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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20355921 No.20355921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where can I get non-pfizer cheese?

>> No.20355925

Is there any evidence that GMOs are bad for you

>> No.20355926

Just eat around the GMO. Sheesh, so picky.

>> No.20355928

is there any evidence that robot ai companions are bad for you?

>> No.20355930

Buy British cheese, easy peasy

>> No.20355963

buy a bull, milk it and make your own cheese

>> No.20355998

I did, but it only gives me thick yogurt

>> No.20356016

What is the pfizer produced gmo? The rennet?

>> No.20356022

Okay, so I did a quick google search and it is the rennet. Rather than harvesting rennet from a calves stomach pfizer bioengineered a bacteria that produces rennet. The gmo rennet would be extracted and purified then used to make cheese.

If you are unaware rennet is the main coagulant used to create curds when making cheese. Only a very small amount is required.

It is nothing to worry about. Many chemicals, medicines, ingredients, etc. Are produced through bioengineered bacteria. Insulin is one extremely important example.

>> No.20356027
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> Is there any evidence that GMOs are bad for you

>> No.20356030

If you really want to avoid gmo rennet you need to confirm that either calves rennet, or vegetable rennet is used in the cheese.

There may be some cheese labeled as "vegetarian" which would mean that only vegetable rennet was used.

>> No.20356128

It's less that it's GMO and more that it's Pfizer GMO. You're essentially supporting an actual unironic evil monster that wishes to cause you and everybody you know harm. Whether the specific product is tainted with poison or not, Pfizer is getting money. It's like how most avocados you buy are produced by drug cartels. They aren't hiding drugs in the avocados, but you're supporting every murder they commit all the same.

>> No.20356129

Humans have been genetically modifying food since the dawn of agriculture.
You need to relax, it's just a buzzword.

>> No.20356153

>It is nothing to worry about. Many chemicals, medicines, ingredients, etc. Are produced through bioengineered bacteria. Insulin is one extremely important example.
And yet they still don't use bioengineered bacteria to make alcohol.

>> No.20356156

>Pfizer is getting money. It's like how most avocados you buy are produced by drug cartels. They aren't hiding drugs in the avocados, but you're supporting every murder they commit all the same.
I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.20356174

That's a fair point, and I agree.

Not with the precision we have today. I wouldn't call, for example, the domestication of wheat GMO until the genetic material has been altered through non selective means. Rewriting or splicing new genetic information into the plant.

Do we need it when we have yeast that does an excellent job? I think that some gmo stuff has gone into ethanol/methanol for fuel, but not consumption.

>> No.20356319

No. It's the same people who are scared of cellphone towers and microwaves saying the shit.

>> No.20356328

>buying avocados means more Mexicans will be killed
Fuck yeah I love avocados now

>> No.20356343

GMO is probably the most abused buzzword on the internet. everything we eat has been genetically modified in some way

>> No.20356348

I just wont consume pfizer cheese...ugh ...i know... bit i just wont

>> No.20356352

so it's bad because...because it just is okay! got it, like every other rightoid boogeyman.

>> No.20356367

>It is nothing to worry about.
t. Pfizer shareholder.

>> No.20356400

What's wrong with an isolated and purified enzyme?

>> No.20356405

Does it matter? Do I not as an american have a right to choose what I consume?

>> No.20356407

That its made by pfizer, are you mentally challanged or an analphabet?
You dont get to commit crimes against humanity and not be hated by every thinking human on the planet

>> No.20356419


>> No.20356420

>calls himself a leftist
>supports giant murderous megacorpos

>> No.20356441

"non GMO" these days means "with GMO on a very high level". It's an empty hull of a word for naive people.
The green biotechnology has already reached EVERY step of food production these days. Substances are produced by genetically modified microorgansims, yeast gets genetically optimesed, gene technology is used to identify pests damaging crops,...
With the CRISPR-CAS technology there are not even any marker genes anymore, genetic material can be manipulated basically at will without any traces. Trying to limit or regulate it is therefore completely hopeless.
If I may use a simile here, in the beginning the gene technology was like modifying a pair of pants with foreign thread, this was detectable and had to be declarated. But today you can basically cut out pieces of thread and change the cloth using just these original ones, there are no foreign parts anymore, no markers, nothing.
We have all eaten the results of genetic manipulation many times by now.
Also before that for decades a standard procedure was bringing the seeds and young plant to your friendly neighbourhood nuclear plant and let them sit in the reactor's radiation for a whike, leading to GOD KNOWS which kinds of mutations and changes in the genes -and then growing them and see which has the best new properties. This technique is already decades old and we have all consumed its result our whole lives. Is controlled manipulation of genes really so much worse compared to that suddenly?

>> No.20356459

You are the one that seems to lack any reading comprehension. I was not speaking about the company that produces the rennet. I was talking about the rennet itself... Look at my other post >>20356174 and stop being such an obnoxious little contextlet.

>> No.20356464

>rightniggers now pretend to care about corporate power after deepthroating company boot for literally 5 decades straight while gleefully using the state to crack down on things like the Seattle World Trade Organization protests in the 90s
Forgive me when I don't believe you're being genuine and tell you to splatter your brains on the wall, subhuman faggot.

>> No.20356466

Buy import cheese from Italy and France, it's a win-win situation because you'll end up eating better and real cheese at the same time.

>> No.20356500

>hating a pharmaceutical megacorp makes you right wing
>loving a pharmaceutical megacorp makes you left wing
This is what a fully demoralized golem looks like.

>> No.20356527

>Buy British cheese
>Buy import cheese from Italy and France
And this.
All three of these countries produce great cheeses, without mutant strains of GMO crud.

The USA seems to pride itself on GMO, Chemically and Hormone enhanced 'food flavored products' ???
Why is this?

>> No.20356531

>dude I'm totally forced to buy this cheese!

You could simply not purchase that cheese. Nobody is forcing you to.

>> No.20356534

don't see any brains splattering, wanna tell me why you're not following my instructions?

you have no clue what you're talking about. you're probably just some 23 y/o fuentesnigger with zero knowledge of what happened over the last 30 years that would make people distrust you instinctively.

You don't hate megacorps, just the ones you think are bad. Except you're so uninformed that you can't form any coherent reasons as to why they're bad that aren't formed on complete bullshit.

>> No.20356539

Actual illiterate troglodytes go through gymnastics and bend over backwards to bitch about basic things, but completely fail to comprehend what they're talking about. Most are just the generic rightoid NPC playing dolls with soyjacks, see >>20356027

>> No.20356544

>He thinks politics is 2 factions with good and evil
>not neocon/lib core of both parties fighting desperately to keep actual ideologies from supplanting them and tv chattel willfully following their masters lies
You are not is intelligent as you think you are, your ideological lens and secularised faith is detached from reality, it will die like all other ruling classes.

>> No.20356545

.t Pfizer employee

>> No.20356549

>Most are just the generic rightoid NPC playing dolls with soyjacks
desu that sounds kinda funny

t. >>20356539

>> No.20356567

it is incredible how much you guys let yourself get programmed to be triggered by buzzwords to flush all rationality from yourselves in that moment.

>> No.20356573

The corporate response to OWS really brain fucked you guys.

>> No.20356598

Why don't you try posting any form of rational argument or, you know, point that people can reply to instead of mindlessly attacking them with a laundry list of ad hominem? What, exactly, are you defending here?

>> No.20356601
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>you MUST argue with me!

>> No.20356606

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.20356696

>it will die like all other ruling classes.
yup 2 more weeks and world war 3 finally breaks out for real this time

>> No.20356700

this website is the largest concentration of emotionally driven individuals on the internet.

>> No.20356702

>You dont get to commit crimes against humanity
What crimes against humanity has pfizer commited?

>> No.20356713

Mansplaining? MANSPLAINING?! How many fucking buzzwords do these offended virtue signaling, regressive, libtard, sjw, feminazi, pc, libcucked, alt-light, tranny, cultural marxist, attack helicopter, white knight snowflake, islam apologist, bluepilled, degenerate soy boy, sheeple, normie plebs have?! There are just so fucking many of buzzwords the left uses, its like their fucking dictionary is suffering from forced diversity! Maybe the reason they cant #learntocode is because of the amount of useless words they learn! Or maybe the only code they know is there own "Beep boop orange man bad". I fucking despise these leftists! FUCK!

>> No.20356740

Every narrative that pretends GMOs are a problem is a smokescreen for glyphosate and other pesticides

>> No.20356939


>> No.20356947

no. theres actually evidence that they're good for you though.

>> No.20356997

You think gene splicing is bad because you don't understand the process behind it.
It's really as simple as the same things we've always been doing to modify food, just more precise as you said.

>> No.20357014

When did I say it was bad?

>> No.20357454

If there was, do you think they would tell us?

>> No.20357491

Another vaxtim

>> No.20357495

You clicked on their news article, you saw their ads. You'll even click on the next one with a buzzword salad title. That's all that matters.

>> No.20357505

I’m eating cheese now how fucked am I?

>> No.20357536

Unvaxxed. Now stop acting like an NPC for once in your sorry little life.

>> No.20357552

psst buddy you literally can't avoid the thing you're trying to caution against because ultimately every company either is or is linked to an evil megacorp
that's why the commies (I'm not one) say that thing about no ethical consumption under capitalism

>> No.20357572

man that one guy got really mad really fast

>> No.20357625

They wouldn't advertise it, but the information would certainly be available. I imagine that it would be like how anyone can look up the negative effects of pharma drugs or corn syrup, or the amount of money given to Israel, or the average lifespan of men who engage in a homosexual lifestyle, but they tell you that looking up and discussing any of that stuff is "weird" and makes you a thought criminal.

>> No.20357902

>It's like how most avocados you buy are produced by drug cartels

If you are talking about Hass, then I don't give a shit. They are the best, the only ones with flavor, and I don't care how many people the cartel shoots up. Obama literally gave them weapons, what I want doesn't matter at the national scale where Democrats can fling weapons and money at the cartels cart blanche or fling open the borders like Biden to support the cartels. Me spending $5 on some produce ain't stopping any of that shit. It's like not buying lox because it supports the Jews - they are already in control, it won't fucking matter one goddamn bit. The same applies to Pfizer, they can be as evil as they want, and Dems will support it. Me buying $3 cheese won't put a god damn dent in their finances when they get government money and forced insurance payouts from Democrats.

If you hold these places are evil and want to do something about it, you have to go there and shoot them up. That is the ONLY way to remove bad people from the system. And that is especially true for the cartel. You aren't making a difference otherwise.

>> No.20358037

>avocado faggots funding the supply lines behind my cocaine habit
Thanks bitches

>> No.20358043

its either gmo cheese or microplastic cheese or both. no if ands or buts. sorry but thats cheese in bidens america

>> No.20358140

>You aren't making a difference
Not with that attitude you muppet

>> No.20358224

yeah yeah bacteria in a sterile controlled environment is cool.
but once it escapes into nature it often turns us into fools.
im going to get a yest infection and its going to make rennet in my vagina?
no thank you.
what happens when this bacteria gets in the blood, just going to start coagultaing your blood and turn your veins into black pudding.

>> No.20358387

What if I don't care to?