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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20367886 No.20367886 [Reply] [Original]

I tell you, there's no pizza like college town pizza.

>> No.20367910
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Only in the Midwest, though, especially Indiana and Illinois. The tavern style cut into squares is fantastic, especially since the ratio of toppings to crust greatly favors toppings. The four triangle corner pieces and the center squares are heaven.

Pic related, Ballyhoo Pizza King in Terre Haute, home of the Indiana State Sycamores.

>> No.20367915

I prefer cheese pizza

>> No.20367921

>a circle pizza cut into squares

why do burgers do this?

>> No.20367929

pizza pit in ames used to be my go to place like 12 years ago, and the bar downstiars
would you rather have a square pizza cut into circles?

>> No.20367938
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>> No.20367939
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that place was so trashy but I loved it

>> No.20367954

Pizza Pit? More like Pizza SHIT!

>> No.20367966

did your pizza guy also sell condoms and weed, or was that just my town?

>> No.20367975

I went to an Andrew Yang Rally on the UNH campus. The pizza he provided for free was the worst Greek Pizza I had ever had.

>> No.20367988

Is this the most evolved form of pizza?

>> No.20367990

Pizza pit used to do pizza days at my highschool.
There is still at least one in Madison wi.

>> No.20368009
File: 1.58 MB, 1147x639, iowa pizza - C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iowa pizza? i-o-want! Great pizza in Iowa!

>> No.20368018

>grab middle slice
>fingers all greasy as shit now and you feel like an indian

>> No.20368020

You slide your fingers beneath the exposed edge and lift without touching the top.

>> No.20368029
File: 332 KB, 2994x2265, GWBKAARP6JDT7O33HP7UNCW53Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iowa pizza
for me, it's Casey's

>> No.20368036
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Iowa pizza? Fore me it's taco pizza

>> No.20368107
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are you old enough to remember Home Team Pizza on Lincoln Way?

>> No.20368156

college pizza is the best, it's trashy and cheap (it used to be anyway) and you're usually sharing it with some bros and chicks

>> No.20368167

Do all Yowa University students like like her and come with party cut pizzas or is she unique? Where is Yowa?

>> No.20368170

Iowa? Ionwannago

>> No.20368176

i grew up with pizza pit- celebrated multiple birthday parties there, grew up less than a mile away...it's mid. plus, weird thin slices.

is that the Airliner or Vine? both are mid, made with Sysco ingredients (i worked at one, i would know). paglais, pizza on dubuque, the wedge, even Falbo's are better.

why are so many iowafags on /ck/ anyway? there's at least 1 casey's/quad city pizza thread every couple days, it's weird.

i am typing this less than a mile away from the first location of Happy Joes, the first place that ever thought to combine pizza with taco incredients, in the world. it's always been shit. that weird small-cubed ham and the cheese that turns to rubber as soon as it dips below molten temperature.

this thread is weirding me out.
yes, i used to take the Home Team coupons out of The Advertiser and use them for sleepovers. anyway Jeff's is better that home team ever was... home team was Paul Revere's/Gumby's tier ie there's no excuse to eat it unless you are 18-22 years old and drunk or hungover. anyplace that serves cheese sticks/garlic bread with ranch should only be eaten while 12-18 drinks deep on black velvet and busch/keystone light

Rest in peace, Benny. I am sure you would get a kick about having your name mentioned in a 4chan Iowa college town pizza thread.

>> No.20368178

That looks genuinely awful. I've made what I've called taco pizza without knowing this existed but it was just regular pizza topped with cooked-and-drained taco-seasoned ground beef when it goes in the oven then raw chopped tomatoes and onion and shredded lettuce when it comes out.

>> No.20368188

it's on sight for Dave Portnoy for that picture. only iowans can slander casey's

i assume it's a joke about how half of U of I's student body comes from the chicago suburbs and has a horrible nasal accent

*a kick out of

>> No.20368189

nvm i'm retarded, ay'm from yowa ay cayn't heylp eyt.

Joseph Whitty's "Happy Joe's" claimed to be the first pizza restaurant to offer a taco pizza (a pizza with refried bean/tomato sauce, cheese, lettuce, tomato and taco chips). After a franchisee suggested adding tacos to the menu, Whitty invented the restaurant's best-selling product, the Taco Pizza.

>> No.20368249

>joke about accent
Nah. Just a mocking observation about how the spatula handle in OP aligned with the I in Iowa so that it looks like YOWA in the thumbnail

>> No.20368266
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I think it's Airliner. Didn't Pizza on Dubuque close down years ago? Wedge and Falbo's are good, Pagliai's is good but also overrated. I remember when that was pretty much the only half-decent pizza in IC

We had Home Team too and it was trash but I loved it because it was cheap. Gumby's was also trash but I ate pokey stix while drunk many times. Paul Revere's less often but I liked those wedge-calzone things they had

Happy Joe's is whatever, I had it as a kid, I'll say one thing for them they're consistent, same today as they used to be. Just 5x more expensive

>> No.20368269 [DELETED] 
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No other cheesy bread comes close

>> No.20368302
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One Huger Huge please

>> No.20368375

You're supposed to have refried beans on it too.

>> No.20368384

What's Caitlyn Clark's favorite pizza?

>> No.20368435

That looks fucking awful. I can make better pizza than that at home and I'm not even very good.

>> No.20368447

for.me its Johhny D's in Pleasantville
nothing like busting people in texas holdem at the showboat then taking the long road thru town to rt 40 outnof atlantic city thinkin maybe i should get a room drunk as fuck then just sayin fuck it and getting a slice half the size of your torso and a gram of meth

>> No.20368563
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the gumby's there closed. sad. no more pokey stix

>> No.20368622
File: 4 KB, 259x194, Brand X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My college roommate senior year ordered from 'Brand X' frequently despite not being drunk.
>The only thing this place is good for is if you've been up very late drinking alcoholic beverages and need something inside your stomach and you are too drunk to cook something for yourself (including too drunk to use a microwave properly). This is cardboard with a little sauce and burned cheese on top. It works for soaking up some of the booze in your stomach to make sure you don't asphyxiate while you sleep. If you go here while sober, you should be slapped with an iron claw and have your intestines wrapped around the axle of a car that's driving down the interstate (and while still attached to you).
>It's open late, so it's an excellent place if you've been drinking and need that fix. Just call this place up and they'll be able to get your pizza to you very quickly because it's probably been sitting underneath a heat lamp for 6 to 8 hours. You should never, ever, ever order this pizza while sober, so the taste is of no consequence at all. Just order the pizza while you are a drunken bastard and it is perfection.

>> No.20368908
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Any other Hoosiers in this thread? This is the best pizza in Indiana, which isn’t saying much, but still.

>> No.20369030
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3:40 - “This is fancy Dominoes.” “I give it a very generous 6.1”

>> No.20369045

American pizza is atrocious, just stuff as much fattening ingredients on top of an ultra thick dough as possible

>> No.20369053

Generic post is generic

>> No.20369055

just like any American garbage "pizza" posted itt

>> No.20369152

>That looks fucking awful
that OP pic looks like chef boyrdeee crust
which is Ok at home but not at a restaurant/collage bar

>> No.20369272

I had assumed OP was just baiting someone to post this garbage pizza

>> No.20369274

Based and Iowa pilled.

RIP to Pizza Pit in Iowa City

>> No.20369352

That's some pretty flaky crust. Not that it would've a deal breaker for me. I enjoy pizza of all kinds.

>> No.20369376

I went to Iowa State for grad school. Is whiskey river still there

>> No.20369377

That style pizza is usually so shit that you really need to know where to go to find a good representation of it. An overwhelming majority of it is fucking terrible cardboard pizza with the shittiest ingredients they can give you. Imagine picking up a piece and that mound of topping falling off everywhere. I grew up in Ohio so I know damn well what I'm talking about. Not a place you can just visit and find a good spot. You literally have to live there for years and you still probably won't find a good place. If you're ever in Columbus, go to Plank's pizza on Parsons avenue. That is still probably the best version of this I've had. I recommend the bratwurst. Donatos isn't terrible for a chain version of it.

>> No.20369397

picture looks like AI slop

>> No.20369956

no, it doesn't, and people should stop throwing that around like idiots

>> No.20369959

Thats most small towns. Thats why I dont tip. Those greedy bastards are already running 2 side businesses.

>> No.20369963
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, sirpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Sir Pizza, the most schizophrenic pizza chain in America

>> No.20369965

RIP to Paul Revere's, Pizza on Dubuque, and Home Team, too

>> No.20370016

>14" for $5
kill me

>> No.20370241

what do you suppose she majored in?

>> No.20370243

fuck this faggot

>> No.20370244

deepthroat if i'm lucky

>> No.20370318

sociology or STDs

>> No.20370460

Mother Bear's coasts on legacy. Maurizio's In Terre Haute and New Albanian in New Albany clear.

>> No.20370488

pokey sticks were nice, the cheese on the pizzas was mealy trash though. but i would still like to eat one for nostalgia’s sake

>> No.20370611

She reminds me of a college girl who was working at Fong's Pizza in Des Moines. I was visiting family in Cedar Rapids, and they kept harping on and on about the place. It's pretty good; artisanal, with a good combination of flavors and toppings, as well as originality. 9 out of 10.

>> No.20370738

I once dated someone in Ankeny that similarly worshipped Fong's. It's good, for Iowa.

>> No.20371095

When did they close anyway? Loved that place even if it was shit

>> No.20371669

I’m from New Albany actually, I thought that New Albanian closed, but apparently they just moved to where Sportstime used to be? They used to be downtown on Pearl St. but I assumed the pandemic killed them or something (RIP Wicks). Sportstime pizza was the best pizza in the area, I hope New Albanian kept the same recipe.

>> No.20371807

They've been there for like over 15 years now. The Pearl Street one was the brew house. The pizza is the same as Sportstime.

>> No.20371847

>Pizza King
hey fellow hoosier, Pizza King is weird good. i don't think there are any left in Indianapolis
it was always too expensive but I liked it
i mean in the 90's a large pizza was 30 dollars at Pizza King who knows what it is now
moved here as a kid and it was the first time i saw crumbled pepperoni chunks instead of round slices

>> No.20371868

Official pizza of your Indiana State Fair?


>> No.20371887

pizza college ass

>> No.20371888

Why does ALL college radio music sound the same?

>> No.20371934

pizza outside of the ny tri state area is mostly bad, no one seems to make a thin foldable crust on a normal pizza outside of here.

>> No.20371987

my vote is Greek's Pizzeria (out of Muncie/ball state area originally but all over central indy)
Portnoy shat on it which made me sad
but they have the best sauce

>> No.20372082

closer to lasagna then pizza

>> No.20372095


>> No.20372114

Bro, specialty larges at the Pizza Kings in New Albany and Jeffersonville are $24. You guys were getting raped.

>> No.20372451

everything tastes better when you've just downed 12 beers and are about to fuck a 21 year old blonde, I agree, post sex za' is based

>> No.20372476

I went to IU and Aver’s was always well liked in Bloomington too. Pizza X breadsticks on 10th were a staple

would love to watch her take a massive dump after finishing half of that

>> No.20372502

i could be misremembering, it was delivery and it was Carmel (rich town) and I was a kid (dad paid)
we ordered Pizza King the day we moved into the house for family and the mover guys. my dad was super pissed and I clearly remember him being like "30 dollars for a fucking pizza?" all annoyed at my mom

>> No.20372527

>no one seems to make a thin foldable crust on a normal pizza outside of here.
it's not 1977 there are New York style pizza places in every podunk town in the country

>> No.20372616

>only retard to actually respond to the bait
>likes ny style

>> No.20372753

Tavern style by far the best esp if on the well done side. Really like a lot of Peoria, IL spots.

>> No.20373102

goddamn I loved that cheap shit but they died long before everyone had smartphones so there are no pics of their pizza. they didn't even use real cheese

>> No.20373245
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Is Panchies still good?

>> No.20373467

She probably tipped the delivery guy extra for his premium sausage, if you catch my drift.

>> No.20373499

Idc if it's a chain, shout out Mellow Mushroom in Statesboro, GA. When I was there 2008-2012 it was the fuckin spot. Made a long island ice tea inspired cocktail called "Shroom Tea" that was one of the best things I've ever tasted in my life.

>> No.20373601

>it was the first time i saw crumbled pepperoni chunks instead of round slices
truly revolutionary american cuisine

>> No.20373603
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also unbelievable because cubed pepperoni is common on frozen pizza

>> No.20373722

I go to NYU. Does nyc pizza still count as college pizza?

>> No.20374653

San Luis Obispo is literally the nicest town in America. Get some wood sticks pizza while you're there.

>> No.20374669

I believe so. I think acquaintances of mine frequent it.

>> No.20376058 [DELETED] 

I want to eat her asshole

>> No.20376073

Don’t tell people about slo also woodstocks sucks and exists outside of it too.

>> No.20376076
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Mellow Mushroom is indeed a chain. They were mostly in college towns in the southeast but with a name like that, they had to expand into Colorado.

>> No.20376096
File: 616 KB, 1024x683, Bubblegum-Alley-San-Luis-Obispo-2-1960171943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the top tourist attraction in San Luis Obispo
>The top tourist attraction in the city of San Luis Obispo, California is the "Gum Wall", an entire alleyway covered in used bubble gum. Tourists can become part of the attraction by adding their own already chewed bubble gum.
>What is Cal Poly-SLO best known for outside of the local community?
>The school California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in San Luis Obispo, California is best known for a criminal incident in 2014 where members of the school's football program got into an armed "turf war" with the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity over the right to sell drugs to the school's students. Multiple students were sentenced to prison for their parts in the drug trade and gun battle.
The weather is really nice.

>> No.20376166

We had two in my area, in Philly and Delaware, but they both closed iinm.

>> No.20376183

glad I'm not the only one

>> No.20376192

It’s from the restaurant Facebook page, the airliner in Iowa city, you’re a moron and so is that guy

>> No.20376201

Oh and it’s from years before AI was even a thing so you’re extra dumb

>> No.20377887
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>pizza pit in ames

>> No.20377915
File: 943 KB, 2048x1536, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pagliai's was never that good

>> No.20377924

Casey's is too damn good and I can't explain why

>> No.20377995
File: 625 KB, 2048x1536, 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what pokey stix mean to me.

>> No.20378032

Philly seems like it would be a difficult market to get into. Delaware on the other hand? Who the fuck ever thinks about Delaware?
(Sorry, Delaware anons but really, who thinks about Delaware unless someone from Delaware brings up Delaware?)

>> No.20378215

Their breakfast pizza is the best you can buy. I don't know what people see in their regular marinara pizzas. Super generic marina za, the best breakfast za. It's been consistent this way across the many Casey's I've visited

>> No.20378395


That's a manipulation used by the sleeziest of kikes to arouse npc tribalism

>> No.20378401

Idk man, I feel the same way about their breakfast pizza but still love their plain pepperoni. I think it's their cheese that gets me, but not sure

>> No.20378405

We really need to do something about the hobo problem on 4chan

>> No.20378408

just ban android phones from posting, easy

>> No.20378411

Fug u too

>> No.20378854

what the fuck are you trying to say with that? you miss it? you hate it? I spent way too much money at Welch ave station to care

>> No.20378972


>> No.20378991

For me, it's the college town pussy.

>> No.20379624

they should sell it frozen nationally

>> No.20379626

Newark Delaware's biggest employer is university of Delaware and the town itself had a strong hippie vibe.
Philadelphia has an entire neighbourhood full of a bunch of universities that practically share a campus (UPenn, Drexel, USci and some smaller colleges), not to mention that this part of town is also not terribly far from as half dozen other schools. And university students love weed and pizza. Mellow Mushroom just kinda fits

>> No.20380705

Rife with disease.

>> No.20381231

oh nooo not disease please no no no no no
>*puts biden diaper on cock*

>> No.20382144

>tavern style
Also from Indiana. Here we call it a party cut

>> No.20382149

Absolutely based

This guy is a huge faggot and I would fight him IRL if I ever saw him. He didn't even order the deep dish

>> No.20382173

most retards would

>> No.20382455 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 657x868, 7066607B-D786-4669-B075-39E2166FB436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colleges have gotten so Dixie. Dixie owners, Dixie staff, Dixie lessons, Dixie people. Anarcho collectivism thrives

>> No.20382942

What does this even mean?

>> No.20382947

It means they're so far left that American universities look to them like right wing nutbags.

>> No.20382953

That answer seems idiotic

>> No.20384023
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the fact that you can order a shirt with that logo blows my mind

>> No.20384713
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>Muh heckin' homecooked local slop
Imagine getting filtered by not owning an oven

>> No.20384714

>b-b-but how am i gonna get my preheated slop??!?!?

>> No.20384726

I'm surprised American college can actually afford to go to restaurants

>> No.20384749

Im suprised you had the brain power to even type that nonesense out.

>> No.20384979
File: 201 KB, 1024x766, 48493643_083df0c248_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think most college kids give two fucks about cooking

>> No.20384982

I honestly think it's a college town thing. The pizza near my college did the same shit and it made no sense.

>> No.20384989

Have you ever taken a hot slice of pizza and rubbed it all over some girl’s bare tits?

>> No.20385014
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>> No.20385016

I wouldnt let my dog eat anything touched by a vagoid

>> No.20385842

How old is that photo