at least 4-5 table spoons worth whenever I cook. Yes, my breath tastes terrible, no I have never seen a vampire near my house.

>> No.20467591
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Get the frozen garlic cubes. They taste perfectly good, it's not like jarred garlic where it has to be shelf stable, it's just mashed with some oil and frozen

>> No.20467598
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>peeling and cutting is hard
Why do chefs act like doing grade school shit is a skill?

>> No.20467649

The people who are aren't chefs at all.

>> No.20467656

He constantly said the opposite in his books. Always said that cooking skills are easy to teach. Hiring people with decent character is the challenge.

>> No.20467728

how are you so retarded as to misinterpret that very simple sentence?
he's saying it isn't hard you dumbfuck

>> No.20467997

I took a walk in this beautiful world

>> No.20468007

What was Bourdain's relationship like with Ramsey?

>> No.20468044

we get it you're french jeeze

>> No.20468047

>kills himself

>> No.20468050

i saw some guy throw a fit about this because mashing the garlic a little bit "ruins it"

>> No.20468053

You can get different flavors from garlic depending on the way you prepare it

>> No.20468064

he shouldn't have stayed at the standard hotel the night Adam Schiff raped and murdered an underaged black boy
He'd still be alive

>> No.20468099

Guy has a bunch of successful shows too triple D guys grocery games he basically is the food network and he seems to be reasonably happy he’s not all uptight and serious. I kind of pity bourdain he had amazing experiences all over the world most people would kill for yet he was unhappy.

>> No.20468124
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Maybe he should have bought pre-peeled garlic so he could spend the saved time seeing a therapist.

>> No.20469549

"kill yourself because of an annoying roastie"
- Tony Bourdstein

>> No.20469572

FIeri is also alive lol and universally seen as a cool guy, not as an insufferable tryhard faggot

>> No.20469573

I don't think he's cool

>> No.20469575

I don't think you're heterosexual either yet here we are

>> No.20469576

Ouch, I hurt you there. Iconoclasm

>> No.20470635
File: 2.62 MB, 1057x1329, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur wrong

>> No.20470797

your wrong

>> No.20470929


>> No.20471002



>> No.20471011

>insufferable tryhard faggot
That's actually exactly how I view him.

He seems like a nice guy, though. Probably a lot nicer than Bourdain was, seeing as how Bourdain was most likely the kind of guy who lurked on 4chan.

>> No.20471025

Yeah, wouldn't you?

If you're trying to argue that people shouldn't take their craft seriously, then you're full of shit.

>> No.20471049
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hell yeah brother

>> No.20471051

I'm surprised to see that people who spend all day on an Iranain miniature painting forum would be unable to appreciate the reality that most foodies are also potheads.

>> No.20471074

Whats this guys opinion on knots and ropes?

>> No.20471111

>"men" acting tough in women spaces quip retarded shit
You do what you're paid for, making my food as I demand, or I walk out.

>> No.20471145

4chan has for some reason been overtaken by tightwad purity queers in the last 10 or so years and I have to assume it's a psyop

>> No.20471151

Tourist please.
It used to be "pot is for niggers"

>> No.20471160

Lol, last-10-years mindset posting on full display. You come here from gamergate or the election? Maybe one week before either so you feel legit? This was an edgy libertarian larper lolicon website.
>age of consent: 7
>weed: legal
>guns: mandatory
That's the whole platform. And fuck george bush and going to church like mom wants me to

>> No.20471255

Look at this fag blatantly telling on himself. Hilarious.
Which youtube doc did you watch?
Im convinced this site is older than you are.

>> No.20471637
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>Take Chantix to quit smoking.
>Kill yourself as a side effect.

>> No.20471659

>This was an edgy libertarian larper lolicon website.
This was an anime website for maligned anime weebs who didnt have friends and didnt give a shit about social norms.
That means all the KHVs with no friends werent out buying weed from burnout normies, nor were they clamoring on for legalization for said faggots.

Zoomers seem to forget that the whole "DUDE WEED" acceptance thing is a new phenomenon, 10-15 years ago people were going to jail for life because of minor pot offenses.

>> No.20472080

His craft is being a tv host though

>> No.20472163

No it was probably the fact that she went full whore and accused the kid of raping her so Bourdain freaked out and went to bat for her, then the kid released all the texts where she admits to statutory raping him. But conveniently women are children who are immune to consequences.

>> No.20472195

yes for garlic, no for ginger

>> No.20472208

>intentionally grow increasingly harder to peel varieties of garlic to occupy more of white people's time so they can't overthrow the ZOG
>blame white people for not peeling enough garlic
I get a feeling (((he))) belongs to (((them))).

>> No.20472555

“Be alone forever and make grandma cry” - you

>> No.20473949

So glad this kike khs

>> No.20473956

Killed himself?

>> No.20473992

Boomers were in their 50's in the 90's, anon

>> No.20474000

Happy this junkie killed himself.

>> No.20474004
File: 179 KB, 982x774, 837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter what you shill it's not going to erase the fact that you sent some towl heads to kill this kike for not keeping his mouth shut about what he saw. bourdaine is a case study in jewish tradgedy. A dyed in the wool new york kike gets shoad by some mop heads to protect a jew that eats children, after a life time of shilling for anti white politics.

>> No.20475143

>DUDE WEED" acceptance thing is a new phenomenon
larping zoomer
what the fuck were you doing 15 years ago? because that's when I would say the whole dude weed thing started. also about the same time good weed became more widely available instead of relying on mexican brick shit

>> No.20475154

bet he would have told us to get jabbed if he didn’t an hero

>> No.20475169

Dude died trying to give himself a stiffy. None of his opinions should be given a moment of consideration.

>> No.20475348

he tried to start a chocolate company and I think everyone took it as a joke when he said if this company fails I'm going to hang myself in the shower
oh anthony youre so edgy lololol hey wait!

>> No.20475374

You hold the clove in your palm and shove the microplane up your ass.

>> No.20475376

he was in the shower jerking off and then he started thinking about the kid fucking his wife which made him super horny so he cummed in his own mouth in some weird cuck ritual then he necked himself out of shame. I know I was there.

>> No.20475377

Who is that hairy armed fuck and the show Archer? Whatd he do?

>> No.20475892

People still mad about him after six years, proof his legacy will never die. Cope, you will never have his reach

>> No.20475917

No, he wasn't in Archer (the show), Anthony Bourdain was. And the guy's name is Andrew Zimmern, he has a show similar to Anthony Bourdain's show.

>> No.20476082

>Bourdain was murdered by Arabs sent by mossad
some days I wonder what it would be like to be this schizophrenic

>> No.20476094

Kevin Nash was raped in the sweltering summer of 1992.

>> No.20476352

>implying arabs wouldn't jump at the chance to murder an actual jew.
one less jew in the world from their eyes

>> No.20476389

I'm so confused. I meant the dude you were replying to. Super hairy arms.

I know Zims. He seems cool. Did not know Bourdain was in Archer, ever. Crazy.

>> No.20476416

This is why Patrick Zeinali is MEGAbased because he only uses ingredients anyone would have around the house and makes the recipe that any retard (me) could follow