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File: 161 KB, 1080x1624, jasmin-rice-everyday-delicious-2-1080x1624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20321872 No.20321872 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20321879 [DELETED] 

Nobody thinks rice is healthy retard

>> No.20321884

Rice = skinny asians

Bread = ???

>> No.20321887

because rice is overmemed and bread as well but in a bad way

>> No.20321891

Bread not being healthy literally comes from Atkins and Oprah. Neither of them actually said bread was unhealthy, though. They just advocated for cutting bread out your diet if you were struggling to lose weight.

>> No.20321902

Ok dumbass

>> No.20321969 [DELETED] 

mad retard? Saging your faggot thread btw

>> No.20321997

I think you're right and people really are just that simpleminded

>> No.20322071

Asians are genetically adapted to a rice based diet
rice is lame anyway, worst carb, tubers are superior

>> No.20322072

Because rice is healthy and bread is not.

>> No.20322107

Rice isn't a poisonous nightshade

>> No.20322140

Rice has more carbs than bread

>> No.20322145

No one, who isn't an actual fucking retard, ever said bread was bad for you.

>> No.20322149

Everyone who isn't an actual retard knows bread is bad for you.

>> No.20322153

less processed. and gluten sensitivity.
processed starch is double bad IIRC.

>> No.20322167

Nah he's literally right, asians are more carb adapted than anyone else due to a longer period of time eating that kind of diet.

>> No.20322333

Nobody in the history of the universe has viewed rice as a healthier alternative to bread you low IQ, mouthbreathing, retarded, vantablack, worthless nigger. Consider slitting your throat.

>> No.20322445

>source, my ass

>> No.20322664

Bread tastes good, therefore you will eat a lot of it, rice tastes bad, therefore you won't eat a lot of it. More calories makes you datter than less calories.

>> No.20323703

>rice tastes bad
cooklet opinion.

>> No.20323743

Carbs >:(
Carbs, Japan :o

>> No.20323746

Because people are retarded. Rice is also much more likely to be contaminated with heavy metals.

>> No.20323749

That's true but rice is an excellent absorber of arsenic. Doubly true for brown rice which the healthfags dicksuck as a 'healthier' option which is ironic.

>> No.20323792

>he typed all of these, cleared the captcha and hit Enter

>> No.20323814

Rice is for refugees in camps.

You should be eating potatoes instead

>> No.20324354

Seething Asians detected.

>> No.20324366
File: 463 KB, 1560x1444, Kozy_Shack-Rice_Pudding-70000_73491_51000_7349151000CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Kozy Shack rice pudding is pretty gud.

>> No.20324432
File: 53 KB, 835x626, ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i was watching an old movie from the 1940s, and even back then , they mention cutting out the carbohydrates from your diet to lose weight. even back then they knew it metabloizes to body fat, right after you eat it

>> No.20324702

If that’s true (what movie?) it’s probably a rare example. Bread and carbs started to be considered bad in the 80’s and 90’s.

>> No.20324708

It's because you're American and not eating "bread" but "toast bread".

>> No.20324709

Recommending low carbohydrate diets comes and goes over and over again through history, back to Ancient Greece

>> No.20324713
File: 72 KB, 736x730, 7e8b571dc8091f36716d0c33e882555e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eastern fetishism
>rice ingredients: rice
>bread ingredients: goy products
If you make your own bread, it is good.

>> No.20324719

Bread might not be, but most commercially sold bread certainly is very unhealthy comparatively

>> No.20325354

Stop revealing the secrets

>> No.20325386

Oprah??????? It didn't work for her lmaooooo

>> No.20325403

Less processed.

>> No.20325461

Literal God tier!

>> No.20325502

Okay zoomer…

>> No.20325561

>what is millet and buckwheat
>europeans didn't eat literally just bread and beer for hundreds of years

>> No.20325633

A lot of bread has added sugar and fat as well as preservatives.
Most people top their bread with butter or jam as well, where rice is generally eaten plain or with healthier toppings.

>> No.20325941

Oprah had the weight loss of 2 cancer patients and it wasn't all surgery and drugs.

>> No.20326010

nah, she's been too busy grooming children for pedophiles to worry about what she eats.

>> No.20326131
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1666551507023161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right after you eat it

>> No.20326134

Do women really shit in those small wall mounted toilets?

>> No.20326183

Most mass produced bread is perceived as unhealthy due to the added ingredients.

>> No.20326185

Yes that's what I said
Did I stutter, asshole?

>> No.20326223

>europeans didn't eat literally just bread and beer for hundreds of years

>> No.20326226

Im not a woman but I do shit in those

>> No.20326254

rice is a whole grain
bread is processed

>> No.20326265

white rice is not whole

>> No.20326268

how many gooks do you know or heard of getting arsenic poisoning or symptoms of small arsenic exposure?

>> No.20326270


>> No.20326281

unreasonably good stuff, especially for being available everywhere for cheap. holds a tie for best rice dessert with sticky rice with mango and peruvian arroz con leche with mazamorra morada

>> No.20326295
File: 895 KB, 1180x1714, dragons_crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny asians who eat rice eat only a little bit compared to the fat hispanics that eat rice.
Bread is fucked. In the old days wheat didn't have gluten in it and was leavened with natural yeasts. Now we've bred wheat to be poisonous and leaven it with sketchy lab-created quick rise yeast.

>> No.20326298

I think it was from England, husbands used to poison their wifes and wives their husbands to get inheritance.
I've read about this stuff in murder mysterys.

>> No.20326302

I want the escargot with snake chowdah.

>> No.20326304

had to google that shit because of your brain-rot.

>> No.20326305

Are you saying that arsenic wasn't used to poison people, especially over a long term to make it seem like an illness and not outright poisoning?

>> No.20326461

>tubers are superior

>> No.20326467

what about Persians and their long grain rice?

>> No.20326802

Rice has yet to undergo shitification.
Bread literally went through devolution from bread to goyslop brick.
Hoverer this transformation is wanted, brave and necessary and we je-eeh nutritionist will be upon its forefront.

>> No.20326829

It's mainly because even though rice and bread aren't that different rice is the grain Asians use and those Asians tend to be healthier / less obese / longer lived than their Western counterparts.
So it's mainly historical accident where bread gets used for less healthy meals like the buns for bacon cheeseburgers while rice gets used more with healthier foods like fish and vegetables. You could eat fish and vegetables with bread too.
Ketosis is a real thing but also it's not particularly healthy beyond a couple effects like making it harder to have epileptic seizured and making the process of using calories less efficient (something that should be bad but in the modern hyper-obese world is instead useful).
I tried out the ketogenic diet with blood testing to confirm I was deep in ketosis and it made it extremely difficult if not impossible for me to maintain my weight, which was a problem since I'm not overweight to begin with and was just using it to see if it'd have benefits with controlling inflammation.
Incidentally I found that my inflammatory markers didn't improve while in ketosis but they did improve a massive amount once I switched to the standard recommended variety of fruits and vegetables type diet (carrying over extra virgin olive oil and heavy fish consumption from my earlier keto approach to eating).