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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 405 KB, 662x440, 1687766607495357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20327823 No.20327823 [Reply] [Original]

Got some skin on trout fillets dethawing. What should I make with them?

>> No.20327841

low budget sashimi

>> No.20327853

Well you probably shouldn't be freezing them if you want to make something with them soon

>> No.20327859

same thing, the meaning is clear.
Not really into Japanese food, kind of bland.

Would trout be good for fish cakes?

>> No.20327860

How big are they? If they are a decent size I'd treat it like salmon. Coat it with some garlic, lemon, herb compound butter, and smoke it for about 60-90 minutes at 225f.

>> No.20327870
File: 291 KB, 867x887, Vintage-Holiday_White_Castle_Stuffing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make some stuffing to go along with those fillets, one can't go wrong with stuffing and fish, especially if you want to get into a girl's panties.

>> No.20327883
File: 351 KB, 522x802, Bärlauch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have some trout waiting.
Well, it's Bärlauch season (see img related), so I've got some Spätzle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sp%C3%A4tzle that are made with them.
That stuff is addictive though...
Anyways, not yet decided on if and how I will incorporate cheese into this whole deal, possibly some melted on the fish, perhaps some sauce?
Also, there's a bunch of vegetables possibly waiting to be thawed, some brussel sprouts maybe? We'll see.
Good luck. And bon appetit.

>> No.20327884

They're about 12-14". Smoking is out of the question, I don't have a smoker.
Last time I made them, did garlic-lemon-herb flavoring as you suggest, also an asian flavored with ginger-scalion-soysauce-sesame oil. Fried them in a pan till the skin was crisp, but also covered and steamed for a bit to cook through.
It was good, wouldn't mind doing something different this time.

>> No.20327888

Doesn't stuffing need to be cooked inside a bird?

>> No.20327891

From first glance it looked suspicious like centipedes.

>> No.20327892

No, that's some old wives tale. If cooked inside the bird then both can go bad, as far as I know it's best to cook them separate.

>> No.20327903

Now that you say, yes it does.
"Ursinum" is, I believe, latin genitive for "ursus", with is a bear. It's bear's garlic apparently.

>> No.20327912

I think that's some star constillations, Ursula major and Ursula minor.

>> No.20327919

I like poaching fish in coconut cream with a thai curry sauce, throw in a bag of baby spinach right at the end. serve on rice.

>> No.20327934

You're gonna get a ticket for poaching fish without a license.

>> No.20327949
File: 234 KB, 512x446, popeye-spinach-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this spinach out, it'll make you strong like Popeye.

>> No.20327964
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1710739760712811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course, as an astrolo...I mean, astronomy fan!
They also make cheese with that stuff. It's like crack in a nutritious form that includes plenty of good fats and proteins for you!
Seriously, that stuff is good.

>> No.20327967

>the meaning is clear

>> No.20327984

Stick it down your pants in front of your cock and walk around with it until you find a girl and tell her to smell your cock, pull your pants down and if she smells it she'll actually be smelling trout

>> No.20328026

That sounds good. Only ever had cheese on a Mc Flayofish, and that's s-tier. I don't think they sell fancy garlic here, just regular people garlic.
then what happens?

What do you guys think of this fish john chef cake recipe?

>> No.20328037
File: 49 KB, 620x413, baerlauchspaetzli_1491996101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but outside of the pretty tight "smelling trout" qualifier, this can be done with pretty much anything.

Allium ursinum.

The bear's garlic. That's what you should worry about you little pervert. Actually looking into it, it seams to be more of a swiss than a german thing?

>> No.20328046

That's it you could cook the trout next I guess

>> No.20328048

>I don't think they sell fancy garlic here, just regular people garlic.
It really is only in season for like 3-4 weeks even in the hardcore countries here.
Still delicious though. I try to buy a kg or two of the cheese made with it.

>> No.20328061
File: 844 KB, 803x713, 1693315558166926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to cut the skin off these fillets to make fish cakes, but I don't want to waste it because the skin is delicious. What should I do with them, just fry it in a pan?

>> No.20328068

Why just not keep the skins in for the fish cakes? The skins will add flavor and protein.

>> No.20328076

You can throw the fish skins to stray cats

>> No.20328101

There's nothing like haveing friendly cats purring outside your doors and windows after getting some fish skins.

>> No.20328154

Does that really attract them? I thought they were attracted to can operners squinching through tin.

>> No.20328367

>the meaning is clear.
No it isn't

>> No.20328378

Ended up leaving the skins on.

Fish cakes turned out good.