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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20276143 No.20276143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

water actually dehydrates you

>> No.20276154

one hell of a hairline

>> No.20276156
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>> No.20276164

actually this is how your hair is supposed to look on a normal person

>> No.20276186

Modern water is fucking horrible for you. Tap is full of chrorine and heavy metals, bottled is full of plastics, filtered/boiled water becomes largely distilled and demineralized.
If you live in some mountainous region with natural springs or in countryside with a deep well you can drink water, but goyslop in the urban areas just poisons you. Drink milk, eat vegetables and fruits for hydration.

>> No.20276192
File: 109 KB, 660x495, neckbeard fat guy with gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern water is fucking horrible for you.
>Drink milk, eat vegetables and fruits for hydration.
How does farming work?

>> No.20276195

Is that the guy who almost died because a youtube comment told him your body can absorb sunlight for sustenance like a plant
You need a lot of hydration so just find a way to filter your water

>> No.20276207

yes, he's on the interpol list now

>> No.20276215
File: 18 KB, 280x357, wcfields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that the guy who almost died because a youtube comment told him your body can absorb sunlight for sustenance like a plant
Um. Wat?

>> No.20276225

He eats a lot of raw animal products and is against veganism so I don't think he'd do that. But I think he practices sungazing. Which is looking directly at the sun.

>> No.20276233

I liked him better when he was making Runescape videos. Yes this is him
I couldn't find the video but I remember him telling a story about how he almost died from what any sane person would know as dehydration

>> No.20276249

How does sungazing work with his ideology of doing only whats le natural and pleasant? Our eyes sure evolved to avoid staring at a giant cosmic beam of ultraviolent that can melt a hole in your retina in seconds

>> No.20276264

>how does a retards ideology work with logic
great question anon. i'm sure he stabbed those classmates for a good reason too

>> No.20276266

I'll never understand why the mouth breathers on this website continue to give this retarded balding attention whore the time of day.

>> No.20276281
File: 7 KB, 278x224, fritzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this retarded balding attention whore isn't OP