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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20457263 No.20457263 [Reply] [Original]

A couple days ago I saw a webm on a food thread on /wsg/ where some fat bitch (im sure she's a nice lady irl) was making her husband a "homemade lunchables" lunch for work. Beyond the ridiculous portion size (her husband must have been twice her weight. Truly an ogre) there was nothing unusual about the ingredients... salami, pepperoni, some presliced cheddar cheese and crackers, strawberries, etc. All was normal until she put a couple spoonfuls of sour cream in the tub and sprinkled brown sugar atop it... she claimed it was her husband's recent obsession and that he claimed it tasted like cheesecake. At first I was appalled; then I was intrigued; and lastly, I was curious.
Just now I grabbed a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkled a dash of dark brown sugar on top. I'm gonna be honest bros. I'm a little fucking pissed off that this tastes as good as it does. I'm not going to say it tastes like cheesecake, but it tastes a little like a retarded cousin of it. I'm not going to lie, I am biased because sour cream is one of my favorite things to eat. It's in my blood. When my mom was a kid in communist Romania, she lived close by to a convinience store and they would always save a tub of sour cream becsuse they knew she would skip along and demand it from them. I am genetically predisposed to liking sour cream more than most people. I eat it on the side of tons of different dishes. With meat meals; I use it as salad dressing instead of ranch; I eat it with baked potatos; I even eat on toast with pork pate and (probably the worst offense) I mix it with ketchup and eat that on savory french toast with cheese. Still, I never imagined I could transform a spoon of this ambrosia into a delightful and sweet snack with a simple sprinkle of brown sugar
What the fuck is wrong with me bros?
Why does this taste so good?

>> No.20457279

Based retard spinning yarns this morning

>> No.20457281

sour cream is frequently used to toss in fruit salads

>> No.20457283

Video in question btw

>> No.20457317
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Ok so I just tried it. It tasted like straight vomit. Imagine if you left a cheesecake out for days and it got real funky smelling. That's what it tastes like. Beyond disgusting, but the flavor is intriguing enough to experiment with better sour creams and/or sugars.

6/10 will try again someday.

>> No.20457333

>It tasted like straight vomit

vomit tastes above average to you, anon?

>> No.20457337

vomit in a good way

>> No.20457342

He could be that guy who used to get vomited on during the Howard Stern Show back in the day. To each their own

>> No.20457452

I'm an American who grew up with Hershey's, so yeah lol.

>> No.20457455

sounds like a spin on yogurt and honey/fruit. i guess sour cream is richer. you could do greek yogurt.

>> No.20457456

Not to mention, I only eat my own cooking so whatever I vomit back up is still better than any slop you can get at a restaurant.

>> No.20457459
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>homemade lunchables

>> No.20457460

I kek'd

>> No.20458125

Nigga tf kind of sour cream is that?

>> No.20458134

Based white trash dollar general shopper

>> No.20458297

Euros like it too. The vomit flavor is butyric acid and it's in all dairy to varying degrees. Feta cheese has a lot of it and parm has a decent amount too.

>> No.20458847

>light brown sugar
>not daisy brand sour cream
You didnt eat what I ate.
Do better.