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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20320698 No.20320698 [Reply] [Original]

>mum uses these on pots and pans
>tell her it ruins them
>she keeps doing it anyway
Now what?

>> No.20320702

nothing. this is inconsequential in your life

>> No.20320707

It offends my eyes.

>> No.20320713

Nothing wrong with using them on stainless steel if that is what she is doing. I can't imagine anyone retarded enough to use them on teflon coated pans when you can clearly see the scratches. That's druggie behavior. I can see people using them on cast iron like dipshits though.

>> No.20320714

Do her pans look ruined?

>> No.20320723

>I can't imagine anyone retarded enough to use them on teflon coated pans when you can clearly see the scratches
My mum. She uses it /everything/, including the bowl that rice cookers use. Parts of it are now rusting.
She also soaks wooden utensils to 'remove the drying chemicals (that's what she assumes the white fuzz (mould) on wood is)'.

>That's druggie behavior.
She's a thirdie.

>> No.20320735

They were ruined. Now is a recent replacement cycle, so they aren't yet.

>> No.20320737

Your mom is going to have horrible Alzheimer's. She is seasoning her food with teflon. I highly advise you not to eat food cooked in them.

>> No.20320743

Well shit bro, I didn't have much of a choice when I was a child.

>> No.20320747

Based mom got no time to baby the cookware like her autistic neurotic prissy son. I bet you're one of those tards who own a cast iron skillet and keep it in perfect condition too.

>> No.20320749

Why are you like this, faggot?

>> No.20320752

>>she's a thirdie
Game over dude. Thirdies are always too set in their ways to ever change, no matter how hard you try to teach them better.

>> No.20320766

>Thirdies are always too set in their ways to ever change, no matter how hard you try to teach them better.
That is what I've experienced. I've been wondering why that's the case.

>> No.20320781

I think it's a mixture of stubbornness and willful ignorance. They tend to have this mentality of "myself and everyone I know have done it this was for ages, so it's clearly fine to continue doing. We're not wrong, THEY'RE wrong."
It was an absolute pain in the ass trying to teach this one Filipina lady I knew to keep cleaning products away from food. Hood niggas aren't the only ones who wash their meat, and I wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of Clorox chicken.

>> No.20320806

Damn, you just reminded me that she also washes her meat. And she won't buy mince meat (because she assumes it hasn't been washed and now can't be washed), instead buy chunks and manually chop it into mince (and then freezes it, before anybody says she does it for the quality).

>They tend to have this mentality of "myself and everyone I know have done it this was for ages, so it's clearly fine to continue doing. We're not wrong, THEY'RE wrong."
Yeah, but why? For civilised people, even if they think this way, they have some capacity to go through Cartesian Doubt, especially if you explain why. But not thirdies, it's impossible for them.

>> No.20320833

I couldn't tell you why, Anon. My best guess is they just equate stuff like that to white people culture and think it's dumb and that their native culture knows best.

>> No.20320860

this isnt racial or cultural, you think midwestern antivaxx mommies aren't also fucking up their nonstick pans?
they probably don't trust the science, because idiocy is universal.

it's like how white people think searing meat """locks in the juices""" lmao

>> No.20320873

First one, yeah, I agree with you, but you lost me at the second one. Searing meat first does in fact seal the moisture in, you just gotta do it at high temp and super fast, then lower the temp to cook it the rest of the way.

>> No.20320885

Do they wash their meat?

>> No.20320922

it literally does no such thing, anon.
direct observation will show you, next time you sear a steak or a hamburger.
you flip it over to sear the other side, and you'll see juices rise through the sear you just made, which is supposed to be holding it in...

>> No.20320926

>direct observation
Sounds like thirdie logic.

>> No.20320928

i just did this with my black plates. i dont know what i was thinking.

>> No.20320992

Okay now try doing that without a sear and see how much more juice comes out than with a sear, dipshit. How could anyone think that creating a more solid barrier wouldn't help prevent it? Your dumbass probably keeps blasting it on high heat to the point you boil the juices out.

>> No.20321003

>I've been wondering why
Just low IQ, anon. Which would also explain why you've been wondering. You think thirdies are a product of their environment? No, its the environment the create and perpetuate because they are low IQ 3rds. Now go scold your dad for mail ordering a wife.

>> No.20321010

like I said, white people love this myth, science be damned.

>> No.20321020

So this is how you spend your day, huh? Just baiting on 4chan for replies? God help you.

>> No.20321034

it's not bait, anon.
It's just faulty logic based in antiquity, when apprentice chefs couldn't question their masters or they'd be out on their ass.
would it be trolling to say that spiders have 8 legs, despite 1000 years of Aristotlian 'fact' claiming they have 6?

it's okay to be wrong, anon.
It's okay to use new methodology to answer old questions.

it's okay.

>> No.20321056

how do you explain oven roasting, or low temp water baths?
the sear is just for flavor.

>> No.20321064

You're an idiot. Forming a solid charred surface would obviously lock in juices as opposed to the entire surface being still exceedingly porous. However most cuts of meat have little imperfections where the sear isn't uniform and has little dents. The juices flow through those imperfections. Literally just go out a chicken breast in the microwave raw then put a seared on in it for the same amount of time. There will be more liquid from the raw one.

>> No.20321071

That even wearing still leaks out juices but there would be more juices lost without a sear, retard.

>> No.20321093

I like how you're walking back the argument from "searing meat locks in the juices" to "if you don't sear you lose more juices than if you do".

I guess to a shit chef who is doing everything else wrong to the meat, a good sear might be the difference between a hockey puck and something edible, I dunno.

>> No.20321113

The first thing I said in reply was that searing locks in more juices than not searing it.
I didn't walk back jackshit you illiterate faggot.

>> No.20321143

you're wrong, searing is for flavor.
it serves no other function.
you're definitely a shit chef, if you can't even make basic observations.

>> No.20321153

so reverse seared steaks are the driest objects on the planet, right?
given that they're not seared until after you've cooked them to temp, you lose all the juices, right?

>> No.20321158

It is for both. You're wrong and it is observable. I gave you a little experiment tondo but you won't probably because you live in Venusuela where chicken costs forcing your daughter into marriage.

>> No.20321165

Never had one so I couldn't say. But I imagine it would depend on the cut of meat. What meats are typically reversed seared?

>> No.20321173

>Literally just go out a chicken breast in the microwave raw then put a seared on in it for the same amount of time. There will be more liquid from the raw one.
this is meaningless, and you've never done this yourself.

>> No.20321183

okay so stop talking about shit you don't understand, retard.

>> No.20321203

I actually have to thaw out chicken when drunk. I keep all my frozen meat in vacuum sealed bags.
Fuck you, nigger. It is objectively true that a sear keeps less liquid from coming out and is observable. Go put a pork chop or steak on a pan with low heat and watch the pan fill with fluids as opposed to a quick sear then the same thing. You'd basically be making stew meat which is objectively tougher and more stringy.

>> No.20321213

you don't know what objectivity is.
you should try learning how to cook.

>> No.20321221

The irony coming from you is palpable. "No thousands of years of cooking is wrong it is me who is right." Just fucking do it, retard. Put a seared steak in the oven opposed to a raw one and watch the juices flow.

>> No.20321244

just shut up, you have no argument, and your "experiments" don't hold water (lol)
the real irony is that cooking has never been considered a science, so there being false information passing from student to teacher makes perfect sense.

the even bigger irony is that a quick google would have set you straight, if you were actually interested in the truth.

>> No.20321260

No the hilarious part is you believe shit you read on Google and think "cooking at a high heat" is something that you do to sear then continue to do after the sear instead of turning the heat down otherwise you boil the juices out of the imperfect spots that don't get seared.

>> No.20321263

>n-no google is wrong!
I accept your concession, shit chef.

>> No.20321276

I accept you concession when you base whatever you believe off the top of Google as opposed to thousands of years.

>> No.20321296

unironically making her own job harder. Well-seasoned skillets don't even need to be cleaned.

>> No.20321302

only a fool looks to the past to justify his present, and excuse his future.
fuck the ancients, and fuck your appeal to them.

>> No.20321698
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>only a fool looks to the past to justify his present, and excuse his future.
>fuck the ancients, and fuck your appeal to them.

>> No.20321717

>m-muh thousand years can't be wrong!!!!

>> No.20321719

lmao obsessed

>> No.20321725

I'm not the guy you've been talking to but I used to believe that searing meat sealed in the juices. That's just something you hear people say and a lot of people end up just believing it. I'm retarded, and you might be as well. I highly recommend you to search "does searing meat seal in the juices" on a search engine. If you are opposed to using google, try DuckDuckGo or even Yahoo.

>> No.20321729

Dont listen to the fearmongers. The adverse affects of teflon are miniscule. Much better things to fret over

>> No.20321783

Buy cast iron. Problem solved.

>> No.20322409

you'd think /ck/ would know better.

>> No.20323512

Thirdie never answered...

>> No.20323916

>and then freezes it, before anybody says she does it for the quality
Better quality is still better quality even with freezing. I believe you shes not doing it for quality but that comments just weird

>> No.20324032

Space pussies are fine on cast iron and stainless steel, if it's nonstick she's slowly killing herself and your family with dementia.
>t. Professional dishwasher

>> No.20325343

Luv ur mum anon

>> No.20325552
File: 857 KB, 256x256, magik-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something looks wrong with ur weed OP, I wouldn't smoke that if I were u

>> No.20325720

It's kind of like buying the most expensive steak, only to make it well-done. That is, kind of pointless.