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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 954 KB, 480x558, 1710777486657037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20317706 No.20317706 [Reply] [Original]

This is why you kill the crab FIRST.

>> No.20317708

as long as he has food his hp will stay the same.

>> No.20317737

imagine being boiled to death and your last meal was frozen corn
rip lil nigga

>> No.20317990

Ok no I know for sure that lower level animals don’t feel pain.

>> No.20317997

If this wasn't a video I'd swear it was photoshopped on account of the pixels

>> No.20318001

based and runescapepilled

>> No.20318005

Crab enjoying his last meal in a wierdly hot bath

>> No.20318084

How can you be sure they don't just accept the pain?

>> No.20318123

>not shoving entire sharks down its gullet
that crab ain't gon make it that hot boiling AOE is doing 30 hp damage per 4 game ticks and everyone knows corn only heals 15, crabby's prayer ran out 35 seconds ago so no protecc from magic hot broth.. ripperoni lil crabby

>> No.20318983

nooooo not the heckin crabberino

>> No.20318985

this doesn't kill the crab

>> No.20319018

The heat of the water kills the crab

>> No.20319022
File: 71 KB, 1024x640, 322D2D37-F97B-42BE-A1B1-D27AF20E703A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brap from my asshole pushes the shit out

>> No.20319023

the corn heals the crab

>> No.20319025

Yea and piss is stored in the balls right Moishe?

>> No.20319035

Videos can also be edited, anon

>> No.20319202

Is that some party with lemons? We have peaked as a species.

>> No.20319232

What if they are just extreme stress eaters, ever thought about that, mammal?

>> No.20319234

Go back to /k/ warriorfart.

>> No.20319242
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, strogg medical facilities.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so badly shooped.
and OLD.
C'mon guys, I know the downward slide has been quickening, but...

>> No.20319247

NTA, but if it could feel pain you'd think it would notice it's being killed and make some attempt to escape.

>> No.20319254

Look at around 0:07, you can see it is edited in, the whole pan and the ingridients are moving slightly, the are where the crab is doesn't. Also there is no bubble where the crab is, it is just a fake.

>> No.20319284

god i wish that were me

>> No.20319287

Thats a still frozen icy corn. I'm sure the head and arm sitting right on top of it are staying cool enough. Also thst area wouldn't be boiling.

>> No.20319299
File: 2.54 MB, 720x404, Strogg medical facilities 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20319332

WHeee, the crabbys are going on a fun little fair attraction.
I know quite a few humans who should get a ticket for a ride in there...

>> No.20319364

its not a real video

>> No.20319385

Is this any faster or cheaper than just using wagies with cleavers?

>> No.20319607

The essence of cosmic horror

>> No.20319610

Yes, both.

>> No.20320206

>if you kill things meant for food too efficiently with machines it becomes cosmic horror
Gotta have that human margin of error eh?

>> No.20320259

LITERALLY just look up "crab eating corn". You'll find the original of the crab being on a dark, rainy shore, along with this horribly done video. The pan moves without the crab. CMON.

>> No.20320332

The king has returned

>> No.20320358

Costs $1m, costs $10k/yr to maintain, does the work of 3 employees. Beneficial to your books, too.
In America - each employee costs $100k/yr all in on a modest $60k salary. And at the end of the day you're only going to be able to hire people who can't get real jobs. And they quit suddenly whereas the machine can pretty much always be repaired. And they might unionize.

>> No.20320656

OP here, how can I trust that the other video isn't the fake one?

>> No.20320834

yes, actually.
the lack of humanity is at the essence of cosmic horror, good job.

>> No.20320856

They are already dead before being processed stupid veggie.

>> No.20321114

I can't watch this without the Saruman music

>> No.20321139


>> No.20321156

Wagies take hour breaks and hours more slacking off, they will likely break stuff too and also spit in the crab with their std spits.

>> No.20321206

I really don't like crabs, I think they're terrible animals but this level of industrialized meat production just seems fucked up.

>> No.20322086

The heat of the crab kills the corn

>> No.20322197

that's the price of a prosperous society. it's only getting worse as tens of millions of SEAmonkeys entering the middle class realize that they want to live exactly how westerners do. that...that is the REAL reason for the decline in the west.

>> No.20322213

free range corn fed crab is the best.

>> No.20322355
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 1696373797511708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that crab ain't gon make it that hot boiling AOE is doing 30 hp damage per 4 game ticks and everyone knows corn only heals 15, crabby's prayer ran out 35 seconds ago so no protecc from magic hot broth.. ripperoni lil crabby

>> No.20322438


The heat of the crab heats the water, that's why it's boiling.
SO crabby will be fine, he's used to these kinds of temperatures.

>> No.20322442

And let all those delicious juices bleed out? The crab must suffer for maximum flavor.
t. Chinese

>> No.20322450

They might not feel pain like we do but they have a rudimentary brain that surely sends all sorts of panicking signals. Fight or flight exists in almost every creature, even lowly insects.

>> No.20323243

Do Chinese people really just ignore someone that is obviously hurt in an accident?

>> No.20323314

It is absolutely fucked up yeah, one of the shittiest aspects of the modern world along with insane levels of pollution and mass destruction of natural habitats

>> No.20323429

No, they will make sure the person dies from the accident so the court can't find them financially responsible for that person's health expenses.

>> No.20323474

They feel, but can’t suffer in a way we understand

>> No.20323527 [DELETED] 

t. Woman

>> No.20323530

> 60k salary
those mexicans are making bank.

>> No.20323536 [DELETED] 

Animals, let alone crabs, do not have a sense of morality. I've seen baboons eating baby oxen STILL COMING OUT THE WOMB.

>> No.20323538

not so crabble now isnt it

>> No.20324948

I'm not worried about the feelings of crabs, or their morality (they have none), it's just that there's something wrong with this level of meat production. Imagine how many crabs must be pulled out of the ocean every day to give such machines a reason to exist. It's absolutely fucking insane, this whole industrial pipeline straight from nature into a machine, wrapped in plastic, distributed to many places, and then into the mouth of someone who has never spent a single day of their lives without contact with society.

it's just fucked up as a whole, completely insane and unstable, unsustainable

>> No.20324952

wypipo dont boil they crabs

>> No.20325409

fossil fuels arn't sustainable either neither is uncontrolled population growth. industrialisation of crab killing is the least of our concern. we only learn when the effects are felt and by then it's already too late. there is nothing anyone can do, it's humans selfish nature that will ultimately lead to our demise.

>> No.20325804

Next time you're hungry go chase a deer until it collapses from exhaustion, then carry it back home, skin it, gut it, butcher it, and sear the meat seasoned only with herbs that grow within 5 miles of your home. It will put things in perspective.

>> No.20325825

That sly mother fucker

>> No.20325908

This is like the 4th video I've seen of a crab falling or already being in soup eating or something. What's going on

>> No.20325920
File: 24 KB, 300x375, IMG_7983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I like when the crab eats the spaghetti and then you eat the crab

>> No.20325945

Crabs are discriminated against. No other creature is so mocked and tormented.

>> No.20325955

Bullshit buddy

>> No.20325986

He’s not wrong, thoughever. Meet me in edge w18 and we’ll see who is in fact the bigger man.

>> No.20326107

What if we live in a demonic simulation and aliens do this to us when we die

>> No.20326232

I do that

>> No.20326321

Crabs are cancer.

>> No.20326597

demonic alien simulation? Jeez, pick a theory

>> No.20326600

>8 wagies in the back looking on in awe at what some fucked up engineer created to take their jobs

>> No.20326601

What makes you think you deserve unlimited crab? You're a child

>> No.20326647


>> No.20326652

>the numbers stay the same
eat the corn, i'll eat you

>> No.20326680

Can these machines perform other functions or are you telling me that sophisticated robotics were created for the sole purpose of slicing legs off crabs?

>> No.20327604 [DELETED] 

'Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics—you name it—is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is—not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be. The universe will let us know—later—whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it'.

>> No.20327707

You didn't answer the question, fatass why do you think you're entitled to unlimited crabs, as if you weren't some fat lump of unintelligent shit that could ever engineer and implement such a system yourself.

>> No.20327736

>Literally is chilling with his claws already turning red in a pool of boiling liquid, munching corn.

If that doesnt mean it gives no fuck then i dont know what does.

>> No.20328736
File: 45 KB, 645x623, Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the anons on /r9k/

>> No.20329129 [DELETED] 

I did answer. If you didn't get it, that's a skill issue on your part.

>> No.20329150

They deserve to suffer.

>> No.20329178


>> No.20329257

>god I wish animals suffered more before death

>> No.20329540


>> No.20330634

bitch, I've hunted and foraged. Led long term camping project trips, certified in wilderness medical treatment. don't pretend that being ignorant to the current reality makes it any less fucked

>> No.20330655

>frozen corn
>on the cob
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?

>> No.20330789


>> No.20330802
File: 363 KB, 666x666, 1141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomers can't tell it's shopped
The computers won.

>> No.20330806

It's actually a high IQ move. By eating the frozen corn he's lowering his internal temperature.

>> No.20331488

holy fuck imagine if this were a human plant..

>> No.20332029

Those noodles are going to be soggy as fuck.

>> No.20332038

The wagies want $20/hr and pee breaks. This is a dumb repetitive task that benefits from removing the human element. More precise and more sterile.

>> No.20332047

There is a lot of sea life, the oceans are big. And anytime shit becomes unsustainable in the wild, humans just swap to farming it because the price skyrockets.