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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20372717 No.20372717 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics


If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, ruin any good threads lately?

Previous thread:>>20348436

>> No.20372728


>> No.20372731

Guy who wants a varista express. I've had one for many years and I love mine. It wasn't second hand so I don't know how reputable the previous owner of your machine may have been. Personally I love the coffees it makes. Just remember to wash it out, descale and whatnot. Also there's heaps of guides online for adjusting burr size, everything you could need to know is on YouTube.

>> No.20372787
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>adjusting burr size

>> No.20372952

I have one of these arriving this week, Im taking it to work so I dont have to taste the plastic from the cheapest coffee machine in the second hand market or instant coffee against my will ever(until i crave for the horrible cheap flavor again, which I do every now and then). Also heard it holds its own against more involved coffee brewing methods, thats cool.

>> No.20373089
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Yea, clean your tools once in a while after using >>>/wsg/5480859

>> No.20373167
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>mfw it explodes and you make a huge mess in your office

>> No.20373240

First for moka pot

>> No.20373258

dude... literally no one asked.

>> No.20373305
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*pffffffffffffrtttttt sploosh frrrrrrrraaaaap plop*

>> No.20373312

I fucking hate Australians so goddamn much its unreal

>> No.20373350
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Had my first thermal shock process. Very nice very clear notes once I dialed in the grind size. Would buy again. Pic related.

>> No.20373363 [DELETED] 

Will the 'reverse osmosis' method do anything positive for dark-medium beans, or is it only good for oily dark as darkass beans? Looking to bring out some more chocolaty notes from this dark-medium Columbian.

>> No.20373398

those coloured presses are cool, hope they're genuinely real
this is quintessentially what an aeropress plunge is like
the heaps of hate from this guy

>> No.20373407

Will the 'osmotic flow' method do anything positive for dark-medium beans, or is it only good for oily dark as darkass beans? Looking to bring out some more chocolaty notes from this dark-medium Columbian.

Pardon the repost. I had a bit of a brain fart. Been thinking too much about water recently.

>> No.20373640

I actually already had an accident with a v60 involving the thing that happens when water decides to go to the fucking roof if you pour it at the wrong angle, so another coffee related accident wont happen again because that would be very funny, and I cant have that sort of thing in my life.

>> No.20373739
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Flat white at Colombia Coffee Roasters, Ox. Got some beans from there, should be decent.

How do you like having coffee when you go to a cafe? Do you try different sorts depending on mood?

>> No.20373744

Thanks for telling me, this one looks like its in great condition and comes with the necessary accessories.

>> No.20373804

gf got me this adorable demitasse when she was in germany [:
this honey bourbon from burundi is fantastic

>> No.20373809
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shit lol

>> No.20373921

Oh my god, that cup is gorgeous!

>> No.20374043

Usually just an americano since I'm not huge on milk drinks in general

>> No.20374189
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Lattes are back on the menu!

Great cuppa and gf, she's a keeper.

>> No.20374276

very nice cup you have yourself, i love the tray, too
it can work for lighter roasts as well but you might have to experiment a bit
very interesting
a cursory search cant find any greens of it for me to try roasting, which i suppose isnt surprising

>> No.20374358

I don't care, cunt
Yeah I adore my machine. Steaming the milk if you use it is very relaxing.
I order mochas from cafes in winter because it's cold and its comfy. Unless I know the place really well and they do something particularly good.

>> No.20374403

Where do I buy Diego Bermudez eugenoides?

>> No.20374431

>Steaming the milk if you use it is very relaxing.
is the steaming process quieter for that machine than most steam wands? i have limited experience with steam wands but the sheer decibel count turns me off
also ty for the compliement about the cup
lol idk my bff jill

>> No.20374492


>> No.20374551

That fat guy is nasty as fuck

>> No.20374553
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its time for iced goffee bros

>> No.20374615

How's the weather where you're at? Still too cold for me in the PNW

>> No.20374660

it hit 87 today but the rest of the week will be mid to high 70s.

>> No.20374662

Is it too cold for cold water wtf nigga u can drink cold coffe at any time stop being autistic!

>> No.20374683

Don't listen to the other anon. I like Hedrick, but I dislike you, kino spammer.

>> No.20374697
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Gyatt damn, that's coarse!

>> No.20374730
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You understand more than one person can post kino right?
KINOKINOKINO(this guy just got the baskets I posted about a while ago)

>> No.20374742

pacamara chaff, bro! they're yuge! the grind is a medium.

>> No.20374773
File: 115 KB, 176x275, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize more than one person can be insufferable, right?

>> No.20374787

Can't hear haters over all this

>> No.20374804

I hate this fucker, Roswell and that chronicler pseud so much. I don't know how they managed a huge following.

>> No.20374837

>buy the latest and greatest equipment
>own decent audio and video equipment and know how to use it
>present with confidence and authority even if you don't really know what you're talking about
>post frequently
That's it. That's how you make it big.

>> No.20374848

Ones an ex roaster, ones a current roaster and one is a q grader.

>> No.20374869

It's the same volume as a commercial machine from my experience. It starts out pretty loud but if you know what you're doing the milk itself isn't loud but the machine does make a chugging noise as it produces steam. I could record it tomorrow I suppose, I'm moving house today.

>> No.20374983
File: 89 KB, 212x256, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not getting it.

>> No.20374994

Fuck the pseuds
Watch Quan kino

>> No.20375009

Sounds like a joke
>an ex roaster, a current roaster and a q grader walk into six bars because they're not nine bar peasants like you poorfags

>> No.20375038

Go away, Brian.

>> No.20375048

I drank the toucan coffee.

>> No.20375097

That's some fresh kino. Keep up the good work. The bitchposting will subside eventually.

>> No.20375332

I tried making turkish coffee and it came out tasting like caffeine sand. Did I do a racism?

>> No.20375394

You probably poured it too quickly and got too many grounds in the cup, then you probably did not let the grounds settle before taking a sip.

>> No.20375737

I've tried this coffee, it's very peculiar. My gf loves it.

>> No.20375764
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Thoughts on stainless steels mugs?

How are they to drink coffee/tea from?

How about regular cool drinks like water or coke?

>> No.20375826

Stains, too hot, expensive, scratches, stupid.

>> No.20375854

Hey Moka lads anybody boiling some Moka right now

>> No.20375859
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Chad maxxing with the Moka

>> No.20375885

I'm really enjoying it. Using the April brewer, it gives some nice cups.

>> No.20376015
File: 2.45 MB, 957x1049, 1696594297336496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some new beans from my local roaster, it's a quite interesting coffee, strong notes of melon and spices, specially pepper. First brew was a bit under extracted and too acid, but reducing the grind size a bit solved it. This is probably the best coffee I've ever drank.

>> No.20376039

I got another bulk order from a roaster a few hours away
I need to stop binging on the Colombia Galaxy Hops Geisha but it's so damn addictive

>> No.20376162
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Anyone with a flair 58? How is the temperature stability on the highest setting? How is it compared to lower flairs like the signature? Would it be an improvement in shot quality? I'm thinking about getting one but not sure if I should just keep my signature+bellman steamer combo and save up for an extra few years for an Argos Odyssey.

>> No.20376370


>> No.20376441
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Warming my 'scotti for a late Saturday second breakfast

>> No.20376494

I'm about to get my first French press. Does it make a difference in taste whether it's glass or stainless?

>> No.20376511


>> No.20376545

get a glass one if you can

>> No.20376562

Bought my first grinder today :). and some packs of beans. any tips on how to get the most out of it with a moka pot?

>> No.20376564

It's a straight upgrade for usability. I've had both. Temp stability is solid. Could be a decrease in shot quality if your grinder isn't up to the job. Thin 58mm pucks are way more difficult compared to the tall 46mm in the sig but you can use low flow baskets to make it a bit easier.

>> No.20376577

learn italian so you can understand this video

>> No.20376579
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Got the barista express! ^^ Other dude was upgrading so I got it for a little over 250. Yeah this thing becomes a bigger beast every time I look at it - I'd read on this beforehand but its amazing how much variation you can have with grind size and amount... will look into it and experiment, finally give JH's videos a look. Yeah, using volvic water, will wash out and descale. Only thing mine lacks is the cleaning tablets and rubber thing that you use to clean it, getting those ordered as quickly as I can.

>> No.20376595

I don't care about workflow, I've got my methods on point for the sig. I just wanna know if you've seen shot improvements after the learning curve

>> No.20376634

what grinder

>> No.20376636

kill yourself in real life

>> No.20376637

Massive, but I also went from a $200 hand grinder to an endgame flat burr after I got it because of the difference between thick and thin pucks. They came out with a flair low flow basket after the original 58 release when people were bitching their timemore c2 couldn't work after upgrading machines.

>> No.20376757

Why? Genuinely curious. Wouldn't a stainless one be better, as it won't break?

>> No.20376778

>as it won't break?
do you plan on dropping your french press?
glass is scentless and tasteless
it is inert
it doesnt impart any smell or taste into the coffee
and is about as stainless as stainless steel
also its see through which is nice
>glass has a lower thermal conductivity rate than stainless steel, making it slower for heat to move. By this logic, glass has better heat retention than stainless steel.

>> No.20376796

these looks like they're used to suck loads out of my asshole

>> No.20376801

like cum loads?

>> No.20376883

Stainless steel makes stuff taste funny
It neutralizes flavors, that's why they make stainless steel wash bars

>> No.20376936

can't find a nice coffee mug for my clever dripper
i make about 350ml with each extraction but the most mugs are only 300ml
the bigger one are too wide for my dripper

what now??????
post your mugs

>> No.20376963

01 carafe

>> No.20377043

Bodum 11239-10B

>> No.20377067

>Bodum 11239-10B
thank you
i will get these
actually a good brand

>> No.20377774

aren't they kind of fuck ugly though?

>> No.20377881

Just had my first gesha this morning. Made me immediately say "Wow!"

>> No.20378218


>> No.20378610
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>> No.20378704
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>get up at 3pm
>get old coffee leftover from the morning when my family who don't have retarded sleep schedules made it
>one cup left, still warm
Yup, it's coffee time alright.

>> No.20378738

i just use starbucks vanilla in a black & decker drip filter

if there's any leftover I microwave it the next day

i use chocolate lactaid and some sugar

i stir it with a pair of old chopsticks that came in a paper wrapper from panda express

fuck you

>> No.20378741


>> No.20378773

Any ubiquitous and 'decent' cheap decaf whole beans?
This is for cold brew iced coffee and I will probably be drinking it with milk

>> No.20378947


>> No.20378970

How the fack do you decaffeinate whole beans? You fukkin retard.

>> No.20378983
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They grow from caffeine free coffee trees. Like how bell peppers naturally contain zero capsaicin.

>> No.20379613
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2am coffeetime? I think so.

>> No.20379622

>midday coffee
>3pm goffee
>7pm coffee
midnight goff....

>> No.20379668

also they don't have a handle
so i will burn myself... just thought about it now
they look good but also don't have a handle

>> No.20379670

>they look good but also don't have a handle
does it need one?

>> No.20379679

>so i will burn myself
i see you don't comprehend how double wall glass wors

>> No.20379680

would be better
otherwise it is too hot to grab it right after the brew
so how do i transport the mug from the kitchen to my room without burning myself?
really inconvienent if you think about it
so a mug/glass with a handle would be better

i guess this is really a market niche
just a good looking glass/mug with a handle and big enough to hold about 350-400ml

>> No.20379687

oh that is actually a point i didn't consider

>> No.20379712
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I bought the rubber thing and tablets online for a couple of bucks. Surprisingly common item. It looks great dude I'm a fan of the stainless steel. Definitely post when you do some pulls. And let us know what beans you're gonna be using!

>> No.20379774
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roasted 3 levels of beanz bwos
all the same mexican beans in an air popcorn popper
Tried the darkest today and it was rich and smokey/roasty tasting.

>> No.20379775

>ok thats as far as i go

>> No.20379794

next I think I'll try like a super light roast, stopping like right around hearing the first few beans crack

>> No.20379827

Did you have diarrhea?

>> No.20379839
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>> No.20379886

Goodnight ctg see you in the morning kisses you on the head

>> No.20379896
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you're gonna miss the race

>> No.20379971
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oh shit I like this a lot

>> No.20379978

swiss water process is the most common way...

>> No.20380026
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I hope anons are incorporating enough cream in their diets
I heard some of you aren't even creamwashing your mugs before you pour but I don't believe it, myself.

>> No.20380029
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Some days I give my chocolate chocolate nut nut nut nut biscotti a little bit of cream too.

>> No.20380040
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>in coffee

>> No.20380050
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Maybe I should have gotten the one with the orange lid? Can't believe I had a good version of this from a pajeet truck stop.
Now that I think of it, maybe the problem is that I washed my hands...

>> No.20380061

Try adding that indian sugarloaf

>> No.20380131
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Anybody have any recommendations for making cold brew (bean:water ratio, ground, etc.)?
Used to make cold brew back in ye olde days back when I had nothing but a blade grinder but haven't made any in years.

Q2: Would I be able to tell a large difference between an iced americano made with specialty (~$20/lb) beans and an iced americano made with cheap (~10/lb) beans?

>> No.20380155

on the beans
and the grinder
and the brew method

>> No.20380195

What is some good coffee I can buy in bulk? I want a five pound bag. Preferably organic, no pesticides, whole beans. I like medium to darker roasts.

>> No.20380236

>good coffee
>in bulk

>> No.20380268

Costco sells some ok stuff. Also some roasters will sell their beans in bulk. But most of the good beans are being sold in 8-12oz bags now for $25+, it's ridiculous

>> No.20380279
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based /cyc/ -/ctg/ crossover

>> No.20380300

i buy 5 lb bags on ebay. don't really give a shit about the bean's lore, it's just cheap.

>> No.20380316


>> No.20380322


>> No.20380341
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>cost $8 dollars from Aldi
>proves that coffee is nothing more than a blue collar working mans breakfast beverage

>> No.20380527

>blue collar working mans breakfast beverage
I think of white collar office wagies when I hear coffee

>> No.20380552

Whole lot of blue collar pavement princesses happily guzzling down Starbucks milkshakes.

>> No.20380566

unironically yeah, have you ever seen construction dudes? they all guzzle sugary drinks and energy drinks constantly

>> No.20380577

nice penis pump

>> No.20380618
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We don't have this here. Is it good?

>> No.20380630


>> No.20380631

I previously had a glass one. It cracked one day during cleaning. Switched back to stainless after that, genuinely don't notice any difference and it's actually easier to clean.

>> No.20381397

finally pulled the trigger on buying the k6
only thing that has me apprehensive is going from my shitty yet automatic grinder is whatever work is involved with using a hand grinder

>> No.20381408

I have an automatic grinder and still use my hand grinder for 1-2 cups without fail. I just enjoy the process.

>> No.20381502

I'm a weak bitch and even I don't notice the effort it takes anymore

>> No.20381528

>whatever work is involved with using a hand grinder
even if you're a weak little bitch you'll finish grinding a single dose before your kettle finishes boiling water

>> No.20382354
File: 79 KB, 1171x1079, 434247519_122137465040104833_5238287931270879276_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20382368

>that symbol
uhh something you want to confess anon?

>> No.20382490

Elaborate schizo.

>> No.20382552

are you vacuum sealing your beans?
have fun anon

>> No.20382713

not that guy.
a spiral that kind of looks like the one in your coffee pic (but not really) was identified in FBI documents as a symbol used by pedophiles to communicate with each other. a variation of it gained some pop-culture relevance through the show True Detective which prominently featured spirals as part of a crime-mystery plot involving child abuse and human sacrifice.
anon is accusing you of being a pedo and urging you to confess your crimes. however, this doesn't make sense, because whoever created the picture is clearly identifying himself as a knower of these deeds, not a perpetrator thereof.

Now... How much water should I add to my espresso shot to make the perfect Americano?

>> No.20382738

>uber sekret pedo symbol
lol. the president of the USA and his son are pedophiles.
it's overt.

>> No.20382749

>Now... How much water should I add to my espresso shot to make the perfect Americano?
1:4 ratio

>> No.20382855
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>> No.20382864

good omelet?

>> No.20382918
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Coffee? No, no I don't think I will *sip*

>> No.20383236

>feel bad
>drink coffee
>feel good
thank you coffee

>> No.20383364
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x987, 1687255640569554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coucou mes enfants.
For me it's washed colombian jungle stimulant.

>Colombian coffee is renowned for its nutty and fruity aromas, which give it a unique and delicious taste. With a strength of 3 out of 10, this is a very light coffee, suitable for those who prefer a mild, light-bodied beverage. It has a very smooth, gourmet character, with low body and acidity. Its flavours are smooth and round on the palate, offering a great taste experience.

>Colombian coffee is grown in mountainous regions, where the climatic conditions and nutrient-rich soils contribute to its unique, complex flavour. Hazelnut and fruit aromas combine to create a delicious combination that will appeal to the most demanding coffee lovers. It is known for its smoothness and gourmet flavour, making it ideal for coffee lovers looking for a delicate and pleasant tasting experience. In short, Colombian coffee is an ideal choice for coffee lovers looking for a smooth, gourmet tasting experience, with aromas of hazelnut and fruit.

Tasty and balanced cuppa. Enjoyable nutty taste, no unpleasant acidity. Great as espresso as always but also pairs well with some milk (1:1), medium-mild aftertaste.
I'm sated.

>> No.20383482

It's funny how dog whistles only work on dogs.

>> No.20383498

The superior mug, but they've got to be insulated. Uninsulated ones get cool too fast.

>> No.20383833

Black honey goes great with eclipse viewing.

>> No.20384078

It's five degrees Celsius here. I want a coffee but I don't want to get out to bed. In my dream world the coffee making would be on the bedside table

>> No.20384188

>In my dream world the coffee making would be on the bedside table
dont worry
hoffkino has you covered

>> No.20384234
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any opinions on the kalita wave?

>> No.20384252

hoffmann hasnt made a video on it so i cant form an opinion yet

>> No.20384349
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Our machines can be friends now

>> No.20384359


>> No.20384451

>Not mokapot and hotplate
Why? Honestly when I was an office wagie, I just used a reusable steel mesh basket and grounds.

>> No.20384453
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Reminder to delid your moka pot for maximum performance.

>> No.20384467
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Also.... You guys do use paper filters in your moka pot... Right?

>> No.20384484

He's a timer :D

>> No.20384493

>filtering out the flavor
depends on the beanz really
but not usually no
i like a filter below the bed to slow down the process though

>> No.20384526

No. Just trust me. I tried a bunch of them and the only ones I thought were just "ok" were the freeze dried nestle gold ones.

>> No.20384721

Live lilydrip KINO

>> No.20384733

I'm paranoid about microplastics shedding from my 5+ year old aeropress. Should I be?

>> No.20384743


>> No.20384761


>> No.20384905
File: 1.27 MB, 2233x2244, IMG_5941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I’ve come to making a latte art design. Tips to improve?

>> No.20384991

Less bubbles in your milk

>> No.20385382

Oooh the sheen, the sheeen!

Yeah got those now! Will post once I can actually get the latte art down, or something close, I just made a giant blob with the foam. Using the Square Mile ones - went to Prufrock a week or two ago and the coffee was super nice!

>> No.20385432

finally home
4 hours of commute
2 hours of meetings
4 hours of commute

>> No.20385628

no. it's not paranoia if it's real.

>> No.20385693

just because you only learned about it just now, doesnt mean its uber secret

>> No.20385714
File: 316 KB, 375x564, pedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because you only learned about it just now
>about it just now
>just now
at least i don't elect my pedo president knowingly

>> No.20386351

so are we not allowed to talk about brazilian coffee?

>> No.20386355

that depends

>> No.20386369

frogposter made a brazil coffee thread and I can't find it

>> No.20386386

I just bought an aeropress go and an electric kettle for my van and it has blown my camping coffee game out of the water.

>> No.20386409
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Good morning coffee crew!

>> No.20386418
File: 196 KB, 574x797, Grey-langur-Trachypithecus-crespusculus-young-female-Photo-T-Nadler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no Anon, the coffee goes IN the water.

>> No.20386462

Ah shit. Thank you.

>> No.20386517
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x3264, 1865886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you know.

>> No.20386607

I just got a bag of Brazilian coffee from rogue wave and it has made some very tasty espresso

>> No.20386909

Then just get a new one made of that safer and nicer looking plastic called Tritan. Easy.

>> No.20386921

I can't taste the difference between 7, 8, and 9 bars. Am I retarded or did I get memed into buying a Profitec Go as my first espresso machine?

>> No.20387224

You paid for a short warmup time, a powerful steamer, a PID, and the fact that its not a breville shoving 15 bars down cofe. I'll trade you my breville bes 840 for a month and you can understand why your machine is worth what you paid for it.

>> No.20387227

less air in your milk, latte art is all about the milk consistency and little to do with pouring

>> No.20387231

Adding heat and water to plastic then drinking the plastic result from the plastic that tastes like plastic. bruh.

>> No.20387252

You probably already inhale more microplastics from the air than you do from your Aeropress. And even metal brewers leach shit into your coffee over time. None of it is actually harmful in the small doses that an ordinary person will consume.

>> No.20387254

Espresso is so good when it's good but this fucking finicky faggot machine is a pain in the ass compared to my hario switch. I don't know if my technique is just shit or if it really is that receptive to different grind sizes. A grind size for one bean that makes a good cup will just produce incredibly sour slop for another bean.

>> No.20387269

Welcome to espresso. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.20387271
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Any anons got a rec for some beans they recently liked?

>> No.20387274

It changes bean to bean lmao lighter roast is usually finer

>> No.20387276


>> No.20387322


>> No.20387359
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Kill me

>> No.20387413
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>daddy's girl
anon I live with my parents

>> No.20387427

any other recs from them? I want free shipping


>> No.20387463

Their sample box on Amazon has free shipping
$30 for 4x4oz bags of their single origins. You'll likely get the two Rwandas and two El Salvadors (I did) because the other single origin offerings are much more expensive.

>> No.20387491

Thanks much better deal.

>> No.20387566
File: 81 KB, 750x759, 1692206316996502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I hope you brew something tasty, anon ;)

>> No.20387585
File: 5 KB, 241x234, bquan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to the specialty coffee expo. what should I do aside from spill my spaghetti trying to talk to brian quan while tasting his dd roasters meme bean?

>> No.20387594

get him to sign your aeropress

>> No.20387625

I wish I had a green v60 for him to sign instead

>> No.20387703

I'll try, i dont usually post in here but i might when these come in. my machine is finnicky as fuck so i hope i get a couple good ones before I get to the bottom of the bag

>> No.20387715
File: 261 KB, 1356x628, Screenshot 2024-04-09 220551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret buying this piece of shit reddit recommended. its inaccurate to like half a gram

>> No.20387852

ok try this

>> No.20387855

get what you pay for anon

>> No.20388100
File: 1.04 MB, 1351x2400, 20240410_161812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one yesterday

>> No.20388110

Is the the patricians choice for making expresso?

>> No.20388114

>bought another daddy's girl
i had that costa rica uhhhhhhhhh..... this morning?( i put it into my vacuum jar are threw out the bag like an idiot)
and its good
honey is prominent
at least in my moka
i would like to hear your take on it.

>> No.20388117

These are on special where I am, hows the pour? Does the grinder work well?

>> No.20388196
File: 754 KB, 1351x2400, 20240410_170003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I CANNOT HELP MYSELF IT'S REALLY TASTY!!! I will have the costa tomorrow morning and report. I'm glad you say the honey is prominent I'd enjoy that I reckon.
The grinder is annoying to adjust if you want to do the burrs. I only have to do my burrs when making large changes like moving from a humid area to a dry one or a significant been change. Other than that the grind size has been no issue for me, it's a simple numbered dial and I find it to be quite accurate. Dialing in these days only takes me two pulls or so. Pour, I mean it does its job. Any problem I've had with pressure or time has been down to adjusting weight and grind. So user error. If you like espresso I think it's a good machine.

>> No.20388680

>if you want to do the burrs

>> No.20388845
File: 29 KB, 462x664, images-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads im thinking of getting one of these espresso machine thingy. I dont know anything about coffee but i do like a good cup. Dont want to spend the world. How much should i spend? What functions should i look for? Any recommendation on brands or models or whatnot?
Also does anyone drink coffee in the evening or late at night? Whats your experience with it?

>> No.20388847

hoffkino has you covered

>> No.20388853

Is that actually a good model? I only used the picture cause i thought it looked kinda cool. And i think thats a manual machine? Should i get a manual or one that does it all for me do you think?

>> No.20388858

watch the video and find out

>> No.20388861

I dont have 11 minutes to waste! Time is very valuable to me!

>> No.20388874

No they're old shitboxes, but some people love them. Very unstable temps without mods. Don't buy an all in one, you'll end up with a shit grinder and sunk cost.

>> No.20388912

the video has timestamps
skip to his final thoughts to hear his final thoughts

>> No.20388924

I checked out his other videos and he has best $100 $500 and $1500 espresso machine videos. Which price point do you think is best bang for buck?

>> No.20388925

watch his videos and find out

>> No.20388928

Oops meant to quote

>> No.20388931

Holy autism! I dont have an hour to waste!

>> No.20388946

you have an hour to waste shitposting here

>> No.20388954

$1500. Buy a $500 flair and throw the rest of your budget into a grinder.

>> No.20388956

Will you drink it straight, with milk.
Will you make one or two shots or multiple.
Do you want a hand grinder or electric.

>> No.20389234
File: 122 KB, 249x328, 1577592871505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good espresso machines are insanely expensive; like over 1000 dollars and that's just for the espresso machine you need a grinder and there is no way around this. They also require autism to operate them properly, no joke you will need to measure the grind level, output weight and output time and then taste it over and over to find the right combination.
if you're a normie you'd be better off with an aeropress or a moka pot.

>> No.20389274

Are you saying to spend 500 on espresso machine and double that on a grinder? Is grinder more important than the espresso machine?
I will probably drink it straight. And i only need one or two shots. Grinder wise i have no idea! Is it hard work grinding by hands? I have congenitally weak wrists!

>> No.20389329

Thanks! I was hoping there could be decent options at around a few hundred bucks but it seems you need a grinder too and some think its even more important! Not sure how much the machines they use at the coffee shops are. I dont even go to any fancy places and i dont think my palette is refined enough (yet!) to tell the difference, but i like the coffee there well enough. I really dont want to spend thousands of dollars on something i know so little about.
Do you think the espresso machine is more important or the grinder. Kind of been getting some mixed info when searching online.

>> No.20389355
File: 249 KB, 1098x1252, burrs_overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes. You could get by with a $1-200 hand grinder, but if your budget is $1500 I'd be looking at fitting the nicest grinder into what you're able to work with. Your own personal tastes are going to heavily factor into what grinders you should be looking at.
>the guy who made this chart doesn't particularly like it, but its an attempt to broadly categorize grinders.

>> No.20389368

>Not sure how much the machines they use at the coffee shops are
The cheapest one here are about 5k and good ones over 20k
>Do you think the espresso machine is more important or the grinder. Kind of been getting some mixed info when searching online.
The espresso machine has an easy job that doesn't require much engineering or manufacture, the grinder has a very hard job, crushing beans at exact sizes with consistency, in little time and not letting them clump the inside of the machine is a hard thing to figure out, and that's why they're the most expesive part of the set, your coffee is only good as your grinder.
Again I insist a moka pot or an aeropress is best for you, you can even use pre ground coffee with them.

>> No.20389376
File: 246 KB, 6857x513, yoinkv13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how nice your espresso machine may be, a shitty grinder is going to make shitty coffee. If you're planning on flooding it with milk and sugar its not going to matter as much. If you're trying to pull the best straight espresso you can, with high $ beans, you're going to want something more than just adequate.

>> No.20389734

I regret getting the Profitec GO over the Stone espresso machine. Both were the exact same price where I bought the GO from.

GO advantages over Stone:
-Adjustable PID
-Adjustable OPV

So that means more variables which I've realized I don't give a shit about

Stone advantages over GO:
-Able to steam and brew at the same time
-No need to purge a shit ton of water then refill the boiler each time you steam

Those are pretty huge advantage considering it can keep a steady 94c which is what I set the GO to most of the time anyways so it doesn't make a fuckin difference. You don't need to temp surf on either. I also tried brewing coffee at 7, 8, and 9 bars. Couldn't taste a difference.

I should have done just a little more research.

>> No.20389839

>listening what coffee enthusiast recommend

>> No.20389840
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, 1702721675208637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Magnifica S ($300 fully automatic espresso machine) that went to shit.

After googling this shit I found that apparently my Magnifica S is supposed to make shit tier coffee? And that I was supposed to have a semi-automatic?

Here is the thing though I don't want to invest more than $300 in this shit.

From what I gathered the best way to maximize coffee on a budget is to simply buy a manual grinder and a moka pot. Is that correct or can I improve this somehow? I wouldn't mind throwing up to $300 on the actual full set.

Pic related was my apparently shitty machine

>> No.20389851

OH and redpill me on this aeropress thing, is it worth it?

>> No.20389879

Just get a hario switch and a kingrinder k6. The switch is incredibly forgiving and makes great coffee and the k6 is a very good grinder for the price.
Aeropress is alright too but I prefer the switch, it's a little more versatile and (mostly) glass instead of plastic.

>> No.20389914

Aight will get that thank you

>> No.20389919

What are the best coffee creamers?

>> No.20389936

is the V60 IMmersion Dripper Switch ok?

>> No.20389938

Yeah I think that's the thing I'm talking about

>> No.20390031

>Stone espresso machine
ive never seen that before, thats a cheap dual boiler. great deal

>> No.20390033
File: 332 KB, 2089x2097, 1711306712079224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gathered the best way to maximize coffee on a budget is to simply buy a manual grinder and a moka pot
based. youre absolutely right btw

>> No.20390054

>kingrinder k6
this desu, you need to ask someone who WAS coffee enthusiast, a realist

>> No.20390071

cream of sum yung gai

just tried out my steel kalita wave for the first time and im really enjoying the clarity it brought to my washed ethiopian
quite juicy for a washed bean (:

>> No.20390299

I drink Cafe Bustello, am I based?

>> No.20390327

You're a garbage person, but you knew that already.

>> No.20390403

What is that

>> No.20390448

Its like Folgers but for immigrants.

>> No.20390559
File: 136 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20240411_114834_631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, not as much as the sparrow one from Single-O however. Tasted sweet and definitely got those honey notes. At the bottom I got more of the cacao. Very nice, I slept in today for the first time in a long while and woke up to this covfefe!

>> No.20390714

how do you like the bes 870. i have the 840 which is the same thiing without the grinder and I have a problem with the steamer being weak.

>> No.20390769
File: 625 KB, 1351x2400, 20240116_104259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had any issues with my steamer. I've had the machine for three years and the only problems I've encountered are user error. I was a barista in a cafe before getting the machine and naturally it was a change from a professional steam wand which is crazy strong to this, but I have no issues getting smooth shiny milk, like at the job.

>> No.20390821

yeah my issue is how long it takes, lol

>> No.20390882

Apart from these things looking like penis pumps, is it a good way to step up my coffee game from instant?

>> No.20390883

Cappuccino vs Latte, whats the good oil?

>> No.20390884

Maybe on the weekend I'll make a webm of steaming it. I think it takes me like 60 seconds? I've never checked. It's cold as fuck where I live and that makes it take longer I am certain.

>> No.20390894

i thought the kot mug broke?

>> No.20390969
File: 1.48 MB, 1351x2400, 1712811420011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The green one did but I glued it back together. This white one I've had since 2019 has been fine

>> No.20391696
File: 537 KB, 704x699, SW-SSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer the switch, it's a little more versatile and (mostly) glass instead of plastic.
The switch itself is entirely plastic.

>> No.20391700
File: 556 KB, 1080x1080, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20391706

microplastic cucks btfo again

>> No.20391715

What's the trick to making good coffee with a moka pot? It always tastes burnt when I use it

>> No.20391742


>> No.20391752

but he is wrong in part 3
he says do low and slow the whole time
but its best to go max until coffee starts to flow, filling up the bottom of the top about 1-2mm
then go to min and keep it there until the coffee rises to halfway to the bottom of the spout
at this point you cut the heat altogether and wait for the coffee to keep rising until it hits the bottom of the spout
then you take it off the stove and run the base under cold water for 10-15 seconds
then pour
if drunk black you should wait a few minutes before you start to drink

>> No.20391764

oh and he says that when sputtering occurs "it is really time to stop" but ANY amount of sputtering means the brew is ruined
a perfect brew will have zero sputter
zero hiss
zero noise
it should be a calm and quiet from beginning to end

>> No.20391801
File: 15 KB, 489x384, 1332992391705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /ctg/, I was curious about your thoughts on these two machines



>> No.20391808

>$6000 vs $500

>> No.20391811

I am aware of the price difference, but is the Gaggia even comparable if I mod it out to my liking?

>> No.20391820

>if I mod it out to my liking?
you mean with $5500 worth of mods?
try it and report back

>> No.20391823

nah Bustello is an expresso

>> No.20391830

fair point. I guess I was more interested in people's thoughts on the machines separately instead of comparing. I should've made that more clear in my op.

>> No.20391835

oh i see
well i was just busting your balls anyway.

>> No.20391836

My v60, burr grinder, and gooseneck kettle are slated to arrive today. Finally getting back into home brewing my coffee after a long, long time and pretty excited about it.

>> No.20391893

Have fun anon

>> No.20391975

I did it according to your instructions and it still tastes slightly burnt

>> No.20391988

you are using bad coffee beans
your grinder is shit
your grind size is wrong
your moka is dirty
could be any of these

>> No.20391994

I use pre-ground coffee and my moka is spotless

>> No.20391997

>I use pre-ground coffee

>> No.20392010

You forgot to attach a smug anime girl jpeg to your post anon

>> No.20392013

i left it blank so you could imagine one of your favorites

>> No.20392018
File: 41 KB, 237x330, 1400161772984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how thoughtful of you

>> No.20392122

No. One has a shitty little 100ml aluminum boiler, used for steam and brew. Makes back to back shots/steaming very thermally unstable. The other has a ~170ml stainless steel boiler, and a 3L stainless steel steam boiler. More temp stable and repeatable. You'll also probably spend a gaggia's worth in the first few years repairing the mini.

>> No.20392455

hes completely fucking lost it

>> No.20392476

>coffee is now ~$25 for 10oz
Back in my day, I could get good coffee for $15/lb

>> No.20392488


>> No.20392571
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1080, wiredduo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only going to get worse from here. Get off Mr. Gourmet's Wild Ride while you still can.

>> No.20392681

LOL he fucking deleted it.

>> No.20392900

lmao what was it
>back in my day
it was probably shit compared to modern stuff

>> No.20392905

>>back in my day
>it was probably shit compared to modern stuff
It was in the long before time of 2019, before Bidenflation and wars broke out in half of the coffee producing regions...

>> No.20392911

yeah ok

>> No.20392960

Dementia riddled boomer covering old black blues poorly.

>> No.20392966

peets big bang! 10$ for 10oz! so good!

>> No.20393063


>> No.20393068

why would he delete that

>> No.20393292

best guess is he made it public instead of private

>> No.20393324

I think he minded people grinning in his face.

>> No.20393336

i guess that makes sense
i assumed it was more nonsense about palestine but i guess hes proud of those videos if theyre still up
i dont know what you mean
anyway, goff
went to my local roasters cafe today and had a shot of a columbian honey process, it was fantastic and made me want to buy an espresso machine
i also briefly considered paying 32 dollars for a black snapback embroidered with the word COFFEE

>> No.20393691
File: 914 KB, 352x145, 1397334298553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen f i mix dark roasted beans and light roasted beans?
Beans from the same batch/sack, roast them to the lightest and darkest levels possible, then mix them and grind them together.
Has anyone tried this before?

>> No.20393826

I don't think it would taste very good.
The origin characteristics of the light roast would probably just be completely drowned out by the roasty flavors of the dark roast. And of course, you can just shoot for a medium roast if you want a bit of both, rather than attempting a blend.
But maybe I'm wrong. There's only one way for you to find out, anon.

>> No.20393926
File: 60 KB, 1080x605, melange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blending basics
>One of the most compelling reasons to blend coffee is the Melange, a blend of coffees roasted to different degrees. A good reason for a Melange might be perhaps you want the carbon-y flavors of a dark roast but also want the acidy snap of a lighter roasted Kenya or Central American coffee.

>> No.20394142

>I think it takes me like 60 seconds
takes me about 45 here in the south, its just a long time to sit there steaming especially when multiple family members want a latte

>> No.20394229

So it's not an original idea.
Blends really are a lost art in the world of specialty coffee.

>> No.20394807

Idk I have no friends and I hate my family so I only make coffee for me :3

>> No.20394811

>I hate my family
they cant be that bad anon :)

>> No.20394814
File: 927 KB, 1234x698, forbidden 'chine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have an olympian machine
why even live

>> No.20394819

My mum thinks she's being gang stalked by Telstra and makes my grandma cry by screaming at her on the phone. Also I tried making them coffees before and they put five (5) sugars into it and still complained.

>> No.20394826

Just drank some Robusta from Jambi, shit was bad without sugar. Cookies make it decent

>> No.20394843

>My mum thinks she's being gang stalked by Telstra
wow shes literally me
>and makes my grandma cry by screaming at her on the phone.

>> No.20394848

gonna be on the lookout for olympic branded 'spro after the paris olympics
also what the fuck is that on the wall behind him?
a safe?

>> No.20394862

:( the bird has coffee with me

>> No.20394867

it's an oven baka

>> No.20394871


>> No.20394881

the disc?

>> No.20394884
File: 802 KB, 1200x776, in the oven you go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else?

>> No.20395124
File: 2.81 MB, 2985x3731, Divine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go back and forth between a V60 and a Chemex, depending on how much I'm making. I used to see V60 in every coffee shop, now it seems like they're all using Kalita Waves or Clever Drippers or something.
I have a big stockpile of the older, thinner filters, so maybe I'll switch when they run out.
What grinder did you get, anon? I've found that, just after the beans, to have the most noticeable impact on brew quality and flavor.

>> No.20395189
File: 195 KB, 1280x1216, 9af1e6_0c3d1274cfb24007a471ec77dc18ee21_mv2__68688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late to get it now. Gonna kms.
Oh well. I'll enjoy the GO for a year or so then try to sell it and get a dual boiler like the Profitec Pro 300 or something.
Once again, I really wanna kms for getting the GO instead of the Stone which was the exact same price. Fucking look at the picture it looks so nice too.

>> No.20395201
File: 101 KB, 236x233, sexo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
