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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20345366 No.20345366 [Reply] [Original]

Now that’s a real breakfast.

>> No.20345372

add a side of ham and it would be perfect

>> No.20345373

>no bacon
>no hot sauce
>no coffee
>no sausage gravy

>> No.20345374

>no sausage gravy
Anon what do you think that stuff that looks like sausage gravy is in OPs pic?

>> No.20345379

holy fuck that looks so delicious, I'm trying to lose weight though and can't eat breakfast today. I might have a small snack in another 4 hours..

>> No.20345382

synonym rolls

>> No.20345392

>Waiter! Oh Waiter! Another fresh helping of vomit on my breakfast plate, please!
Do Americans really?

>> No.20345397

it's actually really good stuff if it's made properly. I used to turn my nose up at it when I was a child because it looked yucky, but that's a child's mind for you

>> No.20345407

I had something similar to this for breakfast on the Amtrak train and it was god awful. Don't pay for their garbage. Bring your own food.

>> No.20345419

>Ewew it looks GWOSS I can't eat it gimme my fish fingies and my chippie teas
Fuck off baby ass loser

>> No.20345439

See how some members of the nation of cucks suddenly get all shitty when somebody berates their 'culinary delights' in the same vein that they do? Such weakness.

>> No.20345548

Don't be so hotheaded, you're going to raise your blood pressure from eating all those Lawry Salt caked, Red-40 seasoned deep fried butter on sticks for breakfast earlier

>> No.20345558

It's a bechamel sauce, retard.

>> No.20345739

It's grey unidentifiable sloppa that tastes like salt and flour.

>> No.20345756

Oh hawhawhawhaw spooly amerifarts shrieking in impotent confusion again how amusing

>> No.20345800
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Ok let me honestly comment here.
>no bacon, ham, scrapple, sausage patties, corned beef. Where's the meat?
>eggs. Good.
>potatoes. Be careful.
>bread. 1 thin slice that is fried in all the grease from cooking your meat would be sufficient. Bread is unhealthy.
>biscuits. Why? You already have a slice of unhealthy bread
>sausage gravy. Just eat the sausage and not the unhealthy flour based gravy.
Very unhealthy. Eat more meats. It's ok to splurge on a piece of fried bread now and then but not this much.
Where is the milk?

>> No.20345901

i'd keep the eggs, taters and the biscuits n gravy

>> No.20345904

Do you people ever wonder why the rest of the world thinks you're so fat?

>> No.20345915

Over/under on OP's BMI is 30. I'll take the over. What say you, anon?

>> No.20345922

He's over 30, but that's still classified as underweight compared to most Ameriburgers.

>> No.20345926


>> No.20345986

you don't eat it every single day dummy

>> No.20345993

replace the toast with sliced, salted tomatoes and the potatoes with more eggs topped with sausage gravy and it would be perfect for me

>> No.20346002

Yeah, culturally you guys only eat it on days ending in y.

>> No.20346011

my breakfast was oatz and greek yogurt with coffee. i'm gonna make lamb stew for dinner later

>> No.20346013
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and you foreigners will happily wipe my ass clean after my fukushimic bowel movement :)

>> No.20346017
File: 237 KB, 1359x1526, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's some breakfast near me that people give great reviews
its fucking garbage
just look at that water they're passing off as gravy
saw another pic where the bacon was charred black

>> No.20346029

Do you need to make poopies anon? I'll put extra tendies on your plate tonight if you wash your hands without compaining after we wipe your bum bum clean :)

>> No.20346044

tf is that grey shit? looks ghastly

>> No.20346049

It's a meat sauce you wouldn't get it

>> No.20346052

>europoor can't handle the concept of gravy

>> No.20346069

gravy made with milk, flour, and butter/sausage grease that has cooked ground sausage mixed in

>> No.20346097

You cook meat in a skillet (usually fresh breakfast sausage) and then mix flour into the rendered fat to make a roux. Then you whisk in milk to make a type of bechamel. Season with salt and pepper and serve over biscuits.

>> No.20346101
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>wash your hands

>> No.20346138

Anon... me and all the other nurses have been over this with you before. Only the good residents will be getting tendies at dinner tonight.

>> No.20346274

>corpulent typically low IQ Americans think that goop is gravy
You won't make it, fat boy

>> No.20346282

Gravy is brown

>> No.20346298

Why does everyone here pretend to be stupider than they are? What an odd performance

>> No.20346299

Reported for racism

>> No.20346308

why would he wash his hands if you are the one wiping up his shit (with your hands)?

>> No.20346313

Because it promotes good behaviour and encourages him to wash his hands when he doesn't need help from the staff to make poopies!

>> No.20346367

Would need to add a lot of ketchup and hot sauce and pepper to make it tolerable

>> No.20346385

>with gravy
i've seen and read a lot of horrifying shit on this website but this seems especially unholy, my bowels loosened a tiny bit when i read this post

>> No.20346390

>American "cuisine"

>> No.20346411

The ketchup would be more for the eggs and potatoes, not going out of my way to mix it with the gravy

>> No.20346414

See how pedantic and snide you get when you get called out for being a fucking baby?
Some foods look gross but taste great. Biscuits and gravy is one of them. You'd know that if you ate anything besides fast food.

>> No.20346419

It's almost exactly like it's English, Irish, Scottish, German, French, and Spanish cuisine all blended together over four centuries to take advantage of an abundance of meat and spices and New World ingredients that would transform every other culture in the world

>> No.20346421

I had vegetarian chowder for lunch and a sausage and egg sandwich for breakfast. Both homemade. But keep on whining that you won't try something just because it looks icky, you mongoloid. Imagine whining that someone gets aggressive, goddamn you are one bitch ass wimp
You wouldn't know at all, larper

>> No.20346423

No, it is not always brown. Thanks for showing that you don't know anything about cooking.
Again, you don't know what you're talking about. Look up sausage gravy, it's called gravy because it is gravy. You can not like it, but it is gravy. Shitsucker.

>> No.20346457

whatever you say 'chupper

>> No.20346489
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>> No.20346494
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>> No.20346503 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20346514
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>> No.20346526
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>> No.20346546
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>> No.20346550
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>> No.20346558
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You laugh, but people really used to do that.

>> No.20346568

not milk gravy which is sausage gravy's base

>> No.20346574

Yeah and it's Trump's steak preference so there must be some % today who imitate just because he does it, rather than recoiling

>> No.20346581

Gravy isn't made with milk.

>> No.20346592
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, ketchup on biscuits 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought these would look gross but instead they're making me hungry and wanting to go to a nearby restaurant and do it
Though not sure about the orange slices in this one

>> No.20346598

Our sloppa is British derived. If you defend American sloppa, you should defend British sloppa too

>> No.20346613
File: 70 KB, 728x546, MTkwNTgxMjE3NjA1MDAzMTMy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water pie with catsup is pretty good.

>> No.20346646

I thought Americans loved pouring liters of ketchup over everything.

>> No.20346664

we don't love liters of anything

>> No.20346679

Sausage gravy sure is

>> No.20346682

the fuck is a liter?

>> No.20346685

But what about your love of drinking coffee from liter mugs, as well as cola, etc.

>> No.20346694

One-fourth of gallon

>> No.20346705

>europoors seething about good fashion southern grub
Like clockwork

>> No.20346710

Poor people buy soda in plastic bottles, it goes flat, glass bottles and cans are superior
Mugs are in ounces

>> No.20346717

Not a big sausage gravy fan but that checks a lot of boxes.
Prefer local bakery sourdough though.

>> No.20346721

>>eating breakfast
Imagine being that fat.

>> No.20346722

"Water pie?"
"The water wouldn't melt so I put it in a pie, alright!?"

>> No.20346732

If you never made water pie you must be very new to baking. My tween loves water and creampies.

>> No.20346740

How many ounces per gallon, 128, why is that? Yeah, just fuck off, that's why. While in the rest of the world there are 1000ml in 1 liter. Roughly, but it fully explains the bewilderment of every person who comes to countries where the metric system is not. Oh yes, it's only in one country...

>> No.20346775

>Oh yes, it's only in one country...
No it's not

>> No.20346785

Shhh... it's retarded. You'll spook him.

>> No.20346789

oh right, it's like 2 countries

>> No.20346803

You understand Americans all know the metric system and it's been standard in the US since 1917
Customary is better for cooking because it's halves, thirds, and fourths
You think 128 ounces is a coincidence?
And no, it's not just the US and Liberia, all of the commonwealth countries use a combination of metric and customary or metric and imperial

>> No.20346826

I wasn't called out for being a baby, I was an independent observer. I'm not the OP the gaylord was responding to. But here you are, shitting your panties, just because I called out some fagwham for getting butthurt. You know very well that the Americans are very haughty and self elevated and are quick to denigrate. I'm guessing, but pretty sure, that you've partaken in such a 'discourse' yourself. I'm casting an aspersion here, but I'm expecting you're a "do the British" / "pajeet street shitter" / "Scandinavian blah blah Irish blah Australian blah chinky nip bih bih mihhh" kind of person, yet all of a sudden you curl up in a ball when the shoe is on the other foot.

>> No.20346840

>about good fashion
Fucking hell, you can't even type a sentence in English correctly. You absolute mongoloid. I don't know how the fuck you've managed to even get on the internet. Or put your socks on. >>20346705

>> No.20346890
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Love how you locked-down no-freedom-having faggots spam your shitty slang all over my internet now and pretend like you don't all come off like 9 year olds with Downs Syndrome.

>> No.20346926

underwear being soiled violently: the post

>> No.20346935

Damn that animal has some rocking hooters

>> No.20346937

ai generated rubbish

>> No.20346954
File: 200 KB, 1280x1707, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty. I am partial to her sister though.

>> No.20346965

Good eye anon, nothing slips by you!

>> No.20347974

Sub the toast out for another serving of biscuits & gravy

>> No.20347999

MMmmmmm, Biscuits and Jam.

>> No.20348005
File: 547 KB, 615x461, McNipple™.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know... that's perfectly acceptable with an easy over egg and a slice of cheese on each slice, right?
I'm not even a big ketchup fan, unless it's mushroom, but there's some kind of magical alchemy that takes place with hot runny yolk and cool ketchup.
>pic unrelated...mostly

>> No.20348013

True but you should be able to make that at home

>> No.20348025

you forgot about our flavored corn syrup fizzy water.. sold by the two-fer

>> No.20348032
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>> No.20348349

thats cream chipped beef which is shitty british white gravy

>> No.20348351


>> No.20348355

Do Americans really?

>> No.20348356

if we all posted at our true intellectual level this board would have a reputation for being nobel prize in the culinary arts tier essayposting only board, we have to be retarded online to take a break from our high powered careers and fast paced lifestyle

>> No.20348365

Yeh..This guy, what hes siad.
That is what I mean.
Smort like.

>> No.20348368

undermined his post real 90iq like

>> No.20348371
File: 70 KB, 640x360, 'Tard-DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is good yeh? what is I did wrong?

>> No.20348372

>british white gravy
bongs don't have white gravy keep trying anon

>> No.20348375

posting, baka

>> No.20348391
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No fun then?
Everytime A newfag blows in..
Every day my patience grows thin..
Do you know just where you are?
--read down my post, you weaboo scar

>> No.20348392

stfu noob

>> No.20348394

yes they do they just dont call it gravy, they call it beef cream in the typical faggy british style and they love it

>> No.20348397
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>> No.20348412

>they call it beef cream
there is no such thing as "beef cream" in bong or anywhere else why are you so bad at this

>> No.20348413

Is that real?

>> No.20348414

Beef cream? Fock off... Never heard of it. Daft cunt

>> No.20348426
File: 919 KB, 1320x1984, RoundmealFiasco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet your sweet bippy...

>> No.20348429

Quite the read. Thanks for that!

>> No.20348454

>hot sauce

thirdie detected

>> No.20348456

Why would he wash his hands if he's got a clean dick?

>> No.20348480

gorgeous. the yuropoor mind can't comprehend something so perfect

>> No.20350346

Garson means boy.

>> No.20350368

Isn’t this like an entire day’s calories in a single meal?
How could you possibly justify eating like this?

>> No.20350379

It's maybe 1500 or so I'd say without calculating carefully so he can still have a small dinner later. We can also imagine that OP is a 6'4 beefcake who works a manual labor job in some warehouse or as a tradie and that his actual daily caloric needs are closer to 3k. I understand you're a 5'2 sedentary gook and can't comprehend how real men live, but I hope my explanation cleared things up for you.

>> No.20350386

Nah it's only one biscuit and a couple slices of toast, maybe two eggs and half a potato
I'd be surprised if there's more than 700-800 calories there, probably less
That with a few coffees, better than the hair of the dog

>> No.20350402

we'd win the special olympics for sure

>> No.20350479

>Garson means boy.
Okay. So if garson means boy, then what does garçon mean?

>> No.20350490
File: 890 KB, 1290x700, rHdq5H1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means big boy, big boy
No one's slick as Gaston! No one's quick as Gaston! No one swings from a tree with his dick like Gaston!

>> No.20350491

I wonder what would happen if you made scrambled eggs, then tried to fry them.
Like suppose you made scrambled eggs in pan, then coated them with flour, dipped them in a raw egg, coated them with flour again, and put them in a deep fryer filled with lard or tallow.

>> No.20350503

why do you have toast if you have biscuits?
where's the bacon/ham/sausage?
are those powdered eggs?
this maybe a 5/10 breakfast

>> No.20350637

ohhhhh fuuuckk yes im gonna cum

>> No.20350670

Hold up let me barf into your breakfast meal

>> No.20350723

Jam for the toast, gravy for the biscuits

>> No.20350927


>> No.20350943

the sausage is in the gravy, you fucking foreigner

>> No.20351317

>Just eat the sausage and not the unhealthy flour based gravy
Sausage gravy tastes like shit anyway.

>> No.20351323
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>hot sauce for biscuits and gravy

>> No.20351572

do you really need toast with your biscuits and gravy?

>> No.20351584

Do Americans REALLY?

>> No.20351935

Need, no. Want, yes.

>> No.20352457

Anon has never cooked meat in sauce

>> No.20353019

we'll just nail your door shut and call it a superfund site

>> No.20353065

Ma'am, calm down. I've read that menopause is difficult to handle. But before you get too giddy, I've cooked ragu, picadillo and such. The abomination that you're screaming and crying about is just gloop. It's not a delicacy as you probably imagine. Sad little man.

>> No.20353083

Doubt. You dip chips into 1 pound cheese cans

>> No.20353112

I don't even know what that means, but ladies in your condition are known for "brain fog". I'm sure it will improve soon

>> No.20353176

Anon, you appear to be of below-middling intelligence if you don't know what that means.

>> No.20353183

Maybe for the egg.

>> No.20353273

Yes. Continue to think about us while we don't even recognize your existence.

>> No.20353312

Why do I need to justify anything to you?

>> No.20353330

Making some gravy tomorrow morning.
Gonna be comfy.