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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20282093 No.20282093 [Reply] [Original]

My endocrinologist unironically wants me to start doing keto after some blood work to help with my hormones. What all can I eat? Because it seems like it will be easy but expensive!
>babybel cheese wheels
>stuffed peppers
>seared salmon
>beef jerky
What do I have wrong? What else can I eat? Can I add creamer to my coffee like a faggot still? Can I add honey to my tea still? What fruits do I need to absolutely never eat?

>> No.20282111

I can't imagine how cutting sweet fruit and lots of vegetables from your diet would help your health. When you start keto, you will feel starved and nauseous from not getting enough carbs. Keto people call this the 'keto flu,' but really this is your body entering starvation mode. But in theory, keto people need to stay in ketosis, which is to say to consume an incredibly little amount of carbs a day. According to them, butter and cheese and bacon are healthy, but apples are not.

>> No.20282116

>>20282093I know I have been saying this for moths, but where is the Ketamine in the Keto diet? What the fuck?

Excuse the hijack.

>> No.20282137

He already told you what

>> No.20282142

your endocrinologist is not a nutritionist. what does your GP say? or let me guess, you just have an endo to monitor HRT? keto + trans = gall stones and losing your gall bladder fyi

>> No.20282423

Congrats on your pancreas failure anon, there's worse organs to lose.
You can replace potato chips with pepperoni or salami baked for 5-10 minutes as a nice little snack. Greek yogurt is also good, as is whole or raw milk.

>> No.20282436

A lot of people on keto avoid milk because it has 12g of carbs per cup. And some people try to stay below 20g total. Or even with the upper end of a 50g limit almost a quarter of that going to a cup of milk doesn't seem worth it for them. They mostly stick with cheese, butter, and cream.

>> No.20282497

Anon, you can eat literally anything other than stuff with carbs in it and even that you can eat as long as you stay below 50g (general rule) but it's better if you stay below 25g, so yes, you can have creamer as long as it's not too much, alternatively just use milk that barely has any carbs.
Idk how much milk you guys put in your coffee but for me it's only 20ml, so almost negligible.

>> No.20282612

>low carb bread, tortillas made with almond flour
>all kinds of meat, this is where you can pig out on pork belly, fatty cuts of pork and beef, skin-on chicken thighs etc
>mayo (!)
>konjac noodles (I like them as they allow me to make a normal dish with no carbs, e.g. noodles+meat+spices+cream+cheese)

>> No.20282621

I'm one of these posters ITT and I want you to die because you're trans. I gave you fake advice to assist in this, good luck finding which post I am LMAO

>> No.20282624

>fish, the fattier the better (mackerel, deenz, salmon)
>sausages and salamis
>nuts (macadams are the best, also almonds, peanuts)

>honey to my tea
No honey, use sweetener such as stevia.
>What fruits do I need to absolutely never eat?
Pretty much all of them. Fruit is nature's candy and it's loaded with fructose which is the simplest of carbs. It'll kick you out of ketosis very easily and is not worth the risk. The good thing that in ketosis you don't crave sugar and sweets.

>> No.20282643

God Britbongs are fucking retarded
>haha I won't fall for that endocrinology pseudoscience, I know to eat muh refined grains and stay away from that heckin animal fat!
The 60s ENDED you subhumans

>> No.20282648

>According to them, butter and cheese and bacon are healthy, but apples are not.
Bacon might have too much salt but this is true.b

>> No.20282659

how is an endocrinologist even qualified to talk about diets, ask your parents / grandparents if healthy what they ate and find out, if unhealthy ask them why and what garbage did they eat

>> No.20284432
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go carnivore. same as keto, without the indigestible fibre. stop drinking tea/coffee, only eat wild fruit.
>I can't imagine how cutting sweet fruit and lots of vegetables from your diet would help your health.
because you never tried, retard.
> When you start keto, you will feel starved and nauseous from not getting enough carbs.
if you tried, you'd know that's wrong, retard.
>Keto people call this the 'keto flu,' but really this is your body entering starvation mode.
that's detox, retard.
> According to them, butter and cheese and bacon are healthy, but apples are not.
apples in nature are small and bitter, as a human food source, it's utterly negligible. only bears eat apples. domesticated apples are 10x time size and contain 10x the sugar. eating 5 servings a day will give you diabetes, retard.
there's nothing more pathetic than an adult who still eats vegetables. your parents forced you to eat them and now you force yourself to eat them. it's exactly the same as getting molested. you got sodomized as a child, so now you get sodomized by choice as an adult. but really, you're just traumatized. that's why keto/carnivore threads cause so much seethe on this board. anyways, ate some raw caribou bone marrow last night, tasted like blood flavoured candles.

>> No.20284575

>pepperoni or salami

Those contain sugar, which will stop ketosis. Milk has too many carbs and lactose, same thing. Unsweetened coconut milk is recommended for keto. The real coconut milk that comes in cans, that is.

>> No.20285218

cheap salami/pepperoni maybe but I genuinely cant see how there's more than 1 g of sugar per few slices

>> No.20285234

>that's detox, retard.
detox isn't, never has been, and never will be real. your liver and kidneys detox you every fucking day regardless what macros you eat.

>> No.20285239

Dont eat pork or chicken, those animals are fed nasty shit. Same for milk products
Maybe if you make it from quality ingridients, otherwise its poison
If you want veggies, maybe look into fermenting them for a probiotic boost

>> No.20285513

enjoy your diabetic neuropathy you sadistic faggot

>> No.20285521

if you find it let me know. i need to get back in the hole

>> No.20285531

Please don't do what the ugly, unloved, so insecure in their masculinity that they feel the need to murder animals and drink their blood republicans in this thread are telling you to do. In fact, do the opposite. Stop eating red meat and dairy and you'll see your insulin sensitivity improve. Otherwise, keep doing what they're doing and become fat and sick. I am trying to help you, they are trying to indoctrinate you because they are defensive and secretly insecure about the morality of their lifestyle.

>> No.20285535

this anon is right op, this is your body on keto

>> No.20285605
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>detox isn't, never has been, and never will be real.
and neither is keto flu, it's just vegan propaganda. if it's not detox, then it's withdrawal. all the symptoms are exactly the same as caffeine withdrawal.
diabetes is caused by carbs/sugar, you mentally ill slave.
how is hunting sadistic? they die instantly if you shoot them in the heart/lungs. don't you realize all prey species get eaten alive?

>> No.20285624

What the fuck are sweet fruit and vegetables gonna do for your health?

>> No.20285716

>diabetes is caused by carbs/sugar, you mentally ill slave.
diabetes is your body's inability to properly convert the sugar in your blood to muscle glycogen, in other words insulin resistance. In type 2 diabetes this is caused by having to much fat or cholesterol in the diet. Professional cyclists consume 100 grams of carbs per hour on the bike, do they have diabetes?

>> No.20285785 [DELETED] 
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nobody in nature would ever do that. when you hunt, you sneak up on an animal and chuck a spear at it. i walk slowl in the forest because i don't want to make any noise. i never get tired. however, all my family are carb slaves. when we're at our hunting cabin, the first thing they do is drink coffee with cream and sugar, eat porridge with raisins and brown sugar and eat 4 slices of toast with strawberry jam. i eat a cheese omelette. after we've been out for several hours, they get exhausted, so they drink more coffee and eat chocolate bars. i eat smoked.
fat and cholesterol are essential nutrients, you would die without them. nothing bad has ever happen to anyone without carbs.
>Professional cyclists
ah, yes. the faggiest sport in world.

>> No.20285797
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nobody in nature would ever do that. when you hunt, you sneak up on an animal and chuck a spear at it. i walk slow in the forest because i don't want to make any noise. i never get tired. however, all my family are carb slaves. when we're at our hunting cabin, the first thing they do is drink coffee with cream and sugar, eat porridge with raisins and brown sugar and eat 4 slices of toast with strawberry jam. i eat a cheese omelette. after we've been out for several hours, they get exhausted, so they drink more coffee and eat chocolate bars. i eat a piece of raw bear fat.
fat and cholesterol are essential nutrients, you would die without them. nothing bad has ever happen to anyone without carbs.
>Professional cyclists
ah, yes. the faggiest sport in world.

>> No.20285809

Vitamin C, healthy carbs, hydrating, healthy fiber, refreshing, tasty, energizing, makes you smell good.

>> No.20285813

>eating 5 servings a day will give you diabetes, retard.
Diabetes is mostly caused by obesity which is mostly caused by processed food. It's really hard to get diabetes from any kind of unprocessed whole food. For some reason even honey doesn't seem as bad as any other refined sugar.

Do you eat honey? Even hunter-gatherers love honey and sometimes eat lots of it every day and are healthy despite it being almost pure sugar.

>> No.20285833
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i eat wild blueberry/raw honey/full fat yogurt smoothies everyday in the fall to get fat enough to fit into my size 34 wool pants for winter. im ice fishing almost everyday, so i need the extra insulation. when you're ice fishing, you're just sitting there for hours when it's -20 degrees celsius.

>> No.20285839

>same as keto
>only eat wild fruit.
that's utterly retarded

made roasted cauli last night and it was fucking delish. You have no clue what you're talking about.

absolutely nothing wrong with pork or chicken. Mayo is great for keto, it's almost pure fat and goes well with anything.

apparently this board is full of retards

>> No.20285870
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that being said, the spring goose hunt is coming up, so i gotta lose weight. i've been losing 1lb a day since starting keto on march 1st. i should be 15% body fat by the end of april. the spring snow is very deep and slushy, so you'll sink in with every step if you're too heavy. the ice is also very thin which you could break through and drown which happened to some fat fuck a few years ago.
sounds disgusting, cauliflower literally looks like anal warts.

>> No.20285952 [DELETED] 

>when you hunt, you sneak up on an animal and chuck a spear at it.
is that what "you" do? i thought you shot it with a gun. i would like to see one person kill any large animal by just chucking a spear

>> No.20285958 [DELETED] 

>starting keto on march 1st
so you haven't been on it long enough to feel the negative effects yet. better hope those blueberries and honey (i thought carbs were bad?) will tide you over, otherwise you're fucked
>cauliflower literally looks like anal warts.
you eat rotted animal carcasses

>> No.20285960

>>20285870 #
>starting keto on march 1st
so you haven't been on it long enough to feel the negative effects yet. better hope those blueberries and honey (i thought carbs were bad?) will tide you over, otherwise you're fucked
>cauliflower literally looks like anal warts.
you eat rotted animal digestive tracts and blood. there's a huge chance there are some actual anal warts in there

>> No.20285970 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 1200x1600, roasted cauli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your roasted cauli, bro.

>> No.20285980

nice gay pic, now post a pic of your dead raw animal anus meal before you deep fry it

>> No.20286048

>Vitamin C
the less carbs you eat, the less vitamin c you need. and if you're really that concerned, you can just eat a pepper.
>healthy carbs
carbs aren't really healthy if you're on a low-carb diet, now, are they?
>healthy fiber
fiber is unnecessary
>refreshing, tasty
neither of these has anything to do with health
fat provides all the energy you need on a low-carb diet
>makes you smell good
ok bro

>> No.20286418

Get a nutrition app to track carbs and eat what you want. You still eat a fair amount of veggies, if you do it right.
I've been dieting just to lose weight, and when I'm on keto, I still eat 3-400 grams of vegetables a day. The hard part for me is getting enough fats, be 'cause I get sick of cheese and butter real quick.

>> No.20286433

Your family hates you because you're a fat retard

>> No.20286483

this is such a wild argument. You do know there are legitimate studies showing ketogenic diets CURE diabetes? I personally know 2 people who no longer take insulin because of it, id know im in the fattest state in the country.

>> No.20286649

Steve Redgrave does

>> No.20286683
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People make keto much more complicated than it is. I've been on it for a year, and most people think I eat nothing but steaks, bacon, scrambled eggs, sticks of butter and pork rinds.

You can make most dishes with a heavy side of carbs, take out the carbs, or substitute a few ingredients and WA LA the dish is now keto.
Miss your curry? Eat it with riced cauliflower, or simply don't reduce the curry as much so it's more like a soup.
Miss your spaghetti and tomato sauce? Just eat it with spaghetti squash, or chunky tomato soup.
Miss your cheese burgers? Use portobello mushrooms or cabbage leaves instead.
You can also make lots of delicious salads and just add meat as some easy meals.

Pic related: The lamb curry I'm currently cooking.

>> No.20286691

Is it eating bear meat that makes you go nuts on wild berries and salmon? Did you truly become what you eat?
Also, how does bear taste? I've always been curious about it.

>> No.20286696

potatoes, bread, pasta, rice are overrated. Sure, they soak up flavor but there are fibrous vegetables that can serve as that canvas from which to add flavor. Flavor has always been in spices, marinades, stocks/broths.

>> No.20286718

Only thing I miss once in a while is bread mostly due to wanting a burger or sandwhich. But I got a recipe on some keto "bread" with almonds that works very well for that.

>> No.20286733

im a beaner so I miss beans and spanish style rice so fucking bad. But not caring about bread and pasta is like a superpower, makes it easy to eat butter, oil, and cheese soaked foods without needing those.

>> No.20286805

>ketogenic diets CURE diabetes
no, they absolutely do not. they actively make insulin resistance worse. a ketofag will pass out after eating an apple. that's not "healthy" no matter how you spin it.

>> No.20286893

i'm starting to think you people just like posting pictures of dead animals you've killed, almost like you think it's something to be proud of, further proving that all hunting is trophy hunting, or at least has the same psychology behind it

>> No.20286926
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>carb slave carb rages
did you miss your afternoon nap?
>Is it eating bear meat that makes you go nuts on wild berries and salmon?
berries are not satiating. you can eat berries till you're full, then feel hungry an hour later. this is the purpose of carbs, gaining fat for winter. this is why carb slaves are so fat and snack all day.
>Also, how does bear taste?
it's very gamey and the meat is smoked for preservation. imagine lamb/mutton cooked with spruce instead of rosemary/thyme.
yes, having a traditional lifestyle instead of being a vegan wagecuck rentoid is something to proud of.

>> No.20287022

fried eggs (yes americans, really) with fried chorizo
a gift from the heavens, remember to dilate and hang yourself afterwards though

>> No.20287034

This is a lie. You're not ignorant, you're
wilfully lying for some reason. How much do you get paid for this kind of work?

>> No.20287111

I hunt too, but not nearly as much as you (small country). I could source all my meat from game, but pork, beef and poultry is cheap enough, and give me some more variety.
The best part is if I started to eat game only the climate commissariat wouldn't be able to say jack shit about me eating meat, as that would be defined as 100% CO2 neutral to them, lol.

>> No.20287474

link studies, I am curious, completely willing to admit if I am wrong, but like there are also studies that show severely obese people going on high carb diets and losing a bunch of weight and reversing diabetes

>> No.20287636

Do you work from home? If not, do you have a fridge you can put stuff in? At home there'll be a lot more options, especially once you Google for different keto recipes and whittle down to palatable stuff for you.

At work, I've done ready-to-eat packets of tuna, but got sick of tuna pretty quick. What was sustainable for me at the office was a summer sausage and a block of cheddar, cutting off however much I felt like eating that day.

For salt and crunch, get some Parmesan in block form and grate it yourself to make crisps. (Pre-grated stuff is probably fine so long as it's not half sawdust or something.) Sprinkle in a little salt or other flavorings if needed. I baked mine. Various recipes out there to try. Should keep for a day if you need to make some in the morning and take to work.

>> No.20287641

which one makes more sense?
>someone is insulin resistant, so just avoids the problem and exacerbates it by eating more fat
>someone is insulin resistant, so they incorporate more carbs in their diet, getting their body used to it and eventually improves their insulin sensitivity
it's why keto people's blood sugars spike on the most light shit like apples and bread, because the excess fat in their system is causing their body to resist carbohydrates. it makes insulin resistance worse because the more fat you eat, the less carbs you CAN eat without your sugar spiking.

>> No.20288881

braise/slow roast cheap cuts like beef chuck or pork shoulder in large quantities. you can fridge or freeze them after cooking.

>> No.20289018
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Thanks for the alternatives.
There’s a flaxseed egg white bread recipe my wife sent me today. Seemed simple enough.
Honestly didn’t realize beans had carbs! I might be retarded but I’m glad I read this.
I will try this, thanks! I make eggs with Parmesan cheese, melt it until it’s golden, crack an egg over it and add black peppercorns. It’s really good.
I work downtown but have a fridge. Right now I have liver wurst with scorpion Tabasco. I add parmesan cheese to my eggs in the morning. The pre grind isn’t bad if you get the right one. I make hard boiled eggs, roasted jalapeños, and bacon as a meal tray.

Thanks for the tips everyone!

>> No.20289104
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raw or soft boiled eggs are better, you don't wanna oxidize the yolks.
>Cholesterol is a molecule with a double bond in its structure and is therefore susceptible to oxidation leading to the formation of oxysterols.
>Several oxysterols are associated with age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, eye disease (cataract, age-related macular degeneration), certain neurodegenerative diseases and cancers.

>> No.20289115

actually, i'd say soft boiled is best because cooking the egg whites destroys the antinutrients.
>Avidin is an antinutrient found in active form in raw egg whites. It binds very tightly to biotin (vitamin B7) and can cause deficiency of B7 in animals and, in extreme cases, in humans.
i cook eggs on high heat for 5 minutes.

>> No.20289116

You can eat Greek yogurt too if you need something besides fucking meat and cheese. You are going to be HUNGRY for a few weeks after kicking the breads.

I was told clear alcohol like vodka if you want to have a drink. I don't even know if that's true but I did it whenever I would drink.

>> No.20289193

>Greek yogurt
Id suggest making 2 parts water 1 part erythritol syrup to make it easier to cope with keto but apparently it really doesnt like to stay in the water and will crystallize easily and people use shit like distilled water, xanthan gum and additional sweeteners to make it work.

>> No.20289474

>Honestly didn’t realize beans had carbs!
Kek. When it comes avoiding carbs they are probably some of the worst things you can eat.

>> No.20289633
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Here's the "leftovers" from the lamb shank I used for the curry. Roasted a couple hours, low and slow, and it's juicy as fuck.
Having it with a tzatziki dip.

>> No.20289986

>You are going to be HUNGRY for a few weeks after kicking the breads.
wonder why that is

>> No.20290014

>You are going to be HUNGRY for a few weeks after kicking the breads.
Only if it's a major staple in your diet. There are other foods than bread, sweets, and dairy.

>> No.20290051

If you're going to be eating foods like bacon, cheese wheels, and jerky, be mindful of the sodium you're intaking. You're not going to want to pick up more health problems along the way.
When I run keto I usually stick to fish, chicken (thighs/drumsticks/breasts), and eggs as my protein and berries + green, cruciferous vegetables.
Cheese sticks, pork cracklings, and nuts (high calorie so don't eat too much) were my snacks. Don't try to replicate foods in a "keto" form (like bread), you'll be massively disappointed and just crave the real thing even more.

>> No.20290199

It's weird how people think you can't eat vegetables or fruits on keto. There's plenty of both that have a low content of carbs.
And as you say: Cruciferous vegetables are king, and probably the best bang for the buck on keto.
Fried brussels sprouts with some meat is one of my go-to meals.

>> No.20292496

I don't get it, why do people feel bad and crash after cheating on keto? Surely after you've become fat adapted that simply primes you for the best of both worlds, right? If your body is always ready to go straight back to carbs the moment you eat any, and it's become able to use fats as efficiently, why doesn't it just end up doing both if you increase your carb intake?

>> No.20292507

your body doesnt keep a bunch of extra insulin around. if you slowly ramp up carbs for a few days you wont experience adverse effect

>> No.20292527

Oh that's awesome, I really want to transition to low carb eventually so I can eat a fucking occasional cookie or chip so its good to know it wont hurt as long as I dont stuff my face

>> No.20292795

A single cookie shouldn't be enough to fuck your shit up, even on strict keto. You can even start out with a big salad if you want.
You just shouldn't stuff your face with a loaf of bread, tray of cookies or big serving of fries.

>> No.20293011


>> No.20293013

Transition it is for queers like you.

>> No.20293191

>fiber is unnecessary
Did bowel polyps write those posts?

>> No.20293214

>start doing keto after some blood work to help with my hormones
sounds like junk science/poor nutrition. Which hormones? If you want a partial keto diet to watch your carb intake, do South Beach Diet.
I went to the family medicine conference last year where an endocrinologist was presenting his multi-year results, and NONE of the 4 biggest fad diets had different results on bloodwork. The audience was surprised intermittant fasting and exercise during the fast didn't show any gains either and keto did not solve a damn thing to risk all those side effects.
Drugs and senstible diet and exerise, whichever one you pick as least expensive, which seems to matter to you, is all you can do. Health plans pay for weight watchers, most of the time. If you aren't wearing a monitor, wear one for a few weeks like some samples, so you can learn something about peaks and valleys between meals.

>> No.20293285

Insulin is a hormone, ghrelin is a hormone, cortisol is a hormone, cholesterol is a hormone etc. How your digestion works is based on hormones.
Insulin is the worst contender here, and being on keto will fix it, as long as you don't just live off butter and cheese.

>> No.20295014

Carnivore is and has always been nothing more than keto for right wing retards.

>> No.20295023

>raw bear
I thought bears get the same kind of parasites that wild boars get.

>> No.20295407

dilate, tranny.
yeah, but it's only in the muscle tissue. they can also get tape worm from eating raw fish, but you can just pull those out.

>> No.20295711

It will create the opposite effect. How many times does this have to be repeated? Only high-carb diets increase insulin sensitivity.

>> No.20295728
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>cholesterol is a hormone

>> No.20296056

>What hormones are synthesized from cholesterol?
>All classes of steroid hormones, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and sex hormones

>> No.20296124

Get a new endocrinologist.

>> No.20296192

Ground beef, cheap cuts of pork, costco rotisserie chicken

>> No.20296221

cool. thanks for clarifying it's a steroid that makes hormones, not a hormone.

>> No.20296285

Tips for magnesium and potassium without supplements? Getting the electrolyte symptoms and I don't think a spoon of peanut butter every day is gonna fix it

>> No.20296295

buy electrolyte supplements heavy with magnesium and potassium and drink that with water

>> No.20296327

is it "without supplements" you don't understand?

>> No.20296346

You can buy countless different packs, but you can also make your own.
Just look up snakejuice. It's basically the same just with pussy flavour instead of raspberry.

>> No.20296347

Define "supplements" then.
>Get some salt tablets

>> No.20296908

holy based

>> No.20296922

kill yourself you fucking sperg

>> No.20296927

Professional cyclists are also burning several thousands of calories per day exercising, retard

>> No.20297284
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come kill me yourself, you fucking pussy.

>> No.20298166

people in keto are supposed to eat low carb vegetables like cabbage and broccoli instead of sticks of butter

>> No.20298183

Anything you want if you stay under like 15g carbs a day

>> No.20298482

Imagine going to a physician or a doctor in 2024. Why can you just not be a pussy and tough it out.

>> No.20298487

Lol at least show a picture of a real bull moose instead of this baby

>> No.20298515
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say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.20298559

I like a nice seafood chowder made with heavy whipping cream instead of milk.

>> No.20299545

Kek. You're alright, anon.

>> No.20299547

The french knew what they were doing when they started adding butter and cream to everything.

>> No.20300857

>Start keto for insomnia
>sleep even worse
>but never feel tired
>oh you need more magnesium
Bitch I'm eating fucking Brussels Sprouts now how much fucking magnesium do muffins and french fries have

>> No.20302779

How long have you been on it? Your cortisol levels rise during keto until your body has adapted.

>> No.20302804

10 days

>> No.20302822

I'd say you have another couple weeks, maybe a month, before you really will feel an improvement then.

>> No.20302904


>> No.20302925

>Can I add creamer to my coffee
>adding vegetable oil trash to your coffee instead of milk

Why the fuck are Americans like this?

>> No.20303030

Shit takes time. Took me three months before I was fully adapted to keto as I was the biggest slop eater before.

>> No.20303103

>Can't sleep cause body is "stressed"
>Not sleeping makes me actually stressed
>This will go on for months
Healthy diet btw, totally fixed my sleep

>> No.20303137

Reminder that "eating animals" is just a thin justification for mass animal murder by these sadists who take joy in killing animals for fun

>> No.20303139

Not sure if you're serious.
Putting your body through changes it's not used to will cause you stress. Especially if you're already suffering from stress.
Guess what brings cortisol levels down? Exercise.
Guess what also causes cortisol levels to rise if done in excess? Exercise.

>> No.20303170
File: 923 KB, 1536x2048, 119886264_884227968775832_5480001420412436920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veganism kills more animals, faggot.

>> No.20304034


>> No.20304036

it's sleeping baka

>> No.20304038

Keto attracts trans folks, it seems.

>> No.20304041

this one is sleeping alright >>20297284

>> No.20304054

I hate this lard ass boomer faggot. His content is all over my facebook and has brainwashed my parents. Old alcoholic boomers like Garlard Farms who want to kill things so badly should be locked in a room and forced to fight each other to the death.

>> No.20304070

Dis nigga afraid of fruit and veggies haha!

>> No.20304138
File: 174 KB, 960x720, 21557584_10155029087805897_3595545299672534797_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your parents are based. too bad you're a mentally ill carb slave carb raging on 4chan. i think it's time for your diabetic afternoon nap.
fruits and veggies haven't been available in my village until the late 90's. not only are they expensive, they're full of pesticides and completely devoid of nutrients, only faggots and retards eat them.

>> No.20304180

If you want cheap, eat primarily fried mince with a few veggies. Pork, beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, all fairly cheap as mince. Add in some veggies and you got a basic stir-fry.
Creamer is probably a no, put actual cream in your coffee instead.
Honey in tea is a maybe, if you use very little and you aren't downing the stuff.
If you want fruit, berries are your best bet, low in sugar.

>> No.20304203
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Dishes are a mother father FUCKING N8GHTMARE ON KETO

>> No.20304260
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>> No.20304266
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>> No.20304299

>babybel cheese wheels
Just...just buy a normal block of fucking cheese, dude...

>> No.20304341
File: 104 KB, 735x713, 1710197518043135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm low on test? What should I eat?
Akschually, one of my balls kinda died, all Hitler like.
On the other side, I had actual sexual intercourse before.
Not only with my uncle, but also with real girls..or so I was tricked to believe.

>> No.20304717

Eat the grease, stupid
Its just fat

>> No.20304813

im just gonna eat whatever i want and then die at some point

>> No.20305055

Wish my body didn't come broken out of the box so I could do this.

>> No.20305456

>your parents are based.
My parents are both type 2 diabetic (on metformin) and I'm not, like most ketolards are lol.
>too bad you're a mentally ill carb slave carb raging on 4chan
You're the one rageposting pictures of dead animal bodies to prove your nonexistent masculinity. Pick on someone your own size. You and all diabetic ketolards whose bodies are too weak and undermuscled to handle carbs are weak twigs.
>fruits and veggies haven't been available in my village until the late 90's. not only are they expensive, they're full of pesticides and completely devoid of nutrients, only faggots and retards eat them.
>destroys the earth
>inflation on veggies
>Wow, this sucks, we should do this more and kill off what other little amount of plant and animal life is left. Eating fruit is unnatural because they built sidewalks and houses where the fruit used to be 10 years ago.
You're a dumbass. Soon eating deer will be "unnatural" according to your dumbfuck logic too after that little strip of land you kill them on gets inevitably destroyed and paved over in 10 years.

>> No.20305580 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 12038532_1665891167030702_4441757230220457495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parents are both type 2 diabetic
still based.
>You're the one rageposting pictures of dead animal bodies to prove your nonexistent masculinity.
hunting is the most masculine thing you can do.
there is nothing women find more attractive than a good hunter. my girlfriend is 16 years old (legal in canada), vegan men are cucks with mentally infertile girlfriends.
>You're a dumbass. Soon eating deer will be "unnatural" according to your dumbfuck logic too after that little strip of land you kill them on gets inevitably destroyed and paved over in 10 years.
we've been hunting on this land for 10,000 years according to archeological evidence and the land is exactly the same as it was 10,000 years ago. it's agricucktural retards who destroy the earth for their gay little crops.

>> No.20305588
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 12038532_1665891167030702_4441757230220457495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parents are both type 2 diabetic
still based.
>You're the one rageposting pictures of dead animal bodies to prove your nonexistent masculinity.
hunting is the most masculine thing you can do.
there is nothing women find more attractive than a good hunter. my girlfriend is 16 years old (legal in canada), vegan men are cucks with mentally ill infertile girlfriends.
>You're a dumbass. Soon eating deer will be "unnatural" according to your dumbfuck logic too after that little strip of land you kill them on gets inevitably destroyed and paved over in 10 years.
we've been hunting on this land for 10,000 years according to archeological evidence and the land is exactly the same as it was 10,000 years ago. it's agricucktural retards who destroy the earth for their gay little crops.

>> No.20305624
File: 299 KB, 720x960, 22154663_1496620210393858_2829295829885443228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You and all diabetic ketolards whose bodies are too weak and undermuscled to handle carbs are weak twigs.
i bet you do push ups on your knees, faggot.

>> No.20305777

Is this a thing?
Don't tell me this is a thing

>> No.20305947

you can get low carb milk at some stores. It's like 5-6g/serving

>> No.20305957

Imagine being so insulin resistant and scared of carbs you have to buy low carb milk

>> No.20305968

Living in canada is a mental illness

>> No.20306382

Lactose is the best kind of sugar for you (you still should not have too much, though).
Even better if you get raw A2 dairy.