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20363832 No.20363832 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on pot liquor?

>> No.20363838

add caffeine and I'll be in the middle of the street jerking off with my own liquid shit by the time I finish the bottle

>> No.20363839

Where's the alcohol?

>> No.20363840

I kind of doubt you can infuse that shit, what do they just mix thc dinks with alcohol?
I'd rather just keep drinking while smoking weed and tobacco together

>> No.20363869

you paint quite the image.

>> No.20363886

Of course you can do it, it's called a tincture. THC and all that stuff is dissolved by alcohol. You just need to decarboxylize beforehand, and use the highest proof alcohol you can find. You just soak it for a week then strain. It's way easier than fucking around with butter and cooking stuff.

>> No.20363909

It’s slightly racist. Pot liquor is a southern term for the liquid in a pot of cooked collard greens. African Americans have often been associated with marijuana and alcohol in a negative fashion. A weed drink called Pot Liquor just sounds wrong like that strain of weed named Strange Fruit.

>> No.20363918

why buy this when I could just drop a few buds in any other liquor?

>> No.20363934

good for catching some sleep; not much else.

>> No.20363949

Nobody cares.

>> No.20363963


So anyway

>> No.20364034

toast the weed, let it soak in everclear or vodka for a couple of weeks
congrats, one or two shots gets you absolutely fucking baked out of your mind.

>> No.20364046

I care, neck yourself disparager

>> No.20364151

With his liquid shit?

>> No.20364228

>pot liquor
The package says it is tea. Calling it moonshine is misleading if there is no alcohol in it.

>> No.20364281

for me alcohol and weed don't go together at all
If I have 3-4 drinks and then smoke I'll get terrible nausea and dizziness every single time

>> No.20364291

I once got high for like.. the 7th time and drank a lot then abruptly left a party. Some guy I didn't know started following me. I freaked out and thought he was trying to rape me or attack me. Then a few more people came. I ended up knocking on some persons door and they called the cops, lol. They thankfully just sent me home in a cab. That was embarrassing. Good thing I didn't know anyone there. Felt bad they were trying to help me, but I freaked out. It was like that stupid batman movie with the scarecrow. Everyone was very scary and I was put of my gourd.

>> No.20364294

I had worked like 18 hours, gone to a concert, and was up for 35 hours and at least 4 monsters in at the time. Wild stuff.

>> No.20364298

I read this and at first I was very confused why you’d put your stewed greens juice in such a faggy bottle

>> No.20364476

I'm gonna say it.

>> No.20364483

Oh no PLEz don’t

>> No.20364552

There is such a thing as being TOO impaired.

>> No.20364579


>> No.20364590

funky lil nigga gets funky with it. "fuck" style

>> No.20364727

Anyone who drinks this guaranteed has no job and 3 streaming video subscriptions

>> No.20364733


>> No.20364764

Slam the whole bottle and meet god

>> No.20364780

I bet your white and have an extensive education on slavery in an air conditioned amorphous glass university building

>> No.20364787

i love collard greens

>> No.20364806

waste of weed.

>> No.20364813

They likely use the shittiest lowest quality trimmings for this stuff, that's like saying vienna sausage is a waste of steak

>> No.20364829

Interesting marketing strategy

>> No.20364876

lol you’re such a faggot and a NIGGER
“African Americans” lmao
“Itth thlightly waycist” oh no!
Faggot fucking nigger.

>> No.20364886

This comment makes zero sense

>> No.20365181

You gotta get high first and then drink. I find edibles work best as they give you a longer lasting "duller" high that has a steady ramp up. It also cuts the amount of alcohol you need to drink to feel a strong buzz. I usually avoided it too for the same reasons until I figured out how to make it work.

>> No.20365302

There's no actual alcohol in that so the branding is a scam, but in general the beverage-type weed products are my favorites. Hits quick almost like smoking and lasts nice a smooth like edibles, but not For Fucking Ever and it's a lot easier to calibrate dosage since it doesn't take like two hours to hit.
You can in fact decarb weed then mix it with alcohol to extract thc, similar to the way you can home make wax using isopropanol etc. Just works. Drinking and double smoking is obviously the king's way, however.

>> No.20365465

thc is soluble in alcohol, not water. the hard part about making any kind of thc drink is emulsifying the thc into the water..

>> No.20365492

Why not just drink and vape some quality oil or bud?

>> No.20365501

>How you feel about thing?
>Uhhh. Black people and racism
How does your mind function like this? I am impressed.

>> No.20365513
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You need to adjust your reticle, anon.

>> No.20365516

because drinking your weed leads to slightly different effects than smoking/vaping
its basically edibles

>> No.20365576

Finger song the two hunched parliament in a two week while? A drab corner took armistice for the life…for the life grandma.

>> No.20365664

Pot likker is the juice left in the pot from making greens and it's great

>> No.20365669

Damn. Perfect image for this situation.

>> No.20365698

why are there so many bots ITT?

>> No.20365758

I keep shit stains in my drawers so i can get fizzy funky for ya.

>> No.20366136

I assume it's because beverages are absorbed faster than foods that need to be broken down first. If you use a high concentrate tincture though you can absorb THC even faster by holding it in your mouth, especially under the tongue where there are more capillaries. I cooked up a batch one time that was so strong you only needed a few drops to get blazed that way.

>> No.20366175

I'm gonna say nigger before you do

>> No.20366181

no you won't faggot

>> No.20366234

didn’t read dont care

>> No.20366301

can you make an old fashioned with it?

>> No.20366328

I thought you meant the juices from cooking turnip greens and ham.

>> No.20366342


I can't wait to experience time dilation and that *you are now existing manually* feeling again before vomiting and someone calling an ambulance.

>> No.20366381

Mixing drugs is trashy as fuck, hard pass.

>> No.20366385

>keep refrigatored

>> No.20366763

That's how you know it's some good shit

>> No.20368013

Being cross-faded is a really dull combination, it's depressants mixed with something that acts like a depressant. It doesn't help that consuming edibles is a great way to get couch-locked, you fuck yourself over and pass out fast when it happens.

>> No.20368062

>cross faded
Fuck off, zoomie Drugs and alcohol aren’t for someone with a weak constitution like you. Mixing drugs and alcohol is how you catch a real buzz and actually have fun abusing substances.

>> No.20368204
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i just had a great business idea

>> No.20368251

Boof it up the bum