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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20343097 No.20343097 [Reply] [Original]

We had lunch catered at the office and it was Indian food. Some of us were thrilled, but others were scared (???) and just went out for lunch instead.

Why are people such retarded scaredy-cats?

>> No.20343099

Stop posting your shit office food you utter fucking cancer.

>> No.20343105

Last time I had Indian food I finished about 2 bites before my body violently ejected it in the form of diarrhea.
Human beings aren't meant to eat that slop.

>> No.20343107

I'll do as I please. Thanks, though!

>> No.20343110

skill issue

>> No.20343129

That's what happens when you eat only hot pockets for 20 years.

>> No.20343131
File: 963 KB, 1936x1936, literal shit-eaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm not skilled at being a subhuman trash eater. Enjoy your shit-contaminated slop.

>> No.20343152
File: 869 KB, 1085x1085, succulent indian meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that's what happens when you eat human food for 30 years then try introducing bacteria-ridden third-world subhuman "food" to your digestive system.

>> No.20343162

>fishes all the chicken chunks out of the butter chicken containers when no one is looking
not my problem

>> No.20343169

I could see not wanting to eat something spicy and then have to deal with the consequences in a few hours when you're stuck in rush hour traffic.

>> No.20343173

That wasn’t it. They were just scared to try a new food.

>> No.20343182

because the majority of people are unthinking NPC's utterly devoid of any kind of critical thinking

>> No.20343188

Sometimes you need to get out of the office sir. An Indian wouldn't understand cuz they are afraid of the toilet witch stealing their soul, that's why they stay in their cubicles

>> No.20343210

Nothing wrong with that either. Can't force people to like things.

>> No.20343227

1. Some people don't want goop for lunch
2. Guaranteed diarrhea
3. Can't identify the food, not gonna eat it

Diarrhea at work is NOT fun, and a mass diarrhea event is even less fun. We only have like 4 toilets max for all the dudes in my building. Imagine everyone trying to hold in liquid shits while waiting on your coworker who also has liquid shits. I'll make curry at home, no problem, but that won't make me shit my pants like that Indian slop is guaranteed to.

>> No.20343235

fuck you.

these are comfy

i wish my workplace had things like these than typical sandwiches

>> No.20343241

I would never trust something cooked by an Indian

>> No.20343246

White American guy here. literally shat my pants last time I ate indian food. It was a vegan biryani. The spices and peppers in that shit are no joke.

>> No.20343252

>there is no such thing as Indian food outside of India

>> No.20343254

The dry ass, flavorless chicken is almost always the worst part of butter chicken. Vegetarian proteins almost always work better in Indian curries.

>> No.20343260


>> No.20343266
File: 320 KB, 976x549, average Indian restaurant employee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Indians don't make up 99% of Indian restaurant staff

>> No.20343307

was those curries in soup tubs? I think they needed containers that looked like entrees.
I wouldn't park spoons in containers, easy way for people's hands to infect the whole container. I'd also consider the single cucumber slice something to fight over. Something feels cheap here. Bud, maybe you will get leftovers for yourself to go home.

>> No.20343331
File: 988 KB, 1079x1950, 182324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is that crammed into the coffee pot carafe?

>> No.20343342

Not with Indian. you can get away with light pasta and salads, Greek/Mediterranean catering, a street taco station with birria, carnitas, and pollo asado MAYBEh2tw8

>> No.20343355
File: 50 KB, 571x826, 1625252649507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spicy food makes my poopie wet!!!
Is this a white people thing? I've literally never known a single person to get wet shits from indian or the other one people commonly blame Taco Bell, and its not like I eat spicy shit constantly. I generally dont enjoy spicy food but its not like it'll ruin my day
t. nig

>> No.20343363

>Not with Indian
>only with food prepared by my fellow beaners
top kek

>> No.20343367

It doesn't give me the shits, but if its spicy enough it will feel like im shitting out lit charcoals. Still worth it though.

>> No.20343377

And you can't force people to respect every person either. Like i don't respect people who won't try new foods served at an office lunch.

>> No.20343380

Begone scatman. Stop bringing up shit all the time.

>> No.20343382

how weak is your GI tract lmao
t. whitey mcwhiteface that doesn't piss out my ass everytime i get "ethnic" food

>> No.20343398

Why the quotation marks? Is it not really ethnic food or are you quoting someone or what?

>> No.20343400

Yeah no

>> No.20343402 [DELETED] 

Having been raised in poverty and consequently being surrounded by black “people” I truly thought I understood the stratus of what is accepted as “human”; this was prior to prolonged interaction with Indians.

Are they human? In the same respect that chimpanzees are genetically similar to Homo sapiens. Around blacks, never relax. Around poos? Hide in a loo.

>> No.20343408

maybe it's just living in the southwest but you can't go 20ft without hitting a taco truck or cantina here. If i were anywhere else in America I'd probably say bbq instead

>> No.20343414

Indian food is amazing. I used to order from a place that had curry and pizza. I'd order a tandoori chicken pizza and dip it in some curry and it was godlike. You guys are fucking pussies

>> No.20343423

Nothing there is remotely spicy besides maybe that sambar.

>> No.20343426

You have indians at work lol

>> No.20343429
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Did you guys tip?

>> No.20343431
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>> No.20343434

all food is ethnic food, food is inherently tied to ethnicity, i'm just trying to put it into words that eternal boomers/flyovers like anon can understand

>> No.20343442

use thighs, marinate with garlic, ginger, salt, lemon, yogurt, cumin.

>> No.20343755

Should've posted a sign, saying "Not actually made by Indians - I promise".

>> No.20344047
File: 2.01 MB, 1582x1186, Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 18.59.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was afraid to try Indian food from all the stories I'd heard/read assuming I'd shit my brains out. Now it's probably my favorite cuisine. In burgerland I'm more sketched out by at least 50% of Mexican restaurants than I am most sloppahouses

>> No.20344060

Indians fuck off from this board nobody wants to eat your disgusting poo poo food yuck what the fuck

>> No.20344194
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yeah who would ever want to eat this

>> No.20344197

>chicken that has to be drowned in spices to mask the flavour of rotting meat as has been the tradition for thousands of years because indians never evolved
Bro get lost

>> No.20344202

>>chicken that has to be drowned in spices to mask the flavour of rotting meat
retard detected
opinion discarded
moving on

>> No.20344204

desu I've only had bad spicy experiences from fast food or instant shit like those korean gook noodles. indian and mexican food is fine

>> No.20344207

Dont they put a shit ton of sneed oil into their curry?

>> No.20344208


>> No.20344259

but Indians don't marinate their food. Show me one example

>> No.20344279

There’s nothing worse than a redditor than an indian redditor your food is shitjeet dalit

>> No.20344280
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>> No.20344284

Tandoori chicken butter chicken chicken tikka massala curry chicken chicken korma I'm not even trying

>> No.20344287

well you got me, I din't know people marinated chicken

>> No.20344292

Pajeet detected

>> No.20344307

I like to make my own Indian food with my unpoohed lily white hands, it's pretty gub but I have room for improvement
That being said Sikhs are based, but if I were to open an Indian restaurant that wanted to convey the fact that the staff are white (probably some Mexicans that's just a fact of life in the industry) what should I name it?
It would have to be subtle, but appeal to even the most casual and underinformed racists, but also sell on authenticity and quality
Marty's Bombay Kitchen isn't someplace I'd want a butter chicken from, and Notapoo Clay Oven might show off my power level too much

>> No.20344318

Make it an open kitchen so everybody can see inside. Thats the only way i might be willing to eat there.

>> No.20344321

>Khyber Pass

>> No.20344328

they why make definitive statements about a cuisine you know fuck all about? it is not like tandoori is obscure.

>> No.20344330

>I din't know people marinated chicken
are you a fucking retard?

>> No.20344332

Chill Baljeet you’re just mad bc nobody will fuck you

>> No.20344337

Still need a name, but that's a great idea. BTW check out glebe kitchen if you want to make your own dotty vittles
Get Curried is a great place to get ideas but their recipes are kind of all over and use ingredients that don't exist off the subcontinent

>> No.20344340

you realize health codes area thing right? And it's not like burgers are the pillar of hygiene. I've heard more stories about rats running around pizza places in NY than I've seen webms of poor indians pooping in public.

>> No.20344344

You might want to have an open toilet too so everybody could see if rajeesh washed his hands after #2

>> No.20344350

not indian or mad, just can't understand why people don't just stfu instead of posting worse than worthless shit.

>> No.20344352

Oh I know, I've worked in some of them; not for long because if a shop can't get that stuff right then how the fuck can I trust them for things like getting paid on time
Health codes are a thing just as much as bribing health inspectors is a thing
And I said Sikhs are based, and I'll stand by that

>> No.20344358

>And I said Sikhs are based, and I'll stand by that
glad to see pedophiles are still standing strong outside /a/

>> No.20344360

>not indian or mad
>swearing at other posters in defense of indian food
Nobody sober would believe you

>> No.20344365

can I see your feet please?

>> No.20344366

Gandhi beat his wife so badly her sisters couldn't recognize her

>> No.20344371

since you care so much about women

>> No.20344377

My office had a chili potluck and one person apparently brought one that actually had, you know, chili peppers, and the boomers all made nonstop spice and poopoo jokes. Its wild.

>> No.20344381

Oh, that one hit a bit close to home, eh? It's fine, I'm looking to get a Bajaj Svartpilen 401 this season, they look pretty sharp

>> No.20344391

That stuff looks nasty. I wouldn't have tried it either.

>> No.20344396

mystery sauces are never appetizing. i guess i could take a bite from the bread, but personally i'm not a fan of eating food made by random people. the bananas are fine though.

>> No.20344400

>but others were scared (???) and just went out for lunch instead.
This is the right thing to do if you don't want a tapeworm. I would've done the same or just brought my own lunch as per usual

>> No.20344402

Nobody is "scared" it's that nobody likes like lingering stench, get over yourselves. Nobody likes the lingering stench of indian or paki food in an office environment. Think of others and take it outside.

>> No.20344405

alright man. List 5 meals you think taste good. I'm over this. You're a faget and if you don't think tandoori chicken tastes good your tongue is fucked. Here's mine:
>tandoori chicken (with extra cayenne because I'm not a pussy) with yogurt rice
>real mozz pizza with pineapple and ham or bacon
>a good spicy sausage with kraut and musturd (on a bun)
>falafel and kabab with hummus and pita
>pork dumplings with the soup I never learned the name of but my mom taught me how to cook
you won't reply because your answer will be some variation of cheez wiz on hotpockets

>> No.20344419

Nobody is scared of your paki and indian smells in your office environments, the point is that you should have enough decorum to not stench up a place in the first place. You're not that worthwhile.

>> No.20344427

*unwraps my tuna sandwich*
*opens my tupperware container of garlic pasta*
*unveils my kilogram of asparagus and beef*
*misses the urinal*

enjoy your washroom

>> No.20344431

So last Sunday I made garlic pickle chicken curry with a potato and cabbage sabzi over jasmine rice with garlic naan (store-bought but a good brand)
Before that I made eggplant parmesan sweet sausage and fresh mozzarella sandwiches with a caesar salad
Chuckwagon chili made with braised beef shortrib and fresh roasted and dried chilis, served with corn chips and avocado slices
Pork daube with couscous and a warm roasted cauliflower and bacon salad
And before that I made penne ala vodka with the NPR meme pasta with shrimps with garlic bread (also store-bought some times that one extra step is the difference between eating dinner at 7pm or 9pm)

>> No.20344436

I would rather suck tuna dick than be in lunchroom with indians for more than 5 minutes

>> No.20344440

Those low level indian and pakis get the glory hole.

>> No.20344442

if you can actually cook why just discard an entire region? You know you can just take out the feces right? It isn't a mandatory ingredient. Also I'm going to try that chili sounds awesome.

>> No.20344449

I can I please see your feet Mistress?

>> No.20344450

Those indian and paki types will never be trusted be further than anything further than anything further than anything further than anything furher than anything more than inscets, like cockroaches.

>> No.20344452

No us women hate simps ick

>> No.20344453

hnnnnnnnnng please just a glimpse

>> No.20344456

tits or gtfo, namefag. since this is a blue board just gtfo.

>> No.20344459

What are you gonna do Giuseppe lol

>> No.20344462

The only good bug is a dead bug...

>> No.20344471

besides spiders, scorpions, most arachnids, mantids, the humble bee, ants, moths, butterflies, silkworms, and most beetles. Bug haters are worthless niggers that probably wish the Amazon forest could be cut down sooner rather than later. Fuck you.

>> No.20344485
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I don't, I'm the Commodore Perry of foods, here, I see it, I like it, I take it and make it
Minus the feces, naturally
I'll post the chili it also has ground beef and ground pork, I've been dialing it in for about 9 months
It's got beans but you can leave them out but then howsit chuckwagon chili?

>> No.20344497

the repulsive stench of tomatoes, cream, and spices that the british conquered an entire continent for

>> No.20344498
File: 438 KB, 1500x1000, psychedelic_toad_venom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May you not get by fire ants, those things are nasty. I've been hit by fire ants yet I'm stil here, but not yet my bullet ant army and no thanks, you can keep those. How how these little critters?
Lick them toads!

>> No.20344503

getting bit by fire ants is how we learn and grow into adults. They are a trial to gain access to the raspberry patch.

>> No.20344518

Fire ants will become my army of vengange. going forth and doing we whatever we want, instead of a queen they'll have a proper King!

>> No.20344526

damn that shit looks good. I'm guessing you cooked the tortilla chips in a tray to make them warm? Not a fan of the big chunks of meat though. Feels like a slow cooked curry but you just didn't feel like calling it that.

>> No.20344533

One can always collect fire ants and put them on tortilla with some chili or make some fire ant stew. i fugure that it's best to eat them before they eat myself or anyone else.

>> No.20344536

Working on it, the pictures are all 90 or 180 degrees rotated for whatever reason
And yeah I toasted the chips, I don't serve cold naan, either, that'd be weird

>> No.20344539
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>> No.20344546

>plain rice
>10 tubs of slop
this looks fucking awful and I hope whatever stupid fucking secretary/gofer ordered it either gets the job of ordering lunch taken away from them, or they get fired for gross incompetence

>> No.20344573

I would not enjoy having diarrhea in the work place

>> No.20344584

Probably because they don't know how to eat it?

Guess I'd get a plate of white riceand pour three random gloop flavors on top, and grab one of those quesadillas. I still wouldn't know what the hell i'm eating though.

>> No.20344612

why are people scared to eat food made by an ethnicity that cooks with their feet and shits on the street

>> No.20344614

Indian food is prepared by Indians and is hence not up to food safety standards.

If you want to eat what those people make be my guest

>> No.20344653
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, authentic indian food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>20344614 >>20344612
We have a new local indian place that i'm interested in trying but then I remember the videos where they're all nasty and shit. I feel like I would get sick and imagine they're being nasty back there in the kitchen too.

>> No.20345071

Don't you watch the news? Pretty insensitive to be serving Indian food this week, assuming you're an American.

>> No.20345166

>Vegetarian proteins almost always work better in Indian curries.
No they don't dude, I literally make fish curry every night

>> No.20345170

who cares

>> No.20345193

I'm sorry that I am not an expert in identifying different flavors of slop on sight, Samir.

>> No.20345219

Ahh, see this is where you're going wrong. Samir is more of an Arabic name and the dishes that OP is on about are from the Asian subcontinent, moat likely from Pakistan / Bangladesh. You don't need to thank me for enlightening you. As for your seemingly weak constitution, may I suggest you eat smaller and more often? This should help with your febrile demeanor, somewhat. Again, no need to thank me, I'm here to help you help yourself.

>> No.20345221

>I eat spicy shit constantly. I generally dont enjoy spicy food

>> No.20345224

I love the CCP psy op against Indian food like there aren't tons of videos of Chinese people licking rocks or using gutter oil

>> No.20345225

No it's generally ghee that they cook with

>> No.20345227

Aww are you scared of swear words you fucking bitchass shit eating cunt?
Go back to Twitter

>> No.20345235

quit immediately

>> No.20345241

I don't eat catered workplace food, regardless of what type of food it is. Catering sucks, you always get something that isn't fresh, not to mention it is half-assed because it had to be rushed in bulk by the place that made it.

>> No.20345244

Not catered much, have you, kid?

>> No.20345247

You really don't know what you're talking about or you've just eaten catering from places like Subway

>> No.20345281

It's not the spiciness of the food that's the problem. More likely those people have seen videos of Indian people's hygiene and have gotten scared of possible poop in the food.

>> No.20345299

i like indian food. i haven't gotten any food poisoning from an indian restaurant but i can see why people would be hesitant to try it
some curries are too "strong" for me
my favorites are probably korma and saag paneer

>> No.20345300

>Is this a white people thing?
no it's a memeing fagot thing. it particularly amuses me when fat retarded people can't (won't) differentiate between food cooked in india in grossly unsanitary conditions and food cooked in a western country to western hygiene standards. They're usually the same people who somehow are fine with pouring a pint of Dr Shitter's Total Rectal Destruction sauce on everything they eat.

>> No.20345304

Call it Uncle Curtis' White Tandoor or something

>> No.20345321

No it just isn't good. My past two offices had plenty of things catered for events, often from nice places that are respected in our city. It's ass. It lacks the quality you would receive if you actually sat down and ate at the restaurant. I'd rather eat the lunch I brought with me.

>> No.20345353

>>20343097 >>20344546

Indian food just isn't something you should have catered to an office environment unless the majority of people voted for it. Even then you should get a few chicken sandwiches in case no one wants Hindu shit.

>> No.20345390

These days you can safely IGNORE the first post in MOST threads.
They seem to be entirely Flameb0tz tasked with shitting up the boards to make them "Unpalatable"
Are the Insane, toxic ramblings of a Troon who wants everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Eh...Who am I kidding? It's the same thing-only difference is hardware vs. wetware.

>> No.20345881

>I literally make fish curry every night
imagine the smell

>> No.20346255

Read it again SHIThead

>> No.20346278

shut THE fuck UP
nobody LIKES your PIZZA

>> No.20346943

>some shitty pastries, mixed meat and veggies and 15 different types of slop
your coworkers are right to leave to eat something else
>Why are people such retarded scaredy-cats?
I've seen a million videos of the horrendous sanitation quality of indian restraunts and street vendors. Getting sick eating the food is such a common occurence with tourists it even has it's own name "delhi belly". If you wanna roll the dice and slurp down unidentifiable slop that's been who knows where have fun but dont' try and belittle other people for having any sort of standards

>> No.20346975

I wouldn't touch this at all. Not because it's "spicy" (it's not) but this setup is barely enough food for 4 people and you'll need to "share" just like in kindergarten. Plus you'll need to share it with those guys who never washes their hands (these people are much more common than you'd expect). Basically just very humiliating affair all in all.