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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1158x168, trapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20275920 No.20275920 [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't the CIA be able to offer better food with this? Why not dip into some of the money they make from trafficking fentanyl and give their employees some decent food?


>> No.20275922
File: 81 KB, 1186x150, Interrogate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Mr. CIA Analyst, it must really be terrible to be treated like a criminal as the default!

>> No.20275927
File: 151 KB, 544x848, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CIA is traditionally made up of the whitest of the white, "my family came over on the mayflower" types who didn't have enough of a funnybone to get a job at "national lampoon" and weren't trusted to manage the family fortuen and so coasted into something else to take up their ample leisure time, it should come as no surprise that the food is bland, pale, and revolting

>> No.20275933

I like to describe them as "Ivy League bluebood failsons"

>> No.20276053

Aren't mormons big in the CIA?

>> No.20276065

Mormons are just "Freemasons Go West"

>> No.20276074

yes, in all federal agencies. mormons are the perfect bootlickers

>> No.20276168
File: 2.48 MB, 530x540, surly drip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they shouldn't have joined an institution that's the right hand of a satanic pedo cabal

>> No.20276176

The CIA has been hemorrhaging money since leaving Afghanistan I'm pretty sure
That's why they had BLM/FTX/Ukraine
Fent is Chy-na
I heard Victoria Nuland got fired
Warms the heart

>> No.20276181

CIA has been changing from intelligence gathering to special operation since the end of the cold war, this hurted it a lot.

>> No.20276185

>Fent is Chy-na
You're retarded. Fentanyl is being made by the same cartels the government has always worked with; they just buy the precursors from China because that's where they're made. The chinkbug government has even tried to crack down on the sale of those precursor chemicals to the cartels, something our government has done nothing to combat (because they're in on it).

>> No.20276198

It's funny even Wikipedia has entries on crazy CIA shit like spraying New Yorkers with LSD just to see what would happen but if you say shit like they were growing and selling opium in Afghanistan people are like, "Oh, you, silly-billy, the government wouldn't do that!"

>> No.20276206

because libtards love and trust the government now and are still in the process of changing all the historical evidence

>> No.20276216

Let me try to explain, because slogan-boys like you have hard time understanding.

The CIA was originally an institution focused on intelligence gathering, with side wings of experimentation and special operations, both of these geared towards supporting intel gathering. After desert storm, the focus changed to doing sabotage, assassination and other "cool stuff", this change of focus greatly damaged the quality of CIA personal and operation.

Sure, this included some vile stuff like testing drugs on civilians, but the focus was still inteligente, not cool-black-ops for its own sake.

>> No.20276218
File: 82 KB, 1246x687, cia_terrorism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Operation Gladio happened during the Cold War lol

>> No.20276220

the NSA is a lot bigger now. the NSA is the giant nobody talks about

>> No.20276221
File: 1.42 MB, 4985x4995, gladio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20276224

>Bu... but... CIA was not 100% intel gathering back them, it was just mostly...
I don't know why the US keeps so much secret policemen to deal with people as smart as you.

The same goes for the NRO, the one with the largest budget.

>> No.20276226

> Tradecraft: Shitposting Edition

>> No.20276231
File: 314 KB, 724x1024, Operation-Mockingbird-Resource-1-1-724x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say their disinfo/misinfo and organized crime / terrorist plots and subversion / destabilization have always been as important if not more important than intelligence gathering.

>> No.20276237

You'll look at a few flash outliers and ignore the vast majority of the work done.

Not that these operations are irrelevant or aren't vile, but they were mostly side jobs, with the muscle coming from other institutions. This changed and now this sort of crap has became CIA main focus.

>> No.20276242
File: 96 KB, 632x761, Bush_Sr_tip_on_JFK_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They and their mafia buddies literally killed the president in the 60s lol. You say these examples are outliers, but I could literally post about them all day.

>> No.20276245

Of course I'm retarded, I'm here, aren't I?

>> No.20276250

First, until the 90s CIA rarely killed people directly, this was done working together with military intelligence as they used to keep the assassins, saboteurs and other special operatives.

Second, JFK pissed off so many people it's impossible to know who did it.

>> No.20276251

What do you think MACV-SOG was up to in 'Nam? That was all glowie stuff.

>> No.20276261

A joint operation between special forces, military intelligence and civil intelligence agencies.

Where special forces provided the muscles, military intelligence commanded and took care of most intel work and civil intelligence (aka CIA) provided civil intel support. Basically a military operation.

>> No.20276265

SOF is still mostly military to this day; that doesn't mean the operations aren't thought up by the glowies.

>> No.20276269

Look when you see pictures of an accountant-looking motherfucker in Nam with some Colt prototype you know who's in charge

>> No.20276275

>SOF is still mostly military to this day
You know the US has 16 inteligente agencies, right? Each with it's own scope and capacities, and that's I'm talking about a change of scope inside many agencies, one that include stop relying on military muscle to having it's own SOF.

>The CIA was in charge... because...
Military intelligence was in charge, CIA was providing support on civil intel because they sucked (and still suck) at it.

>> No.20276280

Was Zapata Oil and other corporate cover operations collecting intel, or were they manipulating events?

>> No.20276282

Not anymore, now it's all black and brown women

>> No.20276285

are* they manipulating events (because there's still a bunch of companies with glowies under corporate-cover in high-level positions to this day).

>> No.20276295

Most of this sort of thing start and stays a intel gathering for many decades, until one of two things happen:
1. some politician decide to burn it down for some quick gains.
2. the department of state decide it needs more foreign policy tools and takes the company.

You have no idea how much I want CIA to be half as powerful as you believe it is, but this sort of stuff is for the DoE.

>> No.20276303
File: 19 KB, 512x210, weinstein ned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the NED isn't an intelligence gathering service.

>> No.20276310

That's because like most people interested in conspiracies you tend to believe on agent is behind it all. Instead of NRO, NSA, CIA, DoS, Military intel... you just put it all under CIA.

And CIA no longer being a intel gathering is the main reason it degenerated.

>> No.20276314

Sorry, but I'm not going to just take some random person on the internet's word for it when I've been studying the actions of the CIA for decades.

>> No.20276320

>I'll just ignore you and focus on my favorite conspiracy YouTubers.
If you studied this for half a year, you'd know where CIA ends and NSA or the DoS begins, tard.

>> No.20276326

>conspiracy youtubers
More like declassified CIA documents detailing the dozens of clandestine operations that were focused on information manipulation / narrative management (the likes of which you are attempting in this very thread)

>> No.20276328

Anon, you're not worth the free time of an internee, kek.

And information control has been given to NSA around two decades ago.

>> No.20276339
File: 704 KB, 830x512, seethingglowies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the CIA doesn't manipulate people anymore trust me bro
lol, not gonna work

>> No.20276355

They don't, they're all mask off imperialists as it's been made very obvious lately. They just use weaponized ignorance to always come off innocent when irl they're anything but and fools like you eat it up

>> No.20276481

Anyone who refers to meat as "protein" should be fed out of the trash bin.

>> No.20276578

CIA fry-ops

>> No.20276594

All the letter agencies are illegal, should be shut down, and everyone working in them should be executed for treason.

>> No.20276602

I'm pretty sure the CIA was created by the elected US president, with the elected congress approval and the supreme court confirmed it's existance doesn't violate the constitution.

>> No.20276751

Protein refers to protein, retard.
Sometimes its mushrooms or veggies.

>> No.20276762

The entire US government is illegitimate, the US Constitution is a compromised document that does not care about individual rights and instead outlines all the ways moneylenders and landowners can fuck over regular people, and it's time to start over.

>> No.20276780

It's sort of telling that the closest candidates for curmudgeonly man of letters that could replace PJ are either Jim Goad or Fred Reed and both toil in relative obscurity and may not have long for this world themselves.

>> No.20276789

>I don't like it, this mean it's illegal
Talking against the government is legal, taking action is not, keep this in mind citizen.

>> No.20276791

My posts over on [redacted].org are the closest thing we have to that today.

>> No.20276797
File: 131 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-Thomas-Paine-A-body-of-men-holding-themselves-accountable-to-nobody-ought-41-77-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say illegal; I said illegitimate. The federalist counter-revolution and the development of the US government over the past 240 has been antithetical to the ideals the revolution was fought for, and anyone who truly believes in those ideals cannot stand behind these exploitative, manipulative parasites.

>> No.20276831

>white chicken breast
>crab meat

>> No.20277612

Why are people pushing this meme. Mormons aren't Freemasons so they would make terrible co-conspirators.

>> No.20277622

Federalism is based and you lost, Jeffersonite.

>> No.20277625

>the Mayflower
>crazy heretics
So when did they start raping and eating children?

>> No.20277630

They go for military stuff, mostly
Really overrepresented in special forces/specialty units

>> No.20277635

Are you retarded, the Chinese trained the cartel labs to produce it and then sold them precursor for it.
Now the Chinese are directly competing with them though importing their own to the USA for cheaper than the cartel produced stuff.
There are large scale gang wars in major cities between these two factions of drug producers too.

>> No.20277639

The nro has the 2nd largest budget and that's because they launch all the spy satellites for the USA.
The largest budget is by far the dia.

>> No.20277646

>I don't know why the US keeps so much secret policemen to deal with people as smart as you.
It's mostly just nepotism. American domestic radicals are as dumb as bricks. I mean, you can see it for yourself here.

>> No.20277690

>Counting the DIA
If you wanted to be a smartass, there are better ways.

Yeah, and unlike what the official narrative says, foreign agents are pretty rare and almost all are intel. It's just typical government bloat.

>> No.20277705

I accept your concession

>> No.20277713

>Second, JFK pissed off so many people it's impossible to know who did it.

>theres only one group of people he pissed off that actually has a record of assasinating important people and has habitually continuted to killed americans
>its uh.. a mystery goy

sure it is.

>> No.20277714

>I accept your concession
This sort of "all is an internet debate, I won" behavior is why people in the internet don't like Americans.

>> No.20277724

The original Mormons were all freemasons.

>> No.20277732

The dia does have the largest budget though, I'm sorry that you're wrong but it's very autistic to continue posting just to get the last word in despite being incorrect.

>> No.20277742

>You're wrong... because... we can count many military agencies are one... then it has a larger budget...
Is there anything people will not do to feel they won a debate?

>> No.20277772

Wew, if it was 1961 you would be right but it's 2024 and all those dod intelligence operations are now dia, you are still wrong and will continue to be wrong the more you post.

>> No.20277793

>I just won, ok?
If you want me to admit you won, you just need to beg.

>> No.20277950

>objectively wrong
>still posts

>> No.20278180

Here, you won. congratulations. Do you want anything more?

>> No.20278830

I work there and the smallest size red bull is $4.30. Salad bar is terrible. I just bring my lunch from home.

>> No.20278855

>it's milkschizo again

>> No.20278860

What the fuck is a milkschizo?

People say it's the worse food in all secret services, i've heard NSA is the best.

>> No.20278880

>What the fuck is a milkschizo?
Either an extremely schizophrenic person that is obsessed with HFCS, or a brownoid/russian troll

>> No.20278881

Let me take a look on this.

>> No.20278904
File: 17 KB, 785x577, 1709771961376809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, didn't know our milk had sugar. Living and learning.

>> No.20278912

You aren't fooling anybody. You are extremely mentally ill, and nobody likes you.

>> No.20278917

what a schizo

>> No.20278929

The original mormon was not a crazy random dude?

>> No.20278949

You aren't clever. Your posts are so transparent it's painful. Crawl back into whatever shit shack your shit hole country considers a "house" and die. Don't reply to me.

>> No.20278958

Calm down, it looks like you're having a panic attack. It's normal to get upset when we have a passionate argument with someone on the internet, but if you cannot control yourself, you should try to stay away from 4chan for a few hours, try seeing some Netflix or playing a game.

>> No.20279034
File: 2 KB, 182x31, link4anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the water is fluoridated at Langley.
>they were mostly side jobs
Owning and controlling all journalistic outlets and press in the West is a side job? Running the entire world's drug trade is a side job? Creating a million false flags and all the writing, directing, acting, and photoshop work is a side job? It's all just "spying", as if that hasn't been outsourced to MINIX Intel chip backdoors siphoning all the data since the 90s.
>JFK pissed off so many people it's impossible to know who did it
JFK faked his assassination to retire from his acting job. Presidents are puppets and always have been. If you knew anything, you'd know that. Unless... you're spreading propaganda, Agent Smith. Does it ever snow at Langley? Staying warm in sub-basement 18?

>> No.20279048

The US has 16 secret service agencies, the CIA is one of them.

It's pretty funny to see you putting all the work of DIA, NSA, NRO, FBI... on CIA's account.

>> No.20279345

>Food & Cooking

>> No.20279661

He's most likely paid to post by lobbies who want to replace milk consumption with non dairy alternatives

>> No.20279676

anon, this isn't youtube or whatever, you can just post links and nobody cares

>> No.20279693


>> No.20279732

>CIA sprays new yorkers with lsd
wtf i love the CIA now

>> No.20279740
File: 9 KB, 446x446, you are a glowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20280121

Who would steal their shitty food?

>> No.20280222

Yeah they literally had acid conversion vans and would drive around the city spraying people like it was cologne counter at the mall

>> No.20281346


>> No.20282822


>> No.20282844


>> No.20282845


>> No.20282849

What a fucking little diva.

>> No.20282854

It says it right there, that's the absolute peak of that line of work so nobody is going to be willing to leave, no need to spend on it

>> No.20282856

>sign up to work for the world's largest extortion racket
>surprised when they're callous and don't give a fuck about you once they're getting what they need from you
lol, the true-believer glowies are so fucking dumb

>> No.20282947

There haven't been true believer glowies since the 60s

>> No.20283827

If you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about :)

>> No.20283865

The real lesson here is not to be a fuckhead on the internet about anything because you might be wrong.

>> No.20284981

I don't get why people keep making multiple replies a lot of time later, is this to claim you won?

>> No.20285766

I won