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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20371902 No.20371902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious answers only

>> No.20371903


>> No.20371935
File: 219 KB, 750x1000, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book explains it

>> No.20371938

borderline strawman science
no one claims that people are exclusively fat because of seed oils, just that seed oils are bad for you
i hope the payout the "scientist" got for this was great, but still not eating the slop

>> No.20371942

they didn't, 4chan just huffs 'alt culture' like it's going out of style

>> No.20371958

still not eating seed oils

>> No.20372050

>alt culture
That's the claim that seed oils are poison, that s-oy turns you trans, etc.

>> No.20372094

>doesn't address any actual claims

>> No.20372273

how do people have time to get fixated on such stupid shit and OBSESS over it like this? I'm pretty sure every single person who worries about muh seed oils has a lot of very real issues in their life that they could be fixing, but instead they agonize over whether their fast food sloppa is going to give them the morgellons

>> No.20372292

If I was trying to falsify science and make seed oils look healthier than they are I'd intentionally use cold-pressed oils and not disclose this, since they're considerably less oxidized than the typical seed oils you get in a store or in processed food or in restaurant food.

>> No.20372303

>I'm pretty sure every single person who worries about muh seed oils has a lot of very real issues in their life
I'm pretty sure the only people "worrying about seed oils" are the fatties with frozen slop addictions and a whole lot of denial. Like OP, and probably you.
People who give up eating trash no longer care about trash.

>> No.20372321
File: 249 KB, 1070x1350, yummy microplastics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel confident that sneed oils cause long-term health problems, same with microplastics (besides BPA-like chemicals and PFAs which are confirmed bad)
However, if they turn out to be even a little unhealthy, it sure would be a big deal because they're in fucking everything, and there are many massive industries behind them

>> No.20372328

so what are you avoiding dealing with

>> No.20372344

seed oil production video. then realize youre not a bird, the only critter who eats seed naturally. next they cause inflamation in your system everywhere which complicates everything. lard doesnt, butter doesnt, tallow doesnt, fish oil doesnt, see the pattern?

>> No.20372354

220 5 10 45yo, works 60 hrs a week resting heart rate of 65 smoker alcoholic avoids carbs and seed oils good cholesterol sky high bad non existent lives off fatty under cooked meat dairy and raw veges mostly. 0 pain from arthritis, 0 meds, 1 bad tooth- gotta have that nigger pulled. you?

>> No.20372372

thank you for reminding me that it could be worse

>> No.20372378

Let's all hate on margarine.

>> No.20372382

It's a seed oil emulsion, so we already are.

>> No.20372391

One of the first videos on I saw on youtube about seed oil = bad they used naturalistic fallacy
>heres a picture of a factory where seed oils are made, because its so unnatural

Needless to say it dampened my enthusiasm on fixing my health just by avoiding 1 food item

>> No.20372398

That's why I brought it up.

>> No.20372661

General rule of thumb, can you buy and eat the seed in your grocery store? Then it's okey seed oil, for example, you can buy a bag of sunflower seeds and munch on, you can't buy a bag of rape seed or cotton seed and munch on.

>> No.20372687

lol, lmao even

>> No.20372950

Why does /ck/ say that seed oils are bad for you, but nuts are good for you?

>> No.20372968

Because /ck/ is gay

>> No.20372973


>> No.20372979

very interesting how they completely ignore the process of making canola oil.
>Canola oil is extracted by slightly heating the crushed canola seeds dissolved in the hexane solvent or by cold press method [4]. Finally, it is refined using water precipitation and organic acid to remove gums and free fatty acids, filtering to remove color, and deodorizing using steam distillation
>hexane solvent
Reminds me of using gasoline to make cocaine.

>> No.20372989

shut up

>> No.20373021

Seed oils are very different, and you are a complete brainlet if you just look for "seed oil" rather than actually looking at the individual oils.

Sunflower oil has an unfortunate balance of the different types of fat, so maybe you shouldn't use huge amounts for perfect health, but canola oil on the other hand is the healthiest of all commonly available cooking oils, with the best balance of fats you can find, and is healthier than non-seed oils like olive oil.

>> No.20373024

That's just what the rape industry big shots want you to think

>> No.20373153

It's referencing another article that is more expansive. Learn how to fucking read.

>> No.20373155

Because one is from man and one is from GOD, okay?

>> No.20373182

Seed oils are extracted, refined oils. All other parts of the seed have been removed. The oils don't even have a taste of their own, because everything but the oil itself has been removed.
Nuts are pretty oily, but they contain many other nutritious ingredients like fiber, protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, all which are missing from seed oils. You could probably live in a diet of nuts, try that with seed oils.
There are nut oils that do the same to nuts what seed oils do to seeds.
Your question is bullshit on the pure logical level.

>> No.20373335

Nuts are okay to eat in (very) small amount if you are hungry and theres nothing else to eat. Purely to give you some energy so you can go find something more nutritious. Nobody should be gobble down huge amount of nuts like the ketoschizos would tell you. They are extremely hard to digest and are a very low quality food.

>> No.20373347
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>trust the science

>> No.20373349
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>scientists debunked it

>> No.20373352
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>98% of scientists agree

>> No.20373354

Lmao fucking gold

>> No.20373355
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>> No.20373372

>I'm pretty sure every single person who worries about muh seed oils has a lot of very real issues in their life that they could be fixing
>has a lot of very real issues
Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. Such obsessions can also be caused by a dearth of very real issues in one's life, or having issues in one's life they are unable to resolve by their own means and will.
Both can cause one to turn to chasing windmills and looking for red herrings out of desperation to affect some meaningful change in their world. Have an audience of like-minded people, and you've got a culture united around finding red herrings and suppressing those who doubt its existence.

Learn something new today.

>> No.20373373
File: 214 KB, 1440x1800, 243271272_4797722320240943_2111409340357149222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass thread is dumb

>> No.20373386

>I'm pretty sure every single person who worries about muh seed oils has a lot of very real issues in their life that they could be fixing
and all those issues require actual effort to fix, something they don't want to do. it's much easier for them to shitpost on an imageboard and smile smugly at the computer screen while they get a small fleeting dopamine hit.

the internet and its consequences have been a disaster for young men worldwide.

>> No.20373388

In 2011 I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. docs gave me meds that almost killed me. then after that they tried to give me more meds where ONLY 1/400 people get cancer. I declined and decided to do the research on my own. People become obsessed because they are literally being hurt/killed by it. I found out back then that seed oils, HFCS and soy were all hurting me and giving me what was supposedly a chronic illness. Cutting all that bullshit fixed it.

It's a desire to be noble and help others who are being wronged by the government and doctors who are evil.

>> No.20373392

leave /ck/ and don't come back cross-boarder

>> No.20373400

what's wrong? he hit a little too close to home?

>> No.20373404

There is no falsification. Always trust the scientists. They are not humans so are beyond corruption. Seed oils are manufactured naturally and are healthy for you just like high fructose corn syrup is.
Only weirdos would disagree.

>> No.20373409

If seed oils were bad for you then why would they put them in all the processed food you buy?

Are you seriously gonna say food like McDonald's is bad for you? No one that's smart thinks like that.

>> No.20373417


"Muh s(n)eed oils" has always been this board's meme.
I am absolutely convinced that it mostly got big because of the coincidental closeness to the whole Sneed thing in the first place.
There was never any validity that seed oils are bad in any way.

>> No.20373418
File: 75 KB, 1079x1054, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right. what a disingenuous bugman. N-NO seed oils not bad, it's the heckin sugar and salt and refined carbohydrates!! filthy nigger do a study on seed oils alone in a controlled experiment if you're going to make claims about them.

>> No.20373435

Scientists work at the mercy of their benefactors and their results reflect that.
That's the reason a soy sauce company was able to pay scientists to "discover" the fifth taste of Umami.

>> No.20373475

Think of the science necessary to make/invent safe, mass-produced soy sauce, CanOLA. They must have a science army working for them, no?

>> No.20373517
File: 171 KB, 1130x737, Sneedgoyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in such a slimy, SCAM-Based society these days...
No one was willing to put their name in that article, huh?
...And the article it references is SLIPPERY AS FUCK too.
>The internet is full of so-called “experts” citing convincing arguments, he says. “But if you actually read the research, you’ll find that the evidence [against seed oils] is incorrect or incomplete.”
>[against seed oils]
Notice, that was ADDED in after as an IMPLIED statement.
>In 2014, Mozaffarian co-authored a controversial meta-analysis pertaining to the association between saturated fat consumption and risk of heart disease.[12] Despite the meta-analysis's conclusion that the evidence "does not clearly support guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats," Mozaffarian told Science Insider that "Personally, I think the results suggest that fish and vegetable oils should be encouraged."
Yet, in his study from 2011:
>In 2011, Mozaffarian published a study which found that the quality of one's diet is strongly associated with weight gain. The study also found that out of all the foods examined, potato chips were most strongly associated with weight gain.
Huh... And the BULK of that particular food is ?
Truly, ALL it takes is to pay one of these "Experts" $50-$100K for a statement of OPINION--not scientific Fact, and you have media fodder for Debooonking all manner of concerns from people who don't AND Won't look into the matter any deeper.
Most all of these DEBOONKS are bait and switch or strawmanning in essence.
Again, you can point at ANYTHING and claim correlation=/= Causation; and while that's true, what exactly do you call empirical evidence?

>> No.20373533

It was their marketing department that paid for it.
Umami is literally just a marketing ploy.

>> No.20373583
File: 51 KB, 640x360, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should too...
The other referenced article DOESN'T provide anything of factual substance either.
This guy is a DEI POZZED as one can be. Just another Liberal Do-Gooder more concerned with POLICY than actual health.
>Let's see what Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian's card looks like:

>> No.20373592
File: 143 KB, 901x1280, How Medical Science became corrupt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They STILL won't listen..Even if you SHOVE their face in it.

>> No.20373606

My dad is your cliche Boomer when it comes to nutrition. Uses seed oil for cooking, meat is bad, one egg every other day etc.
I've been trying for about a year to get him to eat more quality meat and less processed grains and sugars, but he still brushes off my advice because his Doctor told him all this stuff.
Is there hope or is it a lost cause? He's 75

>> No.20373610

>checked and VERIFIED
The last 4 years SHOULD have been demonstrative to anyone with 2 ganglion to rub together that there is absolutely NO REASON to think of most "Doctors" as anything more than munny grubbing, overpaid pillpushers and mouthpieces for the Globohomo corps.
That said..No-one should trust medical advice on a Vietnamese snake measuring forum either; but only use it as a jumping off point to look deeper.
I hope you are feeling better.

>> No.20373614

>"Muh s(n)eed oils" has always been this board's meme.
Lurk 4 MOAR years, Faggot.(double your time here)

>> No.20373619

>my dad did wahteve he felt like and is now within 5 years of his age cohort's average life expectancy at birth


>> No.20373621
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>> No.20373665
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lol, saved

>> No.20373668

>ad hominem attacks
someone who's more concerned with owning the libtards than actual truth.

>> No.20373688
File: 377 KB, 647x1031, 1704844995512969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why have schizos latched on to this so hard?

>> No.20373690

Anything to avoid blaming themselves for eating too much and getting fat. CICO is reality.

>> No.20373703
File: 82 KB, 630x615, 1678742034049266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the dick tuckers

>> No.20373712
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seething /pol/cel

>> No.20373717
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>seething on a /ck/ board
>now seething because somebody recognizes you
its funny they never deny they only deflect

>> No.20373723
File: 353 KB, 655x1159, 1704856022517307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fat bearded man you paranoid cunt, do you expect me to post my dick on the cooking board or something? why do the trannoids and seed oils live in your head?

>> No.20373728

I don't see you denying being a /pol/cel either

>> No.20373733

found the incel with no argument

>> No.20373743

>is my schizophrenic delusion fed to me by internet celebrities wrong?
>no, scientists must be lying!

>> No.20373754
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>fat bearded man

>> No.20373755
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>than actual truth
No, I posted the WHY before the political affiliation.
If you don't think they are a defining factor of policy, (you) aren't paying attention.
I revile low-info Libtards and Conservatards equally.

>> No.20373757

Science became a religion, scientists are their priests and the grant money is the pope. They arrive at the conclusion of the experiment that keeps the grant money flowing. Hope it wasnt too complex explanation and you understood the basic concept of money talking.

>> No.20373761
File: 2.40 MB, 1440x947, Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 07-12-21 imrs.php (AVIF Image 1440 × 947 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.20373768
File: 341 KB, 800x800, FoodTruckThrob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think that actually means?
Politically celibate?
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
I'll bet you're one of those fags who accuses others of Ad-Hom attacks too when it suits you, huh?

>> No.20373784

They inaccurately represented the data and hid the data that didn’t fit into their paradigm and also didn’t to any research to check of other theories were right.

>> No.20373791

>a doubleplus ungood person I expect you to know and thus agree with me!

>> No.20373794
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>> No.20373815

Seed oils hate is so overdone. Study after study with no links to big industry shows that they're not dangerous. A study where people with similar physiques were each given a cupcake, one made with sunflower oil and the other with butter, and both did identical excersize found that the person that ate the butter cupcake had HIGHER levels of inflammatory molecules in their body. All of the anti seed oil stuff is anecdotal, and in my experience seed oils are fine, I've been slim all my life and am yet to see any of the supposed "risks" of seed oils

>> No.20373823
File: 20 KB, 392x590, 1704912788321066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think that actually means?
>Politically celibate?
>Do you realize how retarded you sound?
>I'll bet you're one of those fags who accuses others of Ad-Hom attacks too when it suits you, huh?

>> No.20373850

I said serious answers only. Fuck you guys

>> No.20373875

What did you expect on a topic that a multibillion industry depends? Not getting shilled to death? Lmao

>> No.20373885

So it's true?

>> No.20373928

Wow, my mind has been changed! I love seed oils now! And vegetable fat replacing cocoa butter in chocolate is awesome too! Thank you, food industry!

>> No.20373929


>> No.20374169

>simple correlation
Opinion discarded.

>> No.20374175
File: 116 KB, 500x556, Fucking Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol...You're reading comprehension is Shit.
That was MY point.

>> No.20374177

Based on this graph, I think Rock n Roll music is the cause of Type 2 Diabetes, although it might have started with the Jazz

>> No.20374198

CICO won't do shit about that your poor nutrition. Getting fat isn't the only way your diet can harm your health.

>> No.20374252

You're wrong. I didn't read it in the first place.

>> No.20374310

I've already got nourishing traditions looks like I've got more reading to do

>> No.20374350
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no argument....your argument to anything is obsessed, cletus and ivan....fuck you talkin about

>> No.20374353
File: 51 KB, 336x520, 4a8b14512441b1fae78271c636ed662f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont care what you call me you people cry about everything, call me a nazi i dont give a fuck its a badge of honor at this point

>> No.20374356
File: 101 KB, 602x611, main-qimg-4ecb2ddb04561a3cf03bdde2e5391c87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your argument to anything is tranny, jew, and nigger

>> No.20374470

For fuck's sake, I just got into frying at home. Peanut oil has a high smoke point. Am I seriously supposed to fry with olive oil?! I've seen lard from time to time but not in big enough containers and tallow is nowhere to be found.

>> No.20374484

this. fucking clown ass anti-vax website that strives on every conspiracy on the planet.

>> No.20374487

Black people will never think that you're cool

>> No.20374513

Has “scientific study” lost it’s weight for anyone else? I just feel like they can prove it being one or the other on a whim and are just trying to push us to think/act a certain way. Like propaganda

>> No.20374516

big time

>> No.20374520
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i mean yes and no......yes your a bunch of criminal worshipping school shooters but really its your policies that ruin everything

>> No.20374782

this thread nosedived right into the shitter

>> No.20374894

it never got out of the shitter. anytime anything science-related comes up incels have a massive meltdown.

>> No.20375315

You don't understand how science works and how media uses it.
Here's how science works in my naive understanding, correct me if I'm wrong:
>a bunch of randos publish a paper (like a study)
>this is only an attempt to try to get closer to the truth, they don't claim they know the truth for sure
>objectively, the paper's conclusions may be true or false, and every scientists knows that
>it's accepted that the authors may somewhat exaggerate their results to make their contribution look more meaningful in the abstract or summary, but the core of the paper is usually honest
>other scientists try to reproduce the claims in the paper to check whether it's true or false
>peer review is not that process, it's only looking for typos and obvious errors to pre-filter trash papers
>if the paper controversial, every scientists will have a radical different opinion about it, an outsider will be extremely confused that nobody knows the "truth"
>after a while, a trend emerges, there's a majority opinion whether the paper went into the right direction (likely truth) or the wrong direction (a mistake)
>with time, this may change again, even things that were considered absolute truths may change into the opposite after decades when new data becomes available
>this sucks, but it's still the best way to try to gain knowledge, because it objectively beats intuition, common sense, religious texts, and other things as source of knowledge
Of course that's harder to explain than reproduction crisis or trust (not) the science memes or whatever.
And here's how media works and how they use the results:
>most journalists are literal retards
>most media companies are only interested in creating maximum attention
>they will act as if results in a paper are final fact
>they will ignore limitations and possible errors the paper authors themselves list
>they will take any exaggerations for granted facts
>they never publish followups like when a paper was found to be erroneous or overturned

>> No.20375353

>Throws the knife after
Dumb nigger forgot his brain cells

>> No.20375896
File: 209 KB, 800x1000, 1549313480918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi retard. Science enthusiast here. Let me explain something for your softened gullible head. Have you heard of the reproduceability crisis? The fact that the growing scientific body of references are basically so falsified as to be worse than a 50-50 chance at being reproducible by anyone?
Do you not understand simple concepts like the fact that scientists aren't some randos who get paid to write whatever they want? Research grants don't get given to people who take the grant and then disprove what the grantuer wanted. They are paid to show shine the bloody shoes of the elite retard.

More over where you a fucking sleep during science class at school? They literally don't even hide the fact that this is how it works. There's only one lie they ever tell you in science class in primary education systems: the completely insane and ignorant notion that all the corrupt scientific history has stopped thanks to (((modern morals))) and no one would ever silence or steal the credit from someone else because science won!.

What the fuck do you want to hear? A reassuring fable or the truth? The truth is science has mostly always served at the behest of those in power and all the progress it claims to achieve has been the work of tireless radicals who where expropriated for their entire careers if not lives for going against it, only to be posthumously exonerated just after the time they would have had to pay up to said radicals.

>> No.20375897

did you copy this post off facebook

>> No.20376106

>reproduceability crisis
That only affects social sciences. Also it's a criticism that comes from within science, which shows that science is critical of itself, and not some kind of conspiracy as you're implying.
It's not that there are no problems in science, but you're just trying to discredit it.

>> No.20376383
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>> No.20376384

>it's been deboonked!
>i just deboonked you!
>prepare for my army of downdoots!!

>> No.20376833

Did I click on /pol/?

>> No.20376837

yes yes, you just discovered the word 'scientism', we're very proud of you anon

>> No.20376840

You're the migrants and I will never let you change your origin story, stormfags.

>> No.20376892

see, i'm a slav so you can't part me from my sunflower seed oil so i'm not a seed oil schizo
but it really is confusing to me how seed oils have a rabid defense force on 4chan. like what the fuck. who cares if people are slandering fucking seed oils
big fucking deal. what's it to you that some retards are spreadng muh misinformation about sneed oils. nobody's gonna die from NOT eating sneed oils lol

>> No.20376910

Yooo dis clown ass oldtroon be makin a fool of hisself

>> No.20376921
File: 318 KB, 1220x1488, death by butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Heart Associattion was paid off!
And every other major health institution in the world? They all say the same thing
>recent research reveals that the studies promoting these messages were heavily compromised
Ironically this kind of counter-research is often funded by the dairy or beef industry, and the paper linked in that article is written by a woman who sells diet books

>> No.20376934

>we publish it now with a heavy heart

>> No.20376942

Keked :D