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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20439783 No.20439783 [Reply] [Original]

>At a nice restaurant with friends
>Wait around for food for about an hour
>It's a long time but no big deal
>Get my order and realize it is wrong while everyone else eats
>Flag the waiter and say "Excuse me, my steak was supposed to be very well done. This is medium.
>The waiter starts to grab my plate
>One of my friends goes "I'm sorry for him, he's obviously never waited tables."
>The waiter immediately laughs and says "There's one every night."
>I look around and everyone is grinning maliciously at me
>Get my food back finally about 15 minutes later when everyone is starting to finish eating.

>> No.20439789

>my steak was supposed to be very well done
I see you

>> No.20439821

I'm proud of never having waited tables. I've always had better jobs.

>> No.20439822

That wasn't word play, just how I order it.

>> No.20439844

your food had spit when it came back i hope you enjoyed it

>> No.20439855

Did you say how you wanted the steak cooked? Because when a kitchen doesn't have a temp they make it to what ever temp the chef wants for the meat.

>> No.20439887

Yes I always say to make it "very well done".

>> No.20439921

Why do you hang out with cunts who humiliate you in front of strangers?

>> No.20439936

I hate poors who think that just because they have to work shitty jobs they are entitled to act like smug cunts toward everyone else. Like I get it, you have no useful skills to build a better career, but that actually makes you WORSE than other people, not better.

>> No.20439939

I handle your food.

>> No.20439949

I'm not retarded, I would never say this in person, especially while you still have that kind of power. I'd rather drop a review the in which I single you out as specifically as possible, or if I'm feeling really good I'll call the place the next day and talk to the manager, add a few gray lies strewn about to make you come across as particularly incompetent or nasty.

>> No.20439955

Your friends are idiots

And you're a cuck if you continue to hang out with them

You're paying for that food, you're goddamn right you're gonna get it done exactly the way you asked if for

Waiters need to be replaced by robots like, yesterday

I reckon it would already have happened if bosses had to pay their actual market value instead of customers subsidising their existence with tips

>> No.20439963

The story is about a guy who advanced in life seeking acclaim for being a man of the people and saying he understands his perceived lessers. There is no description of the waiter's emotional response.

>> No.20439966

i'm confused why your friend made that comment. is it bad etiquette to return wrong orders?

>> No.20439987

>The food you paid for prepared by the chef is incorrect
>therefore shut up and eat it because the guy who majored in gender studies has sore feet
Yeah no

>> No.20439997

>There is no description of the waiter's emotional response.
Sure but based on what the waiter said he was being a little bitch who should lose his job.

>> No.20440144

I would say never, but it depends on the social situation how disruptive it is. But then again, the entire restaurant is already a failure if they can't cook meat to a temp. It's basic baby shit any chef should be able to do. Why bother extending your stay by 20 minutes at a shit venue.

>> No.20440168

>>Flag the waiter and say "Excuse me,
You were supposed to say "Come hither, my poppet"

>> No.20440220

If only you knew how to handle your finances.

>> No.20440291

I waited tables but it was at a ski lodge where they did "family style" dining and every table just got the same stuff. People could order alcohol but no choice of food.

I got carpal tunnel from the way they made us carry trays with our wrists bent. I had to go to some doctor that zapped my hands with electricity and was like "hmm yes, this is bad" because they didn't move enough or something. Then I got to use a cart to carry my trays and it was so effective everybody started doing that.

All the tips were shared and distributed evenly which was good for me since females make higher tips.

>> No.20440374

No you wouldnt. You are just another ineternet tough guy.

>> No.20440380

>leaving bad reviews and anonymously calling businesses is tough guy behavior
Lol what? I think you're just the biggest pushover ever, sorry.

>> No.20440406

>saying a bunch of shit you wouldnt dare do
Seems like someone is trying to act tough yes.

>> No.20440423

Is it possible you're projecting? People leave bad reviews all the time.

>> No.20440437

>ordering steak well done
Why are you like this?

>> No.20440462

>they are entitled to act like smug cunts toward everyone else.
You mean like asking for your meal to be remade just because you're picky?

>> No.20440478
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>Order Burger at a restaurant
>They ask me how I want it cooked
Man, I don't fucking care. It's a damn burger, and it doesn't matter what I ask for, you're just gonna get it wrong anyway.
Quit asking me.

>> No.20440523

>my steak was supposed to be very well done
Thirdie detected.

>> No.20440563

Depends on how wrong the order is.
If it's a health code violation or a different meal entirely, you're doing everyone a favor when you bring it up.
If it's just asking the meal to be cooked a particular way and it's not something that can be quickly fixed, then you're slowing down the line for other customers and/or wasting food.

>> No.20440580

The restaurant is offering a paid service. If they can't deliver on that the least they can do is not berate the customer for bringing it up.

>> No.20440602

You're right, but given the context of the OP, it sounds like the place was already really busy and he had a large group. At which point it's wasting the time of everyone involved.

>> No.20440619

Hey anon can you pay me to mow your lawn? I'll only do half of it. You wouldn't be an "entitled picky cunt" and ask me to finish it right?

>> No.20440624

I work as a freelance software engineer. Imagine if I wasn't going to be able to hit a deadline, so I end up delivering something that doesn't meet the specs but still demand full payment. When the client complains I laugh in their face for being an entitled bitch and then I ask them for an additional 20% of the agreed upon price because "omg le evil capitalism, how am I supposed to pay rent?????".

>> No.20440628

They wasted the customer's time by fucking up the order. You must be bitchy waitress yourself to make this argument

>> No.20440639

Only the sub-100 IQs think "I should just be able to get away with failing to meet expectations" is valid. It's unfortunate so many work in the food industry

>> No.20440658

Just go somewhere else next time. Lmao

>> No.20440685


>> No.20440704

>threatens to fuck with the food of an anonymous person on the internet who likely lives hundreds or thousands of miles away
>thinks this is intimidating
This is the mind of the waiter.

>> No.20440708

>You are just another ineternet tough guy.
That's exactly what he's saying he's going to do. He's going to act tough through your website. Fucking waiters, I swear.

>> No.20440715

I'm of the view that it's reasonable to do if they fucked up in some measurable way and it actually makes a pretty big difference in whether or not you end up wanting to eat it, and the standard of this lowers the more expensive the restaurant gets. I'd say that sending your steak back because it's the wrong temperature by multiple levels at an expensive restaurant is fairly reasonable, whereas sending back your waffle at Waffle House because it wasn't as "good" as last time is unreasonable.

>> No.20440725

You say this so casually but restaurants are typically not very financially stable (there's a theory that many/most family restaurants are just money laundering operations), and losing repeat business can make a pretty big difference in their viability, especially if there is some actual issue going on and word gets around. Believe me, the owner would much rather you spoke up about something like this than lose your business.

And in any case, you're already paying for the food, it's pretty questionable to say you should just accept being shafted for a large sum of money.

>> No.20440729

This is bait, and not very good bait, either.

>> No.20440740

What makes you say this? I've definitely met people who excessively simp for waiters, it's pretty common.

>> No.20440771

It has three very prominent bait dogwhistle shitpost algorithm keywords.
>"very well done"
>waiter entitlement syndrome
>long wait but food still wrong
>implied contrived social awkwardness or autism
>things that never happened for 500

It is quite literally composed to provoke as many outraged responses as possible while also seeming at least somewhat believable. However, these events never took place, my dear Watson. The entire store is a mere fabrication of the author with the sole intention of garnering a negative reaction from those around him.

>> No.20440776

I get what you're saying about the writing style, but the structural situation happens all the time. It could easily be that the situation happened and he just decided to write it in such a meme'd way for extra 'internet points.'

>> No.20440794

Nice try, OP. Here's the last (You) you'll get out of me.

>> No.20441106

It's real unfortunately. I've since called the restaurant and complained and was offered them to comp my steak. I said I would only accept the firing of the waiter and they hung up.

>> No.20441317

I never had a food service job ever.

>> No.20441328


>> No.20441352

boogers and cum, make your own food

>> No.20441416

I did accounting for multiple restaurants and it made me realize that going to a restaurant is not worth the time or money. The food/drink is literally not worth it, dealing with waiters and tipping isn't worth it, the wait isn't worth it. The only exception is KBBQ with friends as a social activity.

>> No.20441446

If he asks for a well done steak you better cremate that steak

>> No.20441447

Why are you posting things that never happened, you filthy retard that deserves to be shot in the back of the head like the rabid mongrel you are?

>> No.20441466

This is soooo unrealistic.

>> No.20441474

You are being paid to do this, its either a failure on the chefs part for not paying attention to the order or your part for not recording the order correctly. You make mistakes sometimes its only human, admit you made a mistake and have it fixed

>> No.20441517

I would be on your side if you ordered medium and received well done

>> No.20441521

You are too much of a pussy to ask for a second sauce packet at Mcdonalds
you won't do shit

>> No.20441600

Especially with the price hikes. The odds are heavily stacked in favor of completely giving it up and investing in proper home cooking.

>> No.20441611
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>Get my food back finally about 15 minutes later when everyone is starting to finish eating
Who the fuck does to a nice restaurant and scarfs down their food in 15 minutes? Even if you're hungry and have waited for an hour its still weird.

>> No.20443408

How long do you think it takes to eat a meal?

>> No.20443418

i waited tables at an olive garden for a few months. it was awful and i had an autistic meltdown and rage quit with no notice.

>> No.20443448

Usually people have conversations and try to savor their food when having dinner at a proper restaurant with their friends. Its not like when you go to some lunch restaurant on your 30 minute break and need to eat quickly out of necessity. 15 minutes is very fast for a fancier ala carte restaurant.

>> No.20443453

>savor their food
Hmmm yessss this dogshit smear on my plate that I overpaid for is so delicious I must absolutely savor every morsel hmmm yesss.

>> No.20443476

This really just sounds like your headcanon.

>> No.20443590

>t. no friends, no job, no money

>> No.20443727
File: 240 KB, 1000x742, Settings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter the petty tyrant
Those with no real power and empty, hollow materialistic lives always seek to damage others with these kind of Woman-like tactics.
Instead of addressing the issue in a firm but polite(as per the incident calls for,) direct confrontation of the issue at hand--Not this repulsive, backbiting action of a woman.
Just the fact you refer to others as "Poors" or "The Help" makes you the most contemptible sort of middle management tier trouser stain.
If you can't trust that genuine, requests or complaints won't be addressed promptly and without your food being befouled, you are a fool eating at an establishment that serves the exact "Poors" you think you are above.
It's no wonder you have no deep relationships with anyone--only shallow acquaintances.

TL;DR: You are the kind of classless moron who thinks that treating those that serve you, poorly and in a cowardly, feminine way is something that grants you status--you probably got that from watching the Idiot box or movies for the midwit masses.

>> No.20443745
File: 1.01 MB, 480x480, Why I cook at home(HOTDOG!!).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between a medium and well done steak is no more than 6 minutes.
It's a plate without a conjoining ticket, that shit should be off the line and back on the grill in 2.
Having worked in several high volume kitchens, If the server is an asshole, moron or manipulative Bint who steals other orders, that shit might wait in the window for 5 minutes before even seeing the grill--but that's a BOH mismanagement issue.
Good restaurants rarely have this issue, since the problem employees are usually culled out quickly.
If you have to worry about your food being tampered with for a reasonable request--you are eating at a shitty restaurant.
t. There are WAY more of those now because of management fuckery and garbage workers--I don't even go to restaurants anymore, It's just not worth it.

>> No.20443768
File: 2.72 MB, 480x260, POWER MOVE!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! you mean instead of being a Man, you called up a day after the fact like a Boomer Karen and were brushed off?

>> No.20443812
File: 141 KB, 1500x1000, Those days are DEAD..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might've been the case in 2004.
These days, everyone is rushing to go nowhere, and rarely look up to see past their insular little screenworld for longer than 2 minutes.
This affliction has even effected Boomers now.
I remember noticing 5 years ago that the number of Boomers texting and driving were on par with Mills and Zoomies.
The service based world pre-2000s is long dead and gone, and it's the fault of BOTH the entitles customers AND the entitled workstaff.
Face it, Unless you are willing to splash out for a real chef-run restaurant, you are just eating the same Sysco, GFS and Big 4 perveyor's SLOP served up out of a bag and massively overpriced.

>> No.20443828

Listen. I've been both a line cook and a waiter. And to be honest I almost never send food back, and really it's rarely wrong and I attest that to being a strong communicator and fairly charming. That said

If you're unhappy, send the fucking food back. The waiters are there to serve you. The cooks/chefs are paid to make your food how you ask. Send that motherfuckef back, and if the faggot front of the house gets bitchy just leave without paying. Back of the house truly doesn't give a fuck if you send something back unless it's a very busy night, opening night, or an industry night. The only people that will ever be cunty to are waiters and honestly fuck them. You should however still be polite about it

>> No.20443855

Based and correct assertions
You my man, are becoming a very rare breed.

>> No.20443903

Thanks. I had a stint in my teens and early 20s where I wanted to become a chef and cycled through a lot of industry jobs. So many people have so many hangups about going to restaurants, usually caused by cunt waiters acting like their life is so fucking difficult when it's not. I worked in a medium-fancy place as back of the house for a year before I became a waiter there. That job was so goddam easy and so much better paid it made me hate cunt waiters forever.

Going from making $8 an hour to making $100 a night for a full shift. Bro you can call me a faggot to my face, say the food was ass, fart in my direction. I don't give a fuck. That job is so much better paid and easier I permanently lost respect for waiters that can't manage to come into work with at the very least a neutral attitude and be polite. Every once in a while they do have to deal with some real cunt patrons. But they're literally doing unskilled labor at middle class wages, they need to buck the fuck up. In contrast, back of the house is usually too drunk, high, stressed, or all of the above to care if some retard for whatever reason wants a $30 super well done steak.

>> No.20443945
File: 137 KB, 1121x677, Love-PINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had a stint in my teens and early 20s where I wanted to become a chef and cycled through a lot of industry jobs.
Seems like a good idea until you realize you can kiss your evenings, weekends, and holidays goodbye for a position that doesn't even pay very well.
Never went FOH, even though It pays much better. You aren't wrong either about it require little skill to make bank. Hell, I knew a literal crackhead at the Olive Garden who regularly made $250-$350 on a Wednesday night when I worked there in highschool.

Glad I got out before restaurants started doing all kinds of fuckery with tips.
I doubt it will ever get back to the סld service days due to that. good service USED to be simple and formulaic:
>Menus, silverware, and drink orders--tell customers about specials.
>Drinks to table, check for entree orders, put in Appetizers.
>Refills, Apps. to table, Take entree orders, check for needed extras, Orders IN.
You know the rest, of course, but on the rare occasion I go to a restaurant these days,( for someone else), I'm always amazed how shit just basic service is.
There's always something missing, drink orders always take way too long, wait staff always seems to have the worst sense of timing.
Seriously, I can't recommend getting into either FOH, nor BOH these days, but just following the סld tried and true service formula seems like it would place you in the top 10% of service positions, and tips would be commensurate.
Ah well.
Social contract has been dead for some time.

>> No.20443953

1. Excellent pasta material, you have a refreshing style and I enjoyed reading your post a lot.
2. I don't care what course of action is the "correct" way, I just want to fuck up someone's life momentarily. Hence the actions I described are all online, far away from any real world confrontation. Waiter wagies deserve nothing but disdain and belittling myself by descending to their standards would be nothing short of self harm. I hope you enjoy that unemployment benefit while I continue to rake in six figures working my cushy office job.

>> No.20443959

have sex

>> No.20443962

this really. so many commies on 4chins now, who simp for shit /biz/ because they wanna act smug on a mongolian chopping board.

>> No.20443967

for me 10 mins. unless it's a tough low quality medium steak. or the soup/coffee is burning hot and i have to wait an hour for it to cool down.

>> No.20443984

>$100 a night for a full shift.
unless that's 4 hr shift, 100 (i assume USA) bucks is shit, and you can find better restaurants to work for. but yes 8 bucks an hour for some janny or retail jeb is worse.

>> No.20443985

This, and it's not even like anyone is addressing it in a punitive way, they're just asking for the problem to be fixed.

>> No.20443987

of course not. If something comes out and it isn't how you ordered it or it's just plain bad there's nothing bad about returning it as long as you're polite as possible. Accidents happen after all, nobody needs a finger pointed at them for a simple mistake.

In my experience most places are happy to do so and even occasionally comp you if the food really wasn't up to snuff. I do make sure to tip extra when they're nice about the whole thing though

>> No.20443993

heh heh heh.
I'm sure I've bedded more pussy than you ever have.
Women aren't worth it anymore, and once you're past 35 they become even LESS attractive.
Go ahead, spend a bunch of time chasing tail. I guarantee it's never going to be as good as you think.
I have better shit to do.

>> No.20444000

This is exactly what someone would say if they were fundamentally incapable of having sex.

>> No.20444003

None of this happened.

>> No.20444004

Ok...So you're either a B0t with a GETscript, or a retard.
And either way a BORING time waster.
Good luck seeking self-validation through others!

>> No.20444011

go to bed wagie, waking life is not for you

>> No.20444016
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>Off topic
>nothing of worth at all
>canned, predictable replies
Okay lurkers and newfrens, THIS is what you IGNORE

>> No.20445710

Did you encourage the waitresses to slut it up and flirt for more tips?

>> No.20445921

ngl that says more about you faggot

>> No.20445974

Didn't have to, they were mostly J1 visa students. They instantly turn to sluts upon arrival in America.

>> No.20445985

Oops, meant to reply to