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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20343494 No.20343494 [Reply] [Original]

Cracking open my Octomore tonight lads.
What are you enjoying on this fine evening?

>> No.20343518
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I'm going to buy this later. I've never tried a stout before so I hope I like it.

>> No.20343961
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alchiebros... rise up. a handle a week keeps the doctor away. usually this or sometimes bombay sapphire gin

>> No.20343969

I told myself I wasn’t gonna buy another bottle of bulleit rye tonight but here i am 3 drinks deep on a Tuesday.

>> No.20343977

bulleit is some good shit man but i liked the generic more than the rye

>> No.20344180

just go to bed, friend

>> No.20344185

What alcohol makes the best semen cocktail? Asking on behalf of OP.

>> No.20344355
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Gonna mix this with a can of Vernors ginger ale.

>> No.20344385
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This shit makes me want to smoke a pipe and talk with a smooth southern drawl

>> No.20344411

Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA
>why yes, I am from the West coast and my wife does peg me, how could you tell?

>> No.20344435

What's the cheapest highest proof alcohol that won't give me a headache after taking a shot.

>> No.20344517

I'm actually from Florida and I'ma broke incel

>> No.20344625

Octomore is always a flex. it's too bad they sold out.

>taking a shot
>high proof
try boofing

>> No.20345159

What spirit would work best as the base of a Panama Geisha coffee liqueur

>> No.20345333

I'll finish off Macallan 10 or lagavulin 16

>> No.20346260


>> No.20346663

If I walk to my Circle K with a backpack on and intend to put my Steelies in the bag after purchase is that gonna be okay or am I going to get questioned?

>> No.20346719

it depends if you look suspicious or not. in the city you will be asked to leave it in the front. anywhere else probably not but if you get asked just state you're using it as a grocery bag

>> No.20346810

i think i had that years ago at some bar in bellingham.
it was pretty good

>> No.20346816

>after purchase
shouldn't be an issue at all. they might ask you to leave the bag at the front, though

>> No.20347127
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Heres the last of the lagavulin.

>> No.20347192

that depends on what alcohols give you your made up headaches

>> No.20347220
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anyone ever tried these? i just remembered about them, saw them in some stores when i was in europe and never got around to trying them, are they any good at all? just curious, i kind of assume they're vile but i was kind of intrigued by the concept

>> No.20347260

How did it go?

>What's the cheapest
>highest proof alcohol
>that won't give me a headache
>after taking a shot.
pick 2

Please stick to the pocket-change vodka handles if you want to get drunk for peanuts.

>> No.20347311
File: 551 KB, 662x1088, Screenshot 2024-03-27 195949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suntory Whisky about 39-50 dollars a bottle but definitely a nice full body taste without too much of a burn. I dunno I like it.

>> No.20347734

I had it once a while back and my impression was that it was a Japanese man's impression of what stereotypical "whisky" is supposed to taste like. Almost cartoonish. Lots of oak flavor for how light it is.
It's easy to drink but I don't know if I'd buy it again just because it feels overpriced. It's not even really Japanese

>> No.20347749

Imagine a Ricola, that instead of soothing your throat, burns instead

>> No.20347836
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just about finished off the bottle of port charlotte i ordered forgot it was 50% alcohol though so it hit me a bit harder than i was expecting

just bought a bottle of this stuff, such a good sipper

>> No.20347846

>It's not even really Japanese
In what way?

>> No.20347851

that doesnt sound awful desu

>> No.20347900

yeah i have no idea why japanese whisky has such a mark up like i've had a few of their blended whiskey's and they were ok maybe a little better than chivas regal or something along those lines but i wouldn't say they warrant such a premium

is their some kind of tarrif or tax on japanese whiskey's?

>> No.20348058
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>> No.20348127

yeah that probably explains it

>> No.20348135

Tito's vodka

>> No.20348138

man of taste

>> No.20348153

A significant amount of "Japanese whisky," including that one, are straight up scotch bought as-is by the Japanese and rebranded as Japanese whisky. The barley's not grown in Japan, it's not distilled in Japan, it's not even aged in Japan. They just import it and sell it under their own label.

>> No.20348345

Good soil must be saved for Melon crops, please understand

>> No.20348389


>> No.20348485

Nope, Japanese whisky laws were changed April 1st 2021 and go into effect april 1st 2024.

> The spirit must be fermented, distilled and aged at a distillery in Japan
> It must contain malted grain (eg barley, wheat, rye), but other non-malted cereal grains can also be included
> Water used to make the spirit must be extracted in Japan
> The spirit must be aged for at least three years
> It must be bottled in Japan

Suntory already announced their entire catalog meets the requirments for proper Japanese whisky except for Suntory Ao which was already labeled a "world whisky" not Japanese whisky.

Tldr, suntory Toki is Japanese whisky.

>> No.20348487

Meant for >>20348153 and

>> No.20348499

so why is it so expensive? whilst being mid range

>> No.20348503

>other non-malted cereal grains can also be included
make way for corn

>> No.20348619

Nothing new, pretty sure Chita is made from corn

>> No.20348650

overpriced, overrated garbage
Absolut is much smoother for like $5 less
I legitimately don't understand why its so popular when there's objectively better options. I blame white women that got marketed.

>> No.20348732

I got a huge bottle of this in the airport while traveling last year. It’s good.

>> No.20348741
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I want to try real china baiju (for memes) but I can’t find it anywhere in Europe. Or when I can it’s crazy expensive and more than I want to pay for a joke drink.

>> No.20348793

I think rice, sorghum, and quinoa are more likely than corn

>> No.20348845

my head hurts from a 2 day fast so I'm going to break it with pizza and whiskey

>> No.20348880

All japanese whisky is expensive BECAUSE of these rules.

World whisky is cheaper, and before April 1st 2024 technically they can still sell world whisky as "Japanese whisky" (though almost all distillers have changed their labeling as of ~2022/23 so anything you buy today should be accurate).

You can still buy "world whisky" it just can't pretend to be Japanese whisky anymore.

Also whisky exports in japan are down like 5-10% as well as profits, so the Japanese whisky bubble might be in the process of bursting.

>> No.20348892

>Also whisky exports in japan are down like 5-10% as well as profits, so the Japanese whisky bubble might be in the process of bursting.
thank fucking god

>> No.20348897

Yeah sadly I doubt it'll mean too much for the higher-end market, Yamazaki 18 SHOULD cost ~$200-300/bottle, but MSRP at the moment puts it around $450-500, and 2nd hand sales put it upwards of $1k.

If we're lucky they'll come back down to their actual listed MSRP regularly. Which is still 1.5x+ what it should cost in my opinion.

>> No.20348916

That's good stuff but in no way representative of your typical stout. Try Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout for a more normal version.

>> No.20348920

I have tried that exact moutai before. It is disgusting, smells like spoiled brussels sprouts.

>> No.20348926

I used to drink Yamazaki 18 when it was under $100 a bottle. Yes I'm old. But even then it was kind of overpriced. I did love Hibiki 17 though, that was a great deal for $75. And Yoichu 10 was another favorite for $60.

>> No.20348936

> used to drink Yamazaki 18 when it was under $100 a bottle
I got a bottle for $140 and another for $210 about a year later, then it quickly got too expensive to bother buying anymore.

>> No.20350104

skill issue

>> No.20350421
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>> No.20350423

How's the flavor compared with the traditional WR?

>> No.20350469

Moutai is the official Chinese overpriced gift spirit. I wouldn't consider buying it just for that reason.
>joke drink
It's a complicated but decent drink. Some people compare it to malort in relation to its "love it or hate it" reputation.
Even those who detest the taste can agree that it'll get you drunk quickly and cheaply in China.

>> No.20350548

>Yamazaki 18 SHOULD cost ~$200-300/bottle
no it shouldn't you fucking weeb, it should be well under $200

>> No.20350613

Yeah and by that same metric most of the scotch on the market right now should be ~1/2 what it currently costs. Welcome to 2024.

>> No.20350699

basically everything costs 3x as much as it did 4 years ago. luxury items were already more expensive than they should've been.

>> No.20351048

I remember when Springbank 21 was $125 lol. Drank so many bottles of that stuff.

>> No.20351115

Based, you're just across the border from me. I'm drinking a BC classic, Caribou.

>> No.20351268

I bought Springbank 15 for $156.99($170+ change after tax) at the end of 2021. bottle is still hardly 1/3 empty at this point. I need to dip into it again soon. my market didn't announce receiving any Campbelltown offerings last year.

>> No.20351330

red pill me on cognac

>> No.20351376

>Drink 3 shots of vodka on an empty stomach after waking up
>Feel absolutely nothing but a mild headache that went away shortly afterwards
>Angrily slam another 3 shots an hour later after not feeling buzzed, get sharp stomach pains but those go away shortly too, still not drunk
I haven't drank in 3 months, why the fuck is my alcohol tolerance still so high? I can't remember the last time I got pleasantly drunk, I'm so tired of this bros

>> No.20351383
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best whiskey I've had under $100

>> No.20351389

What was your peak intake? Have you tried anything else besides vodka?
I would start seeking alternatives at this point.

>> No.20351412

I don't really know for sure what my peak intake is, but it was a lot. I've tried a few other liquors but it's more of the same. Guess it really is time to give it up, what a fuckin bummer.

>> No.20351597

high BMI? tried booting yet?

>> No.20351601

26.1, im 6'5" and around 220 last I checked. So, overweight, but not by that much. I'll slim down and see what I can do. Alcohol is one of the few joys life gives.

>> No.20352206

can you make alcohol with regular bread yeast?

>> No.20352238


>> No.20352244

It's oakier. Roughly twice as oaky.

>> No.20352416

so in theory i can make something like cider with just apple juice, sugar and bread yeast?

>> No.20352423

Yes, you can make simple “hard cider” with bread yeast, a plastic jug and a balloon on top

But why should you? Proper yeast isn't that expensive and gives a MUCH better result.

>> No.20353054

I've done that and it didn't taste very good. Just get brewer's yeast.

>> No.20353113

once i picked up a bottle of suntory on sale for $15 in a grocery store in rural nevada and drank all of it over the course of 18 hours. i did that with with a lot of fifths that summer but suntory was a really smooth drunk feeling and the only liquor that gave me no hang over at all. ive elected to not buy it ever again in case it doesnt live up to the nostalgia. that was an otherwise really boring summer.

>> No.20353126

i cant buy a bottle of vodka and pace myself, i drink it in two fucking days every single time and feel like total and utter shit, how the fuck do i stop being addicted to the sauce?

>> No.20353135

stop drinking for awhile

>> No.20353187
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lmao. cultivate some willpower.

>> No.20353670

>i cant buy a bottle of vodka and pace myself
stop buying bottles of vodka and try something different. Limit yourself to a shot or two by having a special shot glass.
What's your go-to vodka btw?

>> No.20353805

Meanwhile I haven't had a drink in a month because I keep forgetting to stop by the liquor store on my way home from work.

>> No.20353808

this is good advice. I used to get smashed on hard cider and tequila shots. now I sip burbon and my dick works better.

>> No.20353830

Whistle pig and basil haydn

>> No.20353930
File: 1.83 MB, 4018x1489, 27335BFA-7E82-412B-9EE7-223D938B6BAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m buying too much whiskey

>> No.20353955
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It used to be cheaper, at least in Texas. They had cheap handles that tasted cleaner than higher end stuff. Speaking of Vodka, I’ve recently realized I don’t think I’ve ever had actual potato vodka. Any recommendations for brands I’m likely to find in the US? Pic related is my current go to, but it’s grain.

>> No.20353971

And none of it good

>> No.20353978

doesn’t have to be to suit my purpose

>> No.20354082

buffalo trace is ok and founders reserve isn't to bad either for cheap mid level bourbon

but yeah the other stuff can only be used as mixers

>> No.20354093
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Charred marshmallows
Not necessarily in a good way

>> No.20354095 [DELETED] 


>> No.20354099
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>> No.20354102 [DELETED] 

Correct you are, the white version.

>> No.20354122

That's glenlivet 12 year double oak, not the founders reserve

>> No.20354136

It's the corn. Corn is king.
Texas vodka is a breed of its own imho.
I've only tried the Polish potato vodkas available here. Luksusowa and Monopolowa*.
I felt a burning sensation looking at this image.

>> No.20354248

where did you find that

>> No.20354263

NTA but it's an allocated item around me and you can pick up a bottle if you pay attention to the release days.

>> No.20354270 [DELETED] 

I got the jars at Dollar General and the pasta from The Dollar Tree.

>> No.20354307

> Luksusowa and Monopolowa*.
I’ll keep an eye out, but if by “here” you mean Poland prob not much luck.

>> No.20354309

yeah ok 12 is better and a good afternoon whisky doesn't feel too heavy

>> No.20354320
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I know glenmorangie isn’t popular here, but I’ve always liked them. That being said, I’m boycotting until they return to traditional labelling, whichever woman designed this new label needs to be fired.

>> No.20354337

"here" being the great empire of America. They're the popular standard brands, Luksusowa being THE Polish potato wodka and monopolowa being the only notable Austrian vodka. You can probably find some great domestic craft potato vodka, but I've never tried any.
It's good box art, but the bottles scream generic woman wine.

>> No.20354343

/ck/ tends to be populated by scotchfags obsessed with peat who have a superiority complex, but enjoy what you enjoy anon
glenmorangie is a little light for my taste but it's decent enough

>> No.20354344

redesign sucks yeah, but LVMH IS a fashion company afterall. quinta ruban was pretty good, but the price went up for all their core range stuff and I can find IB's for the same price.

>> No.20354354

>but LVMH IS a fashion company afterall.
So they're going to ruin Ardbeg next?

>> No.20354438
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about that...

>> No.20354443

Yes but they've kept it to the limited releases, the normal stuff is unchanged.

>> No.20354444

Lenten fast ends at sundown on Saturday night.
I don't think I missed it at all this year. Wonder if that means something.

>> No.20354480

Quads confirm it

>> No.20354647

Before Japanese whiskey became a meme, the lower-end-but -still-good stuff was a downright fucking steal here in Tokyo. Then, after the boom, prices jumped 3-4x. Thanks a lot, you fucking weebs.

>> No.20354654

What are you having to celebrate Easter?

>> No.20354726

Don't worry, as retaliation Asians are making the prices of Cognac, Armagnac, and Gin hike up

>> No.20354741

>muh yac
>muh gin
they were told to stop Asian hate and they didn't listen. what's next, using drones to firebomb fried chicken restaurants?

>> No.20355136

based retard

>> No.20355138

>Whistle pig
easy way to tell if somebody has more money than sense

>> No.20355147
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Picked up a distributor exclusive version of this when I was at Captain's Liquor in Port Charlotte. The finish is amazing, long and toasty

>> No.20355151

>I’ve recently realized I don’t think I’ve ever had actual potato vodka.
There are two good options:
Lvov. It's as at least good as Chopin at half the price. Extremely clean.
Monopolowa. Technically it's Austrian, but it's made by a Polish immigrant. Has a faint sweetness to it.
Vesica if you're a poorfag.
From my experience Polish potato vodka tends to be the best vodka.

>> No.20355168
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>It's the corn. Corn is king.
Picrel is objectively superior to Tito's in every metric. Stick to briskets.

>> No.20355190

>I've only tried the Polish potato vodkas available here.
Give Belvedere a try. It's (premium) rye vodka, but is vodka perfected in the sense that it is almost entirely flavoreless. It's scary how close to water it is.

>> No.20355202

>everything you enjoy is run by a soulless conglomerate
I know i shouldn't be surprised at this age, but fuck me is there any purpose in this society besides acquiring capital?

>> No.20355488

not in a capitalistic society. and dont forget to virtue signal every once in a while to keep the press at bay.

>> No.20355779
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I want to try absinthe. Which one do you guys recommend? These are the ones I have available in my nearby online stores.

>> No.20355796


That's my go-to.

>> No.20355917

Good enuff for me anon, ordered, thanks. I'll give a review in 1 week.

>> No.20355950
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Is it just me or does Ranier taste different now? It used to taste like regular piss beer you could endlessly chug but now there's something off putting about it

>> No.20356010

Basically my only options are buffalo trace and elijah craig small batch.
Which one do you prefer, anon?

>> No.20356015

how can that possibly be true?

>> No.20356024

neither are great, but to me most stuff out of Heaven Hill tastes cheap. BT is somewhat unique in taste compared to most other stuff in the mid shelf range and is decent beginner bottle.

>> No.20356085

its literally the meme in >>20348058, they're typically quite smooth but also quite bland. Not bad, but nothing to really write home about.
Popov is even cheaper than absolut and better quality. True chads just buy Kirkland vodka though.
If you can find the cask strength, sure, but that's not the easiest bottle to come across sadly.
From those four? Fleur. Another anon said it plainly though, Pernod is classic.
Toss in a dash or two of bittermans tiki bitters, trust me.
It's alright. Not bad but not my favorite either as an islay lover
The islayfags keep away from the true chads of liquor, mezcal drinkers. I pray every day that they stick to Espadin and leave rare agaves to people that actually appreciate these insanely good bottles.

>> No.20356100

i don't mind glenmorangie and i like peated scotches as well but yeah as others have said that label makes it look like some kind of white wine an old lady would buy

>> No.20356576

i remember when /alck/ threads were filled with nothing but whining addicts and then they started getting deleted
this thread seems a might classier, cheers lads

>> No.20356612

Hungarian Anon here, Tatratea is basically the Central European version of the tequila shot. Most people order it as a dare or to do something crazy, and then later brag about how they got fucked up drinking it. It's so strong you can barely taste anything, just burns your mouth and throat. Last time I had it I was drinking on an empty stomach and had the most pleasant vomiting experience of my life afterwards, so that's kinda nice.

>> No.20356630

Speaking of the single malts, about 12 years ago, yamazaki 12 was 50 bucks a bottle and no one cared because it didn't say scotch on it. Then hipsters on the internet found out about it and I lost my supply of cheap scotch that was better than stuff that cost 30 dollars more. It became completely unavailable for 10 years. Now it's 200 dollars a bottle. Nikka followed suit, it's just that limited because they only ever made it for the Japanese market and sold the excess internationally.

>> No.20356795

yeah ok makes sense why it's so expensive yet underwhelming

>> No.20356860
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Some good old rotgut rum

>> No.20357011

I ended up having a rye and coke.
I'm surprised there wasn't any wine in the house for Easter dinner but I guess it's just a good excuse to stock up the liquor cabinet now.

>> No.20357068

Currently enjoying a glass of fine Spanish brandy. I live in Spain and this shit is so cheap and good but nobody under the age of 70 buys it.

>> No.20357214

idk, i don't endlessly chug piss anon

>> No.20357237

Johnny walker mixed with coffee, the fumes are nice when it’s hot.

>> No.20357540
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I recently turned 21 and have been trying a bunch of mixed drinks, what should I try? so far I've had a fernet con cola, irish coffee, and a margherita

>> No.20357620

The cocktails I make the most are manhattans, old fashioneds, and daiquiris. All are very simple and classic.

>> No.20357916
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I keep trying to get into mezcal, but it just tastes like smoky pencil erasers to me. The only two i've liked were ones that steamed the agave instead of roasting it before fermentation, and i absolutely loved both of them.
Picrel was one, the other was a black bottle with a black ribbon that i forget the name of.

>> No.20357993

I just had a manhattan at a tavern, was super good. Thanks anon

>> No.20358357

i've got a bottle from the initial run that got them recognition for the cask strength, its nice stuff, very strong and its hard to pick out the actual flavours, but does well in liquor forward drinks with a titch of extra dilution

>> No.20358880
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>What are you enjoying on this fine evening?

>> No.20359004

It's competitive with other age statement scotches, it does tend to be more subtle and inoffensive, and japs are animals who design it to taste okay over ice. There are things I like more, but Nikka and Suntory make solid expressions. Good luck finding Hakushu these days.

>> No.20359348

there's something about taking gigantic gulp of beer that's so satisfying, no matter how cheap or shitty it is as long as it's cold
having a giant half pint chug is always amazing
it's the perfect feeling

>> No.20359482

drink it warm, pussy.

>> No.20359514

warm=broke, capitalists wont understand

>> No.20359534

The younger folk either buy Hennessey or save up for a bottle of Jaime I 30 year

>> No.20359740


Hamm's, Steel Reserve 211, Modelo, basically any stout or porter are standouts.

>> No.20359882

The local pickings are pretty slim. There's whistle pig and some kentucky owls, but at that price point i'd rather get something else. Rest is just jack daniels and jim beams and whatever. Suppose maker's mark is one option too tbdesu.
Sounds about right from what I've gathered. Been a good 15 years at least since the last time I've tried BT so might as well.

>> No.20360057


>> No.20360163

Warm is good. Hot is not.
BT was the right choice. What's the best seller in your neck of the woods?

>> No.20360423 [DELETED] 
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>get recommended talisker 10
>try it, it tastes like burning shit and NyQuil
>think I hate peated whiskey
>try ardbeg, la frog qc, and lagavulin later
>it's like liquid gold
>go back to the talisker a few months later, it's still mid
Is talisker just a meme?

>> No.20360431

If you think burning shit and nyquil is mid, the only meme here is (You)

>> No.20360536

just had a dram of redbreast 15 for the first time in my life. magnificent drink

>> No.20360958

Talisker is great, but very peppery as opposed to the more seaweedy taste of Islay malts. It's not for everyone.

>> No.20361046

this ardberg has a sickly sweet after taste i cbf buying lagavulin because it's too expensive for it is

where as talisker is no frills peated whisky only faggots don't like it

port charlotte is probably the best when it comes with peated whisky's that also have a sweet finish

>> No.20361224

NY, its a good bang for your buck

>> No.20361306
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I tried some Suze for the first time today. Very interesting and balanced flavor profile. Quite bitter and sweet but just enough to not be overpowering. It's kind of like a one-drink cocktail.

>> No.20361334

>3 low end bourbons
for what purpose? I always keep a bottle of one of those around for daily driving but you don't need a variety of cheap shit.

>> No.20361341

lucky bastard
rest of the thread is garbage

>> No.20361351

Mojito. Maybe it's a gay drink but it's the best goddamn gay drink you'll ever have.

Negroni if you care about looking tough and don't want to be a cliche.

>> No.20361361

in what world? I love negronis don't get me wrong

>> No.20361370

It's booze-only and has Campari in it. And Campari is really bitter which means it's for dudes.

>> No.20361379

I guess. I always think of aperitifs as something italian women drink in the afternoon

>> No.20361394
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Bought myself picrel + Bunnahabhain 12 and Woodford Reserve tasting samples. Which one should I try today after work, Anons?

>> No.20361453
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I fucking love sidecars for breakfast

>> No.20361487

>this ardberg has a sickly sweet after taste
what the actual fuck are you in about? in what universe is any ardbeg sickly sweet?

>> No.20361489

How new to scotch are you?

>> No.20361495 [DELETED] 

glenlivet isn't bourbon anon

>> No.20361646

Tastes great, works well in cooking but is kinda expensive.

>> No.20362125
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Ok, Bunnahabhain 12 is excellent.
I just can't put my finger an a few notes I like here. I know I've smelled/tasted something like this before. JW Black is the only non-fruit/vanilla tasting whisky I had recently, so was it from that? Malt, maybe? Some rewies say seaweed, but I have no idea what that would even smell like in a drink.
I've had mainly Speyside whiskies before, so I'm glad I like other things and won't have to limit myself that much in the future. But boy, I can feel the 46% ABV.

>> No.20362164

Are you not white?

>> No.20362192

Most overrated overpriced industrial swill on the market

>> No.20362231

Any dickel enjoyers here? I’m glad the plebs don’t like this shit, it’s hilarious I can get 15 year old over 100 proof single barrel offerings for sub $65 when if any other large distiller or craft made this shit it would be $300+. Hell WT charges hundreds for NAS shit
>muh flintstones
It tastes like hard water, think a gerolsteiner or topochico more than flintstones

Some bottles are a tad too candy store sweet though

>> No.20362232
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>boy, I can feel the 46% ABV.

>> No.20362234

I never thought it was good but I suppose it will inflate like everything else

>> No.20362259

Anything if you follow it with a glass of water. literally anything

>> No.20362282

>But boy, I can feel the 46% ABV.
i got 55,8 % cask strength sherry arran
get on my level

>> No.20362343


>> No.20362388
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One of the only perks of living in the UK I guess

>> No.20362441
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I need some bourbon and rye whisky fuck scotch and japs

>> No.20362479

What's your price range?

>> No.20362483
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Thoughts on White Horse? It seems to be VERY reasonably priced.

>> No.20362506

A hungarian friend of mine got me some back in highschool. In my memories, it was the best shit ever. A year ago, I tried it again last year and was disappointed. It's extremely strong, somehow fails at having a smooth texture despite a high sugar content and the aromas feel very artificial.

All in all, it's the dream booze for a stupid teen with an unrefined palate. Still fun at parties.

>> No.20362534

sugar free vodka? how and what?

>> No.20362547
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Ah, the old sniff the empty glass trick.
This is it! This is the high I've been chasing! The one thing I loved about JW Black, than one note I couldn't find! I finally found it elsewhere! And better!
One step closer to paradise.

>> No.20362733

Wanna buy my friend some Rum for their birthday.

Was tied between El Dorado 15 year, or Plantation XO. Do you guys have any suggestions beside those

>> No.20362759

Flor de caña is bretty gud.

>> No.20362763

It’s sour mash, the years aren’t going to matter. You’re still getting ripped off.

>> No.20362905

captain morgan

>> No.20363157

50 to 80€
I primarily need bourbons for cocktails

>> No.20363201

>sour mash is... le BAD

>> No.20363223

I'm watching the Phillies get fucked and I'm drinking Woodford Reserve

>> No.20363328

what’s a good rye in the $30-$60 bracket (preferably cheaper) that is actually 90%+ rye and not a 51% “””rye””” whiskey?

>> No.20363335

Great for highballs and light drinks. IDK if I would describe it as full bodied though.

>> No.20363354

>a one-drink cocktail
lol this is a good way to describe it. had some last night, cheers

>> No.20363387

Matusalem 23
Zaya Gran Reserva
Gosling's Family Reserve
Spytail cognac cask finish

>> No.20363580

only ones i know for sure i can think of are bulleit rye and high west double rye
I very much recccomend the high west

>> No.20363715

Old Overholt 114. they just released a 10 year barrel proof for $70-100. haven't seen a review or score yet.

it's ok. I bought handle back in Oct '22 and it might be halfway through it after my next pour. the finish is heavy in caramel sweetness.

>> No.20363750

Do you people really keep bottles open for more than ~6-12 months?

The shit doesn't stay good forever, oxygen is bad.

>> No.20363891

I've bottles I opened in November 2020 around. discontinued stuff that I want to last. my storage conditions are good so I dont worry about them and it doesnt go bad unless you are neglectful and mishandle something. oxygen is good until it isn't. higher proof stuff should have less problems.

>> No.20363966

if you can find old potrero be sure to try it, best pure rye whiskey i've ever had

>> No.20363969

When you have momey, its different

>> No.20364033

All alcoholic drinks above 40% are technically antiseptic

>> No.20364039

Is it too hard for you to type "100% rye"

>> No.20364078

there's an endless sea of 51% ryes, the amount of 90% is small in comparison. being a stickler for 100% makes it even worse, though of course that's the ultimate goal. a 10% cut isn't the worst thing anyhow especially if it's barley instead of c*rn
on that note is anyone familiar with any 100% wheats? only one ive ever tried is from a local distillery never seen one commercially (i live in flyover)

>> No.20364085

the issue is with oxygen chemically reacting with the organic molecules that are solvated. not to mention the volatiles which escape each time the cork is opened and replaced. plus regular thermal decomposition at room temperature over time (less important)
>my storage conditions are good
ENTER winechads with the argon vs vacuum debate
but yeah generally this shit is a small and pragmatically unnoticeable effect with liquors. still good practice to prevent excessive hoarding though

>> No.20364208

Explain why Vodka is used for treating wounds

>> No.20364216

>but yeah generally this shit is a small and pragmatically unnoticeable effect with liquors
this is all that matters
liquor protected from sunlight lasts forever, simple as that

>> No.20364244

Long island iced tea
5+ shots of alcohol you can't taste

>> No.20364292

>Old Overholt 114. they just released a 10 year barrel proof for $70-100
how tf did you reply to anon's post if you cannot read? is this some kind of retard superpower, like tard strength? i am very bewildered over here

>> No.20364782

….basically every legacy distiller uses a sour mash.

>> No.20364793

I’ve never actually had it but woodenville rye is 100% rye and it’s like $35

>> No.20365059

i never said it wasnt antiseptic im saying oxygen is the issue here not pathogens learn to read

>> No.20365064
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highway beer

>> No.20365124

unless you meant this as a genuine question in which case the ethanol disrupts protein folding leading to reduction in metabolism and rupture of cell membranes. apparently bacterial endospores are resistant to this, but I couldn’t find any biochemical mechanism for their resistance outside of “dude we left spores in ethanol overnight and they didnt die”

>> No.20365127

also overholt has an undisclosed mashbill so high chance it’s 51%

>> No.20365160

the 114 is $30.

>undisclosed mashbill
it's a true Pennsylvania Rye, 100% rye mashbill.

>> No.20365225

NOLA hand grenade
Easiest way to hide everclear in a drink

>> No.20365263

On my 3rd Monaco. About to crack open my 4th and drunk text my ex.

>> No.20365267
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The bad boy I question

>> No.20365269


>> No.20365384

>source: i made it up

>> No.20365591

flexxin hard
planning a trip to scotland and campbeltown this year. Wanna get my hands on some longrows and cadenheads cask strengths
op has great bottles

>> No.20365618
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>> No.20365671
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1 bottle of Yamazaki 18 for the entire county.

>> No.20365672

>highly likely the historical PA mash WAS rye and barley
>article hyperlinked literally the same sentence criticizes overholt for switching to corn

>> No.20365845

> $575
> $1,904
1 bottle of each, what's even the point?

>> No.20365855

How do I stop drinking?
Also I'm still drinking Citadelle.
Also I don't get mixing gin with shit. Seems to completely cover up the gin.

>> No.20366779

>undisclosed mashbill
>NOLA hand grenade
It's an actual spirit bomb.
>stop drinking
>ration your servings
>replace with another addiction
the many paths to stop drinking

>> No.20366828

It's the best japanese whisky that's actually affordable but the real shit like hakushu BTFO's it

>> No.20366850
File: 258 KB, 1080x1080, Laphroaig_10YO-700ml_NewPackaging_Lifestyle1_4688535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how the higher age laphroaigs compare to the 10 year? Love the 10 year but the next step is 25 and costs way too much for me

>> No.20366906

got the 16 almost 6 months ago... it's good for the price ($100-$120). needs some time to open up. if can find the first batch or two of the Lore are good value as well.

>> No.20366956

>got the 16 almost 6 months ago... it's good for the price ($100-$120)
Damn their site made it look like all they have is 10 and 25, maybe I can get the 16. Thanks anon. Did you find it noticeably better than 10?

>> No.20367060

This reminds me of how I missed out on getting a 50-year Armagnac for $200 last Christmas

>> No.20367307

As a novice, what kind of things should I look for in 'good' bottles of wines, especially reds? What about affordability or bang-for-buck considerations? All I know of is those bulk wine box shipment services, but I don't think that'd teach me much. I just want to drink wines alone and piece out unique flavor/aroma notes like one might do with tea or coffee, eventually learning of ones I like that I won't go broke drinking now and then.

>> No.20367438

$30-70 is the sweet spot for quality/price generally.

>> No.20367700

don't listen to this guy
price =/= quality with wines more than any other alcohol

>> No.20367708

That's literally what I said.

If you spend $100+ you're not going to get something drastically better than if you got a nice $30-50/bottle.

Just because YOU'RE a confrontational retard posting on a basket weaving forum doesn't mean everyone is incapable of basic reading comprehension.

>> No.20368007

I've only had Lore and the 16. the 10, Select, Quarter Cask and Sherry Oak are all overpriced in my market, so I went with the others for an extra $20 instead. Might get a the cask strength this year.

>> No.20368061


>> No.20368081

Hey, the thread is still up. Neat!
So, I don't think I really like peat. The Inchmoan was was good, the peat was mellowed with some sweet tones and after a few sips I got over it and enjoyed it, but it's not something I would buy a bottle of. Proper peat like Laphroaig would probably just kill me.
The balanced 12 is more like it! I mainly tried Speyside malts and blends, so it's interesting to taste something else. It's still earthy, but not overpoweringly so, with some spice to it.
But the Bunnahabhain 12 still blows both of them out of the water.

>> No.20368193

I’m by no means a savant but here’s what I’ve gathered on wine:
It all “tastes like wine” at first. All very much samey. With beer for instance theres so many variables like what of mash bill, type of yeast, mash temp, ferment temp, aging, carbonation level, etc. With wine you crush grapes and ferment them.
>This is a serious question to anyone more informed: how do you fuck it up? Outside of legitimately getting an infected batch or using grape concentrates or storing them too hot etc, let’s say it’s a competent winery, what differentiates a bad quality vs a good one?

In my experience the issue isn’t so much quality but profile. When you keep drinking red wines you’ll notice that even though they taste samey some you’ll subconsciously enjoy more than others. That’s probably because this whole time there’s been underlying sweetness or aciditiy (and especially tannins) that you didn’t notice at first and you may now begin the tasting autism.
(reddit space)
Primary shit to look for: Do you like sweetness or acidity? From there do you like your wines to taste like grapes or other ferment byproduct bullshit? This is where you settle in to a style (and also realize wines are not actually all samey). For instance French Cahors is a “barnyard musty” type whereas I find Italian Piedmont to be one of my favorites because I’m a fruit forward nigger. Also luv me sicilians. Cote du Rhone is THE standard “yep it’s red wine” in a good, affordable way. Personally I stay away from new world shit because it’s not regulated like yuros (M E G A P U R P L E) but on the higher end there’s obviously excellent wines I just can’t be assed to sift through it. For me? It’s the infallible AOC/DOC/DOP/AOP/IGP/CBT (TM) system :)


>> No.20368195

Alright so all that autistic preamble aside here’s my conclusion: buy wines from different regions. Note how much sweetness, acidity, tannins are in it. Don’t like those aspects? Move on to the next region.
When you listen to an orchestra you know how you can focus on one instrument and pick it out from the crowd? This is how I describe tasting the underlying fruit. Imagine how a lemon would taste if it wasn’t sour, or how honey tastes without the sweetness. Ignore the acidity and tannins and get to the underlying grape. Is it red or black fruit? Does it tastes like a fresh plum or one that’s been cooked or stewed? Try to get a feel for grape varietals and which taste like what. This is harder in yuro stuff since it’s often blended, but also a lot of blends are 90%+ anyway.
So then finally you get to secondary/tertiary flavors that are specific to the wine. Take the same varietal but grow it in a hot or cold region with or without sun in different soil types grafted onto new or old vines. (Mostly it’s just the growth temperature that’s the dominant effect, hot = fruity, cold = acidic). Was there malolactic fermentation, was it aged in oak or concrete, exposed to oxygen, etc. So here is where you get to “muh leather, muh spice, muh tobacco, muh earthiness” which imo are little bonuses you can MAYBE detect but most tertiary shit is where you get all the sommelier meme faggotry from. In reality it boils down to how well you tune your “ear” in the orchestra example as well as the innate frequency response of your ear (old people can’t hear high pitch, people’s tastebuds may have variable susceptibility to vanillin, etc). Like with PERCEIVED acidity which is separate from the physical pH (perception depends on types of acids and their ratios to one another).


>> No.20368203

Final takeaway: try different regions. Learn if you like sweet/dry, tannic/not, acidic/neutral, fruit forward or musty, etc and find a region that fulfills those criteria. Then try different wines of the same region looking for minor differences in tertiaries on the perpetual quest of making infinitesimal tweaks in the autistic quest for perfection. Taking an initial survey of regions (start with cahors, cotes du rhone, bordeaux, piedmont, tuscany, sicily) I usually get bottles <$20 so long as they’re AOP/DOP. As another anon said a lot of the great stuff is ~$40, so once youve found a region you like or tried a sample, go for it, but until then I’d shy away from anything over $20 for regular purchasing. Maybe pick up a bottle or two in that bracket when youre first starting out as a gamble, but realistically your safer bet is to trawl the mid range for a while


>> No.20368454
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>Imagine how a lemon would taste if it wasn’t sour, or how honey tastes without the sweetness
I don't think I can. What level do I need to be on the mental apple scale to do that?

>> No.20368520

try a dry mead for honey without the sweet
and yeah i know sour and lemon are psychologically linked but there IS a difference between a lime and a lemon right? they’re both predominantly citric acid but obviously you can taste the underlying difference

>> No.20368528

don't engage with retards

>> No.20368972
File: 174 KB, 410x766, 101923711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this right now because it's incredibly cheap but I love the flavor profile. I have a nice glass and sip it while I read later in the day.
Also goes surprisingly well with pipe tobacco on some nights.

>> No.20369012

I was at first disgusted by their white port but it grew on me to the point I am now nostalgic over the single bottle I drank months ago
Haven't swung back around to buy another yet because I keep getting distracted with being a member of /SHERRYGANG/

>> No.20370828

>is anyone familiar with any 100% wheats? only one ive ever tried is from a local distillery never seen one commercially
they exist i’ve google’d em but any anons have recs? specifically any ones that are likely to be found in a large store?

>> No.20370978

For me, it's Tullamore Dew.

>> No.20371078
File: 163 KB, 478x700, b23833eadc6330c1d5260b69fdd7182d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One online shop has picrel for sale for about 34$ (converted). But I alredy have like three open whiskies over here and it's getting ridiculous.

>> No.20372051

You do know you can store the bottle for later. Is it a great deal relative to your area and is the online shop reputable??

>> No.20372264

When I tried Talisker it had a strong medicinal aftertaste. I don't mind some medicine but it's way too much in talisker. Maybe I had a bad bottle

>> No.20372496

Does anyone else get a minor oral fixation when drunk? One of those things where googling is useless because it's just jews claiming I have mommy issues but whenever I'm drunk enough where I'm still lucid once I think about an object I'll wonder what it feels like to chew on and give it a good gnaw should I get the opportunity just to get an idea of the texture then move on.

>> No.20372824

Holy shit I've never seen this. Never looked into anything besides what was on the shelf, thank you for letting me know that this exists.

>> No.20372905

Usually it's about 10$ more anywhere else. And the shop's great, I got those three bottles from them.
Goddamnit, Anon! You drive me to drink!

>> No.20373294

I can do the lemon but honey sweetness is so central to its taste you can't really imagine the other trace flavours without it.

>> No.20374152

>try a dry mead for honey without the sweet
you dont need to imagine anon
also >>20368193 >how do you fuck it up?
looked into this and the obvious answer is that it’s dependent on the quality of the grapes (exposure to too much wind, etc). so it’s more about the agriculture than the fermentation. unlike with beer where you cant really fuck up a grain but you can burn the wort or add too much hops, with wine it comes down to how careless they were picking the grapes and including shriveled ones in the harvest
then theres the issue of the wines overall complexity, which again I’d consider a preference rather than a “quality”. for instance people say laphroig 10 is very “one note” but people like that one note

>> No.20374557
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Is 24% beer a real thing? Where can I get some?
There is an ad for a fictional one on the bottom panel and I want it to be real.

>> No.20374572

>One of those things where googling is useless because it's just jews claiming I have mommy issues
Freud was jewish?

>> No.20374573

Not sure about 24%, but a local bar near me has a 17% and an 18% on tap.

>> No.20374583

this is the highest I've ever seen, and its fucking fantastic too, can't even taste the alcohol

>> No.20374584

of course, stop idolizing him just because he looks cool holding a cigar. he was wrong about almost everything. read jung if anything

>> No.20374585
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forgot pic

>> No.20374592

>stop idolizing him just because he looks cool holding a cigar.
literally what are you talking about?

>he was wrong about almost everything. read jung if anything
this part is correct

>> No.20374608

close enough
>dragon milk
amazing name

>> No.20374959
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Thanks for all your advice anon. I'd asked a mate of mine recently what he thought I may enjoy, and he recommended I try some reds, particularly a cab (since I didn't want anything too sweet). I wasn't sure when I'd go and buy my first bottles of wine, but I went ahead and bought two on a whim since they were on sale when I was shopping today.
>Pic related, a Californian 2019 cabernet sauvignon, and a French 2020 merlot.
Paid about $26 total since they were on sale for a good bit off. Both two different types of reds, different years, and terroirs. I hope my picks were decent, but even if not, I don't intend to buy alcohol too often, and see this more as a fun learning experience.

Only thing I'm not sure about is storage. Should I just keep them in the fridge until I inevitably drink them, or is it fine to just keep them in a cool cupboard away from heat fluctuation? I'm not gonna sip either for a day or two because my throat is healing from a medical exam today. I wonder if I can bottle and store extra wine in smaller vessel after drinking one too, at least for a few days after opening.

>> No.20374980

You know "peaty" whiskey (even the expensive stuff) literally tastes like wet mud don't you? I know this as I've had both in my mouth.

>> No.20375087

Im just so amazed how the /alc/ threads still somehow retain the old /ck/ demeanor. Such a nice thread with great content, unlike most the board here. No one telling people to cram anything, no crap posting junk as a meme, just people who like the hard stuff talking about the good stuff. Makes me wish i enjoyed the stuff. Toast to this thread and its participants.

>> No.20375181

>tasting notes: wet mud (but not in a bad way!)

>> No.20375228

hypothetically some turbo yeasts can get up there
alternatively you could always freeze distill it like an eisbock

>> No.20375262

Yes, but it's a niche craft. I haven't tried any since they'll probably be treated as liquor.
>the comic's ad might be a 24 proof (12-14% ABV) beer which seems more practical in a can

>> No.20375270

I tried asahi super dry for the first time the other day and it's just okay. not worth the import price when it's worse than an original coors or a yuengling

>> No.20375341

Sound like interesting homebrewing projects, I should get into that.
>>the comic's ad might be a 24 proof (12-14% ABV) beer which seems more practical in a can
It's a french comics and from what i gather abv can be expressed with the dregrees symbol too.

>> No.20375371

>try a dry mead for honey without the sweet
that actually sounds like a really interesting flavor but my local store has nothing but super sweet mead and fake mead

>> No.20375796

It's also common for Eisbocks to get around this level of strength if not even higher, with really potent Eisbocks being over 40%

>> No.20375864
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I thought I'd go full weeb and order some Strong Zero online, £4.80 a can which was a bit steep.

Holy hell, plum is by far the best out of the flavours I've tried.

>> No.20375865
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hey whats up guys i'm drinking Miller High Life ever heard of itg?
place by me is selling 12 pack bottles for 8 dollars and change
I'm cool

>> No.20375868

Enjoying a fine potage de Busch légier with a Marlboro reduction

>> No.20376176

yeah the mead market is abysmal you generally have to go to an actual meadery for good stuff so if youre ever in a major city google maps one there’ll be at least one within an hour drive of any major population center i’d reckon

>> No.20377254

How many cans did you try?

>> No.20377268

I love him highballs from the can unfortunately it's not available here, looks nice plum as great

>> No.20377659
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The closest I know and have drank (drunk? have drinken?) is this one. It's not *bad* but honestly, something's just off with the flavor. Just too strong for beer. As far as I'm concerned, if you're hunting for a higher ABV, just go for soemthing else.
Maybe some brand figured out the beer flavor with more alcohol, but it's not Bear.

>> No.20378664

How do I get over the taste of alcohol? does it come with age?

>> No.20378681

Yeah you get used to it or you learn to drink it straight without it ever resting on your mouth.

>> No.20378684

it comes with alcoholism, i.e. "associating the taste of alcohol with the place you're trying to get to"

just mask it with overpowering sourness or classic cocktail blends and slowly make them stronger and stronger until you flip

>> No.20378687
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Can I buy a macro brewery beer and freeze distill it at home at home or am i going to get methanol poisoning?

>> No.20378726

I'll train harder senseis
beer is fine, I just can't do liquor at all

>> No.20378809

for liquor drink it fast, don't savor it

>> No.20379089

Water. Alcohol is for niggers.

>> No.20379403
File: 311 KB, 988x542, suntorytoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people really do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.20379588

Julius Evola used to take this with him when mountain climbing iirc. I've never seen it for sale around me (Pennsylvaniafag so limited selection).

>> No.20379625

bought some meme japanese whiskey since all you are bitching about it

i've had the blended stuff wasn't bad but overpriced so i'm assuming the single malt stuff will be the same

>> No.20379631

savoring it the best part of good liquor. you retards that need chasers or else they'll throw a tantrum should be put out of our misery.

>> No.20379652

He said "a significant amount" not "all".
Are you a woman?

>> No.20379656

>including that one

>> No.20379685

Can someone tell me which Scots whisky Toki secretly is so I can avoid that too?
That shit is bland as fuck, especially considering the price.
And yes, I tried a splash of water to let it "open up".

>> No.20379690

it's not secretely scotch you retard, japanese whisky is just overhyped mediocre shit for weebs

>> No.20379691

say you like a bourbon for instance buy instead of jack daniels or jim beam white label get something more expensive but not too expensive mid-shelf like eagle rare or wild turkey 101 or woodford reserve double oak or russel's reserve

you'll see a dramatic difference in flavour and your ability to drink it straight, it will still seem harsh but if you just sip at it for a time you'll get used to it

whatever is your current liquor of choice just apply that principle to it

it won't just taste like what you associate vomiting up from when you were 13 when you nicked some of your dad's cheap liquor

>> No.20379758

Go back and re-read his post you fucking spacker.

>> No.20379762

> A significant amount of "Japanese whisky," including that one, are straight up scotch bought as-is by the Japanese and rebranded as Japanese whisky.
ReAdInG is hArD

>> No.20379763

I don't "do" two takes

>> No.20379804


>> No.20379995

I purchased this for making white negronis. It offers a great variety.

>> No.20380087
File: 908 KB, 2355x1359, IMG_0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most normalfag whisky? I'm bringing some for a family gathering tomorrow and need to know what people can appreciate easily.

>> No.20380104

none of those wishies taste much anyway, so they qualify
glenlivet or glenfiddich otherwise
doubt you have produced anything of value with your goymaxxed setup of curved monitor and windows 11. you don't need a book to learn FASM

>> No.20380117
File: 3.14 MB, 5712x3360, IMG_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry for dual-booting so I can play bideo gaymes :(

>> No.20380122

not proposing you must use troonix, nstead of dualbootin you would rather use windows 10 ltsc or windows server 2019/2022 most of the time. no inherent value in troonix when there is cygwin and msys, or vm if you must. openbsd is the only good unix OS

>> No.20380342
File: 51 KB, 1024x768, 63058_grants-ale-cask-finish-40--0-7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11$ blended scotch nice, but very thin.
Can actually taste the ale a little bit, so that's good. Will probably just use a mixer.

>> No.20380774

>thread at bump limit
>not one post stating the obvious
Ending Prohibition was a mistake.

>> No.20381055

>normalfag whisky
Jack Daniels, Jameson
If by whisky you mean only scotch/japanese, most normalfags are gonna hate it.

>> No.20381776
