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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20319744 No.20319744 [Reply] [Original]

I have like half a bottle of costco vodka I am not really liking the lack of taste of. What are some retard proof mixed drinks I can make to whittle it down by 2 shots or so a day?

>> No.20319748

just drink it straight you pansy

>> No.20319751

>not really liking the lack of taste of
What did you expect?

>> No.20319752

vodka isn't supposed to have taste
but mix it with grapefruit juice

>> No.20319760

I dont know I was more of a beer guy and was just trying out different spirits.

I liked the scotch more than the tequila but the vodka is the worst I've had. Rum was kinda mid but it was only $12

>> No.20319770

>this disinfectant isn't diluted enough to be palatable
>what's a good way to mask the taste of the poison i'm drinking?

>> No.20319772

>poops, directly into your mouth

>> No.20319776

The exact level of maturity I expect from a drunk.

>> No.20319779

Quite articulate for a man with a mouthful of shit.

>> No.20319781

caesar/bloody mary

>> No.20319783

Is there a point to this, or does having your unhealthy habits pointed out make you feel personally insulted to the point where this is appropriate to you?

>> No.20319788

>Is there a point to this
Name 1 point to anything.
I'll wait.

>> No.20319790

Yeah, vodka just tastes like alcohol. There will be subtle differences in taste if you're autistic but overall the main difference between them is how offensive or inoffensive they are compared to each other. I just lazily mix it with something like Sprite if I don't feel like shooting it. Good luck
A pencil to paper

>> No.20319799

Yeah I had this problem with Popov vodka. I found Ocean Spray cranberry juices were the best to mix it with. Especially if it's super cold (I mean, put the vodka in the freezer for a while)

>> No.20319829

nice wordplay to avoid the actual question brainlet

>> No.20319834

Use it to make infusions instead. Find overripe fruit at the Asian store discounted, buy that shit up for cheap.

>> No.20319940

I just mix it with lemonade and/or soda water. Vodka cran is brainless, cosmo isn't much more challenging

>> No.20320157

just drink screwdrivers then, that's the simplest recipe (literally vodka and oj) for the best taste that hides the vodka the most

>> No.20320166

>I just lazily mix it with something like Sprite if I don't feel like shooting it.
Are you illiterate, or are you just mentally handicapped?

>> No.20320171

do you really need all that alcohol in your system?
every time I drink, even just a beer, I feel like I'm getting a cold the next day, it makes me depressed, and I get these weird cystic acne things all over my face and head. The dont pop, they're just hard lumps. It's not comfortable.

>> No.20320225


>> No.20320256

Vodka works with pretty much everything like cola, energy, orange juice, lemonade, coffee with cream or if you want to get fancy you could drink a polish submarine, you need a syrup of your liking, I prefer elderberry syrup, and some tabasco, you pour 1 cl syrup and 1 cl of vodka and between one and three drops of tabasco, dont mix, served cold or at room temperature.

>> No.20320290

Former vodka drinker, all you do is chaser shot chaser and you don't need to taste anything, get the technique down and you'll be an alchy before you know it

>> No.20320317

Like some anon mentioned, mix the vodka with some cranberry juice and make a seabreze.

>> No.20320323


>> No.20320330

Friends from Brasil call that caipirinha, that's also what it's known as in restaurants.

>> No.20320333

based cartoon actualizer

>> No.20320338

You can flavor/infuse that shit with just about anything. I used to make a beet vodka years ago for a bar I worked at.

>> No.20320340

That seema like a weird Russian version of caipirinha.

>> No.20320405
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Mix it with grape juice.

>> No.20320418
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>> No.20320522

Why force it down if you don't even like drinking? 2 shots a day is like what a 90 lb college girl drinks.

>> No.20320525 [DELETED] 

Pretty gud.

>> No.20320528

I wish I still lived up north where supermarkets are allowed to sell liquor, even on Sunday.

>> No.20320535

This. Doing it right now with coffee. But what I do is swallow a tiny bit of the coffee and hold the rest in my mouth. Then I take 2-5 quick swigs. Yes I am an alcoholic.

>> No.20320585

Put it in the freezer until it's thick. Drink it like that.

>> No.20320591

Like someone else said, screwdriver is the go to, orange juice and vodka, ice recommended. Before you give up on the catagory completely though, try putting the bottle in the freezer and taking shots of it. I personally like vodka enough to sip it when it's cold like that but I haven't tried kirkland brand. And yes, vodka has a flavor, it's not meant to taste like nothing, compare polish potato vodka to something scandinavian made with wheat and tell me these aren't two distinct subclasses of spirit

>> No.20320725

Sucks to be a pussy. Maybe you have a gluten allergy.

>> No.20320791

I had just woken up so I had forgot the context, my apologies. You're still a homosexual for not understanding that it was a joke.

>> No.20320947

Where are you? Utah? In AZ you can buy anywhere anytime except 2 AM to 6 AM.

>> No.20321027

Moscow Mules are a classic, it's just vodka and ginger beer with a bit of lime. Anyone who says you need the copper cup is a faggot. You could also drink it Russian style: an ice-cold shot followed by a big bite of a pickled vegetable (I like marinated artichoke hearts best.)

>> No.20321091

red bull

>> No.20321108

>why not mix one culturally-normalized toxin with another!
Besides every single reason that should be obvious?

>> No.20321124

get some coffee liqueur and mix them both with (ideally whole)milk and some ice, easy as anything and tastes great
Add cream if you wanna be extravagant

>> No.20321131

White Russian, it's ridiculously good

>> No.20321417

Make some pasta sauce with it

>> No.20321451

A needle on a record

>> No.20321494

There will soon be an 2 entire generations of "Energy drink" suckers who will need the latest developed IBS and Crohn's disease medications,(which in turn will cause the need for 2 more medications for IT'S side effects, which in turn will...)
Either drop it into spicey V8 for bloody marys, or make screwdrivers with orange juice and a dash of peach schnapps already.
No need to start imbibing genotoxic chemical Goyslurp Go-Go™ juice for the working slave.

>> No.20321500
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forgot pic

>> No.20321503

Doesnt seem too much worse than normal coke

>> No.20321515

kek, you blew the incel the fuck out

>> No.20321527
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>than normal coke
Mexican Coke would be better with RUM, but
truly, it no longer matters since even "non-GMO" sugar cane sugar is ripened with glyphosate these days..
Still, the less proven to damage you badly, chemical garbage you put into yourself, the longer you won't be subject to a boomer-like battery of pills and treatments.
If you haven't noticed by now, that's the new medical business model.

>> No.20322346

more like Crohn's

>> No.20322366

I have a theory that these are all made up afflictions to cover up the fact that the food supply is irrevocably poisoned through, perhaps well intentioned to start, all the chemicals we are forced to unwittingly eat.
FFS, even the organic beer brands contain glyphosate these days.
These weren't chemicals that humans ever encountered even 100 years ago.

>> No.20322386

sounds like you should have gotten a bottle of burbon. I like it 2:1 water to burbon over ice but I drink bottom shelf shit. leave the good stuff to the people who really like it

>> No.20322391

"Blew the fuck out" and "incel" being terms of absolutely no semantic or semiotic value, I see.

>> No.20322468

If you've reached Popov, it's already over.

>> No.20323084

how does your theory address the fact that treatments for Crohns are expensive as fuck? it would cost the state way less to just remove the poison from the food than to deal with its effects

>> No.20323107

Brainlet take. Producing food full of pesticides is cheaper than the alternative so (((they))) make a profit poisoning you then (((they))) own the pharmaceutical companies so they make profit treating you.

>> No.20323117


I see you're a man of taste.


>> No.20323123

Why don't you put a shot of vodka in your daily beer? :)))))

>> No.20323168

That would take me almost two months to finish this cocksucking huge bottle

>> No.20323193

I disagree

>> No.20324801

whats wrong with having liquor on hand?

>> No.20325095

I dont like the taste of it

>> No.20325105
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>I like the taste of alcohol

>> No.20325125

nobody asked

>> No.20325193
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>> No.20325307

Mix it with milk. Pretty tasty combination.

>> No.20325323

just drink it retard, it's vodka. you like to get drunk don't you? i drink a bottle every other day. and you can literally put it anything. what beverage do you like? fill a glass half full of vodka and then top it off with orange juice or something.

>> No.20325518

I dont even bother mixing vodka, it just ruins whatever i was putting it into. I just take shots while holding my nose and chase with tap water

>> No.20326011

Caipirinha has cachaca, caipiroska has vodka.

>> No.20326025
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>> No.20326113
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You know what you need to do OP

>> No.20326451

take care of yourselves anons...

>> No.20326453
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I'm the chug posted, had an uncle die of alcoholism, funny thing I really only ever saw him at Christmas and for a crippling alcoholic he never shared a beer with me

>> No.20326522
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>had an uncle die of alcoholism
yea... everyone's got a few of those

>> No.20326556

>crippling alcoholic he never shared a beer with me
>shared a beer with me
>instead of drinking it himself
you don't get what crippling alcoholic means do you?

>> No.20326580

>polish potato vodka
I really like chopin but I have to order it online since the bottleships never have What are some potato based vodkas that are similar which might actually not be a pain to buy?

>> No.20326592

Fucking kek

>> No.20326697
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I used to take a swig of vodka to make room, then squeeze the entire bottle of black cherry energy mio into the vodka, and just drink that all night long.

>> No.20326707

I will never ever understand this. I'm an alcoholic myself and I've had really bad periods when I was with girlfriends but they've always been understanding of it. They've pressured me to quit and tried to support me in doing so but not to the extent that I'd have to hide or feel ashamed if I did drink. If it came to that I'd just drink and let them walk out. I don't understand how it gets to the point that you're hiding in your own house from your own wife/partner.

>> No.20326729

they're probably the violent types

>> No.20326748

>the lack of taste
That's what makes a good vodka.

>> No.20328421

normies can't grasp just how much alcohol it takes just to prevent going into DT.
I had someone try to help me taper and they thought 1 shot would be enough for hair of the dog since it only took them 3 shots to get a buzz, i was at 1.75L a day so i needed a 375ml just to not start shaking and puking

>> No.20328427

Can't even remember the last time I cared about the taste of a drink. If I think there's enough for me to get drunk, I will drink it, no matter what it is. I've chugged ice wine, jewish sweet wine, coconut liqueur, vermouth, french vanilla vodka meant for cocktails, the shittest most bitter craft beers, the cheapest and most stomach turning vodka and gin, as well as $300 scotch that I got as a gift (tasted like shit). I literally have no flavor preference, as long as there's enough for me to get drunk, I will drink it.

>> No.20328600

This isn't the AA meeting bucko

>> No.20328618
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Just use it as fuel for a fireplace for the wintertime

Or mix it with orange juice or fruit punch or something

>> No.20328758

whats wrong with Popov?

>> No.20328767

its vodka you peder

make mules out of it. get some ginger beer its easy

or just shoot it and bite a pickle or lemon afterwards

>> No.20328786

use it for cooking. vodka sauce is easy and tasty

>> No.20328794

Luksusowa is quite good and is starting to achieve much better distribution in the US. Pretty cheap too.

>> No.20328819

Peter Popov? I have reports that he popped off in your mom last night.

>> No.20328824

Just do shots and lick up a little salt afterwards. If you start feeling sick drink a little bit of lemon juice and a sip of water then continue.

>> No.20328826

That makes me think of Tito's vodka, made in Texas. It's good and was very inexpensive especially without silly import fees, but as it got more popular the price skyrocketed, it's pretty expensive these days.

>> No.20328846


>> No.20328858

The problem is finding cachaca, so the goofy version is sprite or 7-up with vodka with a spritz of lime.

>> No.20328876

A harder one to find is Klippers, a friend from South Africa wanted some klippers and cokes, even in NYC that was impossible to find.

>> No.20328956

Audible kek

>> No.20329080
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pretty much anything and vodka is a retard proof cocktail, basically why it was the goto liquor in the 80s and 90s
the absolute back-of-the-short-bus-retard proof vodka cocktail is the screwdriver.

>ice cubes
>orange juice

>> No.20329095

Literally just cook with it retard, I buy handles of vodka that I have no interest in drinking because I use it to make vodka sauce

>> No.20329214

For me, it's room temperature vodka. I used to have it in the freezer like everyone else and it was always hard to get down. A shot would linger with its fumes for like 5 seconds every time, it was nasty. Then I tried without chilling and it went down easy, I can a swig bigger than a shot and all I get is the burn instead of the fumes. In fact I've just started swigging in from the bottle thanks to this new trick I discovered. Highly encourage anons to try this.

>> No.20329224

Have you tried putting it in the freezer for an hour?

>> No.20330320

orange juice or lemonade.

>> No.20330602

Finish your bottle of vodka, stupid fag

>> No.20330640
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That's it...
All you have to do is look at the parent companies of both industrial AG Chems, AND Pharma.
Takes a little digging, but it's all accessable on the clearnet, no Onion required.
(wait until you find out about Ractopamine, let alone Who owns Smithfield Foods, the largest Pork/Pig producer in the world.)
No really guys--since 2015, the entire world you know is comprised of lies and poison, painted with a shiny glittercoat of deceptive advertising.
FFS, ractopamine, a chemical that mimics adrenaline soaked terror(you're eating that,) is even banned in CHINA.
let that sink in...

>> No.20330658

I tried the sour patch kids ice cream and will go no further down that rabbit hole.

>> No.20331038

Buy slavic vodka, it is cheap

>> No.20331079

It was like $12 for a 1.55 liter

>> No.20332094


>> No.20333618
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Mix it with Dr Pepper, orange juice, ginger ale, pretty much anything goes.
It's your vodka do what you want.

>> No.20334275

people who don't like the taste of alcohol are just picky eaters

>> No.20335831

Vodka tonic is good.

>> No.20336145

mix with some enrgy drinks
that shit masks every taste, except ouzo

>> No.20336247

Just use Red Bull instead, it's still a sugary goyslop drink but at least it's made with normal sugar instead of whatever the fuck is in this shit.

>> No.20336288

Mix it with flavored sparkling water. It's basically truly.

>> No.20336408

Starting a fight on 4chan is pretty sexless behaviour so yeah, incel.