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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20315295 No.20315295 [Reply] [Original]

>you have to pay to do your own self checkout
I genuinely believe we're in hell

>> No.20315299


>> No.20315302

in other news I may soon never walk into a walmart or target ever again

>> No.20315303
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what's next? you need to buy a subscription to shop there?

>> No.20315313

Somehow posted on the wrong thread, go figure.
It's a loss prevention subscription.
I'm sure all grocery stores are getting fucked by theft with inflation buttfucking everything.

>> No.20315315

Sure, on one condition.
No check out controls.

>> No.20315316

Good, stop stealing shit faggot

>> No.20315321

social credit scores to qualify for self checkout soon

>> No.20315324

Then I'll go to the cashier. Fuck you.

>> No.20315343

watch me getting way fucking bolder about my theft out of spite

>> No.20315345

You played right into their hand

>> No.20315348

human cashiers are more expensive

>> No.20315354

I don't even use self checkout so I couldn't give any less of a shit.

>> No.20315360
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They wants names associated with shrinkage considering face masks are a social norm now. I don't blame them.

>> No.20315361

It's way faster when you have 2 or 3 items and just want the fuck out of there. Many stores are understaffed these days and lines develop many people deep each with 100 items.

>> No.20315369

steal the two or three items, bring a walmart bag from home and slip them in when no one is looking

>> No.20315375

Playing right into their hand would be buying a subscription AND using the self checkout. Having more cashiers on their payroll increases costs.

>> No.20315388

i have stolen carts full of shit at Walmart, I just use the pay and go. scan it in the aisle and walkout and show the boomer receipt checker the cart on my phone and pretend its my receipt

>> No.20315391
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>you have to pay to do your own self checkout

They've got us by the balls, we have to eat and they've got the food.

Personally I prefer going to a human operated check-out but there's never more then two open and it wastes a ton of time standing around waiting in line.

>> No.20315399

why do rich people always look so beautiful and happy?

>> No.20315402

I mostly do my shopping first thing in the morning after my run so there's no wait. Larger stores do tend to have no manned tills that early in the morning so while I claimed otherwise, I do use self checkout on the extremely rare occasions I go to Walmart or some place like it. I don't even remember when last I went to such a store. November, I think.
My lady, on the other hand, does the shopping whenever she well damn pleases and wonders why it takes her so long to get out. When the queues are thirty-seven people each because you went at peak hours, you'll take longer to get out.
Theft is wrong. Plastic bags are wrong.

>> No.20315405

>Self checkout
>Not just doing pickup where a slave brings your shit to your car for free

>> No.20315416

>why do actors, people who put on an act for a living, act a certain way?

>> No.20315419

I'll be completely honest with you, at this point I just walk out with the stuff when there are giant lines and too few cashiers. I don't even try to hide it anymore. The other day I simply walked out with two jugs of vinegar, one in each hand.

>> No.20315447

you can keep it up to a point but if you do it enough times they will just ban you from the store

>> No.20315458

thou shalt not steal

>> No.20315460
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>> No.20315481

then why do they keep stealing from us?

>> No.20315486

They did this to themselves.

>> No.20315487

who is they

>> No.20315493

Why would they hire more cashiers? If anything this gives them the financial incentive to eliminate all cashiers.

>> No.20315498

you know

>> No.20315504

yeah i know

>> No.20315509

>you haven't been doing this already
you are an npc moron, just keep going.

>> No.20315513

Here's a tip: just hire someone to do the checkout instead of an easily fooled machine. If only there were such a position.

>> No.20315515

And having Walmart + stops that how exactly?
Why don't they just open more regular lanes?

>> No.20315521

Based, I did the same.
There was only one cashier and the self checkout was closed, line of 11 people and I had a couple items (NyQuil, aspirin and something else). I just said fuck it and left with the items. Didn't even feel bad either.

>> No.20315559

That's why everytime I go there everything has a 100% markup. Just pay for your shit.

>> No.20315581

Minorities ruin everything.

>> No.20315592
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>be me
>honest and don't steal
>Walshart™ tries to make me pay for a stupid subscription fee to self check out

lol guess what? fuck with me and i'll just start stealing a few things at a time until the fee is offset every month by the price of the shit i stole

Walshart™ will be paying this fee, not me.
>i am become nog, master of corporate retards

>> No.20315627

>have to scan your + card to begin
>advanced camera ai picks up if you stealing stuff
>they have your name address and card information so they can auto charge you or send you threatening letters with bills

>> No.20315631

I remember when I was a kid my friend got kicked out and banned from a grocery store for stealing then resisting arrest/apprehension from security.
Now I hear anyone can just walk out of the store with shit and you people do it all the time.

>> No.20315644

>Go to Walmart
>Literally 20 cash registers with no employees
>8 self check outs on each side of the store that are completely unattended
I can't believe this problem is happening. Even people that are not thieves are not feeling any guilt stealing from them. I went there a few months ago and rang all of my items up and the machine froze up and there were no employees around. I just said fuck it and left with my $700 worth of groceries without paying. Fuck them for wasting my time

>> No.20315655

I go to walmart because I was a former poorfag and I have poorfag spending habits. Walmart ain't got shit worth a fucking subscription. I'll go anywhere else at that point that can fucking operate their god damn store properly.

>> No.20315660

United States is a third world shithole.
Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.20315664

If you're going to make a thread about something how about you actually explain the shit instead of posting a screenshot of some literal who article on social media. This shit sounds like more right-wing fear mongering garbage.
>durr, we're in hell!
Fuck off. Tell me what they're actually doing and why before throwing out one-off alarmist value judgments like that. The headline doesn't even make sense without further context unless, even if you assume this has something to do with theft protection, and even all the shit about rampant shoplifting is mostly misinformation, fear mongering, and the corporations themselves overreporting losses as theft in order to misrepresent their numbers.

>> No.20315668


>> No.20315674

so not only are they saving on a cashier wage, they are now earning tenfolds the amount from their already paying customers?

>> No.20315681

>allow niggers to live among you
>niggers steal a lot
>some of the smarter ones pretend to buy things by going through self checkout
>only way to prevent this without 2020 George Floyd tier BLM protests is to dissuade niggers from using self check out
>whites once again expected to shoulder excess costs and grief thanks to nigger behavior

>> No.20315687

stealing from walmart is based and Im tored of pretending its not

>> No.20315693

the 2 goat stores in america have subscriptions. costco and amazon prime. and i will gladly pay them. costco is the best

>> No.20315695

Why the fuck you lyingggg

>> No.20315703

>spoon fed retard can't look basic things up
>entire thread with approx. 25+ plus people (gook moot took away ip users) know exactly what the article is about
Do better shit head. I'm not "le right wing" and that article publisher damn sure isn't either.

>> No.20315724

>entire thread with approx. 25+ plus people (gook moot took away ip users) know exactly what the article is about
Just skimmed through the thread. There's no fucking consensus at all on what it's about. Just people either talking about stealing or talking about other people stealing.

I actually just read an article on each store, and Target isn't doing anything remotely close to what that headline says. Apparently Walmart may try limiting self-checkout to their subscription service in a few stores as an experiment to see what works. It doesn't even have to do with theft. They're literally making changes because the companies are doing better.

>> No.20315736

And nothing of value was lost.

If I'm going to a store, they're gonna do the scanning for me. That's what I'm paying them for. The only exception I'll make is for rinky dink little shops. But Target or Walmart, they can do their own job

>> No.20315741

Don't worry. It will get worse.

>> No.20315751

There is notthing wrong with Bob Kirkland charging you a subscription fee for the privilege of entrance into his mecca.

>> No.20315914

Sup brazos valley bro

>> No.20315921

I enjoy paying for the costco membership, it keeps the riffraff out

>> No.20315930

No one's paying a subscription to use self check outs, walmart cashiers will be more wanted than ever and will most likely get a raise

>> No.20315934
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>> No.20315939


>> No.20315960

>wahhh wahhhh dem poors is bankrupting the government dry
>oh all those companies getting billions in tax breaks? what about them?
it's amazing how this rightoid talking point has persisted for decades. does great to distract the riff-raff from paying attention what goes behind closed doors. remember those trump tax cuts that were only for people in his income bracket? neither does anyone else!

>> No.20315963

retarded person alert

>> No.20315968

but I don't want them to see my embarrassing purchases

>> No.20315982

I still find it hard to believe people go to walmart when it is less than a 100 bucks for the plus membership, to have the orders delivered for the whole year
I signed up 13 months ago at $98 and last month it was still the same price. I was amazed at that
I could have got it half price this last month because they started to give a discount to EBT poor folks. but I didn't fall for that, I was dead set that they would fuck with my orders or something strange would happen knowing I paid the discounted rate.
and I will not tip the drivers that deliver the stuff to my house
I did go to the store three times last year. to buy socks. the other two times the items were locked up, spray paint and alcohol. the 10 minute waits for an associate had me seeing red both times
I don't think I'll step foot into the place this year
and I can't imagine paying a fee to ring up your own items, hell I'm in the mindset that I might do it if I was offered a discount. boy I'm I an IDIOT

>> No.20315984

I've stole going through the people checkout before. I put stuff under the cardboard in my sackor leave a couple of flat bags in the cart/bring way more than I need and they never catch me or notice. If they did id just say oops and apologize and pay.

>> No.20316041

dont you feel like your lucky is going to run dry one of these times?

>> No.20316048

They will if there aren't any cashiers, dumbass. It won't be optional, you go through self checkout, you get signed up for the self-checkout plan.

>> No.20316051

if theres no cashiers theft goes up 1000x

>> No.20316060

>rightoid talking point
Anon...that's not a talking point. That's the core, central ideological philosophy of the Right and the Republican party in America. It's really that simple. Everything they do is for the benefit of the wealthy/ruling class/corporate interests. Anything else they do or say is just to get people NOT to focus on where the money is going. You have to believe a lot of crazy shit to think that it doesn't just come down to money at the end of the day

>> No.20316065

do they always get your orders correct?

which state/province are you in?

what dont you like about the inside? it's like a chance to see other people, you know, you should see others sometime.

why walmart?

>> No.20316069

these are the same people who complained that walmart and target got ransacked during protests and called the people who did it "animals"

>> No.20316076

they were rioting over the death of a druggie because he was the same color as them

>> No.20316087

yeh man muhfuggin we starvin n sheeit *smashes window* *steals TV* ayo unomsayin jes gotta eat yanno *lights car on fire* ay man im jus tryna stay alive yfeelme

>> No.20316099

When you live in usury-driven monopoly capitalism and worry about nonsense instead of constantly demanding anti-trust actions by those you still theoretically control through your votes, you deserve all of this, dear "citizens."

>> No.20316128

Those are the people who think there's no difference between the right and the left because they've been lied to, poorly educated, and are often children. The first paragraph of that post is literally just making a case for socialism, and then in the second paragraph it does a nosedive into a bunch of Mad Max, Libertarian nonsense completely reinforcing everything brought up in the first part.

>> No.20316137

unironically why i like subscription MMOs
keeps all the chinese, russians, filipinos and brazilians out. forces the lazy buggers to pay $20/mo to shit up my server

>> No.20316143

>people who think there's no difference between the right and the left because they've been lied to, poorly educated, and are often children
yes goyim! its red team vs blue team yes!

>> No.20316158

Back to waiting in long ass lines, I guess.

>> No.20316170

Everybody got a tax cut, you just didn't notice because you don't have a job

>> No.20316172

where anon?

>> No.20316187

orders are always correct, never bad produce or old meat. every now and then something is not in stock even though it showed it available online
what i don't like. waiting to get something unlocked, and it seems as soon as I step into a walmart, I'm telling myself I can't wait until I'm out of this place.
plus one time I did use self check out, when I went to scan the item I must have ran the item twice when pulling it from my cart. then the woman attendant got real shitty with me

I really don't want to meet folks at walmart
I live near a downtown area and walk it often

walmart has the lowest prices for a single person (no costco, or bulkstores) and my car won't start so I need a delivery service. everything else I can walk or bus it. I might not even fuck with my vehicle, I don't know

it seems like it all might change soon though. not sure how but at least I have 11 more months on my plus membership

>> No.20316221

I dont shop in walmart or target so idgaf

>> No.20316266

If only grocers/super markets enforced their express lanes shit would run smoother. Sucks when you run in for one thing and this bitch is still unloading her full cart at the 10 items or fewer lane with a full conveyor. However less staffing means you are waiting in a long ass line regardless. My walmart has at least 30 self checkout stations and the lines almost stretched to the walls during peak seasons. Even just popping in before work sometimes takes 15 minutes.

>> No.20316277

You're literally doing the exact fucking thing I'm talking about. You know what the problem is with society, but for some batshit insane reason you think there's a bunch of Jews sitting around a table somewhere just pulling levers and everything else is just for show.

How is it so hard for you to even consider for a second that what you call "Jews" are actually just Capitalists? And they don't have some nefarious plan or ulterior motive other than what they're incentivized to do under Capitalism, which is just to increase capital? And maybe the insane amount of money spent on the political process IS how they're pulling the levers? Which means they want to influence people to vote for their people? Which means people actually do have an effect on the political process?

Just think about it. Who benefits from people not voting and being apathetic? It's definitely not the people who want to change things. It's the people who support the current system and where it's heading. In other words, the people with the wealth and power.

>> No.20316293

excuse me you pedantic faggot, kike is as much of a mentality thing as nigger
and they dont care about you any more than the other peons for being racially sensitive
>In other words, the people with the wealth and power.
no shit

>> No.20316308

So wrong.

>> No.20316313

>ban you from the store
walmart wagie here. we've had people that we've trespassed come in numerous times. the managers literally don't do anything, they just tell to watch what they scan.

>> No.20316320

You're still completely missing the point. It has nothing to do with "mentality" or being "racially sensitive", or even that there's a group of individuals who are the problem. I don't give a fuck if you call them Jews or Bankers or Capitalists or the One Percent or the Wealthy or the Bourgeoisie. They are not the problem. They are just the individuals who happen hold a position of power within the system, and all they're doing is what they're supposed to do in that system, which is pursue their own self-interest. That's literally how Capitalism works. The problem isn't some small group who personally hate you and want you to eat bugs and drink HRT in the tap water just to laugh at you. It's the system itself that's the problem. Always having to blame someone is primitive thinking. It's literally seeing lightning and inventing a God up in the clouds to explain why half the forest just burned down - because there must be some reason someone out there decided to do that.

>> No.20316321

They try enforcing it and then you get dozens of retards that show up with 34 items and will probably refuse to leave the line. So you've got that to deal with or the extra items. Retards ruin everything.

>> No.20316323

Marxist detected.

>> No.20316342

You control very little with your vote, and can't actually effect structural change from withing the system. The problem is that one side is 100% devoted to taking away any possibility of structural change or even individuals having that little bit of political power. So however bad or just ineffective you think the Dems are, you'd have to be crazy not to vote for 4 more years of Biden. That's the reality of the situation and there's no 3rd option. You're either pro-geriatric Israel stooge, or you want Walmart to own everything and make you pay a subscription to get out of bed in the morning and flush your toilet. The 3rd option is you could just kill yourself, but that's not going to make anything better (well, not for you).

>> No.20316358

>advanced camera ai picks up
lol. the cameras are over 10 years old at the least, they don't pick up shit. the best way to steal is to bring in an old receipt (preferably a longer one). bring a full cart to self checkout and only ring up one or two items. if the guy standing there confronts you show them the receipt and tell them you just had to run back for something. say the same thing to the door guy.
>and I will not tip the drivers that deliver the stuff to my house
as of recently they're making the delivery drivers also shop for the items (similar to how instacart works). i talked to one of the drivers who came through my line. he said he deliberately puts shit like bread and eggs on bottom so they get smashed. he'll also take items that can't be substituted and mark them as not found. also other drivers just don't take the orders (no tip no trip).

>> No.20316367

>That's literally how Capitalism works.
witewally muh capitalism dough
so whats the answer genius? capitalism is essentially the rule of nature and for you to explain it away because the scorpion is only following its nature and that this is the monolith we call capitalism as a whole is so asinine and reductive

>> No.20316450

>as of recently they're making the delivery drivers also shop for the items
I don't know or care who shops or delivers
I'll tell my two times I might have been victim
last summer the lady delivery driver had her husband unloading my bags and I was also getting them too, on the last load I noticed a bag still in the back seat with one item. she said that was it.
well there was one item missing
so I just opened the delivery complete email. and told of what I saw on the how was your delivery button. 5 minutes later they were back to drop off my banana pepper rings
then last fall I got an extra item. sweet a bonus four pack of the expensive yogurt, went to try it a little later and realized it had been sitting out at room temp and went bad. tossed them in the trash

I high functioning tard could deliver groceries,the only easier job in the world is toll both attendant. and I'm not paying extra for a service I already pay extra for.

>> No.20316683

learn to understand headlines (irony) and ignore OP

>> No.20316693
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>local walshart has 20 self-checkout kiosks and only 1-3 cashiers in a regular checkout kiosk during rushhour
>there are 15 kiosks for cashiers but none are filled
>subscription based self-checkout
i cant wait for all the understaffed walsharts to have massive fucking lines for the couple of registers actually open. i dont really feel bad for wagies but this will decimate them, to the point where neets shopping on mommy's money will be frustrated from standing in line for 30 minutes.

>> No.20316694

I worked in a supermarket. I always enforced the rule when it was busy. People with 30+items in their cart never know how to scan things properly and take their sweet time. It's literally faster for them to go to a cashier.

>> No.20316697

>$5 a month for a membership thats renewed yearly
>poorfags tweak out acting as if that's exorbitant when they probably have a monthly subscription to some music/movie/tv app thats $10-16 a month.
something tells me what really BTFOs poorfags is when they finally enter a costco, read the the price per LB cost and get shocked when they see the final bill. they're fucking stupid.

>> No.20316704
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I live in an industrial town that has a fuckhueg Walmart that's similar to this. So many check-out lanes but usually none of them are manned. Depending on the area you really don't have desperate folks gobbling up the dogshit positions that are Walmart.

>> No.20316714
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>unfortunately work at kroger in AZ for a few months over half a decade ago
>watch some dindu steal shampoo and various food items
>would always use the self checkout and blatantly pay for 4 items in cart with over a dozen items
>over the months almost into a year he got so comfortable about doing it he would do it specifically on mondays and tuesdays
>overall cost reached $800, store owner had enough
>that night 4 cops, two cruisers parked behind the store were chilling when loss prevent finally cockblocked them and the call was made
>cops had to pin him to the ground after he got aggressive with the initial confrontation
>lotion bottle exploded all over the floor during police interaction
>mfw just watching it as the parking lot shopping cart slave as my pregnant manager goes "oh mai gaahh" x15

>> No.20316716

Didn't mean to reply to that post but fuck corporations- I mean oy vey I love them.

>> No.20316719

I mean, Costco somehow has been getting away with it for a few years now (self-checkouts)

>> No.20316730

>capitalism is essentially the rule of nature
Anon…capitalism is only a few hundred years old. Naturalizing and reifying a social construct that we know is specific to a certain historical time and place just because it happens to be the one you were born into is literally the textbook definition of ideology (“blue pilled” in internet parlance - though that can be confusing because /pol/ uses “red pilled” to refer to the exact opposite of what it actually means).

And I’m not “explaining away” capitalism. I’m literally doing the opposite and identifying it as the real problem. The solution is to move beyond capitalism, or at least change it enough to get out of the dystopian timeline we’re living in which EVERYONE agrees is not working. How that actually happens is this thing called “politics”, which means people figuring out ways to work out their differences in order to work towards common goals. Not knowing exactly how to solve a problem isn’t the same as identifying what the problem is, and you are conflating the two if you say, “well if you can’t give me all the answers you must be wrong and we should just stop trying to right this ship we both agree is sinking.”

>> No.20316735

kroger has taken over the riff raff coming soon.

>> No.20316738
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Riff Raff is coming soon?

>> No.20316740
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That's not self-checkout.
Sure the lines are big but unlike at the grocery store there is no fucking around. No Susy-peg-leg or your old mother no, the switch those alternates out. Only mad veterans made for the glory of apollo. Now get your membership card out peasant.

>> No.20316748

everyone under 30 should be killed.

>> No.20316757

me when i turn 30

>> No.20316758

Can y'all steal more. Walmart shouldn't even exist.

>> No.20316774

Only men under 30. We need a total male zoomer and alphoid extinction event so that we can lay waste to the barely legal sluts in desperate need of the BMC.

>> No.20316777
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>> No.20316958

I always buy alcohol from stores that have self checkout and you have to have someone check your ID anyway, so there is no point in usint self checkout if you buy alcohol.

>> No.20316964
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>one side

>> No.20316974

The one closest to me sucks. Always closing earlier than their listed closing time.

>> No.20316994

>and I will not tip the drivers that deliver the stuff to my house


>> No.20317009

If they had an anti theft camera, they wouldn't need to charge a subscription. They can already disable the use of debit cards and cash if they want.

>> No.20317018

>walmart has the lowest prices for a single person
I find that only to be true of things my family and I don't eat much of, like packaged foods and ready meals. The meat and produce prices are absolutely abysmal

>> No.20317026

>oh no this thing the self-checkout fee is for has suddenly increased whelp guess we'll have to increase the self-checkout fee.

>> No.20317028

>develop technology nobody wants
>people exploit it to your disadvantage
>start charging a fee for people to use it
>people stop using it

>> No.20317659

>take alcohol through the self checkout
>stand there for 20 minutes waiting for a wagie to check my id
>no wagies in sight
>move to a different self checkout and redo everything but don't scan the alcohol
>walk out with a free $30 bottle of liquor
not my problem

>> No.20317667

The US is a de facto two party system, dum dum. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a million different interests people have. The vast majority of the country doesn’t like either of the two parties but votes for one because they know the other one would be worse, and voting third party is no different than not voting.

>> No.20317919
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kek Target is just limiting self-checkout to 10 items or less, which is what it should have been all along. It will keep the line moving more smoothly, and stop the riff-raff from stealing quite as much.

>> No.20317927

>make yourself the dominant supermarket
>implement shit like this
hope killing all these small businesses with tax increases and minimum wage increases was worth it

>> No.20317929
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>only anon to actually read past the headline posts a dog image

>> No.20317935

It keeps the niggers out. I will gladly pay for that.

>> No.20317942

You're describing something that happened 20 years ago, retard. Walmart raised their prices years ago and stopped being so cheap other places can't compete. That's why fucking Target of all places is considered competition. Small towns are still fucked, but everywhere else Walmart actually has to try now because underpricing everything was only a short-term strategy.

>> No.20317947

Haha, last time I was at a fuckin walmart it wasn't even possible to have a cashier ring you out. They just try to force everybody into their shitty self checkout. Then have an old lady badger you for a receipt at the door.

>> No.20317949

>my family
whats that have to do with the way me as a single person shops
even the small amount of meat and veg I buy is not overpriced
go to costco or sams with your family

>> No.20317986

>even the small amount of meat and veg I buy is not overpriced
It is for me. Walmart charges way more for those fresh ingredients than others stores in my area but things like flour, tinned fish, frozen pot pies and other factory packaged stuff are almost always cheaper at Wally World. Maybe it varies location to location. Other than Walmart, we've got 14 full-sized supermarkets within two miles of my house not to mention the smaller yet still inexplicably full service supermarkets (another six) and all the corner shops/bodegas (can't keep track, there are so fucking many here). Nine of those supermarkets are literally all on the same 2.5 mile stretch of road so it's not even inconvenient too shop at multiple places.
So with that much competition, they have to keep prices down.

>> No.20317995

>14 full-sized supermarkets
15! I forgot about this one just on the edge of that two miles, right by the highway on-ramp. With so many choices, it's unsurprising I'd forget some.

>> No.20318016

>Everything they do is for the benefit of the wealthy/ruling class/corporate interests
Then why are Democrats "the party of the wealthy," as put by the famously right-wing Vox Magazine?

>> No.20318024

I would say Mr Cage is happy because he chooses to only do things that make him happy, he is one of the few celebrities that I think is a real human being and not a lizard in a human skin suit.

>> No.20318046
File: 54 KB, 475x346, guillotine french revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have to eat and they've got the food.
Simple problems have simple solutions

>> No.20318049
File: 11 KB, 300x222, 1471222094267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self checkouts never caught on in Germany because of autism and the fear of immigrants stealing
>biggest supermarket chain finally starts implementing it
>it dies everywhere else
I was actually looking forward to not dealing with humans anymore

>> No.20318053

I’ve never heard the Democrats described as the party of the wealthy. The predominant narrative is that the wealthy vote Republican because they lower taxes and deregulate industry, while the Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich, break up mega corporations, restrict oil drilling and fracking, and increase welfare. I have no clue what Vox may have said, but it’s not how anyone thinks of the two parties.

>> No.20318070

>The predominant narrative is that the wealthy vote Republican because they lower taxes and deregulate industry
Why would that not appeal to the working class? You know, who don't have a lot of money to give to a government they don't trust with their own industry?
>I have no clue what Vox may have said
Google is free.
>it’s not how anyone thinks of the two parties
Talking to people is also free.

>> No.20318072

How could self-checkouts work in a country where 80% of the population thinks credit and/or debit cards are a scam and only accept and use cash?

>> No.20318108

That's what they thought, but people are stealing product in self checkout lanes line mad. Leaving stuff in the cart, spoofing the wrong barcode over expensive items, generally being sneaky about how they swipe stuff over the scanner. It costs them more in shrink to operate purely off of self checkout than it is to pay holiday and benefits to a real human bean.

>> No.20318118

cant even imagine how much worse costco would be if it didnt have the filter on it

>> No.20318136

>right wing
She's making things up, as women are wont to do. You can safely ignore her.

>> No.20318137
File: 109 KB, 941x1021, 1698268235541173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google is free

>> No.20318156

>>right wing
Yes, it's almost like that's the point.
>he's making things up
I promise, I'm not.
Cute. I take it you Googled for that image, as you easily could have done with the phrase "democrats wealthy party vox," correct?

>> No.20318160

no (you) for you, ma'am lmao

>> No.20318169

Democrats are successful. Success brings wealth for all. Republicans leech. Leeching brings downfall for all.

>> No.20318172

Again, very cute.

>> No.20318205
File: 66 KB, 843x1000, 1685047997136853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I need to do that when the filename is clearly generated from 4chan?

>> No.20318214

I am an anarcho-syndicalist myself, but even I have to admit, this image captures our zeitgeist perfectly.

>> No.20318240

See, this actually provides me with a service I want: brownoid removal while I'm there

>> No.20318246

>why would the working class care about things like workers rights, clean drinking water, affordable healthcare,school lunches, social security…
>surely they would be more interested seeing how much wealth elon musk can accumulate, erasing the middle class, and never owning a home
You make a really good point, anon.
> In 2012, something unusual happened. The wealthiest 4 percent of voting-age Americans, by a narrow plurality, supported a Democrat for president.

This hadn't happened since 1964. Before that, it hadn't happened since possibly the 1880s (scientific survey data for back then is, sadly, nonexistent).
Is this the fucking article you were referring to? From over a decade ago? Confirming the point I was making?

I should have just assumed you were trolling, but there’s so much disinformation out there these days I was curious if the right was actually spreading that narrative, but of course they aren’t.

>> No.20318251

leftists like >>20316099 complain about a cheap af membership while they probably donate most of their income to "social causes"

>> No.20318264

shut up woman

>> No.20318279

>workers rights, clean drinking water, affordable healthcare,school lunches, social security
Haven't you bought enough bridges?
>From over a decade ago?
And it's still true, yes.

>> No.20318280

Point out the "rightoid" in this thread who said it was fine when companies get tax breaks but not ok when poors get them.
Go on, do it

>> No.20318294

in my city (not american) every major grocery store has those detectors at the exit, so you cant walk out with unpaid shit without the alarm blasting
dont american stores have those?

>> No.20318295

I don't know if you retards in this thread have noticed but you're on /ck/, not /pol/. Fuck off already.

>> No.20318297
File: 329 KB, 557x605, CHOPPER BACKUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay the subscription
>continue to steal ten times the amount of groceries that you paid in subscription.

Nothin personnel, kid.

>> No.20318302

>haven't you bought enough bridges?
I’m not up on the latest /pol/eddit memes and am not going to google. What does this mean? I assume you’re not talking about literal infrastructure? As in, America first job creation shit? No, that wouldn’t make any sense.
>and it’s still true
So post a source. I’d be amazed that after 4 years of accomplishing absolutely nothing other than giving massive tax breaks to the rich, they still ended up voting for Biden. That would be hilarious if true, but I know it isn’t.

>> No.20318313

>What does this mean?
No one's ever offered to sell you a bridge? Or are you more out-of-touch with idioms than the literal autist you're speaking to?
>massive tax breaks to the rich
And middle class, but the media doesn't like reporting on those, even to the point that some people who benefitted genuinely believed they didn't.

>> No.20318316

The OP was /pol/ shit. Report the thread or don’t complain when you see opinions that hurt your feelings.

>> No.20318323

I prefer self checkout, I don't have make eye contact with the niggers.

>> No.20318325

nepotism got him into the industry but lizards wouldn't permit him such success without his attendance at the parties

>> No.20318326

This thread and the opinions found in it are largely hot garbage but it's more on topic to the board than the pornographic ads

>> No.20318349

Again, very lady-like, sweetheart.

>> No.20318391


>> No.20318412

I guess that's the nice way of saying you have to be white.
It's like a friend of mine that owns a bar. As soon as it starts getting too urban he switches the music player to mostly country. Usually solves the problem before a shooting or stabbing happens.

>> No.20318418

I hate Wal Mart but have both a Sam's and Costco membership through work. Sam's stomps on Costco for almost everything but meat. All name brands and very little store brand crap. Sorry but most Kirkland options have gone way downhill.

>> No.20318425

It doesn't have anything to do with theft.
>lol, it has everything to do with theft. Removing self checkout has a cost, they aren't doing this for charity.

>> No.20318433

i have a friend who is a kleptomaniac and i warn him he's gonna get charged one day, they keep records of his shenanigans

>> No.20318436

>I have a black friend.

>> No.20318438

he's actually a white boomer you faggot

>> No.20318448

>out-of-touch with idioms
It must not be an American idiom, which would make sense since anon seems to be clueless about American politics. The closest idiom I’m familiar with has to do with being sold a bridge. But that couldn’t be what was being referred to, since the entire point is that you can’t actually buy a bridge. The implication is that you’re being gullible, which would be ironic because it’s literally Biden who has been building bridges (which is why I assumed it was meant literally). Also, no. It was always the rich who benefit from tax breaks. Of course they include little performative tax breaks for everyone else so the retards can say, “see?! I got $200 back this year because of these amazing Republican tax cuts!” When in reality all it’s doing is making everything more expensive for them.

>> No.20318505

Absolutely incorrect. You have NO IDEA of the scale of theft that goes on through self checkouts. The overwhelming majority of people have no issues with doing morally bad things when nobody is watching them.

>> No.20318514

"(And if you believe that) I have a bridge to sell you" is an American idiom that references con man George C. Parker who famously "sold" the Brooklyn Bridge multiple times

>> No.20318522

>stealing from Target is morally wrong
grow up

>> No.20318523

You're not stealing from the store, you're stealing from all the actual customers

>> No.20318534

When Target loses money from shoplifters, how do you think they react? Do you think the CEO says "damn, there goes money from my paycheck"? No, they rise their prices to cover it. You most likely know just how huge of a shitstain of a human being you are but enjoy shoving it in people's faces because that's the only win you feel you can get in life.
This is you. A faggot.

>> No.20318559

you seem pretty mad, you should try stealing more if the prices are too high

>> No.20318633

>I steal 20% of my groceries
>prices go up by 2%
That's pure profit my friend.

>> No.20318676

Target, and all retail stores, have a budget for theft. It's lumped in with all the other types of lost inventory like spoilage, damaged packaging, past sell by, etc. They call it shrinkage.

Mind you, I'm not defending niggers. But fuck big corpo megastores too. Haven't given a dime to Walmart or Target in years and I never will.

>> No.20318696

>put so much retarded shit in the way of customers who want to buy groceries legitimately
>get surprised when customers start stealing more because they don't want to deal with bullshit
not my problem

>> No.20318700

Never use 'em. Cash is king.

>> No.20318704

Although DESU, you could count the number of times I've been in a supermarket on the fingers of one hand.

>> No.20318710

>morally bad things
Are there immorally good things?
Also, what bad things do you expect people do when no one is watching? I don't steal, watched or not. I don't kill. I'm not an adulterer. I don't covet. I don't make graven images. I attend services. I honour my parents. I've no gods before the Lord and I don't take His name in vain (for criminy's sake, I say "Oh my gosh!" much to the amusement of people around me hearing a tall guy like me say "gosh"). The only thing I might do that you might consider bad is lie, but that, sadly, is often necessary in today's world to get anything done. For example, I had to lie to our insurance today to get a medication the missus needs expedited. We'll have them by Thursday at the latest and our pharmacy, a local mom'n'pop, lied by giving me five pills to hold her over until the approval goes through (they're not even painkillers! They're for eczema!) that they will take out of the filled prescription when one of us picks it up on Friday.
If I think most people have similar morals to mine, even if I know most people don't attend religious services, and you think most people lack these same morals, does that imply anything about you?

>> No.20318807

I don’t think I ever knew where that came from. In any case, I knew what it meant. It doesn’t make any sense to say, “haven’t you bought enough bridges” unless you’re actually getting scammed, but that’s the opposite of what’s happening in this context.

I mean, again, there are literal bridges being built because of Biden; whereas Trump spent four years saying “two more weeks until infrastructure week” and didn’t do shit, even with both chambers. Biden passed infrastructure legislation almost immediately with no Republican votes, and then every Republican representative flew back to their home district to do a photo op when construction was started ON A LITERAL BRIDGE so that they could take credit for something EXTREMELY POPULAR that they voted against. Who’s being scammed again?

>> No.20318817

8/8 b8

>> No.20318819

look im just going to say it since no one will, niggers ruined this for us. end of story

>> No.20318821

I love Biden, without his generous treatment of immigrants El Salvadorans, like myself, wouldn't be able to phone post (with free phones), from free hotel rooms, eating free food, and getting free healthcare.
Thank you Joe Biden and thank you for supporting us immigrants.

>> No.20318871

Technically you should be thanking Trump. Biden hasn’t actually changed any of the his boarder policies (he put Kamala in charge and said “good luck, lol” because that’s a losing issue whatever you do, which is why the same boarder policies are in place today that were approved by Trump).

>> No.20318901

I pay a $98 annual subscription NOT to use Wal-Mart checkouts.

>> No.20318977

>Walmart actually has to try now
Not really. They still have the other retailers beat on price, selection, and number of stores.

>> No.20319143

I don't mind going through a regular checkout. But it's Walmart so they are still only going to have 1 out of about 20 open at any given time. Fuck Walmart

>> No.20319387

How was it /pol/ shit you brain rot homo
I don't even go on /pol/, I hate politics with a passion

>> No.20319439

A couple points to add to this: By every metric, Obama kicked more illegals out of the country than Trump, which means Trump was the most ineffective president when it comes to border security in at least the last 15 years (he also presided over the worst economic downturn in the economy since the crash in 2008, while also spending more than any president in history who wasn’t in office during a world war - and he didn’t even accomplish anything lol).

Secondly, if you’re in a hotel you should probably also thank Greg Abbott or Ron DeSantis. They’ve been (likely illegally) using their state’s tax dollars to ship immigrants from the border into the heartland before even being processed and documented, which means you’ll likely have no issue staying in the country. DeSantis really loves you brown people. Florida doesn’t even share a boarder with Mexico, but out of the goodness of his heart he went around the legal process and spent Florida tax dollars to get you away from the fucked up situation at the boarder so that you can live your life in America without jumping through a bunch of hoops

>> No.20319452

Just steal.


>> No.20319464

>need some onions and peppers
>don't even bother with a cart because everything is in three produce bags
>get to the checkout area
>niggers trying to use expired coupons hold up all the regular checkout lines for ten minutes at a time
>self-checkout lines are all fifteen deep
I hate this shit so much it's unreal.

>> No.20319529

it's hard for me to take your lies seriously when you don't know how to spell border

>> No.20319628

>omg dawgieee!! pupperino!!

>> No.20319633

I'm just waiting for the city to make me pay for each toilet flush or a subscription for unlimited flushes.

>> No.20319640

You don't pay for water usage?

>> No.20319643

It's like video game consoles where you have to pay a subscription to use the internet you're already paying for, but with a toilet.

>> No.20319680

All of you retards fell for fake news clickbait aimed towards Facebook moms

>> No.20319685

>getting so triggered by francis you resort to reddit babble
You need to go back.

>> No.20319687


>> No.20319695

They're not cheaper than most other places for the vast majority of things.
You have to be kidding. They have the worst selection of anywhere.
>number of stores
Yes, they have stores everywhere, which is what allowed them to price out local stores in small towns and them raise the prices back up when they had a virtual monopoly, but it's not like there's more of them in more populate areas where there's still competition. They're usually less convenient to get to because they're always in shitty neighborhoods.

>> No.20319702

>gets called reddit
>throws out another reddit (/pol/) meme
You fucking election tourists are so fucking obvious. Stick to your containment board and home site.

>> No.20319711

>you spelled a word correctly multiple times and then spelled it wrong one time so i can ignore your entire post
If you think any of that is lies maybe you should try google.

>> No.20319716

I like the booze and never minded buying generic.

>> No.20319892

>Just think about it. Who benefits from people not voting and being apathetic? It's definitely not the people who want to change things.
Not voting is unironically how you change things. If you assume the system works, a sufficient amount of non-voters breaks the status quo and undermines the legitimacy of current government. It's why many countries introduced fines for not voting, imagine a 10% voter turnout, at that point you can really convince people and even other states that yours isn't democratically chosen. It's a real gateway to a revolution or foreign intervention.

Other than that, low voter turnout means new parties with new programs have an actual chance of succeeding. You can't have new things with a high voter turnout, people will just vote for the "lesser evil" shit, it naturally leads to a two party system. Low turnout is a clear message that people are satsified with the current selection of choices and incentivizes offering new choices.

Don't vote.

>> No.20319902

are not satisfied*

>> No.20319917

No, they should stop marking up everything by so much.

>> No.20319921

that's why the election of 1860 had the lowest turn out in American history
wait no... it was 81.2%, the second highest on record... right before the whole country collapsed into civil war...

you're a retard. don't ever post about politics again.

>> No.20319939

>thing happened for x reason
>that means it can never happen for y reason
You're very bright, I am dazzled by your intellect.

>> No.20320005

>Don't vote
This, but only if you like colonial desserts.

>> No.20320014

>We only had 10% turnout this year. Our constituents are so happy with life that they trust in whoever wins.
The media can spin anything.

>> No.20320388
File: 208 KB, 739x673, 1673576728467668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine a 10% voter turnout
That's what you people always say, but that's never going to fucking happen no matter how much YOU want it. If you can get 90% of people not to vote (I mean most people already don't vote...) why not just skip straight to the revolution? And saying both that not voting "sends a message" to a political party while also advocating for accelerationism is contradictory. It doesn't really matter because you're simply wrong that not voting sends any kind of message. By not voting you don't have a voice, and whatever it is you want different WONT be heard. If you're a leftist, that means the Democratic party will move further to the right, because they think, "if those people aren't going to vote anyway, them why go more progressive when it might alienate more moderate voters?" That's all you're doing when you don't vote. If you think any 1st world, Western country is anywhere near revolution you're delusional, or more likely immature.

You know what the right wants less than anything and will do everything to not let happen? Rank choice voting, because they're the ones who benefit from a two party system. That's the only real path out of a two party system right now. Suck it up and vote, but vote for the most progressive candidates down ballot and in the primaries. Biden has been the most progressive president in our lifetime because Bernie ran as a Democrat. They said, "oh shit, there's a lot of people with these ideas maybe we need to change our policies."

That's not going to get us out of the system all together, but the opposite is literally fascism and having any political voice that matters. I'm sorry, but nobody is overthrowing the US government any time soon through violence. That's just not on the table.

>> No.20320404

God bless capitalism. It truly breeds innovation.

>> No.20320597
File: 19 KB, 492x557, 1303398517505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay to pay

>> No.20320626

if they do this i'll break a second bottle of oil or jar of sauce (depends on who's around, sometimes if the olive oil is being hovered over i gotta switch to see it) every time I go there. I already started breaking one bottle every time after they moved to self checkout and now that I'm used to it they're going to do this? what a joke. Enjoy paying more wagies to clean this shit up.

>> No.20320635

the fuck are you talking about, they're everywhere

>> No.20320638

It’s honestly worth it if all you ever buy is just electronics and tires. I bought a 60” TV and opted for warranty. It crapped out 2 years later and they had a tech at my home to confirm it within 2 days and I was set for a full refund including the cost of the warranty. I ended up buying a bigger TV with that because prices had come down. Of course I opted for the warranty again.

>> No.20320655
File: 136 KB, 382x390, 1696544258037077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish checking out
>that will be $2.99 to check your receipt sir
>do you have a receipt check rewards card?
>also would you like to donate to UNICEF?

>> No.20320687

>i need to go to work to make money to buy gas to get to work
That's how everything works, retard.

>> No.20320696

>enjoy paying more wagies to clean this shit up
They're not paying anyone anything more. All you're doing is giving some wagie who probably already hates the company they work for some extra work. They build loss prevention into the prices, by the way. Your actions aren't going to have an effect on anything, but if losses go up, prices go up. So thanks. You're the one making things more expensive. The company doesn't have to do shit if it means profits go down. They literally have a legal obligation to increase profits as a corporation.

>> No.20320790

>I like the booze and never minded buying generic.
Never have I been able to tell someone was raised poor and continues to be poor in less words.

>> No.20320842

Not in Frankfurt. maybe because of the turks

>> No.20320939
File: 11 KB, 474x201, th (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late. I don't steal cat food from target anymore cus of the beeping checkout lanes so I buy it from PetSmart where it's ten cents less per can anyway. I was merely price matching before. Your loss target.

>> No.20320956

What? You don't love capitalism you poor commie?

>> No.20321004

Serious question, what does a subscription to a place like Walmart give you? cheaper prices? Surely a membership card could do that, and be free too

>> No.20321016

Not until the supply chain to stops increasing the cost of their services.

>> No.20321041

It's mostly for getting shit delivered or shipped to you. It's basically Amazon Prime, where the main point is that you're paying a subscription to save money on shipping (which of course incentivizes you to buy everything through them). And then there's a bunch of random other perks and specials, but it doesn't make anything cheaper if you just walk into a Walmart and start shopping.

>> No.20321129

That only works a few times, anon.
They're usually building a case on you in the background when you pull that shit and then they fuck you in the ass with it all at once when they finally catch you.

>> No.20321171

I doubt that anon is being honest. Don't you still have to go through the self-checkout to check out. You can't just walk through the front door with a full cart right out of the main store. They got people watching that shit (the old guy sitting there is just for show...and probably to humiliate people who lost their businesses when Walmart moved into town and weren't able to retire).

>> No.20321189

Only on expensive items, or on everything in diverse and vibrant multicultural areas.

>> No.20321192

Every time I've tried that, they put damn near every single item into its own bag. Feels extremely wasteful. I can use some of them, but not nearly that many.

>> No.20321245

>in diverse and vibrant multicultural areas
That's every Walmart and the parking lot around it. Beyond that, it might be a pretty nice middle class neighborhood, but Walmarts are kind of like little islands that exist here and there and all the shittiest people seem to come with them. I rarely even go to them, but I'm pretty sure they put the security things on all the baskets in every one I've been to (obviously you can't for the cart, since you take that outside).

>> No.20321256

Now that I think about it, I don't see why they can't have a security detector on the cart that needs to be deactivated at the register before you can leave the store without it going off. Doesn't seem that complicated. Then again, someone almost always notices when someone tries to walk out with a cart, and then it just becomes a really uneven chase - unless there's no security.

>> No.20321271

You may not like this but the same "people" would be doing the same shit and taking up even more of your time in conventional checkout lines. In fact it would be way worse. Usually self checkout has a common line that feeds into like 5-10 individual registers so while the nogs fight with the wagies you can just slip right by them. In a normal checkout, you're buried in the line you are in and have to tough it out because switching and going to the back of another line is even worse than that. I feel like everybody who bitches about self-checkout has actually forgotten what normal checkouts were like.

>> No.20321303

It was quicker when there were more cashiers because the cashier was faster and more experienced than the bumbling idiots who only do it once a week at self-checkout. People were more civilised, and would let you go ahead of them if you only had a couple of items. There would be an extra express lane open at peak hours.

The coupon thing has been abandoned in most parts of the world because simply advertising currently discounted items is more effective at attracting customers, so that's not a relevant factor.

>> No.20321311

Free bags

>> No.20321385

>People were more civilised, and would let you go ahead of them if you only had a couple of items.
You shouldn't expect that all the time. They aren't obligated.

>> No.20321543

>It was quicker when there were more cashiers because the cashier was faster and more experienced
Cope. What year was this true in? I remember checkouts being staffed by extremely braindead bitches and if you were lucky enough to get a bagger it was as if they packed everything in the most retarded way possible on purpose. Plus the thing I already said about being stuck in one line behind EBTmaxxed couponpilled obese karens. Self-checkouts were always a huge improvement and they still are to this day. If they remove self checkout there's a very good chance that I'd switch to delivery rather than go back to that bullshit.

>> No.20321570

Buying shit online is a subpar experience
>cant check expiration dates
>cant see in-store deals
>cant see whats fresh in the fish section and how it actually looks

>> No.20321582

>checkout with human cashier
>wordlessly start bagging my own stuff after they begin scanning it
>almost every time they earnestly thank me for helping as if I'm Superman or something
>they don't know I'm just trying to leave faster

>> No.20321653

top kek

>> No.20321789

Plus onlinefags get saddled with the shittier produce almost every time. Also every time Ive ordered they have either forgotten something or "we didnt have x so we put in y :)" bullshit. Its just not good.

>> No.20321809


Unfortunately for our city, it's only certain brownoids that are filtered. Indians (dot not feather, 7/11 not casino) love Costco almost as much as they love acting entitled to all the space around them

>> No.20321813

>>they don't know I'm just trying to leave faster
they do know and that's why they're thanking you. They can't wait for the big fat retard to leave

>> No.20321900


>They can't wait for the big fat retard to leave

Geez man, their manager has feelings too

>> No.20321938

is costco a wholesale for private individuals?

>> No.20321944

This is true. More loss means higher prices and tighter prices, meaning you have to steal more with less margin for error to get same risk-reward. Ultimately you're just stealing time and opportunity from yourself and people like you

>> No.20321968

*tighter security

>> No.20321980

That’s kind of an oxymoron. They sell in bulk at slightly lower prices, and require a subscription to make up for the difference in the lower turnover rate than something like Restaurant Depot. It’s mostly for people with families who want to buy things in bulk once a month.

>> No.20322032

Only happens in chavermarkets.

>> No.20322061

>You now have to pay to do something that was once someones job
I denounce the talmud

>> No.20322070

I cannot imagine buying "food" in a place like that. It must be full of the same sort of "people" who use "public transport".

>> No.20322106

Lets invent new fees and pricing schemes
>Cart subscription
>Bag subscription
>Extended hours subscription (have to pay more to shop after 9pm)
>Tip subscription
>Need subscription to access different parts of store

>> No.20322205

>restroom subscription
>hot food subscription (if the store has a deli)
>parking subscription (car gets towed if you don't have a subscription)

>> No.20322263

This. I would love nothing more than to use the self-checkout, but it takes twice as long and requires twice as much contact with staff as using a cashier because every item makes the machine whine and demand to talk to a manager, and if I bring my own bag, I have to get that OKed too. What's the point? I would absolutely make a deposit or go through some one-time verification process if it meant I could actually check out without human contact.

>> No.20322677

>Online order subscription
>curbside pick up subscription
>customer service subscription
For this one, you wouldn't be able to ask where anything is, return an item, or get help from anyone that is walking around the store, but you could stand in line and wait for the one regular customer service representative that helps all non-subscription members. They give you a number and if you are not present the entire duration of your 1-2 hour wait time then you are removed from line

>> No.20322687

>Tfw Walmart closes down the lane self checkouts at like 8pm and you have to use the tiny area ones
>They only have one MAYBE TWO assisted checkouts
>Meanwhile they have multiple people just standing at the door checking receipts even though those employees would get fired for trying it stop you
I don't get it.

>> No.20322694

this just means you live in a blacked neighborhood and they have the machines set to schizo mode

>> No.20322695

>Pay sub for premium online pickup
>By the way we subbed your Cheetos for off brand cheese balls is that okay lmao?
Death to all "shoppers."
>By the way we substituted your ribeye with skirt steak lmao lmao lmao but we won't tell you then when you get home you have to call but we won't accept anything less than you bringing it back within a day
>Also don't forget to buy our gas :<

>> No.20322703

? I don't steal, and I don't know anyone else who does, either. Is this projection? Do YOU steal?

>> No.20322709

I have contemplated stealing shit through self-checkout of the price is ridiculous but I simply tell myself "No. You're not a nigger."

>> No.20322773

thats not true, the 400 dollars in meat and cheeses I walk out with is more than enough for a case
obviously you're retarded, I scan the items at the aisle, pretend to scan my phone at checkout and then walk out. if they ask for my receipt I just show them the cart on my phone as if its the receipt. the 83 year old woman probably doesn't even know how scan and go works

>> No.20322784

I tell myself "there's so many niggers in the store today that if I steal, they will probably get blamed instead of me" like farting SBD when there's an old person nearby

>> No.20322796

> the 83 year old woman probably doesn't even know how scan and go works
If they "catch" you all you have to do in this case is pretend to be retarded as well. Most people are extremely fucking stupid so just acting genuinely confused like you didn't know what was going on or what you were supposed to do is a free pass. I don't think it would work multiple times but if you get busted walking out with $400 of shit you probably better just accept fate and start going to a new store rather than trying again

>> No.20322917 [DELETED] 

>oh you want to return this item?
>well actually due to real time pricing its worth less today so we wont refund you the full price
>also here is your mandatory hourly compounding interest charge
>but if you subscribe to our app and let make direct withdrawals from your bank account we can reduce that interest charge by 5%

>> No.20322929

bro for real: we need to start gardening, and going to farmers markets. and really, really looking at what they're putting in there grocers or local. there is new poisons they can use for food and it's called nanotech. tech store=tech food see? we need to communicate directly with farmers, and see what they are doing. I know in new mexico? all farmers markets bro.

>> No.20322932

>doesn't recognize based francis
go back

>> No.20323037

Do companies just enjoy shooting themselves in the foot constantly?

>> No.20323040

Its whatever you make of it.

>> No.20323044

>4000 Yen deposited in your account

>> No.20323053

They should have given customers bags for free instead of pawning off the expense to them for zero reason when every other item delivered to the store comes in plastic bags. Stupid PR and you teach people how to steal from you. All it takes is you realizing you are getting screwed on bags, taking 'a stand, and that stand developing into you not paying for certain produce or pocketing bullion because it's 'more expensive than it should be'

>> No.20323171

Seriously this. Mine never has more than two cashiers. Fuck them if they think they're going to charge me. If they don't want niggers stealing everything, they can check receipts at the door.

>> No.20323338

The whole planet just needs less people. Both left and right actively encourage people to have more children than they can afford. That's the problem.

>> No.20323422

It's not projection. It's quite clear from the financial reports that self-checkouts have led to an escalation in theft.

>> No.20323522

>that's never going to fucking happen no matter how much YOU want it
Of course, your individual vote doesn't matter. Literally. Even if you assume elections are fair and every vote is counted, there has never been an election where the outcome came down to one vote. As as individual, your vote is really something you do just to feel content. And I'm more than content to not participate.
>And saying both that not voting "sends a message" to a political party while also advocating for accelerationism is contradictory.
There's degrees. Of course you the state won't just spontaneously ignite one voter turnout gets low enough. But once you get to that point, the political climate is open to change. Over time.
>By not voting you don't have a voice, and whatever it is you want different WONT be heard.
Sure dude, no one will just look at 90% of population not voting and think they could leverage the situation in their favor if they create a new political party. Totally.
>Suck it up and vote, but vote for the most progressive candidates down ballot and in the primaries.
Progressive candidates do not represent my interests, nor do conservative candidates. You still don't understand. I refuse to support people who do not support me. Take your mental gymnastics, "lesser evil" bullshit and stick them up your ass. My vote own't change the world anyways, I will get buckfucked raw regardless, but at least I can go to sleep everyday knowing I didn't support it, unlike you.

>> No.20323558

The only thing I want and would be willing for the Goy+ sub is if they made it so Goy+ members could shop at the store 24/7 again. I work nights and Walmart deleting 24 hour shopping has ruined my schedule.

>> No.20323568

That makes little sense. They're open for every hour you're not working. Being closed for some night hours is inconvenient for day workers, not you.

>> No.20323569

That's how they sell and buy back their shares, so yes.

>> No.20323573

What's the diarrhea coming out of your mouth, faggot? On my days off I keep the same schedule so I am awake when the store is closed now.

>> No.20323579

Don't shop on your days off. That's wasting time on your days off. Distribute your chores throughout your work days, and you get to properly relax through the weekend.

>> No.20323598

yeah fuck covid and fuck wally world for ending 24/7

>> No.20323771
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>700 dollars worth of groceries
That’s like 3-4 months worth of groceries for me

>> No.20323787

Absolutely based

>> No.20323793

My nearest PetSmart is on the first floor of a 3-storey Target, a third to half of the second floor is a mini-CVS and a quarter of the the third is a combination Target Cafe/Pizza Hut. Multistorey Targets are weird.

>> No.20323862

uh…/n/bros…our response…?

>> No.20324072

What's stopping me from going to Walmart twice the first time paying for my groceries and the next time getting the exact same things and showing the security boomer the old receipt?

>> No.20324081

Did that once and was missing half the products on my list

>> No.20324132

Honestly the trashiest people I see at Costco are the fat white people. Everyone else is decent and respectable regardless of ethnicity

>> No.20324147

Since find both options equally unpleasant, i will guage how long the lines are, how many registers are open, the amount of items in people's carts, and how many boomers are in line to get a feel for the throughput for each. Generally the self checkouts move faster, unless .25 or more of the line is hapless senior citizens.

>> No.20324158

>your individual vote doesn't matter
Yeah, but if you can convince a few million people that their vote doesn't matter it...matters. The thing is, you're never going to do that, and it's never just going to happen organically. Again, if 90% of people are already that disillusioned with the political system then why would not voting be the thing they rally around? The entire idea that not voting accomplishes anything is just completely incoherent.
>no one will just look at 90% of population not voting and think they could leverage the situation in their favor if they create a new political party
Or how about you just make rank choice voting your main issue? Like, you said you're not progressive, so what kind of political party do you expect enough people to regain confidence in voting? And why hasn't that happened already?
>take your mental gymnastics, "lesser evil" bullshit
Calling lesser evil bullshit "mental gymnastics" is pretty fucking ironic. That's just the reality. You're the one living in some fantasy world, abstracted from anything real. The vast majority of people vote not because they believe in one party, but because they think the other party is going to be terrible. Republicans don't even have a platform anymore other than, "if you don't vote for us the blm-antifa-communist thugs are going to burn your house down and rape your children."

If you think voting is a matter of conscience, you've already lost the plot. It's a very easy, strategic action to move things closer to what you'd want to see. It's mind-blowing you'd think that voting for one of the two main parties would somehow define your entire identity for 2-4 years. Right now you're doing less than nothing and just whining like a baby and thinking you're smart. I don't even care what you want, but if it's something different vote for the shitty Dems, because the other side's entire existence depends on the two party system. Otherwise just shut up about it.

>> No.20324190

Receipts are normally dated so if they're attentive then you'll get caught.

>> No.20324197

I already don't shop at either place
changes absolutely nothing
I do sometimes order online from them though

>> No.20324301

I think he was implying that both parties are rigged by the same reptiles for the same outcome

>> No.20324357

Yes, but one side being 100% corporatist and the other being 99% corporatist is actually a huge difference.

>> No.20324410
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>> No.20324415

Should have posted Sam's club for maximum relevance.

>> No.20324462
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>blocks your path
imagine willingly shopping at shart mart or target

>> No.20324543
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He fell down so hard he ascended.

>> No.20324778

>r/4chan told me providing a link is spoonfeeding and therefore bad so I'll post sensationalist headlines
Go back.
>read obvious shitpost
>obvious shitpost is obvious
>beyond obvious, there's a fucking edgy sonic in the shadows
>shart your pants

You must be stupid, or just not buy any food items. They charge upwards of 300% on many food items compared to in-store prices, and that's not accounting for the myriad of things you'll look up and find "oops nope you have to do pickup for this, I don't care that the listing says it's available for shipping".

>have checkout lines
>oh no we have to pay minimum wage to school kids and grannies to man them
>cut down workforce to 1-3 people

>> No.20324823

I’m not on of the people you replied to, and I generally agree with you, but it’s actually a part of /ck/ culture to reply to shitpost/bait threads and do an uno reversal to turn it into an actual discussion (often some of the best discussions) in spite of the OP’s intention. They’re often not triggered or falling for bait. They’re pretending to not have understood that it was a bait thread/post and pivoting to something actually interesting.

It’s obviously not always the case, but you shouldn’t be so quick to assume that someone replying to bait doesn’t know what they’re doing. It’s also just a way to make the bait irrelevant while hijacking the thread, which is more effective than just ignoring it, with the added bonus that people will keep bumping the thread and you can have a good conversation that’s actually on topic, but the shitposter that started it is basically ignored. Just sayan.

>> No.20325097

drink quicksilver, baboon

>> No.20325137

I'm not on of the people you replied to, and I generally disagree wit hyou, but it's actually a part of /4chan/ culture to reply to idiots replying to shitpost/bait threads and do a revelation of their stupidity to oust and harangue them (often some of the best posts) in spite of the OP's newness. They're often triggered and falling for bait. They will pretend to have understood that it was a bait thread/post and pivot to making even shittier posts.

Obviously that's always the case, and you should be quick to assume that someone replying to bait has no clue what they're doing. It's also just a way to make the bait relevant and hijack the thread, which is more effective than letting it be ignored, with the added bonus that people will keep bumping the thread so you can keep derailing conversations across the board, and the shitposter that started it is honed in on. Just sayan.

>> No.20325940

>If they had an anti theft camera


>> No.20325957
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It's posts like these that remind me this board is mostly just 14 year olds posting fast food threads. The subscription you pay to use the line also works as a tracking mechanism. They will be able to know it was you and easily cancel your subscription, ban you from ever subscribing again, and probably ban you from the store or every store.

>> No.20326004

That's pretty much what would happen since there's already no cashiers at Walmart.

>> No.20326064

>That's why everytime I go there everything has a 100% markup

that anon is a nigger but let's not pretend the shit in walmart was not marked up 300% before rampant shoplifting.

>> No.20326090

Does American greed know no bound?

>> No.20326173

how many walmart employees, even the ones being paid more than minimum wage, do you think are making any effort to stop theft or track customers? seriously, think about it. they don't fucking care. even loss prevention doesn't fucking care, kek. they're walmart employees

>> No.20326219

>pay to work at wallmart

no i dont think i will.

>> No.20326221

>we have no choice but to charge the honest, law abiding customer whodoesnt cost us any money because we let crimminals rove around unchecked due to our political ideology

im not listening to your bullshit and i dont care what your explaination is.

>> No.20326282

The AP coach at my store takes his job very seriously and is salivating at the mouth for them to switch to this because he says it would make the job so much easier. I've been coached by him multiple times before because I didn't record the hot ticket items correctly, and I'm not even on his team.
>but your store is probably one of the better run ones!
Kek nope, it's a shithole. Never underestimate how seriously some random guy can take his job no matter how useless you may think it is. It absolutely is just a theft prevention method and not just for the obvious reason. It's exactly because it will make it easier for AP to track people who think buying the membership will allow them to just steal whatever as well

>> No.20326622
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You realize the obvious alternative.

>> No.20326903

>due to our political ideology
Trump was more of just a cult of personality without any real political ideology. The state of the economy was largely due to his incompetence and over-spending.

>> No.20327033
