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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 166 KB, 1000x750, 20240305_105939_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20272314 No.20272314 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me what the difference is between these two? They have the same ingredient list. One is MUCH cheaper. The other is just a tiny heavy TIN can not aluminum. For what purpose?

>> No.20272320

It literally says it on both.
The left is 'from concentrate', the right is 'not from concentrate'.

Juices from concentrate taste worse.

>> No.20272321

What decade are you living in that the cans are still made from tin?

>> No.20272333

This would make some good prison wine

>> No.20272338
File: 663 KB, 1977x2476, 20240305_110756_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very thick ribbed tin can that is very difficult to crush. A little thicker than a can of soup.

>> No.20272349

And it's made of steel, not tin.

>> No.20272359

Ok steel. You're probably right. So why so thick and rigid?

>> No.20272361

You can't acidic items like pineapple and tomato in aluminum cans; it'll eat right through the metal. Aluminum soda cans are lined with plastic, but that would break down during the canning process for food.

>> No.20272376

So... just put it in a plastic jug or bottle like pictured.

>> No.20272381

Some people try to limit their contact with plastic as much as possible, since so much of it is unavoidable.

>> No.20272385

Also, metal cans will maintain their freshness much much longer. You can open up a 2 year expired can of pineapple juice and be fine, but the same is not true of a bottle.

>> No.20272393

Doesn't seem like a very "GREEN" thing to do and those kind of people are the ones who subscribe to such inconsequential nonsense. I guess I got my answer. Concentrate vs. Not from concentrate.

>> No.20272403

Plastic is shit for long-term storage, because it's porous. It will leech compounds that affect the taste into the product, along with air and light.

>> No.20272410

>100 percent juice on large letters
>pineapple juice from concentrated with added ingredients below
What kind of shithole you live in?

>> No.20272419


>> No.20272425

Both ingredient lists are the same. Pineapple juice with ascorbic acid vitamin c added.

>> No.20272428

Making a concentrated then diluting is not juice, the same way grinding wheat and making bread i not wheat grains.

This is just slop

>> No.20272441

At my Walmart, Great Value Pineapple Juice goes for $3.97 for 64 fl oz of juice, or 6.2 c/fl oz. Canned Dole pineapple juice is $3.68 for 46 fl oz, or 8.0c c/fl oz. That means an equivalent sized can of Dole to the Great Value bottle would be $5.12. Paying $1.44 more for a name brand product vs a store brand product makes sense to me.

>> No.20272455

>Great Value Pineapple Juice
Why do you guys call this juice? This is concentrated.

>> No.20272460

>take the water out
>put it back in
>not juice anymore

Uh huh...

>> No.20272466

Still juice.

>> No.20272467

Dehydrating a food and then adding water back to it doesn't change it into a different food; it just makes that food worse. The same is true of drinks.

>> No.20272468

>Reddit space
>Processing food does not change it, concentrating and watering are irrelevant.
Say, can you see
By the dawn's early light

>> No.20272474

I do not know what shithole you live in, but dehydrating and hydrating juice do change a lot of properties and ruins the taste.

But if you really want to call this slop juice, go ahead and be happy.

>> No.20272476

It's bad juice, just like condensed soup is bad soup. You seem like an annoying, pedantic faggot with no friends desu

>> No.20272478

Just because the might companies ruling over you can get away with calling it juice, it does not mean it is juice. The same way impossible meat is not meat and jerk is not beef.

>> No.20272480

Makes sense to remove the water for transport then put water back in at the destination.

>> No.20272482

Horrible comparison lmao.
Again, it's exactly the same principle as condensed soup. You can think condensed soup sucks, because it does, but it is, objectively, a can of soup.

>> No.20272485

It makes sense if you want to produce an inferior product so you can pocket as much profit as possible because you're a dark-hearted servant of Satan. Juice from concentrate is an affront against God (but it's still juice).

>> No.20272486

>This is not a good comparison... because...
Pretty hard to argue against people used to employing real names for industrial slop.

Is jelly also juice because it has added sugar and reduced water?

>> No.20272497
File: 152 KB, 868x1024, dehydrated freeze dried noodles and beef rw015-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a good comparison because there are plenty of food items that are dehydrated / condensed / concentrated that are then rehydrated and are still the same food, and that's the only comparison that needs to be made. pic related may not be good beef and noodles, but they are, in fact, beef and noodles.

>> No.20272502

and there are plenty of foods who change subjectively when dehydrated... you can argue it is still under the broad umbrela of juice, but it is an entirely different substance.

>> No.20272505
File: 928 KB, 1300x1300, download - 2024-03-05T110304.064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pic related is a can of soup, then OP's pic is a bottle of pineapple juice. End of discussion. No more (You)s.

>> No.20272506

Pretty hard to argue against people used to employing real names for industrial slop.

Enjoy your juice, hahahaha.

>> No.20272507

I don’t know what schizo theory you’re working on but I love the cans because I don’t need a giant jug every week. I mix about half a can with sparkling water for a delightful beverage a couple times a week and sometimes use them for cocktails.

>> No.20272509

We all know it's best to take the sap from the tree and not boil it down into syrup because that's the "right" and unprocessed way to do it.

>> No.20272511

OP doesn't have a schizo theory, I don't think. He's just kind of dumb and doesn't understand why a metal can with a name brand and a superior version of the product would cost slightly more than the plastic jug of store brand concentrated slopjuice.

>> No.20272517

Also, it looks like the Dole can is a single serving, which are always more expensive.

>> No.20272521

>calls juice slop

Opinion discarded.

>> No.20272529

It is juice, and it is slop. They aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.20272531

Dole is the OG pineapple juice, and I hope they never change the cans. I'm sure there are better pineapple juices out there these days, but I can't believe anyone is defending Walmart concentrate shit.

>> No.20272534

Nobody is defending it, retard.

>> No.20272535

It sure sounds like OP is getting pretty defensive.

>> No.20272540

Literally the same ingredients in different packaging.

>> No.20272553
File: 364 KB, 1058x918, dumbthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20272566

What is this supposed to be showing?

>> No.20272575

That trump will win 2024.

>> No.20272586

Fuck. That reminds me I need to get my passport renewed.

>> No.20272591

That I'm not OP. Are you slow?

>> No.20272602

I...didn't reply to anyone specifically in my original post. Why would you assume I was talking about you? I was mostly referring to how OP didn't seem to understand that juice from concentrate is different from juice that isn't from concentrate, and seemed adamant about GV and wanting validation.

>> No.20272617

Yes, I interpreted you replying to my post with
>It sure sounds like OP is getting pretty defensive.
>It sure sounds like OP (You) is getting pretty defensive.
My mistake.

>> No.20272718

Yeah, I see that. I was basically agreeing with you that everyone in the thread was calling OP retarded, but "some people" (i.e. OP) was still trying to defend GV concentrate garbage (I guess because it's like a few cents cheaper...?).

>> No.20272727

Didn't leave the first time? Hmm... so many people didnt. Lol.

>> No.20272741

Same ingredients and more green. I'll remember to use steel cans if I am resupplying my bunker but I kinda like actually drinking it now and then. It'd be foolish to drink the steel cans on an everyday basis.

>> No.20272792

The single serving ones are going to be much lower value. Just get the big metal ones and pour it into a pitcher. It'll last just fine for a few days in the fridge.

>> No.20272809

I let my passport lapse the first time because I would have been to embarrassed to travel abroad. A second term wouldn't just be embarrassing. It would be the beginning of the end.

>> No.20272850

This, we can't let Biden or Trump get a 2nd term. Kennedy 2024

>> No.20272950

I will consider this if they ever get them at Costco or Sam's.

>> No.20273285

>drinking this sugar water

People don't actually drink fruit juices right? How fat are you all?

>> No.20273497

the dole brand one os full of pure pineapple juice, the walmart brand one is full of chinese lies

>> No.20273509

>walmart brand one is full of chinese lies
It's an US product, sold in an US store, it's shitty, but why Chinese? If anything China has better food safety standards.

>> No.20273513


>> No.20273554

>China has better food safety standards
are you fucking shrooming?

>> No.20273560

>an US

>> No.20273561

No, I actually know about food standards instead of just assuming "if is China, it is bad".

Do you know a thing about food standard beyond memes?

The shinning mutt knanght is here

>> No.20273564


>> No.20273565

Americans are all kangs in their hearts, it's only natural that instead of shinning knights they have an African equivalent.

>> No.20275322
File: 15 KB, 480x360, bEHbaM4p5Nx6GP79w56s5tz4XI35yWklTyDvYNBu9uw-3113712461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIN can not aluminum
>What decade are you living in that the cans are still made from tin?
They never were

>> No.20275323

but agnon if it's china it IS bad

>> No.20275327

i agree with >>20272476 you friendless faggot, because you sound faggoty like a friendless faggot

>> No.20275405

fruit juice is full of sugar and not much else so yeah its slop, not much different to sodas and stuff. neither are great for you

>> No.20275870

Never seen anybody die from eating fruit.

>> No.20275989

nobody said anything about eating fruit you retard, thats actually healthy bcs of the high fiber content. But when you juice fruit you remove most of the fibers and keep the sugary liquid. 0.5 liters of orange juice contains about 40 grams of sugar, not quite as much as a soda (especially an american soda that has ungodly amounts of sugar) but still a shitton. Youre fooling yourself if you think youre making a healthy choice when youre drinking fruit juice, just drink water you fatass.

>> No.20276011

>he hasnt had this shit spammed at him a thousand times already

Sugar, something thing health something, sugar sugar fiber sugar bla bla America America America

Oh damn someone already posted it

>> No.20276020

shutup fatass

>> No.20276041

Dude did you know FRUIT has SUGAR??

>> No.20276049

What nuitrients does water have?

>> No.20276132

>One is MUCH cheaper.

Not really. Paid $12 for a 24 pack the small cans. And one can is pretty much all the pineapple juce you can drink at once. Small can keep the rest from going off.

>> No.20276342

English speaking people say "tin can" to refer to steel cans. The same way that scrap iron is sometimes called tin, despite not being made of the actual element tin.

In a way it's like calling the graphite in a pencil, "lead".

>> No.20276450

*but only if you'd otherwise vote Trump

>> No.20276464

No. Joe Biden is a senile peodphile.

>> No.20276469

Have you seen Trump recently? (Or at any point over the last 4 decades?)

>> No.20276472

>Go team blue! Go team red!
Can you mutts shut up, both are terrible and you deserve both.

>> No.20276474

Stop watching cnn/msnbc

>> No.20276485

It's a two-party system, retard. Read a book some time.
I don't consume right wing media.

>> No.20276491 [DELETED] 

>Bro... we love freedom so much we can only pick one of two identical teams... go read a book
I don't think you could understand freedom even if it sat on your lap.

>> No.20276510 [DELETED] 

Yes, go read a book. It is a de facto 2 party system. Voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. And the two parties are absolutely not identical. Only one of them would never allow rank choice voting (take a wild guess which one; pro-tip, it's the one which does everything it does for the sake of corporate interests). The US is rich, but it isn't free, and nobody thinks our political system is completely fucked. Don't even read a book. Just look up Project 2025 and tell me again how the two parties are identical.

>> No.20276514

*isn't completely fucked

>> No.20276516
File: 27 KB, 413x391, power_elite_diagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a defact one party system since both parties answer to pic related and agree on all major foreign policy and economic decisions.

>> No.20276517

>Go read a hecking book... being able to choose beyond two corporate fucks is un-American and evil, now let me spam this thread with my favorite team.
This is a culinary board, you can leave the shitty sport you guys pretend it's politics out

>> No.20276519
File: 83 KB, 400x321, skullandbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20276520

>being able to choose beyond two corporate fucks is un-American and evil
I was literally advocating for rank choice voting, retard. You clearly have no idea what that means, so yes, go read a fucking book.

>> No.20276521

>Again, go read a hecking book
How about you stop spamming US "politics"? tard

>> No.20276522
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-the-puppet-on-the-right-shares-my-beliefs-the-puppet-on-the-left-is-more-to-my-liking-bill-hicks-71-16-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranked choice voting will never happen until we overthrow the government and remove the ownership class from society.

>> No.20276526

>dole pineapple juice, a relic from the plantation days of the violent annexation of hawaii by the us government
>walmart, the number one symbol of corporate monopoly over the past 25 years and the death of small town america and the middle class
If you don't think this thread is political you really, really need to read a book.

>> No.20276528

>noooo you can't talk about the political forces that contribute to our food supply
>post more fast food deals!

>> No.20276529

One thing is issues, another is your "muh team red good team blue bad!" crap.

If you want to cheerleader, go somewhere else.

>> No.20276530

It is $3 Whopper Wednesday.

>> No.20276532

>Fast food
>Dems are evil, Reps are good
>Reps are evil, Dems are good
Remove Americans and all /ck/ problems will also be removed.

>> No.20276536

I want rank choice voting because that would allow people to vote based on policy instead of "team". I'm not pro-blue team. I just don't want the red-team to win because they rig the system and want to dismantle democracy. I want things to be more democratic, not less. It's really not that complicated.

>> No.20276538

I don't give a fuck about what flavor of "team red vs team blue" you want, tard.

Just stop spamming your mutt politics.

>> No.20276541

Why are you even in a thread talking about the difference between two brands of pineapple juice that probably aren't even available in your country?

>> No.20276545

>I will spam politics... why are you in my politics thread, you're not even American.
God, you guys are insuferable.

>> No.20276549

Dude, this is juice thread and you're the one refusing to talk about juice.

>> No.20276556

Stop making everything about the juice. This isn't /pol/.

>> No.20276566

they're both evil

>> No.20276567

Answer the question. Are these two brands of pineapple juice available in your country? If not, why are you here?

>> No.20276573

>nothing but youtube threads, kebabs, and gordon ramsay memes 24/7
Yeah, sounds great.

>> No.20276572

Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C?
Maybe I should drink more juice

>> No.20276576

>Reeeeeeee, I'm a mutt... you're not even a mutt... so...
So stop spamming politics. It shouldn't be hard, specially when your politics is basically football cheering.


>Bro, without politics and fast food... there will be nothing left in /ck/
There will be, believe or not, food left. Not brands, nor parties.

>> No.20276581

Are you trying to say that /ck/ is only mutt politics and fast food shilling? You are the cancer.

>> No.20276591

You've been seething about Americans in every thread on /ck/ where politics has come up. I can't remember...you're Brazilian, right?

>> No.20276595

You should read an intro to logic book.

>> No.20276596

I'm literally trying to talk about juice, concentrated vs normal. But you guys keep bringing trump this, biden that non-stop.

Just try to not bring your laundry here.

>> No.20276600

All the worst orange juice comes from oranges grown in Brazil, because it's always concentrated before being shipped. I refuse to buy any juice that comes from your country.

>> No.20276607

>Reeeeeeeee, you don't want to talk about mutt politics... so... so... Brazil le bad.
Imported orange juice will always taste bad because it's dehydrated, then re-hydrated. That's why both American and Brazilian juice are undrinkable here.

>> No.20276625

I wasn't saying Brazil is bad. I have a number of close friends who are Brazilian. I just don't like you. It's probably a wealth disparity thing. The Brazilians I know and love are probably much more affluent than you. Oh no, now we're talking about Brazilian politics!

>> No.20276639

>You Brazilian
>You poor
No, now you're just name calling.

Also, isn't the US supposed to have a good farming sector? Why to import juice from Brazil?

>> No.20276659

Oranges only grow in a few areas, which have expensive real estate. Brazil is also much poorer, so it's a lot cheaper for companies to import certain fruits than to grow them domestically. The Republicans also hate brown people, so they've been cracking down on undocumented migrant labor, which is what has historically allowed many American farmers to afford to do business. (You asked...)

>> No.20276666

You see, this sort of "politics" is interesting, it explains stuff and good to read.

Also, unless land is all being rented by rentiers, it shouldn't affect the price of farming that much, labor costs should explain the difference on costs.

>> No.20276714

Oranges grow in Southern California and Florida, which have some of the best weather in the country and are desirable retirement states. The land is much more valuable for something like luxury condos than orange trees, which means the amount of orange groves is limited. Supply and demand makes American oranges more expensive. But yes, it's largely a matter of labor costs. And the climate of somewhere like Brazil means they can just bulldoze a bit of forest and plant orange trees, and pay a tenth of what you'd be paid in the US.

>> No.20276718

Both parties ultimately want more brown slaves, because that's what the owners want. Once they can replace all workers with robots and computers, they'll just kill us all off. Unless we stop them. It's self defense at this point.

>> No.20276726

>Both parties ultimately want more brown slaves, because that's what the owners want.
Maybe this explain why people have been talking so much about legalized legal migrants, that can only work for their boss or be removed from country, instead of illegals who are here to stay and can open their own business or find other jobs.

>> No.20276741

>But yes, it's largely a matter of labor costs. And the climate of somewhere like Brazil means they can just bulldoze a bit of forest and plant orange trees, and pay a tenth of what you'd be paid in the US.
If I remember right, Brazil doesn't has a lot of good soil, most of it is only usable for soybeans and cattle, kinda like American Midwest. What is weird is that Mexico and Central America should have the perfect climate for oranges, labor is cheaper than in Brazil and it's closer to the US.

>> No.20276838 [DELETED] 

Yes, the "bulldozing of forests" thing is primarily for cattle ranching. Brazil is a relatively richer country, which means better infrastructure and bigger business. Also, the US gets plenty of produce from Mexico and Central America.
But illegals are subject to the exact same forms of exploitation as migrant works, since they're...illegals. They have no leverage to demand better wages because they don't have the rights afforded to citizens, and always have the threat of deportation looming over them. Also, illegals still have to pay taxes, but don't qualify for the vast majority of social welfare that comes with a social security number. The anti-illegal sentiment in America has nothing to do with economics; it's just racism.
>both parties ultimately want more brown slaves
It's more nuanced than that. The "left" understands that immigration (not "open boarders") is a net benefit to the country. The right also understands this, and wants cheap labor, but the vast majority of Republicans aren't in the ruling class, so they're fed the racism and culture war bullshit as a way to get them to vote against their own economic interests. The problem is that with a populist Republican like Trump, the culture war stuff has become the primary focus. Today's Republicans don't really care about economics anymore. Their "interests" just are the culture war nonsense, which was always a meant to be a distraction. That's why the upper caste of the right hates Trump. He lowered taxes for the wealthy, but is also harming the right in the long run because he doesn't understand the bigger picture, or what the program is. He's also unpredictable, which is just bad for the wealthy.

>> No.20276842

>But illegals are subject to the exact same forms of exploitation as migrant works, since they're...illegals. They have no leverage to demand better wages because they don't have the rights afforded to citizens, and always have the threat of deportation looming over them. Also, illegals still have to pay taxes, but don't qualify for the vast majority of social welfare that comes with a social security number. The anti-illegal sentiment in America has nothing to do with economics; it's just racism.
It seems illegals greatly contribute to the American economy, instead of being a dead-weight. Now I checked, around 22% of American workers have been imported.

>> No.20276851

>It's more nuanced than that. The "left" understands that immigration (not "open boarders") is a net benefit to the country. The right also understands this, and wants cheap labor, but the vast majority of Republicans aren't in the ruling class, so they're fed the racism and culture war bullshit as a way to get them to vote against their own economic interests. The problem is that with a populist Republican like Trump, the culture war stuff has become the primary focus. Today's Republicans don't really care about economics anymore. Their "interests" just are the culture war nonsense, which was always a meant to be a distraction. That's why the upper caste of the right hates Trump. He lowered taxes for the wealthy, but is also harming the right in the long run because he doesn't understand the bigger picture, or what the program is. He's also unpredictable, which is just bad for the wealthy.
Being fair, importing migrant workers greatly harm locals, it's only natural that any sane working American will want they out.

>> No.20276854
File: 1.12 MB, 788x2480, fascism6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "left" party in America lmao. There's liberals, who are aristocrats who want brown slaves and are openly homosexual pedophiles, and conservatives, who are aristocrats who want brown slaves and are secretly homosexual pedophiles.

>> No.20276857

Nobody is "importing" workers. If they needed to be imported there wouldn't be a "border crisis". They're already coming by themselves, and always have been. The question is whether we should let a certain amount of them in, or build a wall and expect American teenagers to pick oranges for $5 a day or drink nothing but Brazilian orange juice from concentrate going forward.

>> No.20276861

That's why I put "left" in quotation marks and didn't do the same thing for "the right".

>> No.20276862

My point is that they're all sociopathic peodphiles who shouldn't be allowed to have power over anyone or anything.

>> No.20276863

They come because wages are higher and they are allowed to move, beside huge quotas for legal migrants, money is the only reason why someone moves to the US.

Stopping or reducing migration is very easy, and it's happens at this level because it's allowed.

>> No.20276865

>money is the only reason why someone moves to the US
Yes, and even if they send 90% of their paycheck back to their family in Guatemala, they're STILL contributing more than they're taking away.

>> No.20276869
File: 1.42 MB, 4985x4995, gladio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we simply killed the owners?

>> No.20276871

What if you stopped posting crap?

But saying that the US is not importing migrants is wrong, in practice the US has many policies to promote as much migration as possible, legal or not.

>> No.20276873
File: 131 KB, 662x1280, cia_children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes it crap? Because you don't like it? Sorry sweaty, but the entire ruling class are our enemies.

>> No.20276875

I love that every political discussion on /ck/ always ends with everyone agreeing on Communist revolution as the only way forward. Since everyone who actually knows anything about food or cooking left years ago, it's pretty much the only reason to keep coming back here.

>> No.20276879

You're the only one talking about Communist revolution.

>> No.20276880

communist revolution would mean more feds not less dummy

>> No.20276882

see: >>20276854
We need National Syndicalism.

>> No.20276893

Also, I cook every single day of my life, and give plenty of decent advice.

>> No.20276894

>abolishing the state would mean more agents enforcing the will of the state

>> No.20276901

He's the American definition of Communism.

>> No.20276972

Everyone agrees with the ideas until you put a label on it.

>> No.20276986

Not really, take land ownership for an example, some people believe it's a holy right, and other people should starve before stepping on BlackRock's unused forests, others think it's should exist, but with some limits, others that a few shouldn't own it all, and others that it should be all commonly owned.

>> No.20277022

Abolishing private property doesn't mean that you can't have your own shit, or that anyone can just tell you to get out of your house because you "don't own it" so it's just up for grabs. It means goods would be decomodified, and land couldn't be used to extract the labor of others. "Common ownership" doesn't mean it's a free for all. It means hoarding more than you need would be de-incentivized since its value wouldn't extend beyond it's immediate use.

And I don't give a shit about "holy rights". That's just using religion to justify an ideology, which is how religion has been used since it's been a thing.

>> No.20277030

I'm saying that different people have different views on how things should be, instead of all agreeing without labels.

>> No.20277094

>that different people have different views on how things should be
Yes, people with wealth and power typically want to keep their wealth and power, even if the world is burning down around them. This is just basic class warfare.

Someone in a different thread yesterday was trying to argue that fascism promotes labor rights, because historically they had "mandatory unions." When I asked what "mandatory unions" meant they couldn't give an answer, because it's a completely incoherent concept. If some people irrationally support something against their own interests because of an idea ("labels"), that's called ideology.

>> No.20277114

A mandatory union is like the old European trade guild system. That other anon sounds like he needs to read more.

>> No.20277118

Libertarians may be stupid, but most of them are not rich.

>> No.20277122

Also, syndicalism is the best path towards a classless and stateless society, and syndicalism works best in a culturally homogenous group (aka paired with nationalism). Thus, national syndicalism is the way forward.

>> No.20277156

Rich people are conservative because they benefit from the status quo. People who aren't benefitting from the status quo but still support it are typically the victims of ideology. It's not their fault, and not anything anyone forced on them; certain modes of thought are just built into the system. Think of it as a variation on "the winners write the history books." Some people are just stupid. Libertarians fall into this third group. Most of them are still in middle school.

>> No.20277157

>Rich people are conservative because they benefit from the status quo.
Rich people are not more conservative than average, tho.

>> No.20277166

But what are your thoughts on National Syndicalsim? https://www.jstor.org/stable/2142785

>> No.20277228 [DELETED] 

I believe in a democratic system under the condition that the populace is educated. I'm also against nationalism, let alone isolationism. I think different cultures should be preserved, but also intermingle. The entire planet is interconnected and you can't just focus on yourself unless you want war, authoritarianism, cringe homogeneity like North Korea, or mass displacement in less developed countries leading to refugees flooding into more developed countries at an unsustainable rate. Why not just say you're a fascist or even a nazi? What significant difference do you see aside from the label?

>> No.20277239

>Preaching an ideology
>It's not American Juche
Fuck off

>> No.20277285

Chinese ideologies will never work in white countries.
I call myself a fascist all the time. Also, just as it's possible to be self assured and confident and advocate for yourself without exploiting or dominating or harming others, and you can work with others without sacrificing your person autonomy, the same can be true of nations and the way they interact with other nations.

>> No.20277289

>Chinese ideologies will never work in white countries.
We are talking about the US, tho.

>> No.20277300

Okay, let me rephrase: Chinese ideologies will only work in Chinese countries like Korea or Japan.

>> No.20277308

>I don't know about Juche, but it just doesn't work... because... it's not from my race
It's literally classic Marxism...

>> No.20277336

Because National Syndicalism is an actual dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.20277338

So is Juche, brother.

>> No.20277346

Ultimately, we need a uniquely American synthesis of ideas from all over the world.

>> No.20277350

Aka Socialism with American characteristics, the thing Chinese and Koreans figured decades ago.

>> No.20277362

Sure, but call it syndicalism, since it doesn't have the stank of socialism in the minds of Americans.

>> No.20277369 [DELETED] 

The old European trade guild system wasn’t a “union” by any stretch of the imagination. It was a means to ensure consistency and a degree of fairness in medieval trade. It’s closer to how we require doctors to have medical degrees in order to practice medicine than it is to a union, which is explicitly a lower class collective of workers organized to combat an exploitative upper class in a capitalist economy. One is classist (and was historically often racist), while the other is anti-classist.

>> No.20277375

Dole destroyed the Caribbean and Hawaii and made the world think pineapple on pizza is a hawaiian thing but it is just a bloody capitalist scam

>> No.20277377

>It’s closer to how we require doctors to have medical degrees in order to practice medicine than it is to a union
It was something far more real and present than any of these two, it was close to how Catholic priests are.

>> No.20277382

Which is why National Syndicalism isn't the same thing as the European trade guild system, the latter just inspired the former. These are national organizations that all of the workers in a particular field belong to.

>> No.20277387

Yes, pedophilia was a lot more common in the Middle Ages.

>> No.20277388

I never got why Catholic priests got the fame of being pedophiles when protestant pastors (both in the US) are five time more likely of being pedophiles.

>> No.20277397

It’s for the same reason most people think of the holocaust and not Rwanda when they hear the word “genocide”.

>> No.20277401

I guess even the people behind are the same, amazing.

But enough of the chit-chat. Concentrated juice should be legally obligated to be called "Concentrated Juice" never juice alone

>> No.20277413
File: 10 KB, 327x154, download (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20277420

Let's be fair, Codreanu was not exactly sane.

>> No.20277424

Yet, that quote is correct.

>> No.20277465

Seriously though, what’s the obsession with juice and wanting them to have visible labels? Next you’re going to suggest that they should all be rounded up and put into “concentrated camps.”

>> No.20277673

As a curiosity the FDA labels "juice" and "concentrated juice" as two different products.

>> No.20277709

Companies do label things; they just find ways to get around any "clearly" labeling them. And I was making a joke about how anon thinks the Catholic church is controlled by Jews (or German fascists; I'm not sure).

>> No.20278312

Steel is one of the most widely and easily recycled materials on earth. Plastic is borderline unusable post-consumer. Plus steel cans survive shipping better.

>> No.20278318

It should be aluminium, no?

>> No.20278365

Should what be aluminum?

>> No.20278368

The can in OP's pic

>> No.20278385

It could be! I’m not a packaging expert. I am sure there is pineapple juice in aluminum cans in the world for you to enjoy.

>> No.20278454

chatgpt post

>> No.20278520

i never understood this concentrate shit. does it not cost them more to do that. wouldnt you have to juice something, then spend time and energy to make it into a concentrate just to then spend more time and energy to add water back to it just to make it back into what it was to begin with. how is that cheaper than just juicing and then selling that juice or even juicing and then watering it down a little

>> No.20278530

It saves a few cents on the gallon to transport.

>> No.20278538

ok i get that. the asians turn the juice into concentrate, ship it to america where water gets added back to it

>> No.20278887 [DELETED] 

Capitalism is fucked up. If you buy a new car in [current year] it’s almost guaranteed that at least one component was shipped back and forth across an ocean to have one element installed, because it’s cheaper to produce in a foreign country compared to the cost of the shipping.

This is why, while every country on the planet is against the US’s support of Israel, there is 100% support behind them bombing the Houthi rebels in Yemen who are attacking cargo ships entering Suez Canal in protest of Israel. If you fuck with the global supply chain you’re fucking with everyone with money and power. At the end of the day, the bottom line trumps everything else.

>> No.20278889

This helps, but even inside the US transport is a little bit cheaper.

>> No.20278896

this is exactly why nobody will give a shit when china gets nuked to bubbly glass

>> No.20278905

>le china bad, people hate it, not my country
Tell me mutt, what made you sad tonight?

>> No.20278980

The issue with China is different. They have plenty of cheap labor, and flood the market with cheap garbage, but they’re also an economic superpower (there’s a lot of issues).

It’s typically poorer countries that produce that one, random widget in your car, like Vietnam or the Philippines, which is where OP’s pineapple juice comes from. It used to come from Hawaii, but the tourist industry has pretty much killed any large scale pineapple production on the islands.

>> No.20278985

Labor is cheap in China because employers don't need to pay for workers healthcare, education, very high rent, transportation, dozens of types of interest... all of this is paid by the state.

Paying enough for food, cheap rent, clothing and some leisure will get you skilled workers.

>> No.20279213

>paying enough for food, cheap rent, clothing and some leisure will get you skilled workers
Yeah, they should try that in the US.

>> No.20279248

>jerk(y) is not beef

>> No.20279269

Get the US government to cover other costs, and this would be easy to do.

>> No.20279286

>Get the US government to cover other costs
Like what?

>> No.20279297

I could be wrong but I think ldpe is permeable and a jug of water in ldpe will eventually evaporate through the plastic

>> No.20279309

Transport, education, healthcare, ensuring housing and renting are dirty cheap.

When someone pays an American employee a wage, you not only pays him but half a dozen bankers, land lords, corporations...

>> No.20279338

If an American employee got the same things a Chinese get from government it'd be possible to pay him $500 - $600 a month, and he'd live better than the median American today.

>> No.20279382

You didn’t answer the question. If your problem is a lack of oversight and regulation, I’m assuming you want more money going to government agencies like the IRS, and left leaning politicians that will enact policies to curb tax loopholes and the ability of corporations to influence politicians? If that’s the case, we’re in agreement. All this basic shit is a drop in the bucket. Tax the rich, invest in communities, bring back the middle class. Simple as.

>> No.20279387

What I said may be too complex for you, leave this to the Chinese, they know better.

>> No.20279392

>Tax the rich, invest in communities, bring back the middle class. Simple as.
This childish understand is why PRC grows +5 percent every year, while the US decreases 2 - 3 percent if we do not count real state costing more.

>> No.20281017

you have to go back

>> No.20281398

back to where? the only board I've used longer than /ck/ is /b/, and /b/ has been a wasteland since 2009

>> No.20281463

>Right is in a can, the other uses plastic
>RIght has a better polished packaging, the other slaps a couple of slogans and barely no sentencing
>While Dole is massive in and of itself, economies of scale can't make it beat what Walmart can do, betting Walmart could get Left sold for even cheaper and at a profit without changing anything
>one is made from concentrate, the other isn't

Yet the PRC has based it strategy on taxing the rich, growing the middle class to a hundredfold to what it was 50 years ago and are responsible for real estate bubbles that are costing said PRC its growth, what a fucking retarded post

>> No.20281494

>Juices from concentrate taste worse.
Objectively wrong, you just got memed by marketing

>> No.20281955

one on the left is in juice of multiple different fruits which were all probably concentrated before being re-hydrated and bottled.
most companies do this with fruit cups too. only way to get pure juice is juice the fruit yourself or pay huge bucks and check the cold section, not the shelves.

>> No.20282949

So what other costs are you talking about?

>> No.20282982

It's not hard to try both, juice isn't expensive, poorfag. Concentrate juices taste much more sour.
In fact, the non-concentrate juices don't even mention taste, so it literally cannot be marketing. I've just always hated how concentrate juices do not taste like squeezed juices; and decided to try non-conentrate and it tasted like normal juiced fruits.

>> No.20283068
File: 270 KB, 500x1100, Organic-Orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Natalie's. They pasteurize their juice at a much lower temperature in addition to not being from concentrate. I'm pretty sure all the oranges come from a single place in Florida, as well. If you can't get fresh in-season oranges (i.e. you don't live where they grow), it's impossible to get better orange juice than this.

>> No.20283106

>they boil their juice at a much lower temp

>> No.20283135

You don't have to boil to pasteurize; it's just quicker that way.

>> No.20283155
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, 8738439-zm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in America but this is the juice I get.
There's another brand I sometimes get that is 'cold pressed', but it's not as easy to find.

>> No.20283791

>newfag falls for the "reddit spacing" meme
>actually thinks that dehydrating then rehydrating sufficiently changes food

>> No.20285221

>have faith in science bro

>> No.20285224

I mean, jerk on water is like fresh meat, isn't it?

>> No.20285384

are you black or something?

>> No.20285592

Not that anon, but science is literally the opposite of faith. Whatever “do your own research” bullshit methodology you use, if it’s based on observation, data, analysis, and logic, that IS science. You sound like such a fucking retard when you spout this crap. If you have observable data and can make a rational argument against “the science”, cool. But you never can because you’re a retard, and any “scientific” knowledge we have is always subject to peer review. What you have is faith. Faith that the things you don’t like can’t possibly be true. More likely you’re just a contrarian doomer, but that’s no different than just being a boring old troll venting your sexual frustration or whatever.

>> No.20285678

Small tin better for cocktails or cooking. But in my day the juice in the can would taste like metal because pineapple eats the can.

>> No.20285689

I doubt the reconstituted one has the thick and smooth texture of pineapple juice.

>> No.20285736

I'm sorry, but you personally verified every single scientific study yourself?
You counted every single human genome? Or do you have 'faith' that the scientists aren't lying?

>> No.20285803

>or do you have 'faith' that the scientists aren't lying?
Believing that the entire scientific community isn't part of the most elaborate conspiracy in the history of humanity isn't a matter of "faith". The amount of crazy shit you'd have to believe to think that's even a possibility would completely undermine any possibility of knowledge being a thing in the first place.

>> No.20286139

>isn't a matter of "faith"
Definition of 'faith':
'Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting solely and implicitly on his authority and veracity; reliance on testimony'.

I didn't even say it the human genome statement is wrong, I'm just saying YOU can't prove it. You have FAITH that others have proved it correctly.

>> No.20286152

>resting solely and implicitly on his authority and veracity
I literally explained why that's not what believing the scientific community is based one.

>> No.20286155

>I literally explained why
No you didn't, you just said, in simple terms 'it just isn't'.
Go on, show me in post (>>20285803) where you 'explain' how it's not faith.

>> No.20286160

>the amount of crazy shit you'd have to believe to think that's even a possibility would completely undermine any possibility of knowledge being a thing in the first place
Do you need me to give you a philosophy lesson in epistemology?

>> No.20286174

You can not have faith in the science while still not believing it's a conspiracy, they aren't mutually inclusive.

>> No.20286183

Unless you believe you're being lied to, we're not talking about faith.

>> No.20286191

Definition of 'faith':
'Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is /declared by another/, resting /solely/ and /implicitly/ /on his authority/ and /veracity/; reliance on testimony'.

>> No.20286193

>One is MUCH cheaper.
Plastic containers are cheaper, but worse for the storage and quality of the contents.
Cans are a step up. And typically glass another step up. But they are also likewise steps up in costs for the producer.

>> No.20286203

I'm specifically referring to the post I directly replied to, retard. You said, "you can not have faith in the science." And I'm saying there are two alternatives. One is that you think there's a massive conspiracy among the scientific community and you're intentionally being lied to, while the other is that you have data that contradicts the current scientific theory, in which case YOU ARE JUST DOING SCIENE AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FAITH.

That's why you "do your own research" retards are so retarded. You don't understand that reading conspiracy bullshit on the internet and watching Joe Rogan isn't the same as actual research. You're just choosing to believe irrational bullshit because it makes you feel good while you lack a basic understanding of how the world functions. THAT is faith.

>> No.20286208

>And I'm saying there are two alternatives
Which is wrong.

>You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.

>Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.

>> No.20286215

You can't invoke a fallacy if you're not going to give the "closer scrutiny" and actually explain why there's more than just those two possibilities. I would be amazed if you have an answer that's more than semantic bullshit.

>> No.20286220

I've already explained it but you're clearly too stupid to realise it:
'Have you counted the human genomes?'

Simply answer yes or no.

>> No.20286227

acid reflux city

>> No.20286243

I've done basic DNA analysis shit and understand the basics of genetics, but no, of course I haven't personally "counted the human genomes." If you think I'm too stupid to understand how answering my question with a question is supposed to be an answer, feel free to deliver the punchline.

Oh, but just remember, if you haven't counted the human genomes either, on what basis are you distrusting "the science"?

>> No.20286248

So what are your options from here?

That, per se, is proof of more than the two options you presented.

>> No.20286253

Well we're excluding "trusting the science" as one of the options because that's the entire fucking thing we're talking about, so the only other options are believing you're intentionally being lied to, or having alternative data that contradicts the prevalent theory.

Again. What - per se - is this "third option" I'm missing? Why can't you just say it?

>> No.20286267

>so the only other options are believing you're intentionally being lied to, or having alternative data that contradicts the prevalent theory.
No, what the fuck? How are you so stupid?

>Why can't you just say it?
Teach a man to fish et cetera.
But clearly you're too stupid. The third option is to, per se, doubt.
'dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum'

>Cartesian doubt is a systematic process of being skeptical about (or doubting) the truth of one's beliefs
>This method of doubt was largely popularized in Western philosophy by René Descartes, who sought to doubt the truth of all beliefs in order to determine which he could be certain were true

>> No.20286281

Jesus fucking Christ. You really do need a philosophy lesson. How did Descartes get back from the cogito to a world? I'm not a slimy little psued so I'll actually answer my own rhetorical question: it was faith. There's no way to get back to anything if you doubt everything that isn't certain other than faith. Obviously that's a bad answer, and three centuries of philosophy later we've come to understand that the conditions for the possibility for there being anything like knowledge in the first place presuppose the world.

Oh shit...that almost sounds like what I originally said about how doubting the entire scientific community would require a set of beliefs that would practically undermine knowledge itself.

>> No.20286298

>There's no way to get back to anything if you doubt everything that isn't certain other than faith.
Skill issue on your part desu senpai.

>> No.20286320

I literally just explained how faith was Descartes' solution (though many people believe he was well aware that that wasn't a solution, and was speaking to two different audiences), and a better "solution" has been arrived at. This is basically the central problem of modern, Western philosophy. If you want to out-skill every philosopher since the 17th century, feel free. That might be amusing. Then again, you've struggled to answer any straight forward question you've been given, so I'd personally advise against it.

>> No.20286336

Getting back on topic, you were wrong in your statement: 'so the only other options are believing you're intentionally being lied to, or having alternative data that contradicts the prevalent theory'.

>would require a set of beliefs that would practically undermine knowledge itself.
Yeah. Though I find ire in your assumption that it was of something as boring as a conspiracy theory.
'Against that positivism which stops before phenomena, saying "there are only facts," I should say: no, it is precisely facts that do not exist, only interpretations...'

>> No.20286353

Just explain how "doubt" is a third option. We're not engaging in a radical thought-experiment in order to arrive at first principles. We're talking about questioning particular, prevailing scientific theories. If you're going to doubt something there needs to be a reason. I've given the two alternatives I see. It sounds like you're suggesting "doubt" as a reason in and of itself, which is...stupid, and incredibly juvenile.

>> No.20286366

>as a reason in and of itself
Did you not know what 'per se' means?

René Descartes, the originator of Cartesian doubt, put all beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and matter in doubt. He showed that his grounds, or reasoning, for any knowledge could just as well be false. Sensory experience, the primary mode of knowledge, is often erroneous and therefore must be doubted. For instance, what one is seeing may very well be a hallucination. There is nothing that proves it cannot be. In short, if there is any way a belief can be disproved, then its grounds are insufficient. From this, Descartes proposed two arguments, the dream and the demon.

>> No.20286373

>How did Descartes get back from the cogito to a world?
>it was faith
Do show. I've not read anything about that.

>> No.20286448

Are you using ChatGPT? You didn't even address anything I said.
Descartes basically doubted anything he couldn't be certain of, which included all sensory perception (my senses have deceived me before, so it's possible that an evil demon is making all of my senses deceptive; the modern version of this is that you're a brain in a vat and a mad scientist is feeding you everything you experience; it's basically just The Matrix). That left him with nothing but pure subjectivity. The fact that, because he was thinking at all, he could be certain that at least he existed ("I think, therefore I am").

It's a very short essay that wasn't actually that influential in its time, but later came to be thought of as a foundational text of modern philosophy, in that it explicitly makes both The Subject and epistemology central (the separation of subject from object is EVERYTHING in enlightenment thought and modernity, broadly speaking).

At the end of the essay Descartes basically says, "yeah, well, that would be scary. Good thing we have a benevolent God who would never allow an evil demon to do such a thing. Haha. Amiright?..." Suffice to say a lot of people didn't find that very comforting. It was 200 years later that Nietzsche just came out and declared "God is dead". That's what he was referring to. God can't save us. The angels have all gone away (yes, that's a FWWM reference, fuck off).

>> No.20286486

Interesting. Nevertheless.
When did you prove that you don't have 'faith' in the science (such as the human genome)?

>> No.20286494

Stop answering every question with a question. How is "doubt" a third option?

>> No.20286526

This whole argument started by you arguing that it isn't having 'faith' in the science. You haven't been able to prove you don't.

>How is "doubt" a third option?
It exists.

>> No.20286548

I think you've probably realized you're never going to win this argument. Remember when I said you were going to resort to some semantic bullshit? Why are you now putting "faith" in quotation marks? Do you really want to get into the nitty gritty of what differentiates epistemological belief from faith? We could do that if you want.
>it exists
What the fuck does that even mean? Of course it exists. If you have doubt there is a reason you have doubt. Is the data wrong, or incomplete, or was there an unsound logical inference somewhere? Or do you think you're just being lied to? WHAT IS THE THIRD OPTION?

>> No.20286551

Anyway, I have to sleep now. You got riled up by your own false assumptions of conspiracy theorists.
You couldn't let that one go, even going as far as to say it is the only option that exists (or that I've modelled my own human genome).

'Nicht die Neugierde, nicht die Eitelkeit, nicht die Betrachtung der Nützlichkeit, nicht die Pflicht und Gewissenhaftigkeit, sondern ein unauslöschlicher, unglücklicher Durst, der sich auf keinen Vergleich einläßt, führt uns zur Wahrheit'.

>> No.20286559

Ahh, I see now.
You're a NPC (that does not suggest unlearned). Everything is pre-programmed in your mind, there is no possibility for doubting. You cannot doubt, ergo you do not exist.
Good night.

'The force of mind is only as great as its expression; its depth only as deep as its power to expand and lose itself'.

>> No.20286568

Don't quote Hegel you fucking retard. You don't even know Descartes, and if you don't know Descartes, you don't know Kant, and if you don't know Kant, you don't understand a single word of Hegel. By your own definition (well, dictionary definition) of "faith" you're literally just appealing to authority. Go look that up in your "logical fallacy wiktionary".

>> No.20286574

Pineapple juice from concentrate is still juice. Deal with it, philosophy boy.

>> No.20286582

At the end of the day, this is all that matters. The root of the argument is whether or not concentrated juice is still juice, and I proved it all the way back here:

>> No.20286585

Philosophically speaking, I find that entirely uncontroversial and banal. Rhetorically, the word "juice" is being loaded with certain premises in this context that implies particular value judgements. So rhetorically speaking, no, concentrated juice is not juice.

>> No.20286586

I doubt it because I didn't sequence the human genome myself, and neither did you. To say it's true, you either sequenced it yourself or you have FAITH that the scientists who did did it right and/or aren't lying.
For somebody who knows so much, I struggle to understand why you struggle to understand this.
Is this whole fucking issue just you being triggered by the word 'faith'? lmao. If it weren't so funny, I'd fucking curse you for wasting my time.
I used the word correctly and you have been unable to prove otherwise. Yes, that authority or your authority, a definition of a word must come from some fucking authority. I choose the dictionary over you. GOOD NIGHT.

I don't know Kant, yes. Seems kinda boring desu. Too mathematical for my taste in philosophy.
But I do understand a few words of Hegel, as long as they aren't about whatever Kant was talking about; his works isn't entirely refuting Kant.

>> No.20286588

based pineapple thread dweller

>> No.20286592


>> No.20286598

also see

>> No.20286627

>I doubt it because I didn't sequence the human genome myself, and neither did you. To say it's true, you either sequenced it yourself or you have FAITH that the scientists who did did it right and/or aren't lying.
I've been trying to explain to you that you don't apply the same standard to anything else in your life. If you did, they'd bring back sanitariums and electroshock therapy just for you, because that's how psychotic you'd be.
>ur just triggered
If I'm triggered it's because you're doing the exact same alt-right bullshit they always do when they're talking about something like trannies. Any time your Ben Shapiros or Matt Walshs or Chaya Raichiks get asked WHY they care so much about "what is a woman" they all say the exact same god damn thing, which is, "durrrrr, I jus care about da truff!" No, you're acting in bad faith and have some ulterior political motive, or you just worship the orange man, which is where all this "trust the science" rhetoric became mainstream.

>> No.20286635

>I do understand a few words of Hegel, as long as they aren't about whatever Kant was talking about; his works isn't entirely refuting Kant
Wow. Just...wow. I would argue that you can understand historical materialism without ever having read Marx, but if you think you understand anything about German Idealism without knowing Kant, you're just ignorant. You don't even realize how out of your depth you are.

>> No.20286963

Stored in an anerobic vat for a year until bottling unconcentrated juice doesnt taste like fresh squeezed fruit juice either, youre just memed by marketing

>> No.20286996

>Stored is not as good a new, that's why you MUST also like slop

>> No.20288397

Lots of people know Hegel’s general ideas, but very few have actually read him. He’s one of the most difficult philosophers to read.

>> No.20289350

Still asleep?

>> No.20289413

>vastly prefer the taste of one over the other
>memed by marketing

>Some producers add citric acid or ascorbic acid to juice beyond what is naturally found in the orange. Some also include other nutrients. Often, additional vitamin C is added to replace that destroyed in pasteurization. Additional calcium may be added. Vitamin D, not found naturally in oranges, may be added as well. Sometimes omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils are added to orange juice.
>Because such processes remove the distinct aroma compounds that give orange juice a fresh-squeezed taste, producers later add back these compounds in a proprietary mixture, called a "flavor pack", in order to improve the taste and to ensure a consistent year-round taste. The compounds in the flavor packs are derived from orange peels by squeezing the oil out of them. Producers do not mention the addition of flavor packs on the label of the orange juice.
They're both processed, one just doesn't taste like shit.

>> No.20289847

Concentrate is juice.

>> No.20290495

>I've not read anything about that
And these are the "do your own research" types. The don't read the source material; they read the Cliff's notes (watch a youtube video).

>> No.20290521

not sure if its been said, but pineapple comes in special cans because its really acidic and will eat into plastic and even some metals if it isnt treated to denature its enzymes or reduce the acidity.

you can attain gnosis from plato, coleridge and a basic education in quantum physics and formal logic

as far as the specific subject, coleridge covers kant quite well enough to glean the meaning. coleridge was also the poet of the age, so he's twice the light of your artless if deep thinkers, and you can prose about that all you like.

>> No.20291203

>you can attain gnosis from plato, coleridge and a basic education in quantum physics and formal logic
I hate people like you so god damn much.
>also the poet of the age, so he's twice the light of your artless if deep thinkers, and you can prose about that all you like
The idea that you understand Kant because, after reading Plato and Brian Greene, and taking an intro logic class, you've read Coleridge is hilarious. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against Coleridge (well, nothing you'd be able to understand), but you just like the one-off quotes and clout and flowery language. Coleridge read Kant and Fichte and Schelling, and would have been able to explain their ideas clearly in conversation with a 14 year old girl such as yourself. He's also a great example of someone born with a great intellect getting fucked over by religious indoctrination.

>> No.20292180

the dole one probably tastes much better.
i've never tried the walmart one though. but i usually get canned 'ineapple juice.

>> No.20293357

>accuse others of a political agenda
>has a blatent political agenda
'Nicht die Neugierde, nicht die Eitelkeit, nicht die Betrachtung der Nützlichkeit, nicht die Pflicht und Gewissenhaftigkeit, sondern ein unauslöschlicher, unglücklicher Durst, der sich auf keinen Vergleich einläßt, führt uns zur Wahrheit'.

>> No.20293957

I'm not claiming to not have a political agenda, retard. Of course I have an agenda. The problem is that your entire argument has been that you're just seeking the truth and doubting where doubt is possible, and not because of some stupid conspiracy bullshit you read on Breitbart.

>> No.20295589

Yeah. I don't read the news anymore nowadays.
You sure do like to make assumptions, very unprofessional, something you'd very much accuse the right of doing against minorities.
You've been wrong this entire time, being triggered by your own false assumptions. Id est: I'm not 'alt-right', I'm a full-blown Fascist.
Rope the trannies. Why? I'm simply disgusted by them, plain and simple.

'A regime [the Third Reich] which invented a biological foreign policy was obviously acting against its own best interests. But at least it obeyed its own particular logic'.
- L'homme revolte