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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20348999 No.20348999 [Reply] [Original]

Eggs are back on the menu!

>> No.20349005

i wonder what its like to follow popular opinion

>> No.20349012

Eating as many as I can before they turn unhealthy again next week.

>> No.20349024

When "eggs are actually good for you" is in vogue, I cram em in my mouth. When they're bad for you, I just cram em. Simple as.

>> No.20349064
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>> No.20349087
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I've been waiting for this!

>> No.20349093
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how does 4chan do their eggs?

>> No.20349097

Shameful confession: I have never mastered any omelet technique. So most of the time I just scramble, occasionally sunny-side-up, rarely eased over.

>> No.20349106

I've never made an omelette before, but I make really good scrambled eggs by just leaving them be instead of mangling them.
I'd imagine omelette is a similar principal

>> No.20349107

eggs were never unhealthy. don't believe the food jews. ate 4 for breakfast today

>> No.20349108

>New study reveals how many you can eat
I "can" eat as many eggs as I want, thank you very much.

>> No.20349118

Scramble is fren. Whatever preparation you attempt, if it fails, you can always revert to scramble, and scramble does not judge, scramble is simply happy to be eaten. And let's be honest, scramble is usually the tastiest anyway. So why fight it? Why resist scramble fren?

>> No.20349119

Just do like scrambled eggs but stop stirring when it thickens and fold before serving. It's basically an egg pancake.

>> No.20349127

Poor lil fella. You should try out doing a fold-over omelette again, they’re useful for using up leftover things. No specific andvice other than the thicker your layer of eggs, the easier it is to work with. Square pan like that does 3-egg well, though at this point I do 2-egg with water added (harder to work with though). Also see below.
Pretty much, don’t touch it until it ready to flip/roll. Added caveat that you have to be conscious about mixing things into the omelette egg. Water helps stretch it thin to fill out the pan better, but makes it more prone to tearing. Milk behaves the same as water, but cost more money. Powdered spices seem to do the same thing but 10x worse.

>> No.20349136

HOw is this news?
The whole cholesterol scam by Ancel keys has been well documented and known for over 20 years by now.
Procter and Gamble wanted to position its new shitty margerine stuff on the market, so they "sponsored" the American Heart Association. That on under the key(s) figure Ancel Keys then with manipualted studies started teling everyone tha animal products because of cholesterol - and therefore butter - is dangerous for the heart.
There was never any validity to any of it. Cholesterol is one of the most important beneficial substances for our body, without water our brain is made like 20% out of it.
And because it is so valuable the body does not count on external sources, it simply produces it by itself. Cholesterol in food is barely resorbed and the 100 mg that are are correspondingly synthezised less. Cholesterol in food does simply nothing.

>> No.20349139

more like Incel Keys amirite eggchads?

>> No.20349140

this, the scientists have been flip-flopping about if they're bad or good for you

just fucking eat eggs

>> No.20349155

but we’re not allowed to question The Science™

>> No.20349204

This video has inspired me to use more eggs. I raise chickens so I don’t know what the fuck to do with them except french toast and omelettes.

>> No.20349208

Forgot to post link

>> No.20349217


Boiled but still runny with a pinch of salt straight out of the shell. Yummie!

>> No.20349229

hard boiled, sometimes egg salad, sometimes scrambled runny. i don't dislike sunny side, over easy, over medium, fried, poached, or omelettes, but the perfect scrambled is top-tier, maybe some diced raw tomato

>> No.20349257

imagine suffering under such a massive brain rot, that not only you watch these videos but also the algorithm thinks that you would enjoy these videos.

>> No.20349286

>back on the menu
Not for me. I tried to go buy some but they're all sold out except the $80/pair organic ones.

>> No.20349319

We used to buy the (relatively) cheap white store-brand eggs, but one time they were out of stock and we had an egg emergency so we bought the $12 a dozen pasture raised college educated eggs …and goddamn if they aren't noticeably better in every way.

>> No.20349328

I'm aware, but we need eggs for Easter and lemme be honest: the dishes I'm cooking up with them will be so loaded up with other shit that using anything but the cheapest eggs would be a huge waste.
Also, my kid isn't gonna notice a difference when we boil, peel and dye them lmao (yeah, we dye the peeled eggs because he was disappointed one year when he peeled a blue dyed egg and it wasn't blue inside). It's actually nicer because when we make deviled eggs for Easter, they're all dyed different colours. With the yellow filling in them, they, for lack of a heterosexual word here, pop. Just neat looking motherfuckers.

>> No.20349333

I recently tried pastured eggs and they taste... cleaner? Like there's less of that sulfurous funky smell eggs can have sometimes.

>> No.20349343

I've looked for pasteurized eggs but I've never found them. Where'd you find yours? I know you can sous vide pasteurize them yourself but I don't have a sous vide setup and I'm kinda trying not to buy one.

>> No.20349389

Are you people immunocompromised or something? There’s no reason for this.
>tastes cleaner
Welcome to psychosomatism.

>> No.20349397

Wow, you finally caught up! Good job!

>> No.20349415

I'm gonna make a broccoli and cheese frittata later :)

>> No.20349433


>> No.20349443

Costco chads rise up for our $4.50/2doz

>> No.20349475


>> No.20349478
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>> No.20349480

I generally trust the science unless it has anything to do with vaccines, race, climate change or politics.

>> No.20349498

I could go along with popular opinion
If ever it was all it was cracked up to be
Have you ever wondered why Gary Oldman's
Speaking accent's never twice the same?

>> No.20349500

Scrambled with salt, pepper, garlic, and cumin. The farts are the stuff of legend

>> No.20349508

Healthier and happier animals produce better tasting products. I don't know why that would be in dispute.

>> No.20349585

LOL whatever dude. The guy has some good tips. I bet a lot of anons haven’t seen most of them. I try to stay away from YouTube but it’s unavoidable nowadays. This is a cooking forum and you are upset about someone posting a cooking video about cooking eggs in a thread that is about eggs. Go to /pol/ if you want to rage like a little chud about stuff. You and all these faggots saying bread is bad.
>when you realize that a cooking forum is being subverted

>> No.20349592

You should try using natural food colorings. Artificial food dye is terrible for you and your son’s health. It is so bad it should really be illegal but you know… reasons (jews)

>> No.20349657


>> No.20349659

Good science never requires trust.

>> No.20349673

Damn he's jacked.

>> No.20349711

What does pasteurizing eggs have to do with ‘healthy and happy’, retard?

>> No.20349829

Pastured. Raised on pasture. Not pasteurized.

>> No.20349875

I don't know any for blue, his favourite colour, but I've used beetroot for red, red cabbage for purple and green (it starts blue but turns green eventually), turmeric for yellow. We tried beetroot and turmeric together for orange but it really didn't work out.

>> No.20349886

anecdotal but i've met so many people who were former fats with bad blood cholesterol levels who then said fuck it and started eating a lot of eggs and working out and managed to get their blood levels back to normal

>> No.20349891

Dietary cholesterol has no effect on cholesterol you body produces. That's not how your body works. It doesn't take cholesterol from food and then use it instead of your own. Your body metabolizes dietary cholesterol and turns it into the things it needs.

>> No.20349942

Weirdly, of all my myriad health issues, two things have always been absolutely perfect: my cholesterol and my blood pressure. I eat salty fucking food all day and, other than eating a LOT of produce, I don't "watch what I eat." I'll eat eggs and bacon and fatty meat and pork and all that shit you're not supposed to but my bloodwork always comes back great.
>I've been inching towards fat, tho, as I age

>> No.20350014

What the FUCK. That image is just the SAME EGG photographed from three different angles.

>> No.20350015

If you want blue use methylene blue in only very small concentrations. It’s actually very good for you. One or two drops put into a little water should do the trick

>> No.20350017

If you're not obese and you don't eat a lot of processed food it seems like you'll usually be okay. Those two things are the worst for your body.

>> No.20350303

No, not obese. I just don't understand how the fuck i exercise, and always have, but still started to put on weight.
I don't exercise quite as much as I used to, but close. I'm a 34 waist instead of 32 (actually, in a 33 but that seems hard to find so I just wear 34). 6ft1, 195
idkwtf that is

>> No.20350310

I've been eating a minimum of 4 eggs everyday for the past 9-10 years. Boiled, fried (in bacon fat), scrambled. I love me some eggs.

>> No.20350313
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you should make leggal pads

>> No.20350318

Food high in cholesterol is fine. That's what the OP is about.

Eating lots of food high in saturated fats aka animal fats will raise blood cholesterol. That can lead to heart disease, if you overdo it. Everything in moderation.

>> No.20350319

There is no such thing as "food science". Almost all of it is extremely flawed self-reported survey work with a huge dose of manipulated data and industry bribes.

>> No.20350321

baking is food science.

>> No.20350441

Dis nigga still believe in food sorcery LMAO

>> No.20350496

It’s a dye that was used in medicine and also it’s what give blue jeans their blue color. It’s very safe in small amounts 1mg is a good dose.

>> No.20350527
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>> No.20352099

keto chads we won

>> No.20352230
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I hate scientists and doctors so much it's unreal.

>> No.20352243

>Trust the science

>> No.20352250

8/10 times i'll cool them sunny side up, but really I cook eggs every which way so i'm not actually particular.

>> No.20352276

scientists are probably the biggest frauds and idiots in the world

>> No.20352290


>> No.20352297
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Hell, eggs are still I’ll good for you today. More eggs!

>> No.20352298

you're an egg

>> No.20352313

>New study reveals how many you can eat.
I already know; it's fifty.

>> No.20352326

Over-easy most of the time. Sometimes scrambled, or made into an omelette with some combination of cheese, bacon, mushrooms, peppers and onions.

>> No.20352333

Remember, they're just as easy to buy off or blackmail as politicians. Especially since they're up to their eyeballs in debt.

>> No.20352669
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I wonder who's behind this p-I FUCKING KNEW IT!

>> No.20352695

I work in a profession that regularly deals with doctors and can tell you that the majority of them are midwits at best. The only doctors that I have found to be consistently competent are specialty surgeons and anatomic pathologists.

>> No.20352696

What's with the whipped cream

>> No.20352711

>Eating lots of food high in saturated fats aka animal fats will raise blood cholesterol. That can lead to heart disease
Lol, bullshit. It's seed oils (aka vegetable oils) and processed sugar and processed carbs that causes disease. Animal fat is good for you. Stop being a useful idiot and spreading misformation. Stop demonizing animal fats. Humans NEED fat and cholesterol.

>> No.20352838

You only deal with one atomic pathologist?

>> No.20352854

I just was at my doctors a week ago and he wanted to talk to me about my "high" cholesterol. I thought it was odd because my test came back with everything in the good range except HDL. He told me that because of my age and the numbers (he whipped out an app on his phone) I had a 7% chance of a heart attack in 10 years.

he didn't think I needed pills (good) but was all over me to lose weight and eat "right".

I've had 2 angiograms in the last 9 years because someone "saw something" and my arteries are squeaky clean. I've lost 60 lbs. I still eat lots of red meat and fat, but cut out 99% of sugar.

I asked about my HDL numbers because the last time they were at 40 was 1998. He said that HDL is mostly hereditary. also he said that fish oil and othe omega 3 supplements are considered bullshit now (paraphrased).

>> No.20352857

>6ft1, 195
Pfffft! humble brag. you have a long way to go to be considered fat. also you're getting old, of course you are putting on weight.

>> No.20352887

In the late 70's in grade school the teacher asked us which part of the egg was the best part.

I raised my hand and said "the yolk" because I loved egg yolks it was one of my favorite foods.

I was told "WRONG anon the white is best", "the yolk will kill you and is evil" (paraphrased). I was crestfallen. but didn't care I liked eggs.

in my life eggs have been:
and now good.

I couldn't care less anymore. I ignore all studies and government reports and especially shit /pol/ says.

fuck them all they don't have a clue.

>> No.20352896

you fuck you you stupid loser

>> No.20352902
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>> No.20352908

gaston ate 4 dozen eggs a day and his only issue was he couldn't get enough pussy

>> No.20352909

egg farts

>> No.20352915

But all those chickens having heart attacks...

>> No.20352926
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well, if the last 4 years have shown us anything, it's that 80%+ of the population mindlessly swallow whatever garbage information they are given with no critical thought.
But, after all, that was the program to begin with.

>> No.20352929
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>> No.20352951
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this is what I got from my doctor recently.

>> No.20352955

>two yolks per week
>not per hour
>per WEEK
Take that bitch out. This level of disrespect is unreal.

>> No.20352961

wrong the reason people have heart disease and hardening of arteries is because of chronic lack of vitamin c. this causes microscopic cracks in arterial walls that the body tries to fix with platelets that causes a buildup of plaque.

I read this in a medical paper about 15 years ago. no I don't know where it is now.

for some reason there are doctors that think taking lots of vitamin c is a bad thing. I take at least 500mg a day and have for the last 15 years.

>> No.20352963

>Puss Newsleveler
>Eggs Are Healthvy Again!
>Ethnically amigicenut fore regoree!
Our new robot overlords have arrived

>> No.20352966

skim milk is used to fatten hogs and has been since the 1930's.

>> No.20352970

>No olive oil
>healthy fats are shitty margarine
throw that garbage in the incerinator

>> No.20352972
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the reverse side

>> No.20352978

>Butter...LE BAD
solid butter is full of vitamin A

>> No.20352982
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>the old advice was wrong
oh really? how about now?

>> No.20352983

notice that this
contradicts this
it says to avoid hydrogenated oils but then says to use margarines with hydrogenated oils.

basically I try to eat foods that I can make or could make if I wanted to.

I cannot make margarine, but I could make butter. so I avoid margarine. etc

>> No.20352984

>use margarine
i'm not a sneedoil hater but lmao really? not even olive oil or avocado oil? what the fuck

>> No.20352985

been eating at least 4 eggs a day for a decade
fuck jews

>> No.20352994

I have one doctor that says I need to eat more beans (fiber) but now this one says no beans.

>> No.20352996

why do incels have such a hard time understanding that science is not a static monolith that never changes? why do they seethe when new findings come out?

>> No.20352998

Had a medical appointment and labwork today, actually, and I'm up to 210lbs (actually 208, but I'm rounding up). I'm not obese yet but I'm getting there. But i guess less than 15lbs in a year isn't too bad.
And if I'm really being honest, I do, in fact, know why I'm gaining weight: I'm snacking more and not on shit I grew up snacking on (fruit and crudites). Packaged junk.
Heed my warning: once you hit late thirties, you need to limit your junk food intake. I've always eaten mostly produce but salty junk is quite tempting.

>> No.20352999

you miss the point of OP's post.

>> No.20353003

u sound like the retard that doesn't understand science ok bud

>> No.20353005
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this! I was at my perfect weight until I got in my mid 20's. despite being very active I was eating tons of soda and candybars. worst thing I ever did.

>> No.20353012

and that's why we should never trust science

>> No.20353029

>Examine labels on "choleseterol free products" for hydrogenated fats

Or in other words: Exactly the fats that are RECOMMENDED on the other side (margerine).

That really has the look of a document from the 70s or 80s, ages out of date, never updated. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

>> No.20353052

i missed the point of a brown phoneshitter posting a bait thread?

>> No.20353068

Greek yogurt, analogue for sour cream

>> No.20353158

I was extremely thin when I started highschool (again, 6ft1, which I've been since I was 14, but 128lbs). Because the school forced all students to do two sports, at least one of which had to be a team sport, I had to build a modicum of muscle to not fucking die since I, stupidly, chose lacrosse (my other was swimming). Crew counted as a team sport and I wanted to pick that one but they were full so lacrosse it was.
Best shape was near the end of university. I was working as an "artisan" baker, lugging 100lb sacks of flour about and kneading 200lbs of dough at a time with a goddamn oar.

>> No.20353182

yeah i think i read about that too. it was because off the "eggs are bad" argument (which is ridiculous, bodybuilders and people who work out a lot and take their health seriously always eat a lot of eggs) and it was like a different cholesterol. which seems like a very basic health food thing, so you think the argument wouldve been debunked quickly. Eggs are literally one of the healthiest foods out there (and literally so delicious too)

>> No.20353202

yeah because everyone just has that kicking around in their pantry
food colouring isnt going to hurt you
besides, theres lots of ways to colour eggs. When i was a kid (we only did this once or twice) you poked holes in the top and bottom of the egg and blew out the inside so it was hollow. Idk if I wasnt supervised or my family is just retarded, but the holes were like literal pinholes and I gave myself a headache trying to blow it out (the holes were obviously too small but since i was a kid i thought i was just being a pussy about it). then you can decorate them and keep them forever :)

>> No.20353323

Yep, normal distribution applies to doctors the same way it applies to plumbers. Most are unremarkable midwits, some are geniuses, retards are rare since the institutions MOSTLY filter those out for now. But majority just went through a bunch of years of memorization and don't actually understand anything.

Honestly, the human body is so complex, and all organs and types of cells and bio-electro-chemical signals so interconnected that it's literally impossible for a human being to understand it without limited brain power and memory. This is why extreme specialization is a thing, and even then that often leads to blindness to other mechanisms and issues a body can have.

Most doctors are a scam, they are there to just sell you pills. Fuck em' all.

>> No.20353334

If you sit on them for a month, they'll turn into more chickens.

>> No.20353336

Thanks, Joe Biden!

>> No.20353342

>pasteurized eggs
You do know that "pasteurized" just means "heated enough to kill off the bacteria", right?

You know what else heats eggs enough to kill off the bacteria? FRYING THEM.

*baking also works, so does boiling, so does any other form of heat-based cooking provided that you use enough heat

>> No.20353550

I got some eggs from Aldi instead. $1.89 for Aldi eggs seems like a rip off but it is what it is.

>> No.20353564

I like hard boiled but I'm usually lazy and cbf waiting and then peeling them, but sometimes do 3 with mayo for egg sandwich.
if I'm having with dinner I just get out the small frypan and make a couple hard fried.
very occasionally I'll do scrambled with toast for breakfast although for that I prepare them in a way that's almost like "broken up omlette" rather than proper scrambled if that makes sense.

>> No.20353572
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Eggchads never stop winnin'

>> No.20353604

To be honest, even /fit/ is finally catching up to keto, harmful "vegetal oils", carnivore, saturated fat and harmful corn/s0y products

>> No.20353910

I eat a lot of eggs a minimum of 2 a day. I also eat a lot of BS processed foods with high sugar content and high fructose corn syrup. I’m not even pre diabetic. So I’m going with eggs helps prevent.

>> No.20353917

‘egg on ‘eck

>> No.20353945
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fuck yes!
me and the whores are gonna be eating good tonight

>> No.20353950

Today, I learned that eggs with a "CA CEFS COMPLIANT" label come from chickens who have been vaccinated against salmonella, making them much safer to eat sunny side up.
I can't believe California actually did something good. Incredible.

>> No.20353951

I bought pure lab grade ascorbic acid. Do you think it's safe if I take a small spoonful of it every day?

>> No.20353958

how does sunny side up come with a greater risk of salmonella?

>> No.20353965

A common myth is that salmonella is only found in egg whites. It's found in yolk too. If a yolk is runny it hasn't been cooked enough to kill all the salmonella.
Granted, there's a 1 in 20,000 chance a non-CA CEFS compliant egg will have salmonella in it in the U.S., but, that's a higher risk than it sounds: at those odds, if you eat two sunny side up eggs per day, you'll eat a salmonella-infected egg once every 27 years.

>> No.20353972

Also, these eggs will not just be found in California, as most companies in other states who distribute eggs to California will be CA CEFS compliant.

>> No.20353975

/fit/ has been yelling about pufas and s0y for like years anon

>> No.20353983

Two fried with provolone on toast

>> No.20354013

cholesterol is produced by the body to repair arteries. It doesn't come food. Eating a lot of cholesterol doesn't raise your cholesterol. And cholesterol itself isn't bad, but it means your arteries are damaged which is why your body makes the cholesterol. Damaged arteries are what causes clots to form. Damage can be from glocose and insuline from eating too much sugar and getting inshline resistance or diabetes. Or it could be from inflammation or other causes. But eating a shit load of cholesterol or normal fat alone is not going to hurt your arteries, excluding burnt or rancid oils that have broken down into toxic compounds.

>> No.20354048

>excluding rancid oils
So, most vegetable oils.

>> No.20354055

I had eggs just this morning!

>> No.20354101

How would I feel if you didn't have eggs just this morning?

>> No.20354191

>Eating as many as I can before they turn unhealthy again next week.

>> No.20354280

The nutrition of the egg feeds the man.

>> No.20354500

There's precious little good science today, and it's mostly hidden in the muck.

>> No.20354652

Unfortunately I think a lot of it just comes down to genes. Some people have great genes so they can eat all the unhealthy shit they want and smoke and drink all they want and they're fine. Other people really try to be healthy and it just makes no difference.

>> No.20354659

its the eggs, like gaston

>> No.20354667

Is this a new thread? I remember seeing this thread, but OP's image had different height and width parameters.

>> No.20354684
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It makes for good headlines, but the study referenced isn't really designed to tell if eggs are good or bad for you. Scientists told patients to eat 12 eggs per week (less than 2 per day) and then studied the results. Versus what? With self-reported data, even calories aren't being controlled for. It's not a strict laboratory test of any kind.
The subjects were people who already suffered a cardiac event, so the fact that their cholesterol didn't increase isn't necessarily a sign that eggs are benign. They've already got high cholesterol, they're already a high-risk group. It didn't seem to improve the health of these already vulnerable people.

The study of course was also funded by the egg brand "Eggland's Best" so the chance of objectivity and fair design is low. These studies pop up frequently when the egg industry wants to lobby the USDA and they're designed to get favorable results. Take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.20354719

Scientists are fucking retarded. There's a bilion and one way to lie with studies and statistics. Either intentionally or with bad design. There have been probably millions of studies on human diets over the past 50 years and yet we still have pretty much no clue what works.

Around a scientist never relax.

>> No.20354730

>we still have pretty much no clue what works
It's been narrowed down pretty definitively. A few details are quabbled over but the fundamentals are concrete and agreed upon universally. That doesn't stop these gremlins from trying to subvert the basics with deceit though.

>> No.20354766

As far as I know these people are still arguing over shit like.

- Are fats good or bad?
- Is sugar good or bad?
- Is salt good or bad?

I mean, basic bitch stuff, and they are still "trying to figure it out". The answer is "the does makes the poison". Anything is bad if you use too much of it. How much is too much? Depends on the person.

>> No.20355083

depends on the type really. Omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated will degrade quicker than mono and saturated. especially if extracted, like if you eat expired fish oil pills, you're basically poisoning yourself. But its also better to eat more omega 3 vs 6, so the healthiest fats are just mono, saturated, and omega 3 poly. source doesn't matter, but animal is better for omega 3

>> No.20355291

Shut up science bitch, eggs are back!!!

>> No.20355296

all this shit does is erode any faith i have in nutritional "science". in another 50 years i'm sure some of the bullshit they've told us today will get overturned as well. "all things in moderation" is the only sensible option when you can't trust any of the facts

>> No.20355312

> erode any faith i have in nutritional "science".
you still have some? that shit died a long time ago for me
>in another 50 years
your timescale is off, try ‘50 days’

>> No.20355564
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Fuck yea eggs are still healthy, we eatin good this morning bros

>> No.20355570

Why do people like runny eggs? I've never understood it

>> No.20355575

There’s a richness to it that’s hard to replicate

>> No.20355576
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, The-Bear-omelette-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me?
its the AYO

>> No.20355648

Well, how many is it?

>> No.20355803

None of those have had serious argument in the better part of a century. There is consensus on which types of fat are good and roughly how much should be eaten, that refined sugars are bad for you, and that salt can increase blood pressure and should be limited. There may be discussions of how much reduction of each is necessary, both as far as what the evidence shows is best vs what people can be expected to follow as advice, but the fundamentals are widely agreed upon.
There are lone researchers on the fringe trying to advance their own theories, usually to sell diet books to laypeople moreso than trying to turn over the scientific consensus, but that is true in any field. They can be ignored.

>> No.20355818

>all this shit does is erode any faith i have in nutritional "science".
Don't pay attention to popsci articles. It's just journalists misinterpreting research for a story. It's not a statement by the world health leaders saying "we were wrong! it's this way now!' It's one piece of research out of billions published every year, often with a study design that isn't meant to re-evaluate anything.

>> No.20355820

Get em down your Gregory mate. Me too.

>> No.20355823

if you take too much the worst that will happen is you get the runs.

>> No.20355827

or vitamin c deficiency

>> No.20355839

Also humans don't need to eat food at all. If you get enough sunlight then as long as you drink water, it will provide all the nutrition you need for optimum health and you will live over 100 years.

>> No.20356641

>There is consensus on which types of fat are safe and effective

>> No.20356724


>> No.20356822
File: 106 KB, 1504x846, Eat_All_The_Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it all of them?

>> No.20356918

That's great because I'm on the carnivore diet and I eat six eggs every single day once a day with a pound of ground beef and a couple slices of cheese.

>> No.20356998
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>> No.20357135

>just trust the science

>> No.20357170

I'm a slut for over-medium where the yolk is just barely starting to set into a gel with crispy browned edges.

Got a bunch of fresh eggs from a coworker who keeps chickens this week, so I've been eating good

>> No.20358040

Because he's an actor?

>> No.20358183

>never trust science!

>> No.20358295
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Whatever this is called

>> No.20358300

Whatchu talkin bout anon?

>> No.20358374
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I'm going to egg maxx

>> No.20358390
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>implying clickbait headlines are science
>implying science is something you trust and not question
You will never be a real scientist.

>> No.20358427

this post is more like the strawman method hiyoooooo

>> No.20358653


>> No.20359252

>do their eggs?
t. eggfucker

>> No.20359264

>I have never mastered any omelet technique
Same here
Any retard proof tutorial?

>> No.20359265

I agree local shaman said vaccine is bad mojo.

>> No.20359290

hard boiled or scrambled

>> No.20359361
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>> No.20359422
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so tired of this bullshit articles, our ancestors were eating meat/milk/cheese/eggs for thousands of years and they were fine, so fuck off with this propaganda, worldwide health issues (cancer, heart issues, strokes, autoimmune disease etc) are due to pollution, constant stress, bad food and without vitamins/minerals, sedentary lifestyle, microplastic, goyslop etc, not because you eat 2 eggs per day

>> No.20359504
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People don't realize how flimsy many of these study designs are. The conclusions of the researchers don't matter as much as the methods. Journalists reporting on these studies don't care about the quality of the research or to represent it accurately, they just want views.

>> No.20360970

People also don’t realize how flimsy the peer review process to get this crap published is. Half the time the authors know who the reviewers are (even if they’re supposed to be anonymous) and tailor their papers specifically in a way that those reviewers will approve it.

>> No.20361476

How do I know you keep your genes in the fridge

>> No.20361524

Oh no you figured it out

>> No.20361537

If you follow popular opinion, chances are:
>you are morbidly obese (but you simply call it 'overweight')
>youre trying to lose weight but dont know how calories work
>youre doing the 'carnivore diet', going to mcdonalds and ordering burgers but not eating the buns
>you genuinely believe you will lose weight doing this, despite eating 5k+ calories a day
>you tried water fasting -- you drank water for a whole day, and then pigged out on mcdonalds at the end
>you tried intermittent fasting - you didnt eat for 16 hours, then you pigged out on mcdonalds
and i leave the best for last
>you think 'fat' in food means it will make you fat -- so you dont eat dairy or anything else typically known to have fat

>> No.20361541

Yeah, fuck you Dr. Nigger, but I'm going to eat the same foods my dad eats, and my grandpa ate, and my great grandpa ate, and so on.

Beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, butter.

They lived long and happily lives and so will I.

>> No.20361549

>always refrigerate meat drippings.to harden the fat and remove it before preparing gravies

>> No.20361562

just keep pushing the setting egg to the middle over medium til there's little liquid egg left to keep covering the pan then fold it once set. I use a 6" pan for 3 eggs to get nice volume and some wetness, bigger pan would be thinner but room for filling (cheese is enough for me)

>> No.20361565

if burger dietary guidelines is all compromised by lobbying is the EU any better?

>> No.20361567

lmao i would love to see what this quack eats in a day
you just know he doesnt know jack shit about nutrition and got this form from some database written by some jews who want you to be unhealthy and develop cancer

margarine and seed oils are literally poison

>> No.20361588

I've often wondered where that even is.

>> No.20361606
File: 730 KB, 2452x1205, whocares0401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who aren't at a healthy BF% shouldn't be complaining about this shit until they get into a healthy weight range.

No shit your cholesterol is high you fat fucks.

>> No.20361632

>eggs are bad
>no wait, they're good
>actually no, they're bad
>but they're also good
>this guy said bad, but only the yolk
>actually yolk and white good

>> No.20363184

Well it's not called a peer review crisis, it's called a reproducibility crisis.

>> No.20364231
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>Calls another person retard
>Don't know the difference between pasteurizing and pastured

>> No.20364240

(((Doctors))) want to sell you medicine, not a cure.

>> No.20364247

Scrambled with a bit of ham mixed in or on a homemade breakfast sammie or a frittata with left over peppers and taters mixed in

>> No.20364622
File: 82 KB, 600x800, Neutral_Markiplier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80 dollars a pair
Where the fuck do you live it's like 6 bucks a dozen for pasture raised where I live

>> No.20364701

>’how can this be!??!’
It must be relaxing to be a retard meme poster

>> No.20365533

>correlation is not causation
Also, the dailymail is a goddamn tabloid. It's not to be trusted.

>> No.20365740

I honestly thought that was an apple pie with ice cream

>> No.20365864


>> No.20365894

I generally follow the Lindy effect. If people have been doing it for a really long time it's probably fine. Eggs, Wine, Meat, Cheese, etc.

>> No.20365911

Over hard. And I eat the yolk in one big bite.

>> No.20365961

While I've been making French omelettes since I was 7 years old, my mother never quite managed to make them properly, opting instead to do country omelettes, much to the eternal shame of the rest of the family.
Over hard most often, but French omelette second most common.
Weirdly, I love bullseye eggs above all but I only make them to top fried rice.

>> No.20366178

just regular fried egg. I have this small egg pan that perfectly fits two eggs, I usually just fry em up right until they're easy to flip, salt the yolk and pepper the white, then give the yolk side enough of a fry that they set but are still liquid inside when I cut through. I eat them plenty of other ways but this is the most comfy/low-effort way. I guess it's somewhere in between overeasy and overhard.

>> No.20366183

>ITT, virgins trying to determine whether eating eggs is good or bad

Who gives a fuck, they taste great and are cheap, that's all that matters. I came here for ideas on how to use the 40 eggs someone gave me this weekend, this anon >>20352887 is the only one I've read who gets it.

>> No.20366191
File: 1.41 MB, 626x352, virgin of the egg-verse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's right next to this guy

>> No.20366195

Yeah no shit. /fit/'s been saying this for over a decade. I remember one guy talking about how his shit brickhouse dad, even if he ate different lunch and dinner, always ate 7 eggs at least for breakfast. Man was old as fuck and spry. I've always been a gorilla and I'm a straight up egg and milk baby. Perfect blood in my late 30s. I have low bad cholesterol and vaguely more than average good cholesterol.

>> No.20366217

>dont be scared of eggs
>expert admits everything they said yesterday was bullshit.
>still speaks like they are a parent talking to children
Yeh, fuck off.

>> No.20366240

Scrambled then boiled in chicken broth and olive oil

>> No.20366469

Oh there is a peer review crisis, a child can get their parents to pays a couple grand to get a garbage essay peer reviewed and published.

>> No.20366530

>>expert admits everything they said yesterday was bullshit.
Inaccurate. It's not institutions and health officials going back and forth every week. It's independent journalists trying to make a buck.

>thousands of research papers published every year about a given topic
>one of these papers, usually funded by a group related to the food industry, due to the design of the study, comes to a conclusion outside of the usual findings
>journalist writes about this finding without any attempt at explaining how or why this study differed from the others
>readers get angry, apparently thinking there's only one study about eggs each year that contradicts the last year's study for reasons that can't be explained

>> No.20367049

I think it's somewhere in Bangladesh, which is even worse for street shitting than India.

>> No.20367182
File: 258 KB, 576x640, 1000000775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a fast food hellscape
>"cholesterol is a problem"
>blame organic food products instead of fast food epidemic
>"it's actually not eggs"
Classic Burgerland

>> No.20367210

>Implying the Daily Mail is a scientific journal
>Implying you read anything except the headline
>Implying new knowledge correcting old knowledge is a weakness to begin with
>Being amazed that two articles written by different people have different opinions

>> No.20367216

Eggs were bad? I remember when they were called a "super food".

>> No.20367353

>he things journos are the ones conducting the studies

>> No.20367370

Freshly cracked egg with coffee.

>> No.20367614

(((scientists))) on suicide watch.

Raw or sunny side up.

>> No.20368054

Practically every single american food study is funded/killed by big sugar/big salt/fast food. Just look at what a fucking egg has in it and you can tell it's one of the best things you can eat. Even animals know it, eggs are a delicacy in the wild, even herbivores will steal and eat them if they can.
Cholesterol isn't even bad for you, like nearly every single other demonized part of food, it's vital for bodily functions.

>> No.20368202

>Cholesterol isn't even bad for you, like nearly every single other demonized part of food, it's vital for bodily functions.
Like everything else, don't you think there's a right amount and an unsafe amount?

>> No.20368205


People should be worrying about calories more than cholesterol in isolation..

It's like people avoiding trans fats but are stuffing their faces to the point of obesity.

>> No.20368313

Unless they get bloodwork done and turn out to have high cholesterol, then they should worry about cholesterol. It affects skinny people too.

>> No.20368349

I eat sunny side up with Tabasco every fucking day. Seems to be the only meal I never get tired of.

>> No.20368353

You seriously think EGGS are going to be the main factor in the diet of someone with cholesterol issues?

>> No.20368364

It could be, but does it have to be the main factor for it to be a point of concern?

>> No.20368387

I'm sure cutting out those eggs you occasionally remember to have alongside bacon on the weekends is going to do a lot more for your health than skipping the third triple baconator supreme size combo that week anon. After all, the internet said eggs are high in cholesterol!

>> No.20368400
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About that.

>> No.20368413

You can do both

>> No.20368446

Not even dogpiling on the "lmao US" itt, but this is genuinely literally a US only problem.
Chickens and eggs are handled ludicrously poorly in America. EU chickens are often vaccinated against shit exactly like this, and the eggs aren't washed, which ironically keeps bacteria out of them.

>> No.20368475

>he eats vaxxed ova

>> No.20368482

>he eats bleach

>> No.20368504

>has no retort
>resorts to nonsensical non sequiturs
yuropoors can’t even recognize that their societies have already died

>> No.20368517

>American reads the letters v, a and c in sequence
>Instinctually flies into a chimpanzee rage

>> No.20368522

>nonsensical non sequiturs
bros... does he know?

>> No.20368608

Eggs are good regardless of how you cook them, but for me they're best poached, or scrambled with danish butter, finely chopped leek and tabasco

>> No.20368744

I guess bill gates bought up the last chicken farm and is now loading them with whatever the fuck he does.

>> No.20368781

I used to always do over easy and I dont know what changed but jesus christ they never cook evenly no matter what temperature I set the burner to and I can't interact with the runny-ass yolk while I'm trying to flip it over as the white is burning I don't understand I love eggs and I keep making them so shitty now

>> No.20368785


>> No.20369297

That's genetic and the only thing that really helps with that is statins or other drugs like that.

There are people have pristine diets, are in great shape, exercise, and have high cholesterol.

Vast majority of people cholesterol is directly linked with overconsumption.

>> No.20369569

I fucking wish I could eat eggs again.

>> No.20369616

>Vast majority of people cholesterol is directly linked with overconsumption.
Of cholesterol-raising nutrients like dietary cholesterol and saturated fat

>> No.20369706


>> No.20369837


>> No.20369856

>Of cholesterol-raising nutrients like dietary cholesterol and saturated fat
They don't, unlike the rotten seed oils.

>> No.20369860

perfect kek

>> No.20369882 [DELETED] 

mimic what Éric Robert does >>5502150

>> No.20369886

mimic what Éric Robert does >>>/wsg/5502150

>> No.20370836

Now you're just being ridiculous

>> No.20370869

>It's not institutions and health officials going back and forth every week.
It is though. Scientific method has been compromised by corrupt interests. Google "replication crisis". Meanwhile ego-driven fuckwits like yourself defend the cesspool of modern science because it gives you somesort of pathetic sense of power over others.

>> No.20370901

What do you think hasn't been replicated? Many of these studies don't even use the same design as each other

>> No.20370942

Show me a correlation of cholesterol/fat consumption and cholesterol BUT ONLY for people within a good bmi range.

>> No.20370977

>proceeds to skirt around the issue with nonsensical rambling
the quintessential suede.

>> No.20371042

Here's meta-analysis of a few hundred metabolic ward studies


Not only are the results consistent and reproducible, the underlying mechanisms are also understood


>> No.20371047

>buy cheap pan-fried insta noodles
>have own chickens for eggs
>add eggs to cheap fast noodles
>maybe some vegtables if im fancy
>great noodle bowl in 15 minutes

>> No.20371058

you fuck ass. You are linking shit without reading any of it.

>if the dietary changes were deliberately confounded by other interventions (such as weight reduction or exercise), or if there were no data available about dietary fatty acids or dietary cholesterol. The search strategy (details of which are available on request) did not, however, require the availability of data on changes in body weight. Because the dietary changes were to be isocaloric and most experimental periods lasted only a few weeks, substantial weight changes were not expected. Hence, many relevant publications did not include data on body weight after the experimental periods (and, of those that did, many found no material differences17 18).

i.e. they cherry picked garbage

>> No.20371066

Isocaloric means the diets are designed not to cause weight changes, which is what you want when you're isolating a variable

>> No.20371092

yes but that also means your including fatties in your dataset as long as they ate the same calories overall as before.

My initial point was as long as you're consuming a normal amount of food you shouldn't sweat cholesterol, these studies do nothing to address that.

Also they really are making sweeping conclusions after a few weeks of data..

>> No.20372599

>yes but that also means your including fatties in your dataset
Some look at fat people, some look at thin people, many include a mix of both, and they're all individual data points. The data is consistent throughout all BMI ranges

As an example, here's a study on a group of people aged 19-21.
BMI and LDL cholesterol at start are shown for each subject. The thinnest person with a BMI of 20 had an LDL of 106 mg/dl to begin with, while the fattest person with a BMI of 29 had an LDL of 87 mg/dl. Minimizing saturated fat and cholesterol benefited both, as well as the other skinny young participants.

>My initial point was as long as you're consuming a normal amount of food you shouldn't sweat cholesterol
If you'll link me to the research papers you're basing this on, I'll read them

>> No.20373027

>Minimizing saturated fat and cholesterol benefited both
No they didn't you vegan faggot

>> No.20374299

It lowered their cholesterol