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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 680x453, shutterstock_258943292-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20330695 No.20330695 [Reply] [Original]

One of these is *far* superior to the other.

>> No.20330696

yeah pepsi max. why is it not included in the pic

>> No.20330708

>Pepsi Max is a low-calorie, sugar-free cola,
>sugar free

enjoy your chemical aftertaste

>> No.20330718
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>They had to print instructions and create a youtube video to show you how to drink the new Pepsi

>> No.20330723
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>draft cola

>> No.20330732

i will.

>> No.20330735

Both are absolutely shit, as is all soda

>> No.20330737

you must be very fun at parties

>> No.20330738


>> No.20330836

In the south when you order a coke you might get a Pepsi because they call all cola coke.

>> No.20330840

Actually, I don't go to parties. Ever.
So fuck you

>> No.20330851

Imagine going to a party and people are drinking soda.

>> No.20330855

i assumed he meant childrens parties.

>> No.20330858

On its own Pepsi is the clear cut winner, but since I only drink cola when mixing with whiskey, I only buy Coke. Pepsi just doesn't cut it there

>> No.20330861
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Peasant soda.
I am regal and sovereign. I drink the soda of KINGS.

>> No.20330862

>nitrogen infused
Is this a new breakthrough in fizzy drink technology? What's the difference to using CO2?

>> No.20330864

I don't go to parties, normalfag. Fuck outta this website.

>> No.20330865
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>> No.20330866

slit your throat, parties are for niggercattle

>> No.20330871

ah, oliet pepsi

>> No.20330877

I strongly prefer Pepsi. Never did like Coke.
Been around for years. I never tried it myself but I've had nitro beers (two different ones so I'm, like, totes an expert lmao) and didn't much care for them.

>> No.20330880

Even though its bubbly, it lacks the 'fizzy' taste that you associate with pop or soda and instead tastes like flat pop thats been open for hours. This is because carbonic acid (co2) does affect your pallette while n2 is completely inert. It's weird trying to describe the taste of nitro soda so I can't do a better job than that.
I prefer the original. I like the fizzy taste and nitro is abomination in the eyes of God.

>> No.20330885
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The only answer.

>> No.20330888
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For me, it's brad's drink

>> No.20330889

There might be cases where co2 is a negative. Club soda for example. You can't add club soda to juice without it just tasting like club soda, which fucking sucks when all you want is to take a flavor and add carbonation.

>> No.20330906
File: 270 KB, 1300x1052, oct-5-2010-washington-district-of-columbia-us-children-of-members-CCPYH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God wanted your faggot juice to be bubbly he would have make it that way, sinner

>> No.20331050
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Make place for the holy trinity of cola

>> No.20331051

fuck off

>> No.20331270

>can't stomach exotic foreign cola

>> No.20331283
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Not true at all. I drink imported cola all the time.

>> No.20331313

Pepsi>coke(by far)
diet coke>diet pepsi
pepsi max ><coke zero

>> No.20331314
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ngl I wanna try that, the whole country is addicted

>> No.20331318

why does god have the stereotypical jewish haircut? god is jewish but he hates fags? i thought jews were behind all the gay stuff. you know what, forget i asked. i can't keep track of all the boogeymen rightoids cry about

>> No.20331321

>foreign so it cant have enough HFCS!
Kys my fat "friend"

>> No.20331327

>waaaa im foreign and posting on 4chan to evade my country's social credit monitoring
>but i can't stop sniffing American farts
cry about it, worldoid

>> No.20331332

nope it's their genes
native american indians drink FIVE TIMES more soda than the average amerimutt

>> No.20331352

I, too, am a loyal servant of King Cola.

>> No.20331363
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Yeah. They spent ~10-20,000 years wrecking all the megafauna and eating bugs on Lake Texcoco. They are particularly poorly adapted to carbs.

>> No.20331367

I heard a rumor that they planned on starting a nitro beer line and reconsidered, but not before investing an assload of money in nitrogenating equipment. This was their attempt to make some of it back.

>> No.20331378

i kneel

>> No.20331461

do people actually taste the difference between these? they all taste the same to me and always have

>> No.20331467

mexican coke > pepsi throwback >> pepsi >>>>>>> coke

>> No.20331545
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>> No.20331638

Coke is better.

>> No.20331909
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>> No.20331916

He literally did though. Carbonated springs are a thing

>> No.20331921

What the fuck? What backwards country uses this bottle? Also Freeway cola sounds awful. Does it taste like exhaust and busted car tires?

>> No.20331927

Correct. And Coca Cola ain't bad either.

>> No.20331928

Sometimes I drink a coke and sometimes I drink a Pepsi it just depends on what amount of carbonation and citric acid I want

>> No.20331969

Yeah the water on the table

>> No.20332034

Tried this stuff when it first came out and thought it was ass, just tasted like flat soda. Wasn't until recently my friend clued me in on it's true intended purpose. It makes a god tier mixer for alcoholic drinks. Anything you would use coke in try it instead. The smoothness works really well with a cheap whiskey.

>> No.20332077

Coke>Pepsi-max>Pepsi>Coke zero>Coke light

>> No.20332117
File: 265 KB, 1002x738, coca-cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what were they thinking???

>> No.20332131

for me, it's ca-Co

>> No.20332134

You mean ica-Col?

>> No.20332153

And it still doesn't work. The second it leaves the can it UTTERLY loses every single bit of fizz. It's just flat Penis.

>> No.20332161

Pepsi actually has a great flavor, while Coke is mostly just bubbly acid water.

Pepsi >>> Coke
Vanilla Coke > Wild Cherry Pepsi

>> No.20332164

It's for mixed alcoholic drinks >>20332034

>> No.20332249

>go onto cooking forum
>people are discussing corporate sugar water that absolutely no one should actually be drinking
kill yourself

>> No.20332425
File: 384 KB, 882x529, GIBGAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GERMAN PRECISION ENGINEERING for easy holding also freeways are FREEDOM

>> No.20332435


>> No.20332438


>> No.20332442

>go onto cooking forum
Maybe go to a reading forum first and them come back to "FOOD & cooking"

>> No.20332448

Is Coke meant to appeal to smokers? Legit question. The overcooked caramel notes are almost reminiscent of a black n mild.

>> No.20332466
File: 86 KB, 400x312, IMG_0952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize to him for being rude and disrespectful right now!!!

>> No.20332495

lick my taint redditfrog poster

>> No.20332505
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>> No.20332661
File: 334 KB, 680x680, 40711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must be very fun at parties

>> No.20333109

Yeah, the water at the bottom

>> No.20333154

coca-cola is pro-metabolic. sugar is good. educate yourself

>> No.20333179

>goes onto a website populated by shut-in NEETS
>be surprised at the average level of cooking
you must have dropped from the stupid tree

>> No.20333271
File: 23 KB, 345x562, Pepsi_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste is irrelevant because only one of these companies created pepsi man.

>> No.20333392

Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper

Real ones know.

>> No.20333701

Yeah. Pepsi.

>> No.20333705
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, 1685500093681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now i can have a nitro pepsi with my nitro beer and i can have some le spicy foods too :D

>> No.20334002
File: 11 KB, 196x99, 1711133754001305_edit_28336957570675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, anon, it is right there !

>> No.20334017
File: 75 KB, 585x1024, Thagomizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20334053


>> No.20334078

So so proud to come into this thread and witness first post be the best post. Keep winning /ck/.

>> No.20334105

<--- Reddit is over on that tab, troon

>> No.20334123
File: 74 KB, 850x991, yrfnti5saas61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coca-Cola is nutrishush meal ackshually

>> No.20334243

>reddit and troon out of nowhere

>> No.20334250

Everything is made out of chemicals retard

>> No.20334262

its like if guinness was a soft drink

>> No.20334392

one is right the other is whats left.
simple as

>> No.20334409

Well, at least you're not asshole enough to show up when you aren't invited, so that's nice.

>> No.20334452
File: 35 KB, 623x450, brdb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all is chemz so thing not reel

>> No.20334461

i'm so happy your cancerous shitposting board was closed forever.

>> No.20334468

Disgustiung eurupoor trash

>> No.20334965

I'm so glad I don't drink soda anymore. I maybe drink one coke a year now. And it always ends up being too sweet.
You don't realize how shitty they make you feel until you stop drinking them completely.

>> No.20334977

Drinking two sodas a day has repaired my health

>> No.20334981

Yeah it's the water pooled on the surface those two sugar water cans are on top of.

>> No.20334989

why are you anti-sugar retards so sure of yourselves? you sound like the seed oil people
>you see this exceedingly common macro nutrient every normal person enjoys? POISON.

>> No.20335175

More like KANGS.

>> No.20335540

RC Cola and IBC cream soda are the answers.

>> No.20335543

I prefer BBC cream soda

>> No.20335556
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Both are equally goyslop.

>> No.20335570
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Picrel is the best cola I've ever tasted
But it was expensive af, had a small distribution, and end up discontinued

>> No.20335835

An alliance with the Dairy Queen....

>> No.20336677
File: 138 KB, 400x400, Ddgtq-Q__400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so happy your cancerous shitposting board was closed forever
>seethes eternally

>> No.20338040
File: 225 KB, 1600x900, coca-cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coca-cola is superior and I'm willing to go to war about it

>> No.20338061

I'm drinking juice with sparkling water right now, it tastes great I've no clue what you're going on about.

>> No.20338181

similar mouth feel to guiness

>> No.20338193

alcohol is goyslop kike poison, I don't drink it

>> No.20338240

>god is your enemy
>fear the Jew
What kind of Christian’s are these

>> No.20338242
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 1d0e3d578e436b391f9d6edf8524f094_Fanta_____Orange_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the true superior choice

>> No.20338243

>No accent on e in mexico

>> No.20338252

What is this sign supposed to convey? A gas pedal?

>> No.20339373

The tire marks you leave when you rev up

>> No.20339451

yeah, a can of cold fanta is S tier

>> No.20339498
File: 128 KB, 900x1200, IMG_5682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The violence is surreal. Metal against metal, the sound is deafening. For most, the reaction is automatic. Hands cover ears. Mothers reach to cover eyes of terrified children. The blows are quick and precise. This is Pepsi Cola. Dealing death without remorse, without hesitation, and still, the fight is unbalanced. One against so many. Pepsi Cola fights without fear of defeat, although it is inevitable. The men keep their distance, straining to see every crushing blow through the smoke that has surrounded the ongoing battle. The din stops abruptly. Unsettlingly.
>The crowd had gathered there to watch him fall, to watch their hopes destroyed
They watched them beat him, they watched them break him, they watched his last defense deployed
There was not a man among them who would let himself be heard
But from the crowd, from their collective fear, arose these broken words: We are dead

>> No.20339643

I've noticed euros seem to love Pepsi max for some reason. I don't get it

>> No.20339706

You ever reckon there's been a last post best post? But nobody can congratulate it because then it's no longer the last post?

>> No.20339726

My posts are often so good that people stop posting in the thread and it slides into the catalog.

>> No.20339736
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Tastelets please kindly avert your eyes

>> No.20339813

Based. The only cola comparable to Coca Cola in a blind taste test imo.

>> No.20339882


>> No.20340025

The condensed water on the table?