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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 328 KB, 679x623, 1696518048283885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20422301 No.20422301 [Reply] [Original]

How are you guys dealing with food inflation?

>> No.20422306

Not eating goyslop fast food garbage

Only reason they're hiking prices up is they know half the country has no ability to cook their own food and they have no other option than to subsist off fast food.

>> No.20422310

I complain on whichever delivery app I used that the bag was open and fries were missing and get a free meal
I select one of the other three dozen apps and do it again
I haven’t paid for delivery since 2021

>> No.20422323

The only people I know who still eat fast food are all morbidly obese and don't know how to cook.

>> No.20422344

you're ruinin it for all the honest people

>> No.20422888

i have over 8 billion longpig in reserve.
friendly reminder: vaxx cooks out.

>> No.20422898

By not voting for a literal potato in the next election..

>> No.20422907

Are you retarded? Prices have gone up like crazy for the most basic ingredients like eggs and oats. Cooking your own food might actually be more expensive because you pay a lot more for the ingredients than the places that can buy in bulk.

>> No.20422932

LOL you're a dumbfuck who can't cook, just admit you're addicted to your goyslop.

>> No.20422939

I have not eaten anything i have not cooked myself for like the last five years but nice try.

>> No.20422953

>actual inflation
>isn't based on anything in reality

>> No.20422956

>cooking is more expensive because you have to have a home to do it in
FFS kill yourself. How do you even get past the captcha?

>> No.20422963
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If I'm forced to eat at any of these places, I scrutinize the ever-loving fuck out of them. Floors, ceilings, bathrooms, quality of food, speed of service, staff friendliness, etc. If even a single one of these is amiss, I mean even in the slightest, I write to the corporate office about how it ruined my experience. I'll go out of my way to name and shame employees who I believe have fallen short of expectations. I'll happily put a single mother and her mongrel children on the street if these fucking corporations expect me to pay these prices, and I don't feel the smallest bit bad about it.

>> No.20422969

Any delivery app has atrocious security and anti fraud systems. So if you can put 2 and 2 together you'll never have to pay for anything.

>> No.20422974
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And I know you clowns think I'm being funny, but I'm not. I'm a weapons-grade asshole and have personally seen to the dismissal of a majority of a McDonald's crew in Florida. The negresses there were too busy talking about their stupid-ass hair instead of tending to the drive-thru or making sure orders were done in time. I specifically called them out in my complaint and they were all gone within a week.

>> No.20422977 [DELETED] 

good. that man is based and you are not based

>> No.20423002

My surplus at the end of each month is over half of my salary, so it makes no noticable difference to me.

>> No.20423019

Quarter pounder with cheese from Macdons: 6.39

Homemade: ~$2.11
4oz ground beef - $1.25
Bun: $0.36
2 slices american cheese: $0.20
Condiments: <$0.30

Eat shit dude

>> No.20423106

i started making more money

>> No.20423153

Yeah, that's what it costs to make the second burger at home. To make the first you have to buy a PACKAGE of buns and a PACKAGE of cheese and enough condiments to last a year and so on. Once you're up and running as a home cook the ongoing costs can be quite reasonable, but getting there costs a lot more than a Happy Meal.

>> No.20423163

>he thinks voting matters

>> No.20423164

Yeah except I have this thing called a freezer

Its a device that you can put food into so. It doesn't go bad, so you can buy things like ground beef and buns and then you don't have to make the entire batch every time you want a burger.

Whats next - are you gonna suggest that ubering everywhere is more cost effective than owning a car? Will you argue the price of 1 car trip is actually $10,000 because you need to buy an entire car to do it?

>> No.20423165

these fucking retards say cooking is cheap but i had to buy a whole goddamn stove range, so much for 5$ carbonara
ill be eating panera everyt day for my life to save money over you cooking faggots

>> No.20423171

I started preparing for it 2 years ago.
You guys should probably start considering how to get out of large population areas, quickly. And where you will go.

>> No.20423199

Actually yeah, ubering everywhere can be more cost effective than owning a car, depending. It's a cap ex versus op ex thing. Capital expenditures and operating expenditures are very different types of spending. There are situations in which op ex is favorable over cap ex even though cap ex would be cheaper in the long run.

>> No.20423221

Cheap beater: $1300 2002 Toyota Sienna w/ 120k
Liability Insurance: $130/6 months
Maintenance: $300/yr (do all work by self, tires every 4 yrs, oil every 7k)
Registration: $30/yr

Thats $460/yr to own the vehicle

The $1300 initial cost is retained as value in the asset, as long as you don't wreck it you can sell the car when you're done, it's no longer depreciating at that age.

You would have to spend less than $460 on ubers to get everywhere per year than to own a car. In the USA this is basically impossible unless you're a shut in who doesn't leave the house, a NEET who has mommy drive them everywhere, or someone living in the 3% of this country that has everything you need within walking distance.

>> No.20423237

who the FUCK lies on the internet, wtf man, you're gonna ruin it

>> No.20423249

>what is the cost of gas

>> No.20423251

I'm more inclined to trust aaa's numbers than yours

>> No.20423254

>repair your car yourself bro

Yeah, for the 99% of the country that doesn't want to learn a new profession just to flex on the internet, this isn't an option.

>> No.20423257

>Buy $1300 car
>Try to sell it for the same inflation-adjusted cost years later when it's in even worse shape, older, and parts are even harder to get

>> No.20423265

>4oz ground beef - $1.25
LOL i wish, maybe if you live in Texas

>> No.20423288

>Cooking your own food might actually be more expensive
Cooking your own food is much, much cheaper. You can't shoplift a big mac but you can steal pretty much everything you need to cook at home, which really helps drive down the overall price.

>> No.20423289
File: 894 KB, 2109x3000, 1634140005643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beef goes on sale for $3 or less pretty much everywhere, check your flyers.

>> No.20423291

Where is Panda Express on that chart?
I find it hard to believe that Biden's biggest economic ally (China) would have any kind of incentive to provide Americans with cheap food.

>> No.20423297

>he goes to mcdonald's frequently enough to be familiar with the entire staff and notices when specific employees come or go

>> No.20423305

You gotta appmaxx if you want fast food on the cheap these days, if you're still paying base menu price you're a sucker.

>> No.20423327

>he goes to mcdonald's frequently enough to be familiar with the entire staff and notices when specific employees come or go
He probably got fired from that same store. Probably because nobody liked him.
Sounds like a white boy to me.

>> No.20423528

Inflation is my fetish so I've been having the time of my life

>> No.20423540

This. To cook food I would have to buy a house or at least pay rent every month. Explain to me how that's cheaper than buying mcdick's with my panhandling money and just phoneposting from the homeless shelter? PS I get more junkie pussy in one month than you cookfags will ever see in your life

>> No.20423706




>> No.20423899

Celebrating the pain of Americans and their God hating McDonald's prices.

>> No.20423901

No public barbecues where you are?

>> No.20423908

Based boomer retard

>> No.20423921

>Cooking your own food might actually be more expensive because you pay a lot more for the ingredients than the places that can buy in bulk.
wow you wiggers really don't know how to cook, huh?

>> No.20425556

Dealing with fast food inflation rather well
Don't eat much of it
Exception is Wendy's breakfast sandwich
The deal has been 2 for 3 bucks this is good when it comes to egg and cheese biscuits although I'd rather the muffin and ask for it all the time, not all locations swap
The other thing I get at Wendy's are plain baked potatoes to add to my salads and treat them as if they were a piece of meat

>> No.20425721

if you eat fast food and dont order through the restaurants' app to get hella deals and skate thru zogflation unscathed then you deserve to have your money stolen like the retard you are

>> No.20425729

>dude just sell your data so they can make millions off your eating habits so you can save $1 on a shitty hamburger


>> No.20426296

By voting for Trump

>> No.20426344
File: 10 KB, 711x516, Grocery_Prices_March-2022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Food is expensive as fuck nowadays! I just went to Meijers this morning (I go 2-3 times a month) and paid $107.36 for:

$1.25 X 8 - Idahoan instant mashed potatoes packs
$1.65 X 2 - Bush's baked beans (the 8.3oz baby cans)
$2.00 X 4 - Campbells Chunky soup
$2.48 X 1 - bag of mini pita bread (I still had some Steve's Mediterranean Chef garlic toom on hand)
$2.68 X 2 - gallons whole milk
$4.29 X 1 - Meijers colby jack cheese 1lb
$6.39 X 1 - Hellmann's mayonnaise 30oz (why is THIS stuff so much?)
$9.99 X 1 - Hillshire Farms honey ham 1.34lb
$7.99 X 1 - Meijers mustard potato salad 3lb
$7.50 X 2 - Tyson breaded frozen chicken tenderloins 1.56lb bags (this was on sale from $9.29 each)
$3.49 X 2 - Hostess cherry cheese danish
$9.19 X 2 - Mountain Dew 12-packs
$9.19 X 1 - Coke 12-pack

>> No.20426455

you can get soda a lot fucking cheaper than 20 bucks for 3 12 packs
if you must consume the syrup go generic it tastes the fucking same

>> No.20426485

>premade shit
>canned soder and soup
>instant tater
poor americans deserve to be poor

>> No.20426692

>go generic it tastes the fucking same

Maybe for Coke but there is no generic version fo Mt.Dew

>time has no cost

Must be nice to lounge around all day chopping, peeling, stirring, washing and other time consuming parts of cooking.

>> No.20426694

Just so you know every fast food chain have different prices according to the state's minimum wage laws

>> No.20426698
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Moon Mist bitch

>> No.20426730

mountain lightning
citrus drop
mountain rush

>> No.20426752


hillbilly brew

a 20oz bottle is like 50 cents

>> No.20426761
File: 143 KB, 600x600, ML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mountain Lion

>> No.20426768

costco hot dogs

>> No.20426773

My local marketplace has a 'reduced' corner where they mark things down that are about to expire. I simply go there early in the morning before all of it is swiped. Picked up a couple 18ct jumbo eggs for $2 each. 3lbs of hamburger for $1.89/lb. Stuff like that. Freeze the meat and I'll go through that many eggs within 10 days when they "expire".

>> No.20426779
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Yes and now. If they use their apps and check regularly fast food is still pretty cheap. Like in my area there is always a $1 menu item at mcdicks. Either 10 piece nuggie. Crispy chicken sandwich. Double cheese burger. Wendy's has dave's single and doubles for $1-2 each. Arby's let's you get a $9 1/2lb roast beef for $2.89 by buying some curly fries. It is not always all that healthy but it is still pretty cheap if you bounce between them. One of them usually has a pretty good deal.

>> No.20426835
File: 567 KB, 606x683, USETHEAPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's very simple.
Don't be a MORON or a DUMMY - just use the app.
Just install all the apps to get the best value. All your favourite celebs and sports stars use the app!
"Ice on my chain (brrr), yellow lam wheels,(skrrrt!) I use McDonald's app (yup) to get the best deals." -- Travi$ Scott
The best and brightest just use the app, and get great deals every day on the meals you most enjoy.
Ba da da ba ba! Use the app.

>> No.20426977
File: 21 KB, 199x246, 1693257206386015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after you're done working off that stroke mind trying to make a point? I have not paid more then 1/4th price for any fast food meal in like 5 years. The meals endorsed by celebs are fucking rip offs. The deals are legitimate deals buried in some terrible deals meant to siphon more money out of you. Pick and choose the good ones and you can eat very cheap.

>> No.20426982

i eat fast food and im thin and i can cook
what do u think about that??? am i an alien to u??? maybe u should think twice next time tough guy or u might end up with the quick 1 2
(that was me showing u my martial art skills)

>> No.20427004

>Actual inflation
>Ricing prices

>> No.20427010

Can someone explain to me why inflation causes prices to rise, and can they also explain why there are SO MANY smoking hot deals on the apps for fast food chains?

>> No.20427016

Because all the data they're collecting from you is worth more than the $4 "discount" coupon they gave out

>> No.20427025

>why does inflation cause prices to rise
Because that is the definition of inflation

Also apps usually have 4-6 deals going on. 1 is usually pretty good while the others are only really like 1-2 bucks off or $5 off but makes you buy way more then you normally would to get the saving. Also they sell your meta data but who the literal fuck isn't these day?

>> No.20427060

Gotta be a zoomed, rare to find millennials who don't understand marketing tricks or ways that companies can siphon cash from you. Only genZ raised on no ads content have this little brainpower since they didn't need to fight ads.

>> No.20427110

Government printing money and making you pay for it

>> No.20427117

>Government printing money and making you pay for it
You mean like with taxes?

>> No.20427125

Cooking my own food. Even now have my own garden. Soon a wife...just like the good old days.

>> No.20427140

I just farm, cultivate, harvest, and process my own food now.

>> No.20427149

same but instead of food it's spice (it must flow)

>> No.20427188

A lot of people are shitting on your graph but don't realize that the average american diet includes an enormous amount of fast food slop, so the big increase in prices hits hard.

>> No.20427250

>true inflation not weighted by rate of consumption
This makes sense. Jew trick identified

>> No.20427919

post cheeseburger pic

>> No.20427930

Starbucks inflation is a lie, the cup is 95% ice now

>> No.20427936

I have a job.

>> No.20427942


>> No.20427988

the cup could be 95% air with a drop of coffee and these fucking thots would still pay 7 dollars
i have 4 sisters and when i was younger when we all lived at dads you would find their starbies cups all over the place with one sip taken out of each
they dont buy the things to drink them they just want the status of carrying it around

>> No.20427998

inflation is a meta-tax of sorts. any time an abundance of money is printed, the economy's assets are mismanaged. asset/resource mismanagement causes economic hell. when there is an increase in the circulating supply of a given currency in an economy, inflation occurs. think of it like a balloon. keep in mind that inflation does not scale linearly, threadrelated. inflation is well over 30% but everything costs more than 30% of what it did a few years ago.
another reason to hate the jews and international banking.

>> No.20428006


It's a 'tax' for people that have a lot sitting in cash savings. But cash is meant to be used not a long term store of value. Stop worrying about cash and keep your money in inflation adjusted stores of value.

The real problem is when inflation outpaces wage growth.

>> No.20428013

imagine being proud of that

>> No.20428014

The absolute gall of these dumb goys when they don't hand us over their money to store for them then get mad at us when inflation eats into their savings. Be a smart shabbos goy, not a stupid one!

>> No.20428017

>And I know you clowns think I'm being funny
Don't worry, no one thinks you're funny.

>> No.20428028

agreed random nigga. agreed. it's never good to hold onto pure cash since it's a depreciating asset and is inflationary by default. inflation has outpaced wage growth for a long time now. i don't see it getting any better unless something awesome happens to the federal reserve.

>> No.20428032

>How are you guys dealing with food inflation?
i eat basic food that requires little human involvement. So food inflation has not effected me much.

>> No.20428033

People will ree at you, but I know what you mean. There is a place near mine that sells a two for one rice bowl for $6.50 which is 1.5kg of food. Meanwhile 400g of chicken is $29

>> No.20428040

straight up delusional

>> No.20428048

I'm not poor.

>> No.20428049

Grocery prices have gotten insane in rural areas, when I visit my parents, the odd time I go into the Safeway there I can't believe how expensive it is.

>> No.20428053

This made me laugh but I hope it's not true

>> No.20428059

kroger bought safeway so dont expect them to get better only worse

>> No.20428061


>> No.20428077

Any good intro books and/or youtube channels/videos/documentaries for someone that knows nothing about how the economy works and wants to learn?

>> No.20428382

honestly stay away from reddit and /biz/. read: reminisces of a stock operator, rich dad poor dad, end the fed, how the economy grows and why it crashes. learn what the differences are between currency and money. when it comes to the stock market: "buy low, sell high" & "time in the market beats timing the market" are simple yet effective tips. always buy a dip/crash. always. my final tip: learn how to read 10-K's from the IRS to acquire quantified metrics of which companies are and aren't worth investing in.

>> No.20428554
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I bought a small fish and it inflated like 5x now I'm ruined

>> No.20428562
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Michigan here and while I've never seen the other brands, Faygo Moon Mist is poor alternative for Mt.Dew.

>> No.20428707

It's showing how much faster the price of fast food is increasing versus that of inflation in general.

>> No.20428714
File: 208 KB, 701x964, Merger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now Kroger is buying Albertsons.

>> No.20428715

$1.44/dz in my area
$3.49/42oz in my area.
How much are you paying?
I feed a family of three (me, wife, kid) for about $400ish/month.

>> No.20428727

Is always overpriced /unless you're buying stuff on sale/ and using their digital coupons.
Albertsons IS Safeway. Same company, just regional names. My area has both Safeway and Acme, both of which are Albertsons stores. I think Jewell, Osco and Jewell-Osco are, too. Likely others as well.

>> No.20428737

/bick/ - Food and Finance

>> No.20428752
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Ordered cheaper stuff. Stopped ordering meals with drinks and dug into the value options.
But then I just stopped eating fast food entirely.
I now eat fast food maybe once a month.

>> No.20428776

By buying fresh and in season, straight from the source. I pay my fish 5€ for 2kg. In supermarkets it costs 20€ per kg.

>> No.20429587

It's "Meijer" not "Meijers"

>> No.20429604
File: 273 KB, 1242x2208, 2bigmacfor3.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are these prices calculated? mcdonalds is literally the only place i go because its still cheap

i can get 1000 calories (basically 2 big macs) for $3.48
1500 if you do the free sandwich with receipt survey

>> No.20429665

not only do i find it humorous, but i applaud you. keep doing your community this excellent service.

>> No.20429682
File: 666 KB, 1773x458, Taco Bell Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn the scams and avoid them.
Quesadillas were my favorite but the chicken burrito has the same tortilla/chicken + more ingredients and is less than half the price.
This isn't about inflation, it's a scam they're blaming it on.

>> No.20429683

I just saw another thread with this exact same image in the OP.
How many times are you going to spam this shit?

>> No.20430608

Staryed ginding my own wheat.

>> No.20430619

That’s $5 per pound. I live in an affluent area with a high cost of living and good ground beef is only $5.50 per pound. Where do you live?

>> No.20430862

>there is no generic version fo Mt.Dew
Mello yello