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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20459100 No.20459100 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not using a rice cooker to prepare your rice, grow up. Boiling it in a pot is not the correct way to prepare your rice. Get a rice cooker. Grow up.

>> No.20459103

I don't eat rice. Rice is for Mexicans and Asians

>> No.20459105

I put 1 cup of uncooked rice in to my rice cooker every morning and by the evening I eat all of it every day

>> No.20459108

Do you cook it?

>> No.20459147

No, grow up.

>> No.20459152


>> No.20459154

no I like the crunchy texture the rice cooker helps to toast it though

>> No.20459156

Grow up.

>> No.20459163

Imagine having an appliance to cook food for you.

>> No.20459178

Grow up.

>> No.20459179

>Properly cooking rice in a pot is too hard!
>I had to buy an appliance that only does this one simple task, but I'm not the manchild, it's the people who have the bare minimum competentcy in the kitchen who need to grow up!
>But the heckin asians use them! You're literally raping their culture by not consooming the product like they do!

>> No.20459183

Yea, tired of seeing retards crying about not being able to cook rice in a pot. Just buy a rice cooker for 15 bucks.

>> No.20459184 [DELETED] 


>> No.20459186

Using a rice cooker is the proper way to cook rice. Grow up.

>> No.20459197

>You aren't cooking "properly"!
>Just follow the rules chud!
Seriously though if you're incapable of cooking rice in a pot you are probably retarded. It's not surprising that you would make this shit thread to try and lessen your feelings of inferiority.
Everyone has to start somewhere, just practice instead of shitting up the board and one day you may be a competent cook.

>> No.20459204

>plain rice
Gross. Only bug people eat plain rice. You should have onions, peppers, celery, garlic, and some kind of protein already cooked in the pot before you even think of adding your rice.
>using water to cook rice
Grow up. Use vegetable stock at a minimum. Children want plain white rice cooked in water.

>> No.20459208

OP is a male cum receptacle.

>> No.20459216

Practicing cooking rice is a waste of time, the rice cooker produces perfect results every time and saves stove space.

>> No.20459219

nice try zojirushi marketer but I'm still using a pan

>> No.20459238

It really doesn't take much practice at all. Just follow the instructions on the bag.
>saves stove space
How often are you using every single burner on your stove? Counter and cabinet space are way more valuable.

>> No.20459242

>How often are you using every single burner on your stove?
Unironically almost every time I cook rice because the rice is usually only one part of the meal

>> No.20459252

Fair enough. Including one for rice, I rarely use three burners, almost never all 4.

>> No.20459362

I have one but it’s shitty, I am peppering my angus to buy one like in pic rel. really don’t eat a ton of rice but hate me shitty rice cooker.

>> No.20459390

>I have one butt, it's shitty
>I am prepping my anus

>> No.20459393
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I will continue boiling it in a saucepan. I will not use my instant pot, I will not buy a rice cooker.

>> No.20459425
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>I am peppering my angus

>> No.20459444

I've lived in Asia. Everyone just uses a rice cooker. Even in five star hotels, at the breakfast buffet, there will just be a giant rice cooker. There's no stigma attached, it's just the way rice is generally cooked by everybody. It's no different to a toaster.
Arguing that toasting bread in a pan is superior to a toaster is pointless. It's just toast dude, use the toaster. Same with steamed plain rice. Just use the most efficient device.
Also grow up.

>> No.20459477

the atmosphere of the environment cooks the rice

>> No.20459487

The reheat function on rice cookers works incredibly well at heating up corn tortillas. Wrap them in a damp paper towel and place in the bowl. Reheat. Perfect.

>> No.20459488

>Arguing that toasting bread in a pan is superior to a toaster is pointless. It's just toast dude, use the toaster.

this is some grade a retard shit. pan toasted bread is so far and above toaster bread it could almost be a separate dish. as for rice cookers, nah fuck you, don't need a unitasker to make rice.

>> No.20459493


Grow up, get a rice cooker.

>> No.20459520
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>> No.20459530

all single use appliances are a waste of money.
My grandparents bought an eggcooker when they were the new hot thing and everybody had to get one. They used it once and then threw it in the attic. waste of money and resources, not just personally but societally and macro-economically

>> No.20459538
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I'm 25 years old and i make delicious sticky short grain, fluffy jasmine, and firm basmati rice in a pot on the stove because i have the experience and intellect to do so.

>> No.20459547

Calling a rice cooker single function is incredibly low iq.

See >>20459487

>> No.20459557
File: 2.79 MB, 1000x562, 1614300435415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 95% of Japanese households own a rice cooker.

>> No.20459660

I wash my short grain rice for 15 minutes minimum!

>> No.20459692

Grow up.

>> No.20459971 [DELETED] 

They also still use fax ,and flip phones..
Nips are retarded

>> No.20459987 [DELETED] 

potential food poisoning and unattended electrical device combo, nice

>> No.20459998


>> No.20459997

>unattended electrical device
The fuck is this supposed to mean? Do you unplug everything when you leave a room?

>> No.20460002

In fact, most cultures using rice as a staple food don't know how to cook rice. They need a machine to automate it. There must be a lot of conspiracy theories about that in those populations.

>> No.20460004


>> No.20460011

yes sir

I used to shill about a rice cooker and then I bought the IH one after trying the rice.

If you're not eating perfect rice (gtfo with the "i make perfect rice in a pot) you're fucking retarded.

>> No.20460013

>unplug everything when you leave
i turn off unnecessary stuff if i leave for the day

>> No.20460031
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>> No.20460037

My bug (chinese) girlfriend has a rice cooker and we always use that to make rice at her place, but I use a pot at my place and she says she likes how I make rice better. So I like to use a pot

>> No.20460055 [DELETED] 

God whites are retarded.
Good thing you'll be extinct soon.

>> No.20460182

i kind of want to try toasting bread in a pan actually, can you do it with an english muffin I don't have any regular bread on me

>> No.20460186

There's actually an entire manga about how you can do other things in a rice cooker that just started

>> No.20460325

She's just lying to you for affection retard. No one prefers inconsistent rice (which is what you get when you prep it in a pot on the stove)

>> No.20460341

for me? it's the instant pot. because I already have it
5 minutes on low pressure

>> No.20460346

Maybe, but we had some good 5 millenials where we ruled over you mf's.

>> No.20460617

That's like 600 calories of rice. Its not even a lot

>> No.20460655
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I haven't looked at a manga in years. This was goofy, and weird. Pretty cool that you get a recipe with each chapter even if it is pretty simple.

>> No.20460864

In western countries the rice cooker is a meme.

>> No.20460870

I like brown rice but I've never been able to stop it from bursting a little bit when made on the stove. But I had it from a rice cooker at an Asian restaurant and the grains were still completely intact. It had such a nice texture. That made me consider getting one.

>> No.20461023

It doesn't matter how you cook, lazy people will always say you do it better because they want you to do it for them.

>> No.20461181

Imagine being such a massive fucking faggot that you spend over a hundred dollars on a dedicated machine to cook rice when you could have just thrown Uncle Ben in the microwave for 90 seconds.

>> No.20461186


Lmao even

Do poor people think that microwave rice is good?

>> No.20461191

>rice is integral to your food culture
>a machine makes your people forget how to cook rice without the machine
The Butlerian jihad can't come soon enough.

>> No.20461192

Microwave rice is good when you're having a rice emergency and need rice in 90 seconds.

>> No.20461193

>Microwaves makes water the hot water
>The heat of the hot water cooks the rice
I don't see a problem

>> No.20461209

Grow up.

>> No.20461226

Rice cooker is the wrong way, you keep all the arsenic in it. You have to boil it in a giant pot to rinse of the arsenic.

>> No.20461255

Any reccomendations for a rice cooker? Don't say the retarded £500 japanese ones because i'm not going to eat rice for every meal like japanese people do.

>> No.20461271

If you're not eating rice 3-5x+ per week, a standard fuzzy logic zojirushi is fine. Zojirushi NL-AAC10/18 would be my recommendation, shouldn't be more than $150-200.

>> No.20461368

Sorry, eurocucks (island cucks included) don't get good rice cookers. Zojirushi has no models officially sold in the EU and refuses to bother sending their new models for EU electric and consumer safety certification.

Cuckoo might have some models, but most people in Europe seem to go with "Yum Asia" rice cookers lately.

>> No.20461569

instant pot does just fine.

>> No.20461605

Nah instapot overcooks it, you just don't care because you've never had good rice, or just eat rice rarely enough where it doesn't matter to you.

>> No.20461625

nah, it's been a solved equation for a while now.
1:1 white rice and water
3 minutes high pressure
full natural release (about 9 minutes)

>> No.20461639

Yes, and that overcooks the rice, congrats for being a retard though.

Do you think the Japanese aren't aware of how heat and pressure works? They sell pressure rice cookers too, and they still take 45+ minutes to cook the rice gently so it doesn't overcook and turn to shit.

If you like overcooked rice, enjoy it, but don't act like you're getting PERFECT rice because you just look fucking dumb.

>> No.20461640

I only eat rice like once a week. Not buying an extra appliance for that. Shit is for Asians and weabos

>> No.20461656

Once a week is often enough i'd have a $50-100 rice cooker.

I eat rice 4-5x a week and spent $250 on my rice cooker and after a few years it works out to a couple of cents per batch of rice.

>> No.20461675

weeb, they use pressure cookers and stove tops too.
rice cooker elitism just hides the fact that you can't cook, and define yourself by gadgetry rather than skill.

after all, it's easy to buy a thing and just claim you're better, but who eats your rice?

>> No.20461695

Yes, what i'm fucking saying is rice cookers in japan literally USE pressure cooking functions and STILL take 45+ minutes.

>> No.20461734

sounds like your meals aren't flavorful enough for white rice. a good rice meal should have a sauce strong enough to require the plain-ness of the rice to balance it out.

>> No.20461744

enjoy your inferior rice

>> No.20461758

even the most basic rice cooker will likely do a better job than the stove, you should get one

>> No.20461768

I have this one, works great for several years now and it's very simple.

>> No.20461773

Maybe you should learn to cook. My rice cooked on a stove has not been surpassed by any plain rice I have been served at any venue.

>> No.20461779

That's because you're autistic and have come to prefer your own non-perfect rice.

Enjoy what you enjoy anon, but you're not gonna convince me you've beaten physics and managed to heat a pot from the bottom yet get 100% even heat throughout the entire contents of the pot to properly cook the rice like a high end rice cooker can.

>> No.20461852

>Boiling it in a pot is not the correct way to prepare your rice.
Don't need to. I have a pot with a lid that fits and I know how to turn my hob down low. So what if that's alien to your little brain?

>> No.20461855

still not gonna beat a rice cooker, but at least you're not boiling your rice.

>> No.20461861

>Not using the microwaveable plastic tub that lets you just nuke the rice to perfection while letting you get other ingredients ready

>> No.20461873

Rice cookers are only good if you eat rice on a daily basis.

>> No.20461897

I would say weekly or 2 times a week, but yeah expensive rice cookers only make sense if you eat rice daily, or multiple times per day.

>> No.20461903

no one cares what you think, weeb.
perfect rice, empty meals, empty life.


>> No.20462028

I cook rice about once every 6 months. a covered pan works just fine.

>> No.20462033

The heat of the water cooks the rice. The burner only heats the water, which distributes its heat evenly through the rice. The burner isn't even on for the majority of the time.

>> No.20462042
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Gr8 b8, m8.

Unless you're a plebian bugman that eats nothing but rice all day everyday, a pot is superior.

>> No.20462045

yes the burner is on for the majority of the time, it's just not on high.

And yes, the heat of the water cooks the rice, but the water isn't uniformly heated throughout, and the upper sides of the pot will cool much faster than the bottom center directly where the heat is applied.

A multi-zone IH pressure rice cooker can heat the entire bowl to a constant pressure/temp throughout and hold it there for an extended period with a great deal of precision.

>> No.20462089

if u own a stove in the current year probably u are a terrorist

>> No.20462995

The fucking state of the intellects on this board. Of course you fucking can you absolute spanner.

>> No.20463103

>starts reacting before she's even had enough time to start to study the rice
Haha yeah living sexdoll women so cute!

>> No.20463105

My rice cooker is also an electric pressure cooker, so it's not a single-use appliance. I've made very tasty stews and soups in it.

>> No.20463107

The know how to use a pot, but they choose not to simply because the results are never truly consistent due to the nature of rice as a minimally processed agricultural product. The machine is able to compensate for variations in different crops of rice to produce a consistent result.

>> No.20463110

No you WASH the rice to get rid of impurities. That is why the mantra is to wash the rice three times.

>> No.20463112

Most decent electric pressure cookers do a great job at cooking rice. They even have a 'rice' mode for just that purpose. The only thing you need to know is that you need less water in a pressure cooker than you do on a stovetop. 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water (or broth) at most.

>> No.20463113

Most have a 'quick cook' function that goes start to finish in 25 minutes. That is the most common setting used in the average household.

>> No.20463116

Clever of the nips to invent electricity & rice cookers 10,000 years ago just so they could cook rice "properly"

>> No.20463117

34% of Japanese households own a fax machine.

>> No.20463118

Those things really are amazing, and I had the Korean "Cuckoo" version that I inherited from my friend's grandma. It literally makes perfect rice. I've always wanted to get the elephant one from Japan, but damn....$700 for a rice cooker? I could buy a lot of stuff at Home Depot for that amount of money, which in turn will make me more money. I'd understand if you had a big family and tons of people coming over all the time, but it's just my dried up old wife and me. Maybe when the grandkids come. Fuck I almost wish they had like a rental you could take home so you could try it out...because I'm pretty sure if I did that I'd end up buying one. The new NEW ones supposedly have "AI" so as long as you put more water than you need, it'll remove the excess water by separating it and then steaming it out, and if you put less water than required it'll still come out pretty good.

It's definitely not a meme appliance. At least the Korean one I had was fucking amazing.

>> No.20463131

>Maybe when the grandkids come.
Is this a copy pasta? Is this bait? No way a grandpa is using 4chan

>> No.20463136

Not yet, but my kids are grown. I found out about this site when I was in my mid 30s...and man does 34 turn into 54 really fast wtf.

>> No.20463153

>That is the most common setting used in the average household
I've almost never seen someone use it unless they forgot to make rice and NEEDED rice in the next 20-30 minutes.

>> No.20463694
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This, it's INSANE how many people fail to understand that carbs and sugar as the exact same thing.

>> No.20463713

Why does my rice at the bottom of the pot burn when using my rice cooker?

>> No.20463725

The heat of the pot burns the rice

>> No.20463727

Glow up uh

>> No.20463731

rice cooker:
>same result every time, perfect rice
>keeps rice warm for over a day at safe temperatures
>reheated rice sucks
>also can be used as a steamer and slow cooker if you want
anyone who doesn't use one is either
>so incredibly poor that $150 is breaking the bank
>doesn't eat rice enough to understand the utility
>is a faggot
end of discussion

>> No.20463735

Why one must buy a $200 rice cooker instead of a $50 rice cooker?

>> No.20463739

$50 rice cooker is a essentially just a tiny slowcooker with no heat settings unless you found a really good deal. zojirushi/tiger/cuckoo etc. using fuzzy logic or other tech have moisture sensors to cook the rice properly and tons of settings for different rice types.

>> No.20463742

Because they grew up.

>> No.20463756
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>toasters are ubiquitous in cultures that eat bread
>kettles are ubiquitous in cultures that drink tea
Why does /ck/ have a seething hateboner for rice cookers but not for their western equivalents?

>> No.20463758

never stop posting

>> No.20463762

only necessary response

>> No.20463765

fags who cook rice in a pot only eat rice like one a year anyway, when they watch anime and see their waifu eat rice and get a craving for it. of course they don't see a need for a rice cooker.
that money for a rice cooker can go towards the mcdonalds they consume daily.
fucking retards, enjoy your slop and go shitpost on a different board

>> No.20463786

This. For carbs I usually prefer breads or fruits.

>> No.20463790 [DELETED] 

xenophobia / racism, scared (thus angry and lash out) of things they don't understand

>> No.20463791

no one is saying that heavy rice eaters shouldn't have a rice cooker, it's the weebs saying that you can't make good rice in any other way, or that because they use one, the rice they make is inherently better that triggers people.

guaranteed it's not asians making these threads.

>> No.20463794

xenophobia / racism, scared of things they don't understand, thus they become angry and lash out like a child

>> No.20463811

>no one is saying that heavy rice eaters shouldn't have a rice cooker
Have you read this thread at all?

>> No.20463818

>saying that you can't make good rice in any other way
No, they're saying you can't make AS good rice. Not that the rice is shit, or you make bad rice. Simply if you're making it in a pot on the stove, it isn't going to be as good as a rice cooker can do.

It's still rice, and it's fine, but pretending it's as good, or BETTER than a rice cooker is retarded and simply bullshit.

>> No.20464132

I like it. Set a timer and have rice (or oats or buckwheat, etc.) when I wake up or get home. Saves the time that would have been spent waiting for it to cook after priming it and it'll keep warm for hours after.
It's simple enough that a bimetallic strip can handle the cooking process.

>> No.20464634

it is as good, anon.
if you're a skilled cook, a rice cooker is a convenience, that's all.

you guys are just gearfags who can't actually cook.

>> No.20464656

lmao, you're just a moron that has never had an ACTUAL high end rice cooker.

The $20 "dumb" rice cookers you're correct, they're more or less just an electric pot that heats the water/rice in a similar way to your stove top. But once you get to fuzzy logic rice cookers, and especially when you get into the multi-zone IH with pressure and fuzzy logic and AI shit, you're simply not going to beat that level of precision control since it can make fine adjustments based on that particular batch of rice at that particular ambient temp, humidity, etc.

>> No.20464658

Plenty of MAGApedes still around.

>> No.20464664

yeah anyway, weeb.
every board has its gearfags that think buying a thing enters them into a sekret club.

meanwhile the rest of us are just out here cooking.

>> No.20464668

Again, feel free to enjoy your rice anon, no one is saying you make shit rice. Just don't act like you're making BETTER rice than a fucking dedicated machine that is DEMONSTRABLY more consistent than any stove-top rice you can prepare.

>> No.20464671

you've demonstrated nothing.

>> No.20464677

and neither have you.

>> No.20464682

so we're done here, weeb.
go sharpen your gyuto.

you can only be a good cook if you buy the right things, after all.

>> No.20464685
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I never said I demonstaited it, simply it is demonstrable, people have demonstrated it, you obviously don't give a shit, but that's another matter entirely.

You not CARING about how good your rice is because in your eyes cooked rice is cooked rice, doesn't mean better rice than what you can make doesn't exist, it just means you don't fucking care, which again, fine. Just don't expect me to take you seriously when I know for a fact from my own professional kitchen experience, you're simply wrong. You can make great rice in a pot, and it still wont beat the consistency you can get from a rice cooker.

Some autistic japanese traditionalists will argue iron pot rice over a real fire is better than a rice cooker when done by a proper master who has spent literal YEARS training how to make rice, but I can't speak to that as I'm not autistic enough and just spend a few hundred bucks on a rice cooker that is gonna be more consistent and 99% as good, and still always better than your stovetop rice.

>> No.20464690

go sharpen your gyuto, One Piece Man.

>> No.20464700

I bet you also think your stainless steel frying pan with an aluminium bottom is just as good at frying as a multi-clad stainless or copper frying pan and that money spent on ANYTHING in the kitchen above the bare minimum is just money wasted to make up for a lack of culinary skill that you SO clearly demonstrate with your frugal kitchenwares.

>> No.20464713

No. You need to learn how to cook.
>inb4 grow up.
How did bugs usually cook rice before cookers were a thing?

>> No.20464717
File: 352 KB, 1530x2349, PSX_20240505_154755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional kitchen experience
what fucking professional kitchen uses a high end rice cooker?
the Chinese restaurants I eat at use fuckhuge pressure/slow cookers, no fuzzy logic at all.

not everyone who thinks you're stupid is stupid themselves.
I only use 5 and 7-ply stainless, made in Belgium or the US.

and I'm not opposed rice cookers, only weeb shittery.

>> No.20464733

>you're not wrong, you're just passionate about it and I think i can rile you up

wew, so you know I'm right you're just too autistic to admit a weeb is right so you double down on it.

What a dumb nigger.

>> No.20464736

>what fucking professional kitchen uses a high end rice cooker?
High-end omakase sushi

>> No.20464743
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>you're not wrong
you ARE wrong you dumb faggot, I oppose everything you've bothered to say.
I also posted a 200 dollar pan, so you couldn't claim I'm just a poorfag not willing to buy good things.

>> No.20464755

I don't believe that at all, they'd need a fleet of them to makes a days worth of rice.

>> No.20464764

The places that use them serve 8-12 people in a night, they don't need a fleet of them.

They're just charging $500+/plate without drinks and can go into the multiple thousands per plate for higher end service or with special drink pairings.

Not every kitchen is doing high volume anon.

>> No.20464769

you're literally just making up a story right now.

>> No.20464773

not a weeb. my rice cooker was made in the US and idgaf about culture. I just prefer the superior method of making rice.

>> No.20464775


>> No.20464783

where does it show their rice cookers

>> No.20464786

>7 people
>14 courses
they use a big cheap fucking rice cooker, guaranteed.

>> No.20464797
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Nah, if they really need volume they'll buy one of the Japanese commercial models that can do like 4kg in a single batch and still uses higher end IH heating elements and similar features to their consumer models in japan.

>> No.20464808

>they use a rice cooker, guaranteed
just like anyone who cares about having decent rice should

>> No.20464809
File: 1.00 MB, 480x852, IMG_3839(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck ricecookers and fuck boiling it on the stove. Normal rice in bowl, add enough water. Microwave on high for 5 minutes, microwave on half power for 10 minutes. DO NOT MICROWAVE THE 10 MINUTES ON HIGH OR YOU GET PICREL. Takes 15 minutes, cooks in the bowl you eat it in, literally no reason not to.

>> No.20464811

again, you're just saying that this is happening.
the reality is that restaurants are cheap, and even high end ones use battered aluminum pans and cheap reliable gadgets, no matter what they charge.

unless that thing comes with a lifetime service warranty, they're using something else.

>> No.20464813
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>and even high end ones use battered aluminum pans and cheap reliable gadgets, no matter what they charge.
Yeah i guess this 4 Micheline starred restaurant just has copper cookware for aesthetics and they just use aluminium pans for the real cooking.

>> No.20464820
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Oh wait no, they just use all copper.

>> No.20464823
File: 15 KB, 156x198, 69fff632d9dad000bd36aaf3b7a207e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just dump rice and water into a plastic tub according to ratios
>don't even bother washing it or other shit because that shit's for faggots
>microwave on high, mostly covered for 10 minutes or until it starts to foam up
>wait for it to calm the fuck down when it does or clean out the turnplate of the foam
>resume cooking for another 10 minutes on high
>let it sit for 5 minutes to absorb all the water, then fluff
>comes out perfect every time
>roommate says it tastes better than any restaurant
>demands to know how the fuck I do it
LMAO imagine needing to drop hundreds just to cook some fucking rice. It's literally no harder than making instant ramen.

>> No.20464828

yeah, way to misquote me.
do you work for the New York Times, by any chance?
cheap rice cookers are just pressure/slow cookers sum total, and those are what most restaurants use to make rice.
that is precisely what is happening, quite often.
its like how cooking shows always use glass bowls for mise en place, but a line chef is using stainless steel, because he can drop it.
look how clean those pots are.

>> No.20464833

doesn't matter how expensive it was. a cheap rice cooker will still be better at cooking rice than a pot on the stove in addition to freeing more space for other pots on the stove.

>> No.20464836
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lmao even

>> No.20464839

Puerto Ricans eat rice also. So you are wrong.

>> No.20464843
File: 207 KB, 651x315, 1698455532719134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon you don't understand, they're hiding the aluminium in the back from the cameras, once the camera leaves they stop cooking on copper and bring the aluminium back out then send the copper back to the store they rented it from.

>> No.20464845

>don't even bother washing it or other shit because that shit's for faggots
Enjoy your slimy rice

>> No.20464847

have you even tried rice cooker rice before or are you just arguing to argue?

>> No.20464853

yes but it's not a dichotomy between the stovetop and a dedicated rice cooker.
pressure cookers do the same job, and you don't need both except for the added convenience of cooking two things at once.
it's not driving a Ferrari, anon.
of course I've had rice cooker rice.

>> No.20464864

The only thing not washing the rice does is make it stickier you retard.
The packaging you see on just about any rice says to cook it for 20 minutes and let it sit.

>> No.20464865

>pressure cookers do the same job
Nah they almost always overcook Japanese rice. They're okay for jasmine.

>> No.20464868

I like how you're trying to imply that presenting things a certain way for a film is somehow odd.
It's not even a question of dishonesty it's just bringing out the nice china for guests.

>> No.20464869
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It's just rice.

>> No.20464876

It's one of the best restaurants in San Francisco, that's just how the kitchen is. It's not being specially presented that way for the camera, that's just the kitchen at Quince.

>> No.20464882

you just need to adjust your technique for the tool you're using.
if high pressure for 5 minutes overcooks it, try 3 minutes.

>> No.20464912

still would rather have a rice cooker that has settings for the specific rice I want to cook and just does it for me. No need for trial and error at all.

Further, it's just better tasting, a bit sweeter, and a bit better texture.

>> No.20464922

No, it absolutely is not "just rice." Grow up.

>> No.20464940

>pressure cookers do the same job, and you don't need both
sure you don't need both. but a rice cooker will still be better at cooking rice and the pressure cooker will be better at pressure cooking so it makes sense to have both if you have the space, can afford it, and do a good amount of pressure cooking and rice cooking

>> No.20465031

>lists all these conditionals
>forgets skill, the most important conditional that obviates the need for a unitasker
replace rice cooker with air fryer, and you'll see my perspective on people who NEED a rice cooker to make good rice.

the difference being that most people who use crutches don't think they're worth bragging about.

>> No.20465035
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>> No.20465041

>I disagree so it's bait
we're done here, everything you post past this point I'll just disregard as bait.

>> No.20465042

skill has nothing to do with it. a pot on the stove is an inferior method and produces inferior rice.

>> No.20465051

for you, who cannot cook, I can understand your perspective.
it's not magic however, it's just a convenient device.

>> No.20465067

Morimoto told me to use a rice cooker, not because I could not cook rice, but because the rice cooker is superior, and I trust Morimoto

>> No.20465088

Basically all but the most traditional Japanese sushi chefs will tell you to use a rice cooker, and these days most of them are dead or dying anyway so rice cooker really is what basically any Japanese chef would tell you to use today.

>> No.20465101

nobody claimed it's magic. they claimed it makes better rice than any other method and you've failed to convince anyone otherwise.
>b-b-b-but I'm so skilled at heating water and rice on the stove!
whatever dude. enjoy your shitty rice I guess.

>> No.20465103

the difference is that those chefs can still make excellent stovetop rice even if they use shortcuts, much like how a skilled guitarist can make even the grubbiest takamine sing, or a skilled photog can capture life even with an instant Polaroid.

the skills need to exist, otherwise you're just praying to a witchbox.

>> No.20465125

>grubbiest takamine sing
it will produce an inferior sound, much like how stovetop rice is inferior to rice cooker rice
>capture life even with an instant Polaroid
the photo will be technically inferior by resolution and defects, much like how stovetop rice is inferior to rice cooker rice

>> No.20465130

And yet they still universally choose to use a rice cooker, and tell others to as well.


>> No.20465206

but even as has been suggested ITT, you need a new 250 dollar IH fuzzy logic AI-integrated rice cooker to produce these miracle results.
the 30 dollar ones are just lesser pressure cookers.

this is just gearfaggotry in disguise.

>> No.20465235

You just need a fuzzy logic rice cooker at around $150, you don't NEED to step up to the IH or better units, those just do a little bit better for each successive price bump.

If you eat rice once a week, $150 is like $0.25 per use over a decade. If you eat rice 2-3x a week then it's just a few pennies. If you eat rice daily it's easy enough to justify hundreds of dollars for something you'll be using for years to come.

If you don't regularly eat rice, then by all means use an instant pot or a pressure cooker, but if you DO eat rice all the time, you're just having some autistic hangup if you honestly don't see a value in a rice cooker.

>> No.20465267

inferior sound =/= inferior music
inferior resolution =/= inferior photograph

thanks for highlighting the difference between skillfags and gearfags.

>> No.20465350

there's a difference between art and food, cooklet. I'd rather my rice be technically good than soulful.

>> No.20465488

ricer cuckers don't get to call people cooklets, you're pushing a button lel.

>> No.20465640


>> No.20466232

Thing: :|
Thing, japan: :0

But since everyone here is a contrarian
Thing, ameriburger: :0
Thing, japan: >:(

>> No.20466240

make one with steel or cast iron interior please. preferrably the latter.

>> No.20466242

get the fuck out of here newfag.

>> No.20466245

toasters actually save watts because of logerithmic scale.

>> No.20466247

this but unironically
Why do I know?
the copper crockery obviously isnt well used. there should be burned and not so nice looking ones mixed in there. you do need to maintain copper yes, but they should still not look so perfect, ergo its obviously all new shit. theres no way they use it. interior is steel anyway though.

>> No.20466251

Delusional, you can even see black scuffs and mild discolouration starting from the bottom on the pan in the back here. >>20464836

But hey, whatever helps you cope.

You can reserve a table at Quince yourself if you're not a poor fag, but we both know you are.

>> No.20466260

>one pan
everything on the top two shelves look new

>> No.20466264

The kitchen got totally redone during COVID and they're a 3 Michelin starred restaurant so it's not like they're running dinner service for 100 people every night.

Again, feel free to visit the kitchen yourself

>> No.20466300

I have limited space in the kitchen, I can stack pans like it's nothing but a rice cooker is just a big hunk of plastic
also back in my day we used to call little boy and fat man rice cookers

>> No.20466305

They're also using a French top in the picture you posted, so you wouldn't get normal flame discolouration you'd get from a gas burner.

>> No.20466309

Get a bigger kitchen, grow up.

>> No.20466316

you will never be white

>> No.20466319
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>> No.20466336
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Actually, cooking it in a pot is the objectively correct way.
>wash rice
>add to pot with plenty of boiling water in it, like it's pasta
>return to boil
>cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes depending on desired firmness
>immediately return to pot and cover
>let sit/steam for 10 minutes
>it's done
When you drain the water, you drain out about 60% of the arsenic in the rice with it.
In conclusion, OP, like iToddlers, BTFO.

>> No.20466404



Boiled rice is not at all the same thing

>> No.20466409

Or you know, just buy good Japanese rice without arsenic.

Arsenic is generally found in Indian/Pakistani rice and southern US grown rice.

>> No.20466420

All rice has arsenic. Some rice has more arsenic and some rice has less, but all rice has arsenic, and it is objectively healthier to drain 60% of it out.

>> No.20466423

60% of 0.5mg is nothing

60% of 300mg is worthwhile

And again boiling rice is not the same as steaming rice, and acting like it's the same just makes you look retarded.

>> No.20466428

Enjoy you're arsenic.
Idiots like you are a diamond dozen.

>> No.20466433

Unless you lab test your own rice, you do not know how much arsenic it has in it.
If you consume rice regularly, especially brown rice, it is a no-brainer from a health standpoint to use the cook like pasta/drain method.

>> No.20466446

> Inorganic arsenic species are more toxic than methylated forms to humans. We found here that the inorganic arsenic concentration in the grain of Japanese rice cultivars did not exceed 0.3mgkg−1, even when the total arsenic concentration reached levels of more than 3mgkg−1. If a Japanese person weighing 53.5kg consumes an average of 160g of rice per day and the maximum concentration of inorganic arsenic in the grain is presumed to be 0.3mgkg−1, then the calculated intake of inorganic arsenic from rice would be 0.9µgkg−1 BW per day. This value is a possible maximum intake of inorganic arsenic from rice; 0.48µgkg−1 BW per day or less would be a reasonable average value for arsenic intake from rice by the Japanese people because of MAFF's average total arsenic value of 0.16mgkg−1 in brown rice. Regardless, both values are far less than the current BMDL 0.5.

> Taken together, these findings suggest that arsenic health risk need not be taken into account in the choice of rice cultivars in Japan; instead, field management practices such as water management are very important factors for controlling total arsenic accumulation in Japanese rice.

>> No.20466451
File: 544 KB, 2365x2365, bens_original_boil_in_bag_long_grain_rice_8_x_625g_6779_T1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use boil in the bag rice. Perfect every time, simple as.

>> No.20466501


OP, post proof you have round eyes or gtfo

>> No.20466570

Grow up.

>> No.20466572

>his rice requires draining after being cooked
fucking kek, gtfo anime poster

>> No.20466631

>Received 19 Oct 2010
14 years ago.
Unless you lab test your own rice, you do not know how much arsenic it has in it.

>> No.20466639

Is that the same as Uncle Ben’s?

>> No.20466645

OP has trolled using this topic numerous times here. He samefags like mad, using the same arguments every time even though they are debunked every time, and does not argue in good faith.

>> No.20466650

Nobody cares what sea Mexicans eat

>> No.20466664

I only buy japanese cultivars who do tests on their rice and it never has high levels of arsenic, because again, I'm not a poor person buying cheap shitty rice like you are apparently.

I don't need every batch to be tested because the factors that introduce arsenic into the rice is the water and the soil, all of which aren't going to change from season to season.

>> No.20466673
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>I only buy japanese cultivars who do tests on their rice

>> No.20466675

Yes but Uncle was racist so now it's just "Ben's"

Doesn't tell who who Ben is, but it's his rice.

>> No.20466677

>who do tests on their rice
kek and you believe them!
Unless you lab test your own rice, you do not know how much arsenic it has in it.

>> No.20466682

Again, I don't need to lab test every batch because aresenic isn't some magic material that comes from nowhere.

Japanese rice on the whole is super low in aresenic due to the soil in japan not having much arsenic and the water japan uses being quite clean as well.

Pretend all you want that untested rice has arsenic, but you just look like a retard to the rest of the world.

>> No.20466704

>Sure, consumers are getting perfect rice -- puffy, white and identically sized -- when they buy top varieties, such as Koshihikari, Hitomebore, Akita Komachi and Kirara. What people don't realize, though, is that not only the rice, but also the soil, groundwater and rivers are getting saturated with herbicides, fungicides and pesticides.
>Arsenic in soil results from human activities including pesticide use

>> No.20466715

An article from 24 years ago, the study I posted is from 14 years ago showing all major Japanese cultivars have low arsenic to the point you don't need to care about it.

Why don't you post an example of arsenic-filled Japanese rice (from japan, not the US) instead of implying it's possible without ever actually proving it?

>> No.20466723

Good and correct post. I am grateful to have minds such as you on this board.

>> No.20466724

14 years of applying pesticides later, you don't know that the soil still has very low amounts of arsenic.

>> No.20466727


>> No.20466742

>all major Japanese cultivars
This does not mean all Japanese rice.

>> No.20466802

Thew rice they sell to filthy gaijins is far different from the rice they sell locally, you fool. Japs are eternal crooks.

>> No.20466817


>> No.20468414

Grow up. Eat rice.

>> No.20468487

Rice is made of sugar molecules. The Japanese navy gave their sailors a diet of just rice and it literally killed them.

>> No.20468585

Grow. The fuck. Up.

>> No.20469075

fat and stupid people eat rice every day oh well

>> No.20469768

Why didn't they just give a diet of rice to the Chinese so they died?

>> No.20470015
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someone recommend me a rice cooker that

>is (relatively) cheap
>easy to clean

>> No.20470030

Whatever the cheapest made in japan Zojirushi model you can get.

>> No.20470146

Do expensive rice cookers make a noticeable difference in how the rice tastes?

>> No.20470147

>I have to justify my purchases to others by forcing my opinion onto them

>> No.20470276

i donated my rice cooker to a group of students occupying a unniversity building near me

>> No.20470460
File: 370 KB, 1047x576, Screenshot (2042).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when all them chinese people couldn't eat rice for millenia until the rice cooker was invented?

>> No.20470478

They ate it, but they had to chew it raw and crunchy. That's why there are so many photos of old Chinese people with missing teeth.

>> No.20470599

So do any good brand rice cookers have stainless steel pots or are they all nonstick?

>> No.20470641

Taste a little. Texture is the biggest difference. If you want your rice to raste better use your favorite/best tasting brand of bottled water. Water quality makes a huge difference if your rice is already great quality.

>> No.20470756

Grow up

>> No.20470806

It's just rice.
OK, there's different types of rice, but the basic cooking procedure's the same; you're literally hydrating dry rice.
If you only cook rice occasionally, a special rice cooker is a waste of kitchen space.

>> No.20470982

i do the same, but 7 min high pressure, and i wait 3 more minute all turned off before releasing the valve

>> No.20471001

Grow up

>> No.20471067
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>> No.20471088
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my induction zojirushi from about 2016-17 has started making a mildly audible buzzing sound when plugged in. Not sure what the issue is there but I'm concerned. Also the clock is all fucked up, the audio tone changed after the internal battery died, and I'm not sure how to fix it. They also don't sell my pot anymore and I need a replacement since some drunk asshole that was in my apartment once scratched it with a steel fork.

What do, weebs?

>> No.20471119

Gimme some easy dishes i can make with a rice cooker. I also have an air fryer and a microwave. I dont have a stove and very little experience with cooking outside of stir frying shit

>> No.20471309

True. I've heard the reason the great wall of china is made of rice is because all the farmers who had farmed and cultivated rice for centuries weren't able to eat it because rice cookers hadn't been invented yet so they used each crop for construction.

>> No.20471783

You think I am immature for posting a cooking manga on the food and cooking board of an anime discussion website?

>> No.20471907

I have a rice cooker, and I use it frequently.
But there ARE good reasons to cook rice in a pot sometimes.

Live a little:
>Melt some butter in the bottom of a pot.
>Brown your rice in the butter with some finely chopped onions.
>When the rice is almost done browning, stir in some garlic and herbs. Let them cook long enough to become fragrant.
>Now you're finally ready to cook the rice, but don't add water!
>Instead boil the rice in chicken broth!

Try it.

>> No.20472051
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>> No.20472063

Is that how the ancients did it? Are we getting back to our roots?

>> No.20472068
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>> No.20472077
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>> No.20472078

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.20472103
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>> No.20472115

It isn’t practice. If you can’t even cook a cup of plain rice by yourself or cook eggs without fucking it up, your incompetence as a chef is immeasurable. The least you can do is have the self awareness to realize you’re useless and have no skill whatsoever.

>> No.20472124
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>> No.20472170

you could say that for every appliance

>> No.20472176

>enjoying plain rice
what a fucking psychopath

>> No.20472206

whats a good rice cooker for the EU

>> No.20472228

I have the Black and Decker version of the 3 cup size of this.

>> No.20472259

you can make yoghurt in it too

>> No.20472262 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 640x513, extra-smug-apu-v0-behgsupxs12c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my thread where I epically trolled spee >>918051085

>> No.20472270
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The 170 dollar chinkoid one is fine.

>> No.20472397

Go back. Commit suicide.

>> No.20472573

This is how I know half you retards have no buisness telling people how to cook rice.

>> No.20472575

>cheapest made in Japan Zojirushi is £300
>aluminium lid to leech into the steam condensation droplets
>non stick coating to breakdown over time
Is there really nothing better?

>> No.20472576

You can get a made in Japan model with similar features for the $150-180. Only reason to go with the made in china models is if they're significantly cheaper.

>> No.20472578

Zoji doesn't make European models

Look at Yum Asia or Cuckoo.

>> No.20472590

Everybody ITT needs to just grow up

>> No.20472629

You're the same person that insists you can make perfect stove top rice with your eyes closed but also thinks plain white rice is shit.

You deserve your shitty stove top rice.

>> No.20472686


>> No.20472692

your room(mate) who you attracted due to similiar IQ is of course also retarded.

>> No.20472771

Nah, a seemingly unrelated manga with similar (although obviously not to the same quality of course, not bad but not amazing like akebis) art style

>> No.20473073

I have a rice cooker too but she sometimes gets mad at me and doesn't cook the rice.

>> No.20473261

Can you use this specific one for stews and slowcooking? Or is it just a rice maker?
Some of them list that in the features and this one doesn't.

>> No.20473268

Not one with a 3-cup capacity. The only MIJ ones I can find are 5 or 10 cups.

>> No.20473294
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Looks like there is a new William Sonoma exclusive model in the US.

>> No.20473302

They've got a 3 cup MIJ one but it's more expensive as it uses IH heating which places it in the mid-tier in the Zoji lineup, so around $250-300.

>> No.20473358

>got memed into buying a cheap rice cooker by /ck/
>love it and have been cooking more healthy meals based around rice, noodles and veggie’s because of it
>easily meal prepping now too
Thank you anons for rice cooker posting. Shit is cash af. Keep it up

>> No.20473368

I would imagine so, since the settings are similar. I've never tried because I have my grandma's slowcooker.

>> No.20473828

Grow. The fuck. Up.

>> No.20475245

Yes, you're right. I see it now. I got the NS-LGC05.
Thanks. Will experiment when I get it. I've only used my cheapo 'on/off' rice cooker before.

>> No.20475252

I cook it in a pot. I eat rice every day.

>> No.20475290

I cook about 15 servings at one time in a giant pot and freeze them in individual servings for later use.
I cook them in tons of excess water like pasta and drain them to reduce arsenic.
I am a chad who does things the correct way.

>> No.20475443

Sorry, but you can only earn the right to use a rice cooker if you first can demonstrate that you can cook rice perfectly on the stove-top.

>> No.20475456

>1:1 water to rice
>bring water/soup stock to rolling boil
>add rinsed rice
>cover and lower burner to simmer
>wait 10 mins., do not lift lid until 10 mins is over


Grow up.

>> No.20475485

>one cup water to one cup rice

>> No.20475496

Depends on the rice. Owner of the store I get my rice from also told me to do 1:1 and it's great.

>> No.20475516

I would imagine Whole Foods is more of a way of life than a store for one such as yourself.

>> No.20475519

It's a Thai restaurant with a store in the back. I'm a different anon and use a rice cooker.

>> No.20475580

>rinse rice
>add water or soup stock to line
>add frozen veggies and dumplings
>close lid and press button
>forget about it until it's done

Simple as.

>> No.20475803

Grow up

>> No.20475854

'member when after cooking millenias worth of rice the old fashioned way they tasted rice cooker rice and the difference was so great that 500 million people bought rice cookers despite knowing how to make rice in a pot?

>> No.20477419
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>> No.20477466

t. Trendy rich "i'm not a fob" asian mom.

>> No.20477475

Do they have models that arent using aluminium or nonstick surfaces?

>> No.20477481

rice is pure cancer and it's horrible for you

>> No.20477490
File: 108 KB, 519x342, UK and EU versions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoji doesn't make European models
>Look at Yum Asia
So I looked at Yum Asia and immediately see pic related.
The pages for the Zojirushi rice cookers all specify they are made for UK power and come with UK plugs.

>> No.20477522

That's a Singapore/Hong Kong model actually

They're not made for the EU market. If you look up their actual product codes you'll see Zojirushi has website pages for them on their Singapore and/or Hong Kong websites. But they don't have an EU or UK web page with those models.

>> No.20477571
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Yeah, even more to the point, why would Zojirushi, who sells models directly in the US, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, South east Asia, AND South America, NOT have a European branch?
The only way to buy Zoji in Europe is through Yum Asia (who import them from countries that share European electrical standards)

>> No.20478518

Grow up.

>> No.20478524

not even kenji lopez uses rice cooker at home and he is as tryhard as it gets. (he says he uses instant pot in The Wok)

>> No.20478809


>> No.20478868

That's why Asians use rice cookers, they eat rice as a side

>> No.20480260

>The only way to buy Zoji in Europe is through Yum Asia (who import them from countries that share European electrical standards)
Thanks for the clarification anon.

>> No.20480441

i am the poor category but will cope with finding a different excuse

>> No.20480504

I will cook my rice in an airfryer.

>> No.20480542

Those japanese ricecookers always feel more like multicookers to me.

>> No.20480598

I was quite satisfied with how I cooked rice on the stovetop
>wash rice until satisfied, usually 6 times
>fill pot with water until water reaches knuckle of finger over the rice
>bring to boil asap
>reduce to faintest of simmers, wait 15 minutes
consistently delicious.

Then I moved and a friend said I needed a rice cooker. I said no, I don't. She said yes I did, and that she was buying one for me as a housewarming gift. I relented and she got me one.

Holy. Shit. I am now fully on board, and use this little motherfucker all the time. It's not even anything fancy, was like $30 or something. But goddamn does it make delicious sticky rice.

>> No.20480749

How on God's Green Earth can you suck at cooking so much you fuck up cooking rice?

>> No.20481430

I keep forgetting to make rice before I make curry, I should get some microwave rice for those cases

>> No.20481517

I don't know anon, but people still manage