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20295005 No.20295005 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20279363

>> No.20295007 [DELETED] 

First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.
Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.
Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.
Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.

>> No.20295012

Lemme lick it up, BBC daddy

>> No.20295013
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Drink more ginseng!

>> No.20295015

/tea/ is dead because all the puerh lesbians transitioned into puerh pooners.

>> No.20295042

I want to take tea and cuddle with Mana so hard it's unreal....

>> No.20295043

Any info on reishi tea? I've got some antlers growing but don't actually know what to do with them.

>> No.20295045
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i want to get a gaiwan for a friend and i found this gaiwan thats literally one dollar with free shipping. should i get it? i probably will.

>> No.20295046

>take tea and cuddle with a guy
Bro…take tea?

>> No.20295049

Yeah, fuck your friend, they deserve the worst

>> No.20295051

85ml is very small.

>> No.20295061

its what i prefer, i wish i had gotten a smaller gaiwan so i could use less tea, even though mine is only 100ml.
i mean, what does more money even get you in a gaiwan anyways? its just a glazed cup and lid, its not like clay where the money goes into the quality of the clay and craftsmenship.

>> No.20295072

Size, thickness, more functional form, beauty, consistency. Not to mention your money supports someone who cares and respects the craft (and the customer).

>> No.20295073
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youre being disgusting.

>> No.20295082

Nice, growing mushrooms is fun
I was lucky enough to find some reishi in the woods a few years ago it was fun to mess around with it.
When they are ready slice them into like 1/4 inch strips, then dry them (there are different way to do this, look em up and pick what works for you). Once they are dry store them in a mason jar or something.
You can lightly chop some of a slice and then brew in a mug for 5-10 minutes, or you can make a decoction by simmering some in some water for 30-60 minutes (use about 5 grams in 4 cups of water). You can also soak it in grain alcohol to make a tincture and then take a few milliliters of that. You will get more out of it by making a decoction but it's more work and it will also taste much stronger.
Also don't immediately start out drinking it daily, try i a few times a week. Very occasionally people get weird side effects like joint pain or headaches from it, it will go away but just make sure you arent sensitive to it before you go all in.
If you enjoy making tea with mushrooms consider getting some cubes of chaga mushroom and playing around with brewing that.

>> No.20295086

Its small but otherwise fine, cheap aliexpress teaware is the way to go.

>> No.20295087

And when i say simmer i mean a low simmer, don't boil the shit out of them. Also keep the pot covered so you don't evaporate away any goodness.

>> No.20295113

Saved tyty. I'll drop a pic when they start taking on color. Right now they're just white primordial blobs sticking out the top like some sort of no man's sky flora.

>> No.20295122

It's dead because it's just barely the start of the season and nobody has anything to drink

>> No.20295128
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In an early interview, Mana-sama once said his favorite tea was Assam chai.

>> No.20295130

what interview if you happen to remember

>> No.20295146

Discounting quality due to cost, shitty processing, and other factors, what is your general least favorite type of tea, anons?

>> No.20295151

besides earl grey i dont really like flavored teas. fruit flavoring always just tastes strange to me.

>> No.20295156

Is that the dude who sang Spin Me Right Round?

>> No.20295160


>> No.20295165

mana is the one wearing a white and blue dress

>> No.20295185

Oh god. It’s that Visual kei bullshit. You guys were super annoying on the early 2000s internet. I thought you all trooned out and did a flip by now.

>> No.20295194

im still perfectly healthy and cisgendered

>> No.20295328

alright faggots. i've recently acquired a ladyfren who likes lavender tea and her birthday is coming up. i know jack fuck about tea. whats a moderately priced lavender tea that i can give as a gift? can be loose leaf or bag

>> No.20295346

That's name and a face that I haven't heard or seen in a long time. Natsukashii~

>> No.20295360

I just found out about 'western brewing' vs 'eastern brewing'. does the average person in Japan or Chinese really do the multiple steep method in piddly little cups for their daily tea drinking or is it a tea enthusiast only thing?

>> No.20295373

No. That’s a white weeb thing.

>> No.20295423

No the fill an empty water bottle 1/4 of the way with tea leaves then fill it with water and then keep adding more water as they drink it. Or they buy bottled tea from the store like everyone else.
The old dudes just put loose tea leaves in a mug and then fill it with boiling water.

>> No.20295426
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Thank you, I have no idea what butter in tea would taste like but I'd like to try making it. I only have evaporated milk though so I hope that will do.

Thank you. It was $13 NZD (8 USD) for 100g, I assume that's on the cheaper side. I'm not sure about brewing though.
>Our Pu Erh from the southern Chinese Province of Yunnan is raw production mthod, is manufactured from normal tea-leaves but has been left to ferment for a comparatively long period of time, infact some Pu Erhs can be left for over 60 years.
I'm assuming this means ripe, by this chart, and raw would be unfermented, freshly picked?

>> No.20295441

That description is unclear but its probably ripe. If its brown its ripe.

>> No.20295614

Since it's cheap, you should give him two, because he's likely to break one. Ask me how I know. It's because I've broken several.

>> No.20295627

Thank you. I tried doing 200ml, 4g for 7 minutes. It's just alright; I probably wouldn't drink it all the time. I do appreciate that it's not very astringent but the scent is like boiled bok choy which I'm not really a fan of. Taste wise it's similar to the hojicha I had in Japan. I think I need to try a sampler pack or something because the store I bought this from does 100g as the smallest size, which sucks if you end up not liking it.

I'll try the Tibetan recipe later at least.

>> No.20295652

What color were the leaves after you brewed them?

>> No.20295687

Looks like Yunnan Sourcing just increased their prices again

>> No.20295701
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If you're familiar with the colour of wet, dark seaweed washed up on the beach, like that. A slight dark green tone in a mostly dark brown leaf

>> No.20295791

>Mom found the root box

>> No.20295801

many people prefer smaller gaiwans
not necessarily a good thing for a gaiwan, also not traditional
>more functional form
not necessarily
almost certainly not for artisan stuff

>> No.20295815

>more functional form
Yes. No ED
Yes. Refraction time is minimal

>> No.20295821

I've grown really bored of low oxidation oolongs. white tea also never really convinced me. and most flavored stuff is the easy answer, feels like a lot of it is created to sound good to normies and maybe smell good, but absolutely not taste good

>> No.20295951

is this shit really better than coffee, should i just randomly buy some sort of hockey puck of this raw poo-air stuff from one of those websites in the op to see if id like it

>> No.20295956

Oh yeah that's ripe. Definitely mess around with some different ways of brewing it, using like 2x as much tea in the same size mug might improve it some.

>> No.20295959

Yes and yes. I'd start with ripe though, especially given the coffee comparison. Happy to have ya.

>> No.20295971

Raw puer is completely different from coffee if you like the idea of a strong, often bitter tea with dried fruit flavors then give it a shot.
This tea is like the standard for factory puer, tends to have a dried plum flavor.

>> No.20296010
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I'm gotta sip on some of that now, it's bretty good.

>> No.20296225

Some stuff is so thin and fragile I'm afraid to even look at it

>> No.20296239

I don't have a Gatorade but I do have a Brisk with me ;)

>> No.20296356
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Pro business tips from teahome

>> No.20296360

Just chew that shit

>> No.20296381
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does anyone else get cloudy and off-tasting first brews on raw pu-erhs sometimes?
it's quite odd, what could be causing this? the consequent brew are usually clear and fine. I rinse my tea with a single flash brew, is that not enough or something?

>> No.20296388

Cloudy brews are sometimees are the result of a cake being recently pressed. Ive also seen it mentioned as a deficiency or negative trait but im not sure what causes it or how it effects the tea.

>> No.20296390
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Autumn Lao Man E really hitting the spot this morning. Perfect wake-up tea.

>> No.20296399

it's weird because it also makes the flavor kind of muddled and bitter in an odd grapefruit juice way
I've considered it might just be leftover dust from leaf breakage. then again, I've been getting it in lightly compressed young boutique cakes and not highly compressed Xiaguan tuos, so idk. but I've also gotten it in a 2022 cake for example, is that really recently pressed enough for that to be an issue?

>> No.20296437

>is that really recently pressed enough for that to be an issue?
No it shouldn't be. I guess there are other things that can cause it but i don't know what they are. I just know i see reviews or listings talking about a tea brewing up without cloudyness as a positive trait. Hopefully someone else here knows more

>> No.20296490

If I was going for artisan I'd get a small teapot or kyusu. Gaiwans are just too easy to slip cast and be done with.

>> No.20296504
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Why are these things so expensive?
They're ugly as fuck.

>> No.20296522
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, yunomi eiichi shibuya tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're expensive because they take some work and skill to make
I do prefer less extreme examples of the Japanese cum chalice aesthetic though

>> No.20296781

This one looks weird, but in a cool, ancient way.
This one just looks like it was stored under a leaking sink.

>> No.20296792

It's philosophy.


>> No.20296802

looks good
i'd take one

>> No.20296839

I always thought the ultra-wabisabi highbrow Japanese ware looked like a bunch of tumors.

>> No.20296904
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t. cultureless thirdie/ch'nk
'All my work is based to some extent on Japanese art'.
- Vincent van Gogh

>> No.20296906
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they used to be a bit more low key with it, the super gnarly Onihagi stuff only came about in the 20th Century

>> No.20296968

There is a correlation between how ugly things are and how much they cost.
The real art is in persuading fools to pay for it.

>> No.20296994
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Hey poster that ordered a bunch of teahome teas have you had a chance to try some? Im getting ready to place another order and i wanted to hear what you think of the wuyi old tea or the aged oolongs that you ordered, or any of the other ones for that matter.

>> No.20297077

lovely, i have to admit it looks and sounds very appealing. ill buy this exact one. captcha :GAGS

>> No.20297091

what age are these? young 7542 can be pretty hardcore, most people seem to prefer these after 10 years or more. 7572 is a good pick up thoughever

>> No.20297114

I don't know the age of that particular batch but the dayi store does sell aged teas. Most of them when the shop opened were 2014 vintage. If somebody asked in the product questions section they will have replied with the age.
Also its fucking funny that they keep getting bad reviews because they have their raw puer listed as black tea. No idea how that translation fuckup happened. I guess china calls fermented teas black teas and technically raw puer is fermented but they don't usually call it black tea on Chinese sites or their own factory website.

>> No.20297134

Think I'm gonna pick a bunch of oolong, pu'er, and green teas from Yunnan and hope for the best. Don't want to burn myself out on blacks.
Never heard of purple tea before, have any of you tried it? Was looking on their website and saw some Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha.

>> No.20297232

Purple tea tastes purple, try some, if you like it other purple teas will have similar flavor notes. I haven't tried purple black tea but purple raw puer tends to have some taste that's vaguely reminiscent of the smell if citronella candles. So if you like citrus give it a try. Check reviews on the listing page to see what others have to say about it.

>> No.20297246

Purple tea refers to tea made from wild "yesheng" trees, which are a different subspecies to the cultivated teas, and not a style of processing like most other tea "colors".
They tend to taste pretty different to other teas. I've never really been a fan myself, I feel like they tend to lack balance or complexity. They can have some pretty unique flavor profiles though, I have a yesheng hong cha right now that is very forest fruity and aromatic with some pine resin type notes

>> No.20297269

If you wanna try some puer consider a sample of this, i haven't tried it but i have a hunch its good. Just enough humid storage to take the edge off, enough age to round it out a bit. Should be a nice intro to semi aged raw. Also feel free to post a screenshot of your cart before you order if you want opinions or advice.

>> No.20297283
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Speaking of YS they released a new raw ripe blend, i know one of you was waiting for another of these cakes. lincaing teas too

>> No.20297336
File: 276 KB, 1031x1031, 1710265250682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey YS also has that special fermentation tech ripe that dayi put out a few years ago for a decent price. I know we were discussing this here a few years ago.
here is the page on dayi's website where they explain the special fermention technique and make a bunch of health claims. iirc from reading a previous press release about it the introduce specifc isolated cultures to the tea during the pile ferment to maximize polyphenols and other compounds with health claims around them.

>> No.20297390

Wish I had more money, I really wanna try it

>> No.20297668

I have been enjoying them, tomorrow I'll do some more careful sipping and write a little up, what I can anyway not being a heavy oolong drinker. I almost did today funnily enough but ran out of time.

>> No.20297691

No worries, i tossed in an order already but im still interested in what you think of them. Just saying they are good or meh is fine if you don't have time to do a writeup

>> No.20297732

Are the First/Next Steps Samplers from Yunnan good places to start? Or should I get another sampler if those teas pique my interest more? I guess I could get all three, but that's a little pricey and I'd have a large amount of teas just sitting around.

>> No.20297754

Its better to pick things that catch your attention unless you have no idea what to order. I don't think any of the YS samplers are perfect, they all have a tea or two i personally wouldn't bother with. Its also much more cost efficient to get 100g portions of tea from YS instead of samples, i get why they mark up samples (if they cost the same per gram as larger portions people would just buy dozens of samples every order) but it still often puts me off of them.

>> No.20297772

both of those are cool aesthetics

>> No.20298003

Currently drinking the first blue spruce tea of the year. The taste has an immediate mint and thyme quality, with an aftertaste of resin, minerality, and good tartness. Excellent.

>> No.20298009

Visual kei? More like visual GAY.
Ohhhhhh gottem

>> No.20298076

I know what wabi-sabi is. I also know School of Life is overall a rather poor introduction to philosophical concepts, even if I'm not going to fact-check this particular video.

>> No.20298126

If you want a particular kind of tea then just order 50g/100g of what ever the best selling teas are in that category. For some categories YS isn't the optimal source, i.e. oolongs.

>> No.20298147

>Purple tea refers to tea made from wild "yesheng" trees, which are a different subspecies to the cultivated teas,
There are cultivated purple varieties as well. Not all of it is "wild".
>raw ripe blend,
Always seemed like an interesting concept to me but it probably requires some decent age or aged maocha to really shine. It may be better to mix your own blend with pre-aged tea.

>> No.20298182

Been drinking this for a few months now, and it always manages to taste pretty weak, no matter what I do with it. Is the tea bad or am I bad?

>> No.20298192

Help me understand resin notes. What else has it prominently? Not necessarily tea, mind you.

>> No.20298199

Frankincense, all conifer sap

>> No.20298201
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How is it looking, sirs? Anything else I should add/change/remove?

>> No.20298238

Its hard to say, try a roasted oolong from a diffent vendor next time if you want to explore it more. in the meantime just use a ton of leaf when you brew and see if that punches it up some, or brew longer and use boiling hot water if you arent allready. in my experience roasted oolongs are a bit more mellow then greener ones, but there still should be plenty of flavor, just different flavor
Pick some pine sap off a tree and lick it
It tends to have a dominant note of α-Pinene if thwt means anything to you.

>> No.20298243
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>> No.20298416

Isn't he like 60 by now? Whats he drink?

>> No.20298773
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To anon who recently bought a sample of W2T Gas: I'm a little embarrassed it took this three or four sessions to notice, but in addition to a stiff bitterness, there's a something else there I would describe as the Xiaguan house funk associated with their raws post 2010. However it's more refined, more full. It was shocking when I noticed it.
This is the first time I've noticed these notes outside of Xiaguan's Jia Ji (which is great) or 503 (which is shitty) raw puerhs. Anon, if you have a Xiaguan raw handy, have a session with before Gas to remind yourself. If you have a name for the similarity between the two, I'd murder to hear what you come up with.

>> No.20298832
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Hell yeah more teahome on the way.
This time im trying the regular legend of tung ting instead of the special logan charcoal roasted version. Also the Selected Ali Mountain Golden Hemerocallis (roasting) and another big bag of roasted tea crumbs because they are cheap and i love having it around to western brew a quick mug of tea.
ordered 750g total this time and shipping was only $14 so an extra $3 for 300 more grams of tea.

>> No.20299223

Based w2t.

>> No.20299572

I have 100g of Bi Luo Chun from then I cannot recommend it.
Doesn't have much taste.
In fact I was disappointed with all the premium black teas I've got from them.

>> No.20299621
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You stumped me so far, I think I can taste what you're describing though.
I didn't quite manage to put the jia ji into words in a way that satisfies me yet, internally I've been describing it as resinous/incense, it's not entirely unlike the mate I have, but that's not really right. Sometimes I think it's almost like metal. The one I have right now has a notable furniture/storage smell, which obviously the gas doesn't have.
I think "mind bending bitterness" is a bit of a silly way for w2t to describe the gas, it is bitter of course but mind bending I dunno, I've had stout or cocktail bitters at this kinda level. The aftertaste is kinda like to drank a negroni 5 minutes ago.
I'll keep on sipping the gas and think about that, I'll finish it up here and leave the xiaguan or this'll fuck me up

>> No.20299625

Was it old and stale?

>> No.20299658

Someone help this guy. I dont know anything about tea

>> No.20299672

I guess. It just doesn't taste like much.

>> No.20299735

Barely smells of breasts :/

>> No.20299765

if it has to be lavender, adagio has some options

If you think she would be happy with anything floral, maybe check out some of the options from yunnan sourcing, they have some really cool floral teas that "bloom" as you brew them, as well as regular floral teas, no lavender though

>> No.20299931

Did you want me to write a bloody thesis or something?

>> No.20300114

I didn't ask for an explanation in the first place.

>> No.20300168

I feel like I should buy a proper gaiwan instead of using the travel one that I have that's more of a combo piece, but at the same time "if it works it works"

>> No.20300233

Were you happy with the other types of tea you purchased from them?

>> No.20300243

If what you've got works it's mainly just an aesthetic choice, which can be fun if you like that kind of thing. Tea did give me a severe ceramics fetish.

>> No.20300347
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>> No.20300355

tea heresy.
Trying to dampen the astringency of this cheap "golden monkey" tea a bit while waiting for my big puerh order.
The milk brings out some subtle notes I didn't notice before.

>> No.20300376

I am a complete beginner, I randomly found a 60 dollar amazon gift card and I want to use it to try tea properly for once.
i am buying this cake, the 7572, if I were to order a second cake, any suggestions? is a cheap uhh teapot remotely worth it over a french press thing that I have? sohuld I get a little cup, is using a coffee cup haram?

>> No.20300410

How does /tea/ feel about adagio? They were my gateway drug into proper teas, so I have some nostalgia for some of their custom blends.

>> No.20300417

I'd get a little gaiwan and/or a finum.

>> No.20300436
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>> No.20300438

>if I were to order a second cake, any suggestions?
7542 from the same page.

>> No.20300449

Adagio was my gateway too. Puerh Dante and Puerh Poe were my first puerhs. I remember liking Samurai Mate, Foxtrot, and Earl Gray Bravo. I bought their Christmas Advent calendar for mama. Good quality.
Overall, I like Adagio. Better for a normie to shop from there than at their grocery store for tea. A lot can change since 2016, 2017 however.

>> No.20300464

yeah the 7542 is often used as the reference for big factory blended raw pu-erh. it can have quite the bite when young, but I think these minicakes are 10 year old or so? that sounds like a good pick up if you want to try some punchy raw pu-erh. could be hard to get a potentially bitter tea like that right in a french press though, get a large brew basket or a cheap gaiwan

>> No.20300470

For what it's worth, all Dayi cakes I've picked up from Amazon were closer to five years old.

>> No.20300480

i see, i am dumb and that definitely makes the most sense. gotta try both the raw and the ripe.
thank you.
ill tell you how it goes when they arrive. sick of coffee destroying my stomach

>> No.20300492
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The tgy was nice.
The yellow tea tastes almost the same as coffee which was surprising.
Dong ding was nice/ok. The rest was meh.

>> No.20300578 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't suggest these, they seem priced high for what they are ($0.25/g)

>> No.20300630

If raw puerh doesn't sound like your kind of thing, you can also just pick up the cheapest ripe cake they have, whatever that is at the moment. Can't go wrong with Taetea for ripe.

>> No.20300652

i was thinking of making a small inexpensive order of some ripe & raw puerh, and for a third maybe something new. awazon seems pretty ideal for prices, but are the products on it any good? i really cant discern between good and bad ripe. i can only kinda tell the difference between raw puerh. any ideas on what i should try or what i should order? i was thinking giving white tea a second try or trying out more heicha. maybe i should order from chawangshop instead if awazon isnt any good?

>> No.20300762

Just watch out drinking raw puer if you haven't eaten, it can be a bit harsh on an empty stomach.

>> No.20300765

I have had their earl gray and I enjoy it, it definitely has some bitterness and astringency, but in an enjoyable way for me.

>> No.20300774

Chawangshop has good stuff, shipping is a bit annoying, you send him an order and then he emails you the total with shipping but he has a very nicely curated selection of teas. His wuyi oolongs are solid, he only stocks really good black/red teas, he has solid liubao offerings
Yunnansourcinga also has a soild selection of hei cha.
Awazan has some solid cheap ripes and cheap shipping but we haven't really explored their raws that deeply.
here are some awaazn recs
http://www.pu-erhtea.com/TeaDetails.aspx?TeaID=225 (this has a distinct aged tea taste, woody)
http://www.pu-erhtea.com/TeaDetails.aspx?TeaID=219 (best price you will find for 7572)
http://www.pu-erhtea.com/TeaDetails.aspx?TeaID=139 (havent tried this but this factory is decent)
http://www.pu-erhtea.com/TeaDetails.aspx?TeaID=134 (same as above)
http://www.pu-erhtea.com/TeaDetails.aspx?TeaID=199 (classic factory tuo with some age on it)
no idea about the full sized raw cakes, you kinda gotta just take a chance and pick one.
maybe try one of their cheap white cakes too

>> No.20300781
File: 226 KB, 200x200, 1467666804688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a gallon of raw pu-ehr each morning on an empty stomach, for cha qi maxxing.

>> No.20300802
File: 966 KB, 2700x3600, 17099210552294613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom went out to an antique shop a while ago and found a set of clay tea pots for sale. She got them for me knowing I like tea but I couldn't find anything about them online. Google translate showed me "four seasons" plastered all over the box/pamphlet. Do I risk it and use it or should I just keep it as a display price? Google didn't really show me any similar pots with reverse image search.

>> No.20300806


>> No.20300820

Please post a picture of the inside of the lid and one of the interior of the pot

>> No.20300827

i don't live and breathe chansites, what does "did a flip" pertain to in this context

>> No.20300847


>> No.20300890
File: 793 KB, 2700x2700, 170938260448412769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it was handmade/half-handmade and the box looks like something that is already 20~ years old. It doesn't look perfect with slight deformations. Also include the seals on the bottom.

>> No.20300904

Suicide. Go back

>> No.20300909

ah, i haven't heard that in a dog's year.

it's entirely possible i have been here longer than you anon, i just have a life outside of this website.

>> No.20300955

I can't really tell if its half handmade or not, the stamps look very mass productiony. Try it out, see what happens, don't lick the paint on the outside. Dump boiling water in it and leave it for 10 minutes 4-5 times and then try brewing some tea in it. It might mute the flavor pretty strongly the first few times you use it, so brew some cheap tea in it at first. If after 5-6 sessions with it it still seems like it mutes the flavor too much either put it on a shelf to display or only use it for funky stinky teas you want to take the edge off of.
I haven't seen anything like that external finishing before, its interesting.

>> No.20300966

If it was a bright color or perfectly made I wouldn't even consider using it but I might give it a try. Who wants to live forever, and since I occasionally smoke in probably getting cancer anyway.

>> No.20300992

The clay doesn't look particularly frighting. Im just not sure what the color on the outside is from. Im guessing its some sort of paint but it could be a colored clay slurry that's baked on the outside. You can get lead test kits cheaply on amazon and scratch a little corner of the colored area to test if you want some reassurance.

>> No.20301053

The 6FTM ripe tuo is great to try. Aged, slightly smoky ripe at a good price.
The 7572 and 7576 are good value picks. Although 2023 7572 is priced okay on Kingteamall now too. I personally really enjoyed their Dayi Spring of Menghai cake, good price for a Dayi recipe from 2006 even though it doesn't really taste its age, really dry storage in that store. And available on 100 gram "samples" (smallest acceptable sample size I think)
As far as their raws go, some anons recommended the ludicrously cheap Xiaguan brick and the 8$ Menghai cake. Some of the cheapest raw puerh you can get from any western facing vandor.

>> No.20301639

And? Not everything is about you.

>> No.20301829

Good lookin' teapot mate. Did you tell your mum you love her?

>> No.20301830

Well, if you're trying to inform newbies, maybe don't send them School of Life. That's all.

>> No.20301895

And I ask, did you want me to write them a thesis?

>> No.20301935

That's lead paint

>> No.20301942

Eh its fine, he isint going to lick the thing

>> No.20302013

Looks like it's already flaking

>> No.20302043

What you don't like your tea to taste sweet?

>> No.20302051

best time to buy nihon green tea?

>> No.20302080

Two weeks - a month from now
Sincha will be available first then regular sencha
Make sure wherever you buy from is shipping 2024 tea when you order

>> No.20302133

Is this the best way to brew tea?

>> No.20302183

This is Ceylon, right?

>> No.20302210

No, ceylon is from sri lanka, that tea is from vietnam. Also its CTC (crsh tear curl) so it's going to be stronger and more malty then your typical BOP. That said if you wanna drink tea with milk it will work just fine

>> No.20302228

They do have a few ceylon teas if that's what you are looking for
or just get this stuff if you want a reasonably priced ceylon

>> No.20302254

Thank you. I'm the guy trying to make HK milk tea at home but finding CTC Ceylon here (Actually in New Zealand but have family in Australia at the moment) seems to be nightmarishly difficult. Would it be a bad idea to just buy from Sri Lanka?
There's this too which I can get locally

>> No.20302266

Oh if you are looking for ctc then that first tea you linked should probably be fine.
well thats exactly what you are looking for, so as long as shipping isint a problem i would consider going for that

>> No.20302269

All tea has lead and other heavy metals in it.

>> No.20302299

Shu and edibles. Has anyone tried it?

>> No.20302354

Feels like a sticker/wrapper instead of hand painted on. There's even a little ridge on it where the sticker starts, but I'll do what another anon said and get a
lead testing kits before trying to it.
Of course even if I can't use it it looks nice and came with coasters which I definitely can use.

>> No.20302385

I hate soft mesh strainers. Why do they exist?

>> No.20302574

drinking the last of my FL spring naka tonight, good tea. Definite buy if you like bulang teas.

>> No.20302577

>Shu and edibles. Has anyone tried it?
You mean making weed edibles with shu?
Or just eating/cooking with shu?
Or just eating edibles and drinking shu? I sure plenty of people have done that.

>> No.20302584

The kitchen strainers get used for straining yoghurt or cheese curd so you don't need to use cheesecloth. But otherwise i don't see the use for them.
For tea filters the soft mesh ones have a smaller screen size so they are better at keeping dust out of your brew. But that isint really a problem unless you are brewing tea crumbs.

>> No.20302905

acktschually mengsong isn't part of bulang, is it?
sounds like a good tea for 50$. were you the one who said it had a bit of smoke?

>> No.20303042

most times that i drink tea i have to poop why why

also sometimes if i drink too much i feel like high and not in a very good way

>> No.20303116

I'm assuming the next FL sale will be at the same time they will get new stock right?
So around 2-3 months? I think I can wait for that sweet -20%.

>> No.20303175

The reason for both of these is caffeine

>> No.20303335
File: 150 KB, 1080x1440, just-discovered-a-gem-of-book-at-a-friends-place-v0-uypmhyxmq3oc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say no.

>> No.20303336

Kek. What's it about?

>> No.20303339

please share contents of the book

>> No.20303351
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, absent friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beloved Bonavita has finally shat the bed. Should I bite the bullet and buy a Stagg? I'd get another Boobavita but they're way more expensive than they were when I got the first one, and if it's gonna be well over $100 no matter what I'd like something nice and sturdy.

>> No.20303356

Unfortunately I just took the photo from Reddit
Supposedly it's basically a beginners guide with special attention to assessing quality and not getting scammed

>> No.20303361

I wish this cup was 150ml.
The fish makes me smile

>> No.20303363

I have a Stagg (Corvo, the model without the gooseneck)
Probably overpriced, but the temperature control is precise and the temperature keeping feature comes in handy
I'll say that mine has gotten a bit wonky when I keep it in a certain position on the base (temperature control goes weird and it stops boiling at random), but it works fine when rotated 90 degrees. Maybe I should clean the base connectors or something?
Also, the black matte finish is a bit of a limescale collector

>> No.20303370

You gotta love a good fish cup, nice catch :^)

>> No.20303373

They've got a huge tea bowl with fish at artistic nippon

>> No.20303421
File: 101 KB, 1093x549, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this?

>> No.20303433

You gotta subtract some height and radius to account for the flare of the cup rim, the thickness of the walls, the little foot at the base, and not filling it all the way to the top.

>> No.20303438

To be fair, it looks way bigger in the guy's hand than most 100ml cups

>> No.20303524

>The yellow tea tastes almost the same as coffee which was surprising.
If it's bitter you brewed it too hot.

>> No.20303552

It's not bitter.
It's roasted, little sweet, little sour... same way coffee beans are.
I don't know how else I would describe coffee flavour.

>> No.20303564

das rite

>> No.20303572

I've had a yellow tea that tasted a lot like nutella, or dark chocolate with orange when brewed stronger. Kind of intriguing, too bad they're kind of obscure

>> No.20303616

Caffeine can cause the intestines to roil, but also the water content pushes things through the system, especially if you were not well hydrated before you drank tea.

>> No.20303621

>I've had a yellow tea that tasted a lot like nutella, or dark chocolate with orange when brewed stronger
Could also be nice. Got link?

>> No.20303632

Caffeine and warm liquid. Also, your body naturally poops in the morning, which is when you also drink tea.

>> No.20303736

It was from a local store, but I think anything named Huang Xiao should be very similar. Wasn't too expensive.

>> No.20303834

Time for the teahome stuff. I've been sipping casually so it's fun to pay a bit closer attention when I got the chance.
>2013 aged oolong
I was sitting around thinking this taste like yancha, I wonder is that ageing+roast... yeah it's wuyi and I forgot. Good and smooth, no bite from the roast. But I don't detect any specific aged flavours(maybe I'm just lacking familiarity with aged oolong). I would buy this again it's good for 8c/gram.
>3 year "introductory" aged oolong
Noticeably roastier than the 2013. A little harsher all round. It's still bretty good but 2013 is better, this one lacks some of the taste I want.
>Dayuling 10% roast
Too green for me. However it's not defective, just too much savoury/vegetables for my taste. Good fragrance. I noticed there's a 35% roast version of this, I wish I'd got that. I'll try cold brewing this.
>Charcoal oolong tea fragment
They're not kidding, it's very roasted. I need to play around with this to see how to brew it best.
There's two more which I'll look at tomorrow maybe.

Nice I hope you'll post about them.

>> No.20303882

You can get a tetsubin for like $130
Borderline indestructible and the 10000 times folded nippon iron makes your water have nicer texture. And the minerals in hard water will bind to the inside to make it stronger.

>> No.20303900

Yes its good

>> No.20303919

>They're not kidding, it's very roasted. I need to play around with this to see how to brew it best
I have been brewing it western style. Like 4.5 grams in a big ass mug, brewing for about 3 to 3 1/2 minutes works well. I was doing 4 1/2 minutes but it was a bit overextracted. For a 10oz mug maybe 3.5 grams or so.
Thanks for the notes on those teas, i definitely need to try some of the aged oolong next time.

>> No.20303977
File: 1.56 MB, 1017x1022, teapot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teas with the most mind-altering cha qi?

>> No.20304026

Tried a coupe different long jings. Found them underwhelming. Is long jing just a overhyped green?
Tried jeju from south korea, was blown away by the umami and toasty character

>> No.20304106

Did anyone here have any xi gui/xiao husai/teng tiao puer?

>> No.20304132

these guys put out a cake called wmd for several years from the same region that had a good reputation for having a stoning cha qi.
they did a blend of the several years of it and still have small portions left

>> No.20304142

I do find longjing a little underwhelming. Not that it's bad, it's just very mellow and easygoing, a good daily drinker for when you don't want to think about your tea too much. But at the prices it can reach, I would expect something more attention-grabbing and complex. I think really premium longjing is overrated for sure.

>> No.20304143

Long jin is a tricky tea. The stuff from the designated region to be true longjing is extremely expensive ($1 per gram and up) because it is a popular gift. The longjing style teas from outside the designated region vary in quality greatly. I had one that was nice from king tea mall but its every different then the deep savory green tea flavors you get from japan and other regions, more of a roasted soybean flavor.

>> No.20304219

My stagg is going strong 4 years in? Knocked it off the table a while back, thought I broke the gooseneck by bending it inward but I popped it back into place. Still no leakage.

>> No.20304303
File: 936 KB, 1859x2000, 20240314_104454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try making their own Russian Caravan blend before? I tried making some, but I didn't have any keemun or lapsang. I've also never tried Russian Caravan before so I have no idea what it's supposed to taste like. So it's more of a crime of a Russian Caravan. A Crimean Caravan blend, if you will.

First attempt was a 1:1 mix of dianhong and coal roasted oolong. First infusion, 6 grams at 205F/96C for 2 minutes. Probably should've started at 3 minutes since it looks like not all the leaves had expanded yet, but I was worried about the coal oolong being too strong (which ended up being an unfounded concern). This attempt turned out okay.

I have assam, wu yi rock, and tie guan yin, so I'll probably some combo of that next. Maybe with a little bit of W2T Firebat to get that hit of smokiness.

>> No.20304542

I mean, I hate cleaning them. The tea leaves get stuck in the mesh and then the mesh starts grating the sponge I'm trying to clean it with. Do people really use them without an issue?
I only use stiff, colander-like strainers now.

>> No.20304571

Knock as much tea as you can out while its wet. Run it under the sink to remove more. Place it somewhere to dry and then brush any remaining tea bits off with your finger.
But yeah its annoying. I use a stainless mesh basket and i usually have to manually pull some leaves out after i empty it.

>> No.20304600
File: 207 KB, 1500x2100, 1710446835102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i was going to do Russian caravan i would do 10%-20% cheap smokey lapsang and then the balance would be some cheap broken leaf formosa oolong and some keemum if imanaged to find a good one but dianhong would work fine.
that said a charcoal roasted oolong probably is pretty close to what you would get buying a cheap formosa oolong so it should be a fine substitute.
The term formosa oolong is kinda stupid because its just an old name for taiwan. But formosa oolong kind of specifies a specific older style of taiwanese oolong like pic related that you typically only see these days from old school western vendors, its a roasted broken leaf oolong with lots of oxidation and its usually cheap.

>> No.20304608

whats a typical method of cleaning tea leaves

>> No.20304614

Lick them

>> No.20305196

Nice, tea home sent me a tracking number this time. Bros im hooked on cheap Taiwanese roasted oolongs. Its just so good. My recent order including shipping was 7¢ per gram. Even if you exclude the cheap roasted tea crumbs it still comes in at 10¢ a gram shipped.
thanks again to the anon that mentioned them in the thread.
now if only i could find somone selling good wuyi oolongs this cheap, guess i should give KTMs yancha a shot

>> No.20305276
File: 219 KB, 577x1008, 1679285292790116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I've never had this blend. Sounds comfy, if a little fierce.

>> No.20305525
File: 217 KB, 800x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what strainer on teaware.house is the size for this cha hai?
the measurements make me think its the small size but maybe im just misreading.

>> No.20305533

The large should fit if im reading things correctly
you can probably email them and ask if you are unsure.

>> No.20305718

wtf? Taetea sells on Amazon?

>> No.20305745

What does cha qi feel like bros?
I asked ChatGPT and it says it's controversial and possibly fake.

>> No.20305863

Yep. It's a bit overpriced with no fancy offerings and who knows how it's been stored, but it is official. It's not a bad way to go in a pinch, but it's going to be better to avoid Amazon if you can at all help it. Pick your reason, but support tea businesses at the very least.

>> No.20305994

>wtf? Taetea sells on Amazon?
Yup they have had their own storefront on amazon for a while now.

>> No.20306006

Basically you trip balls

>> No.20306008

It feels like you just drank some tea and really enjoyed it

>> No.20306120

Damn, I'm a cha qi FIEND then.

>> No.20306160

I often feel out of it when I drink tea, it can be unpleasant.

>> No.20306210

has anyone tried this cheap ali tea tray? it basically seems perfect for me unless theres some glaring flaw unknown to me or theres another cheap ali tray anon would reccomend over this.

>> No.20306225

Yeah, unless you're vigilant with keeping it cleaned out, the wooden part has these slats underneath that absorb water and will mould if you don't dry them properly. Using it twice a day or so it just didn't ever get dry. I coated them in epoxy and it solved it.
One time the rubber bung leaked but might've been user error.
In the end I went back to a waste bowl, I just prefer it.

>> No.20306611

>Ancient flavor oolong "nostalgie fruity" or whatever
Not much vegetables taste and sweeter than the dayuling, I like this one. Good one for grandpa style I think. My favourite of the greener ones I got, perhaps it's this "ancient flavor".
>Alishan Jinxuan
Super mild and soft. Nothing objectionable for me, but nothing super interesting either. It's meant to be jin xuan but I don't detect a milk taste...
Pretty happy with this as a first order from teahome, everything's bretty good and some of it's really solid for the cost.

Thanks for the tip, I was overbrewing, it's decent like that.

>> No.20306662

>It's meant to be jin xuan but I don't detect a milk taste...
unflavored jin xuan isn't always super milky. often it's just a little creamy

>> No.20306694
File: 1.59 MB, 1293x862, Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 18-58-52 Autumn 2023 Lao Man E small trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn Lao Man E reminding me of olives today

>> No.20306765

I ordered a 7572 cake from the taetea vendor on Amazon (US). I have no experience with Chinese teas, so I had no expectations going in to this. The cake arrived a few days ago and I've tried brewing it a few times. The box listed the production date as 2022-04-20. The cake itself had a faint odor and I had to bring it up almost against my nose to smell it properly - I can only describe it as smelling faintly fishy, though there was more to the smell underneath that. I used the gongfu table in the rentry as reference when brewing (though I used a stainless steel mesh infuser in a small glass vessel as I don't have a gaiwan). The tea had the same fishy element as the cake's odor, though I think it was less pronounced in the brew (still noticeable due to how subtle it was all around).
Is this a normal experience for a noob? Did I get a bad cake? I'm not thinking about my next order yet, but should I give a pu'er from Yunnan Sourcing a shot next time instead?

>> No.20306799
File: 1001 KB, 745x744, ripe pu-erh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fishiness is common in young ripe pu-erh, but Taetea has a reputation for being good at getting rid of it through a combination of resting and blending
it's possible for this leftover fermentation scent to be stirred up by shipping and it's likely to go away on its own if you wait a few weeks

I think some people are more attuned to getting the fishiness and I think many stop smelling it as much as they get used to ripe pu-erh

as for the flavor being mild, don't be afraid to brew this stuff stronger. ripe pu-erh can take it, I like mine best when it's very dark, even as dark as coffee. gives it a very nice thick mouthfeel and it will make the flavor stronger and more in the "dark chocolate / coffee" realm of things

>> No.20306919

Very nice tea tray. Where did you get it?

>> No.20307070

pic isn't mine, just wanted to show my preferred color for ripe

>> No.20307094
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20240315_142222321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post a pic though, since I'm drinking a ripe at this moment. Drinking some Lumber Slut, brewed very dark.

>> No.20307314

Comfy cup

>> No.20307368
File: 83 KB, 688x476, 831330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of puer goes best with leftover pizza?

>> No.20307381

Thanks. Broke the plate recently. But I never really used it anyway, it's not necessary with the tray

>> No.20307930

I started drinking tea a week and a half ago and I can get "tea drunk" cha qui from it.
For me I get a buzz and feel very euphoric.

Cha Qui is the result of Cha Qi.

I've felt it from both Chinese Green Tea and Oolong.

I make my tea Western style, but I do multiple infusions. I don't feel it usually on my first infusion, I get it more on my following infusions, so it's not a caffeine high(You get most caffeine on infusion 1). I get it from tea bagged tea(I cut it open and use a ball strainer) and loose tea, so you don't really need high quality tea to feel it. I savor my tea and smell it and take my time drinking it.

I don't always feel it on my first tea bag, if I'm doing multiple infusions for each tea bag, It can be subtle at first, but then as you drink you feel it.

It could be the combination of catechins, l-theanine and caffeine. Some people say it's just a caffeine high, but I don't get it from my coffee, I think either the catechins and/or l-theanine are important.

>> No.20307971

I've really been enjoying this. 11c/g, sweet, and comfy. I think I'll make a lil cup now.
>Is this a normal experience for a noob?
Yep. Tea is wild. Its all about finding what kind of wild gets you off. By this time next year you could be craving some dirty beetroot tea.

>> No.20307983

I was considering this one with my last order. Ended up picking another Slut instead, but of the cheaper w2t ripes, this one sounds the most interesting to me.
Any flavor notes or comparisons? I quite liked the molasses quality in Haiwan 9978, wouldn't mind drinking another cake that features that.

>> No.20308181
File: 1.06 MB, 1121x1993, PXL_20240315_200833623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no good at describing teas. I'm get alot of brown sugars and vanilla throughout the steeps. Dark red liquid but its thin. I've given my dad ~30g of it since october. He says it smells like old korean fish. Wet leaves are smelling almost like snickerdoodle cookies to me right now. Its probably my favorite of the shulloween 4pack. Jacko is great and way more complex, old reliable is boring and just tastes like hot iced tea, charlie is harder to approach. I think he's pretty accurate on the pricing relative to his other teas. GBM and Hokum are good, cheap and easy to rec. Vulture and Lesser evils are a little more layered. Daily drinkers vs contemplators.

>> No.20308211

I gotta admit w2t has some pretty looking shu

>> No.20308256

I have a cake of Peak Vulture coming in probably next week, quite excited to try it
maybe I should have gone for a different ripe cake than Lumber Slut to go with it

>> No.20308299

I skipped it this year :/ I think I've got 3 or 4 stashed away from the last drops. I'll probably do a random ripe order off awazon or taobao before fall.

>> No.20308323

Have you tried Waffles? That seems to be a bestseller.

>> No.20308347

Nah I've gotten a few minis but I always gift them. Moon waffles is good though.

>> No.20308394

I have a sample of Moon waffles coming in too! Maybe it will convince me that white tea is worth giving a chance. All the bai mu dans and silver needles I've had were pretty mid, but maybe it's all about the quality of the material in the end.

>> No.20308444

I had some of the 21 Yesheng Gushu Baicha before it was pressed. Thought it tasted like a field of strawberry bushes. My dad thought it tasted like composting grass and bitches anytime I give him anything too green, but he likes the moonwaffles. Less pungent. Yesheng was very very fresh and perfumey.

>> No.20308483
File: 33 KB, 424x464, green2tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck I was going to put off ordering for a while but white2tea's greens are up? I really liked that cloud green.

>> No.20308499

I honestly think you just sold me on a cake

>> No.20308537

Not him
Im about to finish of my first cake of that lao man e. It's good. Im glad i bought two. Solid endurance. You can do flash brews and get solid flavor or push it some if you want it more punchy. Lots of energy too.
Its definitely a cake for people who enjoy some bitterness but also it just has a lot of flavor in general. The 2022 version from the same farmer was good too. He seems to have solid processing technique and the material is good.
If you want shorter lived bitterness and more floral aspects the spring naka small trees is solid as well. Doesn't quite have the same endurance but it's still just fine.

>> No.20308559

is anon a big olive fan?
it's a good cake, pretty distinctive, very savory-mineral and somewhat bitter. I'm guessing the combination of those two and a green aspect is where the olive association came in for me
it's kind of interesting to try a raw that has little of the typical floral and fruity flavors. but there is still some sweetness and a complex aroma, it's just heavier and hits different

>> No.20308577

Did you also find it to have a good bit of energy to it? Sometimes a have to take a break from a session for a bit because im buzzing.

>> No.20308613

I'm not all that attuned to body effects, but I will say that it is pretty long brewing so it's understandable to want to take a break. I feel like I get the most energy from the CSH Naka, it's made me weirdly cheerful a few times.

>> No.20308670

I'm still surprised every time I get a different tea and it tastes so wildly different and even different based on brewing method. I have some that brew better western and some that taste like gross ass cough syrup honey that way.

How can anyone be a seed juice enjoyer when tea has so much more nuance?

>> No.20308701

Buy better seeds and prepare them with care.

>> No.20308939

1st or 2nd flush for Darjeeling?

>> No.20308984

I agree its pretty impressive the range of flavors you can get out of teas.
Coffee can be pretty wild too, ive had some blueberry tasting brews in my day. Unfortunately i don't really like the direction that modern coffee trends are going in with super light roasts and aciditymaxxxing and baby diaper vinegar ferments so I don't really drink it anymore. Im sure i could find some i liked but that would cut into my leaf water consumption. Plus i like the caffeine buzz from tea more, coffee makes me jittery.

>> No.20308992

First flush is halfway to green tea, second flush is firmly in the black tea camp but still with the lightness and muscatel flavor profiles that people like Darjeeling for.
Funny story when i knew less about tea i got a nice second flush at a local tea shop. The next year i decided to get some more and they only had first flush because it was early in the season. I was convinced they accidentally sold me green tea and was really confused. Ended up making some coldbrew with it that tasted pretty good but it's not my favorite.

>> No.20309349

has anyone ever tried to brew seaweed like a tea? i'm dangerously curious but i don't have the courage to try

>> No.20309390

Anon, how do you think miso soup is made?

>> No.20309397

i don't like soup so i wouldn't be aware

>> No.20309406

Boiled tuna flakes.

>> No.20309560

Parsley would hit similar notes without turning into salt water

>> No.20309571
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>has anyone ever tried to brew seaweed like a tea?
Kombu dashi

>Wipe the kombu with a clean cloth; kombu doesn't need to be washed. Put water in a deep pot and soak the kombu for about 30 minutes.

>Place pot over low heat. Just before the water comes to a boil, remove the kombu. (You can save the kombu to use in other dishes.) Remove the broth from the heat and either use immediately or store in the refrigerator for later use.
Frequently dried bonito tuna flakes are also added.

>> No.20309581

Bonito takes like ripe

>> No.20309590

this image gave me such a craving for miso soup. I don't live near an asian market because I live in rural american hell, is there a good place online to get some proper fucking kombu?

>> No.20309603

Amazon has has jap kombu that probably fine.
They also have some from maine if you feel like trying that
If you don't want to give them money ive bought stuff from this company before and been happy with it.

>> No.20309950

I can't believe this guy's still alive
this is a 20year nostalgia trip
I remember being a fucking weeb for this pinche

>> No.20309983
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Drinking some of the free Nannuo Gushu 2023 sample I got with my FarmerLeaf order.
It lives up to the "balanced Menghai taste" description. Heavier mostly floral but slightly peaty and fruity aroma, decent sweetness, getting some apple. Nice texture and fairly thick body, some minerals, medium bitterness and astringency. A bit of a cooling aftertaste.

Good tea, though for 160$ a cake, I would prefer something with more of a wow factor. The CSH minicake Menghai blend I got achieved a similar balanced effect at a lesser pricepoint. But can't complain about getting a pricier tea like this as a free sample with my merely 60$ order, gotta be 20 grams in there and 20 grams of Zhu Tang too, quite generous freebies.

>> No.20310363
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Sort of a shillpost, but I’m here from the /ck/ 4chan cup team to ask if you guys want to have any influence on the team. You’re already represented on the team by Pu’er Lesbians, but that player was made years ago, so I was just popping in to see if you have any other ideas for a new player name/model.

Basically, let me know what best overall encapsulates this general and I’ll try to recreate it based on majority opinion. Or don’t, and call me a faggot, and we’ll keep it the same, up to you.

>> No.20310372

It’s Puerh Lesbians all the way. There’s no other idea that so perfectly encapsulates /tea/ than the puerh lesbian.

>> No.20310397
File: 123 KB, 547x876, tea pu-erh lesbian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other thread memes I can think of:
>tea vampire
>California boomer's illegal pu-erh cave
>pepsi milk lao banzhang
I think tea vampire is the most enduring. the third one may be too recent. I guess gatorade notes was funny too, but just a wacky recent post

made a poll with space for other options: https://strawpoll.com/GJn47lDbYyz

>> No.20310423

Are puer lesbians the ripe enjoyers or does it apply to young sheng as well?

>> No.20310434
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Is there a tea that could simulate the taste of this woman's feet?

>> No.20310498

>Saturday morning
>only posts in the general are about memes and Sridevi's feet

>> No.20310544

Good to know, and shit, you’re even doing my work for me god bless. I’ll leave this for a bit since the cup isn’t for a month or so, but if we stick to the lesbians, I’ll check back closer to the aesthetics deadline and you can let me know if there’s anything you want to add to the model and I can get it added at some point.

If only polling the rest of the board was this easy…

>> No.20310567
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Got some TEA

>> No.20310580

curry powder madras, sandy soil, and a hint of fecal matter from her passerby shitting countrymen

>> No.20310589

this is an Awazon order, isn't it? why can I recognize an Awazon order just by the 8$ sheng cake and shitty ziplock packaging...
what's the chunk in the ziplock btw?

>> No.20310630
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Sure is. That's the cheap white cake.

>> No.20310637

cool. crazy prices on some of their teas. I wonder if the dirt cheap ones are any good

>> No.20310657

ive heard from the majority of people who order from them that they arent but i like to imagine in my head that maybe you really can get something out of them

>> No.20310665
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It does feel risky, but I haven't had anything undrinkable yet. I guess your expectations have to be in the right place. This is cheap stuff I'll just drink to get caffeinated so it only has to be palatable enough for that.
Just simmered up a pot, I oversteeped a little but it's fine.
Also got some of these thingies they look tasty to me for some reason.

>> No.20310812

advice on what electric kettle I should get in the US?

>> No.20310824

Gooseneck temp control on sale would be my go to. Can get under 60$ or even under 50$ if you can wait for sale.

>> No.20310911

this inspired me to try my gingerbread man sample i havent used yet and i havent finished it but its already very strange and i have things to say about it. it intially comes off very approachable for a ripe, even more approachable than something like the lumber slut which is not really something i like as it comes off not harsh and interesting enough for me. the first steeps are vaguely nutty and dont have the wet earthy taste, very 'thin' but gives off a full feeling like eating, smooth and mellow. the tea eventually becomes more nutty, much like fruitcake and raisins, but all of a sudden to me it became astringent, and started to taste surprisingly like elderberry and walnuts, losing all of its approachablity i disliked in the intial steeps.im not sure how i feel about this tea now, as i really enjoy the elderberry and walnut taste but dislike the intial steeps. i dont taste what >>20308181 tastes at all much, but the dry leaves do smell really very fishy, like fish at the beach or something--a very surprising smell that isnt really present anywhere in the tea at all for me. this is also the darkest ripe ive seen i think, as the leaves open up it becomes so dark so quick i cant see the bottom of my cup, but in the light as im pouring it out of my gaiwan its blood red.

>> No.20310931

Good looking brick there pal.
It'll grow on you.

>> No.20310958
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yeah hes 54. some other anon said assam chai was his favorite.

>> No.20310961

See if your kitchen has any 240V outlets behind any of your appliances. I found a 240V for my steam oven so now I can boil a cup of water in 35 seconds with an adapter and a kettle from a .co.uk

>> No.20310962

Been wanting to try these. Give us a review when you've had yours, kudasai.

>> No.20310974
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>> No.20311072

I bought a sample of that with my last order. Its pretty good, but i haven't had a lot of young sheng in that price range to compare it to. Impressively long lived on the palette and solid endurance reasonably balanced taste as advertised.

>> No.20311146
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Puerh lesbians definitely, tea vampire maybe. The latter doesn't feel like it has much substance.
Don't worry about the spelling, btw. It's fine as it is. The Western world can't come to consensus on it so here we are in indexing hell.
Nice! I've been insanely curious about that cheap white mini brick.

>> No.20311199
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My favorite 'sane? It's gotta be 'oibos.

>> No.20311259
File: 379 KB, 1738x2048, 291982837_1926559064209123_7367635986950158937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kombucha general is back but its full of midwits

>> No.20311459

Anon who authored Tease: I have a feature request. I would put it on the issues page, but Gitlab signup process wants a phone number.
I wish I could see a third decimal place on the price per gram value. Especially when buying in bulk, the difference between $0.145 and $0.154 per gram can be significant. I imagine not everybody would want this mode so it may be worth looking at some adjustable config.
Cheers, anon! Thanks for a good tool.

>> No.20311652

Any idea if FL is cooking some new hidden regions?
He said he doesn't like stocking up the same tea but different year so I doubt it's just going to be the same regions but 2024.

>> No.20311673

Posted a message they were back to china so will process and look for teas to buy soon. Might get videos and posts more often before the spring release.

>> No.20312405

i really like my oxo variable temp kettle and know at least one other person that does as well, worth the bit extra to not get a pos that goes over the selected temp all the time

>> No.20312460 [DELETED] 

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>> No.20312997

does drinking shou on an empty stomach and no water make anyone else feel like theyre dying

>> No.20313256

No, I drink it first thing most mornings

>> No.20313258

Might be tannins upsetting your stomach

>> No.20313350

Been a while since I added anything, I'll see what I can do today.
No problem, I'm happy it's getting some use.

>> No.20313368

had some gaba oolong from thetea.pl for the first time today, the sweet potato note is super accurate, also though it tasted somewhat like date fruits and maybe a bit like the mineral/metal taste of very green bananas or their peels. that was pretty damn good

>> No.20313405

the unroasted one? yeah, it's pretty good. tastes like apple pie and autumn leaves to me
what else did you get from the store? they have some interesting stuff like a lot of aged oolong, but most of it is out of my budget

from my order I really enjoyed the first grade liu bao, tanyang gong fu and yuchi wild black tea. all are sold out right now though, but the latter two should be restocked or available somewhere else. I'll definitely get more of the Tanyang tea at some point, might be my favorite black tea I've had so far and the price isn't too horrid

the 2007 Youle raw was nice too, also sold out. the Banpen had a strong medicinal bitterness that filtered me a bit, but a sample could be interesting, it's not too pricey for a semi-aged Banzhang tea

>> No.20313884
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They have some pretty interesting stuff. You don't see this stuff much from European/UK vendors.
I'll have to get some samples some time

>> No.20313949
File: 314 KB, 1172x473, Screenshot (253).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. i thought 280 eurobucks was a lot for a liu bao cake, but even on taobao Duoteli brand tea is expensive.

>> No.20313991
File: 34 KB, 371x609, thetea_order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only got oolongs this time but the shipping from this store is the cheapest ive seen compared to other european stores so probably gonna get another order from them sometime.
so far ive tasted the sour plum hong oolong and the yancha, didnt write down notes on them but i liked the sour plum oolong a lot, it was kinda sour but at the same time had a unique fruity sweetness. Dont really have enough experience with yancha yet to say how that one was but the mouthfeel was really good.
>they have some interesting stuff like a lot of aged oolong
aged oolongs seem really interesting but i never seen them discussed much here, have you had any before?
>from my order I really enjoyed the first grade liu bao
Nice, im about to run out of heicha soon so might buy some from them instead of chawangshop

>> No.20314036

yeah the liu bao and aged oolong selections seem intriguing. not many EU stores offer a large selection of these

I'll say that the store seems better value for sampling than buying whole cakes because the price per gram difference between samples and larger amounts of tea is not that big

>> No.20314417
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>> No.20314438
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>> No.20314445
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>> No.20314449
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dark tea

>> No.20314459
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>> No.20314460
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>> No.20314465
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this ones a classic

>> No.20314472


>> No.20314490
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imagine the smell

>> No.20314593

Is it possible that the terms 'oxidation' and 'fermentation' are often used interchangeably in descriptions of tea making processes? Seems to me these are very different techniques. Are common black teas fermented?

>> No.20314643

Chinese tend to use the word fermentation for the stage western people usually call oxidation yeah. It's not entirely oxidation, there are other chemical processes going on with enzymes and whatnot. But really it's a chemical process not a microbial ferment.
You might see the phrase "post-fermentation" to talk about the microbial stage specifically, though this also involves oxidation over time.
Anyway, no most tea is not fermented by microbes, unless it's been pile fermented or stored in wet enough environment for long enough. i.e. puer and heicha usually.