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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20422964 No.20422964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sheetz bros. i don't want to go to wawa. their food and service is terrible.
why is biden taking away my sheetz?

>> No.20422970

>you wouldn’t hire black felons!!!
>yeah, so?
why do these people get the time of day? just show them the door

>> No.20422973

Because Sheetz didn't donate enough to Biden's campaign.

>> No.20422987

sheetz fucked up by still hiring white criminals, so they know it aint really about the background check

>> No.20423016

Big if true. You got a saurce on that?

>> No.20423031

The source is his own ass because that's not true

>> No.20423037

Pedo joe just lost western PA

>> No.20423043

>The agency found that Black job applicants were deemed to have failed the company's criminal history screening and were denied employment at a rate of 14.5%, while multiracial job seekers were turned away 13.5% of the time and Native Americans were denied at a rate of 13%.

>By contrast, fewer than 8% of white applicants were refused employment because of a failed criminal background check, the EEOC's lawsuit said.

So the lesson here is… stop tracking the race of your applicants? Why keep any data about them at all? Shut Shaneequa and her beige pantsuit and clipboard down before she can start.

>> No.20423045

>Big if true. You got a saurce on that?
>The source is his own ass because that's not true

according to the federal investigation, 14% of black applications with criminal records were denied, while 8% of white applications with criminal records were denied.

>> No.20423050

>Federal officials said they do not allege Sheetz was motivated by racial animus, but take issue with the way the chain uses criminal background checks to screen job seekers
Funny how you failed to put this bit out where they essentially admit they are just fishing. Amazing bootlicking from you.

>> No.20423052
File: 117 KB, 840x560, cdn.forumcomm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being weirdly proud of your regional c-stores
Why are Americans like this?

>> No.20423059

Because getting food while getting gas saves you like 30 minutes of driving when you live in the over-populated hell hole that is the northeast.

>> No.20423060

why do all european men prep the bull to fuck their wife

>> No.20423066

faggot. you accused me of pulling those numbers from my ass. i showed you where they came from

>> No.20423081

Felons need to be in the shops doing my oil change out of sight, not directly handling my credit card information.

>> No.20423087
File: 103 KB, 630x350, home-retail-card-2-1678218868867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi how ya doin
>Oh ya pretty good myself..
>Nope I paid at the pump
>Ya garlic parm boneless wings and the diet coke.
>Ya and a pack of Turkish Royales..
>The blue ones
>and could you grab me that traveler of Korbel behind the counter..
>No the big one..
>Oh ya I did hear about the storm Rollin in
>No thank you I don't need any cookies today, gotta watch the ol' waistline
>Yeah you betcha you too
>Ya ok I'll drive safe
>Ya ok bye now

>> No.20423095

>letting some 40 iq wagie change your oil

>> No.20423103

>illegally parked
>"no one is above the law"

>> No.20423110

I'd do it myself if my motor didn't have the oil filter inconveniently placed in the back obscured by the downpipe and other bullshit.

>> No.20423192

Ok, now what were the crimes?

>> No.20423219

>I'm not driving I'm traveling

>> No.20423222
File: 47 KB, 888x1024, 421615156_798133455690071_2660210242015618599_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not illegal discrimination

>> No.20423226

Why do you trust a 40iq felon to dig around back there if you cant even get to it? What kind of car do you even drive if you can't replace the oil filter?

>> No.20423315

>The agency found that Black job applicants were deemed to have failed the company’s criminal history screening and were denied employment at a rate of 14.5%, while multiracial job seekers were turned away 13.5% of the time and Native Americans were denied at a rate of 13%.

>By contrast, fewer than 8% of white applicants were refused employment because of a failed criminal background check, the EEOC’s lawsuit said.

The AP has been complete garbage recently. Just compare these two clauses,
>Black job applicants were deemed to have failed the company’s criminal history screening and were denied employment at a rate of 14.5%
>By contrast, fewer than 8% of white applicants were refused employment because of a failed criminal background check
The first clause is ambiguous, and makes it sound like 14.5% of black job applicants were denied on the basis of a failed criminal background check - which would make sense relative to the number of black felons. But then the second clause makes it sound like they only turned away 8% of the white applicants who failed a background check.

Make up your fucking mind. If you're applying the policy across the board, that's just structural racism, and isn't illegal. But if you're hiring twice as many white employees with criminal records as black employees with criminal records, that's just blatant discrimination.

I'm assuming it's just a bullshit case, and just a bullshit right-wing article, because Biden has literally nothing to do with it. Also,
>seeking to force Sheetz to offer jobs to applicants who were unlawfully denied employment and to provide back pay, retroactive seniority and other benefits
Yeah, that's just nonsense. Fuck the AP for even running this "story". It's shit like this that causes rightoids to be so uninformed.

>> No.20423320

he drives a tesla. he knows he's gotta keep up on those oil changes.

>> No.20423351

You don't have the option to pay for gas inside anymore and we all know why

>> No.20423359
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>> No.20423360

Stewarts in NY still allows for pump before pay inside.
you live in an area heavily saturated with diversity

>> No.20423363
File: 394 KB, 2000x1200, kumandgo_featured_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you not be proud of that?

>> No.20423364

It is if you didn't donate bigly to biden

>> No.20423369

>kum and go
oh so and evening with your mom

>> No.20423380

The OP brought about a race argument, and the post you pointed to said nothing about race only cuckoldry in general. The black dicks were in your mind all along.

>> No.20423381

Pretty sure most states require employers to ask about race of applicants these days.

>> No.20423386

Wtf cares? I'm talikg about KT

>> No.20423392

Sorry, I don't know the intricacies of black dick talk so I made many blunders. I did not know 'bull' refered to any race.
Forgive me, O wise expert of black dicks.

>> No.20423393

You're allowed to everywhere I've been in the US, just not before you pump it. Gotta pay first if you pay inside, and gotta go back in for a refund if you don't pump the full amount you paid for.

>> No.20423394

"Sheetz" sounds like some Philly slang for when eat there

>> No.20423402

>just not before you pump it. Gotta pay first if you pay inside, and gotta go back in for a refund if you don't pump the full amount you paid for.
You can still (for now) pump and then pay in my cunt.

>> No.20423408

10% to the Big Guy

>> No.20423483
File: 1.96 MB, 854x480, tater terror.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important question in the thread, which is why it's being ignored.
vid unrelated

>> No.20423484

>Why keep any data about them at all?
Federal regulations require it.

>> No.20423494

How many felons work for nbc4 Columbus?
What's that?
Why aren't you answering my question?
Why are you leaving?

>> No.20423503

do you make up fictitious scenarios to seethe at part-time or is it a full-time gig?

>> No.20423512
File: 482 KB, 728x618, sheetz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sheetz" sounds like some Philly slang for when eat there

>> No.20423518
File: 2.98 MB, 278x226, yinzer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a yinzer calling someone else terrible
oh the hilarity

>> No.20423519 [DELETED] 

Then it must have to do with the types of crimes committed. You see while making up only 12% of the population

>> No.20423520

probably loads. MSM and local media are all pozzed as fucked. and i don't mean the pozzed as in liberal faggots, i just means the darker skinned people with aids.

>> No.20423523

Then it must have to do with the types of crimes committed. You see despite making up only 12% of the population

>> No.20423529

What does that even mean? That 14.5% of all black applicants were rejected due to a criminal background check? That 85.5% of black applicants with a criminal history were hired? That of all black applicants reject, 14.5% were rejected due to a criminal background check?

>> No.20423530

>i just means the darker skinned people with aids.
I find it offensive when people reference "darker skinned people" and use AIDS in the same sentence, as if to imply that it is possible for diseases like monkeypox and SIV to jump from simians to dark skinned people. Also, if SIV was a disease for homosexuals, then why did heterosexuals also become HIV positive?
I hope it wasn't because they were on the downlow.

>> No.20423676


>> No.20423695

I'm willing to bet that a lot of the white felons fucked up 10+ years ago, while a lot of the others fucked up last week

>> No.20423747

turn it off retard

>> No.20423849

Also the type of crime, most places will be more likely to hire someone who just sold a bit of weed or hit a woman who deserved it than someone who stole from their previous workplace (and likely every job before that too).

>> No.20423914


I've lived around Natives all my life, they don't work, and the only ones that don't want to live up to the nigger stigma.