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File: 160 KB, 1200x1800, rad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20280211 No.20280211 [Reply] [Original]

how to eat this lil nigga (radish)

wanna grow some this summer in my garden, never ate them before. what are your fav recipes?

>> No.20280214

pickle them

>> No.20280220

in France we simply eat them raw with a little bit of salt and butter, nice and cronchy, even children like them that way

>> No.20280262

cut the top and root off and eat raw or in salads. they also grow very fast, even in Canada with our relatively short summer, you can have 2 or 3 harvests.

>> No.20280314

yeah, im from southern ontario

>> No.20280412

SO here too, we usually get three crops of them over the season, they're really good just raw.

>> No.20281124
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They're nice in pork rib soup, just thrown in for the last fifteen minutes. Make good fritters too.

>> No.20281159

Pickling is nice, they can go well in a soup or stew. The best way to eat them is right out of the ground, brush the dirt off and crunch. Arugula/Radish salad with a lemon vinaigrette is an untouchable summer lunch. Arugula and radishes crop around the same time if you're planning on growing them.

>> No.20281169

You can eat the greens, too

>> No.20281300
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>milder, more refreshing and pleasant taste
>5 times cheaper
get mogged radishlets

>> No.20281331

Cut ends off.
Thin slice.
Toss in a salad.
Wa La.

>> No.20281451

They taste like pine sol.

>> No.20281727

If you grow them be sure to check them regularly for cabbage worms

>> No.20281731
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Oh and experiment with letting a few grow to fruition and try the seed pods. I actually like those more than the roots.

>> No.20281732

i think they are pretty rad :)

>> No.20281848

The are crisp, mildly peppery, mellow into a mild sweetness when cooked, and overall refreshing and underappreciated. There is a slight different between cultivars if you are growing heirlooms, but those are negligible.The greens can be eaten too when they are young and tender. The greens tend to get a bit tough when older and would need to be cooked.
You can thin-slice the bulb raw and throw it into most salads. You can pickle the bulbs. Turn them into slaw. Throw them in stirfrys. Use them in soups. Use them as filler to bulk up meals. Anything you can use a turnip for a radish can probably do. Can also replace potatoes in certain recipes if you are in a pinch.
I fucking love tubers.

>> No.20281884

the raddish greens are good, but even when they're not that young they are borderline spiny. it's not "can't eat them" spiny, but they are noticeably abrasive and people who aren't inclined to eat them will decline.

>> No.20281993

Add raw juliennes on top of mexican dishes or salads

>> No.20282014

They are hugely underrated as an addition to a sauteed veggie medley. Don't cook the shit out of them, and keep em to a reasonable size halving the smaller ones or quartering the large ones. The pepperiness adds nicely to the other veg.

>> No.20282505

Huh, I had no idea that's how they grew.

>> No.20282512

that's what your mom said

>> No.20282535

recipe for the soup?

>> No.20282596
File: 1.62 MB, 640x360, sizzled sauce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look up 萝排骨汤 you can find proper recipes with all the spices and stuff but I just do a basic one:
Brown the ribs, some garlic, and a small onion or shallot (sliced in half so you can fish it out later for a cleaner soup) in some oil for a few minutes.
Cover everything with water and add a few slices of ginger and couple teaspoons of salt, leave it on a low simmer for an hour, skim any scum.
Add the radishes, and let it simmer for another 15 minutes.
Adjust the salt and maybe add a pinch of sugar. It's good as a side dish or you can add noodles to make more of a full meal.
For a dip you can pour a little hot oil over garlic and scallion like webmrel.

>> No.20284085

I like them with Tomato onion cucumber olives salad.

>> No.20284143

Yes. With a simple dressing of good olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Perfection.