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20321259 No.20321259 [Reply] [Original]

Do burgers think this is a good beer? It's pure swill in thew UK. Labled as 'wife beater'. Still drink it though

>> No.20321266

Borgie here, I don't care for the shit at all. Some years ago, all the faggots raved about it. Not so much anymore

>> No.20321289

Yeah call it that or 'Stella Act-a-twat'. I'll still drink the piss water though

>> No.20321292

I don't think about this beer at all.

>> No.20321310

I remember those commercials, but I never actually tried it.
the PNW has enough shitty beer.

>> No.20321316

In the U.S. it's considered a step above Budweiser but I don't care and I drink Miller High Life

>> No.20321324

this so much, stella is gross, i never even consider it

>> No.20321353

Yeah, it's maybe a notch above Bud. I live in St Louis, and they brew Stella here too. Just so many more good lager options out there.

>> No.20321374

>7.60 for 4 cans
Is it really this rough now?

>> No.20321378

Heinken 16 oz cans are always fresh here @ $1.29. I drink them, and maybe grab a Two Hearted tallboy.

>> No.20321397

for me its holsten pils. 5 % and its doesn't fuck my stomach up like most adjunct lagers

>> No.20321437

>do burgers
Fucking hell, you weird sycophant. Imagine asking a nation of fucking lightweights if they like some alcoholic beverage. You need to get the fuck over there. Weird cunt.

>> No.20321466

I only know one person in the US who enjoys Stella, and he's a dual UK/US citizen. His dad was from England (deceased), and he goes over there often to visit family.

>> No.20321484

Have a drink and chill the fuck out.

>> No.20321600

>Americans are overweight hyper consumers
>Americans are lightweights
You all need glassed

>> No.20321612

Some brit friends told me that Stella's were called wife beaters in England, that's some funny stuff from some hooligans.

>> No.20321635

Why do all brits come across as hooligans?

>> No.20321644

It's the inbreeding from being on an island. Same reasons Haitians, Jamaicans, and Puerto Ricans are retarded. They are just white versions of the aforementioned nigras, and therefore seem a little classy at times

>> No.20321695

I drink it. It's like a notch above the big brands (Coors, bud, keystone, etc). I think I like Heineken a little more.

>> No.20321784

Favourite beer alongside Guinness

>> No.20321866

I made friend with a group of Irish lads in a pub. They said Guinness was shit and that another one similar to it was way better. Can't remember what it was but they were adamant about it.

>> No.20321918

lol... imagine comparing the greatest nation in human history with Haiti, or Jamaica, or Puerto Rico.
Please, tell me you are a completely clueless, uninformed tard without telling me you are a completely clueless, uninformed tard.
I'd advise you to stop sniffing your sisters knickers and using them as jerk fuel in your highly developed and increasingly complex masturbatory fantasy life and go outside.

>> No.20321923

Was probably Forged Irish stout, personally I prefer Guinness but it’s a close second.

>> No.20321970
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its basically heineken except not tasting like rotting asshole.
heineken is ALWAYS skunked to hell in back on the East Coast.
so yes, since unskunked Heineken is decent beer, Stella is definitely considered decent beer here.
Miller high life is ASS, budweiser is ASS.
MGD is drinkable and so is Stella

>> No.20322006

Every beer in the UK is considered shit


Its all the same shit

>> No.20322017

All UK brewed, non artisan beers are piss water.

>> No.20322039

if i see someone drinking a bottle of heineken and grilling on a bbq, i don't think much of it. someone cracking open a can of stella or fosters at midday must be an insufferable prick.

>> No.20322250
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>PNW has enough shitty beer
Used to be the Mecca of German style lagers in the US. Nowadays all the classic brands have been discontinued, or bought out and moved production elsewhere. At least Rainier is still cheap, and tastes decent enough. Hop Valley started up production of Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve a year or two ago, and that's been my go-to NW style lager if I want something a bit better than Rainier.

>> No.20322900
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One of the few beers I like and will switch around depending on mood. I really like it on tap but only seen it available twice in my city.
I still got my 3 of 4 chalices when they had that promotion for codes and you could just make fake ones and get them delivered for free.

>> No.20323066
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Beer thread?
I drank this beer a little bit ago it was pretty good

>> No.20323077

I've heard good things about Samuel Smith

>> No.20323143

The Stella that is brewed in UK has 4.6%ABV and maize instead of just water, barley and hops.. It's shit. Belgian Stella is drinkable but there are much better ones out there. Bongs ruin all beer by changing the recipe and lowering the alcohol content.

>> No.20323190

>highly developed and increasingly complex
So the opposite of all incest islands?

>> No.20323237

I don't mind stella; beer in general is good.

>> No.20324361
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The filtered plebs itt.

>> No.20324373

We stopped drinking most import lagers back in the 90’s. I’d be surprised if most liquor stores even still carried Stella. The exceptions are a few German lagers, and ones from countries that we have a lot of restaurants from (you get a Singha at a Thai place or a Kingfisher at an Indian place etc.).

>> No.20324383

I couldn’t choke down Stella fast enough to even get a buzz going.

>> No.20324529

Modern day Special Brew or Tramp Piss

>> No.20324724

it's one of the best mainstream in the world

it's beats heinekin, carlsberg, bud, wives...by a long shot

>> No.20324734

It's in the same fridge as Steel Reserve so we don't put it on a pedestal or anything. Eurotrash forgets we have an entire ecosystem of craft beer ranging from crap to world class.

>> No.20324753

What would (You) recommend if someone asked?

>> No.20324794

kronenbourg beats all of those.

>> No.20324802

tough call, im belgian so stella is normal for me
i rate kronenbourg equally as stella, best beer is, jupiler

>> No.20324839

Not that anon, but as an American who went to university in France and travelled around a bit during those years, being into beer and living in France is suffering.