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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 532 KB, 700x399, Xlarge-DeliBox[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20386659 No.20386659 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a conference
>it's a bunch of gross cold sandwiches with mustard and other stuff I hate and a tiny sliver of meat and cheese
>just eat a cookie and chips and throw the rest in the trash

every fucking time. just let us leave and get our own food dammit.

>> No.20386667


>> No.20386671

Go to better conferences.

>> No.20386673

Pansy. Imagine not only hating mustard, but still eating the cookie like a little kid and whining about it. Grow up.

>> No.20386680

I can do dijon or a honey mustard but the neon yellow shit is GROSS

>> No.20386688

Those sandwiches look awesome, i'd eat as many as i could.
Hope drinks are included too, even just fizzy water would be good

>> No.20386749

The cookies and chips are actually more worthless than the crappy sandwiches

>> No.20386764

Is "random assorted sandwiches" a better or worse catered conference lunch than "huge tray of baked ziti"

>> No.20386769

I don't love French's but if the label is to be believed it's just "Distilled Vinegar, Water, 1 Grade Mustard Seed, Salt, Turmeric, Paprika, Spice, Natural Flavors and Garlic Powder". I think it's poorly balanced but I'll take it over the sugary red sauce (most ketchups) there's plenty of other great mustards out there though.

>> No.20387406

skill issue

>> No.20387437

everyone of those sandwiches look good. 8/10 would eat

>> No.20387449

I'd devour the shit out of any one of those free sandos and you are a toddler

>> No.20387460

i miss the pre-so-called-pandemic euphoria when companies would burn through money like crazy, the hotels and meals were so good

>> No.20387469


>> No.20387542

I never met anybody bitch about free subs
Stop crying

>> No.20387586
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>> No.20387787
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>be me
>cruise around large multi-company office building in bustling downtown
>see sign for free catered lunch for XYZ group meeting on Nth floor
>swing in
>grab sandwich, donuts, coffee
>wander out
I have been doing this for years and no one has ever had a clue.

>> No.20387847

>still eat a whole row

>> No.20387872

Those sandwiches look alright. You're just a fucking pig.
You realize normal people don't eat 2000 calories in every meal, right? That's why you're a slow, sweaty fatass.

>> No.20387916

>work caters Potbelly
>everyone gets a 3rd of a sandwich and a bag of Baked Lays

>> No.20387924
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If you hate mustard, you shouldn't be left alone at all, let alone left to go get your own food. Webm related is probably what you'd get. Would be better to force feed you moderately healthy food instead.

>> No.20387963

i didn't like mustard as a kid
as an adult, i prefer spicy brown or the real shit w/ seeds.

>> No.20387965

yeah I was pretty annoyed when I had to go work an event with the promise of food being provided
potato salad, macaroni salad, tuna salad, chicken salad
anything that just stuff mixed with mayonnaise here?

what a disaster

>> No.20387986
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>real shit with seeds

That's a meme for retarded people. Just buy this.

>> No.20388070

No, I'm going to keep buying the thing I like, and you can keep seething that it's a "meme". That won't get you invited to my barbecues then.

>> No.20388075

It sure is nice working for the (local) government instead of wage slaving for coporate kikes. We're eating good for our company lunches, and there's always extra left over to take home.

>> No.20388094

Assuming you don't just want to dab on others, what are the company lunches like?

>> No.20388131

Sometimes they'll get a few different food trucks to come set up for us, or we'll use a company card to buy burgers/hot dogs/carne asada and we'll grill it ourselves, or they'll order carry out from local places. Recently for the eclipse they bought us pizza and cheesecakes.

>> No.20388162
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those look pretty good but

>> No.20388174

Yeah that sounds nice, especially with grill-outs. Glad they treat you well anon.

My best "company" lunches were when I worked for the uni while studying and basically got a free meal plan independent of my wage that gave you access to the main dining hall, where culinary students and staff. Since the food was divided between "islands" that mimicked a mall food court, I'd compare it to a Golden Corral but with decent standards and quality (enough) ingredients.
Great place to study with free caffeinated drinks when it wasn't packed.

My first job out of uni was a company that was just bought out, so I got to experience exactly what you describe with them steadily cutting the service until COVID gave an excuse to axe it. When upper management still used it they kept a decent catering company, but then switched to such a poor replacement for $$$ that bringing my own food was superior. And that was even without having anything but a microwave to cook with.

Been WFH for a few years, so no company lunches but no bullshit around it either. Usually make something before work and heat it up so I can use my lunch break to exercise :)

>> No.20388177

This, thank god someone else does it too haha. I literally, unironically got the idea from Seinfeld where Kramer starts pretending to be a businessman and it actually fucking works lmao

>> No.20388186

Thanks, it's definitely a privilege to have bosses who actually give a shit and don't place themselves above the peons.
My college food court was pretty decent, would have been a pretty nice perk to eat it for free.
I am jealous of all you work from home wagies, good for you though, cheers

>> No.20388217

>mmmm sandwiches!
>what's this?
>A mayonnaise sandwich!
>with a quarter cup of mayonnaise!
>so much mayonnaise that if you hold it too hard, mayonnaise will come shooting out like a cream pie!
>mmmmmm! You can really taste the seed oil!
>my only complaint is that sandwich places don't put even more mayonnaise into their mayonnaise sandwiches!

>> No.20388890

>>it's a bunch of gross cold sandwiches with mustard and other stuff I hate and a tiny sliver of meat and cheese
>>just eat a cookie and chips and throw the rest in the trash
Gay soylet

>> No.20388893

NPC's love a catered lunch

>> No.20389141
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>> No.20389167

I literally only have a problem with the super bright yellow one on top

>> No.20389174

Work paid for one that lasted a week long and they absolutely spoiled us, we got mushrooms and brie quiche, cakes, salmon salads, etc even tho we were just a handful of people they kept bringing enough food for 30

>> No.20389182

Stop being so effeminate

>> No.20389256

I went to the Restaurant Conference in Chicago one year, holy fuck the food was nonstop, my fatass gained ten pounds in 3 days.

>> No.20389265

This but unironically

>> No.20389270

I always carry mayo packets for this reason

>> No.20389277

At least you get some food for free, my workplace just has a massively overpriced Avenue C kiosk, they even charge for fucking coffee. Place manufactures millions of massively overpriced parts per day, but they're too Jewish to even give us free caffeine, let alone food.

>> No.20389280

one day they'll be sorry
one day you'll make them pay

>> No.20389295

The people responsible for this are the upper management, they rarely ever visit their factory serfs.

>> No.20389334
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i can make a eurocuck loathe anything simply by telling them its American

>> No.20389551

t. obsessed and jealous reject

Sorry your ancestors got kicked out of/had to leave civilisation. lol

>> No.20389575

Sorry your ancestors blew themselves up so hard they regressed into an irrelevant tourist destination

>> No.20389581

Tell them you are kosher or halal or allergic to nuts or something and you'll get your own little special meal.

>> No.20389605

Conference organizer here. Catering is complicated business. I learned to appreciate every single cup of coffee that gets served.
Nobody keeps you locked inside, you can go and get or bring your own food.

>> No.20389636

the conferences I go to have unlimited liquor and fursuit sex
get good.

>> No.20389794

>You realize normal people don't eat 2000 calories in every meal, right?
It's like you've never been to a restaurant and seen what people eat. never looked at the calorie information on the restaurants website.

if you get salad, bread sticks, and alfredo dipping sauce for 2 people it's 1000 calories per person.

any of the dinner salads at oreganos is over 1000 calories most are 1200 to 1500.

1 16oz prime rib is 1200+ calories not counting the sides.

if you go to cracker barrel and order any dinner with the sides that come with it, you almost can't get less than 1500 calories.

most people have no idea how many calories they eat in a day.

>> No.20391340

>talks about eating in restaurants like cracker barrel
>alfredo dipping sauce as an appetizer

No wonder Americans are all so fucking fat.

>> No.20391354
File: 389 KB, 509x509, gollum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't like cold cut sandwiches
>Hates yellow mustard
How do you manage to hate fundamentally inoffensive things? Are you European and pretend to despise lunch meat sandwiches and yellow mustard because its "American?"

>> No.20391504

There's a very easy way to get around and out of this corporate lunch trap. Come up with an imaginary food allergy and tell them that you're leaving for lunch. And when they say well don't you like our sandwiches? You just bring the food allergy trap on them. It's really easy I've done it before.

>> No.20391529

worse, it's pretty hard to fuck up baked ziti
i don't want 1/4 lb of lettuce, a slice of tomato and the ghost of deli meat on a roll

>> No.20391530

>i miss the pre-so-called-pandemic euphoria when companies would burn through money like crazy
They still do lmao you just don't get to see any of it
Unless you work at a small business your employers actively hate you.

>> No.20391550

so why do you keep generating income for people who hate you? are you a cuck? do you hate yourself? stop rewarding the people that step on your neck lmao

>> No.20391555

>yellow mustard

>> No.20391560 [DELETED] 

>not taking 5 sandwiches and putting all the meat and cheese into one and discarding the bread.


>> No.20391562

... what fucking cookie are you on about? this was about sandwiches, I thought

>> No.20391564

they choose yellow mustard because they're cheap

>> No.20391567

anon do you have any idea how mustard is made?

>> No.20391568

while I see your point it's obvious you don't work in the real world
lots of times I'm offered free meal by people I do not work for in any way

>> No.20391608

I'd take those home and toast the buns and melt the cheese

>> No.20391675

>... what fucking cookie are you on about?
the one that OP said he ate, you absolute cock-guzzling retard

>> No.20391689

this tbqh

>> No.20391694

this is a man of refined taste. Strive to emulate him

>> No.20391857

I work in a manufacturing plant and once we were told we were having a catered lunch meeting at 1 pm (I get to work at 6 am) so most of us skipped lunch and kept working. We got to the meeting and sat down and talked for an hour but the food never showed up. Apparently they had forgotten to actually order it. We were told that the meeting counted as our lunch break and we had to go back to work without eating.

>> No.20391873

And then you all quietly filed off and went back to work while management went home 3 hours early

>> No.20391876

Yes, that's what putting something in quotes means, filthy ESL.

>> No.20391882

Denying employees a dedicated lunch break is illegal, even in the US hellscape.

>> No.20391892

We kind of got belligerent and just argued with the intelligent but clearly autistic upper manager during the meeting. It became very unproductive very fast when we realized we weren't getting food. It was also the first time I'd gotten to drink water in 7 hours so I just drank like 5 bottles of water during the meeting.

But yeah managers work from like 6:30 am to 3 pm and we work from 6:30 to 7. To be fairy they are salary and I'd do the same thing in their position.

It's only illegal on paper and our lunch breaks arent clocked. If anyone ever admitted they didn't take a lunch, they would be punished for not taking a lunch. Modern wagie environment is that 100% of liability for everything falls on the wagie.

>> No.20391899

>punished for not taking a lunch
If you were smart, you'd threaten legal action. It'd be a very easy win and they know it.
>b-but they'd fire me
Wrongful termination suit.
You have rights, retard. You just can't stand by and watch someone take them.

>> No.20391920
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looooooooove catered lunches man, free is free, don't care what it is or how bad it is. free food mmmm.

potlucks are even better.

>> No.20391921

unfortunately I make too much money to risk throwing it all away on a gamble for a payout. Yeah my job is a nightmare hellscape but I make more than some of the managers and I've never seen or heard of an employee successfully suing (((Procter & Gamble))). Their legal department is too large and powerful. The only way to win is slam dunk cases like verifiable false advertising

it's also possible that I released my right to sue them in my employment contract.

>> No.20391927
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>> No.20391934

I work for the kind of place that will deactivate your badge if you mention unionizing. They won't fire you, but they'll just prevent you from entering the facility and then you'll get fired for not coming in.

>> No.20391942


>> No.20391943

imagine being too good for decent sandwiches but still eating that garbage they call cookies and chips from an assembly line

9 year old behavior

>> No.20391946

no I work for Procter and Gamble at a manufacturing plant

>> No.20391951

>Procter and Gamble
>manufacturing plant

>> No.20391960

Procter and Gamble is a company that makes basically every flagship product in a supermarket. Dawn dish soap, Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Febreze, Gain, Gillette razors, Pampers and Luvs diapers, etc.

>> No.20391965

nigger behavior

>> No.20391972

waiting for the "fuck you" guy to show up with ai sandwiches

>> No.20391974

i love the way sodium lauryl sulphate cleans my gums and my body and my dishes.

>> No.20392071

>black man in a business meeting
It'd never work, too unbelievable.

>> No.20392438


>oh no I got time off but they didn't give me my yum yums :(

grow the fuck up

>> No.20392458

They're not paying you to lick boots. Get back to work.

>> No.20392745

youre right, I should be glad I didn't get to eat during my 13 hour shift

>> No.20392753

>just let us leave
Jesus, you spineless wonder. Just fucking leave and go get the food you want. Do you need permission to go take a shit as well?
I've heard this isn't a popular condiment amongst many children. Things are making sense now.

>> No.20392767

Honestly one of the best sandwiches I ever had was served at a funeral lol. Turkey, Ham and cheese, alfalfa sprouts and mayonnaise, crust cut off. Similar to eating sushi I felt refreshed after eating a couple sandwiches. Been making them since.

>> No.20392902

All mustards are delicious, I laugh and look down on sad tastelets who can't enjoy acididic flavors.

>> No.20393882

I don’t really care for the hot english style mustard. I like spicy food but that nasal heat is just not for me, like wasabi and horseradish. All other mustards I enjoy. Honey mustard on fried chicken, grainy mustard on a pretzel, dijon on a sandwich, yellow on a hot dog… hell yeah

>> No.20393887

mmm... brown...

>> No.20393918

Could be worse. It could be the same undercooked chicken with rubbery broccoli and packaged hollandaise sauce and over cooked cheap cut of beef with instant mashed potatoes every year. Thank God it's only two days. Also thankfully I can skip out and there are decent places around the conference center

>> No.20393966

Deli mustard is prime, now add 1:1 of thousand island and you have a zesty/savory dressing for all your protein sandwiches.

>> No.20395100

vegans aren't accommodated at the potluck because nobody likes them