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20290126 No.20290126 [Reply] [Original]

#1 - SweeTango™
#2 - Kanzi
#3 - SnapDragon

Honorary Mention & Best Value Apple - Pink Lady

Usually good but sometimes awful and always overrated - Honeycrisp

>> No.20290130

Apples are gross

>> No.20290133

#1 Granny Smith

>> No.20290135

Road Apple is my absolute fav

>> No.20290150
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>Apples are gross

>> No.20290205

Do you think you really have the right to weigh in on this conversation considering that you've never eaten an apple released after 1990? Everything mentioned in the OP is on another playing field compared to that legacy garbage you just mentioned

>> No.20290245

I like McIntosh apples because they have the softest texture. Most other apples give me a little bit of a stomachache unless cooked.

>> No.20290407

>Tranime pedo has bad taste

If you pick anything other than mother fucking HoneyCrisp you are a god damn retard.

>> No.20290423

based and tart pilled

>> No.20290486

#1 is sour jerry

>> No.20290529

its simply fuji

the good parts of all of those are just their fuji stock coming through

most are legit just fujis of a particular regulated size and color in fact lol

>> No.20290791

French Anon, i know we don't have the same cultivars due to the climates, but I believe we can all agree on the worst commonly available apple anywhere :

Red Chief.

Just why go for "pretty but disgustingly mealy" when you are dealing in fruit trees ?

>> No.20291838

How cute. Anyway, here's an actual list of the best:
>Staymen Winesap
>Granny Smith
>Cortland - OK, maybe Ida Red

>> No.20291886

sweetango is trash

>> No.20291895

1.pink lady
2.cosmic crisp
everything else is power gapped

>> No.20291907
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I've been wanting to try SweeTango and Kanzi but never have had the chance to buy them. Snapdragon is good but Envy is better.
But my opinions:
From my computer document I've been keeping so I remember which apples I like:
Grannysmith: Childhood favorite. Always tart and crisp.
Pink Lady - Very good, has some tang to it. Contender to be my #1.
Envy - Best apple ever, very sweet and flavorful.
McIntosh: Disliked them as a child, haven't tried them since. I remember they tasted mealy and flavorless, even though my family loved them and would buy them all the time.
Braeburn: Used to be my favorite, but now they don't sell them anymore. Crisp and tart for a red apple, but bad ones are meh.
Pinata - Forgettable, not that bad but never again.
Fuji - Passable. Texture and taste meh, but I've had worse. The ones I tried were probably out of season.
Honeycrisp - Good, a bit overrated. Very crisp and juicy, but lacks any memorable tartness or apple flavor.
Snap Dragon - Crisp, juicy, slightly lacking flavor. Above average.
SugarBee - Crisp, good, above average but forgettable.
Gala Apples: It's like eating applesauce, but that's not a compliment. Not crisp enough. Flavor is okay.

>> No.20291915

Well at least someone here knows his apples
Granny Smiths have their uses, though, c'mon honorable mention

>> No.20292348
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where my cosmic crisp niggas at?

>> No.20292362

One apple has 20 (!!) grams of sugar. I don't eat that shit.

>> No.20292379

smittens are the best but I haven't seen them in 2 years

>> No.20292447
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20g isn't that much. Thats half a can of soda. If that's the only sugar thing you eat for the day you even stay in ketosis.
Oh yeah cosmic crisp, I forgot to put it in my computer document. I remember it was pretty gud.
But no one else mentioning Envy apples. You have to try Envy apples, they taste like what red delicious apples were supposed to taste like according to the name. It's tastes like what sex feels like in your mouth.

>> No.20292448

Call be basic if you want. But I eat pretty much only Honeycrisp apples.

>> No.20292470

I remember when these apples were actually being hyped and everyone was sold out of them for the first month or so.
I got my hands on some and was pretty underwhelmed.
It was being touted as having the crispiness of a honeycrisp, but also being much sweeter, which I felt it didn't live up to the hype.

>> No.20292474
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>20g isn't that much. Thats half a can of soda.
Imagine being so sugarbrained your baseline for a normal amount of sugar is a fucking coke.

>> No.20292488

Gunna hafta go with the granner.

>> No.20292498
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I don't even drink soda. I googled it for something to compare to.
Anyway, apples have fiber and vitamins and shit, eating one a day isn't bad.

>> No.20292519

Nobody asked you fucking pussy lol

>> No.20292682

Is that the same as Red Delicious?

>> No.20292700

I keep trying these meme apples like cosmic crisp and sugar bee but they're all shit compared to mcintosh.

>> No.20292941

I will never eat a fruit with a fucking trademark

>> No.20293076

that's actually fake news THO

>> No.20293137

>30 replies
>only one mention of braeburn
come back when you all actually eat apples before you claim to have a relevant opinion

>> No.20294074

Somehow I've never seen them on sale. All sorts of meme apples, but not even a single braeburn. I don't get it.

>> No.20294162
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Not him but granny smith is my go to because tartness and crispness are my two priorities in an apple and I love apples. It's not the best overall, but they are a good go to when it's outside of apple season.

My favorite apple when perfect is a Macintosh with Spy close second, but they go mealy so quickly that I only really consider them worth eating the day they are picked.

The best regular go to outside of granny smith for me when it is apple season are russets. Wonderful flavour, wonderful texture and keep pretty good.

Honeycrisp, pink lady, tango I find sickly and do not enjoy them at all.

>> No.20294232
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To further this, my apple obsession also leads me to experiment with the wide variety of crab and wild apples that grow. Most are too astringent to enjoy raw, but a number of them make excellent sauces or tarts when cooked. One around here turns bright red like cherries when ripe and makes and awesome sauce similar to cranberry. These pic related though are a rare treat, it's some type of crab apple but for whatever reason the flesh is still very tasty and enjoyable when raw. Tart and crispy how I like but with a nice bit of sweetness and no dry mouth. I will wander past the various trees in the woods when it's apple time, filling pockets and munching along the way.

>> No.20294882

The best apples I've ever eaten, were some big speckled/multicolored orange ones that I don't know the name of. I've never seen them again after the one time time I've bought them... They were crisp, sweet (but not too sweet) and had the most apple-flavor ever.

You can't go wrong with Fuji apples or -insert thing-Crisp apples. They're over rated, but it's deserved for being slightly above mid, and inoffensive in every way.

Red Delicious get a lot of flack, but they seem to have changed over time. They used to have an iconic shape and dark red color, with a terribly tart (perhaps bitter, even) skin that ruins them. But now they're rounder, lighter red, their skin isn't bad, and are pretty good.

Granny Smith apples belong in pies. They are too sour and tart for human consumption otherwise.

>pink lady apples
Absolute trash tier apple with a grainy texture, tendency to fall apart, and almost nonexistent flavor.

Gala apples are mid at their best. But they get bonus points for being so cheap.

>> No.20294993
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#0 - Granny Smith

>> No.20295104

>Red Delicious get a lot of flack, but they seem to have changed over time. They used to have an iconic shape and dark red color, with a terribly tart (perhaps bitter, even) skin that ruins them. But now they're rounder, lighter red, their skin isn't bad, and are pretty good.

I've had this same experience as well. I remember in the 80's they seemed like the nastiest trash but have had a few and they're pretty meh but not outright bad. I dislike some of the modern sweet apples like honeycrisp though.

>Granny Smith apples belong in pies. They are too sour and tart for human consumption otherwise.

This I just completely disagree with. I could easily enjoy a more sour version.

>> No.20295393

cosmic crisp is #1 tho

... On an unrelated note, Go Cougs

>> No.20297452

Cosmic crisp is pretty meh to me.

>> No.20297517

Eating an apple or other piece of fruit is very different for your body than eating just the refined sugar.

>> No.20297733
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>Granny Smith apples belong in pies. They are too sour and tart for human consumption otherwise.

>> No.20297828

I'm sure you believe people think you're a badass for drinking lemon juice.

>> No.20297854
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Explaining to mindless twerps how biology and chemistry works
Give it up
Fiber in food is the difference
Unadulterated real products make a difference
I move apples from Washington
In a semi truck and trailer 40000+lbs at a time
All these apples have been sitting in a solution for at least a year, many times rejected for missing standards of the quality controller
These rejects go to food banks and or organic markets like "Farmers markets"
The area where these apples get picked up have many many road signs with don't not bring across homegrown apples due to some pest that lays eggs for worms of some sort of another, which is the reason the apples are held over for a year in order to check for worms.

>> No.20297859

Not him but if you think a granny smith tastes like a lemon you should get something checked. They're not sweet, but it's nowhere near that sour. Easily in my top 5 apples to eat out of hand. Everyone has different tastes though, I find ambrosia apples sickly sweet to the point of being disgusting

>> No.20297864

I'm sorry, it sounds like you have a terrible job. Great example of how terrible most grocery store produce is though.

>> No.20297899

His job can't be replace with AI, Anon

>> No.20297920

Truck driving is one of the key things they are looking to eliminate in the next 10 - 15 years though...

>> No.20298754

Not gonna happen. Far too many variables, the roads can't be controlled nearly as easilly as the air, sea or rails thanks to the fact that millions of normal people use it. There will always be a trained human in the cab, if not in direct control then monitoring and ready to assume control.

>> No.20298788

Don't get me wrong, I hope you're right. I hate AI, but it's what they're shooting for. One human guy in charge of ten+ trucks being run remotely by AI is the current goal from multiple angles. It is horrible, it will be horrible but it feels stupidly inevitable.

>> No.20298805

At the very least I don't think it'll happen in our lifetimes. I definitely hope not, I just started OTR and I love cruising all day listening to audiobooks.

>> No.20298812

cute loli

>> No.20300368 [DELETED] 
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>I'm sorry, it sounds like you have a terrible job
Your complaining irl must be overwhelming to even complain about my entire life from the other side of the Internet
I wont say my life is that of glorious ceasar, then again im not him and I'm also not some comic book character.
I have my ups and downs and I have spots where many would not dare or even wish to know.

>> No.20301054

Sour Jerry never heard of it

Go on

>> No.20301087
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>> No.20301428
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No mention of Lady Alice apples? Those are my favorite. Very crisp.

>> No.20301444

for me, it's the ruby mcintosh
those things suck

>> No.20301462

I would bet money that in 15 years at least half the trucks in the US will either be fully AI or remotely driven with AI assistance. The current goal from what I know from people semi involved is to have one human operator overseeing some number of mostly AI driven rigs remotely. They basically want to pay one dude to sit at a computer monitoring 10 or so separately and then doing manual control if something goes wrong or the AI gets stuck/lost etc.

>> No.20302420

just tried some pink lady apples and they are pretty good. 2.49 a pound so good price too, and cheaper in a bag.
Gonna go to some bigger grocery stores to get the other ones i'm missing.

>> No.20302424

why can't I find any decent apples anymore? Every grocery store in the area has nasty ass apples that are long past their prime, littered with soft spots, browning, and fungi. Are the suppliers just shit, or are they mishandling the product itself? I need guidance. I just wanna eat a good apple again.

>> No.20304287
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red delicious are pretty dang good

>> No.20304956

If you can, try a koru apple, it's like a red delicious but actually good