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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 360 KB, 798x494, coff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20348436 No.20348436 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Happy Easter edition

If you're old or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're new and confused, had any good cuppas lately?

Previous thread: >>20327876

>> No.20348439

Caffeine is a trash drug designed for women and gays

>> No.20348481

Weird way to say you enjoy caffeine but okay.

>> No.20348507

I have too much coffee. I can't drink all this coffee before it goes stale. what's something I can do to use up a lot of coffee?

>> No.20348526
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Add it to chocolate

>> No.20348536
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I recently had a fren from the US visit me in Sydney and our first coffee was a simple long black, and I told him about how it's the closest thing we have to a boiled/drip coffee in the US, but because of the pressurized steam/espresso method you get all these extra oils and such from the coffee which gives it a completely next-level flavour with the crema etc.

He absolutely loved it and is bringing this new mindset home with him and plans to get a proper espresso machine to enlighten his family. Even though I, myself, have a drip machine at home, this made me happy to spread the good word as espresso-based coffee is not at all the household norm in the USA

>> No.20348662

Might be the gayest post I've read this year anon.

>> No.20348663
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what did I do

>> No.20348671
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Surely he meant "gay" in the proper, classic sense. Keep daring to be positive, you beautiful boomerang-chucking sunnava bitch.

>> No.20348672

that's just an Americano

>> No.20348674
File: 18 KB, 500x327, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much. technically an Americano is an express-o filled with boiled water, while a long black is an express-o filled with steam.

same-same in the end, but one of them can't be drank safely for 10 minutes while the other needs about 15 minutes

>> No.20348676
File: 25 KB, 493x402, salami_hi_five.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I gave up the internet hatepool mindset many years ago and I hope you have too

>> No.20348681

One is hot water into an espresso. One is an espresso onto hot water. Nothing to do with a steam wand.

>> No.20348683

aah right I didn't quite know that, thanks anon


>> No.20348789

i wish greggs would come to canada and annex shitty tim hortons

>> No.20348797

Tim's is owned by a Brazilian company now

>> No.20348816

so you invented a second, slightly different way to waste a perfectly good espresso. wonderful. another great australian culinary innovation on par with sprinkle toast and vegemite

>> No.20348834

I think he's just retarded and confused a hot water tap with a steam wand.

>> No.20348839

but I didn't do anything

>> No.20349193

When recipes call for "instant espresso powder" can I just put some beans in my espresso grinder and set it to super-fine as a replacement?

>> No.20349305

Instant coffee usually refers to soluble coffee crystals that have been brewed and then flash-frozen. So ground coffee is not the same, considering it won't dissolve fully even if you grind it as fine as possible. You'd probably be better off just brewing a shot of espresso and adding that to the recipe.

>> No.20349316

Buy instant espresso
And try it as instant espresso, this shit's come a long way over the years and it's pretty good

>> No.20349318
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For me it's the Origami.

>> No.20349326

In my experience, #1 choice is actual instant espresso powder, which you should be able to find in the coffee section of your supermarket. The #2 choice is plain old instant coffee, which is not quite but almost as good. I don't think ground up coffee beans would be a very good substitute; among other things, they won't dissolve, leaving your whatever-it-is gritty.

>> No.20349377

Anyone have any recs for a roaster to order from online with beans you have really liked? I prefer things lighter roasted and fruitier. Feel like a lot of times I'll try a new place and be disappointed.

>> No.20349381

Based and positive thought-pilled

>> No.20349409

Any recommendations for an 18g basket?

>> No.20349497
File: 35 KB, 662x393, Good on ya cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based aussie. You guys have always been cool in my book

>> No.20349518

May I ask the assistance of some coffee/baking officianados?

>> No.20349556

you can try

>> No.20349563

>1/2 cup to 1 cup of ground coffee?
that sounds like alot.
maybe its amazing but i cant imagine putting coffee grounds into a cake mix
i could see instant coffee i guess but just straight up grounds?

>> No.20349607

Just and initial guess I made. I think a 1/4 cup or less is what I'll settle for if I don't end up brewing it. Supposedly, ground coffee soften in the oven

>> No.20349672
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I like my pcl basket alot. Mhw3 dex is a cheaper Pullman knockoff. IMS big bang for high body darker roasts.

>> No.20350024
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It's my first time frothing and I already fucked it up, don't care though.

>> No.20350042

thats strange looking flower

>> No.20351001

Add sugar to it and refrigerate it to make iced coffee

>> No.20351023
File: 39 KB, 646x550, 2023-01-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be poor, no coffee maker
>make cheap preground coffee using a pot and ladle
>drink black with a doob
Anybody else? This was my life like 8-10 years ago

>> No.20351051

>like 8-10 years ago
ok but how do you make coffee now?

>> No.20351062

cowboy coffee is great. you just gotta do the cold drop technique and you don't even need a ladle

>> No.20351074

I use a generic drip coffee maker however now I use fresh, organic beans that I grind up myself rather than cheap shite.
What's the drop technique?

>> No.20351079

once you're done with the rolling boil you use some very cold water and pour it slowly into the boiling water around the edges of the pot. this causes all the floating coffee grounds to immediately drop to the bottom in an orderly sediment. then it's easy to pour the coffee out without getting any coffee grounds in it, all the way to the bottom with minimal wasted coffee

>> No.20351083

why not just use a cheesecloth?

>> No.20351085

it's just the easy way to do it over a campfire or something, and when you don't have a filter method.

>> No.20351088

Works better with an egg.

>> No.20351093
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>in coff

>> No.20351120


>> No.20351341

Plunger time? >>>/wsg/5495840

Vietnam does it

>> No.20351767
File: 136 KB, 519x518, 1711707502194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reviews for Warrawong Starbucks are fucking mental

>> No.20351772

I feel bad for them. Obviously very busy and obviously without the staff or service infrastructure to deliver. Major problems with planning the shop from the very beginning, but also massive failure of management.

Nobody should EVER be writing a review that they waited 60 or 90 minutes for coffee, because no sane person would even do that. Just goes to show how in-demand a StRabucks is in that backwater hellhole.

Write a bad review or get on board and help out yourself; obviously people are more comfortable to complain.

>> No.20351795

Warrawong is a really, really low income area with a lot of social housing. I genuinely believe they have hired teenagers and apathetic druggos. Constant mentions of cockroaches in the cafe. Apparently the people who waited that long were trapped in the drive thru. I imagine them like unroutable Sims, waving their arms and peeing themselves. Should I go tomorrow and look/order? I miss Starbucks from when I lived in California.

>> No.20351804

How is a perfectly brewed long black any different than a perfectly brewed V60 or something? How is it wasting the espresso if you’re getting much more sips out of it without the harshness? I am starting to think people are just lying to themselves when they say they prefer straight shots over a long black/Americano.

Long blacks also have less water (like 100-120ml) which I like.

Long black advantages over Americanos:
-Looks nicer
-Creamier first sips
-Less diluted
-Water has more time to cool in the cup first

>> No.20351818

>Warrawong Starbucks
is this normal for starbucks? i have never been.
those are really long hours

>> No.20351826

>Should I go tomorrow and look
anon you HAVE to go. report back on everything. they have lots of good reviews and also some shockers. I want to know who's working there, who seems to be in charge on the day (if anyone), and if the coffee/food even resembles Starbucks.

As someone from Boston, and who lived in Los Angeles, and who more recently has lived in Sydney, Canberra, Newcastle, and now Sydney again, I must know how it compares and wtf is going on there. Starbuckses in Syds are pretty much identical to the ones in the US. Warra-wrong may be a whole different ballgame.

>> No.20351827


>> No.20351834

>Sydney, Canberra, Newcastle, and now Sydney
>leave sydney because fuck sydney
>maybe canberra is nice
>oh fuck me this is shit too, ok fuck it, back to sydney i guess
is this how it went?

>> No.20351845

nah it was all work related †bh. I absolutely love CBR and will 100% retire there. I made a wise career move to Newcastle, which is also beautiful and amazing, but my wise step quickly led to another best career step back to Syds. I love Sydney but it comes with lots of baggage, including almost worthlessly high cost of living. I'll see how my career goes. Gravity is pulling me back to Canberra though, I just don't know how quickly or when that might be possible.

>> No.20351896

>I absolutely love CBR
no one from here would ever say that
at least i have never heard it

>> No.20351897

did you have a Good Friday anon?

>> No.20351905
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I don't think so it might be wrong.
I'll go and take photos too. I lived on the coast (Wollongong anon) but also Canberra and the Snowy Mountains. Right now I'm on the coast for family easter biznis. I wanted to come to Sydney tomorrow but the Easter Show traffic will be fucked.
I was living North of Sac so it really wasn't bad at all, very normal and I witnessed nothing suspect. San Francisco was what I expected, LA was much nicer than I thought. The nature in California was absolutely incredible and worth it.
Canberrans can be very proud. At least the ones who choose to be there and aren't just placed for ((work))
I love Canberra. Out of all the places I've lived it was the most comfy. The trees are just changing colour there right now and I watched the balloons the other week. If you come visit come to Kita with me anon!

>> No.20351911

will I get to taste eugenioides ever? or is it forever reserved for cvompetitors and people that camp 3 specific roasters to scalp it?

>> No.20351912
File: 2.94 MB, 800x450, kangaroo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I first arrived in Canbruh I got to my hotel on the south side in Forrest, and excitedly took the bus to CBR civic to check it out for the first time. When I got off the bus I thought I got off at the wrong stop - surely THIS isn't Civic. Whelp, it was.

It was a weird and slow adjustment, but I lived there for 2 years and honestly for 6 months I thought was in exile. And then I became a regular at various restaurants and pubs, drove my ute out into the mountains for camping trips, was able to walk to work and on my late night drunken walks home I could bounce around the city streets with kangaroos when there was no traffic. Months and months of enjoying the highest quality of life, with pretty low cost of living, and that place became the home I loved.

CBR isn't for everyone, and it's a slow burn, but once you love it you feel like you're living in the world's best kept secret and it was a fucking privilege. I can't wait to get old and financially secure and retire to the ACT mountains south of Canberra.

>> No.20351920
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>The trees are just changing colour there right now
M8 I'm originally from Boston and Canberra is the first place I got proper autumn feels in Australia. I almost felt like I was back home in Brookline

>> No.20351922
File: 57 KB, 695x511, 1711715234101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go camping in Brindabella, leave early on the Sunday morning and get coffee by the water in Kingston. I've never heard anyone say the same stuff I felt about Canberra. Most people say it's boring, down in Jindy they all say it's a shit hole but it isn't. It was the best two years of my life that I lived there. Did you ever go to the little cafe in Tharwa? Shit coffee but it's so cute and the drive from Cotter is nice. Cruising around at night in the city with the lights, stopping at an all night cafe for a coff on a chilly winter night and going home to get snug in bed. I'm going to cry stop it I want to go back too.

>> No.20351951
File: 352 KB, 2048x1362, IMGP0563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to travel from Civic to Cooma once a week so I only ever drove through Tharwa, never stopped as I was under time pressure to get to work. Tharwa/Michelago area is where I'm thinking I might retire though.

Fucking love the Brindies. Some of my most memorable, and at least in once case most harrowing, camping trips were out in the Brindies. Fuck man. If I didn't have such a perfect job I would get back there ASAP

>> No.20351972

I live in Cooma right now. It fuckin sucks to live in but I'm moving to Berridale next weekend which is vastly nicer. Michelago is super small but has a really cool road heading east outside of it. You should check out Tinderry too, that was stunning. There's some guys on /out/ who go fly fishing in the Brindies. I cannot wait to go for an autumn camp once I've got the time.

>> No.20352434
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it's not over yet

>> No.20353294
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>> No.20353298

First roast of the year. Natty Guji from Buliye.

>> No.20353306
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Pic rel.

>> No.20353446

thats a nice light roast anon.
hope it doesnt take too long to dial in

>> No.20353523
File: 1.13 MB, 2577x2377, sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is easymode with lab sweets.

>> No.20353573


>> No.20353591

beautiful, anon. cherish them.

>> No.20353641

Go away. Why is this guy shilled so hard in these threads?

>> No.20353688

He makes good content? Why else?

>> No.20353710

>video posted 45 minutes ago
>the shill post was made 41 minutes ago
It's obvious that you are him. Please go away. Stop shilling your boring content in these threads.

>> No.20353736
File: 29 KB, 448x318, seethetown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to (current year). Content is delivered instantly. I went from watching cumtown clips and Divorced Dads shorts to seeing it uploaded.

>> No.20353742
File: 50 KB, 571x632, 1707464793649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is home roasting just a meme? If not what's some decent starter equipment and a good place to buy green beans from? Let's say up to $600 for equipment.

>> No.20353769

Not at all.

>> No.20353779

>35 minute video
>posts about it 5 minutes after upload
Sure. Whatever. Just go away. You, Brian Quan, and Nick Mullen are all extremely boring.

>> No.20353796
File: 37 KB, 330x330, e8c600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually think I watched it before posting? I'm not currently in the market for a $25k machine bozo.

>> No.20353814

Exactly. So fuck off. Stop shilling here.

>> No.20353823
File: 24 KB, 512x567, I_Cant_Have_This_Conversation_Again_21112023095758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks. Do you have anything coffee related to post or are you just going to bitch?

>> No.20353888


>> No.20353893

>brian: 18k subs
>the wired kino: 23k subs

>> No.20353895


>> No.20353916
File: 1.12 MB, 1416x2518, PXL_20240329_232053679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its mindless background patter. I've been restoring a vintage tonearm all day and needed some noise to ignore. Took a break to roast that guji and shill QUANO.

>> No.20354098
File: 1.36 MB, 1351x2400, 20240330_141312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm at the Warrawong Starbucks. Ordered an Americano. It's fucking dirty in here bros. The front glass door was covered in shit and the concrete out the front looked like an alley.

>> No.20354108

lmao. fucking hell man. keep posting this is important work

>> No.20354111
File: 888 KB, 1351x2400, 20240330_141931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright it smells like American coffee. Good start (sentimental). Double cupped it for me so that's cool. Staff are really nice, took about 5 minutes total for my order to be ready so not an hour like reviews say. It's fairly busy in here too group of fats came in.

>> No.20354118

looks like someone spit in it

>> No.20354121

where the crema

>> No.20354125

KJ is retarded
just use cal
i mean what does 1580KJ even mean?
its like measuring your daily commute in fractions of a lightyear.

>> No.20354132

>One calorie (kcal) equals 4.18 kJ or 4,184 joules (J) . To convert from calories to kJ, multiple calories by 4.18. Conversely, to convert from kJ to calories, divide kJ by 4.18.

>> No.20354140
File: 1.10 MB, 1351x2400, 20240330_143036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the little bit of crema (God I hope so)
I know I use an app to count my calories and convert its annoying as fuck.

>> No.20354143

>multiple calories by 4.18
this feels like some fucking imperial system bullshit
this is a metric country we should be using metric based energy calculations.

>> No.20354146
File: 64 KB, 600x478, eyes_squint_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are those little plushies

>> No.20354150

>I know I use an app to count my calories and convert its annoying as fuck.
i swear it was cal until a few years ago and then everything shifted

>> No.20354168
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>> No.20354173

HA, cute.

>> No.20354193
File: 914 KB, 1351x2400, 20240330_144320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have the weeb Starbucks stuff and free samples of macarons. Pretty cool if you ask me.

>> No.20354199

you should leave them a kind review. it looks like they're turning things around at least in terms of customer experience

>> No.20354281
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>long black
america's favorite.

>> No.20354289
File: 156 KB, 1000x667, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle's Best Coffee Beans

>> No.20354335

thats a penis

>> No.20354350
File: 290 KB, 1080x1440, proof-hard-ice-cream-chocolate-espresso-martini-v0-9qf1xzj1x5qc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking Americans have some good shit at Costco.

>> No.20354366

It's a single tard (brian himself?) doing the shilling and posting "kino". I pretend theses posts don't exist.

>> No.20354417
File: 1.97 MB, 1351x2400, 20240330_161738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will. I drank the entire Americano. It was the dark roast so obviously it wasn't what I usually have at home but man, it tasted like America and memories. Really took me there. It was nice and exactly what I expected so fuck it, I'll give them a good rating. The outside really was gross thoughever.

>> No.20354427

I still don't get it. What am I supposed to be seeing?

>> No.20354466

I filter them

>> No.20354492
File: 221 KB, 1500x1500, 00628415878634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best coffee I've ever had was Salt Spring Coffee in my automatic drip. That shit is delicious, rich, has an excellent mouthfeel, is fair trade, AND is organic!

>> No.20354595
File: 2.40 MB, 3000x3969, 20240329_234116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's midnight coffee time.

>> No.20354601
File: 153 KB, 472x340, oil-rainbow-sheen-gulf-of-mexico_noaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you stir that with, a rasher of bacon?

>> No.20354608

It's the oily coffee oils of coffee.

>> No.20354612
File: 107 KB, 602x524, main-qimg-ce1fa38a15832b4decea351479af88e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20354621

>what did you stir that with, a rasher of bacon?
Do you not?
>porkaccino ftw

>> No.20354623

thats just called a new jersey

>> No.20354734



>> No.20354772
File: 2.81 MB, 3000x3949, 1683779155553021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2am: cuppa #2

>> No.20354774
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Start with a good grinder

>> No.20354787
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>> No.20354790

that's funny, you fucing guy

>> No.20354791

thanks anon I thought so too :]

>> No.20354794
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>> No.20354815
File: 676 KB, 1000x1332, 1711790423845253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you're drinking too much coffee for this hour. it's not healthy you know.

>> No.20354827
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Tell my psychiatrist.

>> No.20354898
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Thank you for your service.

>> No.20355473
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Has anyone here tried an alcohol enema? If I cram coffee beans up my ass do I get the purest caffeine that way? Civet cats do it so humans can too, right?

>> No.20355479


anon, none of these things are a thing a don't try anything.

>> No.20355498

Please do and report back.

>> No.20355700
File: 2.84 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20240108_213206333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping on some Quan Kino beans today. Only have a few doses left :(

>> No.20355709

>never heard of bum wine

>> No.20355833

I've boofed booze. it's all fun in games until you end up in the hospital and shit bourbon all over the bed

>> No.20355848

>until you end up in the hospital and shit bourbon all over the
sounds liek funne games

>> No.20355873

Delusional, that stuff tastes like straight dirt

>> No.20356327

>tastes like straight dirt
What kind?

>> No.20356563

The straight kind.

>> No.20356855
File: 435 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_8269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the gay dirt.

>> No.20356867

i wish i could feel this comfy

>> No.20357338

Finally got my Spring Standart today.

packaging was damaged and there was significant water damage all over the book. Kinda peeved but the coffee sample is nice as always

>> No.20357412

that sucks :(
i havent got mine yet
are you at least having a good easter :)?

>> No.20357740
File: 749 KB, 1351x2400, 20240331_143548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12pm Easter Sunday espresso martini lads

>> No.20357752

it has beans in it :o

>> No.20357764

I consoomed them

>> No.20357767

did your friend enjoy their coffee :)

>> No.20357789

It's my grandma lel it was a painful family lunch. She did though she said the coffee there is good even though we don't like the food much

>> No.20357819


>> No.20357906

Bought a french press. Whats a good starting coffee for someone who only drank instant?

>> No.20357947

Orange wush wush.

>> No.20358119

Is there a website that has a database of grinder settings for dialed in beans? My espressos taste like shit and I have no idea what properly dialed in beans should taste like.

>> No.20358124

Inb4 hario skerton

>> No.20358128

if you dont know what good espresso tastes like you need to get your ass to a cafe

>> No.20358158

>need to get your ass to a cafe
>to taste good espresso
lol, lmao

>> No.20358164

yeah you have a point
he might live somewhere with great coffee culture, but he might not, too

>> No.20358259

Probably something medium or slightly darker than medium that's a blend and says things like chocolate, hazelnut, caramel kind of flavours in the tasting notes, would be an easy transition point.

>> No.20358468

This is gonna sound weird, but do you even like the taste of espresso? Like, have you had a really good shot to know what they taste like? It's an acquired taste.

I had this issue so went to to a really bougie Cafe and ordered one. Gave them a $10 tip and said "hey, I'm trying to get into espresso and I want to know what a really good shot tastes like so I can dial my thing in. If possible, could you make this one, like 'perfect' please? I'm willing to wait while you take care of other folks first."

I got the shot and it tasted the same as what I made at home. In that moment I realized that I'm a latte boy 4 lyfe.

>> No.20358487

9:30 goffee :)

>> No.20358533
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Do you think this is too fine a grind? I got 3:30 on Hoffman's 1 cup method, cuppa tasted a bit hollow though.

>> No.20358541

cant see
take a closer picture or on an angle

>> No.20358558
File: 3.21 MB, 960x1280, 1709883720212163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a 70 on my K6

>> No.20358569

Based Gourmet

>> No.20358610

looks a little coarse to me
go a few clicks finer

>> No.20358642

Really? I will try it next time, thank you.

>> No.20358678

If there was ever a coffee cocktail I'd want to make, it would be a Sidecar inspired by Vietnamese coffee, mainly because Dalat and Hanoi beans have natural notes of spirits like rum and Scotch, which I think would pair well with a cognac or brandy base

>> No.20358692

idk it just looks like wet mulch to me
which usually isnt what a good bed looks like
i guess the question is. do your grounds look like this?
(timestamp included)

>> No.20358735

honestly it looks around the same, I asked if it was too fine because my brewing time was quite higher, but after rewatching the video, I might've just swirled too hard. I also used around 92 C water which seems to affect the total time, the beans are a medium roast on the darker side.

>> No.20359387
File: 231 KB, 368x365, runnerup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no its that time again.
SEETHOSEETHOSEETHO(seasoning edition)

>> No.20359447

I will never trust a fat guy whose career is based around zero-calorie appetite suppressing drinks

>> No.20359462

>I will never trust a fat

>> No.20359475

Fatties are not human.

>> No.20359481

I trust chubby chefs. fat chefs will eat anything and are therefor untrustworthy

>> No.20359506

sensible take.

>> No.20359733
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Happy Easter coffeebrehs

>> No.20359950

what kinda papes you got anon?
and yeah i might use a slightly cooler temp foor that dark of a roast

>> No.20360083

New mug from that Starbucks it changes colour very neat!
I'd totally try that. I add Frangelico to my home coffees and it's really nice.

>> No.20360089
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Hello frens

>> No.20360111
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Good evening sir. And how black does anon like his coffee?

>> No.20360114

nothing llike a well seasoned mug

>> No.20360396

Is it true that Coffee makes you look older?

>> No.20360478
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Usually I don't drink black, but this is an exceptional brand of coffee.

>> No.20360480

>adding anything to your coffee
i seriously hope you guys do this if thats how you enjoy it

>> No.20360515

99% of the time I add a bit of half n half 10% cream. What does half n half mean?

>> No.20360518

its half cream and half milk

>> No.20360522

...or thats what its supposed to mean but i guess when it comes to marketing words are malleable sluts

>> No.20360744
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Almost finished this pot. It's 8:34 in the evening. Do I fix up another pot Y/N?

>> No.20360750

y :)

>> No.20361076
File: 19 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-04-01T172949.436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it at 100 dollars if you have a manual set up like the flair?

>> No.20361086

just use this instead

>> No.20361303

new hoon kino
a true visionary

>> No.20361672
File: 141 KB, 444x1200, 7-8c5777efb9a6b71a04bc4d34d0ddff11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never use creamer but i'll use this stuff whenever my NEET enablers buy some

>> No.20361925

Did you watch the video before calling it kino this time?

>> No.20362025

How mad are you it's a different anon.

>> No.20362285
File: 130 KB, 3589x486, wJgyaO5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more up to date version of the approved grinders? I'm looking to spend around or less than £100. Mainly for French press amd Aeropress.

>> No.20362289

>looking to spend around or less than £100
P2 or K6. Next question.

>> No.20362315

I'm looking into getting an aluminium moka pot and buying e&b lab filters to go with it. Still hesitating between 2 and 3 cup. I suppose there's nothing better for the price than the classic bialetti?

>> No.20362342

Costco has some cheap whole bean coffee, saw quite a few that were $10 for 2 lbs
Obviously they're lower quality than buying from a roaster and are probably 2 months old, but would they still be decent enough quality for making cold brew iced coffee?

>> No.20362358

If you want to be 100% sure that the E&B Lab filter plate will fit, yeah go with the aluminium Bialetti Moka Express. Personally I wouldn't go less than 3 cups, that can fit around 12g - 14g ground coffee. I have a 6 cup Bialetti Venus that holds 25g - 29g ground coffee and outputs 170g - 200g brewed coffee before it starts steaming. I haven't tried it yet, but the 6 cup E&B filter plate should fit the 6 cup steel Bialetti pots even though it's designed to fit the aluminium Bialettis, just fyi.

>> No.20362364

Which brand? Some brands that sell at Costco have roast dates that can be calculated using the best before date. Last beans I bought from Costco were 22 days from roast date at time of purchase.

>> No.20362373

When buying a French press does it really matter which one? Will a cheap one off Amazon do?

>> No.20362378
File: 293 KB, 2500x1667, DSC00261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Bellman steamer and the Flair 58. Works really well. Eventually when I get a consistent source of good water, I'm going to replace them all with something like the Argos.

>> No.20362413

No, it doesn't really matter. Even the cheapest one's have replaceable filter screens. Personally, I prefer to avoid any that have plastic parts that would contact hot liquid, but you do you.

>> No.20362421

Don't remember, I'm no longer at 'co.

>> No.20362427

>consistent source of good water
If your up for it, you can buy a multi-stage reverse osmosis water filtration system and install it yourself for under $500 USD. There are also many companies that rent out RO systems for reasonable prices. You don't need to go all out getting some coffee specific water recipe. It's shocking how much better a simple RO system can improve the taste of tap water.

>> No.20362431

Oh man that might be v1. Someone else posted the latest one here. I need to add the new kingrinder P-s
Like the other anon said check out the new kingrinder p2 if you're on a strict budget. Basically a plastic option-o remi body, metal internals, and a comandante burr for $44. If you can double that go for the kin k6. Upgrades you to 48mm "comandante"/1zpresso K(pro/max/plus) burr, all metal build, and external adjustment with finer steps.
I'm not a moka guy but I'd just go e&b from the getgo. Its what the resident moka autist here has. Another interesting option to consider would be the varia pot or their moka/dripper/french press combo.

>> No.20362465

I'm renting a small house right now, so whatever I do, I should be able to undo it when I move out. But I would like to, so I can get a simpler espresso setup.

>> No.20362468

The cheaper ones will all be the same. Shitty mesh held with a coil. Ones like the fellow clara, espro, or the varia I just posted have different filters and "better" materials but they're pricier. Buy once cry once. You have to figure glass is going to break eventually and cheap glass is going to be worse so don't shoot yourself in the foot. Espro sells replacement glass and the p3 is pretty cheap.

>> No.20362474

just make sure you aren't drinking RO water as your regular source of hydration

>> No.20362500

bad coffee is generally going taste bad regardless of brew method unless youre mixing it with something
definitely get the three cup at least, it makes a smaller cup than youd think

>> No.20362556

Here's an inside tip: thrift stores usually have a large variety of French presses up for grabs, at least in North America. They're probably the most common manual coffee brewer in North American households and offices. Don't listen to the other guy recommending high end presses. Sure, they're nice and probably worth it if you really like French press coffee, but the coffee will taste the same out of a $5 press or a $50 press.

>> No.20362608

You can find them in the trash sometimes soon! Some real gems to be found in apartment dumpsters. People buy keurigs and toss their press.

>> No.20362791
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*unzips crema*
New beans from Padre on the way and by new I mean I bought an actual single origin bag but also my not to be mentioned favourite blend of theirs. Raining outside, coffee made, time for gayming.
I have to use bottled water where I live. Tried to install a filter on the tap itself but the tap is too old of a design.

>> No.20362796

Eh I'm going with a 3 cup bialetti and buy the filters, since I'm gonna have to buy an induction plate too since I have an induction stove. I've always found aluminium moka pots to make marginally better coffee than stainless steel ones.

>> No.20362939

I'm just using a filter pitcher which is fine for the Flair 58 and a kettle. It's easy to clean any buildup. Swaps out calcium for magnesium, so it tastes pretty good. On any machine more complicated, I think it would be an issue.

>> No.20363284

what gayme?

>> No.20363565

No, no, he's going out with a gay fellow named Ming.

>> No.20363611

well i hope he has a good time anyway :)

>> No.20363789
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>> No.20364040

What would "peak pretentious gastronomy" be in terms of coffee

>> No.20364060

my first thought is anything from weber
but its probably some schizo pour over shit

>> No.20364067

also not gastronomy but it is pretentious but also done ironically

>> No.20364362
File: 1.29 MB, 928x1327, 1683283873658358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot to shitpost the new Blue Planet Coffee Tierra i got meself when i decided to plant a tree.

>House blend composed of 80% Arabica (Peru, Guatemala, Indonesia) and 20% Robusta (India), this true 'globetrotter' pays tribute to the small producers of the best terroirs in Asia and Latin America. Powerful espresso, creamy lungo or unctuous cappuccino, this little spicy delight with dark chocolate chips has something for everyone. Don't hesitate to play barista and try them all - taste sensations guaranteed!
>With its intensity of 4 out of 5, it offers you notes of dark chocolate, spices and nuts.

>To minimize our impact on the environment:
>100% of our coffees come from organic farming and grow in shade,
>100% of the electricity that powers our roasting is of renewable origin,
>100% of our organic waste is composted by a local farmer.

>For every pack of Blue Planet Coffee sold, our partner organization Eden Reforestation Projects plants a tree in a deforested area in Asia, Latin America or Africa.
>Coffee grown by Fairtrade producers, certified and marketed according to Fairtrade fair trade standards. 100% of total weight.

Tastes really terrific, sweet choco taste, with a pleasant complexity followed by a delightful caffeine kick. The choco nibble inbewteen sips cements the sentiment.
Thank me later for solving the climate problematic.
Single wrapped darkie chocco square to keep the NGOs, politicians and MamaGreta relevant.

>> No.20364478

Dragons Dogma 2. I've lost all self control with it.
I should make a character named Gay Ming next time

>> No.20364661

Love the smell of kino in the morning.

>> No.20365033

looks like a bong lol

>> No.20365482
File: 59 KB, 445x240, 20240402-173219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this bottled water? Good for coffee or not?

>> No.20365688
File: 457 KB, 1125x1115, 35D90A3E-7C7D-4B13-B8A6-3307A218FF59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unethically sourced coffee

>> No.20365724
File: 1.33 MB, 3024x4032, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried a single-shot basket for the first time...

>> No.20365812
File: 658 KB, 1351x1758, 1712101289135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never do single shot baskets even if I want a smaller coffee because it always comes out weird..

>> No.20365856

They're fucking cursed. I pull mine out occasionally to see if I can make it work but they're fucking cursed lol

>> No.20365954

I've never been able to do anything interesting with my decent 10g. Its just too thin of a puck to maintain integrity for more than a few seconds and I usually run turbos.

>> No.20365957

Okay so if I mix this (total 441.5 PPM) with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 it should give me 147.16667 PPM which is close to the 150 PPM ideal for coffee. Or should I just count the HCO3? Then mixing 9:10 with distilled water would give me 148.5 PPM HCO3. So which should I account for? Total PPM or only HCO3 PPM?

>> No.20365997
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>> No.20366002

all right i know some of you people make cold brew
could anyone share their experience of what level of roast tastes best for it?

>> No.20366052
File: 127 KB, 719x976, Screenshot_20240402-212438_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks boss. I found this very helpful. At 1:1 with distilled water, do you think this would be an okay coffee water or should I dilute it 1:2 or even 1:3? I know magnesium should be a bit higher, but this is what I'm working with at the moment.

>> No.20366114

Tempted to try but to do so I'd need to waste beenz. Also get a knife and pry out the basket because I can never get it out without doing that

>> No.20366199
File: 201 KB, 1024x819, water_coffee_chart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd dilute it out even further but it'll depend on your own tastes and the roasts you're drinking. I'm running 60:20 for filter and like 20:80 for turbos.

>> No.20366339

Don't care, finally got Colombia Circasia double carbonic galaxy-hop Geisha

>> No.20366368

today its burundi (washed :( )

>> No.20366437
File: 1.44 MB, 2320x1572, PXL_20240403_035816015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I had some burundi out but I guess not. I'll pull a bit from the freezer in the morning. I'm working on the washed eth stockpile. Late night switch worka sakaro. Funky recipe with a late pour because I'm using 01 filters in an 02. Did you ever end up buying that Hyperdrama vinyl?
>225g water (first) + 15g coffee in, closed valve
>stir to break crust after ~45s
>open valve at 4min and trickle in the last 30g
>~40sec drawdown

>> No.20366472

>Did you ever end up buying that Hyperdrama vinyl?
i dont use vinyl
also i find the idea of buying a vinyl of an album you dont fully love strange.
like i haven't heard the full album yet but i have heard 1 track i didnt like so that already removed any chance of getting it.
so far Generator is the best i have heard. then Saturnine.
Incognito is unlistenable as far as im concerned
but thats life
there aren't many perfect albums in this world
i've had a pretty rough year so far and its going to get worse so i, idk lotta projects might have to be put on hold, i have other responsibilities that demand my attention and my wallet.
so i have put spending significant money of my hobbies on hold until things stabilize
as far as i see it i live a dream. so i dont really like to complain about it.
i think i have some sumatra natural to pick up from the post office in about an hour or so.
this one
and i have been resting(?) a triple ferment blend for the past month, that i should get stuck in to maybe this weekend.
oh and the burundi was good
yesterday i ground too fine and its was way over extracted
so today i went 2 clicks coarser but i think thats too much so i will go 1 click finer. perhaps thats the sweet spot
tonight is crumbed chicken and roast veggies

>> No.20366473

oh and thanks for reading my blog :)

>> No.20366501

medium or dark
it under-extracts, so light roast is a no-go.

>> No.20366592

>there aren't many perfect albums in this world
Generally I agree, which is why I've only got a small curated selection of choice albums on wax and just get everything else on private trackers. Cross, AVD, Planisphere, Alive 07, Tako Tsubo etc. I figured I should "invest" in something to appreciate my small collection so I just picked up a vintage holy grail to overhaul. Technics SP-10mk2. Runs fine but at ~50 years old its time for a refurb. Swap about 30 caps from the power supply and motor boards before they pop and leak, fabricate an led board to replace old 140v neon bulbs etc.
>so i have put spending significant money of my hobbies on hold until things stabilize
Thats how I've been living for a while. I've fretted spending any money to upgrade my headphone/amp/speakers but throw a grand+ at a turntable on a whim. Now custom roaster project v3/new burrs/2024 greens will(should) be on hold for a while, but oh well. I'm very happy with what I'm drinking.
>>as far as i see it i live a dream.
Imagine if you had the HG-1 by now. At least you've still got something to dream for.
>burundi was good
Good:) The ethiopian was a bit more muted than usual with that coarse immersion brew. Rounded off alot of the acidity and florals. Took it from bright herby fruit juice to more of a mulled orange wine. Good normie brew.
Well someone has to. Since we're blogposting, might try to pick up some daft punk and gorillaz on the 20th. Ltd record store day releases. If I snag the gorillaz I'm going to eventually have to get a copy of DD and PB as well too :/
>Cracker Island (Deluxe Vinyl Edition) is a limited run release, pressed on colored double vinyl (1 x pink disc, 1 x magenta disc) as well as four bonus tracks (Side C) and two remixes (Side D), plus a double-sided art print by Jamie Hewlett.
>12in single with Something about us, Veridis Quo, and Voyager (Dominique Torti's Wild Style Edit)

>> No.20366676

>Imagine if you had the HG-1 by now.
i still feel like craig lyn is cooking something up and im paranoid if i drop the cash on the hg1 a new grinder will come out right after and i will fucking blow my brains out
and in terms of perfect album i think for me this has entered that hall of fame.
and even though i love gorillaz(demon days being the first album i ever listened to and bought on cd) there always seems to be at least 1 track i skip so i cant think of a gorillaz album that is perfect
pb is close though
i think the one album i instantly think of when i think of the perfect album is deadmau5 while 1<2
because its a great album(probably his best) and there is never a point in all the hundreds of re-listens that i have thought "yeh imma skip this track" i always just play it all the way through.
its such a seamless experience that you could almost argue that the entire album is just 1 continuous song.
i got his full discog in flac a while back and never got around to actually organizing it and adding it to my foobar so i think the version thats in there is still the lossy cd version i ripped like 10 years ago lol.

oh and i just got home with the latest issue of standard.
also i think there are probably more perfect "sets" or "mixes" than albums but i dont include those because an album is a very specific, singular project. and not just a collection of good music.

>> No.20366788

>probably more perfect "sets" or "mixes" than albums
Among other things, I'm a washed up dj. The original plan was to get an old technics 1200 and brush up on my turntableism while slowly upgrading it to a higher "fi" setup. Then I stumbled onto that sp10 for a price that was too good to be true. If they ever release this on vinyl its a day 1 snag. Late night tales has some real gems but this one is special. Nice slow burn.
> foobar
Its 2024. We run Roon now.

>> No.20366798

id rather roon off a cliff
foobar2k is all i need
and i like the mobile app
i simply dont trust companies like roon
if they shut down tomorrow im fucked
if foobar stops development im good forever

>> No.20366806

sorry that was a rude comment
my apologies

>> No.20366814
File: 16 KB, 872x249, lntoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Price wasn't too bad. Its another real good compilation. Got about half way into Last Remnants before I started checking prices. Shit link but you'll get the gist. I can upload a copy if needed.
>i simply dont trust companies like roon
>if they shut down tomorrow im fucked
This is why we run cracked 1.8.931

>> No.20367128

Depends on what filters you're using. Switched to cafec after finishing my harios, brew time is way faster.

>> No.20367157

Do a finer grind or less water

>> No.20367162

>I know a guy, he gets me beans from Sudan

>> No.20367513

that's alcohol

>> No.20367568

Coffee is poison.

>> No.20367762

What do I look for in beanz if I want a traditional, chocolatey, sweet and flavorful brew?
Basically, whatever has the least amount of acidity possible without the oily dark roast burnt tobacco taste.
I really don't like acidity, but I also don't like oily roasts.

>> No.20367816

Low altitude Brazilian heavy medium roast blends. Anything high altitude is going to give you the complexity you're trying to avoid.

>> No.20367817
File: 2.88 MB, 1998x1206, 1703286782168860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is love.

>> No.20367827

Something from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
It's going to depend how you're going to brew it.

>> No.20367838

>whatever has the least amount of acidity possible without the oily dark roast burnt tobacco taste.
Also it's not for everyone but a light roast 100% robusta has no acidity and tastes like milk choco espresso. Probably wouldn't brew it as pourover.

>> No.20367847

I'm looking for a coffee that tastes like rubber and pencil shavings. Any suggestions? I hate flavor and sweetness.

>> No.20367856
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>> No.20367863

But that's top Italian 100%arabica? Are you trying to insult the motherland of coffee?

>> No.20367898

I do like South American beans. Ty for the suggestions.
Stick to your sour "fruity" brews as you suck on sour fruity lollipops you fruity ass femboy.

>> No.20367908

You're drinking toasted fruit seed tea.
>Excuse me waiter? This steak tastes too much like cooked cow what else would you suggest?

>> No.20367913

>why yes i drink trible carbonic maceration

>> No.20367917

>I only eat steak tartare. You want to taste the beef, not the searing.

>> No.20367920

Talking bout ultralight kino?

>> No.20367940


>> No.20367947
File: 63 KB, 482x800, :DDDDDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ids bretty good

>> No.20368099

Nice latte art. Mwua!

>> No.20368114
File: 269 KB, 943x1280, silvia-m-2-07162.1462817951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good? Or good enough?

>> No.20368139

ask the hoff(timestamp included)
or the pro

>> No.20368253

should probably also consider moddability for further down the line

>> No.20368256

Thank you, i've been slacking on the lattes.

>> No.20368311

imo the sweet spot is 85%

>> No.20368314

I'm sorry your mothers were beaten with Kahlua bottles

>> No.20368354

I genuinely don't see the point of a PID instead of just having the temperature stay stable at a certain temperature.
Like why tf don't these espresso machines just stabilize at 93c for brewing? That seems like a good enough temp for dark, med, and light.
I just find it annoying because it seems that espresso machines will have you either temperature surfing so you don't pull a shot with fuckin near boiling water OR have you pay hundreds of dollars more to control the temp to any degree. I just want an affordable middle-ground.

>> No.20368388

>good enough
because the people who want a PID dont want good enough
they want exactly what they want
regardless of if its needed.

>> No.20368401
File: 599 KB, 478x865, 1684682239194077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost gotchu. The cultivar(s), growing region and harvest year will also impact the taste.
Also it's not always explicit how much cocoa paste and cocoa butter, and sometimes cocoa powder, constitute the 87%.

>> No.20368425

That's literally the point of a PID, stabilizing a certain temperature. But once you've added the ability to maintain a temperature, it's easy to maintain other temperatures.

>> No.20368451

I guess I assumed there is another way for manufacturers to add a temperature limit that is cheaper than a PID because I feel stuck between cheap single boilers that have everything I need but with the cost of temperature surfing and machines that are hundreds of dollars more expensive just for that one feature I need. I guess I could get something like a Silvia and mod it.

>> No.20368480
File: 23 KB, 369x219, pid_control_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designing and tuning a circuit to flick power on and off is much cheaper than designing a magic boiler that can only hit one temp with no variance regardless of the environment.

>> No.20368511

Ah got it. I'm a bit retarded when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.20369270
File: 2.02 MB, 3000x3071, 20240403_191940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that tar on me.

>> No.20369278


>> No.20369325

I have an excess of espresso syrup (made tiramisu for Easter).
Can I mix it with berries to make jam, or would that be gross?

>> No.20369346

>espresso syrup
what's that

>> No.20369393


>> No.20369398

Espresso with enough sugar added to make it syrupy, I presume.

>> No.20369619

>Can I mix it with berries to make jam, or would that be gross?
i am intrigued to know
do report back if you try it

>> No.20370409
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Good morning!

>> No.20370422

>no coffee for another 4 hours

>> No.20370533
File: 355 KB, 483x595, Greta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MamaGreta relevant
always was

>> No.20370608

stupid FAS brat needs correction

>> No.20370675

Made syrup (sugar and water) and added espresso extract.
Not great, not terrible.
I did 90 g syrup, 90 g blackberries, and juice from half a lemon, boiled and simmered.
On it's own, the sweetness of the berry gets washed away, so it's very tart, but the espresso comes through as a separate flavor. Interesting, but not what I go to jam for.
Made some cookie (quezenlle?) to spread it on. Neutralizes the espresso and was good. Like it better than the usual raspberry jam, but still, it's an option, but not a necessary option. Made me think it'd be good in a legit coffee-cake.
If you have a coffee obsessed tongue to entertain, maybe add a few drops extract to a jam, it'll probably be the same thing.
Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.20370688

youre welcome
today im drinking a delicious washed hybrid from sulawesi, it made a lovely moka and im looking forward to a pourover in a bit
the beautiful spring weather is gone for now but i welcome the clouds and rain as im not looking forward to the coming summer
today is a good day for some caffeinated deep cleaning (:

>> No.20370706

what's that?

>> No.20370751

Love Sulawesi beans. I actually quit coffee for over a decade but since I picked up some wet Sulawesi greens last year I've been a Borneo again beansnob.

>> No.20370905

Do you guys have any food with your morning coffee?
I've been enjoying croissants

>> No.20370921

I rotate. I'll do overnight oats, scrambled egg and ciabatta toast, muffins, etc.
Probably going to make a coffee cake this weekend

>> No.20370941

most mornings i cant even think about food until after i had had a cuppa

>> No.20370952

Cwassonz are pretty good but fatty and expensive. Other good choices are
>Biscotti, basically slices of dried cwassonz
>Eggs & toast, basically a deconstructed cwassoh.
>Waffles with butter and syrup, also a cwassonalike.
>Deez nuts cwasson your mama


>> No.20371604

This made me think, I helped a friend once do bean-to-bar chocolate. It was fun and he did most of the research so I just followed along and helped in the kitchen / garage. Could coffee beans be used to create a substance like chocolate?
The bean-to-bar chocolate hobbyists have some pretty cool machinery that they DIY for powderizing the cocoa nibs. I can only assume the fat content in a cocoa nib is higher than that of roasted coffee beans. If that's the case either another fat would have to be added, or there would have to be a way of removing some of the solids while retaining the fats.
If anyone has seen anyone online trying something like this please let me know.

>> No.20371614

>Biscotti, basically slices of dried cwassonz
Biscotti are more of an italian thing and they're best when they have pistachios and stuff.

>> No.20371689
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don't talk to me unless your bloom looks like a choco muffin

>> No.20371750

do it again but record it

>> No.20371812

God I love my Kalita so much bros. The red is very beautiful too. Mirin it.

>> No.20371912
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I just made my last cup of those beans, I'll have to roast some more :^)
Yeah it's been a nice purchase. The cone is also from them.

>> No.20371968
File: 78 KB, 764x1017, Message_1572366453662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good biscotti has pistachios and bistachio biscotti is great dipped in coffee. Anus biscoti also very good in coffee. oh fug im going do make bisgoddi :DDDDDD hazelnuds :DDD

>> No.20372189
File: 1.04 MB, 1351x2400, 20240405_133357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this at the little egg hut in Majura. Really excited to try it while I wait for my Padre beans which only shipped today lel

>> No.20372204

>I just made my last cup of those beans, I'll have to roast some more :^)

>> No.20372234
File: 248 KB, 719x714, Screenshot_20240404-224909_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night.

>> No.20372336

Thats not a cone anon.

>> No.20372670

Considering getting a barista express off of Gumtree for like 300 quid, is it actually worth it for moving from moka pot to espresso? I've always put off the idea under the assumption that I'd never be able to afford it but then there's the second-hand market.

The main considerations to me for getting one is the idea (and I need enlightenment here) that it would be quicker than using the moka and heating milk on the stove (I only make milk drinks), this should thus save me a small but prescious amount of time each day. I'm not remotely interested in faffing around with additional tools outside of what I already have (scales, milk jug, thermometer - though I would get a tamper should it not include one), as that would defeat the purpose of being able to make coffee approx. 5 mins quicker. Also, assuming the taste of espresso is better than moka - exactly how much better in your view? Is the coffee stronger? Flavour more potent yet less sour/ bitter? Does experimentation really matter THAT much. I find it hard not to see exaggeration in the qualities of coffee people make to defend sunk cost which ironically is something I'm becoming increasingly guilty of. Speaking of which another big reason is that using specialist coffee spending a pretty buck for it on moka just seems like a waste to me. But eh.

And I do want to make latte art... admittedly... though I'm aware of the standalone milk frother thanks to based anon so I could just get that down the line instead.

What would jesus do?

>> No.20372696

Stay ignorant. Enjoy your moka as long as possible. Making espresso isn't going to save you any time if thats your only goal.

>> No.20372719
