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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 1300x864, 25161124-female-hands-washing-and-cleaning-mackerel-tune-fish-at-the-kitchen-sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20332834 No.20332834 [Reply] [Original]

>It's OK to wash raw fish in the sink
>It's NOT OK to wash raw chicken in the sink
Why the double standard? Both contaminate your kitchen with germs, so what's the problem?

>> No.20332837

Noone rinses fish to prevent salmonella tho
Why are you being so obtuse

>> No.20332840

Just rinse and pour boiling water over afterwards simple as

>> No.20332846

Wait, you're meant to wash your fish?

>> No.20332847

I rinse my chicken in the sink
sue me

>> No.20332848 [DELETED] 
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There's no double standard. Flyovers (the people who think hygiene is a "controversy") don't eat fish so you might as well ask why don't they wash their legs in the shower. They think hygiene, vegetables, seafood, books, and air travel are all jewish reptilian democrat lizard people pedophile conspiracies to trans the white christian babies and force us to pledge allegiance to karl marx.

See, your mistake was assuming these people have an inner monologue or thoughts that would pass as logical to a human.

>> No.20332850
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Rent free

>> No.20332854

Based Tennessee

>> No.20332859

cause chickens are mammals and not rinsing them can cause plague
while fish are insects and are naturally free of any dangerous bugs due to their snowy mountainous environment

>> No.20332915

>Why are fish okay in water but chickens aren't???
Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.20332931

Literally nobody except my flavor autists cares if you rinse your chicken

>> No.20332932

same reason why it's okay to eat sushi but not raw chicken dumbass

>> No.20332936

>fishermen don't eat fish
Phenomenal post. No wonder your parents kicked you out.

>> No.20332939

>are all jewish reptilian democrat lizard people pedophile conspiracies to trans the white christian babies and force us to pledge allegiance to karl marx.
Lay off the vaxx, bro

>> No.20333007
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What is the deal with anti-chicken washing? They say it spreads salmonella, but nasty grey dishwater gets anywhere salmonella chicken sink water gets. Does washing dishes in your kitchen contaminate your meals with grey dish water?

>> No.20333033

Black hands typed this. Terrible idea btw.

>> No.20333042

People with common sense care. It's wrong to wash chicken. Only poor uneducated people wash chicken. Deal with it.

>> No.20333047

I care if you splash salmonella all over everything else in the kitchen althougheverbeitheless

>> No.20333076

That would only happen if you're washing the chicken in a sink that's full of dirty dishes or doesn't get scrubbed daily.

>> No.20333089

Dirty dishes don't typically have salmonella on them.

>> No.20333209

I wash my foot long penis in the kitchen sink.
cross contamination hasn't been an issue so far

>> No.20333221

You don’t have to use the spray gun and rinse it off over your counter. Holding it under the tap for a bit isn’t going to spread any more germs than processing it on a cutting board and then washing that. Both sides of this argument are retarded.

>> No.20333298

but the contamination is contained to the cutting board area in that scenario. Plus if you have a wooden cutting board it absorbs all the moisture making it inhospitable to microbial life

>> No.20333304

this anon is correct

>> No.20333320
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>> No.20333376

white pipo don't wash they fish lmao

>> No.20333388

Think how small bacteria are, microns in size. Now think of how much force that water just from the tap coming down on them is. They're fucking flying dude

>> No.20333393

You people are dense. In general. Put water in a bowl. Common sense.

>> No.20333421

if splashing water is why the contamination spreads, then splashing water on the cutting board spreads contamination, anon.
it is in no way contained.

>> No.20333449

you don't splash shit on a cutting board, you cut shit on it. wipe it down, then pour white vinegar on it (or any other disinfectant of your choosing)

>> No.20333456

okay, so you have your own way of cleaning a cutting board, and that's cool.
99% of anyone you ask will tell you they wash their cutting boards in the sink, same as dishes.

>> No.20333467

if you cut a chicken on your board and then cleaned the board in the sink that's still gonna splash less salmonella around

>> No.20333480

Just like they’ll fly when you wash your cutting board, knife, hands, and dishes
lol I’d love to see your peer reviewed study on the fluid dynamics of salmonella particles on chicken vs cutting boards. The autism is off the charts here.

>> No.20333500

you don't need a study, you just need to use common sense and reasoning.
the source of the infection is what has the most bacteria. what it infects will have less simply by way of not being the source.

>> No.20333563
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Wow so much "WTF" in this thread. Firstly, why are any of you "washing the chicken" instead of just cutting it, marinating it, and then COOKING IT??

>Before doing anything with the chicken, set up a washing station first, like a large bowl with soap and hot water in it.
>Gently wash knife and then dry it (use Viva towels; thank me later)
>Gently wash cutting board and if it's wood then I would dry it outside under the sun. If it's plastic or glass then just wash and dry
>Keep your plates in a cupboard; the dish drying rack is just that: used for drying, and then into the cupboard it goes.
>And then of course just to err on the side of caution, spray a mixture of bleach and water all over your work area and let it sit for about 10 minutes, wipe it clean and then make sure everything is dry as a bone for several hours before even going back in that kitchen.

Of course this is shit all of you should already know, but I guess not. And also, Salmonella isn't a death sentence.

>> No.20333611

you are not supposed to wash both.. wtf is wrong with americans

>> No.20333676
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What do I do with this

>> No.20333711

common sense and reasoning do not trump science, moron.
you can't even seen bacteria, common sense would indicate a non-bacterial cause for sickness, like an imbalance of humors, or bad air, or sin.

>> No.20333712

yeah, sure, this is how everyone works in their homes...
fucking washing station, okay.

>> No.20333747

I was addressing the topic. I straight up throw the chicken on the grill and then eat it. Sometimes I remember to wash my hands, but then again I'm not a bitch. It appears that many of you are. I was just trying to help.

>> No.20333789

>you can't even seen bacteria, common sense would indicate a non-bacterial cause for sickness
Hahahhah oh the irony.

>> No.20333931

based sigma schitzo chad 439,i98,101,333 BC birds are tiny dragons! I am the SEASONS man 382097 dead gslops.

>> No.20333957

There's nothing significantly dangerous about either it's just that washing chicken is usually pointless. Americans are ridiculously paranoid about germs.

>> No.20333974

Man it sounds like a bitch trying to cook chicken. I'm glad I never partake in the poulet.

>> No.20334040

Why would you wash a fish? They literally spend their whole life in water. They're as clean as they're gonna get.

>> No.20334059
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>cause chickens are mammals

>> No.20334092

wash chicken and fish in the toilet bowl and piss in the sink?

>> No.20334104

Based sinkpisser

>> No.20334290

Because chicken gets a process for freezing that's heavily regulated while fish is just nasty

>> No.20334316

>t. never prepared a fish from scratch
I go fishing with my dad sometimes. When preparing it from scratch, you need to score the back of the fish and wash away the blood, otherwise it's gonna smell like shit.

>> No.20334327

Just so you know for future reference, this is a bot thread.

>> No.20334381

lol I know....they're literally just called "birds."

>> No.20334386

Bro as I clarified, I don't actually do any of that shit. I just straight cook it and eat it, but if you're concerned about bacteria then this would be the best...

You know what fuck you guys

>> No.20334390
File: 37 KB, 800x803, fishe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe your dad should take you to the library one day and look up "joke" in a dictionary with you, buddy.

>> No.20334566

No, you were addressing my post which said it was retarded to worry about it. So that makes you double retarded.

>> No.20334576

>It's NOT OK to wash raw chicken in the sink
The advice to not wash raw chicken in the sink is entirely based on the idea that people at home won't properly clean afterwards and risk contaminating other food with salmonella.
Restaurants are encouraged to wash chicken.

>> No.20334609

The reality is it was busy work for some retarded middle management women at the fda or wherever. It made them feel important and that’s all that mattered. The only reason we talk about it here is because it’s a meme that niggers wash their chicken before smothering it in lawrys so it’s fun to single them out on this with government backing.

>> No.20334703

Washing fish in sink is about getting fishy smelling slime off fish before you do what you want with it, nothing about bacteria or germs. No idea why people would wash chicken in sink as chicken is usely already sold as processed meat.

>> No.20334711

no one washes chicken pork or fish, they rinse it, and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.20334726

>while fish are insects
Sometimes I wonder if other posters really enjoy acting like retards

>> No.20334812

>I care if you splash salmonella all over everything else in the kitchen
this does not happen

>> No.20334820

>Why would you wash a fish?
to remove any slime, then pat them dry for better frying. learn to cook.

>> No.20335000

At the end of the day, we all know these stupid “guidelines” are for idiot brownoids who are basically animals. For some reason it is our burden to keep them and their spawn alive, and we can’t trust them to do simple things like wipe down their kitchen after processing chicken. So we have to tell them to not do what everyone does, rinse off the junk from the nasty slaughterhouses before prep, and get them to just dump straight from EBT jumbo pack plastic into their taxpayer provided fryer. God forbid one in a million of these disgusting savages dies from salmonella rather than a gunshot as is tradition.

>> No.20335056


>> No.20335097

it's not fucking 12pm.
It's "no one"

>> No.20335109

can i download this image?

>> No.20335137


>> No.20335250

but it's not funny because they clean dey chkn. it's funny because they use soap or bleach nshit

>> No.20335883

Good news girls, no need to wash before coitus.

>> No.20336875
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Would you rather lick your finger after touching raw chicken or dipping it in filthy dish water?

>> No.20336886

Dish water is a barbaric british practice and should cease to exist

>> No.20336935
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>Why are you being so obtuse

>> No.20336945

Who tf washes fish? They come from the ocean and lived in water their whole life. You guys would even wash water.

>> No.20336956

Mix with mayo. Serve in sandwiches.

>> No.20337921
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>> No.20339410

Fish likes water :)

>> No.20339426

>seawater is the same as filtered tap water

>> No.20339434

I prefer natural water over processed water. All the processed shit will kill you.

>> No.20339510

Ayo cuh yall dont be washin ya chickin?! Lawd

>> No.20339511

LOL he said all the random things! epic aneurysm style! have an upvote my good sir

>> No.20339820
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>> No.20341028

I wash and cut my chicken in a Class III Biosafety cabinet designed for work with biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) microbiological agents, with UV disinfecting light and airtight seals. Anything else risks cont

>> No.20341172


This may be bait but I laughed.