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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, k_Photo_Series_2020-03-love-letter-sardine-sandwich_LL-Sardine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20254361 No.20254361 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the only one that, when eating a can of sardines, experiences a happiness boost that lasts through the whole day?
Is that the power of OMEGA3?
Gather here, Sardines brothers.

>> No.20254367

Chovies are better. Nothing like some oily salty chovies with some wheat thins

>> No.20254555
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What are we even doin here

>> No.20254565

guy lost me when he made a fucking patreon for canned fish reviews.

>> No.20254567

I have not, nor shall I ever, use chopsticks to eat deenz

>> No.20254573

canned mackerel (in sunflower oil) is better, deenz contain bones

>> No.20254609

>deenz contain bones
Bitch, you can’t even feel they’re there.

>> No.20254617

i know but i still prefer none at all. like mackerel

>> No.20254628

just pop the deen in half and peel the spine out

>> No.20254630
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>*mogs sardines without issue*

>> No.20254736

It's also the power of vitamin D combine with calcium from the bones

>> No.20254753

>with salted black beans
I love this shit. Especially on buttered rye bread. But I heard that this fish in particular is super unhealthy

>> No.20254804

My mom says the same thing, so we maybe crack a can only once or twice a month.
>t. Chino

>> No.20254818

the bones are good for u

>> No.20254821

Mackerel is the superior choice

>> No.20254971
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>Is that the power of OMEGA3?
No, it's the power of estrogens surging through your now feminized body

>> No.20254995

For me it's mussels in escebeche

>> No.20255066
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Yes sir when I make the deenz on an everything bagel with green onion and cream cheese is makes me wanna coom.

>> No.20255350

chink-mercury full "fish"
Enjoy your meal, comrade.

>> No.20257242
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>> No.20257333
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>king Oscar is $3.20/tin at my local grocery store

>> No.20257804
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Sardine in a piquant sauce
6 in the can.

>> No.20257820
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The can once opened

>> No.20257836
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Deenz on toast

>> No.20257839

dude you're stealing my fame. i'm supposed to be the fish guy >>20246976

>> No.20257881

nah oysters are the best. canned smoked oysters, little hot sauce and a cracker. 2,500% of your daily recommended zinc intake. Creamy, smoky, salty, pungent, everything a man needs.

>> No.20258402

Stfu, salmon is full of mercury.

>> No.20258580
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Wild Salmon has some of the lowest levels of mercury. Salmon also has high levels of selenium which helps block mercury absorption.

>> No.20258594

I've noticed a big improvement in my skin when consuming more omega 3. Supposedly it impacts your brain as well.

I also notice an improvement in how I feel after eating liver and oysters/mussels. They're both a lot higher in some nutrients than muscle. But I can't eat them too often without getting sick of them.

>> No.20258653

thanks for the salmon support
lol get wrecked

>> No.20259092
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If we're talking about non-sardine canned fish, then I'd reccomend this stuff. Really tasty, especially over some rice. The spine is a bit of a textural annoyance but you can cut around it with chopsticks or just crunch it depending on how you feel. Very satisfying.

>> No.20259444

How good is canned salmon?

>> No.20259449

What's that nasty shit man?

>> No.20259529
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canned mackerel. There's different flavors.

>> No.20259626

I mash up half a can of deenz with finely chopped red onion, sundried or regular tomato, and olives. Add a little lemon juice, olive oil and then salt n pepper to taste.

I spread it on wheat toast or crackers.

>> No.20259697

You fell for the: OMG deenz so healthy meme. Your brain is just responding. But it's all good, as long as it makes you happy.

>> No.20259706

I like to chop my deenos and crisp them up to use as a topping on lemon pasta

>> No.20259785

If I wanna get into deenz, what brands should I go for and which should I stay away from?

>> No.20259810

For me, it's the Season Brand Sardine in Olive Oil. A tender, supple deen with zero flaws.

>> No.20259814

I eat sardines every day and don't feel happy from it.

>> No.20259833

2nd for Season, they also do a skinless boneless if you really wanna ease in

>> No.20259881

Canned mackerel are good and tasty af .
Mash them, add mayo, put with tomatoes and onion and some lettuce in bread and enjoy.
Good healthy quick meal for anyone to make

>> No.20260186

How they fitted them in the can? Did they cooked them into small before?

>> No.20260635
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just got some of these, best deenz i've had, but now I wonder if there's anything even better

>> No.20260649

looks pretty good.
I've tasted various cans and the ones I enjoyed the most were probably king oscar sardines in extra virgin olive oil and the polar naturally smoked herring. maybe someone has better choices, but i like a good snack and these provide some good nutrients.

>> No.20260679
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nta but I like picrel even if it's a bit pricy. I mostly mix it into pasta salad but you could do other stuff with it, or just eat it as-is. doesn't beat actual fresh or frozen fish but it's convenient to have around especially if you can't stand canned tuna like me.

>> No.20260688

the most important thing with tinned fish is to get them packed in oil instead of water, ideally extra virgin olive oil. the best sardines are usually the portuguese, spanish and italian brands. i like to mix it up, in my pantry i have parodi, santo amaro, tenorio, and bon appetit brands. up to you to decide if the expensive ones are that much better than the cheap ones.

>> No.20260825

I had fresh grilled sardines with a mustard, oregano and paprika dressing for lunch yesterday bros. This fish on Lenten Fridays isn't so bad.

>> No.20262386

Maybe because you're already a happy person.

>> No.20262393

Why not in water? What's the deal? It has less calories.
I also like the tomato ones.

>> No.20262461

I think its the preference on taste, the oils usually enhance the flavor of the fish and preserve it better than just plain water sitting in with the fish.

>> No.20263965
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Start with the shitty brands then move upwards, this way you know what constitutes a quality sardine. You don't have to eat the entire tin, just understand the taste and mouthfeel of a shitty sardine vs a quality sardine. This is the best way to develop a holistic and well-informed opinion about your personal preferences, as well as understand objective standards. Try each one with a Triscuit cracker and bell pepper / tomato slice. Also try them straight from the tin.
Start with Beachcliff, then Season. Move to King Oscar and Riga Sprats, then to Bela. Finally, try Santo Amaro, Matiz, and Nuri. Everything other brand will fall somewhere between all of these.
You will find that sardines from Spain and Portugal are always the best, those fished in the Aegean sea are a close second. After years of eating sardines in olive oil you will get tired and sick of it, I recommend experimenting with sardines packed in tomato sauce and others early on.
Buy one tin each of a myriad of brands and eat the least expensive first, moving to the most expensive. Again, this is the only way to develop a well-informed opinion about your own subjective preferences while also understanding objective facts and why better sardines cost more. Find your own happy medium.
I have been eating sardines consistently since 2018, tried probably over a dozen brands, and have yet to find anything better than Nuri. If you can find them, try Trata in olive oil. The same size fish as King Oscar, but not mushy and full of flavor. If you like smaller fish you might like them better than Nuri.

>> No.20264059

specifically that flavor too. the spiced in tomato sauce just didn't have any kick to it.

>> No.20264454

Earlier today i bought 4 variety cans of Nuri , im a noob to deenz, had some smoked riga i liked. I hope these are good.

>> No.20264551

Guys I've never eaten fish but reading this thread is inspiring. Can u please reccomend some nice canned stuff that I could order online?

>> No.20264552

Those are uni9nically one of the most toxic Chinese "food" in the world. Literally raised in sewage water and packed in mercury and cyanide.

>> No.20265069
File: 64 KB, 750x753, catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matiz has a number of quality offerings other than sardines. Tinned cockles, muscles, octopus, squid, mackerel, cod, & tuna. Because they're artisan products they will be expensive, comes with the territory. Don't forget to try smoked oysters and smoked trout. Matiz is just one brand that comes to mind, of course there are many others with the same offerings of various quality. The shellfish are better when paired with something else, straight out of the tin is a bit much.
Understand you might not like everything, and it takes time to develop a taste for tinned fish.

>> No.20265110

Thx catfish anon

>> No.20265385

toasted ciabatta, garlic&herb cream cheese, capers on top. maybe a couple of drops of salsa espinaler or chipotle tabasco on top, its the patrician deen experience

>> No.20265400

I eat them so very rarely. Maybe once every 3-4 months. But a mood just overcomes me. I get a craving for them suddenly. Buy a couple, and then eat them back to back. I always feel great having indulged. I can't explain it. It feels like my mood is reset. I'm very pleased and content that day.

>> No.20265457

i saw this at walmart and the can stood out to me like a toxic waste barrel

>> No.20265537

Skill issue.
Imagine being so low test you feel the need preserve every last ng/dl that your feeble nuts produce

>> No.20265756

I bought a can of sardines in tomato sauce on a whim the other day. Made a quick pasta with onion, garlic and the sardines today and shit was absolutely delicious
I already feel like I've been missing out all these years

>> No.20266298

reminder to never get those in oil. omega's is all about balance. By getting those in oil high in omega-6 you're negating any omega-3 benefit you might have gotten from the fish.

Those in tomato sauce are fine too.

>> No.20266301

wouldn't even touch with a 6ft pole

>> No.20266325
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Mercury poisoning is about selenium.
Mercury preferentially binds to selenium and makes it unavailable to your body, and your brain needs selenium for proper function.
As long as you eat fish that's higher in selenium you don't need to worry.

Mercury poisoning has only ever been observed in places with pollution from factories, never "in the wild". And in places where they eat sharks, whales and dolphins like Iceland and Greenland it's been shown to cause lower IQ in infants when pregnant mothers eat those marine animals.

So yeah, mercury is the last thing I worry about when eating fish.

>> No.20266332
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>non-sardine canned fish
Pickled fish > Canned fish

I always have a pot of pickled herring in my fridge.

>> No.20267204

Sardines are fine, EXCEPT seeing the spine or whatever the fuck chewable bone is in them. That shit is nasty and ruins the entire experience. Can you get boneless sardines?

>> No.20267260
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for me, it's smoked peppered herring fillets

>> No.20267264
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these are what I get

>> No.20267269

Is mackerel milder? What am I in for?

>> No.20267270
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> Can you get boneless sardines?
Just buy brands who offer smaller sardines like King Oscar or Riga Sprats (fished in the Baltic Sea), you can't feel the bones at all. Alternatively, you could just buy boneless, skinless sardines or tinned mackerel, but they do not taste nearly as good.
True patricians enjoy the bones and skin, larger sardines with a noticeable spine are indicative of quality. Those with refined palates know this to be the case, hence the cost of Portuguese and Spanish sardines.

>> No.20267344

I tried these a long time ago, do they have the skin on the bottom? An upgrade would be Bar Harbor or King Oscar kipper snacks, the herring with the skin makes them so much better imo. Good choice nonetheless.
Based. Some of the butcher shops I used to frequent made their own pickled herring packed in cream and with onions, tasted incredible. Pickled herring is the best way to consume the fish apart from nigiri.
It's just the fillet of mackerel with no noticeable bones or skin. Some like it for this reason, but I find it to be dry and a bit bland. Absolutely "milder," it's quite similar to tinned tuna but quite a bit fattier in a good way. Juicy and flaky, mackerel is best consumed when paired with something, not straight from the tin.

>> No.20267444


>> No.20267448

kipper snacks are awesome

>> No.20267486
File: 48 KB, 794x529, 945c63119e2b9a1fb7ac6b539ad10f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this stuff? It's delicious, you can make it yourself by blending together a can of sardines (with oil) 2 tbsp of tomato paste, lemon juice, chilli powder and a big pinch salt (it's meant to be a salty paste)

>> No.20267528

/fgc/ died while /deenz/ is alive. It's not fair bros

>> No.20267614

>seed oils

>> No.20268499

Stfu fag. Sardines are clearly the superior fish.

>> No.20268502 [DELETED] 

Chovies taste great but you can't survive from eating just them. You're gonna become the saltiest man on earth and just die

>> No.20268505

Chovies taste great but you can't survive from eating just them. You're gonna become the saltiest man on earth and just die

>> No.20268516

>EXCEPT seeing the spine or whatever the fuck chewable bone is in them. That shit is nasty and ruins the entire experience
Unbelievable... Do you eat creamy peanut butter too?
Get out of my face...

>> No.20268534

Canned? No thanks I'll stick to fresh oysters

>> No.20268537

I'm new to deenz, how should you eat it so it tastes decent? I've had anchovies mixed into home made caesar dressing that I liked

>> No.20268557

>how should you eat it so it tastes decent
If deenz alone don't taste "decent" you need to get the fuck out of here and only come back once you've developed some taste

>> No.20268560

I've never tried them but I see a lot of you eating them in cream cheese and avocado sandwiches

>> No.20268589

You motherfucker, sardines tastes very good without anything you retard.

>> No.20268939

Umm, you're not supposed to eat fish with dairy.

>> No.20268995

get ones with tomato and spices and have it on toast

>> No.20269382

This "rule" never made sense to me. There's a lot of fish that go really well with cheese. You just have to pick the right one of each. I can see certain combinations being kinda gross but it definitely isn't a majority. People mix fish with cream cheese all the time for example.

>> No.20269788

okay buddy, go drive milk while eatting fish. That's teach you the rule fast

>> No.20269794

Which is why no one ever eats bagels with cream cheese, smoked salmon, or pickled herring, and shrimp fettuccini alfredo makes mustard gas

>> No.20269876

>I tried these a long time ago, do they have the skin on the bottom? An upgrade would be Bar Harbor or King Oscar kipper snacks, the herring with the skin makes them so much better imo. Good choice nonetheless.
yup skin on the bottom and a nice peppery smoked finish on the other side

>> No.20269885
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Do i qualify as a citizen of /deenz/ nation?

>> No.20269918
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, not real but there is such a thing as anchovy pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's anchovies. the poor man's sardines. i especially like them on pizza. i could not find an actual image of anchovy pizza using a google search so here is an AI image of anchovy pizza

>> No.20269930
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, chovies nigga!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ain't real chovies, chovie pizza is the goat, whatever that means

>> No.20270311

Sardines are cheaper than anchovies, what DMT niggershit are you smoking?

>> No.20270339
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For me it’s Titus

>> No.20270354
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For me it’s Cantabrian Anchovies

>> No.20270476

Looks like it could give you Hepa-“titus”

>> No.20270483

tried it once, too salty

>> No.20270578

I am a little bitch when it comes to little fish bones. I would love to eat sardines but I might need to try mackerel first. any tips for beginners?
I don't see mackerel on that list. are they know to have high mercury or selenium?

>> No.20270642

I make that exact plate at maybe three times a week because it’s perfect. Wish I could make it for you bb

Also not pictured is my fish milk duh

>> No.20270761
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My Nuri arrived ill give them a try for the first time later and post my take vs king oscar.

>> No.20272160

>from same facility as Crown Prince (evident by the bottle and mfg code)
>cost 20x as much

>> No.20272295
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Thoughts on these bad boys? Anyone here tried these?

>> No.20274509


>> No.20276359
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"Boy" shouldn't cost as much as it does.

>> No.20276881


>> No.20276883

congrats you just discovered super foods

>> No.20277527

Wait. You eat them pure or with something on the side?

>> No.20278279

looking for advice

>> No.20278856

i tried sardines for the first time the other day (beach cliff, in water) and they were pretty good. am i supposed to drink the water?

>> No.20278888

>my favorite fish species is canned chunk light tuna

>> No.20278895

Which brand is best for buying pallets of for long term storage?

>> No.20278967

Chunk light tuna is typically skipjack.

>> No.20278978

Whatever they have at your local Costco, and stock up whenever they go on sale.

>> No.20279943

How'd you go Anon? I'd love to know.

>> No.20279963

do NOT buy skinless deenz

>> No.20280372

Boneless is preferred, but they don't sell just boneless; it's always skinless & boneless.

>> No.20280391

food poisoning. We lost another

>> No.20281382
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Ob yeah
We eatin good 2nite bois

>> No.20281574

At least you acknowledge you're a bitch, but the only way forward is to eat the fish... I have zero sympathy for people who complain about "muh mouthfeel" or "muh texture," quit acting and behaving like a child. I don't eat sardines or most food in general for the taste or texture, I eat for nutrition. Try thinking about food that way and you'd be surprised what you can stomach. Take my advice from earlier in the thread and start with the lowest cost sardines and work your way up. If you're as much of a bitch as you say then try pickled herring first, then kipper snacks, then sardines. Get over it, you're not going to choke and you'll learn to like the bones if there's any hope for you.

>> No.20281665
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Sardine bones have never bothered me but a whole herring with fins and backbone and all is where I draw the line.

>> No.20281887
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Love them, I just get them in bags. Fry em and dip em in hot mayo like fries

>> No.20282061

any tips on taking the spine out of bone in deenz?
sidenote: i got some riga sprats, looking forward to trying them

>> No.20282067
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>Budget DEENZ
First, it's worth emphasizing that "budget" doesn't mean "bad," it just means "afforable, accessible, and no frills." For this, I recommend Beach Cliff, specifically, their sardines in Louisiana hot sauce and kipper snack varieties. Sardines in mustard are fine, too, but the DEENZ tend to get a little overpowered by the mustard. Spring water is fine; bland on their own, but ideal if you wanna add your own seasonings. Avoid the ones packed in soybean oil; something as simple and nutritious as a DEEN being packed in something as soulless and unhealthy as GOYbean oil is legitimately triggering, but at this price point you're not getting anything packed in olive oil. These are your daily driver DEENZ.
>Decent DEENZ
Season and King Oscar. Mackerel or DEENZ, can't go wrong. In particular, I swear by KO's Mediterranean Style, Spanish Style, and especially the ones packed with jalapenos.
Nuri is the gold standard. Taste is a subjective thing, but those who do not like Nuri DEENZ are objectively wrong. You're fucking around at $6 a can here, but they are worth every penny.

>> No.20282074
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The package says it's for pets what the fuck anon

>> No.20282255

are these acceptable to eat over rice?

>> No.20282532

Nigga, you can eat anything with rice. Of course DEENZ are acceptable with rice

>> No.20282538

Oh wait, I'm retarded
DEENZ are better than rice when it comes to nutrition
Rice is just carbs

>> No.20282654

I usually just eat them on their own

>> No.20283035

What kind of sardines do you have to be bothered by the bones guys ? Bones are absolutely unnoticeable.

>> No.20283091

Oh wow I haven't had any in weeks I should stock up on them! Be sure to not overdo them though or you might get arsenic poisoning. A treat they are, but a daily one they should not become.

>> No.20283161
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I just squirt anchovy paste in my mouth.

>> No.20283208

GTFO with that pajeet shit.

>> No.20283227

It's an Abrahamic thing. Christians obviously don't care about it anymore, not sure of the others.

>> No.20283342

>he still drives his milk

>> No.20283344

those are the worst deenz imo you'll find way better soon. use the water if you like it most people will drain it. I prefer oil.

>> No.20283345
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I already ate a lot of these and bought even more. I'm spending too much on tinned fish bros. I bought a bunch of stuff in escabeche and tinned squid

>> No.20283349

>that which is not lawful
>did ya hear the story about that guy David who ate that bread in the temple

>> No.20283354

I can't help but like this weird ass dude

>> No.20283772
File: 2.33 MB, 2533x4028, IMG_0390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their just lil fishies
Beloved by cat and man alike

>> No.20284060

is that supposed to be expensive?

>> No.20284412
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Have these fallen off or am I just spoiled now by the likes of Nuri, Ortiz, and Matiz?
I got a can of the regular and Mediterranean KO, and I couldn't finish either.

>> No.20284464
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King Oscar's tiny tots remain their best offering. If you frequently eat sardines, you eventually come to understand that King Oscar is a mid-level brand. I tell everyone that Spanish and Portuguese sardines are the best, followed by Greek sardines. Everything else is orders of magnitude below. It's good to start with lesser quality brands though, so you know what makes a truly quality sardine. All this to say yes you've been spoiled by Nuri, Ortiz, and Matiz. If you haven't already, try Santo Amaro. They're about the same quality as Matiz but less expensive. Once you get a taste for the good stuff you can't go back unless you go broke lol.
Eyyyyyy I tried those Spiced Calamari in Ragout Sauce you got in the top box fairly recently, they're damn good even on their own. The Danish trout is great too. How are their other offerings? I also tried the Porthos, they were comparable to Matiz or Bela, with Matiz edging them out imo. Nuri ofc remains king, and you choose their best offering.

>> No.20284482

is this real?

>> No.20284529

The squid in ragout was fucking fantastic, I bought another tin of it alone. The other stuff in there was pretty good too but the squid was definitely the standout. I also got some la brujula squids in ink which I've had before but I wanna try them side by side because I love both. The porthos personally I say are a bit below Nuri but not by too much in my opinion. Haven't tried bela or matiz, at least not recently. I bought a ten pack of those spiced porthos for like 44 bucks or something, couldn't help it. I had the Danish trout and their sardines too, both pretty good but I prefer the trout. The sardines were decently smoked small sardines, not a super strong taste on the herbs. My girl preferred them to the trout. Got their mussels coming in soon along with a bunch of other sardines and mussels in escabeche. Never tried any Greek sardines though

>> No.20285054

Have you considered not being gay? I'm not one of those savages that'll eat a stray spine but if you gobble up the fuckers whole, or blend them into a pate, you don't even know they're there.

This gangsta knows what's up. Take a can of Nuri DEENZ in olive oil, 1/4 cup tomato paste, a garlic clove, the juice of one lemon, a pinch of sea salt, a blistered serrano pepper with the stem discarded (and the seeds, if you a bitch) and blend that shit into a paste, then spread over your flatbread of choice. You're welcome.

>Chovies are better
Only on pizza. Speaking of which, nothing better than chovies, onion, green olives, and jalapenos on pizza. Or, if you're a legend, chovies and pineapple.

That packaging is to canned fish as septum piercings are to women; if you ignore the warnings, you deserve everything that happens to you.

>that image
Fuckin' saved, imagine being the type of balding cuck who feeds himself post-workout with a scoop of whey powder instead of popping a tin of DEENZ while blasting Tevvez.

Whey? MOAR LIEK fucking WHY?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Monke-biscuit the wise?

>> No.20286657

Checked, based deenz stacker.

>> No.20286702
File: 48 KB, 526x526, 201874311_4128212330605965_6552850315144956108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had this a bunch as a kid, i think its similar. basically a pate of deenz in tomato sauce. i remember it being much redder than the pic when i ate it though.

>> No.20286708

nice spread, makes mee think i should really treat myself better.
i usually just go with plain white bread (preferrably fresh).

>> No.20287481

How long have you been hoarding this boxes for dude

>> No.20287520
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Had these recently, extremely tasty.

>> No.20288053
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can't into

>> No.20288055

Omega3 fatty acids actually can be good for your dopamine levels.

>> No.20288249
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, ED1BFDD4-79D8-4763-B301-246A98A3325E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they replaced the olive oil with soy oil
It’s over…

>> No.20288251

Alright, this is the last time I phonepost
I swear it’s not upside down on my phone

>> No.20288403

Can anyone speak on Flower brand Moroccan DEENZ? How do they compare to Nuri?

>> No.20288470

They make great stir fry. It makes them less acrid and more fishy

>> No.20288640

"Mackerel" as a generic term is sort of vague, there's a lot of different varieties with very different mercury levels. If you look closely at the pic in >>20258580 it provides a pretty good breakdown. It does make canned mackerel a bit confusing since they rarely specify how it's sourced (sometimes you do see "jack" or "chub" which both have reasonably low levels).

>> No.20288676

>natural catch mackerel in shoyu + your fermented beans of choice
Superior flavor with none of the cancer or sterility.

>> No.20289131

god damn it this is still active. how are sardines better than salmon

>> No.20289158
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I am being dead serious here - how can I learn to like deenz? As a kid I had a fish tank I had to clean, and every time I try to eat deenz the smell alone makes me actually gag because it reminds me of that tank and all the fish poop I had to clean out. My body subconsciously fights against swallowing it, like it thinks it's something harmful like a silica packet or a tide pod. Am I just not cut out for the deenz life? Help me frens

>> No.20289179

Which deenz you tried? You tried dressing em up a bit with lemon and a bit of herbs?

>> No.20289532
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>the smell alone makes me actually gag
I dunno what to say. Deenz don't smell that strong to me and the taste actually gets overpowered by anything I add. For me it's almost like the fish version of chicken, which is great because it's healthy and cans are a good portion for a quick snack. Try a flavored can

>> No.20289535
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Being Portuguese I never liked canned sardines, as they taste completely different (way worse) than fresh grilled sardines, abundant (read: even cheaper) here on many restaurants and festivities. Opposite to tuna which I don't care for freshly cooked but love in canned form, or raw. However since the lockdown I haven't eaten out much and grew to appreciate canned sardines before some meals.

I keep seeing this Porthos and Nuri but never tried them, here Bom Petisco is the most widespread "quality" brand, to which you compare cheaper brands to and buy those instead. Does Nuri not distribute to supermarkets, only direct sales?

Anyway pic related cost less than 3€ total. Cheap literal-who brand, cans are like 1/3rd thinner (in both width and height) but manage to pack the same sized 3/4 sardines somehow.

>> No.20289542

Aussieposter exposed

>> No.20289551
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I'm a leaf, I don't know what the fuck happened but I'm never trusting phones again
In any case, I guess I'll have to pay more for olive oil

>> No.20289973

>3€ total

That doesn't warm much if your salary is 600-800 € / month.

>> No.20290306

Get you some Nuri or Flower spiced DEENZ.

>> No.20290891
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>local euromart hasn't stocked these in months
im having withdrawals man, I need more.

>> No.20290930

nta but I've been slowly working through the same variety of nuri deenz. just had the spiced ones in tomato sauce, very tasty, good quality. $6 a tin is more than I'm willing to pay for this to be a staple in my cabinet but they're certainly worth it as an occasional treat

>> No.20290944
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Just ordered a 10 pack of these bad boys

>> No.20291656

cum pants

>> No.20292159

I didn't like macks. Tasted fine, but it reminded me too much of tuna with its dry sort of flakiness. Maybe I'll give it another shot soon

>> No.20292675

It's not even that. It's a medieval superstition in the Middle East and Maghreb, possibly connected to the high incidence of lactose intolerance in those regions. Ashkenazi Jews eat fish and dairy together with impunity (they're the ones who gave us lox and cream cheese on bagels, FFS).

There's no such prohibition in either the Old Testament or the Talmud. Fish is pareve, which means it's neutral with regard to the kosher prohibition on mixing meat and milk, but one particular 16th century Sephardic rabbi, probably influenced by contemporary Muslim scholars, opined that mixing fish and milk was dangerous to health, and disallowed it for that reason. That opinion seems to be strictly adhered to almost exclusively among Sephardic Jews. Some Hassidic groups do avoid mixing fish and milk per se, just to be safe, but generally have no qualms about mixing fish with other dairy products (the Lubavitchers, for instance, hold that adding even a little bit of butter or cheese to milk makes it no longer "milk").

The situation for Muslims seems to be similar., from what I've heard. There's nothing in the Koran prohibiting the combination of fish and milk (or meat and milk, for that matter, unlike Judaism), but some jurists in the Middle Ages asserted, centuries after the fact, that Mohamed himself had avoided combining dairy with either fish or meat because it was unhealthy, and that it was therefore contrary to the sunnah. This opinion was never universally held, and it's now understood that there's no scientific basis for the health concern, but some Muslims will still avoid the combination anyway.

As you say, Christians (with a few exceptions, such as Seventh-Day Adventists), don't consider the Mosaic law to still be in effect, so it's a moot point for us. And since the general prohibition is mostly Rabbinic rather than Biblical (Moses only proscribes boiling a kid in its mother's milk), I don't expect even most of the exceptional groups make an issue of it.

>> No.20292689


>> No.20294328

>seed oil


>> No.20294404

Bone marrow >>>>>>>
Any other fresh fish too

>> No.20294423

>I'm the only one that, when eating a can of sardines, experiences a happiness boost that lasts through the whole day?
>Is that the power of OMEGA3?
Unironically yes. One of the best things I ever did for my mental health was eat sardines and take fish oil on days I don't eat sardines.

>> No.20295065

It's a can of fish..
If you have some fetish... Wrong board

>> No.20296798

the stuff they sell at walmart is delicious, I think it's polar brand

>> No.20298128

You wouldn't get it...

>> No.20299219
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Why are brisling deenz more expensive? Are they worth it?

>> No.20299688
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Finally took the deenpill and got some
The taste was great but god was the smell awful
I've never been able to handle it, as a kid I always held my breath walking past the fish section at the butcher in the grocery stores

>> No.20299777
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>as a kid I always held my breath walking past the fish section at the butcher in the grocery stores
It this actually a thing? I know some fish really smells but it's never been this thing that makes me want to puke or something

>> No.20299796



>> No.20300331

>sweet Caroline
I'm so fucki,g sick of hearing and seeing this song repeated, did the copyright recently expire or skmething?

>> No.20300788

"Brisling sardines" are not deenz at all--they're sprats. You've been lied to. Open your eyes. Look behind the veil

>> No.20300823
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Had these from ALDI before seeing this thread. Pretty depressed and couldn't stomach anything but buttered sourdough bread, but these were quite good. Quite small for deenz (not sure if sprats), but plenty in the tin with an agreeable taste.

You know after accidentally ordering some Sturgeon caviar by accident, I must say that kalles kaviar tastes better.

That posts says nothing about Sweet Caroline?

>> No.20300842

Read the guys shirt

>> No.20300851

Oh just saw the shirt in the webm, not sure if it references the song directly.
I think the long of the short is that a lot of people who liked the song growing up are now in retirement age, so the song gets relegated to an inoffensive pop hit which is played as filler for the sake of filter.
Already happened with early Rock 'n Roll

>> No.20300934

It does way "bah bah bah" underneath. Its just been massively overplayed very recently and they're making an otherwise ok song just annoying

>> No.20301005

Sardines are a general term for small fish of the herring family "clupidae" of which sprats, or "sprattus sprattus" is one of many species. You tards that always argue that sprats "aren't sardines" are just showing your lack of actual deenz knowledge.

>> No.20301249

I'm a sardine purist

>> No.20301349

>not in ink sauce

>> No.20302379

>I recommend Beach Cliff, specifically, their sardines in Louisiana hot sauce
This, but they're "fish steaks," not sardines. I think it could be mackerel? Idk, but they're my absolute favorite. Beach Cliff is super dank.

>> No.20303677

You're not supposed to eat things from China, let alone canned runoff goldfish.

>> No.20304966

it's up

>> No.20304970

I had riga sprats for the first time with fried eggs on toast, it was heavenly

>> No.20305724

just ate one
it's alright

>> No.20305867
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What am I in for?

>> No.20306228

Alright it was actually pretty good. I agree with some other Anons about it being flakier than deenz but I still liked the taste. I didn't think it was dry but that's probably because it was in olive oil
TL;DR: I liked it

>> No.20306826

>In sunflower oil
That oughtta be animal abuse.

>> No.20306948

Where can a guy in the SE US buy Nuri deenz without ordering them?

>> No.20307756
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Started Jan 2023, every 2-3 weeks I get a box from amazon.

1 tin for work lunch 5 days a week.
>about $3 a can - affordable

I add hot sauce & that's about it.

>> No.20307762

Should probably burn that stack of boxes someday anon

>> No.20307767

Canned mackerel is so good but it's so hit or miss. When it's great it's soooo fucking great though

>> No.20307782

>patreon for canned fish reviews
he's providing a service, asking for remuneration is fair game and it's not even mandatory.

>> No.20308962

Wait, is the thread in autosage?

>> No.20308968

Nevermind, I'm retarded
Only had it once so far but it was pretty good

>> No.20308978

Is that a carp?

>> No.20309540
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I can't stop eating these, Wal-Mart sells them for less than 2 bucks. I want a snack? These with crackers. Lunch? I add them to random sandwiches, Salads? Sure. Why are the so good?

>> No.20309546
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Enjoy your cancer

>> No.20309556
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>> No.20309558

Uhhhh, Anon... What's that behind your can?

>> No.20309589
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Just a hobby Anon, don't worry about it.

>> No.20309616
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Atlantic coast best coast

>> No.20309627

you're not that dude who makes plush dolls with his wife are you?

>> No.20309641

Are Nuri deenz actually that good?

>> No.20309659

I might be autistic because I absolutely hate the smell of fish even though I've always liked the taste of it

>> No.20309738

i wanna eat that too but $3 a can seems expensive. are canned sardines/fish a "budget" food to poor people like me? I can't tell if it's a high end snack, that's why im poor.

>> No.20309756

>$3 a can seems expensive
It's definitely not on the cheaper end. The cheaper stuff will be under 1.50 USD a can (Beach Cliff, etc)

>> No.20309763

Though stuff under $2 is usually cheap for a reason. Try DEENZ in different price ranges and you'll see what's the cheapest you like

>> No.20309815

I love how cheap deenz are. I can buy 10 and just chow down over the day. Cheaper than beef from some places

>> No.20309819

>Cheaper than beef
That's not an achievement. Cheap is something like chicken

>> No.20309872

They taste mid and don't do anything. If you have them lying around sure I guess

>> No.20309974
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>They taste mid
This fr fr no cap on god this shit ain't bussin

>> No.20310001

it's food, what the fuck do you mean "and don't do anything." no fucking shit they are DEAD FISH

>> No.20310246

Yes try them. Matinz are second place

>> No.20311798
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its a good day bros

>> No.20311857

I want to try some but none of the nearby grocery stores sells them. Amazon sells them but a 12-pack costs 48 leafbucks. Are they really worth 3 USD a can? How much do you pay for them?

>> No.20311859

Oh wait, nevermind, those are macks, I'm dumb

>> No.20313237
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Sloppa wit da deenz

>> No.20313243

>Go for
Chicken of the sea
>Stay away
Anything that offers boneless.

>> No.20313252

I like the deenz in spicy tomato sauce that you can get from the asian grocery stores. They're so delicious I just eat them straight out of the can sometimes.

>> No.20313279
File: 179 KB, 1000x1000, tinned-sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start with the shitty brands then move upwards, this way you know what constitutes a quality sardine
Unironically this. At some point you suddenly reach a tier that's completely different and you finally get it. For me it was when I reached a brand where the deenz are in olive oil and actually neatly arranged

>> No.20313773

This guy showed me unironically how to eat seen because I was too much of a retard to figure it out on my own.

>> No.20313819 [DELETED] 

Damn what the fuck nigger. I had my first can of salmon the other day mixed with rice and I was excited because I thought it was the ultimate food but now I see this shit. Is literally everything poison? What the fuck

>> No.20314302

Dude, everything has micro plastics. Your body can get rid of it every day.

>> No.20315943

I like crushing pita chips (wheat or garlic or spicy) to eat with sardines. Anyone got other good toppings?
what's a good way to add spiciness to canned sardines?

>> No.20315956

>showed me unironically how to eat
What do you mean? You open the can and eat them however you want. What did you have such a hard time figuring out?

>> No.20316057

Yes. There is a rotten fish smell that is very potent, and you can smell it at various groceries. I found out that this is more of a "asian and mexican" grocery phenomenon, I haven't smelled it at higher end groceries, despite them having fish and lobster in tanks. Most likely this is a hygiene thing, with western standards beating foreigner standards. This rotting smell is what people call "fishy". Fresh fish don't have this smell.

Also, rotting fish smell gets to be real bad. The Romans had laws about where you could ferment garum because it was that bad.

>> No.20316192
File: 189 KB, 1200x800, Serving_Surströmming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedes love the putrid smell
>Surströmming is lightly salted, fermented Baltic Sea herring traditional to Swedish cuisine since at least the 16th century. It is distinct from fried or pickled herring.
>During the production of surströmming, just enough salt is used to prevent the raw herring from rotting while allowing it to ferment. A fermentation process of at least six months gives the fish its characteristic strong smell and somewhat acidic taste. A newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, even stronger than similarly fermented fish dishes such as the Korean hongeohoe, the Japanese kusaya or the Icelandic hákarl

>In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified after the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate"

>> No.20316610

>Eat a can of pic rel
>Feel like shit for a few hours
Never had tuna before today but i think im gonna stay away from now on.
The risks with the heavy metals cant possibly make it worth it, even though it tasted pretty great.

>> No.20316612
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forgort pic.
Albacore supposedly has the highest mercury content of all tuna but still

>> No.20316767

>eat the most poisoned shitty tuna
>not expect to feel bad after
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.20317730

Blend with onions, butter, mustard, salt and pepper and spread on slices of baguette.

>> No.20318227

I want sure about the bones, if you coyote eat the whole thing or if you had to eat around it.

>> No.20318247 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 480x265, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers are such weak pathetic fucking specimens that the mercury in canned tuna makes you "feel like shit" KEK

>> No.20319067

These are very good. Both my grandfathers particularly liked these as an appetizer. It's stuck with me since. I like the club snacks as they are nice and buttery. A little cream cheese doesn't hurt as well

>> No.20319100

>buy Aldi store brand deenz
>open can
>giant human hair sitting on top of the fish

alright, thats another brand on the shit list

>> No.20319105
File: 1.11 MB, 512x512, GOD DAMNIT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat deens for years without issue
>started getting horrible heartburn and burps all day after eating them

>> No.20319409

who the fuck is forcing this king oscars is good meme?
are you just trying to trick people into not buying the good shit?

>> No.20319543

You'll have to tell us what you think good deenz/macks are so we can know if your opinion matters or not

>> No.20319634

Good no one asked your opinion, numbnuts. I’ll stick to foods that make me happy while you have fun with your vile seafaring slop bitch tits.

>> No.20319645
File: 546 KB, 894x716, Deen Kings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Big 3

>> No.20319652

So none of them taste good plain water packed and are hiding their lack of flavor behind oil and chilli.

>> No.20319654

In your guys opinion are imported or non-english packaged canned fish worth eating? When I'm in the asian or mexican markets I see lots of them but get scared it's gonna be like "Sardines coated in queefed ass"

>> No.20319672

Anyone who pays over $10 fuck a single can of deenz is a fucking retard
This is audiophile levels of stupidity

>> No.20319677

more flavor is never a bad thing, expand your palate retard

better quality better ingredients better deenz
poorfags need to keep their opinions to themselves
it's okay if you can't afford it, no need for sour grapes you have options still

>> No.20319686
File: 106 KB, 730x351, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 02-47-37 Ramon Pena Sardinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how every single time people waste their money in a retarded way and others tell them, they ALWAYS call others poorfags. As if you can't possibly waste money in retarded ways
Call someone an idiot for buying a Super Mario Bros cartridge for $500? "lmao poorfag cope"

>> No.20319693

I can add other flavors at home if I want, but if the deenz don't taste good unenhanced I'm not bothering with them. King Oscar water packed deenz taste great.

>> No.20319740

You know, I have never had bad expensive canned fish, I have however had bad cheap canned fish.
Also some get really interesting like the higher end Spanish stuff.

>> No.20319793

>I have never had bad expensive canned fish, I have however had bad cheap canned fish
Of course the $20 can is going to be the best. The thing is diminishing returns are a thing with literally everything. Just like when you buy the most expensive graphics card, of course it will be the best, but you'll pay TWICE as much for only a 10% increase in performance compared to the option under it. But at the same time, the cheapest option is shit
There is a nice spot where the deenz are great but they don't cost $20

>> No.20320182

>prefers sunflower oil
>dislikes bones
numale detected. enjoy your cardiac arrest

>> No.20320227
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Has anyone ever tried these? How are they?

>> No.20320238

Everyone says Nuri is the best and they're going for ~$8 on rainbowtomatoesgarden right now. If you're paying more than that you're wasting your money on a product that's marginally better at best

>> No.20320240

They still have an olive oil version down here in the states, it even seemed to come out after the soybean one, have about 10 tins if they go away again though guess I'll stock up

>> No.20320273

>canned oysters
100% polluted with heavy metals and most likely actually from China

>> No.20320476

Literally doesn't qualify as a waste because the product was good
If $10 or $20 is a "waste" to you, then you really have no foot to stand on as to what counts as a waste because you can find shittier sardines at the dollar store that would be a better bargain than whatever $2 or $3 can you find. Everything can be trivialized relatively.
Point is, poor retard is a poor retard

You're the same type of person who defends mcdonalds because higher quality burgers are "just bullshit and not that much better"

At what point do you take your blindfolds off and realize that both the fish quality and oil quality is OBJECTIVELY better?

>> No.20320907

This thread is still alive? WTF lol

>> No.20321534

>Take a can of Nuri DEENZ in olive oil, 1/4 cup tomato paste, a garlic clove, the juice of one lemon, a pinch of sea salt, a blistered serrano pepper with the stem discarded (and the seeds, if you a bitch) and blend that shit into a paste, then spread over your flatbread of choice
I did this for lunch today. I'll use less tomato paste, and cut the lemon juice in half when I make it again, but it was very good.

>> No.20321546

I really don't like the taste of smoked fish otherwise I'd eat these oysters way more often.
I just like raw oysters the best.

>> No.20321547

I spoke highly of them earlier in the thread, defiantly buy. Really good sardines, fish are a bit larger than king oscar's but soooo much better, not mushy at all. They pair well with anything, I enjoyed them with macadamia nuts. Great out of the tin too.

>> No.20321574
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>2024 /deenz/ has 274 replies and no theme song
wowowowowowowowow for shame

>> No.20322303

thanks that's pretty catchy
at first i was mad at sardines but now i'm on the sardines side. they're good

>> No.20322411

thanks for the answer, anon. I'll check them out. They look pretty great for the price considering brands like Nuri are charging around 8.50

>> No.20322523
File: 1.54 MB, 2100x1441, based mackerel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get king oscar Mediterranean mackerel? The Amazon listing is gone and all the other shops I see online have ridiculously expensive shipping. I want the 12-pack, shipping to california. Or in a store but I've never seen it in stores. I'm fucking desperate, they are my one true comfort food.

>> No.20322749

>deenz thread up 20 days
Must be some kind of record. How do we keep this thread going lads?

>> No.20322753

it's good for a snack. Take them out and add some vinegar on them. Then eat them with either a fork some pita bread.

>> No.20322755

Add vinegar

>> No.20322795

>to california
>I'm fucking desperate
well yea, thats a given

>> No.20322870

>deenz thread up 20 days
People are finally trying deenz and realizing how great they are. I first tried them a while ago because of these threads myself and now deenz are part of my life
If you don't like deenz, it's because you've never had good deenz

>> No.20323050
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It's bad enough here man I just want some mackerel

>> No.20323167
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>> No.20324880
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>> No.20324898

King Oscar kipper snacks are good, but I can hardly find those anymore.

>> No.20324940

No because most sprats are harvested from the North Sea and Baltic Sea which are both polluted. They also have a stronger "fishy" taste than Portuguese deenz in my opinion.
You're conflating the scientific term "sardine" with the culinary/commercial term "sardine." The European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) is the "true" sardine, while the culinary term "sardine" can apply to any number of fish that are under 6 inches in length.

>> No.20325704

>canned fish reviews
post the link holy shit

>> No.20325748

Use some Dijon mustard, capers, and fresh parsley for an amazing dressing! Some shit I stole from Gordon Ramsay’s YouTube about Lamb and cheap meals.

>> No.20325776

the bones are the best part of deenz you pleb
provides calcium and texture.

>> No.20326360
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yikes...the food shortage has begun...

>> No.20326447

how do i know if my deenz went bad? i forgot i had tins in a cupboard

>> No.20326489

>But I heard that this fish in particular is super unhealthy
yeah no shit

>> No.20327402
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>> No.20328402

$17 bucks shipping for 4 cans of deenz.........

>> No.20328463


>> No.20328516
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 2300-La-Monegasque-Sardinenfilets-in-Olivenoel-125g-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have been eating the cheapest sardines from the supermarket for years (1$) but just recently due to the seed oil psychosis i switched to the more expensive brand version (2$) that uses olive oil.

the difference can hardly be described. it is like going from cheap and chewy meat to expensive high-quality entrecôte.

now about to order some of those vintage sardines that can be quite expensive but are said to be even on another level

>> No.20328521

that's one salty slice

>> No.20328574

I heard of the Deenz meme so I went to the store looking for the "Deenz" brand of sardines but never found it. So instead I bought 1 of these >>20326360. Only after did I realize that "deenz" was short for sar'dines'.

Nicely salted, pretty tasty for a light snack. Bought 2 more this week.

>> No.20328598
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Olive oil is better but my theory is that it's one of the effects and not the main cause of why it's better. What I mean is brands that use soy oil are just gonna be cheap brands altogether, including the quality of the deenz themselves. Basically if you'd buy the "in water" versions of both brands you'd see the same difference in quality.

>> No.20329747
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, Mabuti vs Nuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any difference between Mabuti and Nuri?
I see online that it's basically the same parent company with the only difference being a change in name, but I don't have much experience with deenz to really know.

>> No.20329863

why dont you compress your jpegs? it could have been 80% file size. some people don't have bandwidth to load that huge image

>> No.20329873

this nigga still on dial up

>> No.20329944

russian shop. smoked sprats.

>> No.20331533

If you ever find anything not tasting decent enough, just add salt my nigga. salt is king

>> No.20331546

forgot to add. if you're American, sugar/corn syrup is king. a generous drench of Aunt Jemimas could maybe be up your ally.

>> No.20331548

Phone fags BTFO

>> No.20331662

guan ping down wan shoo won shoo foo

>> No.20331691

It's the best way by far bro. I bring deenz to school along with my stainless steel chopsticks to eat them.

A fork shreds them far too easily.

>> No.20331980

probably spoiled, nuri ruined grocery store sardines for me

>> No.20332011

skyline chili is a culinary abomination

>> No.20332057


>> No.20332189
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Since no one gave their input I just ordered a bunch and will test them out myself, I'll eat them as is before using crackers and bread
Just for you anon

>> No.20332557
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I'm sure these are great but I dunno about spending literally $3000 a year in deenz

>> No.20332562
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These are common at both Asian/Mexican markets afaik, all got multiple tests from me and I always have at least one can lying around to put over rice or mix into noodles.
The saury has mackerel variety if you prefer, and all 3 come in various flavors of spicy or savory

>> No.20332943

You are not committed.

>> No.20333236

man those LOOK nice just visually. i'm in it for the nutrients so i'll stick to sub $2.