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20284045 No.20284045 [Reply] [Original]

why are frozen fries and gravy mix never as good as their fast food equivalents?

>> No.20284155

Same reason next day microwaved fast food fries aren't.

>> No.20284271

Add more oils, salt, and sugar. Walla

>> No.20284467

>frozen fries and gravy mix
Are Canadians really like this?

>> No.20285444

You need to air fry them. If you are oven baking or microwaving them, they will not be as good.

Gravy mix is just shitty stock powder with flour and seasoning added. If you want good gravy you have to step up what you make it out of. Fast food probably has MSG and whatever grease/fat runoff added to their gravy.

>> No.20285448

What the fuck are you talking about? I literally made fries and gravy with leftover pot roast a few days ago that absolutely mogs any bullshit fast food.

>> No.20286239

For rallys/ checkers. They fry that in the same oil. Need to fry up some fish sticks, chicken tenders, couple pies.

>> No.20286246

>You need to air fry them.
Retard, he needs to deep fry them.

>> No.20287930

anon discovers fresh food isnt a meme

>> No.20287934

fast food fries are frozen

>> No.20288085

>microwaved fast food fries
Reheat your fries in an air fryer, fool.

>> No.20288087
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>Retard, he needs to deep fry them.

>> No.20288846

bot posts.... they have to be

>> No.20288858

why is reheated shit and low quality shelf stable shit shitty? I don't know you fucking moron, try thinking for the first time in your life and get back to us

>> No.20288889

Because you aren't preparing it the same way the restaurant does. Like, your generic restaurant is probably using a gravy mix, but at the same time, they probably have a source of drippings they can enrich it with. If you took a gravy powder, and used your drippings as part of the liquid the package calls for, maybe threw in some spices, it'd taste great. That's what restaurants tend to do.

Fries, its just a matter of deep frying them, salting them immediately, then serving hot. If you use baked fries you aren't getting the same effect. Some places use battered fries, or fry twice in order to get a better texture, so keep that in mind too.

My advice if you want better gravy with minimal effort is to use drippings, and if you don't have that, "Better Than Bouillon" is your best alternative. However, food service also has access to better quality products sometimes, just because there's no consumer demand for it.

>> No.20290200

>Add stuff already in it

>> No.20292123

dude fuck the hell right off

>> No.20292342

you need to deep fry them in used oil, that's all that is different

>> No.20292344

Gravy mix is fucking garbage, but a basic butter/bullion gravy sauce kicks the shit out of fast food stuff. And takes like 90 seconds to make.

Also fries are... fried to taste good, not baked like most frozen bags.

>> No.20292365

gravy - needs more salt and msg
fries - you need to actually fry it

>> No.20292373

upload webm where it takes exactly 90 seconds to make butter/bullion gravy

>> No.20292394

For a single meal serving, sure, come on.
It's basically a roux, you're just melting and incorporating, doesn't take 30 minutes to melt butter. Only way it'd take longer is if you're using cold water.

>> No.20292487

I didn't know popeyes offered a serving of gravy for you to dip your fries in. I have to admit, they are surprisingly good. That chicken sandwich is huge and tasty.

>> No.20292926

>Cajun ̶f̶r̶e̶n̶c̶h̶ fries
>The insinuation that Cajuns aren't French