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20395887 No.20395887 [Reply] [Original]

In Spain they're advertising Big Macs without pickles because zoomers don't like them. What's their fucking problem?

>> No.20395891


>> No.20395895

people older than you don't like pickles either

>> No.20395914

no. there isn't. everyone older than me, smarter than, or more successful than me also likes pickles.

>> No.20395918

I'm not really a fan of pickles on burgers either.

>> No.20395919

stupid thread hope it dies

>> No.20395927

I like pickles a lot but usually fast food ones are kind of gross and soggy.

>> No.20396083

its cuz people figured out decades ago that if you order a mcdonalds burger without pickles it forces them to make a burger fresh for you, rather than grabbing a cold pre-made one off the shelf.

>> No.20396126

Picky eaters are evolutionary dead ends. Eat what you get. If you don't like it don't buy it again. No complaining.

>> No.20396160

It’s like a reverse Franciscan monk cut.

>> No.20396222

Those are gherkins tho

>> No.20396234

i like pickles but not mcdonald’s pickles. sage

>> No.20396286

pickles and pickle lovers are an abomination begone monster

>> No.20396297

I like pickles but the pickles they have at McDonald's suck ass, I don't eat them either.

>> No.20396314

lotta zoomers in this thread.
zoomers are like 10 years developmentally behind normal people, unironically because of iphones and the vax. that's why they don't like pickles, olives, beer or any other grown up foods.

>> No.20396321

Do not dare to sneak in olives with the good food. They are genuine trash.

>> No.20396323

spotted the zoomer

>> No.20396328

kys, zoomer

>> No.20396333

>in spain they're advertising selling products that the customers want to purchase
Oh no?

>> No.20396357

McDonalds pickles are vile. The best word i can use to describe them is rancid. Nothing like store bought pickles

>> No.20396403

this, even my 4 years old nephew likes pickled foods in general

>> No.20396411

I've had pickles many times and I just don't like em. Scrapple, now that is a food that people hate before they even eat it.

>> No.20396512

Fast food companies change the menu in every country and some times by region. McDonalds in Japan has well made and presented quality food. They have seafood dishes. They used to have lobsters rolls in the North East of US. They used to have pizza in some regions. Every where else in the US they throw the wrong order at you after you do self check out as they raise the price on food quality that lowers by the day. Why does anyone go to McDonalds? It's not meat and it is not good.

>> No.20396550
File: 109 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2017_06_30_at_3.17.00_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is because, of course, pickle rick
it is IMPOSSIBLE for a zoomer to see a pickle without immediately going "hey, i'm pickle rick!!', which causes every zoomer around them to literally shit their pants in hysterics
this has become a huge problem for mcdonalds, because it slows down their service since all the cooks all double over with laughter whenever pickles are around, and you can imagine the subsequent poop is not good for food safety reasons
the same thing happened with raspberries.
they USED to be a very popular burger topping in the USA, up until the 1960's, when Berry-Man-Barabajagal became a hit half-man half-berry vaudeville comedy character
soon restaurants serving raspberries saw a 45% increase in wait time for customers, so they were taken off menu
the same is happening with the pickle, but mcdonalds are blaming the customer instead

>> No.20396590

You need a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty though, it's more of a millennial thing.

>> No.20396598

Thats dumb, the pickle and mustard when heated produce a godlike flavor

>> No.20396620

I love pickled food but I genuinely hate pickled cucumber/gherkin. I eat pickled peppers, jalapenos, carrots, cabbage etc with almost every meal but I can't fucking stand pickled cucumber

>> No.20396644

combo of these, pickles can be great and are usually at least good but the pickles are an even bigger crapshoot than lettuce and tomatoes when it comes to fast food

>> No.20396884

McDonald's pickles are fake shit filled with food coloring anyways
and the employees are all too retarded to spread them out

>> No.20396943

>In spain they are advertising Big Macs without pickles
That's just the J balvin burger, it was a thing in the US too. You're 2 years late niggorilla.

>> No.20397054

I hate this haircut more than any other out there right now. When I see someone with it I immediately dismiss them as incapable and generally useless.

>> No.20397068

>I hate younger generation haircut so damn much watch me get angry at younger generation, it makes me physically ill, please acknowledge the signaling of my virtue PLEASE
personally, I never got why NPCs of every generation always chose to have the same horrible haircut, but there are so many things of actual substance to talk about. like how apparently gambling addiction is a huge thing with zoomers because no one bother to teach them math during the pandemic because math is hard and not woke

>> No.20397120

In America a big mac is like 12 bucks because of the senile pedophile joe biden.

>> No.20397162

>people figured out decades ago that if you order a mcdonalds burger without pickles it forces them to make a burger fresh for you
You're retarded and have never worked in fast food. Burgers are not premade, pickles or no pickles it makes no difference.

>> No.20397168

I'm not a fan of canned blavk olives which are the most common type, but the green ones that come in jars with a piece of pimento pepper in them are tasty and I enjoy kalamata too

>> No.20397177

zoomers are all addicted to gambling, zyns, and bluechews (for solo masturbation)

>> No.20397179

they had a deal in the app last month where one big mac was $2
honestly i'd still rather get the buy one get one free double cheeseburgers for $3.50 over that
the big mac kinda sucks desu, the QPC is way better

>> No.20397187

Because all zoomy zoom zooms are good for is satisfying my penis.

>> No.20397222

I have multiple degrees and will fuck some jumbo jar of pickles up. But then agin, not zoomer. But do know a zoomette who loves big pickles. Literally. I should put my cock in her though..

>> No.20397238

McDick pickles are shit so i always order without pickles from there, one of the ways to slightly modify your burger so you get a new one instead of one that has been sitting on the header for an hour.

>> No.20397244

That's not how it works, burgers are not premade.

>> No.20397250

Nah they have a stack of the most common items ready in the rack at places like BK, McD, Wendys etc that they can just throw out in the drive thru.

>> No.20397259

Nope not how it works. The only thing that is precooked is the meat. No burgers are pre assembled since most are custom ordered it would result in throwing away tons of wasted food.

>> No.20397264

Zoomers pink assholes belong to me. Gender irrelevant. I live only for anal creampies.

>> No.20397269

Should i trust my own eyes walking into a fast food store seeing rows of burgers ready to go during rush hour or the words of some idiot on the internet?

>> No.20397277

I've spent 20 years working in fast food in most of the places you named and this was never the case. Maybe they do things differently in some third world shithole but that isn't how it's done here. It makes zero logical sense to pre make burgers and never in all those years was it ever done anywhere. The food you are seeing is more than likely food that has already been ordered and is waiting to be bagged.

>> No.20397287

Hey good for you if you worked in a place with good management but i've had a lot of times where i ordered a burger and they just turned around and grabbed one that was already made and probably sat on the heater for 30+ minutes.

>> No.20397289

I love pickles, but I don't really care for pickles on my sandwiches
That's not how fast food works retard, and I can't believe there are this many people that think that's the case. They keep the meat in trays that stay in heated cabinets, and all the vegetables and condiments are kept in a bunch of containers in a line. The meat can be old, and the veggies can sit out for a long time, but everything is always assembled as you order it
Those burgers you are seeing are almost certainly burgers that are being made for orders that are coming through the drive through or through the counter, they sit there because they have to hand out the orders in order. So while order number 1 is being handed out, orders 2-5 sit there in the tray

>> No.20397291

That doesn't happen in America

>> No.20397294

I won't call you a liar, my experience was in the 90's and early 2000's in the nice college part of town. Maybe I got lucky and just worked for places that cared more. Sorry if that's how it happens now but if you really want to have a better chance of getting fresh burger the best thing to do is order it with no salt. Patties are supposed to be pre salted so usually they are forced to cook a new one. That still won't guarantee it because sometimes they just won't care and hope you don't notice or they will make a few unsalted just in case people like that come along but its still a better than normal chance.

>> No.20397298

It does. I almost always do over the counter orders for this reason and asked for a burger and they just immediately grab one burger unless you make a special requests. Fries and nuggets are almost always made fresh.

>> No.20397306

It all comes down to bad leadership just like everything else. That's why it's hard to find a good fast food place because you want consistency.

>> No.20397307

I've worked in fast food for 4 years altogether in 3 different places, and one of them was in an absolute shithole. And at none of these places, even the shithole, were burgers ever premade, it just doesn't make sense to do, it would leave a bunch of clutter in the bagging area, which would confuse the counter people, and all of the vegetables would be either wilted or become warm and mushy, and the buns get hard as shit after spending more than 10 minutes up there. People would just complain and send them back if it were the case, causing us to do even more work. It is literally just easier to do things the right way, because people complain and take things back less, so you can get more orders out faster, that's why I would literally always do fries hot and burgers correct, because you might have to wait an extra minute or two to do so, but having to listen to some retard complain and then figure out what they want, then go back and make the burger fresh and how they want is just way more time consuming, especially if you consider the time you had to take to make it the first time too
I simply don't believe you

>> No.20397309

I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me.

>> No.20397312

Well I guess it's less that I don't believe you, because I am sure you believe what you are saying, I just think you don't know what you are talking about, cause if you had ever worked a fast food joint, you'd know that making premade burgers would be more trouble than help

>> No.20397317
File: 42 KB, 300x470, 1528011607437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried Takis Fuego and they're actually pretty good
I'm 24

>> No.20397330

>Does it taste like sugar?
>Does it taste like meat?
/thread, kids will be kids
Why do you keep asking rhetorical questions that you already knows the answers to

>> No.20397332

No, you get a fresh burger/fries by saying you want it unsalted

>> No.20397339

Like i said you probably worked in good locations, I was working in pretty shitty areas working out of my truck and that was extremely common. So good for you not working in the hood.

>> No.20397346

Like I said, one of the places I worked, was an absolute shithole that served exclusively tweakers and old people, and they didn't make premade burgers. I promise you it would just make the job harder, also like I said, the buns get hard as shit under the heat lamp, they only last up there for about 10-15 minutes, that's why even with doordash and online orders, we would generally only make them when the person showed up

>> No.20397450

If you don't like olives you are a neanderthal

>> No.20397462

Not that anon but explain the pleasures involved with consuming olives

>> No.20397469

Zoomers hate everything if you haven't noticed.

>> No.20397530

>I've spent 20 years working in fast food

>> No.20397536

i love pickles but not on burgers
keep them on the side. always eat the pickles first off a chicken sandwich
eggs belong in lesser meats like boiled eggs for egg salad

>> No.20397687

anon mcdonalds is famous for literally having a shelf right behind the counter with 3-4 premade burgers of each type sitting there ready to be bagged up.
i'm sure there's some zoomer hackery at play like a heat lamp but shit's still a 10-20min old burger

>> No.20397734

That is not true at all, I worked at a Mickey D's and its exactly as several anons in the thread have described, its an assembly line system, the burgers are assembled as people order, but the meats sit in heated cabinets. It's been this way for decades at least, people that think otherwise haven't worked at a mickey ds

>> No.20397750

https://youtu.be/RKWLu6UHryQ If you want any more proof here is 20 minutes of a guy working in the kitchen, if they just made a bunch of them to sit on some shelf, he would just make a good amount of them, and then hang out. Instead its exactly like everyone else said, most of the ingredients sit in trays, then they toast the buns and add the shit, its a really simple system but for some reason, retards that have never worked the job just assume they know how it works

>> No.20397754

Also notice how with basically every single sandwich he slaps a sticker on them, the sticker comes when the order is made, they correlate with a specific order, they only print out when something is rung up at one of the registers, even if it is a generic item with no modifications, its there to help the counter people determine which sandwich is for what order

>> No.20397759

Why would they advertise that? You can use the app, kiosk or cashier to remove the pickles from a big mac. I'm sure the quarter pounder still has pickles there, so the restaurant still stocks them.

Are zoomers too autistic to remove pickles when ordering?

>> No.20397764

>what is marketing?
I’d hate to be as ignorant and retarded as you, OP.

>> No.20397767

>named worse than pagpag, sounds like garbage
>looks like compressed pocket lint
Gee I wonder why people don't give it a chance

>> No.20397771

Subhuman detected.

>> No.20397772

So have you worked at any of those places?

>> No.20397774

lol no.
I’m not a loser.

>> No.20397775

Yeah exactly, that's why you think that's the case, its not, you are literally just guessing lol

>> No.20397783

>muh lived experience
I know plenty of people who have these jobs.
My statement is factually correct.

>> No.20397793

You are wrong, you are just making shit up. Muh lived experience just means first hand account, I posted evidence of what I was talking about too, you are just a drooling retard

>> No.20397797

I don't think McDonald's sells sage

>> No.20397801

You’re an idiot mate.
You need to leave the house once in a while.

>> No.20397811

Hello, I'm a troll. I heard you guys were feeding trolls here. Please feed me (You)s.

>> No.20397812

You have zero argument for what I was saying, you are just namecalling now. You were proved wrong and you are a dumbfuck that goes around just pretending to know what you are talking about

>> No.20397833

You called him a drooling retard first.
Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.20397839

Actually he called me a loser before that, but still, it is hypocritical, I just think he is a retard

>> No.20397844

Giving straight facts isn't name calling. Ask your mom. I make sure to call her a filthy slut every night.

>> No.20397958

Less problem of pickles, more problem of mcdonald pickles.
I don't have a problem with pickles on burger, I have a problem with McDonald's pickles on their burgers. They are shite.

>> No.20397970

Fast food pickles are fucking dogshit and their flavors do not compliment the burgers at ALL. It isn't just that the pickles are shit either, it's that the average fast food burger is so micro engineered the flavor profile can't work with anything that didn't come from the same lab anyways. If you like fast food pickles, you have objectively dogshit taste.

Pickles on a proper, normal burger? Hell yeah. Pickle slices on a homemade sandwich? Of course. Fast food pickles on my mcdouble? Fuck out of here. I said "no pickles" and I'm not paying for it if it wound up coming with pickles anyways. They're fucking gross and I'm sick of having to pick them off the sandwich just because a couple of manchildren think eating mcdonald's pickles makes them more "Adult".

>> No.20397984

based thread, fuck broccoli head zoomers

>> No.20397987

what did the vax do to them, doctor chud?

>> No.20397988

Zoomers aren't even human.

>> No.20398024

They were 20 years ago, zoomy. One day you too will have outdated views.

>> No.20398143

>anon mcdonalds is famous for literally having a shelf right behind the counter with 3-4 premade burgers of each type sitting there ready to be bagged up
You haven't been to a mcdonalds in 30 years.

>> No.20398153
File: 97 KB, 1200x1500, messy-curly-top-with-tapered-sides-for-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up haircut
>it's called "curly more on top"
>curly moron top


>> No.20398154

no problem at all. everyone knows pickles do not go on borgers

>> No.20398295

that was in the 90s when people weren't picky. they knew they'd sell so many hamburgers, cheeseburgers, double cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, so they'd pump 'em out and everybody was cool.
nowadays everything is assembled as it comes on the screen for millenials who want "light mayo" or "no onions" fucking fags

>> No.20398297

I think those broccoli haircuts are kinda sexy. Not homo

>> No.20399771
File: 99 KB, 512x626, IMG_9869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough Moorish Genes, Reconquistaed too soon, No Mutt Blessings from Allah, sad

>> No.20399779

pickles are mid fr fr

>> No.20399941

I love pickles and I’m 21. What’s not to like?

>> No.20400493

Worked at BK this is true, ignore shills

>> No.20401176

Necro bump
In n Out in Cali, Utah,Texas, and Arizona all make sure to ask if you want onions on the burgers. and thats the only thing. Like they don't ask if you want no cheese (for the blactose people) but they are mandated to ask for Onions

>> No.20401199

literal pimply faced maggot

>> No.20401202

i bet you like lettuce on them though

>> No.20401208

>zoomers are like 10 years developmentally behind normal people, unironically because of iphones and the vax.
What is day to day life like being retarded? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.20401221

lettuce isnt a sour chip

>> No.20401238

Zoomers didn't create the world they grew up in.

>> No.20401240

gambling addiction has nothing to do with math.

>> No.20401243
File: 21 KB, 584x360, 360_F_138278354_7VZbMLwU5HhynSN7uHpZdjChlvZgT4JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America pickles are very popular, pretty much every sit-down restaurant meal comes with a long slice of pickle like this. People rub it on their food for flavor or eat it straight.

>> No.20401249

If you know math you don't gamble, unless you can set the odds.

>> No.20401252

You sound like my dad. I'm a real man because i'm unhealthy.

>> No.20401254

If it's not iceberg lettuce yes.

>> No.20401257

You do if you like the feeling. Risk taking behavior retard. Why are people addicted to drugs and extreme sports, combat, adrenaline pumping activities? Don't they know math? Lmao.

>> No.20401296

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe they dont want your money and you are not the target audience???

>> No.20401300

you can always learn new things, you don't have to just stop

>> No.20401344

Corpo shill. Think to yourself why big brand jewcorpos are always on the front page of this forum. Should be filtered, desu.

>> No.20401359

swearing and insulting your biggest demographic in your ad on 4chan online is not a very good idea for any brand

>> No.20401363

If they grew up playing CSGO or the like with gambling ingrained into it then I'm not surprised if they grow up to be gambling addicts.

>> No.20401370

The vinegar gives them mudbussy.

>> No.20401376

I like mcondalds pickles. I usually get a free jar after fucking the cashier behind the dumpster

>> No.20401383

I hate this image so much he looks like such a smug prick and a dumbass I want to punch him in the face I hate zoomers so much it's unreal.

>> No.20401384

how young do you think zoomers are?

>> No.20401395

time keeps moving forward, buddy. half of zoomers are old enough to have kids and gamble

>> No.20401682

fatty + salty tender snack

>> No.20402312
File: 351 KB, 2048x1629, 1644472408016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonjew almost never gives me the regular amount of pickles for my order
they are the only good tasting thing in the burger
sorry miku

>> No.20403542

Pickles are good. McDonald pickles are disgusting.

>> No.20403544

Zoomers reject jewish colonization in our foods

>> No.20403819

but why, you can customize the burger at any macdonalds? probably tastes better without tho. they add nothing noteworthy

>> No.20403873

Their pickles are salty af

>> No.20404301

>Be millenial but zoomer age
>Don't like pickles because I only taste it individually even if in a burger
>Be current day millenial
>Appreciate the pickle for what it does when combined with the other flavors and textures of the burger
Normal people grow up, the rest will be shunned overtly or quietly.

>> No.20404308

>>Be millenial but zoomer age
what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.20404315

blud thinks because he was born in 1997, that means he's not a filthy zoomer

>> No.20404321

Born in the millennial generation but spoken of as in the same age of current zoomers, ie speaking of the past.

>> No.20404339

I don't like pickles but I'd still eat them over McDonald's tomatoes

>> No.20404345

The consequences of low lead exposure have been a disaster for the zoomer generation...

>> No.20404629

zoomers are going bald from their gayass perm
better start early on that finasteride

>> No.20405037
File: 514 KB, 720x720, Big Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20405128

I can like pickles but I'm very picky with them. A few thin slices in a burger or sub are nice, some relish on a hotdog or sausage is great, but anything more than that disgusts me. Thick lengthwise slices on a cuban fucking ruin it. People who can just take a fucking bite out of a whole pickle should be euthanized.

>> No.20405160

The pickles are almost always dry and shriveled up so I don't blame them

>> No.20405288

this thread convinced me to buy big mac for din din ^__^ it is good!