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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.24 MB, 720x1280, 1711421900193238.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20344859 No.20344859 [Reply] [Original]

Webm thread

>> No.20344872

Worst bacon I ever saw.

>> No.20345025 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 426x240, dryassbeef2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345078
File: 3.13 MB, 240x480, dryassbeef2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345081

>Boil bacon
>Boil potatoes in the same water
>Let potatoes cool then fry
>Add the bacon
Double bacon potatoes and bacon.

>> No.20345083

I hate social media so much you can't understand it.

>> No.20345084

wypipo aint season they food

>> No.20345088

>No crosshatching
Decent still

>> No.20345098

Same but blacks

>> No.20345100

All that pretentiousness just to over cook it.

>> No.20345112

Boiling takes nearly all the flavor and replaces it with whatever your tap tastes like. Maybe that's a me problem, being in a 200yo house with it's original pipes still. I don't use the water.
No, I truly do. Unfortunately got sucked into the Tok and I have to restrain myself from commenting on a lot of them.

>> No.20345120

i do love boiled bacon. always use it in my instant ramen, or bean soup

>> No.20345129
File: 3.38 MB, 240x420, liumaoxing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345181
File: 3.60 MB, 180x380, i23h80f8390fj2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345184

>That dry AF center
Innuit bros

>> No.20345190

How was this pretentious? Bet you can't make a regular wellington, let alone a probably locally sourced ingredient one, cooked on open flame outdoors.

>> No.20345191

wypipo dont be boilin dey bakin

>> No.20345195
File: 3.68 MB, 720x1280, roses, rock candy,enjoyable| Chinese Food Eating Show | Funny Mukbang ASMR [rlSnaPJs418]2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345199

why is that old ladies fly open?
is this illegal pron?

>> No.20345376

It's not just pretentious, it's textbook pretentious. You think the fag went out to the middle of nowhere to make a fucking 10-second tiktok of him cooking a fucking beef wellington because. The video is a product. every tiktok cooking video is either aggressively pretentious or food gore because they're insincere products made for consumption.

>> No.20345384

Do Americans really?

>> No.20345393

>The video is the product
I wish someone had said this to me 10 years ago

>> No.20345404

But y'all really don't.

>> No.20345523

>cooks outdoors
>completely fucking overcooks it

>> No.20345746
File: 2.70 MB, 853x480, 1605932295584.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20345752

The media is the message.

>> No.20345819

Shame, he could've made some delicious dumplings with that, instead he made shit.

>> No.20345837
File: 837 KB, 270x480, 1689068926285327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she used a pot

>> No.20345847

>white people don't use seasoning
>black people point this out
>only response is repeating the phrase like an autistic 4th grader playground insult like it disproves anything
I promise you won't explode from adding a little spice to your boiled chicken and potatoes

>> No.20345854

Spice is too spicy (it's in the name!)

>> No.20345858

Relax, Timothy it's only a joke

>> No.20345864


>> No.20345874

Use real words pls, you're far too old for meaningless buzzwords

>> No.20345877

Only if you don't count something as seasoned until it's so smothered with seasoning you can neither seen or taste the original food.

>> No.20345884

>can't taste the original food
>original food is tasteless in the first place
Just say you don't know how to cook.

>> No.20345932

in china salt comes in bags.

>> No.20345943

i'm mad as hell

>> No.20345965

thats... thats the first step... you're supposed to cook it in a pan afterwards. better yet cook it in shallow water let it boil off and you get extra crispy bacon :(

>> No.20346077

>toddler age boy already has Chef Hands and can grab food straight from the grill
When China invades they won't even need weapons, they'll be impervious to bullets and will tear us apart with their hands

>> No.20346106

>White unrendered fat with no browning

>> No.20346121

>Maybe some more marinade will fix this chicken being mostly coal

>> No.20346137

More like well beefington.

>> No.20346142

obviously jack overdid it, but not gonna lie I love burning my chicken just a lil bit when grilling
I start it really hot then move it to a cold part of the grill and close the lid and low and slow it after some charring

>> No.20346258

all that trouble to over cook meat.

>> No.20346262
File: 705 KB, 800x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to add water to the pan with the bacon, let the water evaporate, and then let it actually fry after. This is a great way to cook bacon, highly recommend it.

>> No.20346272

finally some good food

>> No.20346287

children are actually surprisingly capable and enjoy learning when you don't just coop them up in a badly ventilated room for 8 hours a day during the most important and formative years of their life

>> No.20346548

damn you must be a dream come true for propagandists around the world

>> No.20346577

it's pretty cool really, a friend of mine and her wife are elementary teachers and their 4 year old daughter is really enthusiastic about learning stuff so they teach her as much as she likes and generally know what to do with kids of that age. the kid has probably learned more than the average first graders and loved every second of it
on the other hand it's sad to know that most kids don't have it that good, some of them have it way, way worse yet they still have to compete against each other thorough their lives

>> No.20346597

You mean parking a young child in front of an iPad serving up questionable, mind-rotting, grooming content for 5 hours a day while you pop edibles and slurp down wine/IPAs watching Netflix isn't good parenting? Zoomerbros...

>> No.20346639

>original food is tasteless in the first place
I'm sorry but you have caught long term effects of HFCS consumption

>> No.20346651
File: 427 KB, 1296x968, 1570044374856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most kids don't have it that good
While I'd like to believe in the idea of just pulling yourself up by your bootstraps by the sheer force of will, the reality is that so many just never stood a chance. Not to mention the implicit unviality of such an idea in regards to socioeconomy.

Poor parents are somewhat to be expected, but in my opinion the biggest issue is the fragile nature of the contemporary urbanized nuclear-focused family unit, especially in the post-WW2 labour world. There just aren't that many failsaves compared to the more natural tightly-knit tribal units. It's no wonder that there are endless generational problems that get endlessly carried over.

>> No.20346658

GenX weren't much different as parents. Just switch the iPad for another TV(usually plugged into a game console), switch the edibles for cigarettes, and switch the Netflix for Blockbusters/cable.
t. millennial

>> No.20346660

Kids find entertainment in pretty much anything if you let them. My dad handed me a couple of broken VCRs, a screwdriver set and a soldering iron when I was six and I disassembled the shit out of them

>> No.20346708

That's just how it's meant to be. Children have to learn everything from scratch, so they can spend days just by opening jars to figure out how it works as they really just start from nowhere not understanding close to anything. They're on some level tiny scientists experimenting endlessly. The other side is that they may require feeding of new things to learn about, which makes it so sad when parents can't provide that and sometimes even actively beat the natural curiosity out of them. It's beyond infuriating.

>> No.20347036

this is such an old jpeg last i remember it was around 2012 funny how shoddy it is and how crummy it aged

>> No.20347090
File: 1.80 MB, 450x746, 1710741611701391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20347143

Smart children are born to smart parents. It's genetic. Smart parents will give their children a better upbringing.

>> No.20347153 [DELETED] 

I will cut out your still beating heart and deep fry it in 11 herbs and spices then feed it to your fat nigger mother for Juneteenth you faggot

>> No.20347219 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x811, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20347278
File: 224 KB, 1200x976, Cawl-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welsh here, my parents cook bacon like this occasionally. I guess it's sort of cawl. It's basically back bacon rashers, carrot, leek and potato and its just stewed together in one pot for a while. I actually quite like how bacon is a different ingrediant when boiled.

(Can't find an exact picture or name but like this)

>> No.20347283

This. I was in the backyard with my two year old working on some garden stuff. She took one of my screw drivers and was copying me so I put a few screws into a plank and she spent the next 10 minutes screwing them in and out.
I'm always amazed at how quickly she figures things out.

>> No.20347284

there's something brown in there but it's also disgusting

>> No.20347292

there's nothing odd about boiling meat if you use the fluids

>> No.20347316

Of course they were still fucking alive.

>> No.20347366

fuck off cunt. stop shitting up this board and go be a piece of human garbage some place else. inb4 hur dur go back. you're at least as hated as the people you hate. probably more.

>> No.20347373 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 500x1080, 1625278936833.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20347378

>the hands
fucking jump scare

>> No.20347396

Very attractive. How old is she, is she single, and is she a woman?

>> No.20347402

That's the irony

>> No.20347403


>> No.20347451

the flow of the water cooks the steak, as well as seasons it

>> No.20347466

Mmmmm lead

>> No.20347490

based filial piety. honor thy mother and father.

>> No.20347560

>cooks beef in grill pan just to wrap it in dough for some reason

>> No.20347570
File: 35 KB, 236x420, 1711543001757773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20347582
File: 306 KB, 1000x750, 5wghk5dx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaks yoke
get some skills kid

>> No.20347592
File: 82 KB, 600x403, yoke-and-oxen-828529114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to spell, faggot.

>> No.20347597 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 403x554, 35b84ae7486f43dabf620f6c98a00d31_th.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nog with a destroyed pallet

>> No.20347599 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1536x917, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did thanks anon
>breaks yolk
get some skills kiddo

>> No.20347602 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's why he can't taste bland food...

>> No.20347611 [DELETED] 

He can taste it. He's just a racist who has never in his life faced any kind of blowback or social consequences for being a hate-monger.

>> No.20347614

Well it had to get a crust

>> No.20347616 [DELETED] 

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.20347619 [DELETED] 

In this case, he's blacker than a kettle.

>> No.20347623

The other pan he brought would have given a more even crust.

>> No.20347635

Best way to cook bacon is in the oven on a baking rack. Sometimes I even put little potatoes underneath the bacon and let them catch all the drippings. Also saving your lard is based and makes delicious gravy. Just pour it off while it’s still liquid.

>> No.20347644

Bacon grease is not lard.

>> No.20347652 [DELETED] 

I don't think a pot can be blacker than a kettle, but yeah, technically that anon is more "blacker" than that black guy considering we don't know for sure he's racist

>> No.20347654 [DELETED] 

why is the servant eating in the normal people table?

>> No.20347718

You're unwelcome here.
Facebook is your safespace, r*ddit is your safespace, youtube, Tumblr, worldstar, but NOT 4chan.
Fuck off

>> No.20347827

Kill yourself

>> No.20347874 [DELETED] 

Back to the disease ridden bug chaser forums you go

>> No.20347877 [DELETED] 

Yes. A sophisticated palate can savour subtle flavours. The broken palate needs lashings of MSG to sense anything.

>> No.20348037

I get your point, there are similarities in behavior. But the media is very different and has much more severe consequences.
>switch the iPad for another TV
TV broadcasting was tightly controlled, a kid's channel was never gonna show traumatizing material or porn to your child. Even if that happened, it wouldn't be the freakish things we have now.
>(usually plugged into a game console)
Playing an N64 game was never gonna get you groomed by strangers
>switch the edibles for cigarettes
Cigarettes are bad for your health but they don't mindbreak you from daily use like weed.
>switch the Netflix for Blockbusters/cable.
You could only rent one movie, or watch a couple of hours of TV before nothing good was on anymore. Netflix is designed to be viewed indefinitely. Look up screen time - the average adult stares at a screen 80% of their waking hours, wasn't the case in the 90s or early 00s.

>> No.20348060

There are some great Chinese recipes like Chairman Mao's braised pork belly that really fry the bacon, so I don't want to 100% rule out the idea that boiled bacon could taste good. I'm not going to try it though.

>> No.20348075

just sacrifice a slice when you boil some water for a hard boiled egg and instant ramen. the bacon is cooked but looks anemic, but i like chewy bacon

>> No.20348851

Based. Where i live (cali wali) we call that a hot carl.

>> No.20348986

>You're supposed to add water to the pan with the bacon, let the water evaporate, and then let it actually fry after. This is a great way to cook bacon, highly recommend it.

You're retarded, that's how you're going to set your house on fire lmao.

>> No.20348994

That's where you're from, newfag. I gave you an order: kill yourself

>> No.20349372

stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.20349426

>stop embarrassing yourself
>Posts this: >>20347718

>> No.20349554

yeah that does it for me

>> No.20349588
File: 546 KB, 468x246, fresca.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349590
File: 3.83 MB, 450x800, pol mom picky kids.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349597
File: 990 KB, 220x205, vodka two shots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349598
File: 208 KB, 1200x1920, pok ck k food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349600
File: 2.77 MB, 853x480, jack pizza sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently a lot of scammers will try and sell legit rotting meat so if it isnt moving you cant trust it

>> No.20349601
File: 742 KB, 720x720, CK tipping pol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349605
File: 3.13 MB, 360x640, pepperonist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349606

>sweet little kid
>when China invades
God damn you're stupid. China is a shithole with so many people and that kid isn't burning a dog alive for this video (rare). Chinese solders are trash. They can't even take Taiwan lololol. Log off of /pol/, kiddo

>> No.20349615
File: 2.94 MB, 576x1024, pol burning meme ck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349616

>shoulda neva gave yall niggas money

>> No.20349620
File: 420 KB, 450x754, trad wife hungry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349621
File: 1.21 MB, 494x268, chug taco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349624
File: 3.83 MB, 450x800, tradwife slayting river monster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349625
File: 2.80 MB, 720x1280, pol grandpa anti goyslop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349626
File: 3.44 MB, 720x1280, pol bf provider.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349630
File: 3.29 MB, 1158x648, burger lady.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349631

i don't frequent any of those places and don't require a safe space. that doesn't change that you're a garbage human that the majority of other humans, here or elsewhere, would prefer that you were either silent or nonexistent. the fact that you and your fellow shitheads are the loudest idiots doesn't change this, and will never change the fact that you are hated minimally as much as the people you so vocally hate.

>> No.20349633
File: 988 KB, 1158x648, fried chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349635

I like this woman.

>> No.20349636

Only way I'd date a yellow person was if they were adopted. I don't give a shit about your ancestors, dead or alive, you dumb bitch. Just hand over those tight holes and be quiet

>> No.20349637
File: 930 KB, 596x308, sushi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349638
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1920, tradwife homecooked meal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349640

>her wife

>> No.20349643
File: 685 KB, 602x396, coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349645
File: 1.74 MB, 444x684, CHUG reality.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349646


>> No.20349648
File: 3.71 MB, 720x1280, eat the grubs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349650

I like him quite a lot actually, he is a high quality poster, we need more of him and less of your raging off topic autistic rants.

>> No.20349651
File: 2.64 MB, 1258x708, tatters.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon there are in fact male elementary school teachers. Only 2% of Pre k - 2 are men but it jumps up to like 20% for 5th and 6th grade teachers.

Straight early E teachers are rare af, my unions president was a zesty nigga

>> No.20349654
File: 2.93 MB, 360x638, tradwife fisting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349656
File: 1.74 MB, 958x1382, trad wife cooking non gmo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349658
File: 2.88 MB, 640x306, garbage food1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349661
File: 3.91 MB, 640x1140, eat the fish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349663
File: 1018 KB, 480x848, beer fest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349666
File: 1.44 MB, 360x638, brap bread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349667
File: 871 KB, 540x800, hot date.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349669
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x530, tomato.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20349682

I dont think 90% of early E teachers being lgbt females is a healthy environment for male students

>> No.20349684

it's insecure americans, the white people not seasoning stereotype is also based on them

>> No.20349690

what else would it be sold in

>> No.20349709

They don't look alice at all anon' just looks like fresh meat
Chingchongs are turbo-obsessed with fresh meat so they were probably killed immediately before cooking

>> No.20349722
File: 668 KB, 480x854, pickle punta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh for black kids that are raised by single moms a male teacher even a homo might be the only male rolemodel in their life.

Its just a gender roles thing that only girls want to deal with the baby anklle bitters. Some women think they cant control teenagers if they are 5'0

>> No.20349755

I wonder if this was done in California

>> No.20349761

>rests her whole butt on the countertop
oh no... this huge boobed woman is TALLER THAN ME
no... i haven't fapped in over a week... don't make me do this... please...

>> No.20349769

Shouldn't they at least be starved for some time so they shit out whatever kind of shit they have in them?
Apart from that I don't see an issue with eating bug larvae

>> No.20349820

You know that shit was still raw in the middle.

>> No.20349853

How my dad "cooks"
Its inedible charcoal.
Of course as hes making it hes fuckibg excited and wants me to be as well.

>> No.20349857

Chinese use so much chili in their cooking, almost as if it’s indigenous. But they’ve only known it since the 16th century because of the Portuguese. It seems so natively Chinese, but it isn’t.

>> No.20349867

>anon learns about rage bait
Welcome to new """"humor""""

>> No.20349877

Ew. Why is she eating it like that?

>> No.20349907

Ask your parents about the birds and the bees.

>> No.20350057

There's multiple anons making fun of you, try to keep up bitch tits.
Now fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.20350066

>could afford all those apple products when that came out
>has three children

he fucking won

>> No.20350110

>full resolution but shit quality
Phone niggers need to stop doing this

>> No.20350113

>W-wasnt me!!
Own up to your faggotry, retard. Kill yourself

>> No.20350125

You're gonna create mad potato disease!

>> No.20350148

Lol, nice

>> No.20350153
File: 2.72 MB, 626x360, man cooking egg omelette and giving it to customer on bread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread almost halfway to post limit
>no one posted the GOAT
Let's fix that

>> No.20350160

There is no escaping the egg fort of WEBMS

>> No.20350179

An egg sandwich??

>> No.20350196
File: 162 KB, 2000x1334, IMG_0464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg enthusiasts rejoice

>> No.20350198
File: 132 KB, 660x880, tfw beef wellington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if fedora was a dish it'd be a wellington

>> No.20350255

and I thought I had it bad

>> No.20350271
File: 57 KB, 690x393, bicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually wore one of these

>> No.20350274


>> No.20350275

How much do you actually need to drink to reach this level of dependency? When my best friend died I drank over a fifth of vodka a day but had no issues quitting from one day to the other when my doc told me my liver values were those of a lifelong alcoholic

>> No.20350279 [DELETED] 

I bet that sounded super powerful and cool in your head, didn't it
Holy shit you are a sperg, go back to your safespace, zesty niglet

>> No.20350300

Not hating it.

>> No.20350306

nah you're retarded, what tf are you talking about??

>> No.20350315

>Holy shit you are a sperg
>Writes this: >>20347718
Please kill yourself

>> No.20350325 [DELETED] 

>what tf are you talking about??
Once the oil meets those final tablespoons of water so you can "crisp" up the bacon on medium high heat, your pan is going to burst into a fireball.

>> No.20350338

i have a gas stove and i've been doing it for years, never had a fire. you add the bacon with a tablespoon or two of water to a cold pan, let the water evaporate and the bacon fry in it's own fat. it's foolproof

>> No.20350340
File: 97 KB, 469x385, 1711536512059821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're chimping out now that I've exposed you for what you are
Love to see it

>> No.20350342

Blacks don’t eat pork so she’s doing this specifically to piss off white people. She threw that away afterwards.

>> No.20350349

>Blacks don’t eat pork

>Black people eat an average of 63 pounds of pork per year per person, more than any other racial demographic, according to the USDA.

>> No.20350350

How long were you doing that for?

>> No.20350351

around one and a half years

>> No.20350360


>> No.20350459

decades of abuse if you need to drink when you wake up pump the breaks

>> No.20350505
File: 3.00 MB, 800x450, 1707335475825653.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20350510
File: 2.89 MB, 600x336, 1707248727204495.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20350512
File: 3.00 MB, 260x340, 1707225656033994.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20350528

goddamn Cia hacking my.dreams again,.and they selling the scripts now too , fuckin hobos

>> No.20350539

If you ain't sneezin' it ain't seasoned!

>> No.20350551

camera at waist height : *smiles and winks at the camera suggestively*

>> No.20350641

That’s a lot of pigs knuckles.

>> No.20350715

500 years is a long ass time still

>> No.20350737

You chimped out because someone rightfully called you out. I cringe at the sight of it

>> No.20350766

>low income
>avocado oil
priorities clearly skewed

>> No.20350792

what an entitled, sheltered prick, hope he got fired

>> No.20350798

absolutely rancid human

>> No.20350803

>i am gay: the post

>> No.20350816

Why would you tell us you are gay? What does that have to do with food and cooking?

>> No.20350821

And shitlins

>> No.20350826

Ehm, I'm not a woman.

>> No.20350830
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>> No.20350846
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>> No.20350850
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>> No.20350925

Don't have to pay if the ambulance carries you away.

>> No.20351000

her name is Lauren Philips, she has a stupid voice but her body makes up for it, she has a couple of vr videos as well :)

>> No.20351066
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>> No.20351091

You just know that guy was pissed for days over how badly he fucked that up.

>> No.20351129

I do this every time I cook bacon and haven't set my house on fire even once. Don't be retarded, anon.

>> No.20351142

I bet that place lost it's liquor license after serving that man.

>> No.20351162

fucking irish

>> No.20351169

You obviously don't have the skill to cook one

>> No.20351175

>baking bacon is easy and foolproof and the best tasting way to cook it
>people still fry it in a pan or do this insane shit

>> No.20351177

how about you fry bacon while boiling 'tatoes, and then roll the cooked tatoes into the bacon pan for like 10-15s for the leftover grease

>> No.20351179
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>hand appears
rofl lmao

>> No.20351183

that's a lot of fucking work man

>> No.20351191

My doctor told me the same thing, I had to go film a documentary though so I quit for a few days and immediately felt horrible and puked every time I ate and my dick stopped working

>> No.20351199

Not a mistake. Asians have only two modes for egg cooking: absolutely nuked overdone, or pile-of-snot raw.
Besides, sandwiches are too messy with runny yolks in them anyway, especially for old meemaw there.

>> No.20351201

>sandwiches are too messy with runny yolks
I like to break the yolk and spread it over the rest of the egg and the bread. Makes it less messy and you still get runny yolk.

>> No.20351204

she forgot
man, I nut to anime feet. it depends on what rocks your gears

>> No.20351205

Also has a glass of milk on the counter

>> No.20351206

Was that the same egg or did they switch it out? They obviously cleaned up the egg white around the rest of the cooking area between shots.

>> No.20351210

mexico dont give a fuck anon

>> No.20351212

holy dunning-kruger

>> No.20351222
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>> No.20351228
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>> No.20351239

I can't fucking stand that plastic red seasoner thing

it fucking melts microplastics onto his food

>> No.20351241
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I think all n's that say this and people like you that encourage/regurgitate it should drop dead RIGHT now, please die, PLEASE. Die in real life, now. Fucking DIE. Stop creating division, fucking DIE.

>> No.20351244

holy shit i didn't even notice the rack until the end, i thought the video was about her almost cutting her hand

>> No.20351246

JFC I never felt so bad about asian dongs and I take back every joke I've ever made

>> No.20351270
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>> No.20351281

Why do cats look like anime characters?

>> No.20351282

I've got bad news anon

>> No.20351286

this egg was violated.
an existence worse than death god damn

>> No.20351296


>> No.20351304

you are gay

>> No.20351313
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>> No.20351405
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>> No.20351411
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>> No.20351415

That was epic b8, half the replies after this should have been (You)s.

>> No.20351417
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>> No.20351445
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>> No.20351452

You stupid Sapphics! You do not throw Sushi in the toilet!

>> No.20351460

anyone who uses one of these knives need to be shot on site

>> No.20351461

you just need to make sure that they choose what they learn, and not go the chinese route of forcing your kid into becoming a professional piano player

>> No.20351467

i was shocked when i found that potatoes were not native to the east part of the world, i thought slavs were potato masters since the dawn of time

>> No.20351509

His videos are just advertisements for his knife brand. That's why it's overused in stupid ways and the meal doesn't really matter.

>> No.20351514

You know his grandmother beats him when he messes up the video for TikTok, it's money.
And yes the eggs, bread being cut open, most of the things aren't done by the kid, it's all for the video.

>> No.20351520

God she's such a bad mother. Kids this young shouldn't know the taste of goyslop.

>> No.20351522

Chick Fil A isnt goyslop anon. The chicken breast is pretty solid as far as sloppa goes

>> No.20351525

No wonder she's poor if that's what she cooks.

>> No.20351544

I'd dip my asparagus in her egg if you see what I mean.

>> No.20351558

You mean the fast food store that serves shit fried in vegetable oil? It's not goyslop? Lmao.

>> No.20351563

Bro if you want to convince someone that a restaurant is healthy don't mention the fried chicken first.

>> No.20351570

It's owned by christcucks and it sells deep fried beige shit, it's the goyest, sloppest restaurant in the world.

>> No.20351574

I mean to grilled chicken breast I didnt say fried

>> No.20351576

Naw thats Churches

>> No.20351615

You want to eat her poop... Don't you?

>> No.20351675

Breakfast of champions

>> No.20351680
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>> No.20351686
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>using name brand
>not a single genetic brand item

>> No.20351718

but that's a raw egg!!

>> No.20351725
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>> No.20351727
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Do you know Sukiyaki?

>> No.20351736

What is wrong with these fucking videos, where is the timeline? FUCK YOU NISHIMURA please get a cancer.

>> No.20351743

Hmmmm overcooked poison egg to be eaten with a fucking spoon

>> No.20351792

this, when they make fun of whypipo i remember its white Americans and laugh with them

>> No.20351793

how do i train my thumb cutting skills? it's the one useful thing that boomers are good at

>> No.20351842


>> No.20351863

that's silicone you dumb fuck

>> No.20351890

I figured at least India woulda thrown some chilis at these slant eyed niggas

>> No.20351917

She still has her pride anon

>> No.20351919

What do you think silicone is made of, retard?

>> No.20351943

Silicone has a pretty high heat tolerance brah

>> No.20352008

That was one of my biggest gripes with Japanese food when I was teaching there, they love to include raw egg in a lot of things and I always felt bad because I don't eggs. But they really love slimy food in general.

>> No.20352014
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>boiling water
>it's not even slightly bubbling

>> No.20352045

>So uhh, this pizza? It's smelling like pizza!

>> No.20352087
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>> No.20352126

Are you just going to copy him every fucking post?

>> No.20352178


>> No.20352180

Where's the cooking?

>> No.20352181

She sounds cute. Is that a chef?

>> No.20352183

He knows I'm right. He's essentially projecting

>> No.20352188

it's bad

>> No.20352254

they already tried that they called it the boxer rebellion it didn't work

>> No.20352367

based and drukpilled

>> No.20352648

oh wow, so i'm boiling something i need to add water to the pan first? i'm so glad they recorded that step

>> No.20352649

all-natural woodsy plastic wrap

>> No.20352651

it's a carnival trick for click money, right down to the part where the child is beaten for messing up

>> No.20352658

lol even they call their abominations gremlins

>> No.20352670

You're retarded

>> No.20352673
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>> No.20352678

why put this is in the sink instead of the actual trash? i'd immediately be suspicious

>> No.20352680

>the solitary gourmet
i love this show so much.

>> No.20352684

you probably should find a new doctor because he sounds like a retard

>> No.20352709

liver values are blood tests, most frequently liver enzyme tests. while they don't indicate a one-to-one relationship with liver damage, they are not an interpretation that a doctor pulls out of thin air or based on any sort of patient history or physical exam. unfortunately, it is you who sounds like a retard.

>> No.20352738

I was never that bad and my worst was 15 beers a day. I assume this guy is approaching or surpassing two fifths a day. The only guy I ever knew who was approaching this level was drinking entire glasses of whiskey all day long like they were water.

Malnutrition also plays a big part in alcoholism and if you're still eating and hydrating you won't have nearly as many overt symptoms.

>> No.20352747

they were eating a rotting stump. I mean yeah I agree with you but they weren't eating decaying flesh or anything. probably still a good way to get tetanus.

>> No.20352786

>niggela webm
>doesnt show her mommy milkers

>> No.20352889

sugar is not a seasoning d’squarius

>> No.20352921

>Malnutrition also plays a big part in alcoholism
absolutely true. Alcohol is pretty much pure energy and a lot of people who drink also smoke (another appetite suppressant)

>> No.20352924
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And water is?

>> No.20352958

>black folx be washin they chickens
>white folks laugh at this silly behavior
many such cases!

>> No.20353020

the reason he isn't fat is because he has tapeworms... like the japanese eating raw fish. He also has that yelllow looking skin which is caused by tapeworms

>> No.20353236

It's not a special skill, their knives are just 30 year old walmart shit thats been run through the dishwasher weekly and never sharpened or honed that entire time so theres no danger to their hands at all. Give your mom one of your knives that is sharpened to autistic microscopic blade edge perfection and watch as she takes a fingertip off within minutes.

>> No.20353490

>didn't even wash her bacon

>> No.20353495

>One (1) stick of butter, cold
The things people do for Tiktok for fuck's sake.

>> No.20353517

??? That's a normal amount of butter for a carnivore meal.

>> No.20353535

why don't they just secure themselves?

>> No.20353548

Dollar general doesn't sell generic brands.

>> No.20353585

>George floyd on one of his rare sober days.

>> No.20353597

>Blacks don’t eat pork
What the fuck, you've never been around black people before I see

>> No.20353623

I counted 40 shots. Absolute unit.

>> No.20353631

He cooks everything to well done for some reason.

>> No.20353634

probably just the black muslims from jail

>> No.20353657

You're mad

>> No.20353696

Does anyone have the one with the blonde girl making focaccia with a 1000 yard rbf stare in the camera with a bunch of quick cuts? Iirc she’s hosting like a super bowl party or something and as it proceeds more friends show up in the background

>> No.20353706

I know what you're looking for and I hope no one posts it

>> No.20353718

Because he can't cook for shit.

>> No.20353720

I want it so I can show someone the most apt example I know of that trend of intensely blank-facing the camera in every shot while filming cooking content. It’s so unnerving.

>> No.20353725

I think it's posted on /fit/ and /wsg/ a lot
Just lurk and you'll find it

>> No.20353735

That seems fucking oishii, will have to try next chance I get.

>> No.20353757
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>> No.20353761
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>> No.20353777


>> No.20353795

No he'll cook things to rare, cut them and then cook to well done, he's from turkey so maybe they do that over there?

>> No.20353849

He can't cook for shit.

>> No.20353875

Explain further

>> No.20353884


>> No.20353890

I have to disagree.
I tried this few times and the bacon came out so fucking bland.

>> No.20353892

Explains nothing, fuck off

>> No.20353905

Sorry to hear about your brainstem, hope you find it.

>> No.20353928

Hope one of the local dogs bites your dick off

>> No.20353952

I remember laughing so hard at this when saw it on tv

>> No.20353982

what are they doing to those garloids

>> No.20354034

Would/do you eat kosher certified food?

>> No.20354296
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>> No.20354333

when i was working at a liquor store i was shocked how many people would come in and just pop open a can of beer as if i could see and hear exactly what they were doing. it was mostly kids who avoided the front counter so they wouldnt have to show ID. I never bothered confronting them, i figured they would get what was coming to them

>> No.20354349

The pay was shit right? Not worth trying to get stabbed from an alchy you got inbetween his daily steelie.


>> No.20354676

Oppressed simply for cracking open a cold one while on her stroll through the local grocer. Pathetic, do americans truly?

>> No.20355025

Anyone else see the tomato ghosts?

>> No.20355299

goyshopped cat

>> No.20355303

Lmao it's beef, it can be eaten raw safely.
You're such an ignorant retard, I'm ready to bet money you're American.

>> No.20355470


>> No.20355509

I don't see any